#if we're hanging out i want to be doing sth fun or getting to know each other
depthnessingsweet · 2 years
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wileys-russo · 8 months
could you maybe write about following scenario? it’s reader x leah x lessi 
imagine sleeping on the couch peacefully in lessis arms and leah comes back from grocery shopping or whatever (she likes going bc then she can pick out the most plain ass meals for herself without any teasing from you two) and sees it and wants to take over, complaining that she didn’t get to cuddle you all day and alessia shooting back that leah had you all to herself yesterday as she was out with ella or sth and they start bickering and pulling you back and forth into their arms so ofc you wake up and are really pissed and just lock yourself into your bedroom so you can take a nap and sleep in peace and they make it up to you somehow by being nice and sweet idk 
flu season II a.russo & l.williamson
"oh come on!" leah groaned to herself, struggling to balance the shopping bags hanging off her wrists while she tried to jam the key in the front door. "for fuck sakes." she huffed as the door popped open and she stumbled inside.
making a beeline for the kitchen she dumped the bags on the counter with a sigh of relief, quick to put everything away before either one of her girlfriends appeared and made fun of her 'childlike' choices.
closing the fridge leah stretched, rolling around her tense and knotted neck. surprised that she was still alone she followed the sound of the television in the living room, finding her two lovers curled up together on the sofa.
"sorry i didn't come help babe, was a little preoccupied." alessia smiled apologetically, nodding down to the sleeping girl on her chest, hands playing absentmindedly with her hair. "s'okay my love it's all put away now." leah bent down to affectionately peck the strikers lips a few times.
"has she been out long?" leah asked, taking a seat beside her relieved to be off her feet, having been running around doing errands almost all day. "she's been in and out napping, but she's been properly passed out for about an hour or two?" alessia answered softly, both girls watching your body gently rise and fall in her arms.
"her temperature's back to normal now too, i think we're out of the worst of it." alessia added on, affectionately kissing the back of your neck as your face was smooshed into her chest. "flu season mm." leah chuckled, the younger girl being a kindergarten teacher meant whenever it was cold or flu season she always came down with something passed on from her students.
both her and alessia had taken turns looking after you, forcing you to take the last few days off work and utilise your sick leave as they swapped shifts of who would miss training to stay home with you, much to your insistent demands that you were fine.
"okay well, my turn." leah made a shooing motion, gesturing for alessia to move so that she could replace her position. "what? no! she's all comfortable and asleep, leave her be." alessia chatsized quietly with a frown, tightening her arms around you.
"less you've been home with her all day, don't be selfish." leah scowled, tugging on her hoodie as she used one hand to push the older blonde away, the two of them beginning to bicker back and forth.
at the disturbance your eyes fluttered open, squinting tiredly as your head raised slightly off the comfortable pillow which had been your girlfriends stomach. waking up a little more and tuning into what exactly it was that had woken you, your eyes narrowed tiredly.
"now look what you did lee, you woke her up!" alessia huffed, punching leah whose scowl deepened, features melting as her eyes flickered to you. "hi baby, cuddle?" leah offered, opening her arms with a soft smile.
"she is getting a cuddle, back off williamson you had her all day yesterday." alessia grunted posessively, hand coming to rest on the back of your head as she gently pushed you back down to lay on top of her. "thats not my fault you chose to go out shopping with tooney, you know that girl takes hours!" leah scoffed indignantly, one hand tugging on your hoodie.
"she came down all the way from manchester to visit, i'm not gonna ditch her!" alessia huffed back as you pulled off her hand which held you down on top of her. "baby what-" you ignored the both of them, standing up to your feet with a tired glare sent both girls way, turning on your heel and padding off toward your shared bedroom, door closing with a slam.
"that was your fault!" both blondes yelled, pointing to each other with a glare. "you're so needy, we were perfectly comfortable before you had to come stomping on in." alessia frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "oh i'm needy?" leah cried out with a look of disbelief.
"okay maybe we're both a little needy." alessia mumbled with a roll of her eyes, slight pout forming on her lips. "the two of you are needy, i'm the rock of this relationship." leah puffed out her chest as alessia gave her a look before letting out a loud peal of laughter.
"you're the neediest of all of us love, and the most in denial about it." alessia patted her shoulder with a knowing smile, moving up and off the lounge with a grunt. "time to apologize to sleepy for waking her up with a stupid argument." alessia held out her hand toward the shorter girl.
"come on needy, then you can get your cuddles." alessia teased wiggling her fingers impatiently, leah mocking her under her breath but accepting her outstretched hand none the less, being pulled up to her feet.
"see, knew it." alessia grinned as leah hugged her tightly, having missed both her girls today, the captain pinching her side for the comment before the two of them made their way to the bedroom.
"she locked us out." alessia sighed, trying the door handle as it jiggled but didn't move, leah disapearing to get the key before letting the two of them in. the taller blonde smiled seeing you'd not been bothered to draw the blinds, instead tucking yourself completely under the duvet leaving a person size lump in the middle of the bed.
"if you're gonna argue again go away, i'm tired." your head popped out, hair sprawled messily along the pillow as you fixed them both with a glare. "we won't, sorry sweets." leah apologised softly, coming around to the other side of the bed as alessia nudged for you to move over.
leah slipping in on one side you rolled so your head rested on her thigh, the blonde choosing to sit up not particularly tired as she stretched out to grab the remote off the bedside table. alessia slotted in behind you, her arms moving to wrap around your torso as her head tucked into your neck, leahs free hand moving to tangle in your hair as she flicked through trying to find something to watch.
"see how much nicer it is when you both know how to share." you mumbled, eyes closed making both of your girlfriends smile and exchange a look.
all was well as leah settled in to watch a movie, switching her hand to play with both yours and alessia's hair, until she heard it, a sneeze. though this time it wasn't from you as the striker behind you lifted up her head guiltily.
flu season had struck again.
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madraleen · 10 months
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.32-33: The Torture Continues - A Commentary
-i like how we know these people so well and they know each other so well that they take cues from each other. like, if even mikasa wants to stop eren, then how can anyone else think otherwise, you know?
-FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT, FUCKING THANK YOU HANGE, "GENOCIDE IS WRONG" IT'S THAT SIMPLE SOMEONE SAID IT, THE REAL MVP AS ALWAYS. finally someone with common sense and resolve, someone not speaking in ifs and buts, finally, HANGE FINALLY!
-this is such a random group of allies i love it, it makes me smile
-i feel so safe with hange, a voice of logic, oh my god.
-listen, i'm not even joking, eren's VERY CONSPICUOUS ABSENCE makes me so much less emotionally unstable that i can actually enjoy these conversations, like i'm happy to be here again
-i'm sorry, i know it's a tense moment, but lmao at levi's zzz panel
-part of me thinks that if we just don't see eren again, if we just randomly hear that he was stopped, i'll be fine. it would be terrible storytelling ofc but it hurts so much seeing eren like that, seeing his face and have him say and do these things
-what the fuck are you talking about, jean? armin has been saying that everyone should talk it over with everyone a hundred times over.
-jean's 'i can't forgive you' to reiner while they're still allied for their goal, i love this.
-the panels of levi sleeping with the zzz i cannot
-no offense, is armin going to do any impressive thinking post-time skip or...
-it's nice how everyone apologizes to everyone (before rocks fall and everyone dies courtesy of eren, lol. lol?)
-armin and connie acting their little hearts out to the yeagerists, bless
-aww seeing armor titan and female titan fight together
-this is the second time connie's saving armin's ass
-i am actually happy to be reading this now that eren isn't hurting us by showing his face. like, if you put aside for a sec WHY this is happening... it's very  exciting to see what comes next
-does sensei want to kill everyone here on the port, bc he's taken out the colossus titan, he's taken out humanity's strongest soldier...
-ooooh falco's jaw titan looks different than galliard's!
-i don't want y'all to fight anymore either, annie, and not with eren either, what are we gonna do :'(
-oh no. oh no is this eren pov? am i about to get unhinged again? oh no. go back to your conspicuous absence, devil child, why do you hurt me so. i miss you. but you make me suffer.
-the fuck? ZEKE tells EREN there's no ingrained behavior to the ackermans?! so then...
-i hate this. i understand that it's all to protect them, but i hate this, eren. baby they can't live happy lives. WHY DID YOU SHOW YOU FACE, I WAS DOING FINE, I WAS HAVING FUN, YOU'RE IMBALANCING MY HOMEOSTASIS
-eren's new form, huh. god this makes me so sad
-'but i just can't accept an end like that' lmao me reading this manga
-okay clearly i should stop hoping right here, there's no redemption from this. there's no redemption when we're shown innocent deaths at eren's will. okay. this is it then
-see, armin is a person also disappointed with the outside world that DIDN'T choose genocide, wow shocker, right eren?
-levi i love you. stay safe
-what did mikasa want, armin to run after annie and kiss her or sth? mikasa you're projecting
-like, in what universe did eren think the gang would NOT be in danger, that there wouldn’t be a good possibility that his own titans would trample his own people
-heh. armin the 15th commander :)
-shine, my love. shine, hange. goodbye.
-"goodbye. hange. just watch us." who decided to give levi all the poignant lines, who. THEY HIT THE HARDEST BC IT'S LEVI!
-is there. is there an actual possibility that eren just... kills them all? surely not?
-a little quick it was, hange's death scene, but they did get the afterlife scene, so i won't dwell.
-oh! commander armin actually lets us in on the plan beforehand! that's unusual for stories! that probably means it'll all go to shit
-this is exactly what the founding titan looks like, but why does it look so funny in armin's drawing
-man, i want to give mikasa such a big hug. her face.
-the thing is. armin especially, and everyone, are trying to analyze eren's mindset, like 'maybe he's testing us' or whatever, and every time we SEE eren it's actually a simple "RAWR DEATH!"
-humanizing eren through reiner because we actually HAVE humanized reiner through endless chapters. that's interesting
-WE HAVE BEEN SUMMONED! ALL HAIL EREN! ALL SHALL LOVE/NOT-LOVE HIM AND DESPAIR. i don't want to see what happens, i'm sure it'll be nothing good :')
-mikasa's plea is the best. share the sins that they're all guilty of
-ah, what wouldn't i give for a simple ass-kicking from levi to eren
-eren will fight us? :’(((. i can't believe that. i know i said i'd renounce all hope, but i am so sad. i am so sad. mikasa what do we do? whatever you say, i'll follow your lead
-the plot armor is strong on the marleyan cast's families
-yes, cool, everyone wants world peace two seconds before they die
-all due respect, i don't see how the 104th can do anything about this now that the power of friendship failed
-'We'll use all our (seven) forces to destroy him!" rocks fall everyone dies - in the literal sense.
-eren be like, feel free to fight on my skeleton back y’all
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
NO I'VE GOT IT hang on Tumblr my stand-in therapist I've got this
I fucking hate. when people have feelings for me (either friend feelings or Feeling feelings) that I don't reciprocate bc I do often ends up feeling forced to React Correctly and I feel like 99% of the time when people have had crushes On Me that I don't reciprocate I've ended up being blamed and getting a lot of anger/denial/boundary crossing about my not being into them.
like since I was 13 or 14 people have consistently made it impossible for me to Not reciprocate their feelings and it's been. really painful and uncomfortable and often put me in really bad situations.
so now I feel. like ugh I don't want to be doing that. like putting your feelings for someone onto them and making them their problem can almost be an act of violence in itself like it can make. everything really awful.
and I have no GUARANTEE that the other person isn't feeling like I have felt. because I've worked really hard to pretend I'm fine and avoid making people feel bad when they're kind of being intensely pressuring and aggressive to me. so like. if I didn't tell those people, then how can I trust that someone else would tell me if my feelings were causing them distress or making them feel pressured???? I wouldn't tell me!
so like. when I actually do feel really strongly about someone. like either I have a crush on them or I Really Want Them To Be My Friend I really like them I think they're cool and fun and we should be friends. I am fucking terrified of expressing that or letting it slip out. like my Want To Be Loved is so huge and overwhelming that it could make people feel really pressured or pushed or afraid to say no to me.
bc when I know that often when someone has a crush on me or admires me I'm like. really on edge around them. I don't feel safe I can't relax I'm watching everything I do - am I leading them on? am I talking myself in a position where they feel misled or where I can't say no without causing a scene? are they going to let me walk away from them if I want to? - and it's not anything wrong with them or anything they're doing it's just. too much bad experience.
and I'm so afraid. of making other people feel that way. of creeping them out or making them feel unsafe. that I'm honestly kind of unfriendly or standoffish or cold to a lot of people I really want to be friends with! or I will have a burst of like. sending someone I want to be pals with a message or telling someone I like that they look amazing and then I FULLY panic and spend days thinking like 'oh god I put them in such an uncomfortable position I made it weird this is fully stalkery weirdly intimate behaviour and it's Really Obvious I Want More Here and that's not fair on them. can't ever speak to them again. fuck.'
(if you're someone I follow long-term but don't know IRL and I've ever sent you a compliment or a 'hope you feel better' or sth and then not. really talked to you. that's where we're at. I think you're cool and would like to be your friend but I don't know how to want things or pursue relationships with people without it making me feel like a Horrible Presumptive Creep In Your Inbox so I feel like I constantly have to be like BUT WE'RE NOT FRIENDS I KNOW WE'RE NOT FRIENDS I'M NOT PARASOCIALING YOU OWE ME NOTHING)
I just. yeah man it is in fact The Trauma and I'm really mad about it bc I know that I'm not being creepy and overbearing and I know that to the degree that my behaviour is off-putting or overwhelming it's mostly because I'm overthinking so much because of this specific baggage and if I could just get over thinking that Me Liking Someone is an act of unforgivable violence against them personally, me liking people would be entirely fine and boundaried and respectful.
but my horrible brain will not let me live it's like 'however nice someone is to you You Are Not Their Friend And Friendship Would Be An Imposition. having a crush on someone is basically the same as you sexually assaulting them. stop doing the horrible crime of Wanting To Be Loved and instead return to the correct and acceptable role of Wanting To Be Helpful But Disposable'
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