#if you get sick of welding... like. good luck in the job market my friend because it will not be very kind to you in trying to break away
lookwhatilost · 1 year
i wonder where people get the idea from that trades are across the board good jobs and teachers propagandizing about college is the only reason people do not want to work jobs like that. for one, they do not, in fact, pay well most of the time.
like, 1996 called. it wants its hot take back.
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benzyonart · 7 years
Original Arogos
Arogos is my first DnD character that I had. He is by far my favorite character to play as far as DnD goes. My friends characters Xanth and Danric however are not quite as fond of him as I am. Arogos literally met those two because he was trying to steal the amulet that Danric [who is a ghost] was tied to. After that he was dragged into basically a war. He met who he considers friends though he will never consciously tell them that. Theres Danric, Xanth, Claw, Smoke [deceased], Pen, and Hagenborn.
I would love to write a whole list of his adventures but honestly I can’t remember it all. His original campaign lasted almost 2 years and a lot happened in that time. I do have his backstory written which I will place below and below that I will write down some of the more notable things from his adventures that I remember, but to the back story.
Before the age of 5 Arogos has no memories whether they were repressed or he just doesn't remember. His first memory he can recall is when he ran into a stable to sleep in one of the stalls. The master of the stables found him and was less than pleased to have a weird elf sleeping in his stalls, as the world is rather racist to elves but given what was going on, that wasn’t a major thing in the campaign. The guy told him he could “Take an arrow or go”. Arogos pleaded with him and the guy agreed to keep him there as long as he worked for him. He then started calling him Arrow-go.
When he was about 6 he found a silver on the ground and this is the first time he believes he ever saw money. A street kid walked up and saw his silver. She explained the concept of money to Arogos and told him “if you have money you can do anything. Everyone respects you and does what you say. You would never have to sleep in a barn again and get ordered around.” This started Arogos’s mentality that money is everything. With his silver he got a room at an inn and slept in a bed for the first time. At this point he started stealing to get more money and try and get other goods.
The kid who showed him the ways of money was a human named Lola. The two soon became friends and thieving buddies.
When he was age 10 he got his first ear piercing. When the ring was put in, he had the two ends, that were open to get through his ear, “welded” together so unless it was ripped off, no one would be able to take it from him. Throughout the next 20 years he continues getting more piercings until he has the ones he has now.
At age 15 Arogos and Lola tried to steal from one of the richer households. They got seen and during the escape Lola was shot down from the rooftops. The two had already agreed before they started if the other was caught then they would keep on running so he did. He never saw her again but he knew what had most likely happened.
When Arogos turns 17 he officially left the stable after the owner got sick of his shit and kicked him out. He shortly after got his tattoo and started just living off the streets alone.
When Arogos is 40 he tried to pickpocket a middle class looking fellow but failedand got caught. The guards threw him in jail. Later that day the person he pick pocketed came to visit him. The man was curious and started chatting with Arogos. When Arogos refused to talk back the man just told him about his life until Arogos warmed up. He introduced himself as Todd and a human. He started visiting every few days, every week for sure. At age 55 Arogos was released from jail. Todd found him and they still met up after that though Arogos didn't drag him into his thieving and made it a point more or less to keep him out of it.
He watched Todd grow old every time they met and when Arogos was 92 Todd died of old age. He had never met the man's wife or kids and wondered if Todd ever told them about him. He figured that they moved away after Todd died.
After the funeral Arogos went to the near by inn to eat and mope. At that point in time he met the barkeeper who was starting to buy the things Arogos stole instead of working with the thieves guild.
Arogos for the most part had started to avoid people. Not only because of the racism but he didn't want anyone to die on him anymore. He tried not to make friends or joining groups like the thieves guild.
At age 95 he had the metal on his chest placed. He spent the rest of his days up until meeting the party valuing the company of himself and objects instead of people. He tried entertaining himself and not giving a damn what anyone thought of him. This lead into him finding random and strange things fun.
At age 123 he mets the party and his life just gets crazy from there. He is taken into a guild called “the Sons of Prophecy” even though he didn’t really want to join it, he more or less got roped in and didn’t complain.
I don’t quite remember the original reason for the party going to the capital of the country they live in I think it was on the way to the guild but I remember they went to a bar during the prohibition. They got a job from a bartender to take care of some guys in the sewer. It ended with Arogos discovering Alchemy fire [an explosive liquid fire] and the party accidentally blowing up the entire sewer system of the city. Needless to say, they were very much arrested after that.
After they were in jail for a short amount of time, they were thrown in a dungeon like area that normally means certain death. Well the creature that was supposed to be there and kill them wasn’t there so they just explored the area more or less. Arogos found a chest that he couldnt get open so instead of giving up he stabbed it. Well it had explosives in it and he knocked himself out, nearly dying while the others were looking at a statue and didn’t even know what he was doing until ‘boom’.
After that whole bit, they made their way to the guild that Arogos had never been before but the other members had [because I joined a session late]. The party was then told to catch this rogue that was causing trouble in the town. Xanth had the great idea of pretending to be rich and got hella drunk trying to lure them out. Arogos was in the crowd looking around when he was pickpocketed by the thief. They chased him down, Arogos managed to accidentally get shot by one of the characters in the shoulder, ripped out the arrow and climbed a 4 story building after the thief. After chasing him across the roof tops, falling from said roof tops, and by sear luck someone else in the party catching him. It turned out the thief was a member of the guild who was sent to pose as the thief they needed to catch and thus started Arogos’s hatred/rivalry with Claw who he very soon later considered a mentor. Who later introduced them to Smoke and the rest of the guild.
To spark note the rest:
----Arogos and crew went to get a golden apple, Arogos threw what might as well have been considered a grenade into a tree and was almost drown on accident by Xanth. He later threw a book at Xanth knocking him out and stuck a worm up his nose
----There was one point when Arogos got blasted with a fire trapped door
----They went to a town that got infested with Zombies. Arogos was attacked by one, saw that it had gold teeth, cut its head off, climbed on a roof, cut the jaw off, took the teeth and tossed the rest of the head just to get the gold.
----Arogos tried to sell to an official thieves seller person and got marked by the thieves guild. He later spent the night sleeping on a roof. Later the party was with an Arogos that seemed slightly off, well it turned out that that was a doopleganger trying to kill the prince and Arogos was kidnapped by the thieves guild who was saved by Claw who broke his hand because Arogos was smack talking him while he was saving his ass.
----At one point in this area the party went into docs futuristic lab. Since arogos couldnt read any of the signs he asked Danric to read what was under the big red button. “Do not Press.” Danric said. “Press?” arogos responded pressing the button and basically destroyed the multiverse [Start of Arogos 2 in another campaign]
----Later Arogos had to do a favor for the thieves guild to get out of it though he didnt tell the party right away. During this he got bit by a mimic and got a future seeing crystal.
----Later they went to the Penny worth lottery to get a lot of money for their town that was getting sort of destroyed by orcs and the like [I think] they went around disqualifying other contestants for breaking the rules. At this time Arogos also met elves that looked like him for the first time ever in his life.
----After getting a bunch of money the party when shopping and got a bunch of stuff. Arogos got himself the best horse money could by and named him Beans. He also got himself a hook blade [assassins creed style] and custom made a cross bow to shoot explosive crossbow bolts.
----After that they went to the thieves town [this is where they got the crystal] and went to the thieves guild. There they met Marz, the thieve guild leader who is a major prick in the sense that he’s really strong and easily bored so he does some not so good stuff that I wont list
----After leaving the thieves guild I think we went to Norstag because Claw had ditched us when their emergency stuff went off [Norstag is Claws home] we got there and fought a legendary like beast and met a kid that doesn’t speak who Arogos called Skunk later after he got a white strip of hair. On the way back they encounter this demon god guy who played evil games. If you died, you had to stay there. Smoke ended up taking all the punishment and dying while since Danric wasn’t alive he was messing with the stock market and doing great though it was just a pass time while he waited.
----It was a sad time. It was at this time Arogos’s trinket became a box of buttons of all his friends who died. [I rolled at d20 and true to his luck Arogos got a 2]
----There is something I’m missing but I know we did go to Saful [Arogos’s kind [Morkal Elves] originate there] They spend time converting the locals from their ‘god king’ to Danrics god, found the cave of wonders and got a few magic items from it. [Magic carpet, fancy magic map]
----After Arogos blew up the temple, Danric converted all the people with the help of another angel, and Xanth killed the god kings healer, they killed the god king and freed the people.
----In Saful Arogos got rather close to Bejen who was later secretly killed by her uncle and temporarily destroyed Arogos’s map that he loved dearly when they returned to the guild.
----After this they defended the town while Arogos was going to the goddess tree because Pen was having his soul burned. He made it to the tree, saved the lady there from the assholes [he met this lady before in the campaign] and she was restored her powers from her god. Pen was brought there and the party went to the country of lust to get the other golden apple for Pen.
----They met a hag who took a fancy to Arogos [much to his disgust as DnD hags are supposed to look terrible and what not] they managed to get the apple and save pen.
----After that they recruited Danric’s grandpa [king of the moon elves], two dwarf clans, and a good few monks to fight with them to save the country form the orcs that had been invading since like the start
----After that there was the huge battle the capitol. For a while Arogos got stuck with two monks named Catty and Bratty [like undertale] for a while and he hated it. He also got a singularity from Doc and set it off clearing out a good amount of the other army.
----One of the last things that happened was how Arogos temporarily died. When they were up on a great wall surrounding the capital everyone was was staring in shock at someone else who came onto the battle field. Arogos felt a tap on his shoulder and when he turned around he was stabbed in the gut by a Saful guy with the god king who was out for revenge. The blade was laced with poison and Arogos was shoved towards the wall edge that was well over a hundred feet high. He managed to grab Claw’s arm as he feel, trying to catch himself but Claw ended up falling as well. Claw’s monk friend managed to grab Claw who was grabbing Arogos so he wouldnt fall. The monk lifted them up and then whipped them down the side of the wall. Claw tried to slow them down with his magic gauntlet that helps him move farther through the air and moves Arogos [who cant move at this point because of poison] on top so he would take the force of the fall. Well Danric who after awful got angel wings himself tried to fly after them but wasn’t fast enough. The monk ran down the wall much faster and right before they hit the ground, he grabbed Claw out from under Arogos saving him but making arogos go splat. Arogos did have a regeneration rock on him though so he was shortly back with everyone
----He later shot the monk with one of his exploding bolts that had gorilla glue on the end as he was dodging everyones attacks. After that he and the party ran into the chaos plain that one of the big bads ran into to stop him and thats where we have ended the campaign so far.
More on Arogos here
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