#if you want to have fannish discussions about boys you can just do that. nobody is really gonna complain
doedipus · 4 months
Guilty gear fandom misogyny is so incredibly frustrating
Like you can pick any boy out of the roster and the entire fanbase is probably falling over themselves to hype them up; people pop off for their associated players' gameplay, they construct elaborate fan media that brings out the intricacies of the characters and shows off their best points, and won't take no for an answer if someone claims to not find them maddeningly attractive
But then with the girls, at best nobody cares about them besides the dedicated superfans, and at worst literally every other player only speaks the character's name to complain. They'll get nothing but vapid pinup fanart with no regard for character, if they're even on the radar at all. Whenever one of the female characters gets a buff or a player makes a good tournament run, everyone stops what they're doing to complain for a month, until they go back to largely ignoring them again. And then whenever a patch brings a new boy people convince themselves is cool, or gives an existing one significant buffs, half the players on a female character drop her to switch. It's like clockwork.
Also for some reason every male character has people headcanoning them as trans in both directions, regardless of anything about their actual characterization, but none of the not-canonically-transfem girls really get that kind of fan attention, which is disappointing. Except that one artist who thinks elphelt should be transmasc.
I think the only guilty gear girl to escape this is Bridget, by dint of being a little sweetie pie. But she's still like a purely auxiliary character to the canon, so there's not a ton to talk about besides decade old discourse, and she's underdeveloped at a top level, with the only notable reps being players who use her to try and scam opponents out of a few games before switching to their real mains once they drop one themselves. Like despite her popularity among casual fans there's still no daru for Bridget
And honorable mention to season 2 baiken, who attracted a lot of upper level players who were unsatisfied with their mains at the time, who then nearly unanimously dropped her for John or sin in S3 when it became apparent that it wasn't as easy to win with her as they initially thought
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tcookies777 · 2 years
So I just noticed something after re-reading some TAOL chapters and it’s that Kakashi always (literally always in every chapter) seemed to get turned on by Sakura no matter what she does. At this point, I am convinced that he would probably have a boner just by watching Sakura do nothing but stand and breathe. I am not complaining at all but I thought it was interesting and wonder if that was intentional in terms of having Kakashi just be horny for Sakura 24/7? I know this is a weird ask and I am sorry for asking it. I was also wondering if Kakashi being like this every time Sakura is near will change somehow after they do the “devil’s tango” or “shaking of the sheets.” I am not a man so I don’t know what it’s like to have a boner but I can’t imagine functioning well when you have a boner and horny for someone every day lmao. I don’t know if what I am saying makes any sense but I do feel insane for bringing this up to you so I am sorry about that.
No need to be sorry for asking an interesting question but thank you for asking politely. And thank you for asking such an interesting question - it's not weird at all, and I don't believe "weird" questions exist when it comes to fannish content. Interesting? Yes. Weird? No.
But to answer your 2 questions:
People can argue that this is canon or not - personally for me, I'm going to treat it as canon - but in the Rock Lee SD series, there was a scene in which Jiraiya categorized the male characters into what type of pervert they were.
This is his chart from that scene:
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As you can see, Kakashi was categorized as a Closet Pervert lol.
Kakashi being a closet pervert was a huge inspiration for his horniness in this fic. Because... I mean it's kinda impossible to write a closet pervert character and NOT let him be horny about it. So yeah, you bet your ryo Kakashi's thinking perverted stuff behind that porn book of his. And you can bet I am going to write in explicit detail what those perverted thoughts are about. But that he's specifically horny for Sakura is because I wanted to approach the emotional side of his character as like a teenager. I'm not a man either but, having had some open discussions with male peers in my adult years... well, suffice to say teen boys get easily horny for the girl they like. Kakashi is not a teenager of course, but... he's not as mature as anyone might think just because of his adult age. And this applies to real life too where you'll meet teens who are wiser than their years, and you'll also meet adults who are childish for their age. It really depends on the individual's background, life experience, education, and the way they were raised.
Kakashi is, in many ways, immature- which maybe you noticed in the way he handles his emotions and has trouble with intimate communication. He wasn't raised like a normal child. He grew up without parents to guide him, he flew through his education, and was too busy with war/military to properly woo and date a girl let alone learn how to (not counting the romance books he uses for reference). So it's a complete first for him to develop really intimate feelings for a girl and he doesn't know what to do, especially when it's his underage student (double yikes). Nobody taught him. What he grew up learning instead was to rely on instincts. His biological instincts take over and his dick turns on at the sight of someone his body and heart recognize as his potential mate (even if he may not understand yet). Excuse my blunt language btw it's like 2am for me here lol. I probably shouldnt be answering this when I'm half awake but I hope it makes sense when I say: Closet Pervert Kakashi + emotionally immature Kakashi + biological instincts + experiencing first love + forbidden love = Kakashi horny for his crush like a teen boy.
Ooh wait, also - canonically, Kakashi has a heightened sense of smell, right? There is an actual scientific phenomenon where some people's olfactory senses are attuned to certain kinds of pheromones. So there are some men in real life who get turned on by the smell of certain women - often these are women they are attracted to such as their own wives. Some men claim they are even able to smell when their girl is about to have her period, is ovulating, and/or is pregnant - just by smelling the pheromones the girl exudes. So it's actually not unrealistic for Kakashi to pop a boner when he smells Sakura, especially when he smells her ovulating because her scent is actually triggering a surge of the sex hormone testosterone in him. This is a real biological response in men as part of their primal mating behavior. I briefly mentioned the science of this in the chapter with the naked run where he smells Sakura ovulating (on top of her dripping arousal) and gets turned on by it.
So with all the aforementioned reasons explained, when Kakashi smells Sakura, you can imagine it's easy for a pervert like him to pop a boner.
But realistically speaking, the average man experiences an erection 10-20 times a day. And just to be clear, not every boner happens necessarily because the guy is sexually aroused. Sometimes the guy has an erection for no real reason. It's why men may experience morning erections (or "morning wood") when they wake up despite nothing sexual happening - it's sometimes just because their testosterone levels are running high at that time and it produces an erection.
So with or without Sakura, guys like Kakashi will just be popping boners daily regardless of whatever reason or lack thereof. It just happens sometimes, and that's why none of us gals should be making fun of our male peers if we catch an awkward tent in their pants. Please y'all don't be mean like that.
2. For that question, you will have to wait and see!
Although... I must admit, this is the first time in my life I've heard of "shaking of the sheets" 😂 idk who coined that term but I can't say it's the most appealing. Got me all giggling with this image:
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elastigale · 6 years
Hoo boy time for some kid related questions! So what do you think Gail's relationship with the kids are? She had discussed wanting kids in the past with Helen, do you think she's excited to have this chance? What does she have in common with each of them and what do they do to bond? I kind of headcannon Gail to end up being closest with Karen since they both are later editions to the family. Also what are your gender/orientation headcannons for the adult Parr kids for this AU?
Another long essay of a post incoming….
I think Gail would be over the moon to go from basically living on her own with no family to suddenly having a huge family and several kids.  Having her own family and kids is something she always wanted, in part because her own childhood was very isolated and sometimes lonely.  But after her accident and all the mental issues from the extreme mind wipes, she gave up on that dream.  It was hard enough for her to function normally and take care of herself, much less be responsible for others.  She figured nobody would want a burden like her in their life, just assumed she’d be pretty much on her own for the rest of hers.
I won’t say much about her relationship with Karen because I have a comic planned about that which will be more fun if it’s not spoiled.  But I will say that Karen is the first of the kids she meets, before any of the Parrs discover her.  After Karen finds out who Gail really is (or used to be) she totally geeks out and desperately wants to tell her other hero-fannish friends about the big news, but is asked not to by the Parrs because they worry the attention would be really bad for Gail.  Gail is startled with how much Karen’s attitude to her changes when she finds out her history as Stratogale.  She misses when Karen was a little more relaxed and just knew her as the homeless bird lady.  Now Karen tries a little too hard and is so excited and talkative and desperate to help, and while the effort is definitely appreciated, the zeal makes Gail a little stressed. :’)  But once Karen calmed down a little, they would get along great.
Gail and Violet would have a special bond.  The Parrs named their first baby in Gail’s memory (Violet Gail Parr) and ever since she was a tiny baby, Helen and Bob noticed some eerie similarities between Violet and her namesake- the blue eyes (which later turned violet), the dark hair, and her shy demeanor not shared by her parents or siblings.  (As she got older, Violet would also wonder and ask about these things and get vague, unsatisfying answers.)  These strange coincidences would be something Violet would be a little disturbed and intrigued by after meeting Gail and learning this was who was was named after.  Even though they weren’t related by blood, Violet would nonetheless feel like she was meeting a long-lost parent and take a particular interest in helping Gail recover her memories and learning as much as she could about who Gail used to be.  Of all the kids, Violet is the one Gail relates to the most and finds easiest to be around for long periods of time.  When Gail is feeling particularly overwhelmed by her recovery with the new memories and powers and information she’s trying to deal with, spending time with Violet is one of her favorite ways to unwind. Unlike the other kids, Violet isn’t chatty, loud, or demanding.  Violet understands the appeal of spending time together with comfortable silence or doing quiet, relaxed activities (something Violet doesn’t get much of with the rest of her family.)
Initially, Gail is a bit overwhelmed by Dash, but especially as she starts to recover from her mind wipes and get her powers and mental clarity back, she finds him really fun to play with and talk to.  Like Bob, Gail can play a mean game of catch.  And unlike the rest of the Parrs who often get very exasperated or impatient with Dash, Gail has all the time in the world to listen and pay attention to him, which he appreciates a lot.  And unlike his sister, Gail indulges his imagination and zanyness, matching it with her own.  She doesn’t talk down to him or make fun of his interests and hobbies, and often wants to join in herself (even if it makes her look silly or childish, she doesn’t care.)  Gail loves how confident and gung-ho Dash is about everything he sets himself to do.  (It reminds her a lot of Helen.)
As a kid who grew up with powers too hard for her own parents to control, Gail has some sympathy for Jack-jack (and his family.)  Especially once she recovers her own powers, she is often tasked with babysitting him when the other adults aren’t home.  (Helen and Bob really appreciate having Gail available 24/7 to watch the baby because it gives them opportunities to do on-call hero work together without worrying constantly about Jack-jack.  Edna loves to babysit him too, but her job is demanding and requires a lot of travel, so she isn’t often available.)  Whenever Gail sits for Jack-jack, she pays very close attention to how his powers are developing and what he’s learning to do with them, what new words he’s started to babble, etc, and excitedly updates Helen and Bob about it the second they come home.  Watching him grow up and develop really fulfills her dream of wanting to be a mother.  As she has more and more time to bond with him, Gail sometimes forgets Jack-jack isn’t her own son.  And as he gets older, he can’t even remember a time where Gail wasn’t one of his parents.
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gffa · 8 years
Holy hell, STAR WARS tumblr has been on fire these last couple of weeks! So many people posting so many cool snippets and AUs and feelings-laden fics! In addition to some really stellar AUs on AO3, it’s like an absolute candy store around here these days. ♥ STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ time to change the road you’re on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 24.3k wip    The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future. ✦ Home Again by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, light kink, 1.7k    When Anakin’s emotions overwhelm him, Obi-Wan is always there with a firm hand and clear eye to help him find his way back from the dark. ✦ Finally Home by starbirdrampant (ineasako22), obi-wan/anakin/padme & luke & leia, ~1k    “send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it” tumblr prompt ✦ Of Beds and Padawans by Vee017, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k    A one sided pseudo discussion of nightly habits goes awry as Anakin takes ObiWan’s meaning in a completely different direction than intended. ✦ Where Have We Come? by soaring_heart, obi-wan & anakin, 1.9k    The first time was one of the hardest and the easiest. Obi-Wan loses at Mustafar, but instead of dying he wakes up at the dawn of the last day of the republic, doomed to repeat the worst day of his life, over and over again. ✦ Tumblr Ramblings (Obi-Wan Time Travel/AU-jump) by gaealynn, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast,    At the end of RotJ, Obi-Wan reaches out a hand to help Anakin cross over and instead – wakes up on Naboo. ✦ Falls the Shadow, part 1 + part 2 by phosphorescent-naidheachd, obi-wan & padme & luke & leia (& anakin), 2.8k wip    Under the auspices of JEDI GENERALS ANAKIN SKYWALKER and OBI-WAN KENOBI, an elite strike team was smuggled onto the planet in carbonite. But when the slab of carbonite containing OBI-WAN KENOBI was lost before he could be defrosted, the team was forced to prioritize… and to leave him behind to an unknown fate. ✦ Cold Comforts by Sealgirl, obi-wan & mace, ~1k    Not long after he becomes a Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself in need of reassurance. ✦ untitled by spectral-musette, obi-wan & ahsoka & caleb, 1.3k    A short scene set in the slightly-less-sadness-AU (in which Obi-Wan finds Ahsoka Tano and Caleb Dume after Order 66, and the surviving Jedi stay together). Obi-Wan is exhausted, Ahsoka is restless, and Caleb misses his Master. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & palpatine, 1.3k    “Ah, Anakin, my boy. Welcome!” Palpatine comes toward Anakin with open arms. ✦ untitled by bedlamsbard, obi-wan & anakin/padme, 4.1k    For those just joining us, this is the concept work for the third alternate universe in the Ouroboros series, which is an AU where Dooku kills Palpatine and takes over the Republic, declaring himself emperor. ✦ i hold with those who favor fire by penultimatepanic, mace, 1.3k wip    Mace thought the sight of the Temple would test his tenuous control over his anger all over again, but, as he sits in the shadow of an abandoned repair shop’s roof and looks at the smoking hulk of it, the only feeling he can identify is a deep weariness. ✦ untitled + untitled by bedlamsbard, obi-wan/padme(/anakin?), NSFW, dark!obi-wan, 5.7k    Backstory: The Republic has fallen. The Jedi Order is broken, its surviving Knights and padawans scattered across the galaxy. The Sith lord Count Dooku has declared himself the leader of a new Galactic Empire. ✦ Everything That Rises Must Converge by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan & anakin & luke & leia, 5.1k    In which Leia makes it to Tatooine’s surface after the Tantive IV is boarded, and nobody is prepared for this particular family reunion. full details + recs under the cut!
✦ time to change the road you’re on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 24.3k wip    The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future.    Chapter 5: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. Oh, I read this entire chapter with a heavy feeling in my chest, in exactly the way the fic was supposed to give me, that it lived up to the potential of it in all the ways I was hoping it would. Ahsoka and Anakin have found Obi-Wan on Tatooine and the entire chapter is about trying to piece together what happened, along with just how much it weighed on Obi-Wan, just how much of him died back on Mustafar. The little touches, the way Anakin is so on edge here, but then flings himself at Obi-Wan to cry on him, the way Obi-Wan brushes Anakin’s hair out of his face when he’s sleeping, the way every word about what he knows feels like it’s a heavy stone being dragged up a mountain, all of it made me feel that sheer weight of feeling, how much love and care there was there and how much it hurt when things all went bad. It’s lovely writing and does so much justice to these characters and events and the Ahsoka pov is used so well to show how worn down this version of the man she used to know is, how different Ben Kenobi is from Obi-Wan Kenobi. There’s so much hurt and anger and exhaustion here, in all the right places and it’s so good. ✦ Home Again by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, light kink, 1.7k    When Anakin’s emotions overwhelm him, Obi-Wan is always there with a firm hand and clear eye to help him find his way back from the dark.    Holy hell, this fic was made for me, but also it’s just incredibly lovely and perfect. It’s set in a relationship between them that is dom/sub, in a way that benefits Anakin so much, you can feel even in a pwp fic that Anakin has all this noise in his head and the way Obi-Wan takes him in hand cuts through that and clears it away. I would have loved it just for that. I would have loved it just for the delicious and well-described sex, the light kink and the spanking and then the fucking, it has some really beautiful imagery here! But I think my very favorite thing (if just barely, because I have many favorite things about this fic) is the tension the author builds up–the way Obi-Wan seems like he’s ignoring Anakin, but you feel how much his attention very much is on Anakin, the way he gives Anakin an order, who doesn’t quite know what’s coming, that tension that nearly boils over in him before Obi-Wan cuts through it. The build-up had me feeling wound up, so that the release was even better, making this a really satisfying and well-written fic! ✦ Finally Home by starbirdrampant (ineasako22), obi-wan/anakin/padme & luke & leia, ~1k    “send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it” tumblr prompt    This is super short, it’s just a snippet, but oh man it’s lovely and it’s exactly what I want from dometic, sleepy Obianidala. With Anakin sandwiched between his two favorite people, the three of them curled up together on a tired but content morning, until they’re woken up by the screams of two tiny little terrors and it’s PURE ADORABLE. Cuddles and kidlets, Obi-Wan pressed against Anakin’s back, who is pressed against Padme, until the children clamor in between them and it’s just everything my gross domesticity loving heart wants. ✦ Of Beds and Padawans by Vee017, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k    A one sided pseudo discussion of nightly habits goes awry as Anakin takes ObiWan’s meaning in a completely different direction than intended.    I am always here for bed sharing, especially where Anakin just crawls into the bed and kind of flops there and is unfairly beautiful just by being Anakin. This is cute and entirely fluffy and soft and adorable and made me feel all warm while reading it, which I need in this fandom sometimes! ✦ Where Have We Come? by soaring_heart, obi-wan & anakin, 1.9k    The first time was one of the hardest and the easiest. Obi-Wan loses at Mustafar, but instead of dying he wakes up at the dawn of the last day of the republic, doomed to repeat the worst day of his life, over and over again.    I’ll warn ahead of time that this fic isn’t about resolution, but instead about the repetition of Obi-Wan caught in a time loop, trying to figure out how to stop it, how to solve things, and how to save Anakin. It’s a fic that really is about those two at the heart of it, that Obi-Wan has to live this day over and over, that he tries so many things to save Anakin, to understand him, to help him, to just steal him away, to die with him, to be caught up with him. It’s a bittersweet, ouchy fic, it never stops hurting, how deeply Obi-Wan loves him and how many tragic turns their lives take in these moments, how many different ways things can go wrong or just not quite right. And that’s what really works for me here, even if it’s not really solved, the foundation is there, the love between them is there, the sheer amount of how important Anakin is in Obi-Wan’s life and vice versa is there. ✦ Tumblr Ramblings (Obi-Wan Time Travel/AU-jump) by gaealynn, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast,    At the end of RotJ, Obi-Wan reaches out a hand to help Anakin cross over and instead – wakes up on Naboo.    I am always willing to pick up a time travel fic, especially if it’s Obi-Wan time travelling, so I enjoyed this half-fic, half-scenario piece just for those things! And I love that this is an Obi-Wan who has suffered through so many terrible losses, the weight of that isn’t gone, but he’s still that guy who keeps getting up again, who doesn’t know how to surrender when something like this is put in front of him. And, oh, there’s a scene in the second chapter where he meets bb!Anakin again, where he knows there will be hope now, and there’s cuddling and, oh, it’s Anakin and just. I had feelings all over the place during that scene alone! ✦ Falls the Shadow, part 1 + part 2 by phosphorescent-naidheachd, obi-wan & padme & luke & leia (& anakin), 2.8k wip    Under the auspices of JEDI GENERALS ANAKIN SKYWALKER and OBI-WAN KENOBI, an elite strike team was smuggled onto the planet in carbonite. But when the slab of carbonite containing OBI-WAN KENOBI was lost before he could be defrosted, the team was forced to prioritize… and to leave him behind to an unknown fate.    This is such an interesting AU and it has me hooked in under 3k already! On that mission with the carbon freezing, Obi-Wan is lost and it sends things careening out of control in a different way, because Anakin kind of loses his shit about it. And Obi-Wan wakes up to this galaxy that’s entirely different and, oh, I’m fascinated by all the changes this would mean–not directly witnessing Vader’s crimes, not fighting him on Mustafar, not having the horrible burden of everything he had after ROTS, waking up to Padme still alive, waking up to the twins being these bright little sparks, waking up to Anakin suddenly being gone. The writing builds all of this up nicely, you get a nice amount of the good stuff already, even though OH MAN I WANT SO MUCH MORE, I want so much the second part of that conversation with Padme or just Obi-Wan’s reactions or just anything more from this one! ✦ Cold Comforts by Sealgirl, obi-wan & mace, ~1k    Not long after he becomes a Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself in need of reassurance.    This was short but it was absolutely lovely and a really solidly good read about Mace Windu supporting Obi-Wan in a Jedi-like way, but being just what Obi-Wan needs to hear at the moment. I love the potential with this dynamic and these two characters, so it’s nice to see a solid and well-done little fic that’s about this one moment that means so much to both characterizations! ✦ untitled by spectral-musette, obi-wan & ahsoka & caleb, 1.3k    A short scene set in the slightly-less-sadness-AU (in which Obi-Wan finds Ahsoka Tano and Caleb Dume after Order 66, and the surviving Jedi stay together). Obi-Wan is exhausted, Ahsoka is restless, and Caleb misses his Master.    In a universe that’s slightly less sad, where Ahsoka and Caleb Dume are there with Obi-Wan, where they do at least have each other, it still strikes against just how much they’ve lost. There’s hope still here, there’s some bittersweetness, but each of them has lost so much, each of them is word down and wounded at heart, even as they dust themselves off and keep going. It’s short but a really interesting little AU snippet that I’d love more of, but also stands well on its own! ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & palpatine, 1.3k    “Ah, Anakin, my boy. Welcome!” Palpatine comes toward Anakin with open arms.    I should probably start collating these recs together but, eh, I don’t care, this AU is one of my happy places and I love seeing it update whenever the author gets a chance to. And I greatly enjoy how much Palpatine haaaaaates Obi-Wan for fucking up all his plans in this AU, which is already an echo of canon, where… one of the things I love so much is that I feel like this is a really good fic series for showing how things could have gone better, if only things had been nudged in the right direction, that they weren’t doomed to tragedy from the start. And seeing Palpatine’s plans fizzle out in front of him and how he makes more to keep up, the audience knowing that they’ll probably blow up in his face as well, is really, really satisfying and fun. ✦ untitled by bedlamsbard, obi-wan & anakin/padme, 4.1k    For those just joining us, this is the concept work for the third alternate universe in the Ouroboros series, which is an AU where Dooku kills Palpatine and takes over the Republic, declaring himself emperor.    You’ll probably definitely be lost if you haven’t read at least the first fic of the Ouroboros series, though, you can gather a lot from context if you really want! And this is lovely where… it’s an Anakin/Padme scene, but it’s very much about the trio with Obi-Wan, it’s very much about Anakin’s desperate love for both of them, as seen through Padme’s eyes. It’s leaning towards a trio, but Anakin is definitely the center (as is the way I would see it going, because he’s just so… Anakin is so intense, he’s so bright, he burns so hotly, that he kind of overtakes the emotional aspect of any scene), but it doesn’t feel unbalanced, either. I’m not explaining it well, but I really enjoyed that feeling of something weighing on me, that genuine sense of tension I feel with the characters as they try to figure out what to do and how desperately Anakin wants to see Obi-Wan again, how desperately he wants to keep Padme safe, and just what a giant ball of feelings he is. As Anakin Skywalker should always be. ✦ i hold with those who favor fire by penultimatepanic, mace, 1.3k wip    Mace thought the sight of the Temple would test his tenuous control over his anger all over again, but, as he sits in the shadow of an abandoned repair shop’s roof and looks at the smoking hulk of it, the only feeling he can identify is a deep weariness.    Part 2: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. I’m so glad this fic updated because I have a growing appreciate for Mace’s character, as well as it’s just really intriguing and heartbreaking in all the right ways. This is more of a reflecting kind of chapter, it’s very muted or understated, it’s about Mace having the space to breathe for a bit and try to take in everything that’s happened after Order 66 and to try to begin to marshal himself, and it’s just… really sad and heavy and full of so much loss, in that quiet, reserved way that suits the character so well. ✦ untitled + untitled by bedlamsbard, obi-wan/padme(/anakin?), NSFW, dark!obi-wan, 5.7k    Backstory: The Republic has fallen. The Jedi Order is broken, its surviving Knights and padawans scattered across the galaxy. The Sith lord Count Dooku has declared himself the leader of a new Galactic Empire.    I think you could read this one without being that familiar with the Ourboros series, the summary gives a solid background and you can pick up enough on context, and honestly it’s about Obi-Wan feeling out of his head and trying to remain isolated because he’s so dangerous like this, but also wanting contact with another human being. And he just can’t go near Anakin, he can’t risk that, Anakin is too precious and dear, you can just feel that about Obi-Wans feelings towards him, but Padme is gentle and solid without being too much, while still being warm and someone important. It’s just a really good balance between the two, but also oh man Obi-Wan going down on Padme and then fucking her over the desk, how it’s about these two characters in this moment, but also not, how it’s also about what thoughts of Anakin have stirred up, and I love how sharp and messy and dark Obi-Wan and Padme are here, it works so well for me and also it was just really, really hot. Padme pulling her massive skirts up and Obi-Wan licking her open and then wrapping herself around him as he desperately pushes into her, all rough edges and desperation and care between the two of them. So good for me. ✦ Everything That Rises Must Converge by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan & anakin & luke & leia, 5.1k    In which Leia makes it to Tatooine’s surface after the Tantive IV is boarded, and nobody is prepared for this particular family reunion.    This was an interesting, if surprisingly kind, AU where Leia makes it to Tatooine and Vader’s right on her heels and everything comes spilling out. I think my favorite part of it was the sheer weight of history between Obi-Wan and Anakin, but also I enjoyed that everything was just a lot softer and kinder here than in canon. Not entirely soft and kind, it’s still Star Wars, but the pull of family and old friends overwrote a lot of the anger and hate that had been stewing in these characters for so long. It was a fun little read that I enjoyed a lot!
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Jim Beaver 'Supernatural' talk on Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki
When one of our Movie TV Tech Geeks family members has something new out, we love to help promote it, especially when it's something that every Supernatural fan will want to get their hands on. Lynn Zubernis, who writes some pretty in-depth and intense Supernatural recap reviews, has her latest book hitting on May 9 Family Don’t End With Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives (You can order it here), has interviewed nearly everyone from the show, and we're happy to run her 'best ofs' leading up to her book launch. If you want to attend her Los Angeles book launch check it out here. Her latest book features With contributions by Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Jim Beaver, Rob Benedict, Briana Buckmaster, Osric Chau, Matt Cohen, Ruth Connell, Gil McKinney, Rachel Miner and Kim Rhodes, and a Dozen Passionate Fans! Check out her classic interview with Misha Collins. Check out when we interviewed Lynn on her own Supernatural experiences. Check out exclusive excerpts from Lynn’s upcoming book! Next up, Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer), who wrote an incredibly powerful chapter for Family Don’t End With Blood. Here’s one of our favorite interview chats we’ve had with Jim over the years… As promised, more from our trip to the Chicago Supernatural convention – in this case, some quality time with one of our favorite guys, Jim Beaver. Jim is one of the first actors we interviewed two years ago at the start of our Supernatural road trip, and damn, he really skewed our expectations. Not only did he invite us to come over and chat in his living room, but four hours later, we were still there! That conversation took place before Jim’s very first fan convention, so we spent some of the time trying to prepare him. (Yes, fans will line up for your autograph – little did he know!). Jim asked us as many questions about the fandom as we asked him, and we weren’t surprised that he ‘got it’ in so many ways. We also managed to get in a dare before we left, but honestly, we never expected Jim to be so creative in his tee shirt design. O—o We missed sitting down with Jim at the last convention, because he was still signing autographs at 2 am and we were falling over with exhaustion. (So much for his disbelief that fans would line up for his autograph! ) Not surprisingly, his photo ops and autographs ran late in Chicago as well. Jim’s determination to give each and every fan some quality time was once again working against our chances of reconnecting with him. When 1:00 a.m. rolled around, and the other celebs had finished their turns at ‘speed dating with the stars,’ at the dessert party, we were ready to bail. (The desire for sleep does sometimes prevail!) Disappointed, we headed back to our room and walked smack into Jim who was being shepherded downstairs to make his belated appearance. So much for sleep. Jim never sleeps, as anyone who’s friended him on Facebook has probably figured out, and apparently he never eats either. After making the rounds with the die-hard fans who waited for him at the dessert party, he was handed a chicken Caesar salad by one of the Creation staff. He had every intention of eating it after he said goodnight to Richard Speight Jr and Aldis Hodge in the bar. Somehow that turned into a few rounds of pool and by 2:30 that chicken Caesar was looking less than savory. When we all finally collapsed in the corner table of the deserted lobby bar, poor Jim was starving and lacking food options. But fandom is a curious and wonderful thing. Suddenly there were fans. With meat. In fact, they appeared with an entire deli platter and asked if we wanted it. (Whoever you are out there, thank you!) Interviews with Jim tend to run the gamut from serious contemplation of the nature of fame and celebrity and fannishness to the kind of joking around that invariably makes Lynn do that embarrassing snort-when-you-laugh thing. This one took place at 3 am, so there was a lot more of the joking and less of the seriousness. Jim has mentioned before that while Bobby has evolved into a father figure for Sam and Dean, he has a different relationship with Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. Much more a peer relationship than a fatherly one – in fact, Jim asks the boys for professional advice more often than the other way around. Lynn commented around her ham sandwich that Jim obviously wasn’t old enough to be their father in real life anyway, which earned her an eye roll and an incredulous smirk. In one of our earlier chats with Jim, he talked about Bobby’s relationship with ‘the boys,’ and his delight in playing such a character. Jim: “It’s often alot funnier to be the guy standing there looking at somebody going, ‘you moron,' than to be the guy doing the funny stuff. Somebody did a YouTube tribute to Bobby, and I was looking at it last night. I watched the clips fade, and I knew exactly what it was — it was a look I gave Jared when I was working on a gun. I was saying, ‘and it’s gonna take me as long as it takes me.’ And he asked if it was ready and I just gave this look. That kind of stuff is delicious. And a lot more fun than being the guy saying ‘Hey Bobby, is it ready?’ I can’t imagine anything more delightful than playing this guy.” Much to our amusement, Jim also brought up the power of subtext, a topic with which most Supernatural fans are quite familiar. When Jim took his turn at playing The Trickster in Season 3, he relied on the subtle nonverbal nuances that the Supernatural actors are so damn good at to give the viewer cues that Bobby is not who he appears to be. Jim: “I’ve always thought the best actors know something you don’t know. Like they’ve got a secret, and it may never get revealed. The best people I’ve seen act, I’m seeing all this stuff and there’s something underneath too, and it makes me want to watch and figure it out. Just to convey that there’s something going on other than just the words. I love to find bits of subtext that didn’t occur to me before. Subtext is great. My favorite movie in the world is John Ford’s The Searchers. The driving force is John Wayne’s love for his brother’s wife and vice versa. It’s the thing that drives virtually everything that happens to the main characters. And there is not one bit of dialogue actually relating that. You see the looks between the characters, you see his reaction when she dies, you see, but nobody says a word about it.” There followed a long conversation about Freudian interpretations of Sam and Dean and long looks and nonverbal cues, which eventually got around to a discussion of Jensen and Jared’s acting ability. Jim: “It wouldn’t work if these guys weren’t good actors. I think you could do an episode of Supernatural without a single word of dialogue with this bunch. Not for the gimmick value, but because the crew on this show is capable of doing an awful lot of expression non-verbally, and making people really think deeply about what is being conveyed with no words. I did an episode of Melrose Place, and I wouldn’t want to do an episode with no dialog with them. But on this show, we feed off each other pretty well. The fact that we all like each other is helpful, but it’s also the fact that Jared, Jensen and I must be very similar actors. We all three are the kind that can be joking around, and then they say action, and we are in it. None of us are the kind of guy that has to sit in a corner for an hour to get ready. Nothing wrong with that, but we’re just very attuned to the same kind of work. We just kind of relate to each other in ways that work well, and fit well. That the boys are good buddies and enjoy each other’s company, that too is not all that common. Sometimes magic hits. I don’t know if there is any coincidence that there are three guys whose names all start with J and are all from Texas. I feel like I’ve got a couple good friends in Jared and Jensen. And to a certain extent, you can’t fake that chemistry. I feel pretty lucky to be a part of it.” Jim did get serious at our late night (early morning?) dinner chat in Chicago when he talked about the challenge of his character being confined to a wheelchair, though, saying how tough it was to have to stay down all the time, to not be able to move around like you’re used to. (In our experience, Jim rarely stays still for long – where does the guy get all that energy??) Jim’s capacity for empathy is clearly one of the abilities that make him a kickass actor, and he went on to say that as difficult as it is playing Bobby in a wheelchair, he was always acutely aware that he could get up when they called ‘cut.’ He went on to say that Jared and Jensen delighted in ribbing him during some scenes where Bobby’s bare legs are showing as he’s sitting in the wheelchair in a hospital scene, taunting him about how pale and white his legs were. “So I explained to them,” he continued, voice growing serious, “that when I was in the POW camp, one of the things they did to us was they used bleach on our legs….and it was horrible….they’ll always be white like this because of that.” Lynn stared at him dumbfounded, mouth open in horror, trying frantically to remember whether Jim had ever spoken about being a POW before, wondering how Jim had survived, what kinds of scars – when Jim suddenly burst into laughter, slapped her on the knee and yelled “Gotcha!” Apparently, he got Jensen and Jared too. This time we’re glad we stayed up until 4 am. Totally worth it! We will continue through the launch of Lynn’s book with some of her best Supernatural interviews. Check out Misha’s chapter – along with many other cast and fan chapters – in Family Don’t End With Blood. You can pre-order it here.
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