#if we got his genetics maybe we could figure somethign out
natjennie · 2 years
went to the cardiologist today bc my heart is. bad. but anyway along with labs and echos and stuff the dr told me to start intermittent fasting and really raved about it. like he kept saying how magic it was and how much it would help everything, lose weight, lower heart rate, increase focus, etc etc and like.. sure yeah I understand the concept of like, decreasing insulin spikes but. I basically already eat like that?? I wake up at like.. 11 and eat something to take my meds with. then I forget about being hungry until dinner. sometimes I get a snack or something at like midnight. and that's it!! so i genuinely dont get how cutting out that one midnight snack is gonna like.. change my life like he says but. whatever. I'm just sick of so many things being wrong with me and no one helping.
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