#“she was probably waiting for nanami to come back 🥺”
kentopedia · 5 months
who's my greatest enemy?? definitely not that nice bakery girl from jujutsu kaisen
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mangospams · 1 year
Domestic nanami where he wakes up earlier than his darling to always make sure breakfast is almost/is ready for them when they get up. Nanami who tries his best to come home on time so he can see his darling and if he goes into overtime, he buys darling flowers to apologize. He’d be a very sweet man to darling
Domestic nanami with his baby Miu too though🥹💕 where Miu is starting school and is nervous that Her parents arent gonna be there with or they’re gonna forget about her. He’s so reassuring that he’ll be waiting outside for her. Darling and Nanami drop her off at school and they kind of just sit in the car together holding back tears because house will be quiet without her 😭💕 He makes sure his darling and him are there right when school ends so Miu can see they waited for her and she had nothing to be scared of-🌻
He would always make you breakfast and let’s be honest, it’s an absolute feast like he goes all out for you because he loves to spoil you 🥹🥹 And he cooks you dinner and lunch too!! He probably bought you so many presents after working late lately because he doesn’t want you to be upset 🥺
Nanami is probably more nervous about Miu going to school more than she is but he hides it well. He wants to be strong for Miu and you!! He kisses her goodbye and comforts you after she leaves because your baby is growing up 🥺🥺!!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 years
Cute shit I think they’d do: JJK edition.
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Buy me a coffee?
Itadori ‘best boi’ Yuji:
This boy would to spend as much time with you as possible so I think he would have movie nights with you where you’d stay up cuddled into each other and ultimately falling asleep in cute little onesies with empty packets of sweets piled up nearby for tomorrow yous’ problem as Nobara sneaks a few pictures in that Itadori may have printed out and stuck on a wall or put in picture frames along with the other pictures he had on display to remind him of what he was fighting for on days when it felt hopeless.
I also feel like he’d leave some of the hoodies out for you to wear because he likes how adorable you look in them and if you own any hoodies yourself he’ll probably steal one or two because that boy defiantly lives by the “what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours.” Quote since he stole your heart and you stole his.
Lastly I can imagine him taking you to a golden retriever experience where you just sit with the doggos for awhile until it was time to go witch was always the hardest thing to do when the cute golden fluffs would whine and remain close to you as you were leaving. Yuji definitely cried. I don’t make the rules.
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Fushiguro Megumi:
Not massive on PDA but would sit close to you, brush his hand against yours or brush shoulders when you walk together, maybe some cheek and forehead kisses when no one is looking but it’s really cute because he’s trying and that’s all that matters in all honesty which makes it all the more cuter when he’s be visibly flustered if someone were to catch onto his silent affection.
I think he’d read to you. His voice would put you right to sleep as his fingers run across your back/arm. Doesn’t really help that he smells like bookends, mint and a hint of lemon and lime and maybe pine. He’s your personal pillow and he’ll try not to wake you but if he has to be somewhere he’ll move you off of him slowly and put his pillow in your arms as a temporary decoy.
He would make sure your not overworking yourself/ making sure your eating, drinking water and not doing strenuous activities that may cause you harm because I think he has previous experience with over exerting himself in order to get stronger only to come to realise that he wasn’t going to get stronger if he treated himself that way and now makes sure you don’t pull the same stunt.
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Inumaki Toge:
-this bit is based off of @ruetaro inumaki hc-
He sends funny videos of whatever happens when you two are apart whether it be Panda tripping and breaking one of Maki’s weapons by accident which causes the green haired female to chase him with the motive of kicking his ass but that wasn’t the best part. The best part was Inumaki trying to hold back a laugh. Cutest shit ever. So whenever the video cuts short it’s highly assumed that Maki and Panda were chasing him for laughing at their predicament and is probably seeking refuge in his room for 3-5 business days.
Likes physical touch Sind she can’t really speak in sentences due to his cursed speech so he thrives off of the smallest of affection and it makes him feel like he’s loved -which he is- and he would most likely become thirsty for cuddles and kisses afterwards that his hand is superglued in holding your own. I feel like if you were wearing an oversized sweater he’d sneak his way under it so he can be as close to your warmth as possible. 🥺🥺
Binge watch series together on his laptop. Your lap? his pillow. Sleep? Nowhere in sight cuz this fucker stays up late so you’ll have to force him to sleep or just say he’s not getting affection if he doesn’t go to sleep to which he would childishly glare at you, puff his cheeks out before going to sleep as though he wouldn’t end up snuggled into your chest after awhile.
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Nanami Kento:
I feel like after a long tiering day from work he would love nothing more then to get back home to you and take a nap. It’ll be the thing he couldn’t wait for as it meant holding you in his arms safe from all harm. His velvet voice would be heavenly on your ears when your both sleepy like Fushiguro it would probably put you to sleep instantly. He’d portably be out like a light if you were to run your hand through his hair. That’s just my opinion though.
He’d probably be into domestic shit like you wearing his shirt so he’d pry open an eye just to watch you get changed or watch you wake up from a beautiful dream he hoped he was apart of. Drinking coffee/tea together would be cute as he knew how you take your drink and you knew how he takes his, which may seem small and insignificant but is really a sweet thing to remember as it meant he’d cared about the little details. So I’m addiction to the domestic shit he’d remember the little things.
He might take you to that bakery he frequents because he felt like treating you and that you might like it. Spoiler: you do end up liking the bakery and make it a tradition to go whenever you both had time to spare which was rare but that’s what made it even more special.
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Nobara Kugisaki:
You can’t tell me she wouldn’t be able to make aesthetic photos. Cuz she can and she’s incredibly photogenic. I just wanna get that thought out of the way.
Personally I feel like you could binge eat anything and Nobara wouldn’t judge but she would probably smack you if you touch her food but if anyone were to say shit about it Nobara would shut them down so fucking fast cuz what you eat shouldn’t be anyone business. Yuji and Megumi may join you on occasion but it’s mainly a you and Nobara thing as you would watch cheesy shows for entertainment. I just wanna eat with Nobara now.
I feel that she likes a moderate amount of pda -which will increase when jealous- so she would hold your hand, some kisses maybe and probably takes you on a boba date or shopping spree. Or both if you had the time. Either way it’ll be phenomenal date none the less as you make so many cute memories of someone getting their ass handed by Nobara because they were staring way too long for her liking. ☺️ ah good times indeed.
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Choso Kamo:
Precious baby boi. 🥺
I think once he gets a taste of affection he will come back for more so after you give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek he will make himself comfortable into your side like cat when they want your attention which melts your heart so you are legally obligated to give him all the affection he requires. It’s against the law to not do so unless you want a sad Choso. No one wants a sad Choso. So your stuck giving him cuddles, kisses and other.
Another one I see liking the domestic shit and would try and make you stuff. The furrow in his brow told you how seriously he was taking this task which was cute but you didn’t want him to hurt himself over not knowing how a coffee machine works. I don’t want anything bad happening to him. I’ll cry.
This’ll be just me but I think he might have an affiliation for some sweets such as dark chocolate or black liquorish. Something not too sweet yet not just enough sweet to become his comfort snack or something. I just think he would but you’d probably have to tell him that having so much isn’t exactly healthy. Though it didn’t meant that the face he makes when he’s caught stealing nibbles when he shouldn’t isn’t the most cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
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Thoughts on Nanami wanting to take care of his s/o
You'd be dating and u would still be working bc you gotta pay for an apartment and shit but you're obvs miserable bc its fucking retail and it's awful sksksk
I bet you $20 that Nanami offers to help you out like buying you groceries and shit but you're always like no! I will not take your money!! 😡 just v stubborn and aggressive sksksk
He would keep offering and you'd keep refusing and at some point he's like "why don't you just move in with me and then you don't have to work" WHICH??? IS A BIT TOO FORWARD HUN! YES WE ARE DATING BUT I HAVE A SYSTEM IN PLACE, I CANT JUST PICK EVERYTHING UP AND MOVE IN WITH YOU
But then you have a shitty day and you end up crying at work
Nanami comes to pick you up and take you home (like he always does) and sees that your eyes are puffy and red and that's the final straw for him
He's like "ok that's it you're gonna move in with me and im gonna take care of you"
And of course you argue bc you don't want to feel like you're leeching off of him but he insists and suddenly there's a moving company at your door and you're like 🙃 ok ig we're doing this
So yall start living together and its nice and all but you feel bad bc you're not working anymore and you're just moping around the apartment all day trying to find things to do
And you try to get a new job but Nanami won't let you
"Darling, there's no need to worry. I make more than enough money for the both of us."
He'll bring up his bank account to try and calm your worries and you take a look and you're like 😳 "o-ok i believe you now"
Let's be real: Nanami wants a pretty little trophy/house"wife" and he wants nothing more than to take care of his spouse
It all comes back to acts of service and the need to be useful to ppl
Like if he can't make you happy or satisfied, he won't know what to do with himself
So what's he do?? He takes care of you financially bc it's easy for him to do and he enjoys the results
He likes coming home to you waiting for him 🥺
He loves buying clothes, shoes, accessories for you
He loves sending you to the salon and seeing the results of your pampering
Tbh if he wasn't such an empathetic guy, you'd probably think that he was doing all these things bc he wanted to change you and mold you into his ideal partner
But the reality is he just wants to make you happy and the best way to do that is by treating you like royalty
Of course if you hate those things, he won't force them on you, but he can't deny that he'd love to see his sweet little wife show off her new outfit and smile brightly as she talked about getting her nails done that day
He's just big on pampering and money makes it easier for him to do that
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mangospams · 1 year
Darling is just so smitten I can picture them looking in the mirror every time they walk by it to see their cute hair style. They probably also randomly squish Miu into a hug (she pretends like she’s upset “mama! I can’t breathe!” but she’s also cuddling back). If darling has long hair, Miu asks Nanami if he can teach her how to braid and they use darling’s hair to practice.
Why can I see Miu asking darling and Nanami if Gojo is coming to their birthday party (it’s not really a party😅 It’s mostly just her parents, and like Itadori and his buddies) And they let her know he can’t make it and for a minute she seems disappointed but quickly is like “well good! I didn’t want him here anyway!” Her eyes light up for a second when Gojo does make it but then she pretends like she’s upset😅 she’s a character and Gojo has a soft spot for her like she has one for him too-🌻
To be fair I would 100% be smitten to 🥺🥺🥺 You just pull them both onto a tight hug because you just have the most perfect family ever 😭😭💗 Miu does your hair sometimes too but sometimes she messes it up a bit but you still love it
Miu tries to act like she doesn’t want Gojo at her birthday, she says he’s annoying and he’ll ruin it. But the moment you tell her that you don’t think he can make it, she tries to act like it doesn’t bother her but you see her looking up  at the door as if she’s waiting for him to show up 🥺😭 But Gojo definitely makes a surprise visit, with presents to because he’s trying to buy her love.
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