#if you do have multiple sode blogs
stiffyck · 2 years
It's so wild to me that people have side blogs where they put other interests
My disorganised ass could never I just post whatever I want and hope for the best
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jikookuntold · 3 years
I urge people to stop going to accounts like Georgia's on twitter or any other account that help instigate this stupid ship "war" with Taekookers. The proper way to handle Taekookers is to ignore them. That's not to say they should not be called out on their b.s. but any account actively looking for stupid Taekooker comments is fueling and instigating. She in particular did the same thing when she had a CC. She would constantly post the nonsense from them instead of ignoring them. Giving them attention just fuels and spreads the idiocy even more because most of us don't go searching for taekooker nonsense. We enjoy the content we get and stay ignorant to what awful things they're saying and lying about. Like I said, if you see them spreading lies, of course correct them, but to search and retweet those comments all so people can get mad and some even doubting Jimin and Jungkook's bond no matter what their status actually is, they seem very close so to doubt that because of ridiculousness is annoying. I don't want to see what taekookers are saying. I don't think it's healthy at all to be so involved with what they have to say. And I'm kind of sode eyeing any account that claims they have no problem with Tae and Jungkook's close friendship yet will post Tae with any other member but Jungkook. Things have just gotten so toxic and I'm just sick of people running to accounts that blog about Jikook every time Tae and JK interact because they now view this whole thing as a competition because they're either looking for the dumb things taekook shippers are saying or involuntarily being exposed to it because certain accounts are tweeting about it. I've had to unfollow Jikook accounts I enjoyed and leave group chats because I refuse to be exposed to that toxicity any longer. I want to enjoy my BTS fan online experience. Enough of the negativity ya know?
Do Georgia and other accounts like her, instigate the ship-wars in our fandom? I don't think so. These ship-wars always existed, and they are not the result of some specific accounts' activity. But it's undeniable that there is more toxicity in the fandom right now than it was before, which is the inevitable result of growth in the number of fans and shippers. Naturally, when there are more shippers, there are more toxicity and more ship-wars.
Ignoring doesn't work, Anon. They do fallacy to debunk Jikook and always end up disrespecting JM or JK or both. Accounts like Georgia bring these tweets to Jikookers tl by quoting or replying, and seeing them might be hurtful for most of us, which is understandable. But I don't like to stay in my "echo chamber", I want to know what happens outside, I like seeing the topics from different points of view and analyzing (not that type of analysis) them with open eyes. If someone doesn't want this, I don't blame them, they can block any account they don't like and live in their jikook paradise, but it doesn't make the hates disappear.
We can't stay silent when they call JM horrible names every time he approaches JK. We can't close our eyes on big accounts spreading false and fake information. You say calling them out is necessary, but have you ever done it to their faces? How did they take it? I guarantee you that I have one of the most peaceful and unproblematic jikook accounts of this fandom, but I have been attacked multiple times only for posting Jikook, let alone debunking lies or fake stuff, that's why I'm not active anymore and found my safe place here. Taekookers are three times more in numbers and 10-times worse in being toxic. Every time they feel defeated (Jikook having big moments or taekookers' lies debunked, etc) they use their aggressiveness to turn everything into a nightmare, a war, a war that they know they will win because they have the numbers, and in Twitter and social media in general, only numbers matter.
I don't defend Georgia. We have been moots way before she became a big account, I'm not a friend of her, and I don't approve of everything she does or tweets. Her CC was problematic and she got rid of it thankfully. She does hype Tae's ship moments which makes you think she doesn't like Taekook if your focus is only on Taekook, but she also doesn't tweet about Vmin, or any other ship including JM or JK except Jikook because she believes that's the only possibility, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't deny that there are several accounts with toxic behavior between Jikookers and they don't deserve the platform they have, but I'm only talking about Georgia here.
Georgia is not the source of toxicity, and you should not jump on the bandwagon just because Taekookers and non-shippers don't like her. She doesn't spread fake news, she doesn't make analyses and doesn't make money like Taekook-lives. She earns nothing except hate and harassment on daily basis, and I admire her strength because if I was her, I would have deleted my account a long time ago. If half of Jikookers had only 10 percent of her stamina, antis wouldn't become this brave in hating Jikook. We have given in so much, and they felt safe and free in hating Jikook. Many unproblematic Jikookers left or lost their accounts in the last few months because of harassment, today they come for Georgia, the next day might be my turn, or yours until none of us left.
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