#if you saw the post where i said he would ba late no you didnt
battlefordreamdiner · 9 months
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24. Fries
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olde-scratch · 4 years
So I watched LUCIDS 1-4 without any prior knowledge...
and here were my thoughts. I didn’t watch any backstory or anything so enjoy my suffering.
“So what happens when the people inside of their dreams go to sleep?” They die
“What happens when we wake up? Do they go on living while we’re not there?” THEY DIE-
“Who are they anyway?” they’re faces that our brain catalogs and stores for later use, although it’s also arguable that every time we dream we go to an alternate reality and inhabit the body of another version of ourselves. Now, were you in a car accident and trapped underwater or-
Are they twins?
(Me tuning out to do something)
“-the squirrel in spongebob was your soulmate, making you a Sandy simp-”
Me, snapping back to the video: hold up-
[missed the part about the worksheet, realized it when i rewatched 10 mins later to make this post]
yall speakin gibberish idk what youre saying-
“I’m gonna go to bed.” bro it literally looks like morning-
“You should get some sleep you look terrible.” i get six hours of sleep a night minimum and i look worse than him shut up bro-
“jump into someone else’s dream” ah i know this con-
why they all got the same face-
haha funni meme
“--an interruptiion can create feedback and tear them apart.” Death. I long for thee.
Is that Karl Jacob’s jacket?
“a second grader” makes me think this is a different school system. [i was wrong? i think?]
“[get him to] eat your apple”
[in the dream sequence] weird dream, but ive had weirder. now, Why Pamper’s-
why does he suddenly have a knife-
“You put a filter on the Dreamscape feed?”
“Technically, you are seven years old.”
the second hand embarrassment is UGGGHHH
[reading the description] you mean like the guy who was knocked out for 2 minutes on a football field and woke to find he’d dreamt 17 years of his life? oh this shall be Fun
[I check the description] “jasper cult” what the fu-
how many camp camp references can i make during this
Is the apple a reference to religion or does the creator just really ilke apples?
Wait why couldn’t that guy eat the apple? If he wanted it in the fruit bowl, wouldn’t there be a chance of the guy eating it anyways?? Why can’t the guy who brought the apple eat it?
well he’s Dead
[debating if I should read the backstory}
n a h h h h h -
Was he gonna feed the dead guy the apple or something? Why is he upset about the apple in this scene???
oooo the grownups are fightinnnngggg
Is he an antagonist?
oh now i want food
“I watched all those aforementioned shows” what shows did i miss something what-
man why you gotta hate on her jane austen fanfic let her live bro
string theory! i can get behind that! sorta-
o no he found the memes-
kim there’s people that are dying-
is SHE an antagonist?
quinn? calling himself jasper? u sure hes not just nonbinary? is this just a metaphor for transphobic parenting?
“He died... but somewhere, he grew up.” So is your plan to take a Quinn from a different universe and make him your own, thereby robbing another version of yourself from happiness? When does this ever go well?
Yknow most people, when they lose a kid,,,, kinda,,,,,,, dont go on a ceaseless quest to find another version of their kid that grew up without knowing that another version of his mother was invading other peoples’ dreams to find and kidnap him,,,,,,,, like aint u got a therapist-
“Once you get past the point of not knowing what’s real anymore, you realize it doesn’t matter.” Well, I Got Called Out-
“you’re real, oliver.”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
“you’ve been infected by the anti-love parasite of Mandadon” the amatonormativity is strong
so anyways ive been infected since birth hbu-
“James Jasperson, creator of Japple” did you mean to Fancy Well-Educated Man in a Black Turtleneck? cause the only FWEMBT i allow near me is prof. hidgens
“are you winning?” says the capitalist
why did you rewind to see his face?? you have the same face????? is this just bc the creator doesnt like working with other people cause in that case same but???????
“it’s a bad idea. i’m not gonna do it.” we’ve all been there. and we’ve all done it.
looks like me trying to study. (i say, a person who has studied a total of five minutes throughout their entire life.)
your “Spartan trial” looks like a bunch of guys standing on a hill pretending to be something they’re not. Let The Man Bring His Snacks.
eat the apple.
is this your first existential crisis or something what a loser lets all point and laugh
“One of you should be spared, the other shall’nt.” did you mean shant or was that a choice-
yall gonna get called out for talking shut UP
“sorry if this is too personal, btw. are you okay?”
me, confused and half understanding what’s going on and also needing to sleep cause its almost one in the morning but wanting to finish what i can find of lucids which i only starting watching cause i saw an animatic of ranboo and dream w audio from it: i don’t know anymore
“i just want my life back... i was gonna get married-” AREN’T YOU LIKE SEVEN-
ay man if this is a sacrificial cult yall gotta get daniel-
UPDATE: I  H A V E  N O T  F O U N D  I T -
I  F O U N D   I  T -
oliver. eat the apple.
“Can you still have memories even when you’re dreaming?” One time I woke up to my alarm and fell back asleep and in my dream I remembered that I had class in a few minutes and my dream self woke my real self up so fast I thought I was gonna get whiplash. Anyways, I was late to class bc of my computer but that doesn’t matter.
im thinking car crash. but also maybe murder. but also maybe both? is it raining or was he drowning? is he in a coma? hmmmmmm?
wait olivers the one with the apple does that mean he’s the one dreaming? is the ending gonna be him and jasper (quinn? idk) fighting against ben and mrs hills about jasper eating the apple to save oliver from the dream? hmmmmmmmmmm-
waitwaitwait i thought oliver was 7 how is benjamin 7 years younger than him if they look the same age what what what explain america explain what you mean arkansaw-
are the cuts on his nose plot-relevant or
“What if you hadn’t been driving?” So I was right about the car accident but Mrs. Hills still said he was seven so did i mishear her say that BENJAMIN was seven? but even then oliver would be 14 and that would still be illegal-
“How are you feeling?”
“Like you’re a pretty bad therapist.”
“--it makes it all bearable to have power over the stories we write in our heads” that’s why i write fanfiction
[upon reading the description] so i was right.
wait was that supposed to be the twist in part 2 about the apple in his pocket is that what the existential crisis was about i thought it was because he was introduced to the multiple worlds theory-
wait wasnt the other one january 2018 why we going back to 2017-
“--the future and the past all already exist” mhm yep figured this out long ago
there was simultaneously a point in time in which i hadn’t known about this, had been looking it up, had been watching it, and had been writing an ending to this post, and had been posting it the next morning before class. that time is both now and not now. Welcome To The Multiverse Theory or whatever its called-
“--my favorite scene of the movie is waking up next to you.” Mine is eating fast food as I listen to AJJ and play Minecraft. We are not the same.
Now I’m hungry but it’s 1 in the morning and i already put my retainer in god fu-
[reading description] what do you mean previously??? she did that in the first episode????????
i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have wa-
[description] oh ive been spelling quinn right the whole time nice
i hope she rejects you /j
bro get out of the road ull get hit
hills wants ben to feed quinn the apple bc in his mind, that will give hills and quinn a happy ending and she doesnt want ben to see the apple bc thats gonna mean ben will know that his reality isnt reality at all. so then oliver has to,,,, not let anyone eat his apple? he just has to wake up?
wait but if ben sees the apple wont he realize that his reality is wrong and his reality will change, making it so that hills doesnt get her son? or is there some time-based rule that says they’re only transported to the reality that the person believes at that moment? or is this another stab at the multiverse thing where an infinite amount of hills gets their happy endings while an infinite amount of hills doesnt and etc etc?
i should have watched the ba-
oooo dramatique
they’re in a time loop?
nope thats a new powerpoint
wait so theyre,,,, no-
“they were actually pretty nice” didnt they throw someone off a cliff-
oh so it got confusing THEN??? NOT BEFORE?????
“it all seemed so real.” is that Not the point of vivid REM sleep hallucinations-
is oliver gonna show ben the apple and ruin hills’ whole operation
“what’s 25-8″ bro dont do this to me-
yep hes gonna show the apple
ayyy the guy who stole karl jacobs jacket it back
the second hand embarrassment is back and I Hate It
all that happens in episode ONE??? bro get some better writers that is bad pacing
“it’s the best!” wait until season eight. no show has a good season eight.
quinn knows about the apple thing w the dreams and multiverse and realities dont he
oliver is v relatable
wHaT iN tArNaTiOn-
lemme hear that explanaton again-
is bill cipher gonna show up? i hope bill cipher shows up. i miss gravity falls
“ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” moooooooood
did hills murder quinn
is your family the jasper cult
TOXXIICCCCCC get that lady out of your life quinn that is so toxic
“ ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!  ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
The Adventures of Benjamin and Oliver
he is Not Good
wait so ben is equal parts an adult AND a child?? okay that clears a lot up
ew get off the floor
butterfly effect, multiverse theory, memory decay, and your imagination ALL exist yall gonna ignore that cause you wanna be famous?
“We already know what the future looks like!”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
to add to the list of bad things: Cats (2019)
get what what
what mapped-
awwwww he thinks THEY’RE creating the multiverse
you gonna dismiss the multiverse theory bc of something you created in your current reality? loooserrrrrr
she draggin that seven year old
a lot makes sense now why didnt i do this first-
the food shortages-
bro that calculators like 90 bucks at walmart
imagine meeting a stranger and they know Everything about your life like that’s gotta be so weird
what’s even weirder is them telling you you’re the deity of a cult that sacrifices animals
ooohhh there’s context for that
w h a t -
w  h  a  t  -
W   H   A   T   -
if i dream about apples im suing /j /lh
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olusegundare · 6 years
Brother Samson and Sister Debbie’s Story Continues
Sister Debbie says, "I do not know I can stop"...(July 6th, 2013)
I did not leave early 4 school dis time around as I used 2 do b4. Broda Samson, my fiancé has gotten 2 his shop, Yams and eggs were fried 4 him...we were in his office talkin abt d buz' expansion having transfer part of d money in2 his co-operative account, paid some outstanding loans, & used d rest 2 buy some goods which are out of stock in d shop and which r being demanded for. I am suggesting dat he gets a two bedrooms flat n if possible a self contain room dat has all d basic facilities intact, so as 2 give us more room 2 plan 4 d future by equipping d house...Accommodation is outrageously costly in d island...and it is not as if there r companies in d Island...d island is predominantly deminated by civil servants & farmers, d rest people are essentially dependat people...yet, landlords charges are outrageous...many people would
have exit d island, but they said they have not received a go from the Lord, my people so much believe in God's leading, which i cherish too dearly, infact, it is because of such leadings that d island has not collapsed, bc d leaders of d Island are "put am for mouth and be silent" (ká fi sẹnu ká dákẹ́)...people r suffering in d island...yet our leaders travel almost on a daily basis 2 some other more developed islands, but 2 implement what they saw @ other island, making d lifes of commoners beta become a taboo for them, dey instead belabour them, adding unto their sorrows...the tax is like a heavy yoke on d people...yet d leaders receive wages that is enof 2 establish another country on a daily basis...people do hard labour but they have nothing 2 show 4 it...d spiritual aspect, is what is keeping d island... Some who inhabits d island say dey are there bc God directed dem 2 be dia, while some are inhabiting d island bc dey are transfered 2 d island by their companies...for business
2 thrive in d island, one needs special supports 4m God, else, one shall work as an elephant but would be eating like an ant...yet d govt of d island would be demanding 4 excess tax payment 4m d populace for infrastructures not provided...if not that killings are bad, killings are unscriptural, many of the island's leaders would have been shot by the populace...their heavy laden, their yokes on d populace, is stricter, harder, tighter, tougher than what the Isrealites experienced in the land of Egypt those days according to "wetin we dey" read for bible, and the stories we were told years ago while a toddler still attending the sunde schools...yet we keep enduring...they keep cajoling us...they keep telling us open lies...enforcing themselves on the populace..."ibi ori dani si la n gbe" is what many except some privileged few who r enrishing themselves at d detriement of the populace used to say...
So, i suggest, a self contain at worst so that we have more time 4 ourselves, get some privacies, and be able 2 plan better..."Mai" lord says he hopes 2 get a new place soon, he asked 4 my patience on this crucial subject so as to get a beta place bc he said experience has shown dat when one is in a hurry 2 get a place, d apartment one shall get shall not be too good, to cap it all it would be costly, dat is if one is even very fortunate not to fall into the hands of housing agents who shall dupe the person and escape into the thin air like a velocity... The island's people explore any person whom they discover is urgently in need of an accommodation... "Mai" lord says, he stil has some months left to use in d building before his house rent's due lapsed, thence he wished we use that interregnum period 2 look for a beta place, with all d necessary infrastructures intact...
We discussed some other issues, particularly about the invitation i received 4m the sister's in the fellowship i am attending on the campus, i told him some few points I have gathered on the subject I shall be talking on, he helped me modify it, adding some points to it...I know the devil is in trouble by God's grace during the programme... When it was 11:00 hours the island's time, I stood 2 my feet 2 set out...he said, "so soon?" "I dont want to enter campus lately, because i shall need 2 tidy up some things in my room", I said... "O tún ti fẹ dá aáyun silẹ bayi", he said, as he also stands up 4m where he sat down @... As his customs were, he would see me off 2 d garage, ensuring that d vehicle takes off before he return to his office and shop...
As we alighted 4m d cab, members of d transporters rushed to collect my travelling bag 4m me...An empty bus was on cue, he has barely parked @ d carport when we sauntered into d garage, I am un-arguably d 1st passenger in dis empty bus...I chose d front seat by d side of d door...while we wait 4 other passengers, we were talking.. "You should have leave earlier", "mai" lord said. "I do not wanna go early 2da", I said. "Aint u late for 2da's lectures?" He asked. "We have finished d course outline", I said. "But what of if d man comes 4 a revision?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders...Leaning my head on his right shoulders. "I just do not like people being @ their duty posts late", he said. I laughed, and said, ""mai" lord who doesnt want me to leave him few minutes ago now becomes a gospel preacher @ d garage, "ó ga o"", i said. "Tara yin na la n sọ fun yin", he said. "Ẹyin lẹ mọ...oju imọle ko kuro lọ́tí", i will barely get 2 campus now b4 u start bombarding me with messages", I said.
"If you love let them know you love, and if do not let them know you do not, that is why i do bombard you with all sorts of love messages", he said. "Huh-hun?" I said. "Dont you know that what one leaves is what the goats snatch?" he said. "I dont understand", I said. "When I fail 2 update your browsers with my messages, soon enof u will see some1 else in da campus and leave me", he said. "Envying "dé", I said. "Not a matter of envying, ladies are fragile, they can easily be tossed away by small wind", he said. "Well, I doubt if that is applicable to me...I have told my God that who I shall be engaged to should be sufficient for me and He has granted me just that...many ladies may be so doing, but as for me, never...I pledge my allegiance to this solid love planted on Jesus", I said. "I am just kidding, but u know a second cannot pass without thinking of u, and thatz why i send messages...so dat u wont miss me 2 much", he said. "I have told God that He shd let d person i said Yes to his love proposals be the 1st and d last in life, and I am grateful to Him that He did not deny me such privilege in finding u...I am comfortable with u", I said.
"Let us stroll around d garage a bit, as the bus is getting loaded", he said...we stand up, hands in hands walking around d garage, seeing the topography of the place and other things inside the garage, as we do this we continued talking... "You know we wont be seeing for the next 3 weeks again", i said. "Why? That long?" he said. "I do not plan 2 come home soon, except if my boss calls me 2 come attend 2 any bottle-necked file", i said. "ok. I shall try 2 cope. I shal adjust. That means more messages." he said. "That is why i decide dat i shal stay behind a while today", i said. "That wont cover for other days or do u think it will?", he asked. "Even, if it wont, i think i love it dis way,...if it is not that u insisted that i progress academically b4 we wed, all my mind is that we wed and i start my MSC under your roof", I said. "I would have loved dat too, but, since, i am yet 2 be on my feet financially, datz why i said we shd use dat 2 buy more time for ourselves", he said.
I wanted 2 ginger him up so I Asked him dat "did I remember 2 tell u dat d undergraduate students sister's leader invited me 4 a talk in d fellowship next wednesday?" "Oh! Really? I presumed because of d joy dat pervade our interaction in d past couple of days make u forget", he said. "Wat a poor me",I said "Very poor u forsooth", he added. "And I would have needed your support 4 d talk",I said. "How do u mean?" he inquired. "So dat u add some spiritual experiences, some pep talks dat i may include 2 ginger up the naives, the experienced in the speech obviously directing them 2 Jesus the Saviour alone", I said. "Well, it is bc u can do it alone dat u havent intimated me", he said..."Mai" lord played d game along with me so well dat I cannot refrain mysef 4m bursting out into laughter later.. ""Ẹyin laye yin shá, ẹ ti fẹ ma dẹru ba mi gan, ko ma tilẹ si nkan to mba yin lojiji"", I said. "Pardon?", he said. "U behaved as if I havent tell u about d program @ all", I said. "Really? Did u tell me about a program u were invited to b4?" He inquired, looking serious as if he is saying d right thing.. "Yes, I did do "mai" lord sire, infact u were d one who was modifying some of d outlined points some couple of minutes ago", I said. "That must be interesting, because i did not think I have done such things dis day", he concluded...
"Who was d one who modified my points in your office a couple of minutes away?" I asked. "Maybe my spirit. Maybe one of the ghosts. Maybe u didnt even know my office, maybe someone else's office", he said. "I know "mai" lord's office, I am hand in hand with "mai" lord, strolling, receiving some fresh air in a garage", I said. "That shd be fantabulous. Did I know you? Have I ever seen someone like u?" He asked. "Nope sire. You dont know me, except that you see your love to garage to board a vehicle back to her school", I said. "Wondrous! Great! Lovely! Suigeneris!", He exclaimed. "You and all vocabularies, in a short while u will be talking about me, dat my grammar is "three" much, what of you?" I said "So, my love..." interjecting, "Yes "mai" lord sire", I said. "Have u returned my bible dictionary?" He asked. "Nope. I am going with it". I said. "Ensure that you do justice and or justices to the subject b4 u dear, so as give them a spiritually lasting impression", he said. "I shall do just that. That is why I have not returned the bible dictionary, because I know I shall yet need it in putting finishing touches to my points in school", I said.
"But, wait a while, what was it that prompted their inviting you for a message?" He asked. "I dont know oh. I have been repeatedly asking myself that question u asked me since the day I was informed, but, I am yet to come to terms with it, I have not find a satisfactory answer to d question since then...this is because, they havent seen me talk in a congregation before...but, you must be the causative agent of it now?" I said. "In what way?" He asked. "Because it is you who said I shd be fellowshipping with the undergraduates...left to me, I wanted a big church outside academic confines, where I shall meet with people, creme-de-la-creme of the society, business persons, academics, and other professionales...but u insisted I join a campus fellowship, and since I do not want to go against your suggestions, I looked for one with about 90% doctrine as our home church here and joined", I said. "But, that doesnt make them invite you for a ministration, there must be something else...maybe you have answered their question/s during one of the studies or maybe u have done something in the past that triggers their "chemo-spiritual center" which make them looking forward to a day they shall hear you out", he said.
"Hun-hun", I said "That must be the stimuli, because "isẹ kì í sẹ lasan" he said. As he was saying, I was thinking of what he said, "Chemo-Spiritual Center", I havent heard of anything close to that, why did "mai" lord prefer business to academics? He should have been relevant there, maybe he has some other reasons that he hasnt tell me since we started this courtship, with time, I shall get to that root, because look at the ease with which he marries so many professional terminologies with grammar...He continued when I didnt respond "With time, "sha", i guess u shall know why", he said. "Well what me i know is that I talk freely with them...I attend their sisters' discussions proferring advices when needed, and few of them are close to me, the sister leader and some of those who are in my department", I said. "You are just talking", he said. "They know I am in a relationship with a pastor..." Interjecting, "sorry a point of correction, a business man", he said. "Eh, a business man and a pastor", I said. "Nope. My time is not now..." "That is Jesus' statement", I interupted him. "Yes. I am Jesus son. So i can quote my father's statement" he said. "Yes. You can. But in the quoted word, after that Jesus said that, did He altogether refuse to do what He was asked to do?" I asked. "Nope love." he said. "So is it with thee...have u ever refused to do justice to some spiritual things within and without?" I asked. "Rara ma. How can I refuse my masters biddings?" He said. "So. I win. A hidden pastor like prophet Elisha, a successful business man turned a prophet", I enthused. ""Ẹ jọ". You are on fire for the forthcoming ministration. "O ga ju"" he said. ""Ẹyin na la fi jọ", as i was saying "mai" lord, they know I am in a relationship with a pastor, who ofcourse is my spiritual mentor...bc some of them are my friends on facebook and they do read your postings and comments", I said.
"Is that so?" he asked. "Yes ofcourse". I said. "That should connote that they may be inviting you as the wife of a minister of the gospel to be and secondarily as one of the senior colleagues whom they can gain one or two things from", he said. "I guess as much", I said. "You must give dem upto date messages. You must impart knowledge akademik and spiritual" he said. "God shal help me do just that and u must be praying for me and that fervently too, that the name of the Lord be glorified with many coming to the knowledge of Jesus' lordship that day. You know I cannot fast as you are oh..." I said. "When I do pray for those who are not as close as you are to me, how much more praying for my love's ministerial success? Prophet Samuel said, "far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you"... "Where can i get d word u have just quoted in d bible?" I interruptedly asked him. "I know it is in the book of first samuel, chapter 12, but d actual verse I cant say, check the last 5 verses of the book when u get 2 school...or I may send it 2 ur inbox when I get it", he replied. "Alright.", I said. "God shal do more than u expect at the program in Jesus name", he said. "Amen oh", I said.
The passengers are complete..."mai" lord paid d transport fare...having given me some money b4 we left his office...the luggages were arranged...tranporters settled themselves behind the scene of the passengers...passengers shouting that the driver make it snappy because of the heat since the doors are closed...at last our bus took off from the garage... As d bus moved on, I started thinking about him, I have grown to love him too dearly...but how did I loved him as much as this? I cannot answer that. He is obviously the kind of person I have been praying for to have as a lover, fiancé all my life, such a soft minded person...Then I remembered that I did not give him a nod when he first made his intention known...why did I do that then?... Oh, it was because I thought he would be too stringent for me, and then I was yet using ear-rings, putting on necklace and bangles occasionally @ least when I wanted to attend any special and social functions...birthdays, weddings, departmental gala nights, welcoming services etc... All these I was doing because my parents, especially my late dad said, I ought to dress gorgeously to impress and attract good suitors...
But with him, I have come to realized that putting on all these may not after all impress some guys particularly those who are deeply rooted in the word of God...so when he came calling, I think there ought to be a misnomer somewhere, i think he has place the right foot in the wrong shoe, me of all persons, me out of all ladies i think...so my response come from subcortical level...NOPE, I SAID, RECHECK YOUR DATA SIRE...THERE IS AN ERROR SOMEWHERE, I SAID... I was thinking how can we cope being together? Me dressing like a local lady? This was because my parents said it is local ladies who dressed like that... I said, I know that sometimes someday and somehow, he shall become a pastor, all my life, I have never thought of becoming a pastor's fianceé let alone thinking of being a pastor's wife... Our parents brought us up simply...we were thought to live a simple life...because in that is joy and peace so they said...they said all those popular figures dont have peace of mind...and what does anyone want in life other than peace, joy, happiness? We were not brought up to be overtly spiritual...so, I summated all these together, said to myself, a pastor in the offing to a simple person, I know he is not too sure whether I can quote three bible chapters and verses off hand...IT IS A LIE, A BLANTANT LIE, I told myself when I re-evaluate what the future perhaps holds...he erred i concluded. But I afterwards, discovered dat I started developing strongest of feelings for him, obviously stronger than all other suitors...the feelings of love...the thought of him began 2 overwhelm me, i find it hard to resist despite all attempts...then I said to my soul, "let your will be done oh Lord", and I went back to him and d journey started...Ever since this journey began, I have experienced remarkable peace and have grown to know the Lord more...as I grow, then I discovered that all these addendums, beautifying things are not necessary after all and I find myself shelving them...I now dress like those called S.U those days...maybe that is part of what those sisters see that made them invite me to minister to them...
After the teaching, the sisters raised many questions, which God assisted me to answer... A week after, two sisters whem we were course mate come to me on different occasions asking me questions about how I do it. How I get my fiancé. I shared my experience with them but I felt I need to ask my fiancé when we see so that he shared more experiences with me on this issue...if is as if I am becoming a marriage counsellor...but who am I? A simple Debbie in an open relationship with a simple brother, Samson...none of us are into marriage counselling...
 My love usually arrives home Wednesday, if she will be coming home, but as at 18:00 hours, d iSland's time, she wasnt around, den I know she probably wont come dat week, thence, our chatting dat day was centered on how her move will be durin d weekend bc I planned 2 go to her end, after-all, I have not visited her since she started her academics in d university... She said she will be most delighted to see me and would arrange 4 where I shall lodge in...We have been having discussion on d issue of my visiting her and where I may likely put up at 4 quite sometimes, and she said she will discuss with one of her male colleagues, so dat whenever I come I may stay in his room...so she said she will go and intimate d person, so dat he makes provision 4 me... Meanwhile, I have also been thinking of where 2 put up @, after-all, assuming I travelled out, I shall stay @ a place, thence, I have been thinking of an hotel...this is option B. Option C, is an aged friend of mine. This friend has just secure a new job with d govt of d Island, and he has been transfered to d city...dis person and I have been very good friend during d secondary school days, but after we finished secondary school with each person securing an admission @ different institutions, there have been separation... Despite d fact dat we tried getting ourselves 2geda, we couldnt because of different programmes we run @ our institutions, which do not harmonise d breaks...sometimes when such break would have been harmonised, local strikes by lecturers, or non academic staffs or students' unrests usually disharmonised d harmony...and because of our individual growth, academic and otherwise, we discovered d truth in our fathers saying that twenty children or youths cannot be together for twenty years...
This friend of mine, Abraham aka A.B as we commonly called him those days was contacted...i did contact him bc we have been connected on facebook and he has edited his profile showing his new status, outside chattings of facebook, we have been talking on fone on several occasions... When I contacted him, he said he usually travel to where his wife and children were every weekends bc he is yet 2 move his family to his new location...infact, according to him, it wasnt long that he secured a 3-bedroom apartment...He said "I shal do you a favour of waiting a while, staying till saturday b4 I travel to my family so dat I conveniently and personnally welcome and accommodate you, and ofcourse use that ample opportunity to know and welcome your found love...after you have waited these years...she must be quite impressive, fantastic, loving...to have won your heart or for you to have won her heart", my friend, A.B enthused. "You are not serious, however,dat shall be wondrous of you, i quite appreciate that," I said... And so, option C becomes d most preferably acceptable by all of us...Preparation to go and visit my heart, my love, my joy, my dove, my jewel, my angel starts in earnest...
At 10:00 hours the island's time on Friday, I was @ d garage...d vehicle took off an hour after, passengers did not rush as of oda days dis day...as I gathered 4m d transporters later, there is no market day in some major towns along d way dat day, assuming there is market day, traders will usualy throng d garage, those who shal either go n buy or those who shal go and sell things in d market/s situated along d route... Apart 4m dis, we heard dat dia was a riot about 3 days ago between two neighbouring towns along d route, their dispute was on d boundaries...facebook news was awash with the news...more mobile police have been drafted 2 d area 2 bring about peace and order...lives were lost n properties worth billions of d Island's currencies destroyed...Infact some affected families would find it extremely hard 2 financially make it again...This major incident, also made drivers circumvent d major route, taking an alternative path to d city.
The new route makes d journey far, tortuous...bc part of dis new route is very, very bad, with big craters...Infact, I salute d drivers, bc a single trip can damage d vehicle...we @ last arrived @ d last bustop under an overhead bridge around 14:30 hours d Island's tym. My friend said he has been in d garage around 13:30 hours, he was unaware of d devpt on d road & he has adapted himsef wit some drivers playing local mathematically oriented game called "Ayò-ọlọ́pọ́n" in d garage...Such d drivers do when dey cannot travel dat day, & some who have returned 4m a trip/s n who do not wish 2 travel again also joined dem, playing, watching, enjoying demselves under relaxed atmosphere...afta all, what shal local pp do to d non-responsive government? We cannot n shal not kill ourselves. We r not in advanced settlements wia things work perfectly...so, not to die of unwarranted n mumbo-jumbo high blood pressure, d drivers created relaxation arena for themselves within d garage...playing, laughing,
...Getting their minds off all hullaballo challenges dat d leaderships of d islands have plummeted d inhabitants of d islands...There r music arena dia, with music oozing out 4m d big loudspeakers...small bukateria is dia, selling local foods 2 people...local fast-food joints r also dia, 4 below average individuals, who may want local pies, cakes, poff-poff, bean cakes etal...One will see small beer parlor joints..."Baba-Ijebu" meaning lottery joints...and others...But in many of d Island's car-parks, one wont see toilet/s...I wonder whether they do not urinate or become pressed by nature to defeacate in any of d Islands' car-parks... So my friend has adapted himsef 2 dem, since he knows how 2 play d game...infact he was on d "field of play" of d game when our bus arrived d garage. Sister Debbie, my love got there abt 5 minutes b4 my arrival, bc she has known d development on d road n knew I wont be around till 14:30 or 14:45 hours...when our bus parked, n she spotted me, she ran to me
And jumped on my neck...people were looking...one person said, "Eh-ya, "ó pẹ́ to ti rí i gbẹhin"... "Ẹ ka bọ" she said as she genuflected... "Ẹ ku ile. Se alafia laba yin?" I asked. "Where r your loads?" she asked "Nothing much...The driver will soon offload dem 4m d boot...I only bring some fruits: pineaples, bananas, oranges, pears, Yams, palm-oil...I said 2 myself some of these u shall give ur friends, while my friend wil also take some 2 his family", I added. "That is good", she said. When d load was removed and she saw a big bag, d one dat some senators used to pack n distribute monies among themselves in d Island's central dogma, as being aired by d television, she cannot hold hersef back 4m talking, "Is dis what u called "nothing much" or somebody else's?" "Yea dearest one, and it is not anoda person's", I replied. "Ẹyin tẹ fẹran isẹ oko bayi, ọrọ yin ma n ya mi lẹnu", ...dont tell me you go to farm to get all these for us...bc I know u will buy few of them" she said. I did not reply her, "pls, have u seen my friend?" I asked her. "Nope, "mai" lord sire...I got here about 7 minutes ago, tried his number but I have not been able to get tru 2 him", she said. "He told me he has gotten to d garage, when I told him we have entered d city...although i tried his line severally b4 it cld sail tru", I said.
"That is d problem with cities, big towns, bc there shall be network interferences...let us try him again", she said. "It is him I am trying now, if dat fails, I shall ping him", I said. "How do we carry dis load now?" she asked. Fortunately 4 me, his line was tru...he did not even picked d call...he saw me where I was standing...and sends some1 to me to tell me where he was... When d guy gets to us, bowing a bit, his voice was a little bit coarse, as he said, "sire, he is over there calling you sire". We dragged d load 2 a safe side...walked 2 him and I heard, "Tayò fun mi, awỌn ti mo n reti lo mbọ yẹn". ""Gbà síbẹ̀, awọn to nreti ti de"" his opponent said. All spectators: "Ayò awọn to n reti leleyi o" Someone from d spectator, "bi a se retí-retí ti eti lu lọjọsi niyẹn", Anoda person 4m d spectator; "Ma da wọN lohun a ò ni gba ki wọn o fi eti rire wọn ba aiye wa jẹ lorilẹ ede yi". A.B: "Kilẹ wa fẹ se ti ẹ o bá gbà?" someone 4m d spectator: "Olowo n sọrọ o ní o ní "ideases" Anoda person concludes: "Mi o mọ iru "ideases" ti olòsì fẹ ni lọdọ awọn olowo. A.B's opponent: "Ayò o olowo mo ba se mi o ba olosi se leleyi o...Ẹjọwọ se olówó lawọn ta n reti o?" I have known dem, d spectators and d players when playing d game, their utterances will be centered on d recent events and happenings, in-particulate utterances to enliven their hearts...
When i got there i said, "mo ki òpè mo ki ọta o", Some1 replied: "Ope njẹ, ọta ti salọ sile baba rẹ". All bursted into laughter...dey started greeting us, "Ẹ kabọ sire, ẹ ku irin, se ọkọ ko jẹ epo?" some1 replied: "what will vehicle "chopulate" if e no "chopulate" fuel"? Anoda person 4m d crowd: "a se o tilẹ gbọ Yoruba...o si ma pe ara rẹ lọmọ Oodua." "Why do you said dat?" anoda person asked. "Se o mọ wipe bi ọkọ ba ti njepo, ko gbádùn niyẹn?...ẹyin ti ẹ ti mọ isẹ dirẹba bayi, ayafi ki Ọlọrun gba wa lọwọ yin" he replied. About three people stand up @ once, "please have your sit sire and ma". A.B: "Ọrẹ́", sit down let me squeeze bitter leaves water on dis man's eyes". A.B's opponent: "Iwọ tabi alaru rẹ? Ki i se ibiyi loni". An elder 4m d crowd: ""Se ayo to ti fẹrẹ pari yi?" Na only mouth u get dis stranger pass u for dis 12-hole-game" As expected, my friend, mr A.B won d game, 3 straight unreplied win...d enterprising match ends...dey wanted 2 challenge my friend's victory, but it is obvious dat such couldnt hold 2da bc of us-his visitors...so he pleads with dem to let him take his leave to attend 2 us his friends, with d promise dat he shal be coming once a whole to relax himsef @ d arena...As he said dis, he was excused as dey also apologized to us, visitors 4m distant place, 4 not offering us drinks...apology accepted, but obviously not verily necessary bc d match itself was "soothing", intriguing, parrticularly d side attractions, I mean d talks, d jestings by spectators,...
..their comments on d issues of global interest, d immediate environ, individual persons, characters, actions and reactions are in itself educative for those of us who want to add knowledge to knowledge, those of us who want his psychosocial interractions worked upon and improved... Sista Debbie also has an inkling into d game, but she has not seen such a spectator gathered watchin a local game...she was surprised...and d moves of A.B surprised her...b4 d match ended, she wispered 2 me of some moves she learnt during d game...my love loves game...I also love games...but I think I have sacrificed my sporting activities and moves for the gospel when I got saved...with God telling me of some assignments for me in not too distant future, thence, I had to relax, jettissioning some if not all of my sport desires, ambitions and aspirations... A.B got up, re-apologized to us, and specially welcomed my love, teasing her dat she has a good luck, bc her good luck brought him fortunes... "What good luck was dat?" Debbie asked. "Winning d sternly contested for game "na ni"", A.B replied. My love walked closely 2 my left side, bc she was in d middle, while AB was @ d extreme left, and she said, "sorry sir, with all due respect sir, "mai" lord has told me dat u cause jaw breaking laughter always" "Ẹh-hẹn? Did Sam' said dat? From your simple or at a glance assessments of me do u think he has told u d truth and nothing but d truth?" A.B asked her. Holding my left hand, "obviously sir...I begin to think dat what he said of u is even "pico-scopic" compared with what I have heard n seen u demonstrate during dis few minutes of being together with u" she said. "It is now I know why Sam' loves u extremely...u are also as funny as he does...no dull moment with him...even while we were in secondary school...he was fantastic then and even much more so now, I thought he would have dropped them, but I think and know he hasnt" A.B enthused.
"That shd mean both of u & indeed some of ur oda friends dat I ave met tru "mai" lord are funny persons", She said. I was just silent, listening 2 "actor n actress" demonstrations within d garage... "Well, wat do u expect of boys brought up locally as we were? We who hav no one @ d top, we keep ourselves alive always, hopeful of a better tomorrow, committing all 2 prayers. Although we r yet 2 get 2 wia we hope getting to, even though our movements may be slow, sluggish, characteristic of a stunted growth...but one thing is sure...we r movin, none of us is static..."àbí ọrẹ", wat do u say?" A.B talking 2 me. "'Am all ears "ọrẹ", all glory 2 God", I said. "Slow n steady win d race, so people say", Debbie said. "My wife do You know wat?" A,B talkin 2 Debbie... "Yes sir" Debbie said. "Our greatest turn around came when we were in secondary school...do u want 2 know wat brings abt d turn-around? A.B asked her. "yes sir, I wanna know" she said. "Our greatest turn around n singular life long achievement happened when we gave our lifes to Jesus Christ in our teenage years" A.B said. "Ẹh-hẹn? Was that so?" she asked.
"Certainly my wife...things though were not smooth 4 us now, but we r gr8fu 2 God dat we did not lose our faith in Jesus Christ...dis is not without our firm decision 2 follow God thru Jesus in all things", A.B enthused. "Blessed be God" she replied being enthralled by A. B's gesticulations. "Since d devil failed 2 snuff life out of us, we r "quadriply" re-ascertained...apology to u madam"... "For what?" Debbie interjected. "For d grammar used "ni"", A.B said "It is allowed in dis forum", she said. Playfully genuflecting, "Thank u my wife...so as I was saying, we r "quadriply" reascertained dat we shal all make it n dat soon too in Jesus name". Debbie and I: "Amen", we chorused. "And dat is why I have 2 thank God 4 teknologi advancements, introduction of social media dat enhances d coming 2geda of aged friends...as we hav come 2geda now, still getting hooked or connected 2 odas, we shal be able 2 assist one anoda in any area we find a person lacking" A.B said. ...The discussion continued...we get 2 wia d bag was kept...beaconed 2 a wheel-barrow pusher...he helped us pushed d load 2 anoda intra-city garage wia we chartered a taxi dat took us to his house...in his house, I separate d ones meant 4 his family while my love has d rest...He took us 2 an eatery close by his house...afta which we returned 2 his house, and left 4 my love's school...we hanged @ d common room...soon she returned 2 us with her room mate and course mate...afta which we took a stroll around d campus...she couldnt go to fellowship dat day...@ 20:00 hours d Island's tym, we depart 4 his house...ate bread with stew which he had...watched sports on paid television stations, prayed, talked and talked until sleep tooj off what was in our mouths and hands...
As early as 06:00 hours d island's tym, he left d house 4 d garage...gave me d keys 2 his house, which shal be left with my love when I am leaving...bc he usualy arrive monday mornings and will resume directly in his office... On saturde, she was with me, and then she asked some questions 4m me, a question out of it is d question one of her coursemates asked her and it was dat her course mate was approached by two friends, d two friends perhaps did not know of d 2nd's move...d lady did not know what to do? I told her dat d lady in question wil love one of d guy more dan d oda...she should get dat clear...d lady also knows what she wanted in life, which she feels n knows one of dem shal readily supply/fulfill more dan d 2nd person...d lady must also know dat, d two friends dat approached her invarably see some good attributes in her n feel d girl shdnt fall into wrong hands so to say...dat is if dey r morally upright persons... Then i told her dis short story...
"There were 2 jolly friends in a small village of Ayéariwi years ago...both of dem afta their secondary schl learnt a trade, dey learnt tailoring...one was not a success in d trade while d oda was. The person who succeeds in tailoring left Ayeariwi 4 anoda more populous town, dia God really assisted him, he built a house and bought a car... "Meanwhile d person who wasnt a success in tailoring resorted to farming in Ayeariwi...things were not too smooth 4 him...but he endured...meanwhile, dia was a lady in d village who after finishing schl also learnt hairdressing, she was also making waves in her profession, dis lady n dis farmer were brought together by providence, and dey became good friends,...d farmer loved her, but d farmer controller his urge, he did dat because he knew dat d lady @ d moment was richer than he did n dat he may not be able to control her...so d farmer brushed d love he had 4 her aside after sometimes...limiting it to friendship... During one of d festivals, d successful tailor came home with his car...heard of his friend dat he was yet in d village, visited him, re-ignited d friendship...dis successful tailor was yet single too...b4 he left Ayeariwi, dey met d lady...d tailor inquired 4m his friend what he knew abt d lady, n he told him all he knew 2 d best of his knowledge...simple, diligent, hardworking etc..."she is a wife material" d farmer concluded...d tailor said he will go 4 her...He went 2 her but d lady did not consented, she even told him never to come to her again, d man told his farmer friend his experience...tailor left 4 his base afta d festival... Later an aged woman invited dis farmr 4 a discussion n when he got 2 her she asked him about his wife or fianceé...none he replied...d woman said, dont u love d hairdresser? The farmer confided in d woman dat he loved her, but bc she is richer than him, he decided to leave her so dat sb who is rich as her and or richer dan her may get hooked to her... The woman asked him to try her dat he shdnt think dat way 4 who knows 2moro... The man then replied d woman dat his childhood friend, d tailor, d woman also knew dat guy, when he was around 4 d festival asked him about her, and dat he told him everything dat he knew about her, concluding dat she is a wife material...my friend went to her, but she did not consented, so if I now approached her, how wld it look? How wld my friend feel? What wil even be the thought of d lady? The woman said he shdnt think dat way, dat as a woman who had passed thru such stage, she knows women or ladies may love a friend but wouldnt love d oda friend..."ladies know whom dey want" she said...and maybe it is u dat d hairdresser loved, she asked him 2 try her... But wat wld be d reaction of my friend? A traitor? The woman said d lady did not even agree 2 ur friend's advances in d 1st place, so why d fear? And again, if ur friend is mature enof he wouldnt think dat way... Afta oda consultations, d farmer approached d lass...d lass too thought it was a set-up, so she consulted some elders in d land who took her to herbalists...all herbalists gotten to told her dat d farmer was her ordained husband by d gods of d land...but dat d problem d farmer had was dat he was afraid of d lady's status, her wealth, dat dat was why he introduced his friend 2 her to marry her so dat she wont fall into wicked hands...d herbalists added dat if she could be submissive to d farmer, she shall laugh last... The hairdresser went back 2 d farmer, asked him of his fianceé, d man replied dat he was yet on it,...d lady, hairdresser asked him dat if God says "I am d one, will u still marry me?" The man said certainly. Yes. And d woman said, she was ready 2 marry him...they started going out...and later got married...d rich tailor heard and was initially grieved...but later he got d details 4m a person, he was relieved..." So, I told my love, pls tell your friend to tell her spiritual leaders too for further clarifications...but such do happen occasionally...and d fact is, either she tells u d truth or not, she knows d person she loved most out of d duo...tell her to go for d person she loved most, d person who shall give her joy n rest..." other questions were asked...I attended her fellowship on sunde...d students were glad 2 have me in their midst..@ 15:00 hours am @ garage heading back 2 my base...got home around 18:00 hours...a lovely trip indeed dat enhances d continual flow of love's current...
Sister Debbie says, "I do not know I can stop"...(July 6
, 2013)
buz' (translation business)
"O tún ti fẹ dá aáyun silẹ bayi", (translation I will start feeling your absence now)
"ó ga o"", (translation it is serious)
"Tara yin na la n sọ fun yin" (translation we are telling you what will be beneficial unto you)
"Ẹyin lẹ mọ...oju imọle ko kuro lọ́tí", (translation it is left to you…a muslim’s eyes does not leave beer (Muslims say it is a taboo for them to drink beer, but despite that the person is yet looking at the bottles/cups of beer (it is like a Proverb so to say that someone wants something but the person is behaving as if she or he doesn’t want that thing))
"dé"  (translation “de” means arrive. She is saying that her love has started to envy other males coming to her)
""Ẹyin laye yin shá, ẹ ti fẹ ma dẹru ba mi gan, ko ma tilẹ si nkan to mba yin lojiji"", (translation You. I am beginning to be afraid of you because it seems as if nothing cathches you unawares.)
"Rara ma. (translation No ma)
"Ẹ jọ" (translation Please) .
 "O ga ju"" (translation This is too much) he said. ""Ẹyin na la fi jọ" (translation In this, I have taken after you
"Ayò-ọlọ́pọ́n" (translation it is a local games played with local seeds. 12 holes will be dug/created on a plank of wood, in it the local seeds will be put, 4 seeds in each hole and it would be played to the right on both sides. However, in a hole with one or two seeds and the opposite person’s last seeds are dropped on those single or two seeds, the person is entitled to carry all the seeds in the opponents boxes/holes, meaning he won those… this is how it will continue until the seeds finished and the person with high number of seeds after the game is over is the winner)
Baba-Ijebu" (translation Ijebu Father (Ijebu is an area in the south western part of Nigeria, but there is a lottery in Nigeria being controlled by a man from that area, thus people are calling the lottery Ijebu Father)  
"Eh-ya, "ó pẹ́ to ti rí i gbẹhin"... "Ẹ ka bọ" (translation Oh sorry. It has been long you seen her last… welcome)
"Ẹ ku ile. Se alafia laba yin?" (translation. Thanks. I hope I meet you in peace?)
"Ẹyin tẹ fẹran isẹ oko bayi, ọrọ yin ma n ya mi lẹnu", (translation I am often surprised about some of You who do not like farm works or to go to farm)
"Tayò fun mi, awỌn ti mo n reti lo mbọ yẹn" (translation Play the game, those I am expecting are on their way)
"Gbà síbẹ̀, awọn to nreti ti de"" (translation Take this, this is the game of those being expected)  
"Ayò awọn to n reti leleyi o" (translation This is called the game of those being expected)  
"bi a se retí-retí ti eti lu lọjọsi niyẹn", (translation That is how we expected someone endlessly the other time but nothing)  
"Ma da wọN lohun a ò ni gba ki wọn o fi eti rire wọn ba aiye wa jẹ lorilẹ ede yi" (translation do not mind them, we will not allow them to spoil this nation and destroy our lives with expectation) .
 "Kilẹ wa fẹ se ti ẹ o bá gbà?" (translation What will you do if you don’t agree?)
"Olowo n sọrọ o ní o ní (translation a rich man is talking and you said you have)  
"Mi o mọ iru "ideases" ti olòsì fẹ ni lọdọ awọn olowo. (translation I don’t know the kind of idea a poor person will have before a rich person)  
"Ayò o olowo mo ba se mi o ba olosi se leleyi o...Ẹjọwọ se olówó lawọn ta n reti o?" (translation This is the game of I am a relative of a rich person… please are those people we are expecting rich?
, "mo ki òpè mo ki ọta o", (translation Regards to the champion and the losser) "Ope njẹ, ọta ti salọ sile baba rẹ". (translation Losser is answering or greeting you, but the champion has fled to his father’s house (the real answer should be champion is answering/replying you but the losser cannot or dare not talk))
"Ẹ kabọ sire, ẹ ku irin, se ọkọ ko jẹ epo?" (translation Welcome sir. How was the trip? I hope your vehicle does not consume fuel?)
chopulate" (translation consuming)
"a se o tilẹ gbọ Yoruba...o si ma pe ara rẹ lọmọ Oodua." (translation so you do not understand Yoruba and you will be calling yourself an Oodua or Yoruba child)
 Se o mọ wipe bi ọkọ ba ti njepo, ko gbádùn niyẹn? (translation don’t you know that when vehicle is consuming fuel it means the vehicle is not okay, the vehicle needs servicing)
ẹyin ti ẹ ti mọ isẹ dirẹba bayi, ayafi ki Ọlọrun gba wa lọwọ yin" (translation It is only God who will save us from those of you who are familiar with driver’s works)
"Ọrẹ́" (translation friend) ,
 "Iwọ tabi alaru rẹ? Ki i se ibiyi loni". (translation You or your servant? No way for you here today)  
""Se ayo to ti fẹrẹ pari yi?" (translation Is it this game or another
"na ni"" (translation is it)
"Ẹh-hẹn? (translation is that so?)
àbí ọrẹ" (translation isn’t that so my friend?) ,
"ọrẹ" (translation friend)
0 notes
queenlifegoals-blog · 7 years
Hi USF admin and readers. I already sent it for the nth time and siguro makukulitan na si admin to post it. (Sorry po!) To everyone, it maybe time consuming to read my confession but I hope it will be all worth it. (Pasensya na if may mga typo grammatical error.) To this guy, he graduated as CumLaude of his batch this year 2017 who studied BS Tourism. Proud to say lang. Hehe! It's been four years.. When we're in 1st year HS, we were classmates back then. I was the secretary and you were the escort of the class. Eventhough, we're in the same section, di tayo close at bihira lang din magpansinan. Mahilig tayong asarin ng mga classmates natin noon and very opened ka naman na may gusto ka sa akin (I think, you had a plan pa ata that time to court me) Kaso nga, you werent my type, ayoko na isang Batangueño ang makatuluyan ko though parehas tayong Batangas babies. I hate the fact lang na all of our classmates ay inaasar ka saken. Syempre, nahihiya rin ako. For the whole school year, I disregarded you. You just accepted that things will get better if we'll stay as friends. Alam ko yun kasi di mo naman pinilit sarili mo sakin kahit you still have feelings for me, that time. (Based on our friends) Time flies, 2nd year HS, we're not classmates na, as usual, I'm not affected naman kasi nga I always disregard you, di pa rin pinapansin pero okay na tayo sa ngitian lang. 3rd year HS, for the entire school year di ata tayo nagpansinan nito and obviously, may kanya kanya na tayo pinagkakabusyhan. Nabalitaan ko na lang din na you were in relationship, same to me (PUPPY LOVE DAYS😂) 4th year HS, I saw you from the corridor but I refused to say "Hi" to you. Instead, I passed by na parang walang nakita. I dont know why pero I remembered the time nung binalewala kita although it has nothing serious feelings kasi bata pa naman tayo nun, 13 years old palang ata tayo nun (TSK! TSK, MGA KABATAAN NGA NAMAN HAHAHAHA) pero I know even we were younger that time, nasaktan kita noon, oo, mababaw lang pero maaalala pa rin. You deserve to get an apology from me pa rin. But I had no chance to say sorry to you. *GRADUATION DAY* I saw you again. I know, this is my chance to talk to you. I just need to go near to you but then again, I refused to do so. Why? Kasi feeling ko, di na tayo close enough para lapitan pa kita at mukhang nakalimutan mo na rin naman. I KNOW THIS MOMENT, THIS TIME IS WHERE I STARTED TO LIKE YOU. I DONT KNOW HOW AND WHY? I JUST KNOW I LIKE YOU. 1st year college, I saw your post on Facebook. I have this urge to chat you. Nagkamustahan at nagbiruan lang tayo. END OF CONVERSATION *Fast forward na* 2nd year college, 1st sem. We were both busy on school. Madaming activities na dapat asikasuhin. Madaming time to make gala & bonding with college friends. I have no idea whats happening to you. One thing is for sure, I still like you and nothing changed. We've got time to do some chitchat, "Hi" "Hello" "Kamusta?" & "Okay lang!" I think nabanggit ko din sa conversation natin na I was in relationship and after 2 months we broke up agad. I was in pain but I chose to moved on rather to cry and cry then I asked you, "Eh ikaw?" Then you've told me na you werent into commitments because you're busy to study & doing some school stuffs. (Sorryyy, can't remember the exact convo. I deleted it kaya di ko mabackread) 3rd year college, 2nd sem. We've got back our conversation. Nagkwentuhan, kamustahan, biruan & asaran. Sabi mo rin nakita mo ko nung nakaraang araw nun. Medyo that time, na-feel ko bumalik na yung dating AKO at IKAW na kilala ko. I've got the chance to be close with you unlike before na tinatarayan at sinusungitan kita. Ngayon, karma hits me! Ako na yung nangungulit at laging kumakausap sayo. Ganun pa rin, I maybe got into relationship, pero mananatili ka pa ring crush ko, the ideal one ika nga. Next thing I knew, I already started to write our Day 1 of our conversation even the day na di tayo nag uusap. I always dont forget to write everyday. Sabi ko, tatapusin ko to before ng birthday mo pero natapos na birthday mo, nasa akin pa rin at di ko nababigay. Edi tinuloy ko na lang magsulat. I enjoyed this thing naman eh. December 2015, I got your number (sa tagal nating friends, ngayon lang ako nagkanumber mo. Hahahahaha), I texted you but you didnt reply. It was alright to me. Nakausap kita through chat & you told me na busy ka with your relatives & friends kasi may reunion kayo that time. Enjoy na enjoy ka while you were in Batangas. I can't demand anything to you. I dont have the rights to feel jealousy or anger kasi nga "WALANG TAYO" at bukod pa dun "AKO LANG ANG MAY GUSTO SAYO" kaya nakuntento na lang ako sa Napakarami kong text vs. One Phrase reply mo. Pero minsan, bumabawi ka naman, nagkakatime kang magtext, makipagbiruan at magshare. Kinikilig ako pag ang bilis mong magreply (Normal lang siguro yun diba?) Pero syempre I must know pa rin my limits kasi nga UMAASA NA NAMAN AKO SA TAONG DI NAMAN AKO GUSTO AT DI NAMAN AKO PINAASA. IN short isang kong t*ng* The night before new year, magkausap tayo nun over the phone. I felt kilig na naman kasi feeling ko sabay natin sinalubong yung bagong taon. Nagpapalitan pa tayo ng bati nun. (Syempre si crush kausap) Aminin ko man o hindi sa sarili ko, I'm happy that time. Oo, nagaassume lang ako sa mga bagay bagay pero alam kong hanggang dun lang yun. Nothing more, nothing less. Wala namang masama siguro dun?! Alam mo naman na gusto kita at alam ko ding di mo ko gusto. Okay na ko dun. After that, kinukulit kita kasi ibibigay ko na yung regalo ko sayo & I'll wait for you hanggang sa lumuwas ka ulit dito sa Mandaluyong but you've told me na sige pero mukhang nakalimutan mo na ata at di ko na naman nabigay. March 2016 chinat ako ng friend ko, she said she has something bad news to me. I am thinking na it was all about her problem kaya sabi ko, sige. She told me wag daw akong mabibigla and I said go. Then she forwarded a printscreen. Yes, it was you. I saw your name being in relationship with someone. My mind was literally blocked out talaga. I dont know what I felt. Immediately, I deleted your number, I deleted our conversation & I deactivated my fb acc. I was really hurt and cried the whole night (OA KO LANG HAHAHAHAHA DAIG KO PA NAKIPAGBREAK SA JOWA HEHE) For one week, nagluluksa ako sa feelings ko sayo. Buong akala ko, nalimitahan ko sarili ko sayo. Akala ko naiintindihan ko na kung ano lang tayo. Akala ko gets ko na di mo ko gusto. Akala ko, okay na ko sa friends lang. Hindi pala. Hindi pala talaga. What I did, iniwasan kita. Di na kita kinukulit, kinakausap, chinachat, tinetext or tawagan. Yung regalo ko sayo, tinago ko na lang. Instead na magmukmok at magdrama ko, I made myself brand new (Taray! Bagong edition si atengggg) August 2016, I saw your post in fb having a love problem & it has something to do about a broken heart. Akalain mo yun, broken hearted ka. I knew you were obviously in pain. Naisip ko nung nakita ko yun, buti nga sayo. Dejk. Sayang naman kayo, akala ko relationship goals na kayo. At alam kong mahal mo naman sya. I chatted you (DUMADAMOVES SI ATE MO GIRL, AT WALA DING KADALA DALA) This time, sabi ko sa sarili ko, di na kita gusto. Wala na kong feelings. I asked you if kailan ka free, it has something to my gift for you again. Pero sabi mo, di mo alam kung kailan at busy ka pa. October 2016, we had this convo Ako: Uy bes, gusto mong sumamang hiking? Ikaw: Kelan? *Nagpanic ako. I'm not expecting that you would reply kailan sa tanong ko.* Ako: Hala. Sorry. Mali! (Nagpanggap na lang ako na wrong send pero para sayo talaga yun eh) Pero gusto mong sumama? (Para di halata! Hehe) Ikaw: Ay, wag na. Wrong send pala. (Sana pala, di ko na sinabing wrong send. Sayang!!) Natawa na lang ako sa sarili ko. "Hindi pala nawala feelings ko sayo, tinago ko lang pala pansamantala." Pero updated version na ang feelings ko eh mas alam ko na how to handle it with tender, love and care. Lol. December 2016, I had the chance to talk to you again. As usual, yung sa regalo naman, yun lang naman dahilan ko palagi. It was 1 yr ago nung ginawa ko yun and now di ko pa rin nabibigay. We've talked about the plan para sana sa bonding natin and if we will have the chance, skating sana basta may ipon ka. Kaso DRAWING bes, drawing! February 10, 2017, I posted to My Day sa messenger yung sentence na "ALAM MO BA, CRUSH PA RIN KITA HAHAHAHAHA!" at dahil alam mo nga, nagreply ka sabi mo "ALAM KO HAHAHA" Kinilig naman ako and syempre nagulat din pero hinayaan ko lang. Sineen ko lang. March 2017, we had this convo Ako: May free time ka ba? May iaabot lang ako. Dont worry! Di ako nagnenetworking (BAKA KASI AKALA MO DIBA!!!) Ikaw: Hahahahaha. Networking agad. Hahahaha. Sige. Kelan ba? Hahahaha. Di ko alam eh. Ako: Baka kasi akala mo nagnenetworking ako e. Ikaw magset, ikaw busy haha. Ikaw: Hahahahahah. Hindi naman. Sige. Chat na lang kita kung kelan. Bago tayo grumaduate. Mabibigay mo din saken yan. Ahahaha. Graduating ka din ba? Congrats pala. Yan na yung matinong last convo natin. BUKOD SA HALATANG WALA KANG FEELINGS SAKIN AT PATULOY AKONG UMAASA SAYO KASI NA-ATTACHED NA KO, ALAM KO DING ITS MORE THAN SA CRUSH CRUSH LANG. SIGURO MAS MADALI KASING SABIHIN SAYO NA CRUSH KITA PARA DI HASSLE. PARA DI TAYO AWKWARD. One week before grad mo, sabi ko ibibigay ko na yung regalo sayo. Syempre nadagdagan ko na yun ng kung ano ano. Alam mo yan. Nakiusap ako sa common friend natin na iabot na lang sayo kasi di ako makakapunta kahit gusto kong ako magbibigay. BABAE AKO PERO PARANG AKO YUNG NANLILIGAW. SA SOBRANG LOYAL KO, PATI PAG PURSUE GINAWA KO NA. HAYS. (Nakarelate tuloy ako sa post dito sa USF na "Para sa aking manliligaw" Kung kasing tapang lang ako ni ate girl, liligawan din kita kahit ako pa babae. Hehe! Minention kita pero emoji lang nireact mo. Half meant kaya yon!) April 18, 2017. Graduation nyo na!! Late akong nagising pero I saw your recorded vid ng live sa fb, nakita ko sa feed so I watched it. Binati mo ko, I mean nag-thank you ka saken. Kinilig ako syempre. Natuwa kasi naappreciate mo. I saw your posts din sa my day mo, nakita kong pinicture'an mo lahat ng binigay kong regalo and naappreciate mo. Nagsend ka pa saken ng long message. Nakakaoverwhelmed syempre pero sineen ko lang. Di ko kasi alam sasabihin ko. April 20, 2017. It was around 1am or 2am, nagtwitter ka! Nagulantang ako. Yes, nagulantang talaga. I am thinking na replyan kita, so I dmed you saying "Hi captain!" Malakas loob ko kasi di ka nagoopen ng twitter. Pero mas ginalingan mo, tumayming ka. Sobrang timing. Lahat ng tweets ko na tungkol sayo, pinusuan mo. Nagreply ka pa sa dm ko. Nagpanic ako. Kabado. Di ko alam. Pero I ended up kausapin ka ulit. Nawalan ka ng data so nagchat ka through messenger at dun na natin tinuloy convo natin. Around 3am, ako na ang huling chat. Naglaho ka na. Yung active now naging active 1 hour ago. Oo bes, inantay kitang magreply. Nakatulog ka na pala. Hanggang sa di mo na ko nireplyan pa. Akala ko ikaw na lang magchachat kasi sabi mo, babawi ka at madaming beses mo pa kong kakausapin. Thats for sure. Walanjo. Paasa ka talagang tunay. Kaya ngayon, lumilipad na naman utak ko. Iiwas na ko for real, bago mo pa masira ng tuluyan ang puso ko. Nakaahon na ko e, nabawi ko na puso ko sayo. Tapos bigla kang nagparamdam. It has been four years, ITS MY TURN TO CHERISH MYSELF, TO LOVE MYSELF NAMAN. IT'S ME TIME! Kahit kalahati ng puso ko umaasa na marealized mo naman na ako yung gusto mo ulit. But hanggang kailan ako mag aantay? I've decided na I'm letting go my feelings for you and let God to handle it. I shall not depend to anyone's decision, it always be my own decision that will matter. Hindi masamang i-treasure yung memories na meron kayo pero mas maganda kung mananatili na lang itong kwento na may mapupulot na aral kaysa kwentong paulit ulit kang masasaktan at aasa ulit. Sadyang pinagtagpo lang kayo pero di kayo ang itinadhana. LIFE IS A CHOICE. WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO FORGIVE, YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO FORGET. LEARN TO SAY "YES", LEARN TO SAY "NO", LEARN TO "STAY, LEARN TO "GO", LEARN TO "HOLD ON" LEARN TO "LET GO" KNOW THE DIFFERENCE OF "WHATS RIGHT" TO "WHATS WRONG" Trust God, Pray harder, Have faith & Spread love. PS. Yung blog mo, i-check mo ulit. Di mo pa nababasa yung notes & yung mga additional posts ko.
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