#if you ship them... block me idc šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„
kentopedia Ā· 5 months
who's my greatest enemy?? definitely not that nice bakery girl from jujutsu kaisen
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handonhaven Ā· 3 years
Bestie it's me again listen to me you see those two antis don't let them get to you okay cause.....šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„!!!.
There talking about how hopes love for Landon is hurting her friends, how exactly??? What the one time when hope actually puts the twins in danger because she didn't know or had any idea that black magic was in the thing???.. what about the times when hope had to make a scarfice just to save them?? What happen when hope had to choose between her happiness and what she wants just to save the super squad huh??? The super squad has never and I mean never had to scarfice anything like hope has been doing for the last 4 season it's always hope doing the scarfice's and saving the squad asses & see they can't even function without her rnšŸ¤¦ but the one time hope choose's her self and what she wanted she can never hear the end of it from themšŸ™„... In season 3 after Landon died I don't see one person who had actually been there for hope emotionally not one, where tf was Josie ??? Umm came back from sometime with her mother and went to a new school I don't think she and hope even interacted after 4x05 or even asked hope how she was feeling went to a new school and dealing with realtionship drama until again when she saw hope she needed convincing to help hope ( still don't know how kb said hope was her blind spotšŸ’†) but anyways you have mg where was he??? Oh he hid the ascendant from hope says he didn't want him or the super squad risk going in the prison world for Landon cause he's scared you're a fcking supernatural for crying out loud and Landon is human then he left the school and went to mystic falls... Kaleb busy obsessing over Cleo, Lizzie annoyed me alot in season 3 and Cleo she did the most damage with the fake Landon and then wanted to kill hope, so who tf was there for hope huh??? 4x01 & 4x02 just annoyed tf outta me, and now they all wanna be friends?? That's not friendship.. now wanting hope to turn on her humanity without a good reason not one gave her a reason to come back they made it about what there feeling or what they wanted...
Landon has been there for hope in ways that they haven't and the writers need to stop killing off Landon 2 cause it's not good for hopes mental health and they need to write better friendships.. and the antis needs to take a look outside of ships and pay attention and put aside there hate for Landon/handon and pay attention, and the anti's wouldn't be a good friend to hope either if they wanted hope to move on from Landon this quickly.. yeah we understand that they want hopes own storyline we been wanting that and landon's own storyline too, but u"all just watching for your ship and not actually paying attention...
block all antis don't let them take your safe place from you with there hypocrite behavior, ily bestie sorry this is Soo longšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā¤ļøā¤ļø.....
Thank you, bestie. šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m trying not to let them get to me. Quite frustrating when they sent 12 more asks to this blog and a couple to my Landon blog as well. All coming from the same person too, Iā€™m pretty sure. But idc about an antiā€™s opinions. Itā€™s just absurd. Iā€™m so tired, like Iā€™ve posted SO much on this blog that disproves everything theyā€™re saying yet they still come to me with all of that. Clearly not actually reading or understanding what I post. And the way I could have gone through the whole show and given all the reasons why their arguments are so far from the truth, but thereā€™s just no point because thereā€™s no reasoning with these people. And literally everything you said! Exactly, Hope put the twins in danger one time, she apologized, no one ended up getting hurt. Where that anon was getting the idea that Hopeā€™s love for Landon hurts people is beyond me. And so true, Hope is always making sacrifices for the squad, Hope and Landon are the ones who end up getting hurt because of their fake friends, not the other way around. Youā€™re right, the squad doesnā€™t make any sacrifices, itā€™s always Hope. And they really have become so reliant on her, thatā€™s the main reason they want her back right now. But yeah, Hope canā€™t do anything for herself or for Landon without them all holding it against her.
And season 3 says it all when it comes to just how badly the squad treats Hope and Landon. Anyone whoā€™s a true stan of either of them noticed it and has been bothered by it. If people arenā€™t seeing whatā€™s so obvious to the point itā€™s gotten disturbing, then idk what to say. Even at the very start, in 3x01, no one cared about Hope or Landon except Raf and Alaric. They all knew what had happened to Landon, though I donā€™t think they knew the details of Hope not waking up, but they knew she was having a hard time. I think Wade was the only one who asked about Landon, but no one else was concerned about either of them. Raf was the only one who was trying to do all he could to get them both back, the rest of them went outside to play without even mentioning Hope or Landon. And youā€™re right, literally no one was there for Hope when she lost Landon. Yep, Josie and Hope didnā€™t even interact till 3x08 because Josie left right when Hope was grieving, didnā€™t say a word to her or make any effort to be there for her or help her. And only interacted with Hope in 3x08 because Hope had to go to her for help, which took a ton of convincing, like you said. And again in 3x11, it took how long for her to finally decide to help save Hopeā€™s life when Hope didnā€™t have much time at all? (Who knows if Kaylee even said that Hope is Josieā€™s blind spot though, those fans couldā€™ve just made that up, or she just told them what they wanted to hear.) And yeah, then the fact that MG was hiding the ascendant that whole time while Hope was in pain? And in 3x06 when Hope was not well enough to do the tour for the school and he was supposed to take over from her, what did he do? He said no, and that he needed time for himself after what happened with Alyssa? Right in front of Hope, who is standing there, overwhelmed with grief? And also like you said, he was too scared to go to the prison world, when heā€™s a vampire, and should be able to defend himself from monsters, when Landon had been surviving there with no supernatural powers at all? I canā€™t. And then he didnā€™t even feel guilty for lying about the ascendant, he was more upset over no one wanting to sit by him at breakfast. And then when not everyone agreed with him about not going to save Landon, he went off to pout and then just left the school altogether. But not before he took the ascendant AGAIN. And yeah, Kaleb was just wanting to spend time with Cleo. But before that, also when Hope was grieving in 3x06 and was losing control of her magic in the gym, he didnā€™t even care about how she was feeling. He just wanted her to get control of herself so that the tour would go well. And Lizzie did nothing for Hope either, she annoyed me too. She didnā€™t do anything to help Hope or comfort her. She compared what Hope was going through and Landon dying to how she felt when she found out about MG and Alyssa... (and also later made the comparison about Sebastian when Hope was trying to find Landon in the prison world). And then she pushed Hope to help her with the tour for the school even when Hope said she couldnā€™t be around people. Also insulted Hope to her face, ā€œforgive me for prioritizing that over your emotional needs for once,ā€ when Hope was still in the middle of grieving, and Lizzie hadnā€™t been doing anything to prioritize her emotional needs? And then her saying ā€œyouā€™re only there for us when you need somethingā€?? Which is a total lie and is so insulting to Hope when sheā€™s sacrificed so much for all of them and to be there for them. Then of course Lizzie siding with MG in 3x08, the way she treated Hope in 3x09... And yeah, just all of what Cleo did to Hope. She manipulated Hope when she was at her most vulnerable and kept her from saving Landon. Then traumatized her by stabbing her, almost burned her alive... itā€™s all so messed up. And yeah, then the start of season 4 was all kinds of wrong with them gaslighting Hope and lying to her. Idk how weā€™re supposed to see any of these people as Hopeā€™s friends. And I totally agree with you, theyā€™ve not given Hope any reason to want to turn her humanity back on, not offered her any help or support. And the fact that all of this isnā€™t even everything but I wonā€™t make this any longer than it already is.
And absolutely, Landon is the one who has truly been there for Hope, and the way they keep having him die is so wrong and has been so harmful for both Hope and Landon. And I wish theyā€™d write better friendships, the problem is idk how theyā€™d even fix the damage thatā€™s been done at this point. The antis clearly canā€™t see past their own hatred though, theyā€™re not seeing the obvious. And no way would they be a good friend to Hope, everything that anon said, everything Iā€™ve seen so many other antis say... yikes. And thereā€™s a huge difference between wanting Hope to have more of her own individual storyline and all the other crap that they say. They really are just watching for their ship, theyā€™re missing everything else.
I did block the anon, hopefully I wonā€™t hear from them again. But thank you so much bestie, ily and appreciate the support. šŸ„ŗ And donā€™t apologize! My response is a lot longer, sorry, haha. But thank you for sending this!
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