#if you saw the previous upload haha no you didnt
ketolic · 10 months
Shang Qinghua, acclimating nicely to his unexpected new job benefits, is forced gets to go on an unexpected company-sponsored side trip! Included perks in this one-of-a-kind Mobei-guided tour package: ✔️ blood (?) pearls ✔️ marine biology ✔️ fishing minigame ✔️ near-death experience ✔️ AYCE seafood buffet Please keep all hands and legs inside the portal! The frostbite is free!
[1] > [2] > [3]
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kirakirachiizuru · 6 years
I am doing this just for fun ^^ Because I like translating the Tokuten (extras), than the Honpen (stageplay) :p I know LIVE has been around for a while but just in case ^^ I will skip some parts… because they talk too fast / not so important / interesting :p If I have the time and if anyone wants to read this, I will make the rest with Izawa Yuki, Yamazaki Shuuto, Gomoto Naoya & Yazaki Hiroshi too ^^ (i edited this with photos lol yesterday tumblr was being ugly and jealous i couldnt upload anything)
PART01: Matsuda Ryo-kun (12/08, Kyoto, NOON)
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Mori-Producer: Today’s guest, Matsuda Ryo-san!
Ryo: Awesome! Once again, I am  the previous Saito Hajime actor, Matsuda Ryo.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
M-P: So it has been 2 1/2 years, since your last stage, since Kazama-hen
R: Yes, that was the last one for me, and the Fukuchou (commander / Piroshi). And you see just now I have been watching from the side-stage and a lot of memories came in.
R: Yes my debut performance was the first ever Hakumyu after all (Saitou-hen). I’m so happy and now everyone is turning their penlights into Blue colour. Aa~ thank you~ (in his Kansai-ben /aaaaaa XD)
R: I love everyone (* Minna suki ya de~ aaa kansai benn XD) ! I’ll give you this *hands over his uchiwa (fan) to one front seat fan). It is a festival after all right. I can’t throw it (the fan) to the seats it’s dangerous okay.
M-P: It is definitely amazing right. It was the first ever Hakumyu, and without that there wont be Hakumyu today right (i rephrased this XD i think he mentioned Matsuda Gakkun, like without Ryo-kun first Hakumyu, there wouldnt be Hakumyu today for anyone else~)
*Digest / clips of Ryo-Saitou played on screen*
After that…
R: You know just now I received a LINE message from Yamazaki-san / Piroshi.
AUDIENCE: ‘What did he saaay?’
R: ‘Good luck for the LIVE’ and he wrote that all in Hiragana. lol but that’s so him XDD
So I replied, I’ll do my best!
R: No no *sheepishly*, but you see in the digest just now (clips from prev musicals), it is thanks to everyone - casts, staffs, those who have been loving Hakumyu.. oh but Hakuouki (the anime/game) is amazing in the first place right.
M-P: He is definitely a zachou (lead) who practiced more than anyone else, yet never shows a tired face *more praises*
R: (laugh) thank you!
Then Mori-Producer said that seems like it started from Ryo-kun, a passionate and powerful Zachou, and from that on the next ones too inherited that.
R: Eh, wait I feel like crying already.
M-P: That’s fast.
R: Before I was in Hakumyu, I went through an audition and at that time, I was auditioning for Heisuke’s position.
R: I was aiming for Heisuke and I really didnt think that I would be Saitou Hajime and that time Mori-san’s impression was really interesting
M-P: I thought he will definitely fail this :p
It was like he was screwing around. What did you do again?
And then Ryo-kun explained that there are some things that needs to be done. I think he needs to act out a scene in which everyone needs to take turn and then he gets cut down by another. And he have to act out a dying scene.
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R: I never had any experience of sword fight lessons or anything, let alone how to act out a death. So when I was cut down, UWAAA— (run and plops on floor) and I just stayed in this position (on floor) and I looked at the person and the producer angrily said ‘Die now!’
(Chii: BAHAHAHA ;;;;;;)
M-P: I really thought you will fail but you managed till the end and Im glad it is you.
R: Aaww
M-P: How about acting out Saitou Hajime’s line now? *pass a Katana*
R: WAAA, it has been a while since I last held a Katana *slips it on his obi* (mind you, it is left side which is actually ‘wrong’ because he is Saitou Hajime known for left-handed samurai XD). Ok Mori-san be the Chizuru okay.
*acts out Saitou’s line* (AAAAAA AAAA) *looks at Mori-chizuru lol*
R: EH, this katana is the other way round (lol)
M-P: Any scenes that’s most memorable for you?
R: (he said the scene when he fought with Kazama)
*Then it became an awkward scene when Shougo-Kazama came out.*
R: Hi, it is.. a first time so I’m Matsuda Ryo *steps back*
Shougo-Kazama: Hmph.
R: Seems like his eyes is killing me. Then, I can take him on now. Everyone, he is now weaponless.
S-K: *came back with a Katana* R: Ok lets go with ‘that’ scene. Get it? ‘That scene?’ …. Aren’t you laughing, you okay?
(LOL Shougo is facing Ryo-kun so the face is not visible :P)
*Acting out the sword fight* But it doesnt seem to go well XDDD
S-K: ... sure you can do it? :p
*Shiranui is called out*
Shiranui: I didnt hear about this
(maybe this was not part of their plan haha because the talks are partly scripted :p)
R: Hi! Hey hey hey! *making a gun with his hand and then ignored by the two Onis* XD
S: Who’s that?
S-K: I have no idea
R: Where’s that other person.. bald one?
S: Koudou
(actually and usually the casts are all watching from the side-stage ^^ HAHA so im thinking they didnt planned it out other than Shougo-Kazama meeting Ryo-kun XD)
….. Koudou: Shibu shibu shibu shibu *t/n: reluctant, reluctant (LOL XD)
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R: Definitely they are amazing first-generation casts right
M-P: Ok time is running out. *fans went EHHH~~*
S-K: I will read a letter from my good friend, Suzuki Shougo (lolol.)
R: Oh you two are such close friends eh. (LOL)
S-K: He is… *stiffled laugh* (AHAHAHAHAHA) S-K: *reads the letter to Matsuda-san* ^^ Matsuda-san I heard you are making appearance on Hakumyu’s stage after a long time today, how are you feeling? It has been 5 years since we have known each other. You who are a younger brother, we had fun praticing, drinking and fooling around together. Compared to that time, I earnestly think you’ve become such a splendid actor as Matsuda Ryo…….. (cont) (It is such a warm letter, and I am not good with such beautiful piece so let’s leave that to your imagination :P)
S-K: That’s what he wrote *keeps the letter in his sleeve* M-P: You’re not giving the letter to him?
S-K: Later (XD) : [01:37:18]
R: *speeches* Ok I cant anymore, if I stay here any longer I will cry. Thank you, have fun everyone!
Here are some other interesting facts from the rest of the special guest corner (that I might or might not translate):
[1] Gomoto Naoya-kun auditioned for Hijikata Toshizou’s position (HAHAHA but Mori Producer was like, Nope okay you can stop during the audition :p)
[2] Izawa Yuki-kun was sooo pressured to be the 2nd Hijikata-san, because Piroshi / Yamazaki Hiroshi was a strong one, too good. And then he said at that time, he always had Kondou-san (Taira-san) to pamper and calm him down. And when asked how, he acted it out: *walks to Kondou-san and hugs* ‘Im scared~ Piroshi was so good~* And Taira-san would hug pat him and say ‘It is okay, just be yourself, you own version of Hijikata Toshizou’
[3] On the recording day of Hakumyu Reimeiroku, Piroshi came to watch. And Izawa Yuki-kun was like ‘AAA how dare he came today why did he have to come today of all days’ XD But then at the end, when he showed his fist towards Piroshi in the audience seat, Piroshi returned his air-fistbump (AWW). He said he was happy and touched ^^
[4] Izawa Yuki sheated his katana and fans went ‘UUU~~’ and he said ‘Wow LIVE is so nice, I didnt do anything but sheating my sword and I get such reaction :p
[5] Izawa Yuki said he had such a blunder during Hakumyu performance like there were times when he tried to sheath back his sword and the scabbard had moved the other way. So this one time, he put it in, and like oh god it wouldnt go in so while acting the play he slowwwwly slowwwwly took it out, and BAM! put it back in one go :p
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[6] Ryo-kun said some of the blunders he made during Hakumyu was (1) There was a part Amagiri was talking and he was supposed to come out, and at one time he was just sitting at the side-stage not realizing it was his moment to come out. And suddenly Ikeda Junya-kun (Heisuke), came running ‘OI YOUR TURN GET OUT THERE’ and he was like wth and ‘WHY?’ and Junya furiously said ‘YOUR TURN’ and he was like ‘WHAT? !!!’ *late sudden realization* XDDD
(2) There was a day he said he forgot his Katana (LOL) and that was the part he was supposed to fight Kazama (such important scene LOL). And he saw the ensemble Suga-chan and just ‘defeat and grab away his Katana forcefully’ and continue his act LOL. (you would know Suga-vhan if you’re a fan (said Ryo-kun), bcs the longest ensemble member to join Hakumyu from start till to-date).
[7] Izawa Yuki-kun said he was always feeling so pressured (lol poor one XD Piroshi was awesome after all keke) but Kondou-san (Taira-san) helped him like you know he is a historical figure and Taira-san looks just so realiable like the real one, but then one day during practice, they were practicing Shinsengumi’s first appearance during YAISA and when it is his turn to come out with Taira-san suddenly he heard a loud DODOON noise and when he looked to his side, Taira-san stumbled and fell down very unsightly LOL (you can see this clip in Toudou-hen’s extras) :p
[8] Imata Taira-san (Kondou-san) is known for getting tongue-tied and calling character names wrongly like: Saitou-KYUN, Sousuke (Heisuke), Heiji (Souji) :p
[9] Mori-producer said when he first met Ryo-kun he judged him like ‘Can this kid really talk properly’ (Because Ryo-kun is a Kansai-person so he has an accent). And Ryo-kun said Now I can talk normally and fluently (without the accent) :p
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popopretty · 6 years
XYZ Summer Tokyo (August 21-22, 2018)
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So I was lucky enough to get the tickets for both Tokyo shows of XYZ on 21th and 22nd (Soraru appears on the first day which makes the tickets so much harder to get).
The lives were really nice (I didnt like it as much as the DJ tour for several reasons but it’s still good). And as usually I will just write down some parts I remember, mostly about Piko.
I arrived at the venue 1 hour before the goods sale and there were already hundreds people in front of me lol. It took me 3.5 hours more to finally get into the booth and buy stuff. I was able to buy Piko’s new keychain and got a lot of Piko badges from the random blind packs, and I was so happy carrying this tiny little Piko ita bag around xDDD
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The live didn’t start until 6pm (5pm on the second day) and each lasted for 3 hours. The members in the first day included luz, soraru, naruse, Araki, kradness, KOOL, Piko, and Silvana. On the second day, we have luz, naruse, Araki, kradness, Piko, Gero, KOOL and Meichan.
As for Piko’s tracklist, he has the same tracklists on both days (though I think he did better on the second)
- Secret Answer: the opening song with everyone. My favourite XYZ theme song haha. Piko wasnt in the original recording so they let him sing Sekihan’s part xDDD
- Oboroduki: This is a Mafu song he covered a few months ago. Traditional style ballad. For some reasons I think he sounded a bit off in the first chorus of Day 1 but Day 2 is just perfect.
- Non Tender a Loud: the latest collab with KOOL he just uploaded a few days before the live. It was a rockish song and I guess not many people know it so everyone was kinda confused with how to move the penlight XDD. But it was a really powerful collab. KOOL was... cool haha. I really like his voice and spirit. He somehow hurt his back during the tour and had to wear kind of back supporter in the 2nd day but he still did very well. I hope he would be more popular.
- Ghost Rule (with Araki): This was a really nice part of the live cuz they started playing more fire songs towards the end. So Araki started with Hibana, then they moved on Ghost Rule and then Piko took the stage with his usual godly performance of Haikei Doppelgänger
- Haikei Doppelgänger: I talked about this too much already lol but he was perfect to every single note xDDD and in the last sentence of the song, he put down the mic and sang it with his bare voice once all the instruments stopped which was really cool. I was happy I could hear him because for the previous times he did that, some people around me just kept singing along so I couldnt hear anything.
- Deliheri yondara kimi ga kita (with everyone): This is the last song before encore. It was always so funny. When luz sang that part about choosing a girl with big breast, Piko just jumped in and open his coat (like to show off his chest) lol.
- Cocktail (with everyone): Closing song and emotional as always :3
I will write more about the MC part cuz I happened to remember quite a lot of them.
- On the first day, when the members did the final introduction, they talked about how everyone loved Soraru and decided to pretend to be Soraru and imitate him. So Araki and naruse started by speaking in the very low and unenthusiastic voice like Soraru usually does and it was really funny. Then they introduced all the other members out and they all tried to speak in that low, uninterested voice xDDD However at Piko’s turn, naruse was like “Okay so the next person, I’m not sure if he can let out a low voice or not” xDDD and Piko came out, looking all prepared but when he started speaking he just couldn’t help switching to his natural high voice and everyone was laughing. So he tried one more time but still struggled with it xDD
- In one of his MC during the live, Piko asks where all the female and male fans were and everyone was like raising hands and shouting. Then he asked everyone to do the reverse, like the guys will have to say “Yeah” in girly voice and the girls will have to do it in manly voice. The guys parts was so funny, though most of the guys might be too embarrassed to do it but some of them still did. The first time the voice was small so Piko was like “It sounds like a zombie. You can do better”. Then they tried again and the girly voices from the guys were louder this time and Piko was like “ok so now the okama zombies are the most scary” xDD and then tried to imitate the zombies pose with an okama style which looks really cute xD
- On the second day, it was Piko’s last performance in the XYZ tour this summer so in his last MC part, he tried to make teary eyes and spoke in a voice that sounds like he was crying xD He was like “This is my last performance here. Can u listen to my last words? I am worried what this XYZ will be without me.” And it was so funny everyone just laughed a lot. Then KOOL told him like “hey basically everyone is just laughing”. So Piko was like, nagged back at the audiences (still in his crying okama voice) “What is so funny about it!!?” and everyone just laughed harder. It was a very funny MC part and when he was done, luz just added “Everyone, please never forget Piko-san” lol
- In the last part when they are walking around the stage and saying goodbye to the fans, naruse and Piko hugged and naruse lifted Piko up and turned a few rounds which was so cute. Then Piko tried to do the opposite but couldnt haha (naruse is quite a chubby baby xDD)
As for the other utaites, I think KOOL and naruse were my favs (other than Piko) but the others did a great job too. luz was super cool on stage and definitely the best person to be the host of XYZ. Soraru was cute, especially with his indifferent style. He even imitated kradness voice at one point of the MC XD. Araki is fire as usual. First time I saw kradness but he was so enthusiastic and his songs are also super catchy. And it was quite funny at the 2nd day MC when luz started asking every members if the live was interesting, but completely forget kradness 😂 So he said he missed because kradness is shining so bright he couldnt see xD Gero was definitely the comedian of the live xDDD Everything he says and every movements he makes made everyone burst into laugh. And as a bonus, him and Meichan both dressed in maid dress and sang an idol song (?) at the 2nd day encore xDDD
And... there is much more but I cannot remember everything and it has been a long post already so thank you for for reading till the end. It was a very nice experience to me and I hope to go to another one again soon ^^
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