#if you ask me a question about rape fantasies that i've already answered before
konigsblog · 4 months
you can have boundaries but as someone who has been raped, why do you think it’s okay? like i understand if it’s a trauma response or wtv but talk that shit out w a therapist maybe
i love your writing and everything, i just skip through the rape or non con or incel stuff but i genuinely wonder if you think rape would be okay irl, im actually curious and not tryna be offensive.
i've said this again and again: rape in real life is absolutely disgusting, it affects a real person, and i'm completely against it. writing something doesn't determine your mortality.
there's a huge, huge difference between fiction and reality, you have to understand and comprehend that. when someone rapes another person, that traumatizes them forever. whereas, my work shouldn't re-traumatise you because i use warnings to prevent that exact thing from happening.
rape fantasies should be discussed, and there shouldn't be so much stigma and shame around it. it's in the name, it's a fantasy. no one is actually getting raped when i write a fan fic with rape involved. my work doesn't physically harm anybody, and it shouldn't mentally harm you either if you read the warnings.
and this is a healthy coping mechanism, a therapist would recommend this if it helps the person deal with their trauma.
here are three links that discuss rape fantasies ↓
at some point, you have to do your own research. all these questions i have already answered in the past (multiple times) and it's not my job to educate you and provide you with these sources.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
genuine qustion, bc i dont understand whump, why do you like it? whats the appeal? am i missing something?
I'm going to assume from the wording of this question that you already have an idea of what whump is, and you're asking why someone would want to read/write it, but if not here is a good post summarizing the genre.
This post is divided into two parts below the cut: the appeal of whump for me, and an explanation of why I like whump.
For me, personally, the appeal of whump comes from putting a character (whether that be an someone else's character, my original character, or a nameless whumpee) in Situations (with or without a whumper), and then having the difficult recovery or healing process (usually with a caretaker). Sometimes I deviate from this pattern, such as omitting the recovery, but that is usually my main focus.
A bit more emphasis on the comfort in hurt/comfort, but there's also hurt in the comfort.
My main love of whump stems from the tropes I enjoy:
Used as bait (where a whumpee is captured with the intent on using them to lure the caretaker into trying to rescue them in order to capture the caretaker too). I like this one because of the suspense of knowing it's a trap, and wondering if the caretaker will manage to rescue the whumpee, or get captured themselves.
Magic whump (whump but in the fantasy genre). This one gives more possibilities or twists on usual whump tropes by adding magic into the mix. Combined with my love for fantasy writing.
Captivity whump (a whumpee captured by a whumper, usually including various forms of torture). This trope is very versatile. Why were they captured? What does the whumper gain by torturing them? So many possibilities. Not to mention the rescue afterwards!
Sickfic (whumpee is sick, usually with a caretaker). Someone else mentioned this before, I don't remember who otherwise I would've linked them, but illness is something rarely seen in existing media. When a piece of media has whump, it's usually torture or a fight scene, but I've only ever seen sickness a handful of times. I like the idea of a character having all these cool abilities but still getting the common cold, especially when they have someone else to take care of them. Also it's easier to write from experience for this then, say, getting stabbed.
PTSD whump (when a character has trauma). This is more of a recovery trope. I hate it when a piece of media has a character go through an incredibly traumatizing event and then as soon as they're out, they're perfectly fine mentally. Let the character have ptsd, dammit! I don't really write this often, but when I do I love writing the nightmares in particular.
Immortal whump (with a character who, for whatever reason, cannot die). I love this one because it opens up even more possibilities for whumping. It usually depends on how the character's immortality works, but they can take a lot more damage than any other whumpee.
Realism in whump (realistic injuries, illness, and recovery). Really just a preference, as I'm studying in the medical field and already know a lot about how the human body works, so I use that knowledge and apply it to my writing. For example, fainting as portrayed in hollywood movies is a lot different from how fainting actually is. Involves a fair amount of research, but I personally think it's worth it.
(side note: I haven't really found any tropes which I strongly dislike, but out of personal preference I avoid smut and nsfw whump such as rape)
As to why I like whump? This was a tough question to answer, to properly articulate. It's fiction. And writing give me freedom to do pretty much anything to the characters and through the characters. I suppose whump is another way to exercise that creativity. "I know how the character reacts to this Situation, but what about this other Situation?"
I know some other writers use whump writing to work through their trauma, as catharsis. Props to them, but I don't write whump for that reason. I always liked putting my characters in Situations, and then a couple years ago discovered what whump was, went "that's a thing?!" and basically dove in head first.
The Tumblr whump community itself has also been very sweet and welcoming, I draw a lot of inspiration from the other writers, especially when I'm trying to figure out what to write next. I doubt I would still be writing whump if the community wasn't as welcoming, and I'm very glad it's not the case. If you go back in my archive, the first writing I started posting was whump. Nameless whump turned into oc whump, which turned into posting about my WIPs. So if the whump community gatekept me out, I probably wouldn't be posting any writing at all (and that's very sad to think about).
I hope this post was helpful to you! I can't speak for other members of the whump community, these opinions and motives are my own. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
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the-resurrection-3d · 3 years
Well, now you've got me wondering about the Luca/Alberto dynamic if *Luca* is the one on the receiving end of a dark backstory.
[This gets a little more graphically into the rape/csa trauma talk, so I'm putting it under a cut.]
Now you're talking! Honestly, I've put a little bit of thought into it, but ultimately I think it would just be a bass boosted version of how they are at the start of the movie (if we're still talking modern timeline)-- Luca knows his mom is right and that the human world is too dangerous because that's what Nick showed him. However, the "relationship" between Luca and Nick would be much shorter-lived, just another of the quick flings Nick's had with a couple of young boys before. Obviously it's still greatly damaging to Luca, though, and it's hard for him to open up to anyone about it because he feels like he didn't fight back enough.
Luca being both attracted to and somewhat repelled by Alberto because Alberto and Nick can be shockingly alike. A LOT to think about there.
I actually have something similar written from a few months ago, back when I was trying to figure out how to make "the grammar of violence" work as an actual story, where Luca obliquely reveals he was almost sexually assaulted by some bullies at Genova and that's part of why he sexualizes Alberto being an aggressive, jealous boyfriend-- because Alberto loves him and makes him feel safe despite it all. Lemme see if I can find it...
First Question: What’s your biggest fantasy?
My biggest fantasy? Alberto lolls back against the stone wall of the tower, puffing out his cheeks. He scratches his neck. He won’t look Luca in the eyes. I've thought about... tying you up on the last day of summer, so you couldn't leave. Tying you up in my bed so I could keep you and fuck you whenever I wanted, for however long I wanted. I know this makes me sound like a fucking serial killer, but—
It's okay, Luca says, cringing at how fake his smile must look. I've wanted that too. I thought about it a lot while at school—of you not necessarily holding me hostage, but just tying me up, telling me I was yours and that you were going to keep me forever. Or—a nervous bubble of a laugh bursts— or I'd imagine us when we got older, and we’re out traveling to other places. Other guys would hit on me, you know, at bars and places like that, and you'd get mad about it and—Luca takes a breath, already feeling that familiar stirring in his blood, and why is he stupid enough to feel embarrassed about it?—bend me over our Vespa and fuck me. H-hard. And you’d say it was so I'd know who I belonged to.
Belonged. What a fraught word, as the Literature teachers at Genova would say.
Caustic, Luca would say. And comforting. He thinks of Alberto’s body in front of his like a shield, of snarling teeth, of Just stay there.
You... like it when I get jealous? Alberto asks softly.
Not really, but, I mean, no one's ever wanted me the way you want me. He instinctively pulls his knees closer against his chest, his cheeks hot. And—and it feels like it's safer with you, because I know if I asked you to stop, you'd do it. There were so many older guys at Genova, Alberto. And I was a child. Nothing happened, but...
He thinks of sophomore year. The older boys. The bathroom. How the school’s uniforms blended everyone together so that even weeks after they were expelled, Luca’s head would still jerk around and his heart boil inside his chest at the sight of a blond upperclassmen in white and blue.
But nothing happened.
I wanted you there, Luca says. I'd knew they'd stay away from me if you were there.
Some of my regular readers might be wondering, Wait, where have I seen that question/answer format before-- and the answer is that this is actually the first draft of "the hungry season." Also love how Luca's main assailant was blond and Nick is also blond. I hadn't even made Nick at this point. A lot of latent blondphobia coming out in my writing.
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