#if u want hc memes hmu
rpmemes-galore · 6 months
psssst, i know how sucky it feels to reblog a lotta headcanon memes and get nothing …. so, uhhhhh…    lemme do a thing for you.   all you gotta do is reply to this post with a link to a couple headcanon memes you’ve reblogged   ( or just your general meme tag if you have some recently reblogged )   and i’ll send you a buncha headcanon q’s for your muse(s).  or you can send the links to me in IM if you prefer.  whatever you’re comfier with!  let me give back a little bit of the love you’ve shown me here, and lemme spam you with q’s for / about your muses.        
and on the topic, here’s a link to headcanon memes on this blog for you to reblog to your heart’s content!
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sentofight · 2 months
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NAME :  Faty. I go by Fai or Moogle, whichever is cool.
PRONOUNS :  she/her
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION :  personally d.iscord because dumblr IM can be pain in the duck but im good if u prefer IMs. im ppl pleaser lmao.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : how about i link the roster because...r u sure. tots didnt add new/old/test muses because i can
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) :  uhh lessee ... i tried dumblr rp right around 2012 but then didnt go well at first but then officially enjoying chaos on 2013 ...AFTER PLAYING TYPE0 FRICK MY LIFE.
BEST  EXPERIENCE : when people enable my chaos. i'd say i have been blessed to have great and fun experiences during my time here. yes it was up and down sometimes but hey loving the care and attention my muses are getting nowadays. thanks everyone. looks respectfully at wars as always, my number one hyper. cheers to all of you really, varus, stacy, alven, kinkoz, bear, bubbles, and all the new peeps! i care for all of you!!!!!!!!!!
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  ho boy. only following cool looking graphically blogs not for the actual content, which is cool if thats your thing but don't make fun of people investing in their characters and building hcs. follow for ships and get upset over getting denied. not reading rules. making fun of certain hcs i write or some reservations i have over writing certain things. should i go on ;;;
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : hello, is this house of angst? yes. I'd like to renew my contract. and sprinkle some fluff. smut is...................eh. like really eh. super exclusive.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :   hmu with both! i like how some random meme can turn into the next fun thread! we can explore things with different memes and then viola ideas for threads.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :   listen. nowadays my brain melts rather quickly so i tend to shorten things but hey.......when this yapper of brain yaps..IT IS A LONG LONG LOOOOOOOOONG REPLY. i like them both yes. but i gotta be honest and say short is to go nowadays. forgive this oldie granny.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :    whenever i get a chance. IRL is hectic nowadays.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) :  high five lissa. that's it. wink wonk.
tagged by: i stole it from explorer weeee
tagging: snag it punks i dare you. it is not m.unday but i dont what i want so you too!
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pcrsphnes-a · 5 years
X .. all of them KSKSK
laney + gio 
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laney + harper
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nocturncls · 4 years
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hello ! ♡ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ   i’m tia, member of the famous 97liner grandma group chat ( and that one person who can’t shut up in her intros but when it comes to actually talking to people suddenly has the vocabulary of  pikachu season 1-13. anyway ). this is my shady sunflower adora, and she’s a new muse of mine. tbh i haven’t figured her out, so i’ll also continue being a mess™ here -- but i’m so excited to be here and i hope to write with all of you. (๑→ܫ←)  if you catch me saying something dumb, i haven’t watched pokemon for ages and *grandma vc* i only know the games for the game boy and nintendo ds, so i blame everything on that. 
WOW  i told you, i love talking too much in my intros (T▽T)  , so let me quickly finish this by guiding you to my wanted connections below, hehe . also if you want to plot just hmu or give this a like  and i’ll run to you parkour style ! ♡ (ノ∀`♥)
♡  growing up adora’s parents had doted on her, spoiled her and given her everything they couldn’t have when they were young.
♡  it wasn’t adora who demanded all the things she was given, but her parents (whose jobs i haven’t decided yet, but lets pretend it’s something they can live a comfortable life with)  who both didn’t grow up with much and wanted their child to only know the good things the world offered.
♡ while, adora (who still went by the name nayeon back then) didn’t become that spoiled brat everyone else expected her to be, she grew up quite naive. she expected the same kindness her parents would give to her. the thought that anyone could corrupt her and use that blind loyalty against her never even crossed her mind. (she was that “you really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?” arthur meme)
♡ it would be a lie to say her parents weren’t concerned about how gullible their daughter was. that’s why they gifted her her first pokemon (back then umbreon was still a eevee) , in hopes he would protect her if adora found herself in a tricky situation. 
♡ what they didn’t expect was that that present would also spark her curiosity and suddenly caused her to talk about wanting to discover other places outside johto with her pokemon.
♡ albeit, hesitant about letting her go in the end they agreed to it, but they also secretly hoped that she might return sooner when she realizes that her journey might become a lonely one.
♡ (un)fortunately (because spoiler alert  *love alarm vc* someone within a 10 meter radius is friggin shady*) she met another pokemon trainer on her journey and throughout their journey they became close, if not best friends.
♡ everything seemed fine about them, but what adora didn’t notice was that they would bring her on the wrong track and try to force their  beliefs on her (spoiler alert 2: that person was a member of team steel )
♡ adora assuming that her “best friend” only wanted her best for her allowed them to convince her and somehow she found herself in that organization and becoming something like a member.
♡ after not too long even adora noticed how twisted the thing they were doing were and it didn’t take her too long to express her concerns to her friend.
♡ expecting that her friend would understand her and even hoping that they would leave the organization with her, she was met with utter shock when her friend refused to go with her and even threatened her.
♡ too scared of what might happen to her and her pokemon, she secretly left with her pokemon the same night.
♡  random hc but that the same night her eevee also evolved to umbreon (bcs i thought it would  be funny when adora would be like “huh u look different, is that even u ? but lemme take you with me*)
♡ due to her being an ex member (although it was quite short) she decided to change her name from nayeon to adora, to make sure no one could track her. 
because this is getting long, i will quickly add some wanted connections here (*ノ∀`*)
♡  someone who knows about her being an ex member of team steel: although adora actually never did any shady stuff, maybe they might have seen her with them. we can make it dramatic and perhaps something happened to y/m and they think adora had to do something with it. or they might threaten her to tell others about it. or we can make it funny where adora thinks they want to spill the secret and constantly avoids them, although y/m has no intention to do it. and is just confused why adora tries to avoid them. 
♡ if it works and your muse also used to be an ex member of steel, her former best friend (or at least she believed they were her best friend). maybe they regret their actions and want to apologize to her or anything is fine sdnssddsd
♡  someone from her past who knows her: it’s similar to the one above, just that y/m knows her and is utterly confused why she changed her name and is acting so different from back then.
♡  ( real ) best friends: BECAUSE who doesn’t love a good friendship *clenches fist*. after finding out her so called best friend betrayed her, adora doesn’t trust people as easily as she used to but with y/m she learns that there are plenty of people that won’t use her. a soft and warm friendship plot please where both help each other out to pursuit their dreams or share their struggles ?? bcs gimme all the heart warming moments  (๑→ܫ←)
♡ childhood friends : they lost touch but by pure accident they meet again. they can rekindle or maybe they don’t even like each other anymore because y/m or adora has changed too much. perhaps they also might become rivals (it can be in that shounen sport anime way where they will later have that dramatic hand shake and be like “next time you’ll lose” and secretly admire the other. or they just don’t like each other-)
♡ brickering friends: because who doesn’t love a good tom and jerry friendship. also because i just had this hc where they’re all childish and like “your pokemon is ugly :/”.
♡ exes (bad terms, good terms etc): because who doesn’t love a good exes connection and a little heart break. maybe they broke up because adora ghosted on them (it might be the time where she joined team steel or after she left and tried to leave everything and everyone from her old life behind). y/m might be confused what they did to her and still ponder on it. bonus point: if they meet again on accident after a long time .
♡  unrequited love: ( PUTTING THIS HERE BCS I LOVE a good ol’ painful unrequited love plot ) it can go both ways, either adora has a crush on y/m or the other way. *clenches fist* because (if she isn’t the one with the unrequited love) adora is a big softie which also makes her an arse because she’ll try not to hurt the other and lead them on or never really rejecting them. 
JUST GIVE ME EVERYTHING SCREAMS! i’m down for anything i just couldn’t come up with more- 
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
♡ allerasermic
aaahhHHhH comrade what have i done to be blessed with this gift?? such happiness??? i love allrasermic more than anything thank you thank you! (i have soooo many hcs so im just gonna put a few of my favorites)
I really like the idea that they have different but still very loving dynamics with eachother, like mic and aizawa tend to joke around and tease eachother more than they do with toshi bc theyve known eachother longer, so for example mic calls toshi things like “sweetie” and “honey” and he affectionately calls aizawa “cockgoblin” (aizawa calls both of them shit like “fake tit” or “used bandaid”, but he does it with love)
mic constantly uses meme slang and toshi, having no idea what it means, picks it up in all innocence which culminates in him saying “BUST A NUT” at the start of a sports festival one year bc he thinks it means the same thing as “break a leg”. aizawa wants death. 
one thing mic and aizawa can agree on is that toshi needs to be protected at all costs (mostly from himself because he tends to push himself too hard and has zero chill in any context ever), even so they don’t always agree on how to show this protectiveness with aizawa mostly tending to get frustrated at toshi bc “LET US TAKE CARE OF YOU DAMMIT” and hizashi being more patient (bc hes used to fUCKING AIZAWA DOING THE SAME SHIT) 
mic and toshi should NEVER under aNY circumstances be left alone together. ever. they’re a fucking echo chamber of extra, constantly encouraging eachother to new heights of absurdity, hence why aizawa’s birthday party had a fucking bounce house and an insane clown posse cover band performance, these two can go to the store to buy milk and come back with no milk and three roombas, somehow aizawa ends up being the voice of reason in the relationship, help them 
aizawa and toshi have the most friction between them but it’s more due to their similarities than their differences- toshi’s overbearing positivity can be a bit much of course but in the end it reminds aizawa of hizashi and he does admire toshis resilience and willingness to see the good in things, but they both have the same determination and spirit of self-sacrifice and struggle to accept help when they need it (toshi’s very used to hiding his pain for the sake of appearances and reassuring others and aizawa tends to isolate and get annoyed at anyone who tries to pull him out of it) which can lead to arguments from time to time, luckily mic is really good at getting them both to calm down and make up
THERE IS SO MUCH CUDDLING WITH THESE THREE OH MY FUCK, toshi really loves hugs, both really hard tight ones and also just walking up behind mic or aizawa and gently wrapping his arms around them (and resting his chin on top of their heads bc theyre so cute and smol, he doesnt do this with aizawa too often or he’ll get his ass beat) and sometimes these hugs morph into cuddle sessions and its always very soft and gentle, aizawa does complain that its hard to get comfortable sometimes since toshis so fuckin bony, he’ll just nestle up to his chest and mutter “you have too many bones” which toshi finds vaguely ominous but decides not to comment on, mic always makes sure to give his bfs plenty of soft little kisses while theyre cuddling, especially aizawa even tho his prickly stubble can get in the way
aizawa and toshi are both ace af and mic is N O T but of course he loves and supports them anyway and would never try to push them into doing something they weren’t comfortable with (even if he does want to have all might texas smash his ass)
mic and aizawa constantly tease toshi about how tall he is, they’ll be cuddled up under blankets like “nope u cant join us, shorties only” only for mic to immediately start bawling as toshi starts walking away like “NO COME BACK BABE WE DIDNT MEAN IT I LOVE YOU”, toshi gets back at them both tho by just stretching his neck up whenever they want to kiss like “oh im sorry, i would kiss you, but you’re all the way down there” until aizawa just yanks one of his hair noodles and kisses him anyway 
if anyone ever wants to hear more allrasermic hcs or any more specific ones pls hmu i could talk about these three all day i love them so much
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babieg0th · 7 years
John and Alex for the hc meme thing
My NOTP for them- ok hhh i -- i don't know if anyone is gonna disagree with me on this bc i know recently this has become really popular but- burrensMy BROTP for them- LISTEN,, Martha Manning and Laurens fake dating bc they’re both gay and their families are homophobic is my sHITMy OTP for them- LAMS!! DUHMy fluffy AU for them- lOOK I CAN NEVER FIND ANY AU/FIC WHERE JOHN IS HAPPY SO LIKE IF YOU CAN FIND ME A HAPPY FIC!!! HMU but ok my fluffy AU (this is for both alex and john) is the ‘60s AU i have where alex is a news reporter/activist and john is a really well known rights activist. so one thing leads to another and alex ends up interviewing him and there’s just  -s p a r k s- … and theres none of that bullshit where alex is like questioning his sexuality or ,,like they’re both pining,,,, or john gets hurt at a rally,,,,,, NO LET THEM BE HAPPY AND FREE AND G A YMy angsty AU for them- ok so as you can tell, my heart can’t take angst. but an AU where John is found out by his father and kicked out then goes to live with alex’s fam and they have to sort out a  ton of stuff bc of like disowning etc. yes happy ending tho of courseMy favorite poly ship for them- rev squadMy weirdest AU for them- alien AU!! kinda based off of @ goat-senpai ’s AU but its where the rev squad plus schylers plus the salt squad plus The Parents all are on a spaceship called The Revolution and they go on space adventures and shit. They fight king george bc he sells rare aliens as slaves and they are Against That also alex and most of the crew are rare aliens so..
My NOTP for them- JAMILTON!! I FUCKING HATE IT SO MUCH!! SOOOOOO MUCHHHHHH!!!!!!My BROTP for them- ‘peggy confides in me’ PEG I WANT ALEX TO BE FRIENDS WITH  P E G ! Eliza is a close secondMy OTP for them- LAMS!!!My fluffy AU for them- ‘60s AUMy angsty AU for them- ok so like don’t get me wrong i love unique AUs, but you can’t go wrong with a good ol’ foster care AU!! so Ham has been through like a lot and is now just on to his next foster home (the Washingtons) and is really skeptical about it bc in his head he always fucks up and gets sent away soon after he arrives to a new house— Blah Blah they meet laf who is also in the home with him and Blah Blah when he goes to school the next day laf introduces him to herc and john and alex falls instantly for him,,, u know how the rest goes— obligatory alex john and storm chapter, they kiss!,, more angst, john is sad, etc. My favorite poly ship for them- rev squadMy weirdest AU for them- Alien AU
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