#vague guessing with the nuns
vegancas · 2 years
watching the season final of warrior nun gave me war flashbacks to the confession but like if the cw were less homophobic
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Also Daylily things!!!!!!!
She would love sparkledogs! And furry stuff in general.
Also she's 7'9, so kind of short for an ophan-
OH and I figured out her backstory! Basically she got swept away during a storm/ disaster and got thrown into a rift that led to Earth.
Ah yeah! I saw that post I think.
Hehe, short lass. Who is still significantly taller than most humans-
Imagine Daylily gets used to being the tall one, and then gets to the realms and realizes she is, in fact, short.
Also poor thing... and her parents would be devastated....
As a side note: I'm vaguely amused by "Hills Samek" because Samek is towards the end of the alephbet, which implies there is a Hills Aleph through Hills Nun (although I guess technically they might not start the alephbet over for every zone-)
Actually I just counted, there's just barely more letters in the Hebrew alephbet than there are flocks, so they wouldn't actually have to start it over. So Hills Samek works fine. I think they'd have flocks on aleph through sin, and then if it turns out that any additional cherubs also have flocks, there's shin and tav to cover that.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Not to balance out the ask or anything, but there's something I picked up on during the season. For the record I'm a buddie shipper but I'm not blind to the fandom's fault.
There's a leaker in twitter who posted vague stuffs during the season that turned out to be true; implying that Buck will kiss a man who isn't Eddie, Marisol being a former nun, karaoke scene being cut et cetera. I can't remember exactly when but it's most likely during the heights of Buddies being mad that the karaoke scene was cut (I don't think it's queerbaiting since the show already went past that since season 1 but I understand people being upset) the leaker posted something about "Guys please be nice" or something to tone down the backlash, despite he himself encouraging the fandom to be louder for the karaoke scene, go figure and then shortly after Tim made that post about the karaoke scene on his FB. I then assumed that he got wind of Tim getting fed up with people asking for the karaoke scene despite he himself volunteering to post that disregarding the song license stuff.
While I've seen how crazy some of the Bummys have been lately, I'm not ruling out the possibility that Tim's also getting fed up with us Buddies especially since he's been exposed longer to Buddies than Bucktommys; it's just he perceived the toxicity to be twofolds since it comes from two queer ships. The fact that Buddies on twitter, his primary social media source of gauging fandom reaction before he decided to call it quits, has new people who uses similar modus operandi as some Tevans operate to farm engagement and content, makes the possibility of the toxicity among Buddie fandoms raising there to be higher.
I guess my takeaway is just for us to quietly ship harder on Buddie without engaging in the same kind of toxicity Kinleys are doing. Just focus on the good things on Buddie (and Bucktommy if you multiship), don't drag down actors/actresses or love interests they play to the same extent *they* did (in general, if you think your ship is THAT good finding every small detail to discredit other love interests is not needed because your own foundation should be enough) as your anon said, Tim can feel hurt from criticism so as long as the grievances were expressed in a more civil manner it should be good for us.
Yes Nonny. I agree.
The karaoke scene debacle is certainly a really good example of where the Buddie fandom went too far. I get the disappointment. I was disappointed too, but I ranted about it to the mutuals, took a deep breath and moved on.
I know that some people on Twitter (and even here on Tumblr) most definitely overreacted to that scene being cut. I don't know if I remember it right, but a few of the most crazy Buddie stans even sent him nasty messages. The fact that Tim had to publicly react wasn't very flattering for our fandom.
To me it's the way he reacted that stands out here. From his tone (which is always hard to gauge in a written message) he seemed calm but annoyed with the fans who kept on asking for that scene. He even admitted to liking Buddie and wanting to give this to the fans.
After that, most Buddie fans got the message and stopped demanding to release the scene, with the few exceptions of course. 🤷‍♀️ Whenever the karaoke scene comes up these days, it's mostly people asking nicely.
This last Tim interview felt very different. It was a direct call out to the BT people who had bullied and threatened some of the 911 cast and crew, to the point that some of them had to be blocked. These people kept on running to Tim's Facebook DMs to then post them on Twitter to 'bludgeon another part of fandom'. That's a direct call out, which is on a whole other level than the karaoke debacle.
But ultimately I completely agree with your conclusion. It is very important to keep the positivity and civility while shipping Buddie (and BT if you multi-ship). In that regard Tumblr is very different from Twitter. Although there are definitely a lot of great Buddie fans on Twitter who aren't afraid to call out toxic behaviour within our own fandom, which is a good buffer to keep out the worst of the toxicity.
Fandoms are fandoms. A certain level of toxicity will never be able to be avoided. All we can do is, like you said, quietly keep on shipping Buddie and keep it all respectful towards others.
Hope you have a great day Nonny!
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rangercorpstherapy · 5 months
ok weird question, but like, virginity in these books?? it's the medieval period so it was customary and expected (and scandalous if you don't) to save yourself till marriage but like, Commandant Crowley Meratyn gives off major 'guy who fucks' energy so I supposed that it's just irrelevant??
also Halt and Pauline had sexual tension for 15 fuckin years, and Will and Alyss dated for 7 years, and Gilan and Jenny dated for-- my god they're STILL dating.
someone explain
the view on virginity and sexuality differs between the Early Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages, it also depends on if the subject is nobility or not.
At the start of the Middle Ages, there wasn't as much sexual freedom as nowadays but there was certainly much less taboo on the topic. People were still connected with their old traditions and ways even though they were introduced to/and or practising Christianity. There wasn't as much of a pearl-clutching 'oh no an ankle' sex fear in the Middle Ages as people think. Yes, clergy swore oaths of celibacy and nobility were expected to stay chaste (although this expectation rested more on women than on men). For noble families, it was important to be absolutely sure that that was your baby because you couldn't just do a DNA test. Kinda important if you want to keep the family in power and make sure the bloodline continues undisputed.
Back to the pearl-clutching, it was not sex people were afraid of. There was no taboo on nudity (partly because one didn't have much privacy back then) and sex was even a source of public entertainment, for example in plays or on fairs. It was more pregnancy that was the issue. Bastards weren't treated very well along with their mothers (many choosing to leave their children in orphanages), noble bastards were dealt better cards, they could inherit and would often be seen as valuable enough that they could be used in marriage pacts. This period of vague sex is ok just be careful came to a very abrupt end because of reformations in the Church. Remember what I said about clergy having to be celibate...yeah let's just say they were not doing that. To the point of having 'wives' and kids, not even sneakily, they lived with them in a house, like a family. This was an issue from average priest to bishop. One of the many reforms was meant to make sure that calibates were calibating and put stricter measurements in place. Nuns were forced to live more secluded (before they took a very active role in the life around the convent), and convents became closed off for outsiders. Through efforts from the Pope, sex became demonized and women were presented as evil seductresses and the root of all evil evil desire. I don't think it was the same reforms but around the same time all bastards were stripped of any claim to inheritance and even if fathers claimed them they could not be legitimized. Making having bastards/being one even more taboo.
But even with all that were the Middle Ages not the most anti sex period in western history. The idea of "having sex before marriage is the end of the world and God will strike you down and dance upon your remains we are scared to hold hands with the opposite sex" came during the 16th century with the rise of STDS and would continue well into the Victorian era.
Back to the question.
It's hard to say when RA takes place, having some more modern technology but still having many characteristics of the High Middle Ages (lack of agricultural reforms, strong feudal system and a lack of cities). I am guessing that when RA took place it was around the same time the reforms were spreading (give or take a few decades maybe).
So to finally answer the question:
Crowley is saving himself for nobody, fucked till his heart gave out that's why he died with a smile on his face. Front-row seats to those sex plays at fairs. Always complaining about the good ol' days when you could get laid without some guy in robes and a hat having an opinion about it. Also, he's gay so it's not like he has to worry about populating Araluen with many handsome redhead babies (although he is a bit disappointed he can't be of service in that aspect of course).
Alyss and Will (all the ward kids for that matter) are sooo bastards to me. Bullied by the other kids you say??? Needing special protection or else they would have no one in the world you say??? People knowing they fornicated in the vineyard would not make their reps worse. Those bitches did NOT care, they fucked around day and night and would just get shotgun married if it was necessary. What is anyone going to do? How dare you and your scary wizard boyfriend part of an elite scary people group whom we are all collectively deeply afraid of have sex!
Halt was heir to the throne and probably had some speeches about how not to waste his royal seed on just anyone, to be careful and was so culture-shocked meeting Crowley and Pauline that he needed 15 years to recover.
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theragethatisdesire · 11 months
M!! So happy to see you pop up on the dash again 😀 since you asked for nasty things, (and in honor of halloween) any ideas of what sort of risqué costumes the AOT boys would love to see their s/o in?
HEYYY moch <333 so happy to see you in my asks, how are you my love?? i would LOVE to elaborate on this, thank you sm for such a seasonal and fun prompt
ok, call him basic but i think eren would love any animal costume. bunny, cat, dog, whatever. i feel like he secretly loves giving you a silly pet name just for the night (sue me, but i think for this situation alone he would love calling you "bunny/kitten/puppy" for the night)
the ears are really cute to him idk why i just know it's true
i think he also loves anything matching he can do with you. prisoner + warden, beast boy + raven, jack skellington + sally, etc
i'm going to throw him in the same category as reiner here that he thinks "scarier" or i guess like darker, more intense costumes are sexy??
i think eren's all-time fav costume in that regard would be Misa from death note (totally not because that's my costume this year haha....) bc you know that's his Fav Anime Gf or like, the purge costumes where it's just girls covered in blood with machetes and the light up masks
he loves blood on a costume too i think that just really gets him going
i feel like jean would love anything downright sexy, borderline whore-ish LOLOLOL
that sounds really vague, but i think he'd like anything that's been....corrupted?
sexy nun, sexy teacher, sexy nurse, etc. i think jean loves watching you pull your lingerie on and try to excuse it as a costume
definitely makes you 30 minutes late to the halloween party
i feel like he doesn't like to dress up much himself, like he's very snobbish in that aspect and feels "too mature" (what a brat), but he loves seeing yours and wants to come out with you every year to see what you put on and to fight guys off of you
okay so firstly, let's just go ahead and acknowledge that reiner wants to match with you, regardless of what you wear. let's just get that out of the way bc that's basically canon
i hope this doesn't sound too perverse, but i think reiner's a big fan of the more...scary/intense/darker stuff
like a vampire but genuinely scary with the eyes and shit for example, or like Misa from death note, shego from kim possible, one of the shining twins, whatever
he loves all of the Typical Goth Girl costumes
i also just picture him being such a black-cat-gf, my-gf-could-kick-my-ass type dude so maybe my personal headcanons are leaking in
but i also think he would just love anything punny. like any costume that has a little bit of a joke to it? he's a sucker for puns/dad jokes and i think he can also appreciate a wholesome moment
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lemon-natalia · 9 months
Nevermind immediately turned the page to the character list and found out Gideon's surname is Nav smh
Also House of the Sewn Tongue is a rad name, damn, i'd be intimidated. In contrast, Necrolord Prime sounds like the villain of a cheesy 80s Ben-10 style cartoon, and i am Here for it
Also Harrow, like has a dad? Idk why this is so weird to me, i just assumed all of the main characters in this were orphans for some reason? Anyway his name is apparently Priamhark, so a theme with the naming there
There are nuns involved in the houses thing, apparently, so i'm guessing there's some kind of religious element to them rather than just being, like, asoiaf style 'families'
Also loving all the little funky skull drawings for each of the houses
Interesting that all of the houses seem to have epithets relating to the emperor, like two is the emperor's strength, fifth is the heart of the emperor, other than eight and nine? I'm getting the vibe that the Ninth House is maybe less important/more rundown than the others, so maybe something to do with decreasing importance of the numbers? Or maybe they do and they're just not in the front of the book for some reason lol
Also Camilla! Another character i have vaguely heard of, no clue who she is other than the name tho
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toshio · 2 months
Hey, love your blog 💗Random q: if you’re into tv shows what’s your top 3?
LOOOL omg okay this is vague question. because you could either mean like REAL hollywood production stuff or like anime. i'll give you both haha. EXTREMELY LONG list of my favorite american shows (reality TV included) and some of my all time favorite anime. read below if you're interested. it's a lot. buckle up.
well for actual TV shows (like american produced i guess) i really enjoyed American Horror Story, my favorite seasons were season 2 (asylum) it's about a spooky asylum with nuns possessed by satan/demons and a bunch of other messed up villains. Jessica Lange CARRIES this season with her incredible acting.
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another actress who i LOVED in season 2 was Lily Rabe, she plays the possessed nun (her character is supposed to be an innocent nun but she gets corrupted) and she's super badass while she's under control by the devil LOL. like amazing acting, she's just pure femme fatale and is a perfect villain that you actually WANT to lowkey root for because she's so cunty. UGH. i remember getting my life from her. this entire season is carried by these two characters.
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and you didn't specify if you wanted regular TV shows or reality TV shows, but i am a huge reality TV fan! i'm gay/bi so i absolutely LOVE watching rupaul's drag race LMAO. season 16 is the most recent one that just finished airing, i absolutely loved every minute of it, the show is just endlessly entertaining and showcases queer people in such a vibrant and fun life that would make straight people jealous HAHA. but it's a show for everyone obviously, as long as you enjoy drag queens and expressing yourself and stuff.
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and another reality TV show that i enjoyed was "flavor of love" it's a reality TV competition show where a bunch of women from the 2000s were competing to win the love of "Flavor Flav" who's this rapper who's like 65 years old now. LOL. it sounds crazy but this show was HUGE back then, and the breakout star was a contestant named "New York" but her real name is Tiffany Pollard and i LIVE for this woman, lmao. she's so iconic and has the best quotes ever, she's regarded as a gay icon within the queer community. VH1 loved her so much that they made a bunch of other spin off shows featuring her in it, just look her up on youtube haha.
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i wouldn't say these 3 shows above are my absolute favorites of ALL time but they're definitely up there! just can't think of anything else, and they're my recent hyper fixations.
and i'm not sure if you're an anime watcher/fan but my favorite anime of all time is probably an anime called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. it's literally regarded as one of the best animes of all time, you should watch it if you haven't already. i got a tattoo of it because i want to remember it for the rest of my life LOL. IT'S SO GOOD. without spoiling it, it's like action/adventure/brotherhood with some philosophy thrown in it. i think people often belittle anime/2D animated stuff but this show is a masterpiece. 11/10.
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second anime TV show i recommend is Death Note, it's another iconic anime you should watch. to summarize the plot, a death god (shinigami) gets bored one day and drops his "death note" (a book that allows you to kill ANYONE in the world if you write their name in the book) and a really smart student named Light Yagami (main character) picks it up after his class in school. and he decides to use it for his own good, trying to make the world a better place, but really smart detectives eventually figure out that something is happening, and he tries to stay incognito. if that doesn't sound interesting, then hell. i really enjoyed this one, it's a classic anime that you should see.
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i'm gonna give you two more anime shows because my taste level is all over the place LOL but the third one i recommend is "Akame ga Kill!". it's about a guy who joins a group of assassins who he ORIGINALLY thinks are evil people who kill innocent people, but it turns out the capital city is secretly corrupt and it's all a facade, the assassins he joins are actually the good guys (at least in their eyes).
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if you enjoy fast paced anime where lots of people die, action, fighting, cute anime girls, and there's even a buff gay guy in the show (YAY) then this show is for you. the main character is really badass too, her name is "Akame". now i will say a lot of people criticize this show but since you asked for my opinion, i think this show is a 9/10. it's not perfect but i enjoy the world, the animation, the characters, music, etc. this show just really made me happy. the dub and sub are good, if you hate reading subtitles. i watched both.
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the last recommendation i have is Blood-C, i know it looks similar to Akame ga Kill but i promise you it's a different show LOL. it just has two black haired anime heroine characters who use a katana/sword to kill. and they're both bloody/action packed.
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this show is EXTREMELY bloody, extremely violent and bloody, there's gore guts and action. if that isn't for you, do not watch it. i however, enjoy such morbid things, and since it's not real gore/violence, i can stomach it much better.
Blood-C (first episode air date was early July 2011) is about a sweet girl named Saya Kisaragi who goes to school as a normal girl. at night, she protects her village and friends from strange human eating monsters. i'm not going to spoil much else, but if that kind of stuff interests you, please watch this one! i really enjoyed it. again, people have criticisms about this show, but i fucking loved every minute of it. it's only about 12 episodes. i have a strange love for female protagonists in anime because they're so badass and i just love strong independent women in animated things, i've always had an affinity for it. i was always that nerdy kid in school who drew anime girls and stuff in class, LOL.
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alright LAST anime recommendation i have for you if you enjoy my taste, is "Claymore". again, it's about female heroes with swords who slay creatures, you seeing the pattern here? LOL. i just like badass women who can fight. DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY?
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one of my favorite anime shows, i watched it in early 2018 when i was taking college classes, so this anime holds a special place in my heart. it's about female swordsmen who slay human eating monsters with their giant swords. these terrifying monsters can disguise themselves as humans, and it gets worse than that. it's set in a dark fantasy medieval type of alternate universe. again, if you enjoy badass anime women, this show is for you! who doesn't enjoy that?
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if you read absolutely everything, thank you. and let me know if you watched any of these. i'd love a follow up message from you. enjoy!
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Is anyone else disturbed that in the spoilers it says the almost nun asks if he has family and he says a brother but no one else? Did he forget everyone else? A simple yes would have sufficed. And at least when she started in to bathe his bottom half he stopped her. I guess they're saving that for later.
If he’s talking about Merle, it undermines TWD’s core theme about “found family.” It could be a crumb for Daryl and Rick fans since that was supposed to be part of the premise at some point? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m not sure why everyone else is getting the middle finger. 🙄 We do get a brief flash of Judith and Carol in his head according to someone who saw the first 25 minutes of the pilot. That could’ve been inserted last minute in post, I’m not sure. I just get the impression he won’t talk about Carol out loud judging by what’s written in 201. Anything more than a vague reference to “them” would get in the way of Daryl’s bachelor status. He needs to ooze sex appeal so he can break a nun’s commitment to God. Very important for a show written by and for white men 🙄🙄🙄
“Bottom half” is an embellishment, but the scene is definitely meant to bait us. Though it doesn’t “aggravate my fears” in any way, it just plain aggravates me because it’s manipulative and offensive. This is not something I ever want to see with my own eyes.
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anamelessfool · 9 months
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Lil WIP of Chapter 15 because I guess each plot arc starts with a flashback
Primo [Irving] returns to the Ministry to follow through on his mother's final wish. He decides to stay for just a few days. Until he figures things out. Tags: Young Primo, Satanic Panic, 1970s Horror, Mystery Noir
Chapter 15: I Wanna Be Your Dog Comes Out Soon (Full Fic Here)
They told Irving to wait, so he did. He watched the nun with pretty eyes and a firm walk sway down the hallway and out of sight, her heels echoing across the wide expanse of marble. He hadn't been to the Ministry since he was around ten, and even a decade on it felt just as huge as it was in his memory.
“Only for a few days,” he muttered to no one. Well, it wasn't no one, exactly. He adjusted the urn on his hip. Sister Nance, or at least what remained of her earthly vessel, had been there this entire time. When he packed up his car with items from the apartment he was certain he'd get evicted from. When he parked behind the diner. She was there, and he talked to her. “I'm leaving you here, then I'll be gone. But I'll stay just a few days.”
Nance had not spoken much about the Ministry with any enthusiasm until she got sick. Then it felt like that was all she could remember. She spoke about the grounds, the chores and how much she loved the garden there. She pulled memories from Primo that had long been buried by time. She said when she was there the words of her poetry poured out of her. The Void provided that, she said. It moved underfoot across the hallowed land, flowing deep below the Earth, eternal currents of limitless potential.
Ever since she left she said it was a struggle to write. Or, at least in her fading months, she felt that that was the case. She wanted to be there, after death, in the perpetual tides of creativity that ebbed and flowed from the Void itself.
He stood there for a few minutes more, debating how obedient he was going to be today. Perhaps if he walked just a few feet down the hallway, he would at least see if anyone was on their way and hurry back. He had a vague memory of the kitchen garden, of the cell he'd share with his father on his extended summer stays. Maybe a quick wander was in order, if only to see how the place had changed.
Irving strode a few feet down the hallway, admiring the sweep of stone archways overhead, the fifty year old hanging iron lamps fashioned to resemble globes nestled in batwings and claws. Through the walls he heard a bell ring from a distant tower, calling the congregation to what, he was unsure. He remembered a television program he saw, about some sort of convent or orphanage or someplace equally gothic and ecclesiastical. An orderly line of nuns in severe headwear processed while a bell rang. He thought back to his memories of his beatnik mother and wondered why on earth she ever thought that life to be appealing.
“L'amour est un oiseau rebelle, Que nul ne peut apprivoiser….”
A woman’s voice drifted down the hall. It was a familiar tune, from some origin unknown to Irving. It was one of those classical refrains, something that hinted at refinement and high art. He himself had the most crude understanding of both of those things, and yet the sound lured him forward.
“Et c'est l'autre que je préfère…Il n'a rien dit mais il me plaît…”
Like a dutiful beast he moved towards the sound, stopping in front of a closed set of doors. Should he…open it? Couldn't hurt, he reasoned as he teased the door open. Worst case he could pretend to be lost.
A figure stood silhouetted against the crown glass panes of the choir room. It was a tall woman nestled in a luxurious red silk cape, her blonde hair thick and long down her back. As she sung to herself her hands were outstretched, longing. The gloves were tipped with bronze claws, flashing as the fingers beckoned an imaginary lover.
“Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime…Si je t'aime prends garde à toi…Prends garde à toi!”
She finished her song, chuckling to herself. Her voice was deep, low. It had a timbre to it that made Irving draw closer. She must have felt his approach, for as he stepped into the room she turned to face him.
He saw her skull.
He took a step back, jarred by the stark white on black. For an instant he thought it was her true face, but then after a few stunned blinks he realized it was a visage painted on her skin.
The eye was real though.
The whitened eye with the pinhole iris, staring. Dead but living, a step away from reality.
The Eye Knew more about him than he did himself.
The woman had an air of surprise that settled into a conspiratorial smirk. The eye burned. “Are you lost?”
“I think so. Sorry to disturb—”
“You did not disturb me at all,” she said. “I'm always available for my flock.”
“I'm not…actually…”
“Interloper then?” She stepped towards him with small movements of her feet that gave the impression of her gliding across the floor like a phantom. “Even better.”
She peered into him and seemed to drink up his silence, privately entertained by his puzzled expression. By the fact that even as horror flashed across his face, his feet moved him towards her. “I…am Mater Emerita Jocasta. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
“Oh.” Irving felt his face burning, and he knew from this point forward anything he said would sound stupid. “Is that…important?”
“What, the fact that I am the spiritual leader of this Church, Provider of our UnHoly Relic of the Void, Queen of Hell herself or the idea that I am pleased to meet you?”
She tilted her head with elegance. “I am more pleased to meet you.”
“I've come to…well…” he gestured to the urn under his arm. “My mother loved her time here.”
The Papessa’s brow furrowed, realizing with a soft frown. “I'm sorry,” she said.
“It's okay.” He smiled crookedly. “At least we got the ‘Meeting the family’ part out of the way.”
Jocasta paused. Her eyes widened, then she smiled broadly, her teeth almost bared. “You! Fiend!”
They shared a gentle laugh together. “What else can I do,” Irving said. “I'm Irving. Irving Olson.”
“I was certain your name was Primo,” she said. “You are Nihil's son are you not? You stoop like him. Pretending you aren't tall.”
“You were expecting me?”
Jocasta scoffed. “Nihil has done nothing but talk about you lately! You've come here to stay?”
“No…” Irving looked down, feeling a small smile on his face. “Are you and Nihil…”
“Close? Friends, yes. He is my mentor,” Jocasta said. Her face dropped into a smirk. She brought her hand up to the side of his head, drawing across his jaw with a single bronze nail. Irving felt the electricity shoot down his nerves through the touch of the cold metal across his face. “I prefer younger men,” she purred.
“I'm a musician too,” Irving blurted out for reasons beyond his own understanding. “Guitar. I sing…a little.”
“Oh? Runs in the family,” Jocasta said. “Your father inspired me to join. My first night in New York City, I see him play at a bar…” She sighed, wistful. “Haunting. Thrilling. I got off of one bus and onto another, bound for here.”
“But you did opera previously.” Primo found himself stepping closer to her, now nearly in her arms, growing in confidence.
“I was raised in it,” she said. “Throw a rock in Vienna and you will find an opera singer. It’s not that remarkable.”
The door opened and four figures stepped into the choir room. They were uniformed in black, their faces concealed by ominous metal masks. They didn’t settle on their feet like a human did, rather they simply stood there, hands lowered, their eyes shaded in shadow. “Yes, of course,” Jocasta said, as if replying to an unheard voice.
Primo held the urn a bit more tightly. “Who are they?”
“Oh them? Demons.” Her eyes narrowed in amusement. “Mass is shortly. You…and your mother are invited, of course. You get to see what I’m capable of. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“I guess it would,” he replied. “I'm not staying here long.”
Irving thought he saw the smallest gesture of a lip bite. Of a seductive peek of the tip of her tongue across her painted lips. “Of course you're not. What is a few days anyway?”
He felt a sudden reluctance to leave.
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2/3 noticed when the pope got bbq'd. Ava tends to be as subtle as a brick and has the world's largest mood ring implanted in her back to try hide, and for someone who was off unspecifically sick for so long must seem 1) in remarkably good health outside of pain and mobility issues and 2) look like she got hit by an IED with all the divinium shrapnel scars. (well, IEM I guess). Bea's more visibly struggling with PTSD, probably has her own share of weird scars, may or may not still be carrying an
3/3 alarming number of knives and both probably have all the weird engrained habits from training and fighting. With that many good firends someone is going to be picking up on the bits that don't quite fit even if they're not pressing them on it.
ok i didn't get part 1 (idk) but just going off the vibe yah everyone thinks they're fucking weird lmfao. @gohandinhand & @unicyclehippo & i are currently laughing abt this as i answer this ask in fact. i think as time goes on & the world is safer (after they win The Big War) then they're able to share w their friends & family a little more in detail. idk if they share everything w everyone bc like... it's way insane if ur a normal person lol. but they definitely do make things less vague & odd eventually
honestly it's just funny in general to think of their friends being like 'yah privacy i guess but what the fuck' to each other. bea coming back really hurt with a gaggle of doting & terrifying nuns from a 'business trip in spain' is what rly makes everyone kind of individually be like... u gotta give us SOMETHING (i think then she tells ray very happily & very stoned 'i blew up the vatican lol')
but for the most part yes i think in the beginning bea was rly sad so she just said a vague weird cover story abt ava being sick & was wealthy & mysterious (which in LA, kinda normal? lol) to keep her friends safe, & then kept it up through the war mostly for safety as well.
also let me just say IEM killed me. thank you for that, i'll think abt it forever i loved it
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prettybluelites · 1 year
Thoughts: Impossible Birds
Okay, to hold me over until Thursday, I'm going to rewatch and blather about each of the existing three episodes, one each, today tomorrow and Wednesday. It won't be true "reaction" because I'm on...oh, the 6th rewatch? But I'll try to cover the stuff I know I was thinking when I watched the first time.
Action right out of the gate. Love a good dream sequence. Rhys looking alarmingly Branagh-esque.
First lols of the new season: "You absolute twaaaaaaaaa..." and the tackle hug. That just looked like it hurt.
More on this bit in the previous post, where I wrote about "I Love My Baby."
This scenery was well worth the wait, goddamn
Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of fart jokes, but it got them back to reality pretty quick. So I guess I have Wee John's farts to thank for the outstanding pacing so far.
THEY PIMPED THE SWEDE OUT TO JACKIE, omg, I fucking DIED at Roach practically pushing him into her lap. "He's single!"
Also lmao at Buttons' plaintive "May we go back to the sea now?" The flip side of "Are we there yet?" They really are just little children.
I know I'm supposed to be caught up in the "Trust No One" tattoo but I'm distracted by Taika's waist
Jesus Christ there's a lot to unpack in that wedding officiant's speech. "Elevate the common human rabble," yeeesh. I mean, I know that was a thing, like, "people of our standing" or whatever. But yeesh.
That close shot of Ed's eyes when he says "I'm the fuckin' devil"--that's something that grabbed me when I first watched the trailer. Or teaser, whichever it was. There's not a single glimmer of light there. He's so tired and broken and it's all there in his eyes.
The wedding raid is probably a vaguely inappropriate time to mention that Vico is still, as I believe Nathan Foad put it, the hottest human being on the planet
Obsessed with Archie
Obsessed with Susan/Zheng Yi Sao
Obsessed with Auntie
I'm not going to analyze the Izzy stuff much at this point because there's already been a lot of that and I haven't fully processed my feelings so right now I'm just going to leave it at, Con O'Neill is fuckin incredible
Swede has assimilated well, I see
Firm believer that everybody looks cuter when they're wet. Stede looks cuter but mostly sadder
"Could be, could be, mate" - I screamed
Ricky is obviously ew and I hated sitting there helpless while he played Stede like the proverbial fiddle
Stede's look when Swede says "husbandly duties," equal parts Oh no, TMI and Aw, that's our lil boy
Feels wrong not to say anything about Izzy's sort-of confession to Ed, but like I said, I'm still processing. Did I mention Con is incredible?
Taika is scary in the scene that follows, it's actually kinda hard for me to watch, but goddamn he nails it. When can this show win all the Emmys it deserves?
Fun fact, the lime rickey was invented in 1883 :D
Leslie Jones is awesome and gorgeous, and I love Jackie and Susan squaring off in this scene
I absolutely love that Jim, the orphan raised by a nun to be a killing machine, is the character that has made me laugh the hardest, like until I literally cried, on every single viewing of this season so far. And Fang and Archie laughing at Jim's telling of the story just adds to the moment, there's so much joy in the middle of that awful, awful situation they're all in.
And on the other hand is Ed's speech about the bird, just heartbreaking, especially the way he's gasping his way through it. Treading water, waiting to drown.
The song here is fucking gorgeous too, they just keep hitting the soundtrack out of the park
I love soup too, friends.
And here endeth the episode, not including the extended bit of Jim's Pinocchio story, but I've said all that needs saying about that.
Stay tuned for Episode 2 tomorrow!
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akihabara-division03 · 5 months
Shian’s Thoughts on Ueno Division
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Aranai Norikoru
Shian groaned and rubbed her temples. “Her… ‘gang’ that’s been around before I even before I began bail bond training… I mean, I wasn’t a police officer back then and still am not a police officer now— and hell, I have no intention of ever becoming one. Being an officer isn’t gonna help me achieve what I want. So because that’s outside of my line of work, what am I gonna do about them? Not that it matters, Yozakura is done, anyway.”
She flipped the photograph around, revealing a cluster of messy scribbles in red ink. A true miracle that she could read any of it. “As big of a headache that she is… she’s given some pointers on human hunts every now and then. Though I don’t really have the heart to tell her that everything she told me was stuff I already knew. But hey, I guess it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Shisuta Heisha
She scanned through the messy notes scribbled all over the place on the other side of the photograph. “So I’ve gathered about as much info as I could on this one. She went through a big troubling phase— almost like the people I hunt down today— and then she completely turned her life around, devoting her life to a higher power. Must be nice, huh?”
She chuckled sarcastically and slapped the photograph down. She leaned back in her chair, staring at the cowling and laughing. “You hear that, mom? Unlike you, that God of yours is there for people who deserve better, unlike you. Even until the end, that God that you loved so dearly didn’t save you. Everything you forced onto me was a bunch of bullshit. Saviors don’t exist out there.”
Kisouna Yuzairu
“I vaguely remember a few run-ins with this one. Some guys that run away from their court day, this woman is there waiting for them. Oh, but one instance does stand out to me, though. It was when Makina’s first set of parents… I think? That child’s been passed around more than a basket on Easter Sunday, I swear, I don’t know how many parents she’s had now. Anyway, her parents avoided their court date and went into hiding, I apprehended them, ran into Yuzairu there, so on and so forth.”
“Whatever, I don’t have much opinions on Yuzairu or other lawyers. Once the fugitives are handed off and the bail’s been satisfied, it’s no longer my business. Well… I take it back, there’s some pretty nasty lawyers out there… and some fugitives are in seriously terrible places and don’t end up getting the help they need. It’s sickening, really. So far, this lady’s got a pretty good track record and she does the job right. Better pray it stays that way… ‘pray’…?”
Oh hell, my old habits are returning… this fucking team is doing me in…
Sakura Clan
“I mean a high school biker kid, a nun, and a prosecutor of sorts. They’re about as random and weird as we are. Huh… I guess we have more ties with with this group that I thought in my head… now that I’m looking at all of this laid out…”
“Interesting… maybe they’ll be more fun to battle than I initially thought.”
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archivalofsins · 6 months
This is a vent. So, feel free to ignore.
I love how I get vaguely discussed for being tough on Kotoko and one of those people. When the only thing I've done is state my opinion on canonical information. Including statements literally written under the framing of the character choosing to disclose the information themselves within the setting.
Because the funniest thing about it is- Like, I've literally been harsher on other characters. I was harsher on Mu. Like I actively stated why I thought she should be guilty. Yet, in each post on Kotoko I haven't even said how I think she should be voted at all just discussed the information provided. The worst thing I think I've personally done that could even allude to promoting a certain verdict was take a screenshot of her ass being one hundred percent guilty day one when the vote opened.
I don't go into the tag at all because some in this fandom have a habit of vague posting about anyone who remotely does something they dislike. I learned pretty early on when I was getting into writing on this not to go in the tag. Because being discussed in that way by another person who knows nothing about you and hasn't attempted to is definitely something that can fuck with a person's anxiety and ocd. Two things I fucking have.
Like I said in private recently,
"It really sucks when people vague about others. They think it's harmless but it's actually very belittling and othering. It strips the agency away from the person being discussed and turns them into nothing but a vague construct for people to get mad over."
Which isn't something I personally have an interest in seeing or doing. I'm not going to expose others personal identifying information but best believe the people who did the shit I talk about will know I'm talking about them. It won't be vague. I don't say this isn't about anyone in particular when it is about someone in particular. Why would I do that?
I'm incredibly aware that the people who make posts like those recognize how mentally detrimental what they are doing is and that the people that they are talking about will see it. Because they tend to emphasize how much seeing people just talk about the topic they're referring to in a negative way hurts them. So, they know full and well how these comments can impact people. Because other's aren't even fucking talking about them they're just discussing a character and their feelings are getting hurt.
So, I can only believe people who behave in this way have no concern for other people's feelings.
Yet- And hear me out! I know all of this was sort of serious. But like the vague discussions I have seen that could be referring to me- Literally have me here like actually gas me up more. Yes, make me sound like this. I'd love to be that person. You're making sound like a shonen villain, you're making me sound more like Kotoko than I ever fucking could.
Best part about it is I get to feel like the big bad without hurting anyone because I've literally only talked about a fictional character. Yet, people are acting like I'm on some final boss shit. Look I'm used to this shit not just from the fandom in instances before this one but in my real life as well. I was called the antichrist by an elementary school anger management counselor before I was younger than nine at a school that was connected to a church and had nuns in it.
At nine going on ten I was told by a teacher who should have helped my growth that I'd be dead or in jail by twenty. So, these people can climb that tree and piss all they want, the only one ending up dirty here is them. I'll be over here feeling like the talk of town I am, I guess.
I love living places rent free.
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gensokyogarden · 1 year
@alchemistdetective replied to your post “I think I mentioned it on the other blogs but have...”:
not that I know :D))
​So when I first got into Touhou which was ... I guess about two years ago now. Maybe a bit less(?) I decided to check it out chiefly because one friend was a fan. But I approached it, uhhhh, maybe strange from how most people did.
At first I just looked at some funny fanart and watched some walfas videos or fan animations like rampaging sakuya(tm). Then whenever I started actually getting into it. I mainly just looked at games and manga that interested me.
So I checked out EOSD, SA, UM, read Foul Detective Satori, and chatted with folks that were way more involved in the fandom than I was. But it was all in a limited scope. For example I did not touch Ten Desires at all. My entire knowledge, up until I had made my Satori blog, of Ten Desires was just from things I vaguely picked up from fanart or overhearing others talk about it.
And from that was born: Lis's Ten Desires. A horrible misconception of what Ten Desires was about and who its cast was. It goes a little like this. Ahem
Reimu and her allies encounter a pair of mysterious priests who have traveled to Gensokyo. They are a pair of boys named Miko (elder mentor) and Futo (Priest apprentice) from China. The two are Taoist-priest exorcist cool bois that hunt evil spirits. You know. In China I guess. But they've had to travel to Gensokyo because an evil spirit that has been sealed for one thousand years has reawoken.
That evil spirit is Seiga Kaku (final boss of the game) who is a powerful ghost. That was sealed somewhere (China) but escaped her little sealing jar and escaped to Gensokyo. Reimu, Marisa, Miko, and Futo join forces to defeat her. Which eventually they do (putting her in a little jar).
But Miko and Futo find that they have become trapped within Gensokyo. So this nun lady named Byakuren helps them to find a home not far from her temple (and then I guess Miko and Byakuren kiss a lot). But also the seal on Seiga's jar isn't perfect so sometimes she pops out to bother Miko and Futo.
That's about what I thought the plot of Ten Desires was.
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thornbushrose · 2 years
Um.. so, I'm writing a Daredevil fanfiction and I need some help. A beta reader would be great. It's a Matt/OC slow burn romance rewrite of Season 3. Lots of whump, lots of banter (I could write banter for days with these two) and some action scenes later on.
Teaser - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Birdie Garrett is a social worker at St. Agnes' Home for Boys. Compassion is her job, even when it turns out that the mysterious guest in the infirmary isn't what he seems.
Fortunately, Birdie isn't what she seems to be, either.
Excerpt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Are you ready for lunch, Mr. Murdock?” Birdie called out as she entered Patient X’s room. She went to the table by his bed and set down the tray.
The man in the bed had probably been handsome when he was well, but weeks in bed had made him pale and hollow-looking, like a plant in a closet. Whatever had happened to him, his chest was crossed by scars, bandages and stitched wounds. His eyes were half open and corpselike. He didn’t move a muscle to greet her.
Birdie said, “Mr. Murdock? Are you awake? I can’t tell.”
“I sleep with my eyes closed,” he said, faintly. “Just like sighted people.”
“Well, for your information,” Birdie said, in the same tone she used with curious children, “Some sighted people sleep with their eyes partially open.” She crossed the room and opened the cupboard there. “I’m Birdie Garrett. I’m a social worker with the orphanage.”
“Birdie? Like, tweet tweet?”
“Yep.” She opened the cabinet on the wall by his bed.
“Your parents hate you?”
“Yep, that’s why they named me Roberta.” Birdie checked the shelves on the far wall. “I’ve been Birdie since I was six.”
He waited while she looked through the laundry basket next to the cabinet. “You’re not a nun.”
“And you’re not a little boy, so I guess we both got a surprise today.”
Murdock stirred, shifting to face her slightly. “The chocolate’s a bit much.”
Birdie bent down to look under his bed and frowned. “What chocolate? Oh wait.” She sniffed her hands. “Yeah, this new lotion I bought wants everyone to know it has cocoa butter.”
His voice was weak but deep, gravelly. “Why are you under my bed?”
“I’m looking for your backrest pillow. You don’t know where they keep it, do you?”
He waved vaguely at his face. “Haven’t seen it.”
“Har har,” Birdie said. “I’ll be right back.” She went out of the room and searched the linen closet, but of course those backrest pillows were only to be found when you didn’t want one. Eventually, she found one in another room and came back to her patient. “Got it.”
She set the pillow on the bed near his feet and pulled his sheet back. “I’m going to lift you and scoot you up the bed so you can sit. Tell me if I’m hurting you.”
She hooked her hands under his arms, set her legs, and pulled him up into an awkward hug. He was heavier than he looked; he must have had some muscle still in there. She prepared herself to haul him toward the head of the bed, but he did it himself with his arms. He had his lips pressed together, his face tightened against the pain, but a small moan came through anyway. Then they were done, and Birdie put the backrest pillow behind him and helped him settle back.
He obviously was used to keeping himself fit, she thought, and to have such reduced mobility must be hard for him. In addition to being unable to see, he’d injured his spine and broken a hip. It was probably too early to know if he was going to get his legs back. So she turned away from him to allow him to catch his breath while she fussed over his blankets.
Slowly, she became aware that something was bothering her. It was like a beam of hot sunlight on bare skin, like a hair tickling her back under her clothes. Like voices engaged in a fierce conversation, just barely heard through a wall. She swiped at her ear, her shoulder, her elbow, but there was nothing there. She turned back to Murdock, who was facing away from her, catching his breath, and she felt the heat on her face. It was him. More properly, it was his heart.
Birdie could sense hearts. She called it reading them, but it was much more than that. If she focused, she could perceive what was inside someone. It was what made her so good at matching orphans to would-be parents. Hearts opened to her in a panorama of temperature, sight and sound. It was hard to interpret and sometimes traumatic. She had learned to block it out when she was a teenager, but some people projected. There was no way to ignore this man’s heart, so Birdie took a deep breath and opened up to it.
Matthew Murdock didn’t have a heart so much as a huge pile of rubble, pulsing faintly and screaming in pain.
He was in so much pain.
Not bodily pain. There was plenty of that, but it was muted by medications. Somehow, though, what had happened to him was a lot worse than a spinal injury and a broken hip. He’d lost something – or someone – he loved, and worse. Something that had been the cornerstone of his entire identity. The writhing pile of broken cement and glass that had been his heart was crisscrossed with confusion, fuzzy and green like mold that burned rage-red around the edges. He didn’t understand what had happened to him, and he was furious about it.
He could be a ticking time bomb, she realized. Or he could overcome this and be stronger than before. It would depend on a lot of things.
“You okay?” he said.
Birdie returned to reality with a jolt. Murdock’s sightless features appeared to be focused on her. She was glad he couldn’t see the expression she quickly blinked off her face. “No, I’m… I’m fine. Just distracted by something.”
Her heart pounding, she uncovered his tray and set it in his lap. What would happen if the fury she sensed in him exploded? Would he turn violent? Would he harm himself? Was she safe, being alone with him?
He turned his face toward the tray. “Chicken noodle. Smells like my childhood.”
“Mine, too,” Birdie said. She placed his hands on the cup of soup and the spoon. It was hard to imagine him becoming violent. This poor, pale, neglected houseplant. “You grew up here, didn’t you? In the orphanage?”
“Yeah.” Very gingerly, he took a tiny amount of soup in the spoon and brought it to his lips.
“Were you adopted eventually?”
“No. There was one guy.” His voice turned hollow. “But it didn’t work. I aged out.”
Birdie nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see her. “That must have been tough.”
He didn’t answer, savoring his soup. Or maybe brooding over it. If he were anyone else, she would have been able to sense the difference. But not him. The screaming was too loud.
“Do you mind if I ask how you were injured?” Birdie asked.
“Yes. I mind.” Murdock set the soup down in his lap and groped on the tray. Birdie put the cup of water into his hand. He took a sip and changed the subject. “You said you work for the orphanage?”
“I’m a social worker. I represent the kids, make sure their needs are being met, facilitate adoptions, etc.”
“Does that work?”
“I’m the best baby-seller this side of the Hudson. Legally, anyway.”
Murdock set his cup down. He was starting to sound tired. “I meant, adoption. People just take home a random kid and they’re a family?”
Birdie pursed her lips. “Well, it takes work. All families take work.” She watched him eat pensively. “It worked for me, anyway.”
Murdock paused, mid-slurp. “You’re adopted?”
“My birth mother abandoned me as an infant. I joined my real family when I was two.”
“Does that make you mad?”
She sighed and brushed his arm with a napkin. “It used to. I mean, I had my angsty teenage years like everyone else.” She shrugged. “The people I work with now—sometimes they’re in ugly situations too. Maybe leaving me in a safebox at the fire department was the best she could do.”
Murdock took the napkin and wiped his chin. “That’s very magnanimous of you.” All of his movements were slow, shaky.
“Yeah, well. Two summers at anger management camp is all it took.”
A corner of his mouth twitched. “Teenage angst?”
“I never do anything halfway.”
He snorted and turned back to his soup. Birdie decided to let him eat in peace.
She hadn’t actually spent two summers at anger management camp, but it was easier than explaining the truth. The swanky upstate private school had taught her how to control her empathy as well as her anger. They’d have taught her a lot more stuff too, if she’d agreed to their terms. She didn’t mind letting them study her, to a certain point. But she didn’t want to play their little war games.
A few minutes later, the cup was empty, and Birdie got up to clear away the trash. “Do you need help to lie down again?”
“I’d like to stay up,” he said. “Unless you need to return this pillow.”
“Pillow?” Birdie said, with a deliberately confused expression. “What pillow, Sister? Did you look in the linen closet?”
Something that had probably been a smile in a previous life brushed by his lips without reaching his eyes. “Thanks for that. No one else propped me up before.”
Birdie stopped in the act of lifting the tray. “What? How have you been eating?”
“On my back. They fed me with a spoon.”
Birdie frowned. “They can’t do that. I’ll talk to someone.” She carried the tray to the door. “I have to say, though, this was a very poor showing, Mr. Murdock. I was told you’d hurt my feelings.”
“Matt. And I tried my best,” he said. “You aren’t scared of me.”
“I’m not a nun. I am not intimidated by half-naked men.”
“Didn’t they tell you I’m the Devil?”
Birdie paused for a moment, choosing her next words carefully. “If the Devil himself had been through what you have, Matthew Murdock, he’d be a gibbering heap on the floor.” Murdock turned his face away from her, blinking hard. Birdie carried the tray out and closed the door behind her.
If you like it, please comment or message me. I really need some writing buddies.
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jagi11 · 2 years
I can’t believe I’m doing this and would have never expected to be doing this but. Twitter log. Mahou Shoujo Enanan concepts!
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Here we have MMJ, who are animal-themed and have elemental powers! Decision on whether to make Shizuku a rabbit or a wolf was a tough one, but then Halloween Shiho dropped, so I was sure that I wanna make them match! Basically, all the siblings resemble each other in some way - the Tenmas (Prince Pegasus and Princess Stella) are royalty-themed and have star motif, while Shinonomes (Enanan and Taiyoumaru) are vaguely flower-themed and fight with… uh, how to say it? Streaming magic? Ena can generate watercolor that spreads slowly in the air, while Akito creates sort of Promare-style orange flames that sometimes resemble flower petals. I’m so excited to draw Akito you guys, but I have no freaking idea how to make him match with Toya ;v;
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Next up, Emu / Candy Pop! I have so much fun drawing her, I’m really proud of her design. I have some problems about her skirt though, but I don’t really wanna tackle it??? I guess???
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And lastly, Honami / Esperanza! Can’t wait to colour her, because she’s gonna have much more darker colour pallete than her usual nun costume! And as a general Honami enjoyer, I just love that she turned out well ^^"
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Other than MSE, here are two pics I made recently, as a present for a friend! Had the idea for the akty one for a long time, actually. I have a little AU where the entire VBS is gods of various times of day, and Akito (the sunset) always helps Toya awaken (as he’s the night). But because Toya only shows up during full moon (An is the starry sky, so she shows up the most) they rarely see each other. So hehe feels YvY
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