#josh hutcherson
lefteagleblizzard · 2 days
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱
Mike schmidt x male reader
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A request that I received from a friend here on tumblr: “I'm wondering if you would be fine with a possessive Mike chapter? The idea is that the reader gets hit on and then Mike goes all grumpy boyfriend who thinks 'back of he's mine'. Now I don't think the reader would start it or try to flirt back, I just think someone would come up to him out of know were, maybe at a bar”
Tags: Part 8 of this miniseries of Mike Schmidt x male reader. Age-gap (5 years) between you and Mike (reader is 20 years old). Male reader. He/him pronouns used towards the reader. Jealous Mike Schmidt. Fluff. Angst with an happy ending. Allusion to smut.
Words count: 3500
Part 1-Part 2- Part 3-Part 4-Part 5-Part 6-Part 7
Can also be found on wattpad and ao3
If you have an idea for another part of this Mike Schmidt x Male Reader series, or even a request for Mike Munroe x Male Reader from Until Dawn, please let me know <3. I love reading other people's opinions and ideas.
It had been exactly one month since you'd moved in with Mike, and tonight was a small celebration. With Abby at a sleepover at one of her friend's houses, you and Mike had the rare opportunity to spend some quality time together. Tonight, it was just about the two of you.
Mike had suggested going to a quiet bar nearby, somewhere casual yet with enough ambiance to make the night feel special. It wasn't the fanciest place in town, but that didn't matter to either of you. The dim lights, warm atmosphere, and low hum of conversation from other patrons set the perfect mood. Mike chose a small table in the corner, away from the busier parts of the bar, the kind of spot where you could focus on each other without the chaos around you.
Mike slid onto the sofa first, making sure you were close beside him as you both settled in. The sofa was indeed small, which Mike quickly pointed out. He shifted in his seat, extending his arm across the backrest behind your head, a casual but deliberate move to pull you in closer.
"Comfy?" he asked, his voice quiet and teasing as he leaned slightly toward you. His arm remained outstretched, his fingers brushing against your shoulder lightly.
“There's plenty of room on the other side of the couch. You don't need to use me as a pillow."
Mike chuckled, his eyes glinting with something softer. "I'm just trying to be comfortable. This couch is too small for both of us."
You couldn't help but laugh softly. "Sure it is, Mike."
But you didn't mind. In fact, you leaned into him, letting his arm rest more comfortably around your shoulders as the proximity between you grew.
With the excuse of the small couch, Mike's hand eventually trailed down to your side, resting lightly on your hip, holding you close without saying much.
The way he shifted his body toward you made it clear that his focus was entirely on you, the busy bar around you fading into the background.
"You look really good tonight," Mike said suddenly, his voice quiet but firm, as his eyes scanned you slowly, appreciatively. His gaze lingered just a second longer than usual, and you could feel a faint heat rising in your cheeks at the intensity of his stare.
You felt your face heat up slightly as you ducked your head, trying to play it cool.
He was dressed simply, wearing his usual dark jacket over a plain t-shirt, looking effortlessly handsome in his quiet, brooding way. His eyes were focused on the menu, studying the ridiculous drink names with a small furrow in his brow.
"Thanks. You too," you replied, trying to hide the fact that your heart had skipped a beat.
He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head as if to say you didn't need to return the compliment. "I'm serious," he added, his gaze lingering on you a moment longer. "It's nice seeing you like this. Relaxed"
You smiled at him, appreciating the moment. "Yeah, it feels good. It's been a while since we've had a night like this. Besides, I had to put in the effort. It's not every day I get to drag my grumpy boyfriend out for a night like this."
"Grumpy?" Mike repeated, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not like that."
"Oh, you are," you teased, poking him lightly in the ribs. "Don't pretend you're not."
Mike chuckled softly, the sound low and rough in his throat. "You're imagining things."
"Am I? You were grumbling about traffic on the way here, and I saw you glare at that couple when we walked in."
"They were blocking the door," Mike muttered defensively.
"See?" You laughed, shaking your head.
Mike rolled his eyes, but there was a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I might be like this because I've got a troublemaker for a boyfriend."
You gasped softly, placing a hand over your heart. "Me? A troublemaker? I'm innocent!"
Mike gave you a look that clearly said he didn't believe you, and you couldn't help but laugh. "Uh-huh," he said dryly.
You grinned, leaning in against him slightly to give him a side hug.
"It's been a while since I've gone out like this," he admitted, his lips curving into that rare, small smile you loved seeing.
His expression softened as his arm around your side tightened. "We've both been busy," he admitted, though you could hear the unspoken part of the sentence: You've been patient with me.
As you browsed through the menu, something caught your eye. The bar offered a selection of unique, non-alcoholic drinks with quirky names-exactly the kind of thing that piqued your curiosity.
"Look at these," you said, nudging Mike slightly. "They've got some really cool names. 'Ocean Breeze,' 'Tropical Twilight, and...’Dragon's Breath'? Sounds interesting, right?"
Mike leans in slightly, glancing over the drink description. "Let's try some," he says with a tired but amused smile. "We could work our way through some of these. They're cheap enough and no hangover tomorrow."
You couldn't help but grin at his suggestion. It felt good to unwind like this. Without the heavy weight of your usual responsibilities, it felt like the two of you were able to just be a couple enjoying each other's company. So, you both ordered a few of the more intriguing and exciting drinks, eager to sample their flavors.
It doesn't take long before the server returns with your first round of drinks. One is a vibrant blue with smoke-like vapors rising from it. 'The Dragon's Breath’. The other is a bright orange concoction topped with a skewer of fruit.
Mike reaches for the blue one first, swirling the glass in his hand before taking a sip. His face remains impassive, as if the strange flavors don't faze him at all.
"Try it."
You take the glass from him, watching the vapors curl up around your fingers. When you take a sip, the sharp, sour taste hits you instantly, making you wince and grimace.
When he saw your expression, he let out a rare, quiet laugh, his tired eyes crinkling at the edges. "You look like you just ate a lemon," he teased, his voice deep and slightly raspy.
"It's because I think I did. Ugh... that's intense," you groaned, pushing the glass away, trying not to laugh at your own reaction.
Mike chuckles softly, his dark eyes glinting with amusement. "Not a fan?"
"Not sure how you didn't even flinch," you reply, shaking your head. You take another cautious sip, but the sourness makes you pucker your lips again. Mike laughs, the sound low and tired but full of affection.
"You get used to it," he says with a shrug, though there's a hint of playful teasing in his tone. "Want me to finish it for you?"
"Please do," you say, sliding the glass back toward him. Mike takes it without a word, downing the rest of it like it's nothing.
The next drink was the bright orange one. You took a sip, and the sweet, fruity taste is a welcome relief after the sourness of the first drink. It was much more liquid than the sour one you tried and it quickly consumed as you took a sip of it.
"Oh, this one's good," you say, offering the glass to Mike. "You've got to try it."
There was barely any left in the glass, just a few drops at the bottom.
"Come closer," Mike says, his voice dropping just a bit lower. There's a playful gleam in his eyes that makes your pulse quicken.
Curious, you lean toward him, and in one swift movement, Mike cups the back of your head and pulls you into a kiss. His lips are warm against yours, and his tongue is exploring your mouth, tasting the remnants of the drink you'd just had. The kiss is slow and languid, full of that lazy confidence he always seems to carry.
When he finally pulls back, your heart is racing, and Mike has that small, satisfied smile on his face. "Tastes good," he murmurs, his eyes half-lidded as he watches your reaction.
You flush, half-embarrassed but unable to stop the grin spreading across your face. "You didn't even taste the drink," you say, lightly hitting his chest.
"I tasted enough," Mike replies, clearly pleased with himself.
You can't help but laugh, shaking your head at his antics. "You're impossible."
There's one drink next with a quiet awful color scheme that tastes faintly of mint and chocolate, reminding you of a dessert, and another that's so bitter you both cringe after the first sip. Mike offers to finish it off, just as he did with the sour one, but this time you're determined to get through it, even though it makes you shiver with each sip.
Your eyes squint immediately, lips purse together tightly, forming a thin, strained line. Your nostrils flare slightly, as if they might filter out the bitterness. You winced, eyes darting down at the glass briefly, maybe questioning all of your life choices up to this moment.
Your throat visibly constricts with each gulp. The corners of your eyes crinkle as you fights the instinct to grimace more openly.
"You're stubborn," Mike says, watching you with a faint smile.
"I'm not letting this drink win," you reply, setting the empty glass down.
Your tongue darts out briefly, almost like your trying to wipe away the bitterness.
Your boyfriend watches with a small, lazy grin. It’s a smile that dances in his eyes, both amused and impressed by the spectacle.
“It’s the same face you made when Abby gave us those cookies she made at school.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the memory. “She used salt instead of sugar, poor thing. But at least I finished it in front of her. You gagged immediately at the first bite at your own sister’s baking!”
He laughs, shrugging. “Honest reactions. Besides, she took it as a learning moment. I saved her from making the same mistake twice.”
The last small shot arrived.'Zombie Sunrise,'—‘Minty moonshot,'—'Mango Madness’. These names were wild. It sounded like they're trying a bit too hard but it was at least fun trying to figure out the ingredients.
At one point, as you took a sip from the last drink, Mike's gaze fixed on you. You set the glass down, raising an eyebrow. "What?" you asked, trying to keep your voice light.
Mike didn't answer right away. Instead, he leaned in, his hand sliding from your hip to the back of your neck, gently pulling you closer until your lips were just inches apart.
"I just like looking at you," he murmured, his voice low and rough in that way that always made your heart race.
Before you could respond, his lips were on yours. The kiss started soft, tender even, but quickly deepened as Mike's other hand slid around to your waist, pulling you even closer. The small couch left no room for distance, and it seemed like that was exactly what Mike wanted. His kiss grew more intense, more insistent, as his tongue brushed against yours, exploring your mouth with a hunger that had been simmering all night.
You shifted slightly, turning your body to face him more fully as you responded to his kiss with equal intensity. His hand tangled in your hair as he tilted your head just enough to deepen the angle, his lips moving against yours with a desperate kind of passion that left you breathless.
His grip on you tightened, as though he couldn't bear to let you go.
When he finally pulled back, his breathing was a little heavier, his forehead resting against yours. His eyes, dark and intense, locked onto yours.
"You're dangerous, you know that?" you whispered, your voice breathless from the kiss.
Mike smirked, his lips brushing against yours again, this time softer, gentler. "What’s the name of the one you had? It was good."
You felt a rush of warmth spread through you at his words, and though the moment was intimate, you couldn't help but tease him back. "Yeah, well, it was probably mixed with all the other drinks we've had," you said, grinning.
Mike's hand slid off your neck, and he leaned back, his expression softening into something more content. "Maybe. You want another one of that?" he suggested quietly, a rare playful note in his voice.
You nodded, standing up and beating Mike. He grumbled something under his breath as you pushed on his shoulders to get up and ground him on the seat.
His eyes followed you as you moved through the dimly lit room. You were used to his gaze by now. The way he always seemed to keep an eye on you, not out of possessiveness but out of some deep-rooted need to know you were safe.
Leaning against the bar, you glanced over at the bartender, waiting for him to finish with the previous order. You felt someone sit beside you, closer than anyone other than Mike had the right to do. Glancing sideways, you noticed a man standing next to you just a little too close for comfort. He had a confident grin on his face, the kind that immediately set off alarm bells in your mind, his eyes sweeping over you in a way that made you uncomfortable.
"Hey," the guy said, his voice smooth and casual. "You here alone?"
You blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Uh, no. I'm with someone."
The man's grin didn't falter. If anything, it widened slightly as he leaned a little closer, his shoulder brushing against yours. "Really? I've been watching you for a while, and it didn't look like you were with anyone."
This guy must be terribly drunk. That or he confused you with some other poor person here.
You stiffened at the unwanted attention, glancing back toward Mike, who was still sitting at the table. From this distance, you could see the way his posture had changed, how his relaxed demeanor had shifted into something more rigid. His eyes were locked on you, a tension in his jaw that hadn't been there a few minutes ago.
"I am with someone," you repeated, more firmly this time, hoping the guy would get the hint. "So, if you don't mind..."
But the man didn't seem to care, leaning in a bit more, his grin turning into something smug. "Come on, I'm just trying to be friendly. What's the harm?”
You clenched your jaw, trying to figure out how to defuse the situation without making a scene. The last thing you wanted was for this random guy to start something. You soon felt a familiar presence behind you.
He didn't say anything at first, but the way he moved into your space, his hand landing firmly on your lower back, spoke volumes. His body pressed against yours just enough to make it clear who you were with. He wasn't being aggressive -yet- but the tension in his body was unmistakable. He was on edge, and you could feel the protectiveness radiating off of him like heat.
"He's with me," Mike said, his voice low but steady. There was no mistaking the warning in his tone.
The guy blinked, clearly surprised by Mike's sudden appearance. He glanced between the two of you, taking in the way Mike's hand rested on your waist, the hard set of his jaw, the way his eyes were narrowed in a silent threat.
"Oh, hey, man. Just talking," the guy said, trying to sound casual, but there was a nervous edge to his voice now. "Didn't mean anything by it."
Mike's grip on your waist tightened slightly, his fingers pressing into your side as if to silently reassure you that he had everything under control. "He's not interested," Mike stated, his voice steady, though you could hear the restrained anger bubbling just beneath the surface.
The guy held up his hands in mock surrender, backing off with a smirk that made your skin crawl. "Alright, alright. Didn't mean to step on any toes."
With that, he slunk away into the crowd, leaving you and Mike standing at the bar. The tension in Mike's body didn't immediately fade, even after the guy disappeared from view. He stayed close to you, his hand still on your waist. His eyes followed the guy for a moment longer to make absolutely certain that he was gone.
"You okay?" Mike asked quietly, his voice softer now that the idiot was gone. He turned his attention fully to you, his gaze searching your face for any signs of discomfort.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reassured him. "Thanks for stepping in."
Mike's hand lingered on your waist, his thumb rubbing small, soothing circles into your side. "I didn't like the way he was looking at you."
You smiled softly, placing your hand over his, feeling the tension still humming through his body. "You don't have to worry. I wasn't interested."
He let out a small sigh. "Still... I didn't like it."
It wasn't that he didn't trust you; it was that he cared so deeply, so fiercely, that the idea of anyone else trying to take you away made him uneasy.
"Let's go back to the table," you suggested gently, not wanting him to dwell on it any longer.
He nodded, guiding you back to your seat with his hand still firmly on your waist. When you sat down, he didn't let go, keeping you close to him as if he needed the physical connection to fully calm down.
The rest of the night continued quietly, though Mike's attention never strayed far from you. He wasn't his usual quiet self; instead, he seemed more present, more focused on you than usual. He kept you close, the way his gaze would occasionally flicker to the crowd around you to make sure no one else would try anything.
Later, when the bar started to clear out and you both decided it was time to head home, Mike's hand gripped yours tightly as you walked back to his house. The cool night air seemed to soothe him, though his grip on you was still firm, still reassuring in its own way.
Once you were inside the house, Mike closed the door behind you with a quiet sigh. He leaned against it for a moment. You could see the way the tension in his shoulders finally began to ease.
“Are you sure you're alright?" he asked again, his voice a little softer now that it was just the two of you. "I... I don't like seeing you uncomfortable like that."
You crossed the room to him, reaching out to cup his face in your hands. "I'm fine, Mike. Really. You don't have to worry about guys like that."
He let out a small breath, leaning into your touch as his hands found your waist again.
His gaze softened at your words, his hands tightening slightly on your waist as if to pull you even closer. "Good," he grumbled, his voice low and a little rough with emotion. "Because you're mine."
With that he kissed you, slow and deep, the kind of kiss that made your toes curl and your heart race. His hands slid up your back, pulling you closer as his lips moved against yours with a possessive need that made your skin tingle.
You could feel the tension between you both shift into something else, something more intimate. Mike's grip on you tightened, his body pressing against yours as he guided you toward the bedroom.
You chuckled softly against his lips, but Mike didn't let up, his hands sliding to your waist as he started guiding you toward the bedroom. "Mike," you whispered, still smiling, but he only kissed you harder, his lips chasing yours because he couldn't get enough.
The two of you stumbled into the bedroom, your back hitting the wall as Mike's hands roamed your body, his lips trailing from your mouth to your jaw, then to your neck. He was being uncharacteristically bold tonight.
You tilted your head back, letting him have his way, your fingers tangling in his hair as he kissed you like a man starved.
You were his and nothing was ever going to change that.
Note: If you liked this story please leave a comment, I love reading them <3.
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xcherryerim · 24 hours
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Night Shift Sparks
for jhutch promptober prompt 22: Denim
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Mike schmidt x gn!reader | wc: 1.1k (suggestive)
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The building was like a frozen fortress, its air conditioning blasting at full force to preserve the delicate animatronics. Even with your blanket, the chill seeped into your bones, making you shiver involuntarily. Your breath came out in small puffs of mist, mixing with the coffee steam. The cold weather outside seemed to leak inside, making even the surveillance room seem frostbitten.
Intrigued, you glanced at the hanger, wondering what type of coverup Mike would wear in such freezing weather. Would it be something casual, elegant, or cute? But to your surprise, you saw a simple denim jacket next to your coat.
“Don’t you get cold?” You looked at Mike, a hint of concern in your eyes. He seemed taken aback by the sudden question.
"What?" he asked, his voice betraying a touch of surprise.
"Your jacket," you replied, your gaze shifting back to the clothes on the hanger.
"Oh…" he said, a hint of flusteredness in his voice. "It has a bit of fur inside. It keeps me warm."
Unconvinced, you chuckled, your cheeks subtly blushing as you retorted, "Still... I think it's much colder outside for a denim jacket to handle alone."
His eyes were transfixed by your smile, captivated by the way it turned into a soft line. Mike's adam's apple moved as he prepared a response.
"Ah, I like feeling the breeze a bit," his discomfort or embarrassment became evident as his hand went to his neck.
Unintentionally, your eyes drifted to his arms, noting the marked skin and wondering what it would feel like for those arms to wrap around you, hold your hips, or even choke you.
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts, hoping Mike hadn't managed to read your mind, as that would undoubtedly create an awkward situation between you and your coworker.
With a shaky voice, Mike announced, "I'll go get a smoke." His eyes refused to meet yours, his fingers tapping the chair.
"You wanna come with me?" he asked, his tone carrying a hint of pleading. He wasn't desperate, but he certainly hoped you would accompany him, even if it was just to stand by his side.
You smiled, sensing the underlying anticipation in his voice. "Sure, I'll join you in a bit."
You watched the security camera, observing the almost invisible reflection of Mike putting on his jacket. Your thoughts fixated on one thing: he was incredibly hot.
You took a moment to compose yourself before following him, not wanting to appear overly eager. You spotted Mike leaning against the wall, a cigar between his fingers, his gaze fixed on the deserted street. The lack of cars made the pizzeria even creepier in the darkness.
"You want some?" he asked, holding up the pack of cigars.
"Oh no, thanks," you replied, unable to hide your nervousness.
Cursing yourself internally for your awkwardness, you tried to distract yourself by playing with the cold breeze, creating a cloud of mist from your mouth.
He chuckled to himself, finding your awkward behavior endearing. Your laugh was a mix of self-conscious and amusement, but nonetheless, it was rewarding to see him smile. It was a rare sight that you cherished.
As you looked at him, your eyes fixated on the small patch you had gifted him on his birthday earlier that year. The thought of your gift still bringing him joy warmed your heart.
The gift was far from perfect, you knew that. You didn't want to be too obvious about your feelings for him, so you avoided giving him anything extravagant. However, you also didn't want to give him something too mundane. Caught in a whirlwind of indecision, and with time running out, you ended up giving him a last-minute gift.
Despite its rushed nature, Mike still seemed to appreciate it, and now here he was, wearing it with his jacket, making your heart flutter just a little bit.
You couldn't help but smile a bit awkwardly as you pointed at the patch, asking, "You liked it? I mean, the patch I gave you.”
Mike nodded, blushing slightly as his eyes fixated on the patch. "Yeah," he replied. "I don't usually wear denim jackets, but I wanted to wear the patch you gave me, you know... because it was a gift from you."
Your body moved involuntarily, your soft fingertips gently brushing against the material of the patch on his jacket. Before you knew it, Mike's eyes were on you, his breaths becoming shallow and shaky. He swallowed nervously, trying to hide his anticipation.
Your eyes met his, as if seeking permission for a tender kiss.
Mike stumbled over his words, dropping his cigar on the ground and stamping on it with a clumsy eagerness. "Okay, uh... hold on." He stammered, his voice filled with anxiousness.
Your hand instinctively grabbed onto his jacket for support as he suddenly grabbed your hips. Before either of you could think, your lips met. The unexpected collision was both thrilling and endearing, marked by your yet affectionate touch on his jacket and his firm grip on your hips.
The kisses were sweet and tender, yet laden with an underlying hunger for more. You could feel your body respond, a rush of desire washing over you as Mike let out faint curses against your lips. The sensation was so intoxicating you feared you would become addicted to him.
Pulling away slightly, you opened your eyes and spotted a police car approaching. Immediately assuming it was Vanessa, you tried to distance yourself from Mike, but he quickly gripped your hips again, pressing your body against his.
"Mike! Vanessa..." you managed to say, your voice shaky with unease.
Mike, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, said with a smirk, "I don't mind an audience." Before you could protest, he leaned in to kiss you again. Feeling a wave of rrassment, you hastily raised his denim jacket to conceal the action from anyone who might be watching.
Vanessa approached, a playful smile on her lips. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything," she joked.
Mike pretended to be oblivious, replying with a casual, "Oh no."
Mike stepped back into the pizzeria, leaving you standing there with Vanessa. She delivered a playful thumbs up and a wink before disappearing inside. Lost in your thoughts about what had just happened, you were suddenly pulled back to reality by the bite of the cold night air.
Unconsciously, your body began to lead you back inside the warm building, seeking respite from the cold.
You were lost in your thoughts, not really paying attention to what Vanessa was saying, instead you were reliving the memory of your first kiss with Mike. Suddenly, his whisper behind you made your body tense.
"Maybe we could make out in my car if you want," he husked, attempting to keep his composure. However, he looked more like a lovesick puppy than anything else.
As he spoke, the realization hit you – this night was going to be a long one... yet you couldn't help but feel excited.
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claptondavis · 2 days
me and @cherrythesk8ergirl on that wii bowling grind ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
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make bets on who’s gonna win
(i set the wii to a different language by accident whoops)
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joshfutturman · 2 days
ੈ♡˳ 'sweet treats' mike schmidt x gn!reader
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mike never really had a sweet tooth, was never one for indulging in treats. but when he stopped by your donut shop one morning on his way home from work, (just for coffee of course), something changed.
he got more than he bargined for with that first bag of donuts. mike was supposed to only buy coffee, wake himself up a bit so he could prepare abby for school. but how could he say no to you when you looked at him from behind the counter like that?
mike didn't return for a few days. he wouldn't admit to himself why, or maybe he didn't know yet. the thought of seeing you again in that cute little work uniform had his cheeks blazing.
maybe just once more wouldn't hurt.
once more turned into an every day kind of deal. you'd greet him just after his 6am shift ended, wide smile and donuts ready. he'd buy one medium coffee with no sweetners, two chocolate donuts and two strawberry donuts, plus one caramel if he was feeling particularly adventurous. "they're for my sister," he'd defend himself with a tight lipped smile. and you repeated it to yourself every time you felt your heart race at the sight of him. he wasn't here for you.
it was a lie, of course.
of course mike was here for you, though he tried to convince himself and you otherwise. he could never make the first move, this was weird, wasn't it? yeah, what kind of guy visits the same place every day just to see someone? augh, he felt like such a creep.
but little did he know, this was the best part of your day - seeing the sleepy eyed man with the messy brown hair step into the shop every morning. you hand him his order, he gives you a smile, and he's off. day made.
abby isn't complaining either, a steady supply of donuts? this was literally a dream. plus mike was smiling again, it was nice to finally see her big brother happy.
it was kind of poetic, that you start your shift just as his ended. kind of like two ships passing in the night. . . or morning, rather. it was okay though, you'd be content just like this, admiring him from afar, the man with sleepy eyes and messy brown hair who greeted you every morning.
for jhutch promptober prompt 21: donuts
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people are so fucking annoying these days…
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jhutchh19992 · 2 days
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Halloween with your Boyfriend Mike Schmidt
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Tags: smut, fluff, halloween, headcanons, pre-established relationship
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° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Halloween Movie Night: Every year, Mike makes it a tradition to have a horror movie marathon with you—though he acts tough, you catch him gripping your hand during the scariest scenes.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Pumpkin Carving Competitions: Mike takes pumpkin carving very seriously and tries to outdo your designs every year. He ends up laughing when his pumpkins look more like abstract art than spooky faces.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Costume Shyness: He’s not the biggest fan of dressing up, but for you, he’ll throw on a simple costume—probably something easy, like a classic ghost or a lumberjack.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Surprise Decorations: You come home one day to find your place decked out with Halloween decorations that Mike secretly set up to surprise you.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Carving a Pumpkin Together: Mike’s favorite Halloween memory with you is when you carved one giant pumpkin together, sharing laughs as you worked on it late into the night.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Protective Big Brother: Mike insists on taking abby trick-or-treating, and you join them, making it a cute little group activity.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Costume Teasing: Mike’s usually not big on dressing up, but when he sees you in a seductive Halloween costume, his mood changes completely. He can’t keep his eyes—or hands—off you, leaning in to whisper that you’re driving him crazy.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Costume Strip Tease: Back home after the Halloween party, Mike watches as you peel off your costume. Before you’re done, he steps in, sliding the fabric off himself, his lips grazing your neck as he murmurs, “Let me take care of the rest.”
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Lingering Hands: While you’re getting ready in front of the mirror, he stands behind you, his hands lingering on your waist as he kisses your neck, clearly enjoying the way your body responds.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Jealous Glances: When others check you out in your sexy costume, Mike pulls you closer, his hands gripping your waist tighter, a possessive look in his eyes as he whispers, “You’re mine tonight.”
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Rougher Moments: Sometimes, Mike lets his rougher side show, especially after a night full of teasing glances and touches. When you get home, he’s all over you, his kisses deep and hungry, his hands everywhere, leaving no part of you untouched.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Pumpkin Patch with Abby: Mike takes you and Abby to a pumpkin patch every year. He watches fondly as you help Abby pick out the perfect pumpkin, feeling grateful that you get along so well with his sister.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Costume Distraction: He’s so distracted by how good you look in your costume that he can’t focus on anything else, constantly touching you, his mind clearly elsewhere.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Hot Chocolate Tradition: After a chilly night of trick-or-treating, Mike makes hot chocolate for the three of you. You all sit together, watching Halloween movies, with Abby snuggled up between you both.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Halloween Crafts with Abby: You and Abby love doing Halloween crafts together—making spooky decorations, painting pumpkins, or crafting costumes. Mike smiles as he watches you help Abby glue things together, feeling a sense of warmth seeing how close you two are.
° ☆🕸~🕷✧˖° Baking Halloween Treats: Mike’s not much of a baker, but he helps you and Abby make Halloween cookies. He ends up covered in flour, but seeing you two have fun together is worth it, especially when Abby proudly shows off the treats she decorated.
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cherrythesk8ergirl · 2 days
@claptondavis and i made donuts!
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we followed a youtube tutorial :D
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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FNAF (2023) + text posts
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okayxairen · 1 year
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Another parallel I’ve found, could be a coincidence but it’s really cool nontheless!!
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best part of the FNAF movie was that Josh Hutcherson was having the WORST time of his life. dude was stressed out the entire runtime. the only reason why he got the security job was because his job counselor just so happened to be the guy who murdered his little brother. Vanessa kept lore-dumping to him but he wasn't getting it because he was running on like 2 hours of sleep. his b-plot was his aunt trying to ruin his life. ghost children tried to murder him multiple times. he almost touched a springlock suit. the climax was him getting beat up by a guy in a fursuit. Golden Freddy manifested in his house. it was awesome 10/10.
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antlergrave · 1 year
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cainternn · 1 year
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the fnaf movie was silly
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xcherryerim · 1 day
Billy saw a telenovela for the first time and tried to become jose miguel montesinos bro, knowing full well he a city boy.
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claptondavis · 3 days
nawww why r ppl still hating
just say u wanna kiss me so bad smh
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joshfutturman · 1 day
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'and long as i can have you here with me, i'd much rather be forever in blue jeans, babe' ✭ forever in blue jeans by neil diamond // jhutch promptober day 22 - denim
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izarph · 1 year
I always come bac-...
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