#if you have questions or wanna talk about s7 my askbox is always open <3
harmonicabisexuals · 1 year
X Files Rewatch: Season 7
overall thoughts: I hate to say it but this might be my least favorite season so far? I still really enjoyed it for the most part and there were a few genuinely amazing episodes in here but i gotta admit the blatant flirting was one of the only things that kept some of these more mediocre episodes watchable
msr: the huge debate over when they actually became A Thing is kind of impossible to find a definitive answer for, but I tend to subscribe to the idea that "millennium" was their first kiss (bc it was awkward! but still sweet) and that things progressed quickly from there, bc there is no other explanation for their behavior in "rush" that makes sense in my mind lol. at the same time though, i can see the argument for "all things" being their first time, and i can even make a case for something happening post-"amor fati" or even post-"milagro" if I'm feeling especially silly. in truth though, the main reason why i don't want "all things" to be their first time (even though it makes narrative sense) is that i just want them to have as much time together as possible before mulder's abduction :(
writing: i am still in a committed loving relationship with vince gilligan and i loved all of his episodes with the exception of "hungry", but that was mostly for the lack of M/S interaction and the weird treatment of EDs. but "x-cops" was hilarious and so creative, and "je souhaite" is one of my favorite episodes of the series and honestly a microcosm of the thesis of the show. I also really enjoyed both david duchovny and gillian anderson's solo penned/directed episodes. "hollywood ad" is hilarious and sweet, and "all things" is so quietly introspective with some really beautiful things to say about fate and free will.
directing: one of my favorite sequences in the entire series is the end of "orison" when scully shoots pfaster, it's SO chilling, it makes me literally clutch my chest. rob bowman literally going out with a bang, if i chose to forget about "en ami" (which i'm still mad was his last episode of the series). sigh. "sein und zeit", "closure" and "all things" are also beautifully directed episodes, and i loved vince gilligan's funky directing in "je souhaite" i think his shots and camera angles really add to the comedic bits
hair: their worst hairstyles in the whole series 😭 by the end of the season they've grown out to a better length, but gillian's mid-season hair is especially tragic
favorite episodes: sein und zeit, closure, x-cops, all things, hollywood ad, je souhaite
68% of episodes worth rewatching, and that's being generous...yikes
individual episodes reactions under the cut:
The Sixth Extinction- wtf is happening…scully’s melodramatic letters to mulder tho <3
The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati- YOU WERE MY CONSTANT, MY TOUCHSTONE
Hungry- the monster guy looks like a young christian bale
Millennium- I forgot the plot of the entire episode once they kissed
Rush- guys stop eye fucking you’re literally at a crime scene
The Goldberg Variation- scully smiling :))))
Orison- choosing to ignore that they made pfaster a demon, otherwise really good
The Amazing Maleeni- silly and smiley :)
Signs and Wonders- terrible terrible awful I hate snakes
Sein Und Zeit- :((( the spiritual successor to paper hearts
Closure- cried like a baby at the end bc I am a sensitive cancer <3
X-Cops- no one does meta humor like the x files
First Person Shooter- a more sexist, more boring kill switch. pass.
Theef- creepy but meh minus the blatant flirting
En Ami- disgusting, was literally dry heaving through the second half 
Chimera- one funny scully monologue but otherwise meh
All Things- beautifully quiet and introspective, also congrats on the sex
Brand X- boring
Hollywood A.D.- so goofy but really funny
Fight Club- terrible, unwatchable
Je Souhaite- amazing, adorable, hilarious, cried real tears at the end
Requiem- this whole episode was just one long Jesse from breaking bad screaming noooo gif
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