#if vere got to kill me in the demo and I liked it Leander can kill me too in the game if he wants
nimirel · 1 year
I have thoughts about Leander and need to share them.
First of all I think it's hilarious that we are all speculating about him. The devs knew what they were doing making his intro so cryptic, and I fell for it too so get ready.
We got that sweet combo of light eyes, dark circles and massive tit- a kind disposition with some twisted secret that lead us all down the possible yandere route. And while we see some suspiciously controlling/jealous/possessive streaks with him not letting anybody else treat the mc to drinks, forcing the mc to touch him when they hold back and saying negative things of the other LIs in his alone time, there is a post here already analysing how this might not be the case. I agree with them on the whole, he values freedom too much to go too far on that front.
So I'm going to include my humble theory to the mix. I think with Leander they can go for a really tragic story of a boy who grew up in the Lowtown, who saw all the horrors that lurk in the dark. He founded the Bloodhounds to help the people since the Senobium do nothing for those less fortunate. He wants to save everybody, but (according to Ais) he is only human after all. He is the only LI that does not have a monster background in his intro, it's just his shadow. However, we know that he is very powerful and has incredible abilities to yield magic without any incantation (this is giving strong FMA vibes). So, how does he do it? How could a regular mage encounter such power and why is he not with the erudite in the Senobium? I think, that he has to have made a pact or some sort of deal to achieve all this power at an incredibly high cost. If something feels too good to be true, it probably is... He is kind, he wants to help his people, and he has the power to do so. All free of charge, of course. There is no way he could have gotten all that power without giving something vital of himself away (again in true FMA fashion). We will have to find out what that is. We already know about his massive scar, how he likes to work hard, play harder and does not like to sleep. He is always drinking in his free time and having plenty of "escapades". It feels like he is trying to distract himself or forget about something that he cannot change and is inevitable. Ais says that Leander's resolve will be tested in this plane and the next, and I wonder if that could mean that he is reaching a turning point in which he has to decide between himself or the people. Or if he is too far gone and could forget his initial intentions.
Then again this could all be wrong :). I have only played with the Unnamed Origin, and as an oracle, the mc does not feel anything amiss when meeting Leander, while the oracle can feel a lot of stuff when meeting Vere, Ais or even Kuras (and don't get me started on that "nagging feeling" and "sense of familiarity" with kuras omg what if him or his power have something to do with the curse and that is why he is so guilty bdjnfioefjn). So he could simply be a Guy ™ that happens to be very powerful.
Then there is also how Vere talks about him. Vere straight up insults him and calls him slimy. I feel like we can trust Vere's sense of smell and he can really see through others’ intentions so I wonder if that is really how Leander truly is, although Vere doesn't really have anything nice to say about anybody (other that how big Ais is snfinrf). Could I just be another victim of Leander's charm and fail to see that he is a little evil gremlin ready to show how you don't need to be born a monster to be truly villainous? Possibly, but I don't mind I would just like to hold them him.
I feel like all the LIs do have a good heart or at least no real ill intent against the mc (looking at you Vere), but Leander is the only one that seems to openly claim that he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart. And that is terribly suspicious. Anyway, I still need to play with the other origins and see what else I can find. I would love to hear your opinions on this!!!
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journalsouppe · 3 months
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The Touchstarved DEMO by @redspringstudio! I had so much fun replaying this DEMO over and over, I truly cannot wait for the full release. The art is gorgeous, the writing is excellent, and I am surprised at how much I really loved each character, I expected to at least hate one or two of them like with My Next Life lol. I highly recommend checking out the DEMO if you're a fan of otome games or gothic stories!
The DEMO can be found here on itch.io or here on steam! All the stickers are from different Hallween stickerbooks from Michael's Art Store ^^; (ngl I think this is one of my favorite spreads, I even did do some studies of the color/rendering fhdjsf)
Writing typed below! (plus extra notes)
Rating: 9.5 (demo score - great demo) Played: Sp 2024 Port: itch.io Play full? Y YES!!!!!!
First Route: Origin - Unnamed. RO - Leander
love you have a choice of 3 origins
this game made me realize I do really enjoy otome games and not as a joke or for irony lol fjdkfal
from initial appearances I like Vere and Mhin ^^;
all the gold on the angel doctor is so gorgeous
killer music
okay I thought I wouldn't like Leander but holy shit --
LETS go I got the special Leander option on the first try
I need to do studies of this art oml I need my art to look like this <3
DAMN, now I'm bummed I missed the kickstarter, I would LOVE the art book
I need the stickers too esp for when I journal the full version
not only do I like the art, the writing is very good too
Vere is so pretty...
I LOVE all the fun marketing lore and illustrations on the Red Spring Socials
ooo damn does Vere have a red option or did I do his route right without one
only three red choice dialogue. 4 recently for Kuras (no Vere)-- Vere has one now!!! Kuras and Vere should have them whenever the DEMO gets an update ^_^
I'm learning I'm good at making the correct decisions lol
I honestly didn't know you could die until after I finished Vere's route (2nd route I did correctly -- 1st was Leander) and was curious what submit surrender did (aka I didn't die initially but went back to see what would happen(
LMAOOO and now Mhin is scolding me
amused with who has slept with who
deathly curious on how fucked up Leander will be
Kuras's nose!!!!! <3
I love the concept designs of Sen and Elyon, I can't wait to meet them
ngl I love Ais's mullet
This should not have been one of my first otome games bc now my standards are so high, esp in regards to character design
I wonder if the flashing soulless in the title screen means we'll see more soulless in the full game (than just the one)
okay damn I also really like Ais, these are some really well written characters
LMAO I was not expecting this music for Kuras
oh interesting I didn't realize Mhin's red choice was during your first encounter if you're an alchemist
okay Kuras is very silly and goofy 10/10 guy
ooo good theories about Ocudeus and control on tumblr - "obedience" -- reference to someone thinking the "obedience suits you" line on Ais's character card was actually from Ocudeus not Ais
I thought when playing more otome games it would be really hard to beat My Next Life, simply because I am a huge fan of the source material that preceded the game. But wow, with the way this game is setting up plotlines, the full version of this game could easily make it onto my top favorite games list. Otome games are all about replayability, and the way just the DEMO is so rich with content and alternating paths makes me so excited and hopeful for the full game's release. I am bummed I got onto the Touchstarved train late and missed the kickstarter, but hopefully a shop will open around release bc I'd kill for an art book. The art is just so gorgeous and I cannot wait to do some studies, especially with color and rendering. Before playing otome games, I like to look at the character profiles beforehand and predict who I'd like and dislike. And I am very delightfully surprised that any initial dislike I had of characters all but vanished because the writing and personalities of these characters were so well made. I thought I was going to hate Leander but he ended up being the character I'm most curious about. Although I would say my least favorite is Kuras simply bc I'm not a fan of romancing doctors, I am still curious about his background story and connection to the others. In other words, great character who is just not my type. I am also delightfully surprised at the "vulgarity" in this game without being overly explicit -- I have grown so tired of how sanitized a lot of games and shows have been that it's always really nice seeing indie companies play by their own rules. I am so glad I stumbled across this game!! At this point I've done every route favorably but haven't tried all the "wrong" options -- more to play whenever I think about how excited I am for the full game! I've also seen the sneak peaks of an upcoming update ^_^. Highly recommend the game!!
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harmlessghosty · 5 months
Hello 👋
I love video game theories and was interested on your views of the Touchstarved demo and what theories you might have on it :)
Oh my gosh, hi! ❤️
I am but a ditzy romance writer, not a lore keeper, but I have thoughts?? Apologies for how much is wrong or ridiculous because I don’t know all the current lore, and the wiki is so bare that I can hardly find anything confirmed by the devs. This is kind of just stream-of-consciousness!
Excuse my format because I don’t know how tumblr works lol
— Leander is a reference to oleander, which is a flower found basically everywhere and a fairly common, beautiful plant despite widely being considered poisonous. It gives me the idea that Leander is NOT someone to mess with and has lots of surface-level escapades (which is implied in canon) with people who find him physically beautiful but not necessarily beautiful on the inside. He also uses many underhanded, mysterious tactics to kill Soulless/Monsters/criminals, you name it. He’s everywhere, everyone knows him, everyone loves him, but he’s very dangerous under that beautiful exterior. Maybe he even kills some innocent people for the right price of big secrets. I bet he knows a LOT about Eridia’s people, so he’s viewed as trustworthy because what else can you do when he knows everything about everyone?
— Interestingly though! Leander’s main flower is the lily?? Lily is super poisonous to cats, which makes me think maybe there will be some sort of connection between Mhin’s stray cats and Leander being a danger to them (or possibly to Mhin themself).
— I feel like Leander gave himself that big scar. Maybe something went horribly wrong when he became a powerful mage. Maybe he went to Ais and the Seaspring even. It’s possible this is why their relationship is strained and they’re always trying to kill each other.
— Ais’ gang didn’t just go for a walk. They died or got turned into Soulless. Maybe after drinking from the Seaspring, after some amount of time, people turn into Soulless. It could be revealed that all the murdering of Soulless ends up being murdering of your fellow humans?? One really big secret.
— Mhin is a stereotypical “broken bird” trope. Super cynical and sarcastic. Went through major trauma and now they’re a hunter with a heart of gold. Not to mention their bird motif that a lot of people say is obvious?? I think that’s an interesting way to look at them.
— Also! “The vultures can smell death.” It gives Mhin the connection to the birds, that they’re turning into a vulture maybe?? Maybe they hate it as well because they’re drawn to stray cats as friends, and vultures go after smaller critters. They’re scared of hurting the only friends they have (including Kuras, who practically took them under his wing). Not to mention it’s a reference to them being able to smell death on the MC.
— Vere and Kuras were both in Eridia since the days it began, and they’ve butted heads for many, many years. Maybe Vere was cursed by Kuras into his current Monster form for having connections to the Senobium. Kuras thought it was funny to give Vere traits of a sneaky fox, maybe not even knowing that they would last forever OR because Vere did something awful to him. That may be the reason Kuras is repenting so much.
— This also can give credence to the idea of Vere saying (paraphrasing), “You’re not a human but not a Monster, like me,” to the MC. He was turned into a Monster rather than born one.
— The “Lloventian knot” Vere mentions, when you look it up, leads you to the “true lover’s knot,” which involves two overhand knots and some parallel ropes. Makes me think he’s got some big secret of a lover he’s lost, or maybe he was just teasing the MC with something that sounded sexual, but it seems odd to have a specific mention of something that may (or may not even??) exist.
— “Danger is drawn to you like a moth to flame,” from Vere. He absolutely can sense something “special” about the MC that, no matter what MC does, they’re in grave danger. Hence why the game description says that the ending can either be lovey-dovey or blood-icingly awful. I don’t know about having theories for this quote, but it feels so very important.
— There’s got to be a riff between Kuras and Mhin at some point for their opinions on the Senobium. I just feel it in my bones.
— Ais was the first to drink from the Seaspring, which is why he’s not technically one of the Groupminds. It also explains why he’s the leader of the gang, since he’s the most sound of mind, but I’m betting he’s scared of Ocudeus. He speaks in such short sentences most of the time because his brain is so muddled. I also find it interesting how the MC has only heard of the Groupminds but never seen one, given their assumed upbringing in a rougher environment. But that’s just kind of my opinion with no real basis in the demo.
— Sparrows symbolize a lot of things, like hope, bravery and friendship. I like to think that Ais picked the nickname for people who come to the Seaspring, because they’re all full of innocent hope that they can be cured. They also symbolize community, so anyone who drinks from the Seaspring is part of one big happy family!
Again, a lot of these could be counteracted by canon content from the devs, but I still think there are lots of fun things to explore about this game, even if I’m not right about a chunk of things. Just think of everything I said as an AU!
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My Thoughts on Touchstarved
So, I've finished the demo! Let me start off by saying that I love the story! The concept is awesome, I adore that you can choose your own background, I love how immersive the setting is, everything is just... amazing. I can't wait for the full game to come out! Especially with all the special treats we're getting from the Kickstarter goals, it's going to be fantastic! And now, my friends, I shall share with you my thoughts & Headcannons for each of our lovely love interests, in order of appearance. If you'd like to see more, my requests are open!! I haven't gotten any for Touchstarved yet but I'm itching to write for them, I just... need some inspiration, so the more the merrier!
First of all: pretty. I love his design, it's wonderful. He looks so ethereal! And very doctor-y, which was the point.
Can we talk about the hair, though???? How cool is that?? I love it. It looks very soft and fluffy. And so long... Could you imagine sleeping next to him? You wake up and you're drowning in floof.
He's very kind and gentle, but is obviously holding back. He distances himself from people, and like everybody else on this list, he needs to find someone he can really trust to open up and be himself with.
And he stays so busy, like... when does he ever take the time to relax? I know the city needs him and his clinic, but he deserves some time off, too.
To be honest Kuras gives me kinda like.... asexual vibes? Maybe demisexual? Idk, maybe I'm reading too much into him being reserved, but. I just feel like he either wouldn't be interested or he'd want to fall in love with someone before taking them to bed.
I love him, he's incredible. So talented, so kind!! I love the respect the Bloodhounds have for him, and how willing he is to go out of his way to help a stranger.
Also he blushes very easily and I love it, he's absolutely adorable
I am very very curious how he got so much skill with magic, because that doesn't seem to be normal. I bet it has something to do with his secret.
He very clearly has some serious trauma in his past, too. I wonder how he got that scar, if it has anything to do with his magic, if it is indeed the same scar running from his face to his arm....
Seems like he drowns his trauma in alcohol, his gang, and keeping himself very busy. Poor thing clearly doesn't get as much sleep as he should.
I think he just wants to be loved, but he's afraid to let himself be too vulnerable.
Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Fox-
Can I just say that I'm a little bit in love with his design. I mean I am with all of them but. Especially Vere. I love foxes and it's just. *Chef's kiss*
He's a cocky lil son of a biscuit tho. That tongue of his is quite sharp... as are his teeth~
I feel like he'd flirt with a Soulless to get what he wanted. In actuality he'd just murder it, but... you get my point. You're never sure if he's gonna seduce you or slit your neck.
Literally if Sage and Rime from Last Legacy had a child.
He's absolutely not trustworthy but I wanna get to the bottom of things and form that trust with him.
Romancing him would be very interesting. He's always three seconds away from eating you, but the question is... will he eat your soul, or your [redacted]?
He reminds me far too much of my friend's OC, and for that, I am the sliiiightest bit obsessed with him. At least that gives me a headstart on his characterization.
Would sell you to Satan for one cornchip, but fortunately MC interests him enough to keep them around
And Princess???? Oh my god. My heart. I adore her, I adore him, yes please
And he calls the MC "Sparrow"!!! That's absolutely precious. I love how he has nicknames for people, it's wonderful
Ais seems like the person who will tell you he doesn't care what happens to you and you can go get yourself killed for all he cares, then move heaven and earth to save you once you're even slightly in danger.
Baby needs a hug. Enough said.
l absolutely adore them. They have stolen my heart.
And yes, maybe I do have the slightest bit of a savior complex, shut up. I'm just addicted to the hurt/comfort angst of it all, okay?
Literally hates everyone and everyone hates them (Except for, y'know, Kuras) because they're such a grumpy little loner and dear god just let me love you, let me teach you what love is.
They definitely fit into the whole "stronger than they appear" archetype because they're specifically mentioned to be pretty scrawny, but they have an impressive amount of strength and holy hells they're good with that dagger. That's incredible skill
I just. I want to break down those walls and earn their trust and teach them they have someone they can rely on who won't betray them, no matter what happens or how dark things get.
I just want to cuddle them and reassure them that everything's gonna be alright, is that a crime?
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adastra121 · 4 months
…I have a silly idea. A question for your Touchstarved OCs! How many times in the demo would they have met an untimely end? How do you predict them dying in the future?
So, not necessarily predicting how the MC will die in the routes, just wondering what doom looks like for your OC in particular.
I’ll start:
Luneth the Unnamed
She does pretty well in the demo, actually, the only time she might have died is by Leander after he grabs her cursed hand, but he’s “perfectly fine” so everything’s a-okay. Right?
The Senobium, probably. Trusts institutions over individuals. Would submit herself to experimentation for the greater good.
Vere. If their enmity grows, it could end in bloodshed and since she isn’t a fighter, her odds don’t look good.
There’s not a lot here, I expect her to be the MC who actually survives. Let’s go final girl!
Jin the Alchemist
Soulless. Boy spends his days studying and conducting alchemical experiments, he does not exercise enough to outrun a Soulless creature before Mhin gets there.
Leander. He trusts him so much.
Ais. If Ocudeus makes him lose control, Jin isn’t going to win a fight against him, and I don’t think he’ll be able to outrun him, either..
The Senobium. He too would submit himself to experimentation for the greater good. Compared to Luneth who’d be like, “This is my purpose. This is how I contribute to the world,” though, he’d probably view it more as a deserving punishment for being a monster. He has to be restrained somehow because he is made to hurt, and there is no redemption for that.
Mentor. I can see a path where he leaves Eridia and returns to her. He already has doubts about his decision to flee. Would let her take his life to keep others safe.
Seaspring. Would drink from it after losing all hope for another cure.
Alon the Hound Oh boy...
Vere. “Call me a dog again, and I’ll make you bleed.” “You got it, bitch! :D”
Vere. Booped the snoot of his monster form.
Vere. After trying to prank him with static electricity — look, it was Ais’s fault for giving them the idea of Vere’s tail frizzing up. Can you just picture Vere with a hand on that static electricity ball in the science centres? POOFY VERE XD
Vere. After drawing a portrait of Vere for his Senobium employee of the month picture (he is not employee of the month). They’re not really an artist. It looks like she’s insulting him. It amused Kuras before they died, though, so. Worth it.
Vere. Tried to serenade him. *strums lute badly* “I love you, bitch.”
Vere. Said directly to his face, “Sometimes I wonder how I taste haha.”
Vere. After trying to pick his pockets.
Vere. Surrendered.
Ocudeus. Tried fighting it.
Ocudeus. Tried flirting with it.
Ocudeus. Tried eating it.
Ocudeus. Tried flirting with it again.
Ocudeus. Tried to pick its pockets. And no, the eldritch kraken does not have any pockets, you dumbass—
Ais. “Trust me bro, I got this.” After asking him to help them with the famous magic trick that involves catching a deadly projectile in her mouth. I don’t know, I just feel like they'd enable each other with dumb shit.
Leander. Drank his poisoned punch on a dare. See the above.
Kuras. When judgement comes for their soul, I feel like she’d annoy the gods into smiting them.
Kuras. Ate his cooking. They’re the kind of person to eat rice raw and try to cook it by drinking boiling water. How much more dangerous could the doctor’s cooking be—
Senobium. They’d have a contentious relationship with the Senobium in every route, so the academy would take no issue with killing the thief. Probably via Vere.
Senobium. There is at least one universe in the demo where they made the split second decision to swipe that Senobium cleric’s keys and attempt to break Vere out. Spontaneous jail break wooooooo! They’d fail horribly, of course, but I know that there’s at least one alternate universe where she would do that.
Seaspring. Gave into their impulses and cannonballed into the Seaspring. Though who else lowkey wants to swim in the forbidden soup?
Mhin. Would sooner choose to die than kill their friend. So if Mhin loses control and running’s not an option…Damn, there’s so much they wanted to do with them. They wanted to make them laugh more. They wanted them to teach her about alchemy because it seems to make them happy. They still haven’t told them the secret to that one magic trick they could never pick apart and she knows how that’s been driving them crazy, even though they pretend they don’t care, even though they always care more than they let others know, it’s one of the reasons she—She never got to tell them. Ah, well. They’ll figure it out without her. She knows they will.
Please feel free to reblog with your OCs' death count/causes of death predictions!
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n--n · 1 year
One last touchstarved theory thingy bc I’ve almost purged my brief obsession!! It’s mentioned by both Leander and Vere that the one running the Senobium- and thus its shady policies- is someone called The Abbess. An Abbess is a nun in charge of the nunnery, so I can only assume she is gonna have some sort of religious symbolism related to her like Kuras and Mhin do. Unfortunately the literal one-sentence blink and you’ll miss it lines are all we have to go off for her, but I’m excited to see what she’s really like in game! (From the attitude both Vere and Leander have in those one-off lines, it’s clear she’s almost certainly a villain).
Some misc, tinfoil-hat theories:
- Elyon, as a powerful noble, likely works with but opposes the Abbess. He owns most of the brothels in Lowtown apparently so he has incentive to keep the divide between hightown and lowtown, but as someone with power he probably chafes at the control the Senobium has over hightown
- Sen, from her one-sentence descriptor, is a revived warden seeking her own death. Almost certainly one of the Senobium’s experiments, not sure what a warden in the context of the touchstarved universe is but probably a Fancy Jailer for the Senobium like the word usually implies. Maybe the experiments left her with such a painful condition she’d rather die? Or it could be more supernatural, in that she can not Rest until her unfinished business in Eridia is Taken Care Of.
-The Abbess could be the one that initiated the changes at the Senobium in the first place a generation ago, since immortality is confirmed to exist in-universe (see Vere being chained “Centuries Ago”)
-I think Leander is meant as the sort of “starter LI”, since the demo and supplementary info give us the most info about him while at the same time holding back just enough as to be intriguing (see: the countless Leander-specific theory posts that started this post lmao) I imagine his route will tell us the most about lowtown, fogfall and Eridia at large, whereas Vere/Mhin/Kuras will tell us most about the Senobium, and Ais will tell us most about the overall world, magic (fogfall again), monsters (like the soulless), and of course Ais’s boss/“friend” Ocudeus and the Seaspring
Other thots:
- I’m most excited for Leander’s route for obvious reasons (hot + will get to meat of story + I want to see What’s Really Wrong With Him so bad) but also know that will make me more disappointed if he turns out to be Just Some Asshole. I want him to be a monster bc he commits atrocities like the rest of them, not because he’s a reminder of the shittier guys I’ve met. That being said I know I’ll probably still really like the character if they do go that route, since the overall writing from the demo is super engaging and solid in quality- which bodes well for the final product
-Speaking of writing, I’m loving that different backstories actually have weight in the narrative. I love when the player is actually rewarded with info for making a choice, instead of it just being one or two flavor text things. Choosing different backstories affects your red dialogue options (the romance-y choices) and gives you different attitudes towards events in the story, making replay ability high
-I’m worried by how successful the kickstarter is since I Have Been Burned last times I backed videogame Kickstarters (Blue Omen Operation, Homestuck Game) 😭 The team seems experienced and competent, since most seem to have come from Nix Hydra/other successful otome games that got killed by poor management. But like, still really worries me since it’s their first game and all. The demo was so good but so was Blue Omen Operations and look where that landed me ($15 less in my pocket from backing years ago 🥲)
-On a lighter note, this game is clearly a passion project and I’ve loved what I’ve seen so far- if I have enough money to spare before the Kickstarter is over, maybe I’ll get it just to support the devs
-getting so obsessed w the demo even if only for a week or so has reminded me Oh Yeah, I Forgot I Love Gothic Horror. If by some miracle you’re still reading this drop a recommendation pls
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Some thoughts on the characters in Touchstarved, based on the demo. Spoilers for the demo and I’ll be bringing up spoilers from other promo material that aren’t in the demo as well
Just gonna go in order of introduction here
I don’t really have much of a read on him yet. He definitely comes off as the most likable and trustworthy of the love interests so far
I want to get past his seemingly unshakeable demeanor and see his flaws and learn his tragic backstory
The fact that his first line is “do not be afraid” is great, though. Fun foreshadowing to him being an angel
Also him cheating the person from the Senobium when you follow him out of the bar is fun
I don’t have much to say about him. He’s cute, but the one who intrigued me the least
I did notice that he’s the only one whose silhouette in the background of the promo posts is the same silhouette as his sprite lol. He’s being set up as the most human romance option
What Vere says about the Bloodhounds and the Senobium being the same caught my attention. I would love to see his good intentions take a dark turn, even if it’s just in the Bloodhounds harboring a corruption that wasn’t what he meant them to be
Not kidding about being good at killing. I think he’s the only one who can kill you in the demo
He’s a foxboy and I was pleasantly surprised that he’s not especially feral or animalistic. He’s more of a vampiric sensibility, a cunning predator who lures you in with roguish charm and plays with you before going in for the kill
The looming shadow before you see him. The way he steals your key. The part where he references the backstory you chose that you definitely did not tell him. Whatever makes you want to surrender to him. Maybe not all of these will be related to supernatural powers he has, but he clearly has powers that aren’t explained in the demo
I like the sense of kinship he seems to have with the protag upon finding out that they aren’t a normal human. The way he talks about the two of them being the same sort of thing. That’s juicy, I wanna see that develop into a greater and greater affection
I was not interested in him before the demo and he’s totally won me over. I’m scared of his power, sympathetic to his bondage, and I wanna know his deal. Definitely the character I’m most eager to learn more about
The first time through the demo, he kinda convinced me he was secretly a cool guy. The second time through the demo, I payed more attention to the ways he’s violent and controlling
I am inclined to believe he wants to be a good guy. But he’s clearly powerful and likes being powerful and has some fun abusing his power. That’s dangerous. That scares me more than Vere, tbh
I have no idea what to make of his brief mention of a presence in his head, but I’m intrigued. Is it because of the seaspring? Is it what stopped him from losing his mind to the seaspring? Something else entirely?
I’ve been pronouncing his name “aye-ees.” Since the Kickstarter got enough money for VAs, there’s a chance that this will be canonically the wrong pronunciation and I’ll be disappointed UPDATE: I was pronouncing his name wrong, but it’s fine. Glad to know sooner rather than later when I’m already stuck in my ways
I hope protag can have tentacle sex with him
The other promo materials seem to suggest they’re some sort of were-crow and they’re so adamant about pushing people away because they don’t want to hurt people when they become a monster and lose control
I like the commonality of them and the protag both being outsiders and that they seem to also have come to rid themself of a curse that makes them dangerous to other people
The part where Kuras escorts you to the bar and Mhin follows you two, even though they were talking like they wanted nothing to do with you….. they come off as real lonely and tsundere
I am incredibly weak to characters who self-isolate despite wanting connection. So naturally, I love them
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kakujis · 1 year
i've finished the demo! do you think the last scene will change depending on origins? there is a possibility like alchemist would be more link to leander. it's advertised as a dark gothic romance novel for mature audiences but i think since the game is nowhere near finish, they cannot put an age rating on it yet.
oh, i didn't realised you could add additional items to your tier, i'm new to kickstarter so i have no idea lol. that's good but i've heard the cost of the shipping is pretty expensive too.
ais might be the true route for the game like with other otome games, you have to play the characters in certain order to reach the final/canon ending/route.
there are character sheets??? i feel like mhin is a character that grow on you and leander is the ideal one to start with and vere, you either love or hate him.
really? i thought ais intro was intense esp with that soundtrack! his music theme is the most memorable one. if there are changes, hopefully they will just add more piercings to sen or something like that considering she already have a nose ring.
elyon (?), i felt like he was deliberately designed like that because of his mysterious brief profile information like trying to find the one thing that money can't buy.
what do you think the potential new stretch goals could be? i think we are at the last one. i hope they add more physical merc for the basic tiers then because a lot of fans had chosen them.
omg maybe! i know each origin comes with its own special trait of some sort!! i wanna play sum more when i get home later this week!!! wbu?? r u gonna play thru again using a diff origin? alsooo my fren actually did play thru as alchemist and the dialogue for kuras in particular are diff!! not sure about leander but i thought about that too!!
also yesyes!!! on the touchstarved blog theres chara sheets for all of em! it tells u what they like + dislike alongside their fatal flaw! leanders is cut out im pretty sure soo im sooo curious abt hims. :3 also omg real! mhin is soooososososo pretty eee n i do enjoy their personality buuut, leander is def ideal eep!! vere is super cute to me, but i feel like id stutter to talk to him irl and then perish cus i give in too easily LMAOOO
also yes!! i agree w sen!! give her more piercings shes so damn hot im passing OUT!!! also also, i think leander n vere’s intros kinda swooped me away…. like i literally was dming my friend like: PLs i hope its not vere next ill pass out AND DIE… and then he showed up n i died. poof. GONE. (;ω;)
okok so the whole ais thing w me was like, hmmm. ur hot yes and ur music slaps but that was about it for me! i agree it was really intense! IM NOT EVEN SURE WHY i just felt like. nuffin towards him when i played it LOL. but the scene where he almost borderline kills tht one dude was so hot fusjdjjdjdjkaka. i have a whole lil drabble rn about ais and said alleyway…. im … hes…. hes so. (>_<)… on the floor SOBBING!!! if he is the true route i wont b mad!!! like they do put him in the middle of all the promo art sooo… i could see leander being a true route also. hes soo sweet. i wanna *** him.
yea yea i also agree abt elyon! he’s super handsome tho i bet his route will be great! i wonder what his personality will be like doe… like condescending? rude? patronizing?? hmm hmm. ohh also b4 i forget! yesyes u can change ur tier n do add-ons on the page! it’ll say edit tier or somthin like that! i think shipping will probs b 15 but i am a fool w a lil bit of extra monies. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
personally i gots nooo clue for stretch goals but im the same thinking as u!! im praying for more physical merch. I WAN AN AIS DAKIMURA PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS telepathically trying 2 connect w the devs rn… HEAR MY PLEAS!!!
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