#if you come into my inbox and start saying im a awful pet owner for not connecting the dots dont bother
shinynx · 1 year
So I wana make a post about the signs of kidney failure and chronic kidney disease/renal failure in cats. I'm not a vet or anything of the sort but I am a frustrated cat owner. If I had known the signs sooner maybe my kitty could've lived a longer life. I'm not going to get into the numbers and bloodwork stuff because that doesn't make any sense to me or probably to the people this post is directed at. This post is just meant to help you know what to keep an eye out for, and potentially ask your vet about.
If you're like me and working or out of the house a lot, it's very hard to notice these things in your cat. I really wish I was paying more attention when it mattered most.
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The signs of kidney disease comes in 4 stages. If your cat is in stage four, there's not much that can be done. They will have at best a couple of months up to a year with treatment. You will definitely notice something is wrong at this point. Your cat will probably lose a lot of weight very quickly over the course of a week, and stop eating.
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If your cat is drinking a lot, and vomits occasionally and/or has awful smelling breath, you should absolutely take them to the vet and ask to get bloodwork to check for kidney issues.
It's also a good idea to regularly weigh your cat at home, even if they are not showing any signs. I'd say to weigh them once a month, and keep a journal with their weights and dates and maybe make notes of how much they drink and pee.
My cat was always eager to drink from every water source, and after she turned 7 she had a problem with throwing up. I took her to the vet and she was prescribed special food for sensitive stomach. I thought that was all it was. I trusted the vet. I had no idea this was a sign of kidney failure. After switching her food she was throwing up a lot less, but still around a few times a month. I figured maybe it was because i occasionally gave her special treats that wasn't her prescribed food and that made her puke. I figured her breath was bad because she threw up sometimes... But now I know it was CKD.
So yeah, I'm hoping by making this post it might help a few kitties. Now you know the signs. Don't make the same mistake I did. And for the love of all cats everywhere PLEASE. Keep your cat IN DOORS. And do not bring lillies into the house. Check every plant online to find out if it's safe for cats. And of course keep your cat away from poisons, chemicals, antifreeze and medications.
If you have the means consider tipping this post or check my pinned for other links. I am still trying to pay off my cats ER bills. I still need $2,000. Even a dollar makes a difference. Thank you for reading and take care of your kitties!
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