#if you love flangst and you know it clap your hands! emoji of the chap: 🤘
“In the eye of the storm” ◊◊◊◊ a post-Frozen 2 fanfic ◊◊◊◊ CHAPTER 7: Upwind
The sun rose with the storm for another morning. The hooves of Anna's and Elsa's horses were the only sound on the path as they trotted, accompanied by the whistling sound of the powerful wind blowing on them. Anna turned her head.
"Why are you staring at me like that? Did I put my fur coat wrong? Do I have something in my hair?"
Elsa giggled. "No. You look great. I was actually admiring you and I'm still impressed by your talent during yesterday's meeting."
Anna blushed, which was difficult to see for how much her long red hair was shaken by the wind, and coming in front of her cheeks. She also had buried half her face in her reindeer fur collar.
"Thank you." Muttered the Queen. "It means a lot to me. Especially coming from my predecessor."
Her elder smiled, and Anna looked down humbly. She then stared at the cheerful brown stallion Elsa was riding.
"He has a lot of energy!"
Elsa followed her gaze, then laughed and petted the horse's neck.
"He does. His name is Rask." Anna smiled and scratched the horse. They were trotting close to each other and she just had to stretch her arm.
"Hi Rask. Thank you for bringing my sister safely."
The horse neighed, shaking his head to the younger. They both giggled.
"Why didn't you take an ice horse?"
"A nice horse? This one's really gentle."
"A horse made out of ice, you dummy."
"Oh. Well... I feel like it would be a bit disrespectful towards Nokk, no?"
Anna pouted at the thought. "Hmmm. Point taken. Not because it actually is rude, but because they're very spiteful. And if I were you, I wouldn't want to make them mad against me right now."
She pointed at the dark sky. Elsa lifted her eyes, and her gaze got lost. She slowly glanced down. The redhead bit her lip.
"Sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up. Gosh, I'm the worst at small talk. Excuse me, I got nervous."
"Don't. You're a really good talker. In politics and with people. Never doubt of that. It's just... I wish I could talk with Nokk. To understand the reason behind all this storm. They're not especially angry, it's more like... They're determined to win this fight and giving all their strength in it. I can feel it, and yet... They won't answer my calls. They have their own objective right now. And Ahtohallan knows how stubborn they are.
"Yep, all Spirits are."
Elsa smirked. "Are you trying to mock me? Because despite the direct insinuation, you're technically including yourself in it, dear other half."
Anna giggled. "Well, I am proud to be stubborn."
"Oh, you are." Puffed her elder.
A silence passed as they trotted through a glade.
"I wanted to ask you, while you're here, visiting us in Arendelle..."
The blonde turned to her younger, a bit worried. Anna cleared her throat.
"We were tidying the attic the other day, and..."
She was struggling to say what she meant to, and Elsa helped.
"You can get rid of my gloves."
"I know, we already talked about that. But... Sir Jorgenbjorgen..."
She looked at her elder. "Can I give it to Eydis?"
Elsa got emotional and speechless. Anna smiled at a memory as she kept going. "We were with Eydis when we were moving the furniture around. She saw the rocking horse in the attic, but she also saw your plush. I explained it to her, and what he was for you, and..."
The blonde led Rask closer, and she put a hand on her younger's.
"This is a lovely idea. I'll be happy to know that he'll be the confident and companion of a new person."
Anna melted in the same emotion than her elder.
"Thank you. I didn't dare to ask you earlier..."
The Snow Queen smiled. "It's fine." She then looked at the horizon, and clenched her reins. "Hey, race until the wheat fields?"
Her sister lifted an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"
"What? You're as eager as me to come back to Arendelle. Come on."
"Yeah, easy for you to say. Our horses have the same height, but you only have a bridle. Have you seen how many bags I have? And my saddle, and my stirrups?"
"Don't look for excuses."
"No, for real. You're also lighter than me. I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy. This will be rigged."
Elsa had to restrain herself to eye-roll. Anna was sword training once per week, and had a fit body.
"Afraid of losing?" She teased. "Listen: first one to get there owe the other one the biggest box of chocolate treats from the store. I'll give you a few seconds head start."
Anna sighed. "You know I can't resist such a challenge."
"Just go, competitive dork, or I'll start counting."
The redhead grinned. No need to tell her twice. She yelled a 'YAH!' and her horse dashed forward, taking a remarkable advance with a distanced laughter.
"Wow, okay, now I regret that." Blinked Elsa. "Rask, are you ready? Let's show my sister what we've got."
The stallion neighed, and with a grin, she rushed behind her.
They eventually arrived to Arendelle in the early afternoon.
"And I'm telling you that you cheated." Teased Elsa, as they trotted through the village.
"I didn't." Repeated Anna. "You're just a sore loser. I want my box of chocolates by tomorrow morning."
Elsa grumbled. "I hate you."
Her sister snorted. "You? You're capable of hate? Have you ever hated someone?"
The blonde winced. "I hated the bishop when he asked me to take off my gloves at my coronation."
Anna first felt sad, then burst of laughter when she saw Elsa's smirk.
"Stop it!"
She nudged her, and they nudged each other with bumps. Anna nearly fell of her horse after losing her balance and because of the strong wind, and they cackled of laughter.
Their laughter echoed in the courtyard as they passed the gates. Kristoff was stepping out of the stables and stared at them with a surprised smile.
"You two are coming back from a freezing weather, and you're laughing out loud."
Anna smiled at his presence.
"What? Is it bad?" She teased.
Kristoff puffed, and shrugged. "If you get a pneumonia, don't tell me I didn't warn you."
"Happy to see you too, honey." Said Anna as she got down her horse along Elsa.
The King laughed and hugged them both.
"And I can't catch such an illness." Reminded Elsa with a smile after their embrace.
"Say the one who sneezes snowmen."
The blonde frowned. "For the last time, it was a stress fever!"
"Yeah, yeah." Smirked Anna. "Well, your immunity is an excellent reason for you to go prepare us a hot chocolate while I go for a quick bath."
Elsa's jaw dropped when her sister put the reins of her horse in her hand.
But they didn't listen to her. Kristoff swept Anna off her feet and carried her in bridal style, the redhead gasping and giggling in the move.
The blonde sighed with a smile as she watched the spouses hurry inside.
Once in the corridors, Kristoff twirled with his wife in pure happiness to be together again. After they shared a laugh, he put her on the carpet, and Anna wondered why their daughter wasn't tackling her legs already.
"Where's Eydis?"
"Oh, I lost her."
Anna eyed him. "Excuse me, you what?"
He chuckled. "Just to make it clear: we're playing hide and seek."
"Okay. So, the game is to find her, uh? How come you didn't already?" She teased.
"Don't judge me." Nudged Kristoff. "I'm sure you can't find her easily either. She knows the castle by heart now, and I've been at it for the past half hour."
Anna gave him a challenging eyebrow lift, and put her hands on each side of her mouth to yell. "Eydis! Mama's here! Come say hi!"
Only the noise of the wind howling outside and the distant sound of cooks in the kitchens answered her.
"Yeah, as if it would work." Smirked the King. "I told her you would arrive soon right after I received Elsa's ice statue message. She planned this all along."
"I can easily imagine her giggling in a corner." Smiled Anna.
Kristoff's sentence gave her an idea. "Elsa is with me!" She yelled.
Another silence.
"Nope. Doesn't work either."
Anna eyed her husband, and gave it another try. "She'll make hot chocolate!"
Suddenly, a loud thud noise echoed upstairs, like someone who just jumped from the top of a wardrobe. Tiny excited footsteps betrayed the way the child made all along the room then the corridor, heading for the stairs.
Kristoff snorted. "You clever feisty pants."
"As Elsa often says, she's a mini-me. That was an obvious trick."
Less than five seconds later, Eydis was running down, leaping over the last steps to run to her mother.
"Where is it?! Where is it?!"
"My, how incredibly rude." Laughed Anna. "Hi to you too, sweetie."
Eydis didn't focus on the right thing. "Sorry. Please, where is the hot chocolate?"
Anna giggled loudly and grabbed her daughter to tickle her belly and shake her playfully.
"You little rascal! Where are your manners, uh?"
Eydis laughed at the tickles, and finally gave a kiss on her mother's cheek. "You're back!"
They cuddled, and Kristoff watched the scene with love. Their daughter pointed at him with a small finger.
"Papa, that doesn't mean you won this round."
"Got it."
Eydis buried her face in Anna's collar, then wrinkled her nose. "Why do you smell like mud?"
Kristoff gasped with amusement. "Truth comes out the mouth of children..."
Anna sniffed her clothes and winced. "And I'm not gonna scold her for her manners this time. I truly smell like mud. I'll be back in a short hour."
Later, Elsa arrived with a tray of four mugs of hot chocolate, and placed it on the table of the living room under Eydis' happy gaze, to whom she ruffled the hair after a hug. She understood by her sister's absence that she still was enjoying her bath. She realized she probably needed one as well, but couldn't tell much what she smelled like, for she was used to the musky scents of the forest. Eydis climbed on a chair, sitting on her ankles.
"Auntie? How far did you travel?"
"Oh, not far. Hitiheimr is just next to Arendelle."
"Did you see new animals? New trees?"
Elsa chuckled. "It's the same fauna and flora, sweetie. Mama and I only took less than a day on horse to come back."
Eydis' eyes twinkled at the 'fauna' and 'flora' terms, which did not escape Elsa.
"You're interested in Nature?"
The girl nodded so fast that her pigtails bounced in every way. Elsa bent to her.
"Well, you're a handiwork enthusiast, so know that the Northuldra as well as the Arendellians distinguish between trees because their woods have different properties. Some are very solid, like oak, and we use it for doors in the village, while others are light and flexible, like birch. The Northuldra cut them into staffs to fight, and the cork is used for other purposes as well."
Eydis beamed. "Teach me how! So I can saw and forge every wood in the world!"
Kristoff and Elsa giggled. "You can't forge wood, sweetie." Smiled her father. "Actually, I think we have a book about trees in the library. A big one, an encyclopedia even. I'll show it to you before sleep if you want."
She stretched out her little fingers to get her mug, and Elsa took it for her, squeezing the handle to cool it down with magic and avoid Eydis to burn her hasty tongue.
While she gulped down her chocolate, Kristoff asked Elsa how the council went. She went into details to explain at best everything that had happened from beginning to end, including Anna's decisions and the fact Mattias stayed in the neighbor kingdom. Elsa was very biased and very flattering about Anna's qualities as Queen, but the blond simply stared at her with a little smile as she rambled.
When she finally finished, she caught her breathing, and looked at the tray.
"Enjoy your hot chocolates while they still are. I'm gonna bring Anna her mug. She deserves to have it delivered to her bath after such an amazing performance."
Kristoff couldn't agree more, and he watched her go up the stairs. At the corner of his eye, he could see Eydis have a little devil expression. She followed her aunt with slow steps, and he eye-rolled when he understood that she was still in her play mood.
The young princess gave a peek at a corner of the corridor, and watched carefully as Elsa knocked to the bathroom's door with a smile.
"Anna, I brought you your hot chocolate. May I enter?"
The redhead let out a joyful exclamation, that the door couldn't possibly muffle.
"Sure! Come in! I don't mind, and there's too much steam to see anything anyway."
Eydis grinned as she saw Elsa enter, and before she was about to close the door behind her, she ran all she could.
The blonde barely had the time to put the mug near the sink that Eydis suddenly barged in with a loud "BOO!". It was a good thing that she didn't have the hot beverage in her hand anymore, because the Snow Queen jumped high at the spook.
"Eydis! You scared me so much!" Laughed Elsa, and she laughed even more when she heard Eydis' childish laugh.
They went into a giggle together, and Elsa tickled her.
"I have to admit, that was a good one." She said, catching her breathing. "The timing was almost ideal. One second earlier, and I would have dropped the mug. You truly are your mother's daughter. Right, Anna?"
"Uh... Elsa...?"
They both looked over to where Anna was. The steam had completely disappeared from the room. Which made it very easy to see what was happening, and Elsa's blood froze in her veins as she realized that, as well, the temperature of the room had dropped drastically.
Anna's teeth were shattering and her mouth exhaling smoke as she looked down at her naked body trapped in ice from her collarbones to her feet.
"P-please? Quick?"
"Oh my gods, Anna!"
Eydis' jaw dropped. She stood still by the door, and could only watch as her aunt ran to the bath. Hopefully, it wasn't really awkward, for the ice was blur and covered with the Spirits unity symbol signature, so she didn't see much of Anna's naked body underneath.
"Are you okay?" Panicked Elsa, even if she knew the answer.
"I'm obviously stuck and freezing right now, so if you could do something..." Grumbled Anna.
Elsa knelt and slammed her hand on the surface of the ice.
The ice melted in a second, but the stage of the water also changed its density, and Anna slipped with a yelp to the bottom of the bath. Elsa had good reflexes and instantly grabbed Anna under her arms to prevent her from inhaling water through her nose, then used the gesture to take her out of the bath, helping her numb body to step out.
"Thank you." Managed to utter Anna between two ragged breaths.
Elsa urged to grab a towel from the hanger, and enveloped Anna in it like a crêpe. It also was to give her some privacy, for her long hair couldn't cover her breasts enough now they were wet.
Anna was holding herself to her shoulders, and shivering from the sudden temperature change, so Elsa frantically rubbed her arms and legs through the towel to give her some friction and heat.
"Are you feeling better?"
The redhead nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, thank you."
"I'm so, so sorry, Anna, truly, I didn't—"
"Do it on purpose." Finished her younger, comprehensive. "It's okay. Of course you didn't."
Elsa still had her face paralyzed from the fearful moment. Anna placed a soft hand on her, and she thought.
"So it happened again... Your sort of... Power boost. Does it happen when you're happy? Cause it was right after your giggle with Eydis. However, I'm not really happy right now." Mumbled Anna, her teeth still shattering.
Elsa felt devastated, her joy from a few seconds earlier now entirely replaced by pure guilt. She hated to see Anna suffering from the cold, especially when it was from her magic. This was one of the top 'to absolutely avoid' situations.
"Hold on. Let me reach for your..."
She took an arm out of the hug to get the mug, but could tell by the sensation in her hand and the missing steam above it that it had lost its main property.
"Oh no, your hot chocolate is cold now. It must have frozen as well, then melted, but..."
"It's okay, Elsa. Relax. I'm alright." Assured Anna, knowing by heart her first symptoms of an anxiety attack.
She dove her eyes in hers, and Elsa eventually calmed down. She detached her azure blue irises with a smile, putting the mug back where it was. As she did, she noticed that Eydis was still standing near the entrance of the bathroom, and looking at them with a confused expression, but one could see on her face the firm sensation that she was guilty for everything that had happened.
Elsa could recognize it easily. Her niece had as much physical features from her mother than her father, yet that sad pout was definitely the same than when Anna was a child.
"Hey, Eydis. Come here. This is not your fault, you know that?"
The little princess nodded without much conviction. She stepped forward, unsure.
"You scared me, and I scared Anna." Explained Elsa. "This is a domino effect. Or butterfly effect. None of us is truly the one to blame."
Anna smiled above her towel, happy to see that her sister didn't have much the habit of self-guilt anymore, and that a simple stare into her eyes had managed to move it away. Elsa even didn't fear skin-to-skin contact after an accident, because she now reached for Eydis' hand to join them.
"Come on. Let's hug to give her some heat, uhm?"
The girl finally smiled, and closed her eyes as she tackled the two women in a strong embrace. They closed their eyes as well. Elsa could feel Anna's skin returning to normal from the cheek against her neck.
"I prefer 'butterfly' than 'domino'. It's more pretty." Murmured Eydis, her voice masked by the towel.
They all giggled.
"I'll make you another hot chocolate." Promised Elsa, holding her sister tight.
Later in the afternoon, Eydis came in Anna's study running at full speed, and tugged one of Elsa's trains, so much that the ice fabric was nearly ripping.
"Auntie! Auntie! I just finished my lesson, can you make it snow in the hall's stairs so we can sled?"
The sisters blinked at the girl's sudden intrusion, cutting them in their discussion, but Elsa melted at her request.
"Did you finish your homework?" Teased Elsa.
"I have!" Promised her niece, and she raised her hands, as if proving that she washed them was relevant.
The Snow Queen chuckled. "Perfect. Then go get your sled, I'm coming. Just let me finish something with Mama, okay?"
Anna waved in a dismiss gesture as she looked back at her desk.
"No, go ahead. I'll finish that paperwork and I'll join you."
Elsa frowned. "I'll help you finish."
"Don't worry, I can handle it."
"I wasn't asking." Smirked Elsa. "It's an order. Let me help you with it, so we can go sled with your daughter."
Anna hesitated between a tender sigh or an eye roll. Sometimes her elder was dramatically caring, it reached an impossible level.
"Fine. Eydis, go get Papa and ask him to search for your sled in the shed."
"Awesome!" Chirped Eydis with a jump, and she ran outside.
The blonde shook her head with a smile. "She's adorable."
Anna didn't answer, too focused on the mail she was writing. Elsa approached, sitting at the chair in front of her desk.
"So, this is mainly letters to send to the other kingdoms, right?"
The Queen nodded. She bit into a sigh. "I miss Gale."
Elsa didn't hide her sigh, however. "Yeah, me too."
Ironically, outside, the wind blew in strong gusts.
"The girls are busy, uh?" Guessed Kristoff.
Eydis nodded silently. The King turned to Kai who was making him sign delivery agreements.
"Thank you, I'll see you in an hour or two for the next ones."
The servant bowed and left.
Kristoff's attitude suddenly changed, and he turned to his daughter with a giant smile, bending and slapping his hand on his thighs.
"Who wants to go sled!?"
"Me! ME!" Exclaimed Eydis, raising her hand, though they were alone in the hall now.
They all lifted their heads with awed expressions when Elsa made it snow inside, Kristoff admiring the precision with which she aimed at the stairs only. Anna had the eternal touched smile and sparkling eyes as the snowflakes fell in her open hands, and Eydis went cross-eyed when a group of them fell on her nose. The little girl rubbed her nose to get it off, and she looked at how it soon covered the stairway in a beautiful blanket.
"Mama, how come I don't sneeze when it's Auntie's snow?"
Anna smiled and held her close. "Because it's Auntie's snow."
Eydis frowned at her. "That's not an answer."
Elsa smiled as she was waving her hands and preparing the place, listening to her niece.
The redhead passed a hand in her daughter's hair. "It's magic, sweetie. That's because it's not regular snow. When I was around your age, I called it 'tickling snow'."
Eydis let out a long 'Oooooh'. Then, a few seconds later, the playground was complete. It was so perfectly made and attractive that it was hard to resist playing immediately. Thus, Eydis and Anna shared the same excitement and hurried to go up with the sled, taking advantage of the few steps Elsa had cleverly left uncovered.
Kristoff let them have the first rides, and crossed his arms, side-looking the blonde next to her.
"You couldn't help making decorations along the ramps, uh?"
"Are Anna and you going to reproach that to me every time I craft something?"
Kristoff shrugged. "You may be an artist, but you're also a show-off."
A handful of snow at the bottom of the stairs suddenly flew to him, slapping his face.
"Oh, sorry, it's not snowball fight? I got mistaken."
Kristoff poked her as he swiped the snow off his face, but Elsa now made the snow twirled around his head. Anna's voice echoed from the top.
"Are you two done? Elsa, I'm waiting for you. Eydis wants to have the first ride with you."
"I'm coming." Grinned the Snow Queen, having pity for Kristoff and making the snow fall to the floor.
They took rounds for descents with Eydis, and had endless fun, for the snow was perfectly slippery.
After two runs, Eydis was a bit out of breath when pulling up the sled with the rope, so the sisters helped her. The little girl only had small muscles, and the sled was crafted with all of the Arendelle expertise, so with thick wood and dense metal, making it quite heavy. Anna giggled and directly took the sled in her hands then walked to the top of the stairs with her.
Elsa followed, not even bothering to use them, walking directly in the snow with her bare feet now that she had melted her ice sandals, her magic and her being one so her body wasn't even sliding. She even didn't make a single whole as she stepped, like she was barely touching the snowflakes or floating above them.
Eydis placed the sled again, and Anna looked at her elder. "Go on, it's your turn."
An idea passed Elsa's mind, and she smirked. "The sled can largely hold the three of us. Sit behind her, I'll sit behind you."
Anna found it weird, but didn't even questioned the suggestion. Sledding was way too exciting to her.
They placed as Elsa said, under Kristoff's amused gaze, and he laid against one of the pillars of the hall as he looked at them.
Elsa was the one on the back, so they waited for her to push the sled. She smiled, and bent to her sister's ear.
"Do you trust me?"
"Always." Answered Anna right away. "Why?"
The blonde twirled her hand forward and crafted an ice ramp at the bottom of the stairs, then covered it with a snow layer that connected with the snow already present on the steps. She added a huge pile of fresh powder at the end of the hall for landing.
"Wait, ELSA."
The elder didn't make Anna think more about it nor widen her eyes completely that she grabbed her waist, so the redhead stayed where she was, and pushed them all with her feet. They started to make her descent and Eydis exclaimed of joy in advance. Elsa share the same excited yell, and Anna first screamed of panic but soon of joy, especially when they passed the ramp smoothly and started to fly in the air.
They plunged in the fresh snow at the arrival with a comic 'fwomp' and jolted their heads from it with shared laughter.
"Again! Again!" Jumped Eydis, standing up then falling down in the white pillow, while Elsa and Anna still were upside down.
Anna shook her head with a puff as she got rid of the snow, and stared at her elder underneath her.
"This is not what I meant when I said that I'd go almost any place you are."
Elsa smirked, and evaporated the snow under them, so they slowly touched the floor down. "Admit it, you loved it."
"Alright, that was awesome. And to think they call me the crazy one!"
"Let's get crazy again!" Begged the little princess.
Elsa, Eydis and Anna laughed their lungs out and they rolled on the floor as they did.
Kristoff came running after witnessing their stunt from afar.
"Girls! Are you okay?"
The lack of answer despite a new wave of laughter gave him the certification that they hadn't hurt themselves, even if they were holding to their bellies as they giggled. He sighed and shook his head at how they were all close to cry tears as they wheezed.
Suddenly, the general sound of wheezing got accompanied by another sound in the air, so close that none of them perceived it at first. It was when a servant gasped loudly a few meters away that they started to stop laughing and turn to him. Now it was distinct, and Kristoff squinted as he focused to identify the noise. It was like metal was bent by force, but it seemed like it came from different places at a time...
Elsa and him understood simultaneously. In fact, Elsa also felt it in her core. They snapped their heads around and stared at the armors standing along the walls, and they noticed that they were moving, like they were crashing down slowly on their bases.
Anna helped her daughter stand up, and felt under her flats that the magic snow had gone a bit colder. Her eyes widened.
"No... It happens again..." Murmured Elsa.
She however forced herself to replace her worry by a good decision. She clenched her fists and her eyelids, focusing on making everything back to normal in the hall. When she felt the temperature returning to a regular one, and magic leaving the place, she opened her eyes. Elsa frowned nonetheless at the slight sensation that magic hadn't entirely left the castle, for some reason.
She shook her head discreetly, discarding this perception for later. With a quick stare, she checked her family members to see if they were safe, and walked to the armors, avoiding Anna's caring eyes.
Her fingers hovered the folded metal, wrinkled even at some parts, especially the arms parts and the protections over the feet. Elsa's gaze jolted from one spot to another; the helmet was completely crushed, and she gulped at how, if someone was underneath, they would be dead in this moment.
Kristoff approached, making the same observations. He hesitated for a fraction of second, but put his hand against the back of his sister-in-law, in a warm gesture. She wasn't even cold. Elsa was more stupefied than afraid by the state of the armors.
"It's okay. Those are thin armors. I heard them creak from the cold during multiple Winters. They're old too, don't they, feisty?"
He turned to his wife. His soft tone wasn't entirely used to appease Elsa, but sincere as well. Since the sisters were little, they never had been changed, and only dusted and polished.
"Yes, they are." Stated Anna. "Don't worry sis, it's not that bad."
"I'll pay them back."
Elsa's suggestion surprised everyone, but Anna's laughter afterwards was even more.
"Elsa, please. Those are decorative. Also, I kept bumping over them and made them fall apart multiple times when I was a kid."
"I confirm." Said Kai, passing by.
They all smiled.
"These aren't useable armors, Your Highness." Informed the servant.
"See?" Smiled Anna, happy he intervened. "It's alright."
"You're not saying this to make me feel better?"
"I swear I'm not."
Elsa sighed, and everyone from the servants to the royals return to their occupations after taking care of discarding the armors.
Eydis couldn't help lifting them, so she crouched to take her sled up for another ride. However, as she lifted it, only a part of the sled stayed in her hand, the rest falling on the floor in a heavy sound.
She let out a gasp, and Kristoff looked down.
"Let me have a look." He proposed in a fatherly tone.
As the sisters walked near, the King inspected the runners of the sledge, and the broken wood underneath. He sighed. "Yep, the sled is broken."
"I can replace it with ice." Suggested Elsa.
"No, wait! I can fix it!" Exclaimed Eydis, beaming. "I have the stills! I mean skills!"
"Oh my, here we go again." Sighed Anna.
"Come on, let her have fun with it." Nudged Elsa. "She's been talking about her tools for so long, this is my chance to finally do some handiwork with her."
Eydis' smile stretched so much that the blonde didn't regret this decision at all. Her niece was delighted.
As the girl hurried to go to her bedroom to get her toolkit, Kristoff eyed the Snow Queen. "I don't know if you're over-excited because you got another magic boost, but you'll see, in an hour, you'll be disillusioned."
Elsa smirked. "I doubt it. I sometimes spend an entire afternoon helping Northuldra children weaving scarves. And it requires a lot of patience."
She waved her hand to make the snow vanish in the hall, and she noticed that indeed, since she got that magic boost, she felt a bit more powerful than usual, just like the other times she had those strange impulsions. The white blanket disappeared a fraction of second faster.
In a 'clonk clonk clonk' noise, Eydis came back down the stairs with her heavy toolkit filled with instruments. When she put it down at her feet, Elsa recognized Eydis' tools, especially her wood bracket and protractor, which were beautifully carved with Arendelle's crocuses. She obviously spotted the spirit level that she had offered her several days before, and a tool she had never seen before.
"I even took my new hammer!" Said Eydis loudly.
"That's great, sweetie." Commented Anna with a smile.
The little princess took out the comically large hammer, which shaft was as thick as her forearm. They all snorted at the object, but Elsa was intrigued. The hammer was nearly as large as her torso, and yet she could lift it like it weighed nothing. It was obvious that it was made of metal and wood, like any other hammer, but in Eydis' hands, it looked like it was made of something as light as cork.
The blonde squinted. The last time she had seen such a paradox, was when she realized for the first time that her magic ice weighed nothing in her own hands, but was heavy in others'.
It wasn't the only thing she noticed about the item. A curious but undeniable feeling of magic was emanating from it. She kneeled next to her niece.
"Eydis... What is that hammer?"
"My new one! A very precious tool." Explained Eydis, already pivoting the sled to know where she should place the nails.
"No, I mean... Where did you get it from?"
"I told you the other day." Intervened Kristoff. "She probably got it from Oaken."
Elsa frowned. "No, it can't be. Unless Oaken suddenly started selling magical artefacts."
Anna widened her eyes. "Excuse me?"
The blonde passed her fingers around the hammer, not daring to touch it directly. Whether it was for prudence or out of respect, she couldn't tell. Anna noticed how fascinated she was by the object.
She crouched next to her.
"Elsa, what is it?"
The Snow Queen had a nervous chuckle. "The only word coming to my mind is 'miracle'. Look at it closer."
Anna frowned, her gaze returning to the tool. She suddenly widened her eyes as a flash came to her mind. The redhead had already seen this hammer in illustrations of books she used to read during her childhood.
"Tha- That's..."
She gulped.
"That's Mjöllnir."
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