#if you are curious the fic starts around the 60th game and it jumps back and forth between the past and present
kald-dal-art · 10 months
I'm assuming your headcanons for Morphling will be covered inside of your fanfic, but you mentioned having a lot for her, would you make a list of them?
Sure I can, because most people don't have all the time in the world to read a super long fic.
I headcannon her name is Maureen Trevi. She won the 49th Annual Hunger Games when she was 18 years old.
(so In Catching Fire she is around 44 years old btw :) )
Before getting reaped she did paint jobs for different vehicles at the same factory as her dad.
She lives with her dad and younger sister and she has an estranged mother.
The last time anyone from D6 won was the same year she was born so she didn't have very high hopes for herself. At the same time she kind of knew moping too much wasn't going to let her win
Her District partner was a 13 year old boy named Dev that had essentially given up before the games even started. Even being the first causality of the game. One of the rare times that last place and first place were from the same District.
The arena for her games was an overgrown humid forest.
During her games she mostly hid with camouflage and used poison to get a upper hand on the other tributes.
She killed 4 tributes during her games, has a lot of crippling guilt around that. Always kind of seeing herself as a coward for how she killed the other tributes.
Had a brief alliance with another tribute because they bonded during training, he unfortunately dies (well yeah duh)
Added to that he was the son of a former victor, so added fun having to see his mom every year afterwards.
Has a low key friendship with Haymitch because of how close their Victory are, and they relate to each other when it comes to the substance abuse problems.
Usually wears long sleeves or long sleeved gloves because she is tired of hearing complaints from capitol audience that they can see needle marks on her arms.
11 years after her Victory, during the 60th game, she was the mentor of a 16 year old boy named Cassius and he ended up winning.
Mostly having a similar strategy as her and even getting her to share the strategies she used for her games because he thought that was the best chance he had to survive.
Unfortunately he ends up pretty quickly following her path with getting attached to drugs to cope with the games and his new life as a Victor.
They mostly bond after the games with art. Her mostly preferring to paint landscapes and him mostly preferring to draw with pen and pencil.
Most of the paintings she has done is usually around landscapes and rather abstract stuff. Usually any excuse to play around with colors.
Also like to think their friendship is WLW and MLM solidarity. Too many fics have the Morphlings as a romantic couple and I am tired of it. Nothing wrong with that interpretation, but it feels very "man and woman is considered a duo, they must be a couple" kind of.
Here are some of the headcannons for her.
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