#if you find another similarity between the twins and sesshomaru and kagura you can add it
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Since they said we should pay close attention to details, I want to give my two cents on a similarity that I found between Setsuna and Towa and Seshomaru and Kagura:  The way they "met". 
For Setsuna, this scene is the first time she “sees” Towa. Setsuna doesn't know who that girl is so she distrusts her and attacks her, so Towa jumps away but does not attack her back.. It's the same way Sesshomaru responds the first time he sees Kagura (when she goes to tell him about the Tokijin sword); he does not know her and mistrusts her so the first thing he does is attack her and she jumps away but does not attack him back. Towa KNOWS who Setsuna is so she calls her name and then introduces herself. Same with Kagura, she ALREADY KNOWS who Sesshomaru is and calls him by name, and then Kagura introduces herself. (And Sesshomaru never forgets her, by the way.) Also in those scenes there are two little girls: On the one hand Rin and on the other side Mei. Both being the little sisters / ward of one of the characters in question (not potential lovers).  
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