#if you have vitiligo please know that you are the most gorgeous human and i love you btw <3
critfailcleric · 4 months
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hazel <3
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
hello lovely lovely librarian. i hope you are having a day that is even more wonderful than you are. this might be quite a weird ask, but i was wondering if you knew of any chubby!remus fics? chubby rep gives me a lot of joy and makes me feel less ~terrible~. i don't see a lot of it in this fandom so sorry if this is a weird ask! lots of love to you, thank you for everything you do
Oh friend, this is a great ask, and the Librarian excitedly rushed to answer it. There are only a few fics in this theme, so hopefully you don’t mind that both Remus and Sirius have been included. And you’re right that the fandom lacks representation here. It doesn’t help that JKR didn’t explicitly write either of these amazing men as chubby, and of course the movies popularized the idea they were both fairly thin. Although, it’s interesting to see that fans are oftentimes willing to play with height and skin color, but have no interest in changing weight.  
Any fics that included diets have been omitted, since being fat is NOT bad or something that needs to be fixed in order to be loved, but a perfectly normal trait that many humans live with. Other things that are normal and don’t need to be sexualized in order to be accepted include scars, acne, baldness, stretch marks, lost limbs, burns, vitiligo, tics, etc... 
To anyone reading this, please remember that no matter your size, you deserve love and respect. You never have to earn it by looking a certain way. Love you all. ❤️
Chubby Wolfstar Fics
Our Destiny in the Stars -orphaned account Having no luck in the dating field, and insecure about his body, Remus checks out a dating website which offers the users the opportunity to get to know a person before seeing what they look like. It's during this time he meets Sirius, an enthusiastic teacher--and they immediately click. When they agree to meet, Remus sees a photo of Sirius and immediately panics. He's too good looking to ever be interested in someone like Remus. What the tawny-haired man doesn't know, is Sirius has already checked him out online and has fallen head over heels for the adorable editor.
Fiery-Coloured World -orphaned account And though Remus had a thick jumper and coat, they were still soaked and frozen as they ran across the pavement, laughing with their cold fingers clinging to each other like it was Noah’s bloody flood and they were about to be swept away. Then someone—Sirius was never sure who, though he often liked to take credit for it—closed the distance and lips met lips. And that was all it took, really. Besotted. Smitten. Twitterpated—the word Remus liked most of all.
More To Love by @catewip
While trying to find a photograph for Lily Luna's school project, Remus quickly becomes distracted by his gorgeous husband Sirius.
In Daylight by Essie_Cat   After twelve years in Azkaban and two years on the run, Sirius finally has the chance to settle down. Remus does whatever he can to encourage that. (Or, instead of being bitter and depressed at Grimmauld Place, Sirius gets chubby and domestic and grudgingly happy.)
If you know of more fics like this, please share. ❤️
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bittermarrow · 5 years
What do you think Jason, Brahms and Bubba would react to having a s/o with vitiligo that's very self conscious about it and is usually covered up? It's a skin condition that leaves loss of skin color in small patches on their bodies. I have this condition irl and it's harsh on the self-esteem, but I try and keep a positive attitude for the most part. ^^ (Sorry if you already did this request before in the past, I really like your blog, keep up the great work!"
A/n: I am in love with this request, I’m so happy that I had this opportunity to spread more love for diverse readers out there, because they truly deserve it! Just remember that you are beautiful regardless of what your skin looks like, and anyone who says otherwise can fight me in the back! And it’s so great that you try to remain positive, I can admire that.
(Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like my blog
.   .   .
Jason Voorhees
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Jason wouldn’t care what you looked like. No matter what skin color, body shape, or face you have, you will always be breathtakingly beautiful to him in every way possible. After all, he is different too, and if you can love him even with his deformity, he isn’t going to judge you because your skin is different!
You could even go so far as to say that he actually likes the way your skin looks. It’s unique, and it makes you stand out to him, in a good way.
Jason is a bit curious about your spots though, it’s an innocent, gentle curiosity and he won’t push you to talk about it, but if you told him about your skin disease he will appreciate you filling him in.
He will most definitely understand you wanting to keep yourself concealed to hide from the world’s judgemental eyes. He wears a mask that is practically glued to his face because he hates his own face. So while it might hurt his heart to know you want to cover up when he thinks your gorgeous, he’ll never bother you about it.
Jason can’t voice his opinion verbally, but the affection and love he shows you will speak louder than anything he could say.
There’s no reason to feel self-conscious when it’s just the two of you lazying around, saying Jason doesn’t give two shits would be an understatement. In fact he like you being open with him, trusting him to love you for it and nothing else.
If you are feeling unattractive about your Vitiligo or putting yourself down because of it Jason will listen, let you cry or talk it out as he holds you. He wishes he could talk so he could tell you how he sees you so you don’t have to feel like that anymore… but he can’t, so he is going to show you by supporting you, and keeping you safe and loved.
But if you get too negative or harsh on yourself he will stop you immediately. Jason doesn’t like you referring to yourself as if you were anything other than perfect, because to him you always will be.
Brahms Heelshire
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Questions. Endless questions about everything. His curiosity is not Ill-intentioned or morbid by any means, truthfully mostly just genuine interest. But Brahms can be very blunt in the way he asks you things, bleak and un-sugarcoated nosiness is right up his alley.
It’s best not to take it personally. You gotta understand that Brahms has most likely never seen someone with Vitiligo before; therefore, you should expect lots of nosy, up-in-your-face questions from him. He doesn’t really get the whole idea of asking overly-personal questions as being rude.
If you express yourself being self-conscious about it he will ease up on it, he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Brahms actually doesn’t mind the spots of missing pigment, your heart is what drew him in and no skin disease will change his opinion of you.
He always tells you that you are pretty, and that he like your “polka dots”, he means well in the context of calling them that.
Brahms also says unintentionally sweet and naive things that can sometimes be on the edge of thoughtfulness and borderline intrusive. Things that others might find offensive if they didn’t know Brahms.
An example being, “I never knew people with spots could be so pretty,” or “I used to have a puppy with lots of dots and spots when I was young, you remind me of her, so cute.” He probably killed the dog but let’s not go there.
When you cuddle with him he likes to count the patches of lighter skin and trace them with his fingers, hope you’re not too ticklish because if he discovers you are this way he will abuse this newfound power.
Just get a spray bottle or something if he gets too touchy, stinky wall boy hates water and will shrink away whenever you pick it up. He’s the equivalent of a cat when it came to water, trying to get him to bathe is about the same too. Once you actually get him washed he’ll be mad at you for an hour or so before crawling back for your affection again.
Bubba Sawyer
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Probably stops mid-chainsaw-swing once he notices your skin, not gonna lie. It’s an instant connection that just kind of makes his mind short circuit for a moment, his heart is much too big for him to kill you all of a sudden.
Firstly, Bubba can emphasize with you on a level above any that other slashers probably could, and this is because he knows what it’s like to have a skin disease too. They might be two completely different conditions, and you might have grown up on completely different circumstances than he did, but in the end, you both end up on the same boat, hiding your afflicted flesh with clothing just like he did with his human masks.
Bubba’s skin disease has caused him so much pain and discrimination, and the thought of possibly being the one to add to yours is heart-wrenching.
He somehow convinces Drayton to let you stay with them as long as you never leave, pull your own weight, and eat with them. And I’ll be honest with you, his brothers are going to be harshly judgmental of you and your Vitiligo. Drayton will likely pester and poke fun at you daily, but Bubba will defend you against their insults as much as he can.
Bubba’s very protective of your feelings and knows how fragile your self-image can be, so any snarky side comments or straight up verbal abuse from any of his family members pisses him off. Bubba might be afraid of most of his family, but he will step in between you and them when he feels you are being threatened. Whether that be a physical danger or emotional distress, he won’t let his family make you feel bad about yourself.
Your patches of lighter flesh remind Bubba of cow spots, and he’s always loved cows! He remembers having a cow that he raised when he was young, and it was his best friend, her name was ‘Beth’ and Bubba always came out early to take care of her. (this was not meant to sound offensive, Bubba’s a farm boy, this is meant to be a compliment in Bubba’s books!)
He’s always thought cows were cute with their soft-spotted coats and fuzzy ears. And you look so pretty in spots too! he really likes them.
As for your self-consciousness of showing too much of your skin, Texan weather is anything but forgiving, so you’re inevitably going to have to make a wardrobe switch with the sun you’ll probably be working in daily.
Please, use sunscreen, sunburn is one hell of a bitch on lighter skin, even it’s only patches of pigmentless flesh, you are going to burn. (I can just imagine bathing in a tub of aloe after one day in Texas. I burn so easily!) Sunscreen won’t always help, you’re bound to get burnt sometimes, but roasting alive sometimes is better than roasting alive all the time.
At the end of the day, your Vitiligo doesn’t really matter, Bubba loves you, the Sawyers love you, and they want you to love you too.
.   .   .
(I don’t know what it’s like to have Vitiligo, so some of this might be a bit inaccurate, I did do my research though!)
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panda-noosh · 7 years
Hi! You don’t have to do this but, just headcanons of the paladins plus Allura with a s/o with vitiligo on their face and they get depressed once in a while due to the discoloring on the face plus people CONSTANTLY asking what happened to their face. (Honestly it’s been happening to me lately and I’m this close to breaking someone’s face)
     always knowthat you don't have to answer people if you don't want to! you'rebeautiful just the way you are. Enjoy! x
  -definitely one to praise you tothe point where it gets annoying.
  -and even after he's reached the point where it's annoying, he keepsgoing. because you're beautiful, and he'll be damned if you thinkotherwise.
 - he'll know when you're having a bad day. he's just that kind of guywho takes one look at the person he loves and he just knowswhat they're feeling.
 - sowhenever he sees that you're feeling down, it's all he can thinkabout.
  -he tries to get on with his work, but the thought of you not feelinggood about yourself – especially over something you can't help –would distract him to the point where he would just have to take abreak and talk to you.
 - and he wouldn't specifically talk about your vitiligo. you two wouldtalk about anything and everything, and it would make you feelbetter.
 - like, please just imagine you two sitting on the windowsill of theship together, looking out over the stars, knees pressed against oneanother as you fail to create enough space. you just make do withwhat you can, squeezing into this tiny space, and you just talk aboutanything.
 - thatmeteor that just few past? let's talk about it. that one star amongstthousands? let's talk about it. how beautiful you look with the starlight twinkling on your skin? let's definitelytalkabout that.
 - and whenever people ask you what happened to your face, he's alwaysthe first one to jump in and explain to them, calmly, that nothinghappened and that you're perfectly fine and that they need to backoff.
 - okay,so we all know that cute Keith is very much a cheerful thing, right?
 - like, when he's being cute, we all just get this overwhelming urgeto SNFJSjwdiqwjrjjS right?
 - so that's what he does whenever you're feeling down. he turns intocute Keith.
 - like Shiro, he knows when you're feeling down. he's very in tunewith that kind of stuff. he spent enough time staring at you wheneverhe was building up the courage to ask you out, that he just kind ofpicked up on it naturally.
 - and also like Shiro, whenever you're feeling down, it makes him feeldown, so he can't concentrate on a lot of stuff other than you.
 -he doesn't really wanttoconcentrate on anything other than you, so it doesn't take him longto cut his task in half and go and see you.
 - and he just becomes cute mochi Keith.
-  he sees you sitting on the bed, tucked under the covers with yourwork sprawled out across your lap and he just flops down against yourknees, spreading his arms out and intertwining your fingers together.
  -and you're just looking at him like ???? because he's genuinelylaying across your lap.
 - he looks back at you like ??? because he doesn't see what the bigissue is.
 - “i have work to do, Keith.”
 - “so do I. but you're more fun.”
   -and he'll start tickling you until that smile you're wearing is nolonger fake. it's real, and he knows it's real because this bitch hasmemorized what you're gorgeous smile looks like, and he knows fullwell when it's fake.
 - haveyou ever seen that picture of Will Smith with his wife on the redcarpet? where he's showing her off and like, waving his arms aroundand stuff?
 - that's Lance whenever you feel bad about vitiligo.
 - honestly, that's Lance whenever he's with you at all.
 - but specifically when you're feeling down, he makes a scene. he'sextra. he does the most just to make sure that everybodyinthe damn room knows how he feels about you.
 - including you. because he knows there are days where you don't seeit, or your vitiligo stops you from seeing just how beautiful youreally are, and he doesn't like that.
  -so whenever he sees you feeling sad, he'll literally spend the entireday yelling your praise.
 - like, you'll walk into the room he's in and he'll drop to the floorwith his arms sprawled out across the carpet and he'll just be like,“how did I get so damnlucky?”
 - you have to drag him up because he's just being so extra about howmuch he loves you.
 - and then he'll kiss you when you drag him up, pretending to go weakin the knees so you have to hold him tighter to you.
 - whenever people ask you what happened to your face, Lance literallywon't let you reply to it. he doesn't see why you should have toexplain your condition to everybody whenever it's none of theirbusiness, and no matter how often you tell him that it's fine andthat you understand why people would be curious, Lance doesn't likeit.
 - so somebody will ask you, and he'll just wrap his arm around yourwaist, kiss you before subtly dragging you away from theconversation, just so you don't have to explain yourself to someperson you barely know.
 - Ithink it takes Hunk a little bit longer to figure out that you'refeeling bad about your vitiligo specifically.
  - he's definitely not slow at it, but he's a very excited boy a lot ofthe time, which means his abilities of picking up on other peoplesemotions is often clouded by his own hyperness.
 - but whenever he does pick up on it, it doesn't take him long tocomfort you.
 - and he does it in the ol' traditional way. there's none of thispraising you stuffthat Shiro and Keith were doing, or this beextra thingLance was doing.
 - his ways are much more traditional, and they work like a damn charm.
 - he'll simply call you into your shared bedroom, sit you down on thebed and just let you talk.
 - hedoes this every time, and it really helps. it takes a little whilefor you to open up, but you always do eventually, because it's Hunkand you know full well that anything you say will not leave thisroom.
 - he'll listen, not interrupting you at all. every now and then he'llgive you a really?lookwhenever you say something particularly bad about yourself, becausehe just genuinely can't believe you'd think like that.
 - and once you're done talking, he'll give you actual, genuine advice.all while hugging you, of course.
 - but his advice is always very meaningful, and it sticks. it's thingsthat you would read off of Pinterest – you know them motivationalquotes? it'll be like that.
 - “babe, if people are bothered by your vitiligo, you shouldn't havethem in your life.”
 - “you can't help it. that's all you need to hear to understand thatit isn't your job to worry about it.”
 - “get rid of it? you look beautiful.”
 - “none of the Paladins care. you're nice to them, so they'll benice to you. that's how decent human relationships work.”
 - shewould pretend like she hadn't noticed you were feeling upset.
 - she never really knows how to go about asking someone if they'reokay, so she just doesn't. but whenever she gets the hint that you'renot feeling good, she subtly tries to change it.
 - okay, so Pidge isn't really into PDA. she much prefers keepingintimate moments to whenever they're between just the two of you, andyou've come to understand that about her.
 - like, she doesn't even like hugging the other Paladins.
 - but she also knows that you like to hold her hand when you'rewalking down the street sometimes, and the odd kiss on the cheeknever did any harm either.
 - so she saves these moments for days when you're feeling bad justbecause she knows you're upset.
 - like, she'll be superclingythat day, and for the first time in a while, she doesn't worry abouther work over anything else.
 - she'll come up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist,leaning her head against your shoulder.
   -she'll probably sway back and forth a little bit as well whilsthumming little things like, “and how are you today?” in your ear.
 - boosts your praise even more than it already was.
 - someone will ask who is capable of doing a difficult task that sheknows full well you'd love to do, just to show off your place on theship, and Pidge will be the first one to stand up with your hand inhers.
 - “they can! they're good at that kind of stuff, aren't you Y/N?”
 - she just wants everyone to know that you're more than just yourvitiligo. you help out around the ship just as much as everybodyelse.
 -I can imagine her getting angry whenever somebody asks you about whathappened to your skin, but she understands curiosity. it just gets onher nerves, and she often tries to push you away from the situationbefore you feel any more uncomfortable.
 - kindof similar to Pidge with the whole 'subtle-praise' thing, only shedoes it with less PDA.
 - Allura was never one who liked you working with the dangerousequipment. Coran didn't let her do it, so she always thought it wasdangerous for you to do it.
 - it was the Paladin's job, according to her.
 - but she always noted how you always wantedtowork with the dangerous stuff, because you knew you could do it justas good as the Paladins if they just let you do it.
 - so on days whenever you're feeling down, she lets you do it.
 - she watches over you, of course. she likes seeing the way you smileas you use the equipment – it's not to make sure you're safe oranything. she knows full well you'll be fine, but the way you smilealways makes her melt a little bit.
  -that's quite simply it – she just lets you prove yourself a littlebit.
 - and she never restricts you from doing such a thing whenever you'refeeling good. she loves seeing you outdo the Paladins, and even outdoyour own expectations, but with certain parts of the ship, she wouldrather just leave those to the Paladins to ensure your safety morethan anything.
 - even though she knows full well you're perfectly capable of handlingit on your own.
 - she's also the first to comment on just how 'refreshed' you lookthat day, or just how much your eyes are shining or just how muchyour smile is radiating that day.
 - she's never one to just say “you look beautiful today.” shelikes to describe each and every piece of you that sticks out to her.
 - whichoften turns into a very long list, but she makes sure that everythinggets said.
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