#if you dm me dont be offended if i don't reply i do not have notifs nor check this blog particularly frequently
tailsandco · 6 months
hey, does anyone know any chibi/esque artists who are comfortable drawing fat bodies, particularly fat men, and maybe cats? i commissioned some art of my partner and i but i want a piece that actually looks like him.
i probably wouldn't be ordering until after the holidays but if you know anyone / will have commissions open between jan-feb, feel free to post a link in the replies.
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futturmangamez · 7 days
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Hellloo tumblr! Or should I say..futturfriends? I don't know hah! This is very important‼‼⚠️ I really hope everyone can see this
Just wanted to say a big thank you again for all of the love I have received so far! Did not think that I could gain a lot of new friends on here:) I wanted to point out though..I am uh..23. And I do tend to post a LOT of...nsfw topics😅 so I think it's really important to remember that unless you're an adult, I suggest not looking through my page and stuff. Maybeee 16+ is okay? Not for all things though. But still..I see some of you little preteenagers trying to talk to me in certain ways when you should be finishing your middle school final project before summer(light hearted joke😆🤣)
On another note! I do want to make sure everyone who is following and interacting my page feels comfortable. I want to be a safe space for you guys whether it be to reblog silly posts, ask me questions or share what you're up to, even messaging me how your day is, a little uh..flirtayy😌(hello beautiful ladies,men, and other futterfriends💋), and ranting as well! I dont mind any of that stuff..just keep in mind that I receive a lot of messages now and I try to balance tumblr with my games and work such! So please pleasee do not be hurt or offended if it takes me a few hours or even a day to reply sometimes 😅 I promise I will get to you when I can. Love you💙
(Also hi! This account is growing quite quick and I appreciate a lot of you for sticking around as well..still kinda new to tumblr and shit. Pls remember this is yknow..a roleplay account..I'm aware josh does post some annoying stuff hah I am just here to make others happy and do as best as I could roleplaying as josh..even if it's a lil horny haha I'm an adult too. I myself am nott trying to get with any of u..if that wasnt clear🤭I'm also human. Not an ai bot. (C ai and janitor ai has lots of josh futturman bots:)) I promise none of you guys are bothering me but I tend to take some time now to answer as it's been difficult balancing things, especially since I have some low mental health days too..as I'm sure josh would as well:D but yes feel free to message or reblog as much as u want..I know all of us are going thru something..if you're under 18 I dont mind if u come to josh to talk about anything NOT nsfw. I know what it's like to be young and not have a safe place to talk about things/rant..josh can be like your older silly cousin or sumn🫂 and if u ever prefer josh to say specific things in dm just say so :] also down to make friends with anyone here as well. Sending love and virtual hugs💜- B🃏
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geddy-leesbian · 4 months
quick little about me!
currently my main fandom is Resident Evil/Luis Serra specifically, but some other things I like include but are not limited to:
🖤 Pokemon (gen 2/rival Silver especially <3)
🖤 Fire Emblem (EDELGARD MY BELOVED. Get the fuck off my blog if you think she's a villain!! 😤)
🖤 Starcraft
🖤 Magic the Gathering (I haven't been following the story much for a few years, but I love Ravnica and Ral)
🖤 Rush/Geddy Lee (I very rarely block anyone but I do not hesitate to block anyone shit talking Rush 😤)
🖤 Some other classic rock
🖤 The Mighty Boosh
🖤 Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
My life has been a really traumatic shit show the past year, but I'm hoping to either start actual mortuary school this year, or cosmetology school as a stepping stone to being a mortician.
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I typically follow back, if you seem like someone I'll vibe with. I also tend to follow anyone who shows up in my notes consistently.
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I'm very friendly, don't be afraid to send asks or DM me!! But due to an unfortunate combination of social anxiety and ADHD, I am very bad at responding to people! If it seems like I'm ignoring you, there's a 99% chance what happened was a sequence of events like this: "*sees and reads message/reply* oh sweet I'll respond to this later -> *completely forgets to* -> *after a long time remembers* -> *looks at the message again and the social anxiety hits* oh no it's been so long it's going to be awkward if I respond now guess I'll just die"
So if I don't respond to you after a couple days, PLEASE feel free to remind me to!! I won't be offended/annoyed at all.
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I write too much Serrennedy fic. Here's my AO3. (I am HORRIBLE at responding to comments on AO3. I always read them, I just suck at replying. If you have something burning you want a response to, sending asks here is the best way.)
I also have a side blog as a way to contain my fic stuff, but I frequently forget it exists, oops @dont-be-late-to-the-dance
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ending this with some pics of me because I'm hot af
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shlutnutt · 3 years
You're done for
it simply looks like he said "you're done for" so thats the title
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i like this too much for it to be written in like 20 minutes lmfao//kinda rushed through, wanted to write this fic idea before i'd forget
warnings: slight daddy kink, spanking, thigh riding, fingering, oral sex, kinda caught up in the end
"Babe.. what the hell are you doing here?" questions Kit in an insignificant whisper, wiping some rust off of his hands with an overused wash cloth. "I just wanted to see you." you admit, turning your head to the side to let out an evil smirk.
"You know im like.. working right, babe?" responds Kit, this time reaching over to the mini fridge to offer you a snack.
Kit, despite from being such a beloving gentleman, had his little soft and weak spots for you in which you were more than overly aware of, the thought producing a slight intense eye contact to form onto the cross-armed man patiently waiting for an answer.
"Please not now, Y/N." says Kit in his worned out sarcastic tone, 100% predicting that you were up to something.. not so very much appropriate for a mechanic shop. "Nobody's back here babe, really quick? 5 minutes?" you insist needing your lover more than ever.
"So.. what im hearing is, it takes me 5 minutes to cum?" Kit asked confusingly, offended really.
"Hmm.. I don't quite remember."
"Oh you don't?"
"Not quite really."
"Just kiss me already, Y/N" demanded Kit, already fed up with your distractions.
"What if I don't want to?" you tease, slowly zipping down the track suit top you wore, of course just to seduce him. Kit's eyes traced your body getting lost to the sight of your cleavage before coming back into his senses and harshly gripping his large hand around your neck, choking you, hard. Just how he knew you loved.
"You'll have to be quiet if you want me to touch you." Kit whispered onto your ear, which was honestly all he needed to say for you to nod desperately.
"All right, now be a good girl for me and take your clothes off." he instructed. You of course taking every single item of clothing you had on, allowing your underwear to stay on for him to rip off. "Just fuck me already, please." you pleaded attempting to grab his hardening member through his jeans, which he dodges completely.
"You know not to tell daddy what to do, gorgeous. Specially in that disrespectful tone." says Kit, gripping onto your wrists placing them on a table bending you down carefully, your ass arched up to an angle where he enjoyed the view.
Mentally preparing yourself for Kit's animalistic spanks, you managed to close your eyes tightly, just to feel your lace underwear being slowly shifted to the side. "Gonna be good for me, beautiful?" asked Kit, as his breath fanned your dripping cunt. "I promise i'll be good." you reply, soon feeling Kit's tongue sliding through your dampened folds without a warning, hearing a slight hum escape from his lips to your taste. You hum back as a reply to his tongue against your clit, earning a harsh spank onto your left ass cheek, making you yelp lowly in pain, just to receive another spank onto your right asscheek from the minimal sound you've created.
This time keeping quiet, you feel one of his massive fingers enter you, roughly pumping in and out whilst his tongue wasn't willing to detach itself from you. Nearing your release faster than regular from the sudden adrenaline.
Accidentally moaning now to his tongue forcing itself past your folds, you hear him get up, forcing your head to turn back to face him. Just to encounter Kit, sucking on his fingers dry whilst sitting on an old rusty chair.
"Shut the fuck up and come here."
His demand taking you by surprise you frightenedly walk up to the man who only eyed you with dark seductive eyes. "Yes sir?" you perpetuate, whilst attempting to grab onto his member once again, recieving a hand slap.
"Bad girls don't get rewarded." was all he said before lifting you up to accommodate you onto his thigh.
"Wanna cum? Make yourself cum, since you can't listen." said Kit, looking down at you pathetically rubbing yourself onto his clothed thigh, which sent nothing more than a pleasurable pain.
While you continued to rub yourself on his thigh he smoked a cigarette, attentively watching down on you soaking up his jeans, your climax not being too far from arriving.
"That's right almost there" teased Kit, having memorized how your legs would tense up just right before cumming, "Fuck, Kit!" you yelled out, as you climaxed onto Kit's thigh, collapsing onto him.
"Wanna puff?" asked Kit completely dodging the fact that he had just got cummed on, whilst lifting up his near worned out cigarette towards your shaky lips.
"Fuck you, Kit." you bluntly reply, earning a soft forhead kiss from your beloved. "I love you too, my beautiful." he replied, admiring your exhausted self on his shoulder.
"Yo Walker, what was all that nois- Oh shit."
taglist: @divineruler @thatspookyagent @kaismessiahbb @kai-andersons-cheeto @evanmybeloved @billyhxrgrove @sinnersblood
(dont hesitate to dm if you'd like to be in the taglist!)
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cytaoplasm · 7 years
i'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time right now :( and don't worry about ranting on tumblr it's your blog and we're always here to listen. things maybe shitty right now but i promise they'll get better you always have us to rely on :)
You’re supposed to pay for everything you list on the form.Hello anon. Thank you for taking your time sending me this message. I’m just afraid that people might take a screenshot of my rant and send it to the person I am upset about. I don’t like starting beef with people (even if they’re shitty) but yeah thanks for that. I hope it will be better soon because I feel really upset right now and I’m trying very hard to be positive. I will rant below so keep reading. Please do not attack the person or trying to find them. I’m not trying to start beef with this person. I just want to get this off my chest not starting a drama. If you cared for my mental being please do not DO NOT screenshot this and send this to other people.
So yesterday, I saw one of the group order person opened a korean good form. so I decided to buy a pair of contact lense that i cant get in the US along with a SM COEX exo keychain for my friend who is moving away soon. Since this is my first time group ordering with this person and I don’t know the expectation that well so I got worried about item and thought about how OP’s sister who is traveling to Korea for vacation  (which is why they opened a GO) might not be able to find it so I put down an etude house palette as an alternative option and said that in case if it’s a disconveinet for them to find the lense they can just get this palette for me which can easily find in korean road shop
My order:
Lensme Cocktail Hologram Kalua Milk 1+2 event (Please get Peach Crush + Blue Hawaii if they allow you to choose)
Power: L- 4.5 R - 4.00
20,000 ($17.69 USD)
but if the lenseme shop is kinda far away from you and there’s an olense store nearby or something:
Olense Russian Velvet Gray http://www.o-lens.com/product/search.html?banner_action=&keyword=%EB%9F%AC%EC%8B%9C%EC%95%88%EB%B2%A8%EB%B2%B3
Power: 0
20,000 ($17.69 USD)
If you can’t find the lense please get me this instead:
Etude House Personal Color Palette Warm Tone http://www.etude.co.kr/product.do?method=view&prdCd=101001241 Etude House
35,000 ($30.95 USD)
Other orders beside the lense:
EXO Lightstick White Chanyeol Key Chain https://detail.tmall.hk/hk/item.htm?spm=a1z10.15-b.w4011-14804704346.51.q16QAx&id=544589047475&rn=05a7455bb212062bbc9c6b5c4678b91b
94.00 Yuan ($13.68)
Please note that I am trying to make both side: myself and them happy. I don’t want to cause a hassle for them but I also want to get stuff from Korea myself which is why I put down an alternative option. She doesn’t have to get it. If she can find the lense, that’s great If she can’t find it, she can stop by an Etude House road shop which is all over the place in Korea and get the palette for me.
However, the problem is that the palette is $30.95, so I was wondering if I have to pay for that too so I send her an Ask:
“Hey so I just send u the payment and stuff immediately right after the order. On the form I ordered a pair of contact lense & a keychain from Coex but I put an alternative option in case they can’t find it. Do I also have to pay for that option before or can I do it after they confirm they cant ?“
and this is why she told me ( I copied and paste the reply)
“You’re supposed to pay for everything you list on the form.”
The way she replied was very cold and it didn’t answer my question. The palette is not my primary choice. She can chose not to buy it. So I asked her again.
“Ok so I’m gonna send you the payment for the alternative option. I just want to confirm this again (sorry for being annoying) but you will refund me back that money after your sister’s back right? Thank you for your patience I really appreciate it”
and her replies:
“If she can’t find the goods, your payment will be refunded.”
She still didn’t answer my question clearly. Maybe I guess I’m just slow. IDk you make the judgement.
The thing is  I want to get some goods from korea and i dont want them to go through the process of refunding my money u know so I thought it would better to just keep it and spend it on the alternative option which can easily be found in road shop. That way both side will be happy.
I was actually thinking about sending them an extra $13.26 so that even if she cant find the lense she still have $17 smth (money that i gave her for the lense) and she can use that extra money + the money for the lense to buy it so I messaged a friend of mine who is in the NA EXO G.O who I thought might have her line ID but it turned out to be the wrong person. So yeah then, I found out she refunded my order and send me this email:
“I cancelled your order and refunded you your payment. My sister isn’t a personal shopper to be on the lookout for alternatives for you as the point of her getting items for people are if you are 100% sure you want that good. If you list the item in your form, you pay for it and if she can’t find it, your payment is refunded. There are no alternatives as she doesn’t have time to be catering to just your order. She’s going on vacation and will not be spending her whole time for just you.You also asked if there will be a fee for domestic, then said you live in Dallas, Texas? I only do meet-ups in Houston, so of course there will be a fee for me to send you your goods.Also, my orders don’t have anything to do with Chen USA Union. I run both, but they are separate entities. Different rules apply.”
Also I forgot to mention, since her form didn’t said anything about paying domestic fee so I asked. I didn’t know if I have to pay for domestic shipping fee since we’re in the same state. I did shopping on eBay and a lot of sellers who is in the same state do free shipping so I was just curious.
Secondly she said  "They will also take special requests yet do not guarantee that they will be able to find them.“ She did not said we’re not your personal shopper and we do not have time to take special request. She said on the form, she said they WILL ALSO TAKE SPECIAL REQUEST.
BUt out of courtesy I send her an apology email. Even though I personally think I did nothing wrong.
“I apologize for my actions. I did not know that what I was doing was wrong. This is my first group order so I just wanted to clarify and follow the rules correctly and send in my payment, so everything would work out and not becoming a huge mess. I don’t have the knowledge about the obvious reason of paying domestic fee since again, this is my first time doing something like this. I have looked at all of the information and read everything closely in the form. I did not know that putting in an alternative option would offend you. I was simply trying to be specific like what you said on the form so you didn’t have to email me about different concerns. So I apologize for that along with my foolishness and lack of thought when ordering from you. It was my inexperience with group ordering and group order expectations from you that caused you and your sister some inconveniences.  I am not sure  if I am in your blacklist or not but if your sister is willing to take my order to buy the lenses from Lensme and an EXO COEX good that please let me know. I will resend my payment to you. I am very willing to pay for the domestic fee as well. But if you and your sister are not willing to, I understand and I wish you the best and I also wish your sister to enjoy her vacation. If she has the time, I would definitely recommend her to go to this cute sheep cafe called Thanks Nature Cafe. I don’t remember the address but I think it’s in Hongdae. You can go search it up! My cousin went there during her vacation early this year and said it was really nice. Thank you and have a nice day.”
*took a deep breath* I put the options as a good gesture. I honestly don’t know why is she getting triggered by my actions. Can she just inform me in a nice way? Instead of criticizing me and make me look like a shitty person? I have never missed my payment nor back out an order. I was just simply trying to follow directions and trying to clarify some information because it’s my responsibility to know what I’m getting into and not causing trouble for other people. I do not understand why this person is mad.
So yeah. Don’t do group order, guys. They take a long time and group order master always sounds like they’re moody 24/7. If you tripped up once, they will kill you. I get that their job is stressful but do they feel the need to take it on an innocent person who just simply trying to abide by the rule ?
DM if you want screenshot and links and actual proof. I didn’t make up any of this. I have never lied once in my life. If I’m upset there’s a reason why. I don’t get upset by things easily but when I do it’s serious.
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