#if you click the link you can also get huw reading it <3
steveyockey · 2 years
this is so vague sorry but im pretty sure u reblogged an article a very long time ago about lgbt media and the idea that some of the most important things we have to say to each other aren’t comprehensible to straight people. do u know which article im talking about? i think it might have been about queer eye
you my dear are thinking of a substack entry by the lovely huw lemmey of bad gays (the podcast AND brand new book!) fame
This is fundamentally different to gay stories for straight allies. Within all of those stories, it’s conceivable that the queer view of heterosexuality might make an accusation of misdeed or oddness in which the heterosexual reader is complicit. But in the gay story for the straight ally, there is always a more pressing concern: to make the good heterosexual feel included. While it may be in some way important to “see yourself on screen”, what good is it if you don’t see yourself within the context of a wider queer culture, if the purpose of your story as a queer person is solely to confer some moral benefit, to offer a fable, for a straight life? It feels like, as queer individuals are ever more present on our screens, actual queer stories are increasingly absent. Mainstream manifestations like RuPaul’s Drag Race feel more like an outreach project for straight people, offering an exciting chance for people to watch competitive TV without having to endure heterosexual men, than anything that speaks to and for queer people. Even the more specific stories of gay life that slipped through in earlier seasons, testimonies against shame, or even the rare invocation of queer solidarity, seem to be replaced with a series of self-help mantras based on personal growth and self-realisation. 
Which brings us back Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. After two seasons, the show abbreviated itself as simply Queer Eye, losing the important dialectic that drove the engine of faggotry at its inception. Cancelled after four years, the show was resurrected in 2018, and the differences between the two versions seem to illustrate both the marked increase in visibility of queer people (the new show being marketed as a huge Netflix production) but also the change in the function of queer community and stories on television. Gone is the antagonism between the lifestyles of the feckless straight and the functioning queers, a dynamic that seemed to overturn supposed heterosexual superiority. Gone is the spirit of an unleashed, even unhinged sexual libertinism, a sexuality that potentially scared the straights. Instead, the queer is a combination of a nurturing, positive cool mom, not like the other moms, and a cheerleader whose own life stories and struggles against the odds help to guide a heterosexual through to a better you. “Ask not what you can do for your queer, but ask what your queer can do for you,” it seems to say, leaving unspoken the real nature and social context of traumas, traumas that are only ever hinted at as signs that these things too shall pass....
A recent commissioning brief I read for a broadcasting opportunity that claimed to be “for and about LGBTQ+ communities” included the following paragraph, which I include here not to pick on them but because I think it sheds a light on one of the reasons for this subtle shift. “Queer perspectives are central to popular entertainment and learning,” it began. “What is key to their success is not only reflecting these characters and issues authentically, but creating a space for a broader audience to engage with the world seen through a Queer lens.” What if the things queer people need to say to each other, the things that we say amongst ourselves, don’t create a space for a broader audience? What if the very point of queer culture is the exclusion of the figure of the heterosexual? What if the things queer people want and need to say and hear with each other are things that straight people might find challenging, unfair, accusatory? 
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shwni-blog · 5 years
Rugby Gifts For Men
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Rugby Gifts For Men: 51 Ideas For The Rugby Fanatic
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We have all got that "RUGBY FANATIC" male member of the family Every year for Birthdays and Christmas you always find yourself looking for Rugby Gifts For Men and always struggle to find the perfect gift for them Getting the gift that they want is very important and we don't always get it right do we So I have taken quite some time looking for the perfect ones that you can get so you don't have to look all over the internet yourselves
Here Is A Quick Peak Of The Rugby Gifts
Being a rugby fan like I am myself the more rugby things you have given to you, the better You can, however, run out of ideas of what to get them I'm Welsh and our most celebrated sport is Rugby so before you take a look at this list Just spend a couple of minutes watching the Best Welsh Rugby Tries From The 2019 Grand Slam, who know's, it might even inspire you on what to buy... In this post, I have found My Top 51 that I know I would like to receive as a gift so you can be assured that any rugby fan will enjoy them also So, if you are looking for a rugby gift for him indoors, Or just some funny rugby gifts Then these rugby gifts from Amazon will not disappoint you or even the rugby fan they are for Go straight to a category of your choice in this post simply by clicking on any of the links below Books Clothing Cups Mugs and Containers Novelty Items Gift Sets
Here Are The Rugby Gifts For Men
1. Rugby Fanatic Book
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AUTHOR: Steven Gauge PUBLISHED: 06/04/10 If you want to know how much of a Rugby fan you are then if you can relate to any of these great quotes in this book then I can assure you that you must be one serious fan of the brilliant game they call... RUGBY!!!
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2. Rugby Wit Book: Quips and Quotes for the Rugby Obsessed
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AUTHOR: Richard Benson PUBLISHED: 1/11/2014 An awesome collection of some of rugby's quotes from players past and present which will keep any rugby-obsessed fan amused and happy to keep reading the hundreds of quips that are in this book
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3. A Little Bit of Rugby Wit Book
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AUTHOR: Tom Hay PUBLISHED: 08/02/2018 Another book with quotes from rugby players, refs, and officials of the game But this one has more up to date quips unlike the other one but that's not to say that the previous one I showed you isn't any good They both have the same comedy value and will certainly keep the rugby fan in your life amused
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4. Rugby's Funniest Joke Book
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AUTHOR: Jim Chumley PUBLISHED: 01/04/2009 Who doesn't love reading jokes or hearing them and you won't find better than the rugby jokes that are in this book I have never laughed so much when I read it and I can tell you now that whoever this gift is for then they are going to love you for it You can read more hilarious rugby jokes HERE if you want to have a good laugh
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5. Rugby's Strangest Matches Book
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AUTHOR: John Griffiths PUBLISHED: 01/05/2016 This book looks back at the last 150 years of rugby and tells the strange truth about genuine things that have happened during rugby matches One of them being that the entire Welsh Rugby Team was sent off during a game What was the ref thinking?
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6. Rugby "On This Day" History, Facts & Figures Hardback Book
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You can personalize this book for anyone you want to and it will give you all the rugby figures and facts for the whole year that person was born How good is that? I'm sure they are going to love it
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7. Personalised Rugby Historic Newspaper Memorabilia Book
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Another awesome keepsake for any true rugby fan as it can be personalized with a message and a name of the fan The hand bound, leather, hardback book with an optional Gold Embossed Front Cover just looks really special and keeps the inside like brand new for years to come It has all the tabloid stories from the past that actually went out in the newspapers but with that unique personal touch
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8. The Oval World Book
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AUTHOR: Tony Collins PUBLISHED: 01/09/2015 A masterpiece rugby history book is written in a way that just makes you want to keep reading and learning about the game, even if you have no experience in rugby and its foundation This book really is a must-have for any rugby fan new and old If the person you are buying it for want's to get into rugby coaching then you could buy them rugby coaching books that will teach them so much
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9. Rugby Book: Let's Get Quizzical
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AUTHOR: Gwion Prydderch PUBLISHED: 11/09/2014 Does the rugby fan in your life think they know everything there is to know about the game? Why don't you test them out with this book full of quizzes, spot the odd one out, and so much more Keep them occupied for hours if you need a bit of peace and quiet for a change
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10. A Game For Hooligans Book
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AUTHOR: Huw Richards PUBLISHED: 22/11/2007 Another rugby history book here but it will be the perfect gift for a rugby fan that wants to learn a bit more about rugby union evolving in the last 20 years The stories they will read here might not be news to them but they will enjoy reading about them all again and even learn something new that they might not have known The author really knows his stuff, or has done his homework...
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11. God Made Rugby
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A brilliant quote that any rugby fan would love to look at every morning whilst drinking their morning coffee or tea I don't think a football fan would appreciate this as a gift though but it might be fun to try...
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12. Rugby Scene 1 Pint Pewter Tankard
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Sometimes, if your rugby team has just lost a game it's time to hit the hard stuff and drown your sorrows and that's where this 1 pint tankard will help you do just that I personally don't like drinking beer out of one of these as it doesn't taste right so there's only one question here... What would you fill it with?
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13. Rugby Evolution Pint Beer Glasses
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Maybe the hard stuff above is a little bit too much for you to handle so just having a pint of whatever takes your fancy would be better for you These pint glasses are not only stylish but would be an ideal gift for a rugby and drinking fan
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14. Stainless Steel Engraved Hip Flask with Rugby Player
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I know I'm sticking with the alcohol theme here but there are not many people that watch rugby that doesn't like a tipple or 3 and this stainless steel engraved hipflask with a rugby player on the front could keep the rugby fan in your life warm on a cold day watching a game if it's filled with a drop of the good stuff Providing they are of the age of course!
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15. I'm Playing Rugby Coffee Mug
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Another great quote that is written on this coffee mug that I'm sure plenty of rugby fans have had entered their heads at one time in their lives Especially if they haven't had their coffee yet
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16. I'd Rather Be Watching Rugby Travel Mug
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How many times have you been at a rugby game freezing cold and in need of a warm drink? This travel mug will keep your drinks warm for much longer than in one of those polystyrene cups that you normally get The quote on the front is quite apt as well...
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17. Rugby Positions Mug
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This cup is both useful and informative. You could ask someone that doesn't know the correct formation of a rugby team to make you a cuppa and have them learn how the team is set up at the same time without you having to draw it out on a piece of paper for them... WIN, WIN...
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18. Men Rugby, Women Football Mug
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This coffee mug could is a bit controversial and might cause a few arguments if a football/soccer fan see's you drinking from it A rugby fan will love this and will probably send a picture of it to all his football fan mates to wind them up I don't think soccer players are soft at all, have you seen what you need to have to become a successful soccer player?
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19. "You're My Favourite Rugby Player" Water Bottle
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This water bottle is made of high-quality stainless steel and will hold up to 16oz of whatever you put into it It has a carabiner at the top of it so you can easily clip it to a bike or even your bag if you want to The quote on this though might only be perfect for an actual rugby player but I'm not quite sure if they would really take it to games with them
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20. World Cup 2015 Hip Flask
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OK, OK... I know it's not 2015 anymore but this hip flask box set could be a bit of a collector's item if you keep it in the box for a few years, and even if you don't, you still have a very stylish piece of sought-after Rugby World Cup Memorabilia Do you know anyone that collects things like this?
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21. Keep Calm And Play Rugby T-Shirt
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I don't care what you say, You are not a true rugby fan if you don't own a T-Shirt with a rugby slogan on So what better way to start buying them than to get the famous "Keep Calm" quote on one There are not many T-shirts that have a better quote than this on the front and a rugby fan will love to wear this It does come in other colours if you don't like this one
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22. I Love Rugby Sports Novelty Socks
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There's only a few men that would wear these socks but I'm pretty sure if they are a true rugby fan they would certainly wear these Of course they are black and the slogan is above the ankle so they could even easily be worn with a smart suit if that's what they wear to work Just remind them not to lift their trouser leg up during an important meeting!
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23. Tim And Ted Rugby Long Sleeve
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Another Rugby Gift here that has a dig at football players making it look like football players are babies compared to big tough rugby players Can you imagine giving this to a rugby fan and getting them to wear it down to the pub on a football match day He might not make it back home in 1 piece...
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24. Ireland Official Rugby Shirt
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I'm not saying to get a rugby fan that you know an Ireland Rugby Jersey, this gift represents any rugby jersey of the team that they follow This has to be one of the best gifts you can give a fan but they can be a bit expensive so make sure that you get the right team or they might not speak to you... Unless that's what you were going for!
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25. Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage T-Shirt
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If you are going to buy someone this Tshirt then it goes without saying that you don't buy it for children! It's not for the faint-hearted and might offend people but as soon as I saw it I just had to put it on the list CROUCH, TOUCH, PAUSE, ENGAGE... SCRUM DOWN!
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26. British & Irish Lions Men's Acrylic Scarf
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One of the most famous rugby teams in the world The British And Irish Lions have some awesome looking rugby clothes which any rugby fan would be very happy to have as a gift so getting them this scarf for the cold weather while they are watching a rugby match will be very much appreciated You could get them a football scarf if you fancy a bit of a joke with them I suppose
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27. Weekend Rugby Forecast Apron
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Who doesn't love a good barbeque? And of course, the man of the house has to be the chef, a beer in one hand and a set of tongs in the other to turn the burgers over If they are anything like me though they will get more food over their clothes than on the plates so one of these aprons will stop them ruining their clothes Also available in different colours
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28. Men's Sexy Novelty Rugby player Apron
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This novelty apron might be more for the people looking at the rugby fan cooking on the barbeque rather than the beer-bellied plump looking man that you give this to It is quite funny though but be careful that it doesn't give him a complex
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29. Welsh Tubular Neck Warmer
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Coming from Wales myself I had to get something from my home country on the list didn't I This tubular neck warmer is very versatile and can be used to keep you warm at the rugby match in a few different ways as the durable stretchy material can be put up over your head from around your neck or just used as a bandana
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30. "Warning May Start Talking About Rugby" Hoody
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This high quality made hoody is both a great looking piece of clothing and a bit of a warning to those that are around a rugby-mad fan to let people know that they can't stop talking about the sport that they love. Do you know someone that this hoody would be perfect for?
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31. Rugby Ball Novelty Miniature Clock
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This miniature rugby ball clock isn't really something that you would put center stage in your living room as it only stands at 5.5cm but it would look great on the bedside cabinet or even in their mancave if they have one It's made of a matt silver and has a quartz movement so it's not just a cheap bit of tat
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32. Mini Stress Rugby Ball
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Picture this... The rugby match is on the television and it's down to the last few minutes with the rugby fan's team winning just by a few points and they are so nervous that they are ripping newspapers up, throwing things around the room, mumbling to themselves, well, basically getting on your nerves! They need something to take that stress out on instead of taking it out on the household goods, maybe even giving the cat a bit of a shouting at. ENTER THE MINI STRESS RUGBY BALL... Now isn't the small price of one of these worth paying for?
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33. Men's Gift Designer Rugby Ball Cufflinks
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I won't lie to you, but there are not many times when you will have to wear cufflinks really but wouldn't it be great if you could have these ready for when you have to wear them for a wedding or something like that? You could play with these balls instead of adjusting your own
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34. Leather Rugby Ball Washbag
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A genuine leather rugby ball-shaped wash bag could be the perfect gift for any rugby fanatic as it can be used for every day use and not just if they play rugby or to take to the swimming pool with them Its 28cm x 13cm in size and has an additional zipped pocket inside as well as the big main compartment so there is plenty of room for their toiletries
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35. Rugby Ball Wallet
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What man doesn't use a wallet and what rugby fan wouldn't love this wallet with a classy silver rugby ball on? It is just plain black but it's a classic leather wallet that isn't overpowering with the rugby theme
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36. Beer Buddies Bottle Opener
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We all know that having a beer watching the rugby game at home goes without saying but we don't always have a way of opening those metal caps, unless they are screw top bottles or you have a boring bottle opener This angry looking rugby ball bottle opener can be fixed to the wall easily so you don't keep losing that little bottle opener that you always use, and always lose Get something like this as a focal point in the kitchen or even in your man-cave so you can open a bottle any time you want to
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37. Sterling Silver Catholic Saints Medal Pendant Read the full article
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Dan Biggar: Wales fly-half says players have two games to change their lives
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/dan-biggar-wales-fly-half-says-players-have-two-games-to-change-their-lives/
Dan Biggar: Wales fly-half says players have two games to change their lives
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Wales coach Warren Gatland urges players to grab ‘once in a lifetime’ chance
2019 Rugby World Cup semi-final: Wales v South Africa Venue:International Stadium, YokohamaDate:Sun, 3 NovKick-off:09:00 GMT Coverage:Full commentary on BBC Radio Wales and Radio Cymru, BBC Radio 5 Live and Radio 5 Live Sports Extra, plus text updates on the BBC Sport website and app.
Dan Biggar says Wales have two games to change their lives after reaching the World Cup semi-final.
Warren Gatland’s side fought back from 12-0 down to beat 14-man France 20-19 in a nail-biting quarter final in Oita to set up a last four match against South Africa next Sunday.
“It’s pleasing we are here for another two weeks,” said fly-half Biggar, who scored 10 points in Wales’ win.
“We have two games to potentially change the rest of our lives.”
England take on defending champions New Zealand in the other semi-final in Yokohama on Saturday, a day before Wales face the Springboks at the same venue.
Wales have won four games in a row against the Springboks since losing the 2015 World Cup quarter-final at Twickenham.
“When you get to a semi-final you probably think that on your day, any one of four teams can win,” said Biggar.
Wales call up wing Lane to World Cup
Josh Navidi out of World Cup
World rugby probes referee picture with fans
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“We watched and the All Blacks in particular they were pretty exceptional, they are going to be right up there with the favourites.
“But we are happy to keep under the radar and go about our work quietly and go from there.
“The motivation is there for the team and individuals.
“We are 80 minutes from getting into the World Cup final. But next week will be hugely difficult against a powerhouse South Africa side.
“I’m massively looking forward to it.”
‘Lucky’ Wales
Biggar agrees Wales were fortunate in beating France, admitting they were “terrible” during the first half.
The game changed in the 48th minute when France second-row Sebastien Vahaamahina was sent off for elbowing Wales flanker Aaron Wainwright.
Wales were trailing 19-10 at the time, but Ross Moriarty’s late try and 10 points from Biggar’s boot, including the winning conversion, saw them home.
“We have to count ourselves a bit lucky, but I couldn’t care less,” said Biggar.
Dan Biggar shares that winning feeling with supporters after the quarter final win against France
“We were pretty terrible in the first 40 minutes and the red card changed the game.
“We probably got a bit lucky, but a lot of teams wouldn’t have the character and desire we have to find a way.
“You get no points for style, no bonus points at this stage of the tournament.
“It’s about scoring more points than the opposition and that’s something we did, just about.”
“So we are relieved but also happy and we don’t do that very well in Wales!
“We have managed to reach a World Cup semi-final and we are still frustrated with the way we’ve played.”
Courage and character
The Northampton fly-half put the victory down to character and resilience rather than style or substance.
“What you have got is a group of guys desperate to achieve and who are prepared to dig deep,” said Biggar.
“We’ve trained incredibly hard for moments like this.
“The coaches know they are lucky they have a squad of players here who will dig as deep as anyone in the tournament.
“Looking at the quality of the rugby in the other quarter-finals we were below that, but what we have in abundance and as much as anybody is a desire and a fight not to give in.
“That’s something that can’t be trained.”
Wales’ nail-biting win against France was Dan Biggar’s 77th appearance for Wales
Family support
Biggar will have an extra couple of supporters in Japan this week with his wife and young son travelling out.
“It’s cost me a few quid, flying the wife and little one over now, that’s the only downside of it!” he joked.
“It’ll be great to have them out here.
“Ultimately that’s the most important thing, that’s why a lot of us are doing this, the sacrifices they are making.
“A few quid down the drain, but that’s ok. I think she actually booked them at half-time with a cancellation policy.”
Biggar was happy to come through the France game unscathed after being forced off the field with head injuries in pool matches against Australia and Fiji.
“It was nice to get through a game of 80 minute and I’m really pleased with that,” said Biggar.
“I felt absolutely fine, went through all the protocols, every check, spoke to an independent guy from Australia, who cleared everything.
“We have been careful, the medical staff as usual have been first-class.
“Hopefully there won’t be too many issues going forward.”
Can’t see this selector? Click on this link.
All pictures via Huw Evans images
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askgamerluna-blog · 7 years
Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Serial Number + Crack Full Version
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Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Serial Number + Crack Full Version
Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Serial Number + Crack Full Version Download
Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Serial Number + Crack Full Version
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Why do some apps collect location data? Some apps use specific location data to give you maps, coupons for nearby stores, or information about who you might know nearby. Some provide location data to ad networks, which may combine it with other information in their databases to target ads based on your interests and your location.
Once an app has your permission to access your location data, it can do so until you change the settings on your phone Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Serial Number + Crack Full Version hack. If you don’t want to share your location with advertising networks, you can turn off location services in your phone’s settings. But if you do that, apps won’t be able to give you information based on your location unless you enter it yourself.
Your phone uses general data about its location so your phone Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Serial Number + Crack Full Version cheat carrier can efficiently route calls. Even if you turn off location services in your phone’s settings, it may not be possible to completely stop it from broadcasting your location data.
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