#if you noticed her helmet actually improvised from baltael aventail
little-demy · 2 years
Joanne the Hero has arrived!
Just recently finished drawing Joanne's full body for future references, so here we are! And more about her and her own lore below!
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With helmet and cloak:
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Colour palette for references:
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Her full name is Joanne Blythe Michel, but she never really told anyone her full name so everyone just knew her as Joanne/Joan
She used to work as a courier around Oaklore region, until she signed up as an adventurer when she's 16.
Her father was a rogue adventurer and also her teacher. She learns most of her current skills from him. He also taught her lockpicking and bunch of tricks. He lost his life when Joanne was around 13 while protecting her hometown from wild elementals and monsters.
She stopped training for something after her father's death, but later continue her training under another adventurer from her town.
Her mother came from a family of merchants and hunters/huntresses. She also taughy Joanne survival skill after Joanne told her she's planning to be an adventurers.
During her time heroing around Lore, she started learning how to use different kinds of weapons and ended up becoming well versed with various type of weapons. The only weapons she avoids are bows and arrows, because she finds using them pretty hard thus avoiding them.
While she started off as rogue, she'll later started learning SoulWeaving from Tomix and using them for a while before finally settled mainly for Cryptic.
Her body was littered with scars from all the heroing works and from many battlefields. She mainly felt neutral about them but still somewhat self conscious of it. She always tried to cover as much as she could.
She used to have black hair before the ice incident.
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After she thawed from the ice, she almost immediately going back to heroing. If not for Serenity, she probably won't take some rest and overworked herself almost immediately.
She finds the idea that everything around her will keep changing and moving on while she was there and just existing without any changes somewhat pressuring her. After the ice, she slowly changed, losing her naivety yet still the friendly hero of falconreach. Just more desperate to protect her homeland, friends, and family.
Due to the long exposure of magic from the ice, her body also changed. While she didn't grow at all for 7 years, her hair turned grey and her body temperature dropped and now always 35 at average. Due to this she always carried a warming potions around.
Maybe, if Cysero had some kind of heating pads for her to carry around, she'd have those too. I hc Cysero at least sometimes giving her prototype stuff but actually still something that'd be helpful for her no matter how crazy or weird those items are.
She also had severe cryophobia after the ice and now feels less comfortable with cold. She tried to keep up a facade and act like nothing affect her, but her body still reacted to the cold and aleays eant to avoid them. She tried to shrug it off and won't really tell anyone regarding this, thinking that as the Hero, showing weakness will be bad and she couldn't let herself be weak or even make any mistakes.
She never took a step back home after comign out of the ice. After she found out the Rose had bounty for her head for a while, she tried not to come back out of fear of her mother's and grandparents' life. Also considering how she also has some enemies, probably. At least she still sending letters to her mother at least once a month.
After two losses in a row, she almost lost all hope. If not for the talk with Serenity at the end of Calamity, she won't probably find her own peace and realized her own limit as a human.
It took her a while to process the grief, especially when she actually just act like it was never there and never actually process the emotions. Only when she finally had time she tried to embrace it and learn how to went through them.
Joanne usually only sleep for 3 hours. Mainly due to insomnia or nightmares. She also a light sleeper and could easily awake with just a small sound.
Since she's an only child, Joanne always likes the idea of having siblings. She likes to treat someome younger than her as siblings, especially Ash who she aleays thought so fondly as her little brother. (She also hates the fact that now Ash is taller than her tbh)
Don't know if they got them in DF, but if there's a therapist, Joanne is probably in therapy. It took her a long time to actually seek help, at leats after some talks with her friends she finally agreed to see one.
Tbh Joanne surpressed most of her negative memories and emotions by using her own Cryptic power.
My own hc, Joanne later learn how to actually soulweave from Belle in Ravenloss. She's the one who asked her to teach her and the first soulwoven item she made was a scarf, that later she put on Tomix's grave. She also made her own cloak (the current butterfly cloak she used was her own soulwoven item!)
The gauntlets she used are actually her spirit loom. She just used them most of the timea because she likes them and that way she could switch to soulweaver easier, probably.
She also loves children and they are basically Joanne's weakness too. Lynn is probably also the visibe proof of it. After Tea for Three sometimes Joanne met her and willingly become an unpaid babysitter just for Lynn and because she just adored her.
Arc, her dragon is also one of her weakness but she learn how to handle him properly and not to give in.
For now at least she's still doing the hero works. Sometimes still overworking to the point of tiring herself out. But at least she knew she's never alone and always has friends and supports.
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