#if y’all say TLDR…. I mean fair enough but damn
bananasbyler · 1 year
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Thinking abt how they’re all looking at a different person LMAO
Will -> El
El -> Mike
Mike -> Will
Will’s uncomfortable, feels left out, and notices El acting different around Mike.
El’s laughing and trying to be like a couple again to Mike, but also lying to him a lot of the day.
Mike is joking around and wants to include Will, but won’t do it directly. He’s also making sure Will is having fun, but trying to please El by acting coupley at the rink.
How else would Will know that El is faking her emotions and lying to Mike constantly if he wasn’t focusing on El?
Why else would El try to convince Mike that she was happy and had friends in California if she wasn’t trying to put up a front for him?
How else would Mike know if Will was being sulky or grumpy if he wasn’t watching Will’s reaction all the time?
All of these result in different outcomes:
Will sternly tells El that she shouldn’t be faking things and hiding the fact that she’s getting bullied all the time.
El can’t hide her emotions anymore and she bonks her bully in front of Mike— even before that, she demands her bully to just go and tell Mike that it was a joke amongst friends.
Mike lashes out on Will because he’s mad that Will didn’t reach out to him either and calls Will out for being visibly upset the whole day at the rink.
In conclusion:
Will wants El to be honest to Mike.
El wants to seem happy for Mike.
Mike wants Will to actually be happy.
Will is saying it’s okay to be upset in front of Mike.
El is hiding being upset for the sake of Mike.
Mike is trying to make Will not upset anymore.
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janiedean · 6 years
That's why I said worst country and im thinking EVERY Americans are very retarded. Remind me, who the fuck is in the white house again? A fucking celebrity star that MOST AMERICANS doubted years ago who wouldn't be a fucking president and would make a bad president which appears to be the case now and people voted for him??????????? Seriously, fuck Americans and perhaps maybe they should die if they do not pay more attention to the bad shit going on
Because I don’t think it’s even an excuse no more that I don’t want to hear about the badshit in the world because that shit is more depressing which is true but that does not justify them sitting there ass about it and doing nothing while they are playing games or posting something about cats!!!!!!!! Maybe everyone should throw the depressing shit in their faces as fuck them, they don’t care? Then everyone around the world don’t care about you And America fucking sucks more than China and other countries that they considered bad. Without looking at the positives and why you could argue that they are “better” than the US has even if these countries do not have something like the First Amendment. I apologize with this rant I’m going on but do you see where I’m coming from what this?
…. no, I don’t.
all right, I debated not answering this, but since I have a feeling some of y’all aren’t really catching the drift of my political opinions, I’m gonna go at it:
first: please do avoid calling people retarded - it’s not nice, it’s not funny, you can use any other damned word that doesn’t have the connotations that specific one has, and honestly, if I’m discussing a country where thanks to classism and a shitty educational system they have forty-three million people who can’t read and write because their teachers couldn’t be arsed to make sure they actually learned, you going and saying they’re *retarded* is really fucking shitty, end of question, so if we really need to have this conversation chill the fuck out and drop that tone because I’m not here to insult people like that especially if talking about people who might have not gotten an education because their teachers/peers thought they were ****retarded**** with a bunch of ***s;
second: okay, and berlusconi was elected in italy thrice and berlusconi OWNED the televisions that started the reality genre in italy along with gossip newspapers and shit so he was basically trump except less whacked (AND IF I’M SAYING THAT…), so what, now I’ll call **retarded** everyone else who’s voted berlusconi? or the current italian government made of utter incompetents or racists? trump is shit but I’m the least person who can go and laugh about it COMING FROM THE COUNTRY WHERE PEOPLE VOTED HIS EQUIVALENT THRICE and now voted pretty much the same;
third: actually trump didn’t get the popular vote and the percentage in which he made enough to win was…. poor white people who didn’t finish high school/barely finished high school. who most likely live in areas where no one has given a fuck about sky-high unemployment since at least the beginning of the eighties. ‘scuse me I’m not gonna judge people who fell for it when they didn’t get an education and he was an outsider promising them to change things (which ofc he won’t do but they can’t know), but never mind;
fourth: trump got 62,984,828 votes. hillary got 65,853,514. now, the US have an esteemed population of 328,355,612. if we take out trump’s voters, we have 265,370,784 people. now, according to you, TWO MILLION SIXTY FIVE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE BECAUSE OF HOW THE OTHERS HAVE VOTED? like, are you listening to yourself? because that’s fucking ridiculous, period;
fifth: I highly doubt most americans are on the internet posting pictures of cats;
sixth: americans on tumblr/on the internet are in 90% of the cases privileged people who have no clue of how the non-privileged people’s lives work or they wouldn’t be assuming that all trump voters voted for him because they have boner for neonazism, but judging the entire population by their online presence isn’t exactly fair;
seventh: man, I think, idk, NORTH KOREA is fairly worse than the US are (also pls just call them US, AMERICA IS THE ENTIRE CONTINENT idc for how it’s referred to in english IT’S UNITED STATES gdi), same as idk, eritrea, south sudan, every damned dictatorship refugees flee from, most likely syria these days, and a lot of other places, including china, because I mean AT LEAST IN THE US YOU DON’T HAVE RESTRICTED INTERNET ACCESS and shit like that like man if according to you the first amendment is not enough to make someplace way better automatically than dictatorships/autocracies, well, congrats but really fucking not. without free speech you don’t have a democratic country, period, and no one wants dictatorships. ffs;
eight: I’m all for us-criticizing (and criticizing tumblr’s us centrism) but in no way shape or form I am ever going to go like ‘all americans suck they should die’ because a) that’s not how it works, b) judging an entire population is always wrong period, c) a lot of those americans who voted trump and so on are actually victims of the system which sucks, d) I actually don’t hate americans as like, actual people, I hate us centrism and how the us meddle with about everyone else and destabilize entire areas and then OPS WE HAVE TERRORISTS ARE WE SURPRISED, but I don’t hate them and I don’t hate the US as a whole because again, as I’ve said a countless number of times, there’s been excellent stuff that came from the US and excellent people who came from there and writing off 325 million people because of politics especially when it comes to trump who has been elected in this specific political climate is just downright asinine;
finally: I didn’t write off americans as a lost cause when they voted bush jr the second time (the first was a fraud and we all know it), at this point I think I can afford to not do it for trump.
to finish it all off: I don’t know if it was clear, but just in case, the fact that I’m US critical doesn’t mean I hate the US as a whole and the fact that I’m a leftist doesn’t mean that I have to automatically think everyone who votes where I don’t or wouldn’t is an idiot and believe me my current government is making me test that every day but I managed to not do it yet, so can you, and the fact that I think the american left is centrist/that tumblr left is a joke, and the fact that I don’t think all trump voters MUST be evil doesn’t mean I actually like trump or that I’m not a leftist.
and I’m not having any political related discussion in those terms. ALL MUSLIMS SHOULD DIE was the point that I had to hear from neofascists/the equivalent of your alt-right people when I was in middle school post sept. 11th and I didn’t think it was a great argument, and all americans should die is the exact same matter.
tldr: if you want to discuss this like a civil person who can actually do things rationally fine, if not please find someone else to rant at because I don’t appreciate this kind of language/tone. thanks.
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