#if u see old luke talking to himself and ask yourself if he's alright the answer is no
solesnati · 2 years
honestly tho how negatively did 6 years of isolation,  cut off from the force,  with only fish nuns who he probably couldn’t understand and porgs to keep him company,  knowing that there was a darkness rising and he was unable to help impact his mental state
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teeswrites · 3 years
A lot- C.H
Monster Among Men by 5SOS inspired
Listen to it here:
A lot
He was at Luke's helping with the party stuff. Calum had invited her, it looks like every time they spent together made it harder and harder to stay away from her when he was at home. And when he wasn't too. He knew that he shouldn't invite her, but he couldn't help himself, so he did it. She said she would be there, she didn't want to, but she didn't want either had to explain why she prefer to stay at home than to be there. Luke had invited her too, so she couldn't say no. Honestly, she was too much in love with someone that did not give her any clue about what he felt for her, of course, was terrible to live with that doubt, but was even more terrible to think in how he really felt about her or if he was seeing another people, so she just avoided those questionings and pretended that she was fine. It made her feel sad? Totally, but she couldn't help herself, so she just did it.
Was almost 11PM when she arrived at the party that had begun at least 3 hours before, time enough for people to get drunk and start to mess around. Luke should be mad and trying to put some control in the party, but, not surprisingly, he was one of the drunk dudes. She passed through a wasted Michael dancing above a table with a giggly Crystal and decided to look around for some beer. Was when she finally get one bottle of Heineken that she run into Calum and Ashton, both giving her a hug and a kiss on the face: "hey, beautiful, you're so...you" "wow, great job Shakespeare" Ashton mocked Calum making she laugh "stop being cruel with him" "thank you. At least someone respects me" "oh, shut up!" Calum rolled his eyes, turning to her "how you're doing, love?" "good?" "you young people don't even know how you're feeling" "I am 2 months older than you!" "speak by yourself" they laughed, how not to laugh when you are talking with Ashton, right? "how about you?" "I'm great. Life is great, huh?" she reproduced Ashton's speech "speak by yourself" "you're a bad influence, Ashton" "thank you, bro" "okay, you two continue being old and lame like you are and I'll be outside smoking a cigarette and feeling how is good to be alive" "how contradictory is it?" "excuse me" he walked towards the swimming pool, but not before kissing her on the lips, quickly and deliciously: "so... what's up?" "I am doing good, thanks for asking, how about you? I mean how you really are, no question marks with me, girl" "okay…" she took a deep breath, running her fingertips through her hair "I'm feeling like shit" "Can see that" "what do u mean?" he laughed "you look great, but your soul is screaming: help me, I 'm drowning here" "well, is basically that" "why your soul need Baywatch's services?" "is kinda complicated" "I don't have the fame of good adviser for no reason" "well, you have to promise that will keep it for yourself" "keep what exactly?" "My feelings" "oh, alright, always keep this sort of things for myself" "you know that Cal and I, we are..." "Yes. He always talks about how we should make yoga 'cause is good for flexibility" she made yoga "Gosh..." she lightly blushed "But I make jokes and cut him out, so keep going" "well, lately I realized that I'm feeling something more. You know, something more real, not only about sex" Ash smiled softly "oh, you are in love" "I think so" "this is actually complicated as you said" "my real problem is not being in love, is don't know how he feels about me. I mean he doesn't give a clue about his feelings and I'm too scared to ask and lose what we have now" "if you don't want to lose this thing just don't say anything" "but, Ash every time I am with he I fall more in love, and it will be such a nightmare to get over in the future" "that's true… look, honestly I think you should talk with Cal and open your heart, 'cause you are right, it will be bad for you and trust me, is better lose what you have with him now, but do not live a fantasy than keep this no serious thing and break your heart every time you think about him in the future" "yeah, I agree" "I'm not saying to you look into his eyes and say 'hey, what's up, Cal when you will make me Mrs. Hood?'" they laughed "just, please, don't do that" "Relax. I just want to know if he has feelings for me, not interested in stole his last name" he laughed "you're nice, he should ask for you to be his girlfriend" "I will love that, but is not necessary, you know?" "got ya, girl. But talk to him and say how you're feeling" "yeah, I really should. Thanks, Ash you are nice too, he should ask you to be his girlfriend" he laughed "yes, bitch, he is already mine" she raised her eyebrows "wow…" she giggled "I should search for Cal" "yes you should. Good luck, kid" "again, I am older than you, but thanks for the advice" "you're welcome, always helping friends" they smiled and he pulled her to a hug receiving another back, then he whispered: "if he loves you back I let you get him" she laughed and broke the hug "that means a lot to me" and in a moment she was walking to
the crowd to met Calum outside, while Ash laughed with himself and sipped his drink: "kids..."
He was standing there, tall frame, wearing a leather jacket, cigarette between his fingers, puffing smoke on the cool air. The night was fresh and beautiful, the dark sky was full of stars, the music was loud and people danced, and splashed water in the pool, filling the place with joy and happiness. Even so, she was nervous, hands sweating, heart beating fast and legs trembling, but she needed to talk with him. And she didn't have another choice when stopped by his side "hey, love" "hey" "are you really ok?" he had finished his cigarette already and smelled like tobacco "actually, I'm not" he frowned, concern filling his chest "what happened?" "I..." she cleaned her throat "Where are we going, Cal?" he smiled "we are going anywhere you want to go. Especially if you want to see the bedrooms on the second floor" he came closer to her and kissed again, that time longer and slower, he tasted like cigarettes and beer, not her favorite taste, but her favorite kiss for sure. When he stopped kissing her he bit his bottom lip and touched her bare waist making her chill and moan softly, she just loves when he teases her "no. I mean..." she freed herself from his arms and it made him confused: "I mean us. Lately, I'm trying so hard to take in between, but you just don't give me a clue about how you feel and..." "Fuck! Do you really want to have this conversation right now?" "I don't want to, but we need. It's driving me insane! And not in a good way" "Fine" he grabbed her wrist and tugged her to the second floor without saying a word, ignoring all her questions about 'what the fuck he was doing' or 'where the hell they were going'. Was only already on the second floor, in a random room, he started to speak: "you want a clue, right? Wants to know what kind of feelings I have for you?" he seemed to be very mad with the idea of having that conversation "I fell regret!" "Regret?!" she was incredulous "Of what exactly?" she crossed her arms trying to look stronger than she actually felt "I hate and regret to spend my time with you" she uncrossed her arms, her strength fading away "To kiss and sleep with you. And how I feel when we are together" she felt the tears coming but remained in silence. He continued "I love the band, I love touring, love being in new places and see the fans screaming our songs at the concerts, that's my everything. But I also love to be here with you, love to go out and kiss you and wake up next to you" "I don't understand..." "when I'm miles away from home, from you, I start regretting..." "Please, don't" she couldn't fight with the tears anymore "just don't say anything more..." why the heck he couldn't express himself correctly?! "hey, I do not regret doing all those things with you" he gently angled her chin towards he "you're everything next to music and that's what fucks me up. The point is: I regret to let you enjoy my company and let myself enjoy yours, do what we do even knowing that I'll have to leave you. Even knowing that it is not possible, I want you to be mine, but I can't, it isn't fair with you." "what?! Calum, I'm already yours!" "how? I'm never home!!" "Not true, you are here right now. And even when you're not, you come back and it's like you never left because we worth it" she grabbed his hands and conducted to her hips that he pulled closer to him "beautiful, how can I be a monster and ask to you wait for me? Wait months without sex, do not see other people, deal with media and my fans stalking you? I just can't do this with you, babe" he caressed her hair "I already do it all, Cal" "just give me a reason that'll make it have a sense" he rested his head on her shoulder. She sighed and whispered, trying to stop her tears "I'm in love with you" he relaxed his face, looked at her, and stayed in silence "you are…?" "Yes" "you really mean..." "Yes. I really mean it. I don't know if this is reason enough for you, but I am just fucking in love with you. Usually I don't even care, but is just not… no-meaningful for me anymore. I am yours since the day you invited me to spend that one night
together because 'I'm too special to stay alone'" he laughed at her pretending to be he speaking "I can risk giving my heart to you, so please don't say you will be a monster if ask me to wait for you" "love, that is... that is a lot". Great. Just perfect. All she worried to listen was being said "I know" she placed her hands on his jawline and whispered "you don't have to love me back" and then pulled him for a long and deep kiss. Tongues working together and slowly, so close he could feel her tears mixing up with their lips and in an instant, he couldn't anymore, because she turned and left. It felt like a goodbye kiss. Some people say goodbye and shake hands, she says I love you and kisses breathtakingly. He felt flustered with the idea of don't feel her lips on his anymore, her touch and enjoying her company, seeing her smile and hearing her annoying voice mumbling their songs around his kitchen just in her panties and a tee of him. He just needed to find her and say how he really felt, that he loves her too 'oh, that's a lots' what a jerk! But he didn't find her and even left a lot of texts and voice mails for her which were all ignored by her. She just didn't want to be on that day anymore.
Was at least half past 6am when she woke up and had to run to the bathroom to puke. "Fuck!" Hangovers. She hates hangovers. She was puking once more when she heard the doorbell ringing and cursed in silence hoping to only be the mailman. She leaned her elbows on the toilet seat and pressed her forehead with her hands because of the noise of her dog barking. Someone knocked on the damn door again "Jeez..." soon her dog, joined her upstairs licking her face "Hey, sweetheart... I'M COMING!" she yelled knowing that whoever was in there wasn't going to hear "Fuck..." she whispered for herself and flushed the toilet, washed her mouth with some mint mouthwash and threw cold water on her face and left behind the bathroom to stagger through the hallway and went down the stairs almost falling every single step. Damn low blood pressure. She heard the fucking noise at the door once more and swore to God if it wasn't a good reason she was going to kick someone's ass before 7am, 'nice way to start the day'. She finally opened the door and found a sleepy and hangover Calum smoking with his back leaning at the doorway, he turned around when she opened it: "hey" he whispered and threw away his cigarette "Cal?... What are you doing here?" "I know is early..." "You look tired" "I don't know if I'm completely sober yet" "you drove drunk?!" "No! I mean, I am not drunk drunk, you know?" "Guess yes..." "Look, I am sorry..." "Don't be, it's not necessary" "can you please stop interrupting me?" "Sorry, go ahead" "I am sorry for being a fucking mystery box about my feelings, it's just so easy to be with you the way we are, or were, and I really enjoy things like that, I just..." he stopped and directed his gaze to his shoes "you just...?" "Do not want to ruin everything with labels. Those fucking labels" the last part he mumbled more for himself, but she heard and giggled "labels are really a pain in the ass, huh?" he grinned and nodded in agreement, he touched her cold fingers that were holding the door and pulled her hand towards him, keeping it between his own "still mine?" "unfortunately" he grinned again and looked inside her eyes, now with a serious expression, and said it only for her to listen "I'm fucking in love with you too" "you really mean it?" "I really mean it" she liked the way he answered her using the same words that she had used. She started to think that if he wasn't really meaning it, he wouldn't have driven before 7AM to her place (that was at least 50 minutes away from Luke's) still half-drunk, probably dealing with a Mrs. hangover. And without her control, she left a smile scape and he did the same, in a second they were kissing and touching again like they don't saw each other for decades. She broke the kiss quickly and said against his lips "just for you to know I don't care about labels" he pushed his face back just to look her in the eyes, confused "you don't?" "not even a little bit" "why did you tell me that so?" "because I wanted to know if I was just for your amusement" "you are so much more than that" he whispered with their lips closer again "it'll be easy as it was before" "I don't care as long as you still mine" "I will. With every single piece of me" he grinned against her lips and she did the same. They kissed again before she grabbed his wrist and pulled him to inside. 'That will be a good way to start the day'.
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Hi! I have a request! I hope that’s ok! Can it be Y/N of course! I would like the scenario to be where Y/N is Spencer’s daughter? I just love that concept with my entire heart! Anything else with that! Mostly, happy stuff! If not no worries :)
Growing Up 
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Dad!Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of child birth, mentions of drinking and being drunk, crying 
Category: fluff so much fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s Note: I love this idea!!! I know you said just a scenario but I got a little carried away. Also, this picture is just adorable so it’s here :) There’s also big jumps in time because I didn’t want it to be too long. Hope you like it! 
It was no secret that Spencer Reid wanted to be a father and that he would be an excellent one too. The day he found out his wife was pregnant was the happiest day of his life, or so he thought. 
That all changed the day you were born, the first time he held you changed everything. 
The Day You Were Born 
Spencer stood beside your mother, holding her hand as she pushed. “One more push baby” he whispered to her as she squeezed his hand. He brushed her hair from her face, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her temple. “You’re the strongest person I know” he mumbled into the side of her face. She gave him a weak smile as the sound of crying filled his ears. 
“It’s a girl” the doctor said, wrapping her in a little pink blanket after wiping her down a bit. “Would you like to hold her Dr. Reid?” Spencer nodded as the doctor placed the little pink bundle in his arms. 
Spencer was in awe. Never did he think something so small could make him rethink his entire life. He leaned down and rested your head on your mother’s chest so she could see you. 
“She’s beautiful” she smiled up at Spencer. Spencer handed her back to the doctors so they can clean her up and check that she’s alright. He held your mother’s hand
“I can’t believe we made that” 
3 years old
You were now a toddler, sassy and talkative is an understatement.
Your mother had brought you into the BAU to visit your father. You ran into the bullpen, colliding with someone’s legs. You looked up to see your uncle Aaron, he smiled at you and crouched down to your level. “Hey princess, what are you doing here?” he asked you as you hugged him. “I wanna see daddy!” you shouted as Aaron picked you up and swung you around. You were now perched up on his shoulders as he walked you around the BAU. 
Your parents were at your dad’s desk, Spencer waved to you as you giggled because Aaron was pretending to drop you. Aaron put you down on Spencer’s desk, you pulled him into one more hug before he ruffled your hair and went back to his work. 
“Hi baby” Spencer smiled at you, picking you up and putting you on his lap. “Hi daddy!” you smiled back at him. 
“Did uncle Aaron show you around ?” 
You nodded resting your head on his chest as he smooth your messy curls with his hand. “Is someone tired?” Spencer asked you, you shook your head. “Good because Penny has cookies in her office, do you want to get some?” 
“Yes!” you shouted and hopped off his lap. Off you go running again, you had been to the BAU multiple times so you knew where everyone was. You got to Penelope’s office and waited for Spencer. Your aunt Penelope explained to you that to get into her bat cave, you needed a special pass that only your dad and your aunts and uncles at the BAU had. 
Spencer swiped his badge and opened the door. Penelope’s chair spun around to the sound of the door opening, Derek leaned up against her desk. “Y/n! my angel baby! Come here!” her arms were stretched out for you to give her a hug. You ran into her arms, she gave you a hug and picked you up. 
“Daddy said you had cookies” you looked up at her
“Dr. Reid! you let the secret slip!” she looked at him
Spencer shrugged with a smile on his face as he reached for one of the cookies. Penelope gave you a cookie which you gladly expected. 
“What happened lil mama? Uncle D doesn’t get any love?” he picked you up from Penelope’s lap. You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You had a special bond with Derek, you could tell that him and Spencer were close and even as a child you knew that. 
14 years old
You were in that weird phase where you were barely a teenager but you weren’t an adult either. Spencer didn’t know how to act around you, sometimes you missed him and wanted to be with him but then sometimes you were grumpy and didn’t want anything to do with him. 
“Sugar, dinner’s ready” Spencer called from the other side of your bedroom door. You didn’t answer him, you were too busy with your homework. You started high school and you were so caught up in the newness and the fast pace that you kind of forgot about everything else. 
Spencer knocked once more, after he got no answer he opened the door and stuck his head in your room. You were at your desk, typing away on your laptop and grumbling about something. He smiled, the way you threw yourself into school and anything you did always reminded him of himself. 
“Baby” he walked over and rested his hands on your shoulders. You jumped, you hadn't heard him come in. “What dad?” you mumbled, going back to your typing.
“Take a break, come eat dinner with me.” 
“What? No, I have to finish this” 
Spencer shut your laptop screen. “DAD! What the hell ?!” He pulled your chair away from your desk, “Either you get up or I'll drag this chair down the stairs with you in it” he told you. You rolled your eyes, he was a huge pain in your ass but you knew he meant well. You got up and walked out of your bedroom, he smiled 
“Good choice, your work will still be here when you get back.” 
20 years old 
You were totally shit faced at some college party. Your boyfriend broke up with you and you were, well, going through it. You couldn’t find your friends so you called the one person you knew would show up, you father. 
“Daddyyyy” you slurred over the phone 
“Y/n? Are you okay? Are you drunk?” he asked you quickly, you could hear the panic in his voice and some fumbling.
“Come get me” you fell over, now leaning against the railing on the frat house
“I’m on my way. Stay exactly where you are” he told you and hung up. 
It wasn’t long after that you saw him and your uncle Derek walking up to you. You were so drunk and so tired that you could barely hold yourself up. “Dad, uncle D” you mumbled trying to get yourself up, the two of them came over and helped you up. One arm over your father’s shoulder and one over Derek’s, Spencer helped you into the backseat before him and Derek got into the car. 
“What happened tonight mama ? You usually aren’t like this. I know you can have fun but c’mon, what happened ?” Derek asked you. 
Spencer knew you were too drunk to give a proper answer, he remained quiet as you groaned from the backseat. He would ask you what happened tomorrow after you sober up a bit. 
“He left me” you mumbled 
“Who did ?” Derek asked you 
“My boyfriend, he slept with the college whore” you laid down on the backseat. Spencer looked back at you through the rear view mirror before making a U-turn. “Whoa, where are we going? it’s 3 am and you live the other way” Spencer said nothing to Derek and continued driving. 
After a while, he stopped in a parking lot. He opened the backdoor and helped you out. “What are we doing here?” you asked, the 3 of you stood in your favourite diner’s parking lot at 3 am. 
“Pancakes and coffee until you sober up and then you’re going to tell us what happened between you and this boy.” Spencer told you. You hugged him, it meant the world to you that he would do something like this for you, meant even more to you that now you were drunk and emotional. 
27 years old
You were getting married today. Your best friend hooked the last button on your dress and you looked in the mirror. “Beautiful” she told you and gave your shoulder a squeeze. 
“Can I come in?” Spencer asked from the other side of the door while he knocked. You nodded to your best friend and she opened the door. Spencer saw his little girl standing there in her wedding dress and couldn't help but tear up. He promised you that he wouldn't because “if you cry then I'll cry” but he couldn't help it. 
“Sugar, you look gorgeous” He hugged you and you hugged him back. “I can’t believe I'm walking you down the aisle already, it felt like just yesterday you were born” he smiled at you as the two of you walked to your position. 
The music started and everyone stood up. You saw your fiancé at the altar, your mother in the front row with your grandparents.
All of your friends, your fiancé’s family and then you saw your family.
Derek and Penelope stood together, his arm was around her as she wiped away her tears and blew you a kiss, Aaron was beside Penelope with Jack.
Rossi and Krystall stood together with Luke and Matt, who had his arm around Kristy. Tara, Emily, JJ and Will are in another row. 
They were your father’s family and they became yours too. 
“You’re all grown up now but you’ll always be my little girl. Don’t forget that” he whispered to you, you nodded. 
“I love you dad” 
“I love you too sugar” 
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allisonxmoynihan · 4 years
new beginnings ~ j. hughes
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Request: Can you write a jack one where you move next door to the hughes and it’s the middle of senior year so jack helps you around school and takes you on a tour of much and is proud when he shows you the usa hockey arena. And then you guys start to catch feelings and everyone sees it but u guys and u meet the team and jacks family. And you guys start dating and then like fast forward and you are going to the draft with him and it’s just a happy ending:))
Word Count: 3,470
Your mom wakes you from your slumber as she pulls up the driveway of a blue suburban home with light stone accents, “welcome to your new home honey,” 
You wince at the bright sun, and look straight up at the house, “Can’t wait,” you sigh, opening up the passenger door and going to help your mom unload the moving truck. Your mom joins you, helping you grab boxes and move them into the garage, “Lighten up, you never know what will happen sweetie,”
You give her a weak smile, “yeah, it’ll be great mom. My senior year of high school starts in three days and I don’t know anyone.”
Later that night you were helping your mom unpack the kitchen when the doorbell rang, “y/n can you please get that?”
When you answer the door you’re shocked when you see an older lady and two boys who appeared to be about your age, “um, hi?” you offer
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” The lady says, as the younger of the two boys holds out a plate of cookies. You turn your head back, relieved to see your mom coming into the foyer.
“Hi, I’m Ellen,” the lady says as she shakes your mom’s hands.
You take the cookies from the younger boy, “thanks,”
“Of course, mom said it would be nice to bake for the new neighbors and I really wanted to make a cake but I’m not too good in the kitchen yet. Jack,” the boy says pointing back at the other one, who honestly looks uncomfortable standing on your front porch, his light blue eyes glued to you, “wouldn’t help with the cookies and almost ate all the dough, but mom and I managed to get some for ya. I’m Luke by the way,”
You laugh at how much he shared with you, “Well, thanks for the cookies Luke, I’m sure they’re great. I’m y/n by the way”
“Jack’s a senior too!” Ellen exclaims, pointing back at Jack who redirects his attention to his mom mom. “He’d love to show y/n around town and school and help her out,” she smiles, “right, Jack?”
Jack rolls his eyes and it’s clear to you that he couldn’t be more uninterested in showing you around school, “Mom,” he groans, throwing his head back a little. 
“It’s okay, Mrs. Hughes, really, I’ll be fine on Monday,” you start and she shushes you.
“Right. Jack.” She says again, her voice more stern, her eyebrows raising slightly for emphasis.
Jack turns towards you again, a forced, weak smile gracing his face, “Yeah, I’ll show you around on the first day,”
“So, you ready for school tomorrow?” your mom asks, scooping the two of you a bowl of your favorite ice cream to share, a ritual you’ve been doing every year since first grade.
You shrug, “I don’t know, I’m kind of nervous.”
She smiles, placing a some cherries over the top of the sundae, “You have Jack showing you around,”
You wrinkle up your face, “yeah, that’’ be great. He’s kind of cocky, and doesn’t seem very interested in helping anyone but himself,”
Your mom hands you a spoon, digging in herself and taking a bite of the dessert, “He could be very sweet. Give him a chance, what do you have to lose sweetie?”
A loud honking snaps you out of the daydreams running through your head as you wait for the bus. You turn around and see a car full of boys pull to a stop, and you frown when you see an overly happy Jack stick his head out of the window.
“y/n, get in, I’ll drive you so I can show you where your classes are and everything,”
“I can take the bus, but thanks”
You hear the rest of the car erupt in laughter, “She told you Hughesy,” one of the boys says,
Jack smiles cockily back at you, “You’ll be late, and on your first day, that wouldn’t look to great sweetheart,”
Your cheeks are flaming hot at his statement, and begrudgingly you slide into the back of the car, “thanks” you mutter under your breath.
The boy in the passenger seat turns around, “Damn Jack, thought you said she was cute, but I think you meant to say hot”
Jack glares at his friend, as the boy next to you smiles, “so you’re y/n?” you blush slightly, nodding your head.
Jack clears his throat, “so, uh, y/n, these are my teammates alex, trevor, and pat”
You nod, smiling at each of them, remembering that Mrs. Hughes had mentioned Jack plays hockey for a “really good team” as she put it, which you had just found out from alex was a national development program.
Speeding through the parking lot, Jack quickly turns the wheel so he can park the car and you find yourself gripping the door handle. 
“Oh, sorry,” Jack laughs,
Trevor turns back to look at you, “you’ll get used to it,” he smiles.
Walking up to the front doors Jack comes up right next to you, sticking his hand out, “where’s your schedule?” you hand it over and he quickly glances at it, nodding his head and smiling, “alright, we have some classes together and then you have some with trevor, but we have lunch together so i’ll pick you up at the class before and then trev will pick you up from the cafeteria and take you to you afternoon classes, and alex will take you from last period back to me so I can take you home,” he rambles, holding the door open for you to walk in, before promptly letting it fall behind him onto Pat.
You look back at Jack with wide eyes, “I’m sorry, what?”
He laughs at your confusion, “just follow me, we’ll all help you out today.”
Jack takes you on a tour of the school, pointing out your classrooms, the office, cafeteria, gym and nurse’s office. As Jack is telling you about your teachers and telling you what to expect you hear his friends snickering, “I have a cute new neighbor,” 
“Look at him, he’s a goner,” 
“He’s whipped,” 
“But I thought he said they’re just friends?” 
Jack’s voice snaps you out of the conversation between the boys behind you, “First period’s gonna start soon, so we have 1-3 together, you have fourth with trev, lunch with me, 6th with trev, and 7th and 8th with alex and pat. They’ll help out too, so if you’re ever lost just look for one of us.”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it y/n! Just stay put until one of us comes and finds you,” Trevor reassures you
“Yeah, for sure, we’ll be here for you” Alex adds
“For sure,” Pat says.
You laugh, “Thanks so much guys”
On the way to calculus, your first class of the day, you hear Trevor ask, “Hey, y/n what do you think of Plymouth so far?”
You shrug, “I haven’t really left my neighborhood, so I really don’t know,”
Jack sends a look to Trevor who raises his hands up in defense as the first bell rings. Jack tugs your wrist gently, and you oblige, following him into a classroom as you wave to the other boys.
“They’re really nice,” you smile, taking a seat next to Jack in the back row.
“Yeah, they’re alright,” he mumbles, and you look at him confused, but he just stares at the chalk board at the front of the room, “have you really not seen town yet?” he asks suddenly and you nod, “I’ll show you around Plymouth and the surrounding towns tonight after my practice then. I’ll pick you up at nine”
Jacky Hughes
Hey, i’m on the driveway
“Mom! I’m going out with a friend,” You say, throwing on your converse.
Your mom leans her head out of her office, “At 9:00? Are you going out with Jack?”
You roll your eyes, but your cheeks are as red as a tomato, “Go, have fun, just don’t be out too late,”
You get into Jack’s car and are shocked to see that his hair is still wet with sweat from his probably grueling practice, and his gear is all in the back, “Oh, um, you could have gone home and changed,” you say, suddenly feeling like a burden.
Jack smiles, backing out of your driveway, “Don’t worry about it, this is more important anyway,”
You feel butterflies in your stomach, but quickly disregard them, “So, how was practice?” 
“Good, we did some good off ice training today since it’s still pre-season” He says slowing for a red light, “here you can have the aux, play whatever you want,”
You smile, turning on your favorite music, and by the look on Jack’s face you can tell he isn’t a fan of what you would describe as the most beautiful music on earth.
“I can turn something else on,” you offer
Jack smiles, turning out onto a main street from the subdivision, “Don’t worry about it”
As Jack continues to drive through Plymouth he’s quick to point out all his favorite places: chipotle, the grocery store that has his favorite sour gummy candy, a frozen yogurt place, and so much more. He takes a sharp turn down a side road, “I gotta show you something,”
Jack pulls into a parking lot that’s illuminated by radiant street lights, throwing the car into park Jack sighs and turns to face you, “y/n, this is my home away from home,”
You look straight ahead at the brick arena in front of you, “wow,” you say in amazement, partially in shock that Jack is able to compete in his greatest passion at the highest level for his age.
The rest of the night you and Jack find yourselves talking about everything and anything: your childhoods, the defining moments of your life, sharing your favorite jokes, and talking about your life goals. As the night progressed you no longer thought of Jack as a cocky 17 year old who was immensely talented and had the whole world at his fingertips, and Jack on the other hand was growing more and more fond of you, desperate for any excuse to spend time with you in the near future.
When Jack dropped you off at night, he got out of his car to walk you to your front door, “Thanks again for showing me around Jack, I really appreciate it,”
Jack shoves his hands in his pocket, not really sure what he was supposed to do, “Don’t even worry about it, I liked it,”
You raise your eyebrow, holding back a laugh, “I like driving, especially at night, it’s relaxing, and I guess it was nice to talk to you too…” He stammers, his voice trailing off at the end.
“Goodnight Jack,” you laugh walking into the dark house before you, reliving the night all over again in your head.
A brisk and bitter breeze filled the outside air as early November snows began to dust the floors of Michigan. A new Friday night ritual you found yourself a part of was lounging in the Hughes’s living room with some of his teammates, often having to remind the boys to stop acting like five year olds. 
Tonight in particular, it was just a small group of you, the boys sprawled across the floor watching youtube videos on Alex’s phone and laughing every now and then. You’re laying on the couch, your head resting on Jack’s thigh, one of his hands playing with your hair the other intertwined with yours, as you try to convince the boys that you should make cookies together.
“Y/n, i love you” Luke halts, growing red in the face, “like a sister, y’know, but I’m gonna burn the entire neighborhood down if I bake cookies,”
The boys snicker at Luke, “you love her lukey?” Alex coos
“No no no, like a sister, dude,” Trev adds, slapping his knee as he leans back, loud laughs escaping his mouth.
“Two brothers competing for the same girl?” Alex continues the banter,
“Plymouth was getting a little boring turcs, we needed a scandal to come from somewhere” Trevor laughs again.
Luke buries his face in a throw pillow, “I had a good point, I would burn the house down,”
Jack chuckles, twisting a strand of your hair around his finger and watching as it falls, “yeah, let’s do it”
Pat shrugs, “I’m still here, I can help too”
“Do you think in victorian eras they used flour as baby powder?” Jack asks while scooping heaping spoonfuls of flour into the mixing bowl.
“That’s a good point,” Patty mentions, working on melting the butter, “y/n am i doing this right?”
“Yes, and Jack stop putting so much flour, they’re not going to turn out,”
Jack laughs, “you never answered the question. I think this could be great baby powder, it has the right consistency”
You laugh, “Why don’t you test it out?”
Jack looks at you blankly before continuing to put way too much flour into the bowl and without any warning he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his torso.
“Jacky, what are you doing?” 
You hear him try and stifle some giggles as his hands slowly move closer to your face. You try to escape his firm hold on you, only it’s too late and his hands are smearing flour across your face.
You lean forward and grab an egg from the counter, turning around to face Jack.
“y/n no, please no. I’m having a good hair day and I don’t want a dead baby chicken on me,”
You look at him confused at his logic before cracking the egg above his head. Jack pretends to be mad, but it’s short lived since he can’t help the grin that covers his face.
“OW!” Pat’s scream tears the two of you apart from each other,
“You okay patty?” you ask, walking over to where he was melting butter on the stove.
“The pan is hot, I didn’t know it would be.”
Jack laughs at him, “dumbass, of course the pan is gonna be hot”
Pat glares at his brunette teammate, “well if you two weren’t so lovey dovey you would have heard my questions,” he says before leaving the kitchen.
A light blush dusts Jack’s cheeks at his teammates words, “We’re just friends Pat,” 
“You keep telling yourself that Rowdie,” Luke smiles as he comes into the kitchen, “are the cookies done yet? I’m hungry.”
It was the first game of the new year and Jack had been begging you to come to one of his games for months now. You kept using school as an excuse, but you were technically still on winter break, so you were out of excuses. Jack had dropped off a sweatshirt of his, your favorite, for you to wear tonight, as if you didn’t already have a growing collection in your closet.
You slip into the navy blue sweatshirt, the USA Hockey logo adorned on the front, Jack’s number on the back underneath his name. You loved when he wore this one, he took so much pride in playing for the ntdp and you just loved to see him happy. 
At the rink you quickly find the other friends and girlfriends, glad you wouldn’t have to sit alone. 
Fran sees you and immediately she’s beaming and waving you over, “Hey girl, new sweatshirt for the collection?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at the end.
You blush, “Guess he thought I needed another one”
The boys are already out on the ice warming up, and your eyes are scanning the arena looking for the one and only. You can’t help the butterflies that start racing across your tummy when you finally spot him; he’s by the bench, his helmet off, grabbing a drink of water. You notice he’s also scanning the stands, and his eyes land on you, his eyes lighting up as he smiles goofily up at you.
You feel your breath hitch in your throat, a deep red overtaking your face, “and you say he doesn’t like you,” sydney laughs
You regain your composure, “we’re just friends, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that,” 
The girls have amused looks on their face, but change the subject anyway. 
It’s a minute left in the third period, and the game is tied 4-4. Suddenly Jack is off on a break away, one v. one with an opposing defender, and he manages to sneak a goal in making it 5-4. Jack’s teammates all run up and jump on top of him, celebrating a victory. Once Jack is free of the excited teenagers he looks back up towards your spot in the arena, and points right at you, smiling widely.
“We’re just friends,” Fran says, mimicking your voice.
You and the group are standing out in the lobby of the arena, waiting for the boys to come out before you all probably go and get food since they were always starving after a game. You see Jack emerge from the locker room, running his hand through his still wet hair. He looks up to see you running towards him and holds his arms open for you to jump into. He holds you close as your arms wrap around his neck, “hey you,” he mumbles into your neck.
You smile as he puts you back down, his one arm still around your waist, “you played really well Jacky,”
“That goal was all for you,”
You hear some fake gagging noises from the guys as the girls all laugh, the only exception being Fran and Alex who are looking at their best friends expectantly.
“So are you going to admit it?” Alex presses
“Admit what? That I played well?”
Fran rolls her eyes, “that you love y/n”
Jack’s cheeks turn red, as do yours, as Fran adds, “and that y/n loves you,”
“And that you’re not just friends,” Trev chimes in
“And haven’t been since September,” Luke chirps.
Your friends all head out to the parking lot, bickering about where they want to go eat, and it’s just you and Jack left in the arena.
“Jack, I don’t actually-”
“I love you, like a lot” Jack cuts you off, his eyes staring at the scuff marks that cover the linoleum tiles.
You’re taken aback, you never for one second actually thought that the boy who had become your best friend, the boy you fell deeply in love with despite all your efforts to fight the feelings, felt the same way.
“You love me?”
Jack looks up, his ocean blue eyes meeting yours, “Of course I do y/n, how could I not?”
It feels like time stops as Jack’s pulling you closer to him, his arms fitting so comfortably around your waist, and everything just feels right. He leans down and gently presses his lips against yours, and in that moment you couldn’t possibly ask for a better fairy tale ending to your senior year.
“What do you say, should we make this official?”
“With the first pick overall, the New Jersey Devils are proud to select from the U.S. program, Jack Hughes,” 
The entire night was a blur, Jack was ecstatic, finally getting the opportunity to live out his childhood dreams and you couldn’t be any happier for your boyfriend of the last six months. You had gone out to dinner with the Hughes family, and some of his old teammates that also got drafted, you and Jack being inseparable the entire night. It was just like old times, only that it was probably the last time the crew would ever fully be together for a long time. It was bittersweet, but as you learned almost a year ago in August, new beginnings can lead to good things, and you knew these boys were going places.
It was late that night, and you and Jack found yourselves in his hotel room, him still in his suit, you sporting his jersey as you’re snuggled up in his bed. 
“Looks like I’m gonna have to get you some devils gear, huh?”
You smile, “looks like it,”
He presses a long, gentle kiss to the top of your head, pulling you impossibly closer to him, “I’m not going anywhere y/n. I know I’ll be in Jersey and you’re going off to school, but I’m not leaving you, I can’t lose you.”
You smile, leaning your head back to press a kiss to his jaw, “I know Jack, I know,”
“You’re my everything,”
You blush, knowing in your heart that you found the one you want to be with forever, “I love you Jack Rowden, so so much,”
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calpalirwin · 5 years
Parent Teacher Conference
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A/N: Anon request- Okay but single dad ashton au where he doesnt wanna risk getting his kid involved with a woman but ur the new teacher for them and yall meet and he falls madly for u
Content: All the feels! And swearing.
And away, and away we go!
“C’mon, Seb, get a move on,” I called out, peeking my head into the bathroom.
My carbon-copy of a son with a mop of brown-blond curls turned to me, toothbrush in his mouth, and grinned. “Dad! I’m in big kid school now!” his voice muffled around the toothbrush.
“Yeah, and you’re gonna be late if you don’t step it up a notch.”
4th grade. My 9 year old was going into 4th grade. I choked back the memories, refusing to cry, because “Dad, stop crying, it’s only 4th grade.”
“You’re right, bud, it’s only 4th grade,” I had told him, tucking him into bed last night. To him, it was only 4th grade. For me, this was also the anniversary of the day his mom left us 8 years ago.
I looked at my son, his brand new sneakers that would have scuff marks on them when I picked him up later, a long sleeved flannel tied around his waist. God, if it weren’t for the fact that he was clearly me- the eyes and the giggle were a dead give away- I swear he was Luke’s. “Uncle Lu tell you to dress like that?” I asked.
The curls bounced as his head bobbed up and down. “He said it was cool. And I wanna be cool, Dad. It’s 4th grade.”
I imitated my head exploding. God, when did this kid grow up? Seemed like just yesterday his entire body could fit in my hands.
“Dad? Dad!”
I shook my head, clearly the thoughts. “Yeah, bud?”
“Can we go now?” he asked, a Spider-Man backpack slung over one of his shoulders.
“C’mon, then,” I smiled.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t tried dating since Seb’s mom left us. I had. I was just very selective. I didn’t want to bring a woman home, have things go wrong, and be left to pick up not only my broken pieces but my son’s as well.
My heart was one thing. I’d been known to be reckless with it. But, my son’s was another matter entirely. He was too young to know heartache.
Plus every time I had to cancel a date last minute because Seb got sick, or left a date early because Seb called me in tears asking where I was, didn’t lend itself to much romance. Girls could go on and on about how hot single dads were, but what they failed to realize is that my son would always be my number 1 priority.
“Mr. Irwin, I’d like to talk to you about Sebastian. Is there anyway you can meet with me after school? Say 2:45?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. School had only been in session for a month. It couldn’t be time for parent-teacher conferences already. Which only meant one thing- something had happened with Seb. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”
“Who was that?” Calum asked me.
“Seb’s teacher. She wants to talk with me after school.”
“Isn’t his teacher hot?” Mike asked.
“What? No… I mean, she’s attractive, sure. But, she’s his teacher.”
“Ooo, Ash like the teacher!” Luke teased.
I felt my face flush. Alright, maybe I did a little. She was attractive, stunningly so, and she was a teacher. Which meant she understood kids. And maybe, that just might mean she understood single dads.
“Hello?” I asked, sticking my head in the classroom at 2:45.
The bell had rung fifteen minutes ago and I still hadn’t seen my son. Now, I saw why, as he was hunched in his desk reading, a scowl on his face.
“Dad!” his face lit up when he heard my voice.
“Keep reading, Sebastian,” his teacher’s voice said firmly.
“Yes ma’am…”
“Mr. Irwin, glad you could make,” she smiled softly at me. “Please, have a seat.”
I moved to sit in chair she had just besides her desk. “So, you wanted to talk?” I asked.
“Yes. It seems your son had an incident with a classmate on the playground today.”
“Seb?” I asked, fighting to keep my voice level.
“Alex is a jerk! And she took away my recess!” he shouted at me.
“Sebastian,” both his teacher and I warned, and then I had to work at keeping the smile off my face.
“Anyway,” she said, turning her attention back to me. “There was an incident. Both boys lost their recess privileges for the rest of this week and next week.”
“You keep saying ‘incident,’ what happened exactly?”
“I keep saying ‘incident,’ Mr. Irwin, because your son is an incredibly… strong-willed individual.”
“You can just say he’s stubborn. And it’s Ash, please.”
“I prefer the term strong-willed, Ash,” she smiled at me again and I liked the way it was genuine and soft, her eyes crinkling at the edges. And I liked the way my name sounded rolling off her lips. And I was in trouble.
“So, my stubborn son won’t tell you what happened?”
“Precisely. And I’m not one to involve admin if I can help it. But in order to not involve admin, I need to know what happened. That’s where I’m hoping you can come in.”
“Seriously, Seb? She just said she’s not gonna send you to the principal, and you’re mad she took away recess from you?”
“She wouldn’t take my recess away if she knew what Alex said!” His book was now closed and clenched in his fists, vibrating with his tiny rage.
“Sebastian, I would love to know what Alex said,” she told him, keeping herself calm even though my son was far from it himself. Was that a special gift all teachers had, or just her? “But, every time I ask, you just tell me he was being a jerk. Maybe you’d like to tell your dad instead?”
“He is a jerk!” he screamed, throwing his book. “He’s… he’s… he’s a fuckin asshole!”
“Sebastian James Irwin! What the hell has gotten into you? Start explaining yourself, now!”
His face scrunched up as he realized I was now angry with him. “He said I didn’t have a mom!” he wailed at me before bursting into tears and running out of the classroom.
I fell back in my seat, watching him run off, my heart shattering in my chest. He was right. This Alex kid was a fuckin asshole.
“You okay?” her voice sounded, her hand touching mine.
“I thought I was doing everything right…”
“You are. Sebastian is by far one of the best students I’ve had. He’s so kind and polite to everybody. He’s funny, too. Which is why today surprised me. It seemed so out of character.”
“I better go after him,” I sighed, getting up.
“I’ll come with,” she offered, getting up herself.
It was the first time a girl had offered to come with me before when dad duty called. I couldn’t help it. I smiled at her.
“Now, I see where Sebastian gets his smile from,” she smiled back.
We found him huddled in the corner of the highest part of the play structure.
“Would you get down, please?” I asked from the ground. Climbing up there myself was going to be a bitch.
“No! Go away! I hate you!”
“Love you too, bud!”
“Where’s my mom?”
“I don’t know, bud. Come down so we can talk, please.”
“That wasn’t a question, Seb.”
“I don’t care!”
“You have to the count of 3 to get down here, or I’m coming up there,” I said, really hoping I didn’t have to go up there after him. “1.”
“I hate you!”
3!” I started my ascent. My kid, the fuckin brat that he was, waited until I was on the middle platform before launching himself down the slide. “You stay right there,” I warned, moving to go back down.
“Sebastian,” I heard her voice say as he started to run. “Are we making smart choices right now, or are we acting on impulse?”
“Impulse…” he answered, stopping in his tracks.
“And, what do we want to do?”
“Make smart choices…”
“So, what do we do to calm our impulses, so we can make smart choices?”
“Alright, breathe with me. Ready?”
“And, inhale, 3, 4, 5, 6. Hold. Exhale, 4, 3, 2 , 1,” she coached as I watched. Was she trying to make me fall in love with her? “Better?”
“Alright, you ready to tell us what’s wrong?”
“Alex said-” he started, already getting upset again.
She held up a finger. “Calmly, Sebastian. What upset you?”
“My feelings were hurt when Alex said I didn’t have a mom.”
“Because it made me feel sad.”
“Because I have Dad. And Uncle Cal, Lu, and Mikey. And grandma. And Auntie Lauren, and Uncle Harry. And Auntie Crystal and Auntie Sierra.”
“Wow, sounds like you have a lot of people who love you.”
“But, I don’t have a mom…”
“Lots of people don’t have moms. Or dads. Spider-Man didn’t have his parents. Was he still loved?”
“So, what’s wrong?”
“Am I broken?”
“No, Seb,” I finally spoke up. Great. My life had come full circle. I was the man without a dad, raising a son without a mom. And now he was asking himself the same questions I used to ask myself. I crouched down to be eye level with him. “You know why you don’t have a grandpa?”
“Because… I dunno…”
“Because I don’t have a dad.”
“Where is your dad?”
“I dunno. But what I do know is that I’m not broken. And neither are you.”
“Are they in Heaven or…?” he asked, struggling with the concept of someone just abandoning him like it was nothing. Death made sense. But just straight up leaving your kid? Hell, even I still couldn’t wrap my head around it.
“No. I wish that were the case, but, no. They just left.”
“So, they didn’t want us…? Why?”
“I dunno, bud. But, I know that I want you. And I know that all your aunties, uncles, and grandma want you. We love you, Seb, and you’re always gonna have us. Promise.”
He nodded, seeming to accept that our love would be enough for him. Then, “Hey, Dad?”
“Yeah, bud?”
“Can Miss Y/L/N come with us to get ice cream?”
“Oh, you think you’re getting ice cream after this stunt? Keep dreamin, pal!”
“But, you promised if I got on A on my test we’d get ice cream. Show him, Miss! Show him my test!”
She laughed and nodded. “Sebastian did get an A on his fractions test. Perfect score in fact.”
“See? Pay up, Daddy-o!” Seb laughed at me.
“Who taught you to call me ‘Daddy-o’, Seb?” I asked, giggling.
“Uncle Lu!”
I laughed again. Of course it was. “Alright. But only 1 scoop.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said skipping off.
“So, would it be too forward if I asked you to ice cream? I mean, the kid… he’s been through a lot today. You don’t wanna break his heart, do ya?”
She laughed. “You rely on him to get all your dates?”
“Only the ones that are worth it. You’re great with him. He really likes having you as a teacher.”
“I really like having him as a student. I hear his dad’s pretty cute, too.”
“Cute dad, huh? Did you hear he’s single?”
“Oh, wow. Did you hear his teacher’s single too, and happens to love ice cream?”
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funeral-clown · 7 years
you know who this is for
also dedicated to: straight christian men and the way they always let u down despite ur parents fervent hopes ur gonna marry one
After the call from Rey, Poe wasn’t particularly surprised when Leia ordered him to bring her son to her.
“Please, Poe,” she said, laying her hand on his arm and gazing up at him with soft warm eyes. “He may be our only hope.”
Luke snorted in the corner and pulled a flask out of his robes, then proceeded to take a swig.
“Yeah, good luck kid. Feel free to taze him.”
Leia elbowed her twin in the gut and nodded her dismissal. Poe steadied himself and headed for Kylo’s cell. Carter was sitting guard outside, perusing a magazine with a bored expression.
“Constant vigilance?”
He turned the page, expression unchanging.
“Bite me.”
“Rude. And to a superior officer, too. I might have to report you for insubordination.”
“Go ahead. My life is already hell.”
Poe winced.
“That bad, huh?”
Carter finally looked up, expression turned dour. He snapped the magazine shut and let it drop to the floor between his feet before leaning forward.
“So far, just this morning, our esteemed guest has thrown 3 different temper tantrums, tried to compel me to get him booze using the Force, tried to compel me to let him go using the Force, tried to seduce me into letting him go, refused to eat his rations, thrown his rations against the wall like a petulant child, and worst of all, he started singing. Badly.”
“It can’t be that bad, Carter.”
“He butchered Love on the Midichlorian Scale.”
“That song played at both of my weddings, Poe. And now it’s ruined, and I can never listen to it again.”
“And that smug asshole KNOWS IT because he can READ MY MIND.”
“We’re letting him go.”
The guard froze mid-rant.
“We’re letting him go. Open up the doors and get him cuffed so I can take him to the General.”
He flailed a bit, looking flustered.
“I’m sorry, are you kidding? Are you joking with me right now? That’s what’s happening, right?”
Poe grinned at him. 
“Oh, okay. Okay, then. Well. Poe. Pal. Have you completely lost your kriffing mind?”
“I hope not,” he muttered, a crease of frustration gracing his brow.
“Then why the fuck would we ever even consider doing that?”
“Easy. He’s gonna help us destroy the First Order.”
Carter gaped at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish. Poe beamed at him before clapping both his shoulders and moving towards the door.
“You gonna let him out now?”
Carter shrugged.
The door opened. Kylo Ren glared up at him from his huddled position on the floor, eyes glowering from beneath the dark tangle of hair that covered his face.
“‘Sup, Ben? Heard you didn’t like your accommodations.”
He remained balefully silent.
“I was real sorry to hear that, y’know? See, unlike the First Order, we here at the Resistance take pride in our hospitality. Three squares, a nice warm cot, not torturing people...it’s like the goddamn Four Seasons in here.”
“Your so-called food is a disgrace to the word.”
“Well, I’m real sorry to hear you say that, Ben. I suppose we can’t all be royalty.”
“I am not royalty,” Kylo snarled, baring his teeth in a futile attempt at intimidation. “That woman is not my mother.”
Poe frowned.
“I’m sure she’ll be real sorry to hear you say that. You certainly don’t deserve her. Carter. Cuff him.”
Sulking, the other man secured the prisoner’s hands behind his back.
“What’s going on, where are you taking me?” Kylo snapped, pulling at the restraints.
“To see the woman that isn’t your mother,” Poe replied lightly, grabbing his arm and beginning to march him out of the room and down the hall, “She wants a word.”
“She won’t get anything from me, and that’s more than she deserves,” he shot back.
Poe tazed him.
“What was that for!?”
“Your not-uncle is there, too. He sends his regards.”
Poe tazed him again.
“What the fuck, I thought you were the goddamn friendly one!”
“Oh trust me, Ben, I am. Most people on this base want you dead. I just tazed you. But, see, the thing is, you know Finn? Cutest guy in the galaxy? Arguably the perfect man?”
Kylo groaned. Whether from the description or being tazed twice was unclear. Most likely both.
“He has a pretty rough time sleeping, Ben. Some days I don’t think he even recognizes me. He’s got a bitchin’ scar down his back. Your handiwork. Last week he disappeared for 7 hours and showed up later smelling like whiskey. And Rey. You know Rey. You never shut up about Rey, it’s unhealthy and unsettling.”
“You’d never begin to understand the bond betwee-”
“Shut up, Ben, I’m not finished. I have had the undeniable pleasure of sharing a room with her. Finn, too, in fact. Did you know she wakes up screaming sometimes, Ben? She does. And I can’t even pretend not to know why.”
Kylo glared.
“Oh, we never talk about it, of course. Because we don’t have to. As close as we are, she never had to explain. Because all our nightmares, all our pain? Has one fucking common denominator. Can you guess what that is, Ben?”
Poe laughed.
“You wish you were that much of a threat. Pal, you’re barely a nuisance. No. Our common enemy is the First Order. And who runs the First Order, Ben?”
“Supreme Leader Snoke?”
“Well that’s one name for him, sure. Round these parts we just call him Snoke the Joke. Not important. Here’s what is important. We’re going to kill him. We’re going to destroy the First Order. We’re gonna save the galaxy. And you’re gonna help us.”
Kylo was taken aback.
“What? Why would I ever stoop so low as to aid you and your traitors?”
“Because,” Poe responded lightly, “It’s the only way Rey could ever look at you without hatred and disgust.”
He slumped, seemingly accepting of the fact.
“So here’s what’s gonna happen, Ben. I’m gonna take you in there to see your mother and your uncle. They’re going to try to convince you to help them take out Ol’ Snokester the Jokester. You’re going to agree. You’re going to beg your mother for forgiveness. And then you’re going to help us. Because if you don’t, the only person whose opinion you care about will hate you forever. Got it?”
He frowned consideringly at the floor before grumbling out an assent.
Poe tazed him again.
“You tortured me and I’m feeling petty. We’re square. Let’s go.”
He dragged him up and frogmarched him towards the General’s quarters.
Leia frowned at their approach.
“Why is he limping?”
Poe raised an eyebrow at Kylo, who glanced at the pilot.
“My foot fell asleep.”
Luke snorted.
“That’s what you’re going with?”
“That’s what I’m going with.”
“Okay, then. I assume Poe filled you in on the mission?”
Kylo nodded.
“What? How would he even know?” Leia asked, shocked.
“You’re kidding, right? Rey must have told him. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, sister dear, but she’s borderline co-dependent with Finn and Poe. Inextricably close. If I gave half a shit about the Jedi Code I would be concerned about her forming ties.”
“Yes, Luke, I’m more than aware, but this mission was to be kept top secret! We can’t risk word getting out, and- Poe why do you look like you’re going to tell me something that will make me upset.”
Poe laughed sheepishly.
“I maaaaaay have let slip to Carter we were letting him go.”
Leia stared at him blankly.
“The guard Carter.”
“That would be the one.”
“The guard who was forced to guard my son as punishment for accidentally leaking resistance secrets while tipsy at an outpost because no one else wanted the job. That Carter.”
“I am so sorry.”
“Half the base knows by now. Why did I even try to keep it secret in the first place. Everyone in the resistance is a gossip. Kriff.”
“If it makes you feel better, he’s probably learned his lesson by now, sister. Any extended exposure to your son could be qualified as a form of torture.”
“Shut up, Luke.”
“Shut up, Kylo.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about Carter, Ma’am. It’s not like he’s going to post our confidential plans on social media.”
*meanwhile, in space*
Hux looked up from his (blessedly reduced since Ren’s capture) stack of paperwork to see Phasma standing before him, comm unit glowing in her hand.
“Yes, what is it Captain?”
“I think you should see this.”
She handed it to him, and he squinted at the screen.
“Captain, I can barely see anything. You’ve got the screen settings too bright.”
“Ah, apologies. I’ll adjust them. You can’t see anything through these helmets, so you have to-”
“Yes, I understand.”
“It makes some things difficult, sir.”
“I would imagine.”
“I don’t understand why the helmets have to be so dark. It seems like poor design. No wonder the storm troopers of old could barely hit the broad side of a barn.”
“Yes, I could see how-”
“It should be changed, General. I’m sure that would increase effectiveness and reduce fatalities exponentially.”
“I’ll consider it, Captain.”
“See that you do.”
Hux sighed.
“May I see the comm unit now, Captain?”
He squinted at it again.
“Okay now it’s just. Way too dark.”
“Adjust it yourself, then. I can’t see shit out of this helmet.”
“Alright, alright! Enough about the bloody helmets!”
“I’m just saying. You can fit an aesthetic without compromising effectiveness.”
“I get it.”
“I don’t think regard for the troopers was put into these design at all.”
“Well, to be fair, they were designed at a time when stormtroopers were literal clones. They could be mass produced in the blink of an eye relatively cheaply. Casualties weren’t a very big concern.”
The temperature of the room notably dropped.
“General. Are you indicating you think of my troops as. Disposable.”
“No, certainly not! I myself advocated strongly to move away from clone labor!”
“I see.”
“Brainwashing is so much more effective.”
Phasma hummed noncommittally. 
“What’s that about.”
“What’s what about?”
“You hummed noncommittally.”
“Did I?”
“I just think maybe brainwashing isn’t very effective after all.”
Hux groaned.
“This is about the rogue trooper, isn’t it. FN-2187.”
“Captain, please. He was an anomaly. No one else is having doubts about our mission, correct?”
She remained silent for a moment.
“...Correct, sir.”
He peered at her suspiciously before the comm caught his eye again.
“Ah, yes. What were you so eager to...show...me.....” His voice trailed off as he reread the short message on the screen.
“Where did this come from?”
“A lower-ranked Resistance member’s social media account.”
“Why are you following a Resistance member’s social media?”
“...Collecting intelligence.”
“Bantha shit.”
“We both follow Luke and his livestreams are amusing.”
“Ah. Regardless. You know what must be done.”
“Indeed, sir.”
The intercom blared.
Hux cracked open a bottle of Corellian brandy.
“Couldn’t possibly, General.”
“I insist.”
“Oh, very well.”
The bottle was gone in the matter of an hour.
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