#if u think theres any specific show id enjoy feel free to recommend maybe ill give it a watch kjfkdjf
cubedmango ยท 7 months
hi, i'm curious if you've ever been interested in watching a tokusatsu show? because i saw that 2 of your favorite jdramas/bl dramas feature 3 main actors whose breakout roles were all as toku protagonists - specifically in kamen rider, the franchise infamous for being fundamentally about 'heated drama between men' even amidst the general high levels of homoeroticism in toku media (and the 'toku to bl' actor pipeline has actually become a running joke among fans now). and ofc ace attorney does love its plot-relevant fictional toku shows so
o i actually have been a little interested for a while even before getting into the jdramas, but i know basically nothing abt the genre (? if thats the right term) and i have no idea where id start watching bc the list of shows ive found are Intimidatingly Long so ive kinda been putting off looking into it more lol
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