#if you dont like snape in canon then thats fine but why cant you appreciate him in fanfics
picklesonjupiter · 1 year
I scream into a void of a group of people who will love every fucking character that was a Death Eater, but they'll still hate Severus Snape!! 😭
Come on! How are you going to like these characters who were very clearly bigots who never changed their ways (in canon), but you're not going to forgive Severus? He repented. His whole time after the first war was him preparing for when Voldemort returned so he could help defeat him and protect Harry. He was Dumbledore's man. Is it just that people in this fandom don't like morally grey characters anymore?
Or maybe it's because they've read so much fanfic that they've forgotten canon entirely except for Severus, who they will continue to hate while liking characters who were also death eaters, mean to children, used the word mudblood, and more.
Why like them but not him?
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