#if you kno them bitches up top then dont talk ta me
honeys-bnbdc · 1 year
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Annnnnnd a random sketch page of, um.
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shxllxfx · 4 years
Family pt 1 || Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and her little brother meet Daryl and Rick.
Warnings: none except for language? English is not my mothertounge
A/N: if you wanna be added to my taglist just let me know ;*
Taglist: @browngirldominion​  
"Ty I need you to climb up there and be super duper quiet, can you do that for me?" The y/h/c haired boy in front of you gave you a small nod. You looked around quickly, checking again for any walkers near you. Lifting him up you made sure that he was high enough. High enough to be out of sight of any walkers or people. You couldn't risk him getting seen. "Okay, Ty. Stay there. If anything happens, you yell for me, alright? Other than that stay up there and be quiet." Again he nodded. You gave him a small grin, before heading off. Quietly you made your way through the trees, putting one foot before the other, your bow and arrow raised high, when you heard a noise. A deer. It couldnt be too far away. Slowly you followed the prints on the ground, the bow in your arm ready. Never have you been happier that your dad was obsessed with the end of the world. He taught you everything. You were standing behind a tree and walked around it. There she was standing in the middle of a clearing eating grass. You pointed your bow and arrow at the deer, pulling the string back. Deep breath in and...
"Sophia!" The deer looked up and ran away. "Son of a bitch!" You muttered and tried to shoot your arrow to still hit the deer but it was gone. Rustling behind you made you turn and face two men. "Idiots! 'Cause of you my dinner ran!" One men was wearing a sherrifs uniform, the other one a plain tank top and some pants. They looked at you with surprise, your bow and arrow pointed at them. "Maybe try an' hold tha bow righ' for a start." The one in the tank said and you raised an eyebrow. He had a crossbow, easier than bow and arrow so what's he to judge? "Shut up, dumbass. You have to be nuts to sream some name through the whole forest. Tryna get yourselfs killed?" You lowered you bow and looked at them through squinted eyes. Turning on your heel you tried to make your way back to Tyler. "You all alone out here?" You looked at the sheriff over your shoulder. "Nah, cant you see, sheriff? Got plenty of company."
He followed you. Weirdly enough it didnt make you feel uneasy. At no point either one of them raised their weapons against you. "You gonna buy me dinner now, or why you following me, huh?" He laughed. "No. I'd like to ask you somethin'" You stopped, looked up the tree and to Tyler. "Its okay, you can come down." Both of them looked up. "So what did you want to ask?" You eyes were still on Tyler, making sure he doesnt fall down the tree. He was a good climber, always has been since the day he started to walk. When he jumped from the last branch you catched him. "You seen a little girl?" The one with the crossbow looked at you, eyebrow raised. You sat Tyler on the ground, kneeled down and got a bottle of water out of your backpack. You shook your head as you handed it to your brother. "Cant say I have." Tyler gave you the bottle back and smiled at you. "Have you got one? I am hungry." Shaking your head you searched in you backpack. "Sorry, buddy. Couldnt get a deer. But you want that?" You held out a granola bar. He nodded and took it with a smile. "Just the two of you, huh?" You looked at the sheriff. Giving him a small nod you put your backpack on again. "I am Rick. That's Daryl. You are?" Tyler raised his arms at you and yawned. He was tired. You were too, you hadnt slept in days. Lifting him up he clung to your front like a koala. "Y/N. An' the little koala bear is Tyler." Daryl looked at you. "Dangerous to be out on ya own." You nodded. "Well what am I suppos'd to do? Get me sum walkers as company?" Tyler put his head in the crook of your neck. At least someone can sleep. "You ain't got a group?"
"Doesnt look like it. Only the two of us at this point." Daryl and Rick looked at each other till Daryl nodded. "You could join us. We're a big group. Something like 10 people or so. Got other kids there as well. My sons one of them." You were surprised. Not only that they asked you to join but also that they were that many people left and near you. "I...I dont wanna cause any trouble." Daryl shook his head. "Cant leave you outta here with a kid. You a kid yourself." Your mouth opened and closed again. He was right. Atleast about Ty, you couldnt stay in the forest with a five year old. Not on your own.
You followed them back to the highway, Tyler still clung to your front. It wasn't a long walk, about 5 miles maybe, but having a 5 year old that weighs 18 kilograms on your front and a backpack on your back made things more difficult. You stopped next to a tree, trying to catch your breath. "You a'right?" Darly asked and you looked at him. "Having 'bout 25 kilograms to your torso and walking a steady pace is a bit difficult. Specially cause he feels 2 times heavier when he's sleepin'" He tilted his head. Rick stepped forward and put his arms toward you. "I'll take him for the last couple miles." You nodded and let him take Tyler from you. He immediately clung to Rick and you laughed. "Like I said he's a little koala." You took your bow off your shoulder and one of the arrows out of the side of your backpack, putting it to the string. Rick started to walk in front of you and you followed. "Need ta keep ya elbow lower, makes your shot cleaner." Darly muttered beside you and you side eyed him, lowering you elbow slightly. "Who taught you?" He asked and you turned your head to him. "My dad."
"Did you find her?" A woman with short, grey hair ran towards you, looking at Darly with big eyes. Rick put Tyler on the ground and he walked to you, hiding behind your leg. Daryl shook his head and the woman started sobbing and another one with long brown hair stroked her back. "We will find her tomorrow." Then she looked at you. "Who's that?" You smiled at her. "Hi. I am Y/N, that's my little brother Tyler." Everyone was looking at you now. She smiled but looked st Rick. "Couldn't leave her out in the woods alone with that kid." He shrugged and she looked at you again. "I'm Lori. How old are you?" Daryl was talking to the gray haired woman and Rick to an older man. "He's....he's five. I am nineteen." She introduced you to everyone else. They were nice and welcoming, gave you food and told you about themselves. You sat by the fire, knees pulled to your chest when Rick sat next to you, Daryl standing behind him. "How you feeling?" You stretched out your legs and looked at him. "Havent been around this many people in months. I have food, water, a fire right infront of me and I dont have to look around every second to make sure there ain't one of this things, so pretty good i guess?" You smile and he nods. "I have to ask you some questions, is that alright?" Now you nodded. "You have family except for Tyler?" You took a deep breath. "Another brother and my fathers somewhere out there, but they not together. My father left once all this shit started and Jack is 15 years old and somewhere out there, I lost them." Rick nodded. "Wait, them?" Daryl asked and you looked up. "Yeah. After my father left we...we were 4. Jack, Ty, my ex-boyfriend and me. Ty and I lost them when a group of walkers chased us." Rick put a hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Is Jack dead?" Shocked you turned to Tyler who was sitting next to you. "No, Ty. You know Jack. He's strong, he'll be fine." Tyler gave you a small smile and leaned into you. "I'll go and help Shane look out." Rick got up and left you alone with Daryl and Tyler. "Do you think we will see him again?" Ty muttered and you took a deep breath. "Hey, ya kno' what? My brothers out there too an' ya kno' what they'll be a'right." Tyler looked at him. "Do you think?" Daryl nodded and looked at you. You kissed Tyler's head and ruffled it softly. "Thank you, Daryl."
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(After “wicked always wins)
Uma: so how do we do it?
Ursula: do what?
Uma: beat Mal. Like you said. We give her a gift. Put the bitch on ice. The whole shebang.
Ursula: oh. No. No no no. You misunderstood me my child. We won’t do anything.
Uma: what? Why not?
Ursula: because you’re never leaving this sanctuary. Do you really think I’d let my only daughter go back up top when she’s been humiliated and trodden on by those humans.
Uma (stone faced): do not pretend you care
Ursula: oh my poor sweet child. I do care. And staying here would make me oh so happy. Leaving would make me mad. You remember what happens when I get mad don’t you?
(As she’s speaking her tentacles loop around Uma’s throat and gradually tighten up. Uma’s eyes flash turquoise)
Uma: ENOUGH! I am not a child. I’ll leave when I damn well like
(She swims away)
Ursula: do well to remember that once you leave he is not long for this world. You don’t know the spell. I do. Never mind removing it safely. Nah. You’re much better off here. And deep down inside you know that
Uma: a year. I’ve been here with Harry a YEAR. In all that time you could’ve told me. Why haven’t you
Ursula: and lose my precious little mollusk to self sufficiency? Perish the thought
(Uma swims into the next room and bolts and soundproofs the door)
Uma: ARGH! Why is she like this
Vision!Harry: she just can’t stand how fabulous you are
Uma: I know you’re only saying what I need to hear
Harry: so then it must be true
Uma: you’re cloying.
Harry: better me than the traitor right?
Uma: yeah. Yeah you’re probably right
(On the island. Hades has teleported back to his lair. He’s close to tears and can’t settle on a form. Eventually with much concentration he settles on Sebastian Stan. Then he drops to the floor and dry heaves in anguish)
Hadie: here. Drink.
Hades: do not say “I told you so”
Hadie: I was. But now I don’t have to. And we have a visitor
Hades: Antoine I was wrong you were right. If you want to do the dance then I suggest we head to the bed- (his faces darkens)- Hadie, sweetheart, get dressed and go to the arcade. Please
Hadie: fine. But I’m not getting dressed. I’m 23 after all. (On his way out). You realise he was never the same after you left him. You are entirely to blame
Hades: yes. Thank you Hadie. I think we all know the history.
(Hadie leaves. Hades dives into a low majestic bow that drips of sarcasm)
Hades: to what do I owe the displeasure oh mistress of all evil
(Maleficent is sitting rod straight on a stool. Her hair’s loose and she’s wearing a black and midnight purple version of Mal’s vk outfit)
Maleficent: hello my dear
Hades: don’t call me that. You lost that right when you left.
Maleficent: water under the bridge.
(His hair’s burst into flames)
Hades: I woke up and you were gone
Maleficent: yes yes. If memory serves correctly though. You found your ahem much needed comfort with another
Hades: then you raised the girls in a commune
Maleficent: ahahaha oh that is rich coming from you. You used to be a god. And now? Now you’re just a sad old man with multiple personality disorder. How the mighty have fallen.
Hades: what happened to you?
Maleficent: I got better.
Hades: how?
Maleficent: oh I think you know
Hadeficent: Yzma
Maleficent: yes. The uh disgraced advisor to the hedonistic emperor found me after the ungrateful child abandoned me in a bag. Took to to her house. Gave me a potion. I reassumed my natural form, light magic is a bitch to figure out, broke the phial slit her throat with the shards and robbed the corpse
Hades: you’re wearing...?
Maleficent: her clothes? Yes. What of it?
Hades: you fill them better.
Maleficent: why thank you
Hades: why are you back here
Maleficent: you have the ember. I need the ember. Together we can use our combined power to get her back and overthrow the mainland
Hades: no
Maleficent: no? What do you mean no?
Hades: exactly that. You see
(This is when “since u been gone” happens)
Hades: so you see. Don’t need you. And I certainly don’t need anything you have on offer
Maleficent: really? Because last time I checked. You lived alone. You’re son is an alcoholic hedonist who gives it all to whoever strikes his passing fancy. And to top it all off. You are a failure as a father
Hades: that last point is all your fault. Not mine
Maleficent: water under the bridge sweetheart. Speaking of bridges
Hades: no. I will not allow you to further ruin her life more than you already have.
Maleficent: well you did almost kill them both.
Hades: that was an accident
Maleficent: yes your tears were quite convincing
Hades: they were real. I’m distraught.
Maleficent: you’re rather constrained now
Hades: I’m weighing the pros and cons of feeding you you’re own jugular
Maleficent: oh I knew it. You are still not over me or what we had.
Hades: let me tell you something
(This is when “over you” happens. After the song)
Hades: so as you can see I am over you.
(Maleficent starts chuckling with gradually turns into deranged cackling. She uses telekinesis to throw hades against the nearest wall above her. She climbs up to him and pinches his chin in her hand so he’s looking directly into her eyes)
Maleficent: I am going to say this slowly so your alcohol addled mind can process. Give. Me. The. Ember. Now
Hades: fuck you.
Maleficent: now don’t be that way. You may be more powerful but I have the brains.
Hades: Aurora
Maleficent: what does this have to do with the northern lights?
Hades: the princess. The one you cursed.
Maleficent: what about her
Hades: it took you sixteen years to find her. And you only succeeded through sheer dumb luck
Maleficent: that was their fault
Hades: you hired them
Maleficent: I created them.
Hades: then it’s even more you’re fault.
Maleficent: ENOUGH. (She drops down and lets him go). So it is a hard no?
Hades: exuberantly so
Maleficent: well. I know even I’m beaten. So I will take my leave.
Hades: you do that. PAIN. PANIC. Show her ladyship out
(The teal and fuchsia demons lead the fairy away)
Hades: stupidly alluring gnat. Thinking she could fool me. Literal and actual Satan. I AM A GOD
Vision!Persephone: well. You used to be. Remind yourself of what you’ve become
Hades: better looking.
Persephone: and taken for a fool. Look in your pocket
(Hades half heartedly rifles through his pockets. Then gets desperate)
Hades: that castrating BITCH! No. I’m cool I’m good I’m fine. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! PAIN. PANIC. GEDDERENAH.
(The two demons come lolloping back. He picks them up by the throats)
Hades (venomously): boys. Did she have anything on her person?
Pain: uhhhh
Panic: summat...GLOWING
(Hades drops them and starts pacing back and forth)
Hades: I don’t need this today. I. Do. Not. Need. This. To. Day.
Persephone: what are you gonna do?
Hades: absolutely nothing. She can’t get it to work. No need to worry.
Persephone: yes but you are rather retentive about your property
Hades: well I’m trying to change my habits. Boys. Stereo please
(He runs his face wearily changing into the Eva Green form as he does so. This is when “so what” starts)
Hades: ta ta bitch
(Hadie slow claps behind her)
Hades: ohohoho. I thought I asked you to go to the arcade.
Hadie: what and miss the fight. Real impressive by the way.
Hades: oh ha ha. C’mere
(She puts her arm around her son and they walk back home)
Hadie: we got work to do dont we?
Hades: ah yup
Hadie: does this mean I have to get dressed properly?
Hades: ah yup
(Hours later in Auradon. Chad and Audrey have just entered his bedroom. Both are in a mood)
Audrey: that was embarrassing!
Chad: oh you’re telling me. Stupid bitch can’t even
Audrey: I was talking about you Chad. You gotta accept that Mal and her friends are not leaving anytime soon
Chad: they’re vile. Their whole existence is wrong. And don’t even get me started on the magic
Audrey: magic is the reason we exist in the first place. Magic enabled your parents to meet. It saved my mother’s life
Chad: after endangering it in the first place
Audrey: well. Yes. But good cannot exist without bad you know this. Hell. Fairy godmother IS your fairy godmother.
Chad: I don’t care. Their despicable freaks and I don’t want you hanging around them anymore
(Audrey calms down. She smiles. Turns on her heel. And walks towards the open door)
Chad: whoa whoa wait. Where you going
Audrey: goodbye Chad
(Neither of them notice a raven on the windowsill)
Chad: but why
Audrey: because I know my own self worth. And you demanding that I can’t hang out with MY friends anymore just because it makes YOU feel uncomfortable. So goodbye.
Chad: I. I won’t let you go. I’ll keep you here
Audrey: Elsa knows I’m here. She will come looking for me. So either let me go. Or have your ass iced to kingdom come
(Chad lets her go. She leaves. The raven flies into the room and starts pecking at his hair)
Chad: what are you doing what gerroff get get GET OFF ME!
(He manages to shake it out of his hair. It hits the bookshelf which topples over and falls on it. Then it’s destroyed by a flash of green light out from which appears Maleficent)
Chad: ma ma ma AAAAH
(He jumps a foot in the air and hangs from the miniature chandelier)
Maleficent: are you to stay up there or shall we have a talk?
Chad: ummmm I think I’ll stay up here (the ceiling gives way) oh fuck AH
(He falls to the floor)
Chad (weakly): owwww
Maleficent: now that that is all over. Answer the door
Chad (still is pain): what?
Maleficent: there is a child that is about to knock on the door. I shall hide behind it and you shall answer. Then we shall talk.
Chad: urgh fine
(He goes to the door, opens it and sees some kid there)
Chad: whazit you want
Matty: you’re in my room
Chad: who are argh (he gets a flash of the boy screaming in pain as he’s burned up in green fire) well that’s new
Matty: you could sell it you know. What’s up. Too chicken
Chad: fuck off
(He slams the door in the boys face)
Matty: well that’s a fine how d’you do. I have access to the kings treasury you know!
Chad: 🎶I said fuck off!🎶
Matty: fine
(The boy walks away grumbling. Chad leans against the door and slides down to the ground)
Chad: what did you do?
Maleficent: I simply imparted a vision unto you. What you can be capable of if we join forces
Chad: I don’t like green.
Maleficent: fine. What colour would you prefer.
Chad: black. I’m in mourning.
Maleficent: why whatever for?
Chad (voice full of self pity): destruction of property values, loss of status, dead relationship.
Maleficent: oh yes. Traditional adolescent melancholies. But with my help you could fix that.
Chad (huffily): how
Maleficent: as you may well know I am a dark fairy. The queen of you might say.
Chad: and why would you want to help me
Maleficent: I’ve seen into your heart. Your mind. And your very soul. It was....harrowing. A real eye opener.
Chad: yeah?
Maleficent: and I’ve decided to be one your fair ahem your (choking on her words) faaii. (Growls). Yourfairygodmother
Chad: eh no thanks I got one.
Maleficent: ah yes the horticulturist. But she is more of a fairy god grandmother to you. I could be fully yours. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Chad (mulling it over): I suppose. What’s in it for me?
Maleficent: wealth power prestige status. And trinkets
(She hands him a chocolate bar that she just conjured up)
Chad (mouth full): noce trinket
Maleficent: actually it’s a butterfinger
Chad: really. How’d you know
Maleficent: we acquire your used materials with the arrival of the barges
Chad: huh?
Maleficent: noting. Now wouldn’t you like to come out on top for once. To see my daughter break under your might. To send them all back from whence they came?
Chad: wait. You don’t like Mal either
Maleficent: she is but a means to an end and she failed. I now consider you the wave of the future
Chad (becoming ever more easily pliable): really
Maleficent: yes. So tell your godmother my sweet. What is it you desire.
Chad: I want to be king
Maleficent: exquise
Chad: alors c'est possible. vous POUVEZ me faire un roi?
Maleficent: why yes. Expect. I do not have my sceptre you see. I need my sceptre or something like it. To grant you your wish
Maleficent: yes?
Chad: Verna keeps her wand there. They brought magic back but she keeps her wand in the museum because she’s an idiot.
Maleficent (bending down to stroke his hair lovingly): well then my dear sweet boy. Let us go to it
(This is when “best day of my life” happens)
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