#if you crush an actual brush petal of lavender you get this really strong sweet delicate floral smell
mossyscavern · 1 year
Flowers in mount Todd, part 8.
“C’mon hurry!!”
Lilian yelled as they both ran to the area as quickly as possible, with Lilian running ahead while he’s falling behind because his limping keeps holding him back.
There are many times where he kind of wished he died differently, this was one of them.
Once they got to the bus, Lilian is already waiting for him with a guilty look on her face. “Sorry.” She apologised, her head hung low in shame. “It’s alright.” He told her, slowing down to his normal pace into a complete stop.
“Did you see anything... remotely suspicious at all?” Tom asked her, Lilian shook her head, a worried look stayed on her face.
Staring back at the damaged vehicle, he asked her to wait outside. Carefully going up the steps of the bus, he looked around the area, not seeing anything wrong or out of place, weirding Tom out a bit.
Thinking it was just some food the human choked on and hoping Lilian just saw something at the wrong time, he was about to walk off the bus.
Just then a small breeze hit, moving something out from under the closest bus seat towards his foot. ‘What the..?’ He thought, slowly kneeling down to take a closer look, upon further inspection he gasped.
Hoping it’s what he thinks it is, he picked up the petal, crushed it in his hand and took in the scent. ‘Delicate, sweet floral smell, herbal, evergreen woodsy... lavender!’ He thought, smiling under his mask.
But that smile faded as soon as he realised it wouldn’t be enough to tell the tale. Just when he was gonna get up to tell her he didn’t find anything, he saw a small pile of petal brushes of lavender underneath the bus seat next to him.
‘Ok, how did I miss that?’ He thought, face palming himself for not noticing. Tom reached under the bus seat to swipe away a few brush petals to find what he’s looking for, after the fifth or sixth time, he found what he’s looking for.
Picking it up, he sighed contently, got up from the bus floor and carefully went down the steps, making sure not to damage the flower in his hand. “Anything?” She asked, hoping it isn’t bad news. “Not much, just this.”
Tom said softly, showing Lilian the flower in his left hand. “Is that... lavender?!” She shouted, slamming a hand on her mouth. “Yes it is.” He answered, gently placing the plant in his pocket. “What’s it doing here in mount Todd?”
“I don’t know, I kind of just found it under.. the bus seat with mine and Tim’s name on it... where my rattle was placed.” Tom whispered, turning back to the bus for five seconds, then turned back to Lilian. “Did you... see anything?” Tom asked.
“No, I couldn’t see anything, he was kind of... out of sight and I don’t want to press further.” She explained, understanding his younger sisters situation he told her not to worry too much and head back to their waiting area...
Then something in his mind clicked...
he took out the lavender from his pocket, just as gently as he placed it in and stared at the flower.
Unexpectedly, it doesn’t have a stem... just like what happened to him around 2:00am after he snapped that redhead’s neck.
‘Could he..? No, that’s impossible.’ He thought, gently putting the flower back in his pocket before returning to the waiting area, he made a mental note to remind Tim he’s back in the game, just so he could prove himself wrong.
But it wouldn’t hurt to be right this time, but that’s just wishful thinking, the human might’ve just carried some with him, he’s not gonna be right this time...
Almost over, just... 4 more to go and I’m done with this au trilogy... and maybe a bonus but enough of that, besides.. I’m pretty sure time for the weavers is completely different to players when the weavers are in their waiting area.
For what seems like minutes to the players, seems like hours to the weavers... that is how it works, right?”
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
I love the angst from the fighter!Bakugo scenarios... but sometimes i need a little softness to even out the angst, so what if he catches on when y/n's spirit starts to break (i mean since he kills people in the ring, he's seen that spark of life go out in many people's eyes) and he gets scared, or finds his own ways of easing up on her?
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Awww well this is a cute change of pace🥺🥺
When Bakugo approaches you hesistantly, fingers fiddling with each other and head bowed, you’re sure someone has died.
Apart from your own soul.
Bakugo doesn’t get nervous, he isn’t hesitant about anything. He’s a man of action, a man of act now and think later.
He’s never come forth so unsurely, one foot in front of the other and then stepping back as if retracing his steps. His gaze which is usually so intensely trained on your eyes and roaming over your body is now glued to the floor as if the lottery numbers were written on it.
“‘Suki…?” You can’t help but utter. Your broken spirit which was previously in a state of grey is now overcome with colors of curiosity and cursed concern. What’s he so cautious about?
“Y/N. You, uh…take a bath.” He grunts like a caveman and immediately cringes when you visibly recoil.
He stumbles over himself to correct the mishap and finally looks at you in panic, seizing the deafens of the comforters you sit on.
“Wait! Wait, that’s not what I meant.”
Your eyebrows scrunch and your lip curls in indignation. You didn’t think you smelled that bad, and even if you did it was because he never let you do anything anymore without begging.
Katsuki takes a deep breath. “Look, I-I just…I want to make you happy. You’re not you anymore.” He mumbled and studies his toes.
Yeah, you wonder why.
He takes your silence as encouragement to see this through and pull you out of your unresponsive state.
“I want you to-actually, can you please take a bath with me?”
Baths with him usually included a harsh fucking and an even more severe beating if you didn’t want to fuck. It’s natural that you mirror his uncertainty and curl into yourself even more.
But he’s not known to back down, in the ring and in his own house. Instead, he slowly raises both his palms to show no harm and walks on his knees towards you, a good two feet away to ensure your comfort.
He knows he fucked up. It’s unfortunate he’s just now realizing it when you respond to virtually nothing but it’s better late than never, in his warped opinion.
“If you start to feel uncomfortable in there, I’ll stop touching you. And if you still want to bail, I’ll let you out any time. I want you to, uh, be happy with me. That’s all.” He finishes lamely and winces at his lack of eloquence.
But amazingly, miraculously, you nod your head a little. You look so cute with your lashes lowered and your lip bitten in his acknowledgment of change, and he wants to eat you up right there.
He doesn’t though. His fingers twitch and his mouth waters, but he loves you too much to carry on like this anymore.
Bakugo doesn’t think he can stand looking at your face of fear and avoidance for one more day. He wants you, needs you back.
The mattress lifts up when his weight disappeared from it and transfers from foot to foot on the hard floor, his large hand outstretched to take yours.
You grant it to him, and he slowly encloses his fist around it, careful not to press too hard and irritate the old bruises.
He lets you take your time getting off of the bed, your sockets audibly popping and whirring as you move off the place you’ve been bedridden for almost weeks now. He takes your other hand gently and hobbles at a snails pace towards the bathroom.
You see the effort. Usually he takes in long strides and huffs impatiently when he can’t go at his own speed, but now he lets you set the pace.
One foot at a time. Left, right, left, right.
Eventually he sets you down on the bathtub edge and lets you observe the soft lavender color.
It smells like vanilla and the rest of your favorite scents, almost like he put a little too much of everything in hopes that you’d like it all.
But it’s nice. You won’t complain.
Little pink petals are dusted across the white froth and a sort of daze comes over you.
Your mind starts to soften like mush and your limbs begin melting in his grasp. Katsuki is having a premonition of his own, and almost in sync with yours he tightens his grip ever so slightly on your arms as your body begins to sway.
“You’re good. I got you.” He mutters and stroked the top of your head. You looked up at him blankly as he dips his fingers in the water and tests the temperature out for you.
Deeming it to be up to your standards, he reaches out towards the hem of your shirt and then stops suddenly.
“Can I, uh,” he clears his throat, “undress you?”
In response, your arms move slightly above your head, and he lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Your shirt rides up your body, and with a quick glance for confirmation at you your bra, panties and shorts come off as well.
Katsuki’s penis is erect but he wills it at a standstill, your love more important than his hormones.
But fuck, there’s moments when you’re slowly sliding in the tub with his guidance that your soft breasts brush against his hands, your ass glides across his dick when you sit with your back against his chest and he wants nothing more than to shove your head underwater and to fuck you like the cheap, teasing whore you are.
Which is what the past Katsuki might’ve said. But strangely enough, when all that goes through his head his dick deflates a little to his utter astonishment.
It looks like he really is just craving your attention and love more than your beautiful body, his physicality a testament to his real desires.
When you both sink into the warm water, a unison groan can be heard from the two of you, and it causes you to giggle.
The sound is so sweet and so much like you that he actually feels like his heart is swelling. It’s a feeling he hasn’t felt in seemingly years, like an old cut being reopened to release the sweet taste of ichor pouring from its bittersweet wound.
If he’s ever doubted his love for you, he’s sure as hell of it now.
You complete him.
You always will.
And when he’s pouring little handfuls of water over your torso that don’t clean as much as merely soothe your dozed off being, that love kept away in the confines of his fists and head unravel and spread across as a buzz to his heart and mouth in forms of cooes and quiet nonsense that means nothing to anyone else but you two.
And with his hands being the cause of a lovely flush for once instead of gruesome black and blues, with his mouth next to your ear telling you that he’s nothing without you instead of the usual sneers and insults , with his strong thighs locked around your side to protect rather than crush you, the resentment kept within your tears resurface and fall away, forgiving but not forgetting.
When your eyes get heavier and your breathing slows almost to a still, you can feel his chest start to shake behind you.
It lulls you further.
His sniffles and choked breaths lay a velvet blanket over your aching heart and his, tying the string that binds you both together tighter. Your hand distantly comes up and embeds itself in his scalp, fingers softly raking through his spiky hair.
He gasps for breath and buries his face into the crook of your drenched shoulder.
You can’t tell whose weaker-him or you.
You’ll suffice for the both of you for now though, granting him reprieve even though he knows he doesn’t deserve it, doesn’t deserve you.
In his arms, you are not asleep right now.
But you can barely open your eyes.
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