#if you want to use this interpretation too feel free to grab it! I'd appreciate a little link back to this explanation though
notnarvvhal · 2 years
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「 Alright. After doing a fair bit of research into the CN line (which was pretty tough given that I do not speak or know chinese, so I have to rely on comparing references and asking third parties), I’ve concluded on not necessarily discarding the canon, but rather bending a bit the meaning into something a tad bit more logical, subject to tweaking depending on the official translation choices. Leaks talk under read more. 」
关于「少女」 … 愚人众执行官的席位是按照实力划分的,我不明白那个女孩为什么是「第三席」。有机会的话,我是想和排在我之前的执行官都比试一遍啦,但总有种不太想和她交手的感觉…不管怎么说,你也小心一点
The original text in CN for the line about Damselette. It alludes to the Harbingers being ranked by “实力”, which can indeed be translated to power, strength or abilities/capabilities. Reading through many translations of the concept itself though, people mention that the closest and most accurate way to translate it is “capabilities”.
The concept of a ranking through “capabilities” is still incredibly vague and subjective for me to grasp something more concrete, so the way I do intend to interpret this translation is that the ranking works through “experience”.
It doesn’t stray too far from the original concept I worked with, which was “ranked by joining order”, but does add a layer to differentiate the Harbingers beyond just their respective abilities and contribution to the high ranks. Since Childe does bring up that he’s in a lower rank than the others, it’s clear that his authority is a little more restrained due to his position as a newbie, so I’m willing to bend to this because it does make sense that a recently promoted captain will have less privileges than the other ones, regardless of his battle prowess and just general strength.
I do still believe he is stronger than a pair of the other Harbingers, though. And I still believe he’s one of the most dangerous within the ranks, specialized in the frontlines and surpassing several in the area of combat. What he does not have is a higher authority than the others, which would explain why they manage to send him away so often.
So basically, the change I’m doing within my own headcanons with the interpretation of this new information is: They share the same level of authority, only differentiated by areas of work > Each number represents a ranking of authority based on experience and time on-duty, in which everyone listens to Pierro’s orders.
If anyone with a better grasp at chinese can confirm that this intepretation is viable, I’d appreciate your approval or correction though jhbJHBDF this is still subject to tweaking
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
A Very Merry Birthday (5)
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Hey let's make this a wacky drabble. This week's prompt #80 Stop looking at me like that
Word count: 2000
Cast of characters: Drake, Kate, Preston Davis. (OC)
Rated PG: talk of mature themes, sexual innuendo
@wackydrabbles @darley1101 @sfb123 @mom2000aggie @fluffyfirewhiskey @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @kingliam2019 @no-one-u-know @nikkis1983 @glaimtruelovealways @texaskitten30 @bbrandy2002 @marshmallowsandfire
After exiting the stairway, Drake and Kate make their way down the hall to their room. He looked at her nervously as he dug into his pocket for his room key, "Are we really going through with this threesome thing?"
When they arrive at their door, Kate steps in front of Drake. Cupping his face in her hands she pulls him in for a kiss, her voice low, "Yes, we are. I'm only going to turn 27 once and I want it to be special." 
Drake smirks against her mouth and mumbles as their kisses continue, "What's so special about turning 27?"
Kate caresses the back of his neck and runs her fingers through his hair, "Nothing really, but do you know what?"
Kate runs the pad of her thumb across his bottom lip, and then licks her own. "I can still taste myself on your mouth and I like it."
Drake presses the room key into her hand and with the other hand goes into his jacket, making sure to slide his palm across her breast before retrieving his phone from the inside pocket. 
"You go on into our room, and I'll give Preston a call."
Kate chuckles, "Be nice to him, and please tell him again that I'm sorry for hurting him."
"I will."
Preston is sitting up in bed in his underwear and a t-shirt, with a small bag of ice wrapped in a pillowcase nestled against his groin. The pain had pretty much subsided by this point, but he wanted to make sure there was no chance of swelling. This hadn't been his first blow to the nuts, but knowing how it felt didn't make any time it happened again any less painful. 
Beside him on the bed is a half eaten sandwich on a plate that he had ordered from room service. It was still early in the evening and it bothered him to not have anything to do. If they were back home at Valtoria there would still be another two hours in his work shift. Back at home these were prime party hours and he'd have guests to keep tabs on with his usual crew of guards. If it was a quiet evening with no guests, he'd walk the halls and then patrol the perimeter outside and use the time to go over  the next day's sentry and active guard schedule in his head and get some welcome fresh air.
Once a month there would be an evening poker game amongst the senior staffers, which occasionally the Duke would join in on if the Duchess was away, but mostly it was a fun and casual night for the staff to tell funny anecdotes at their employer's expense. 
Tonight, after clicking through the limited channel options on his room's TV, he had resorted to browsing the social media on his phone. Thankfully the hotel had free wifi. Reaching over he grabs the last part of his sandwich and takes a bite, and then another to finish it. Now that his hand was free he shifted the ice pack to the side and gingerly fondled himself through his underwear. The ice had left him temporarily numb, but there didn't seem to be any unusual swelling so he transferred the ice pack over onto his dinner plate. Laying his phone on his chest he planted his hands on the bed and carefully scooted his ass down the bed so he could lie down on his back. With a sigh he folded his arms behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. 
After a few minutes of studying the crown moulding and lamenting the Ravenhurst's poor choice of wallpaper, he closes his eyes out of boredom. Out in the hallway he can hear the muffled voices of people approaching his room, expecting them to fade as they pass by. But this time they don't. Listening intently he recognizes the low tones of Drake's voice, and the faint inflection of Kate's laughter. So Mr. and Mrs. Smith, or Jones or whatever are back from their dinner date. Hope they had fun. 
There's the click of a door opening and closing and then the muffled footfalls of someone walking away, punctuated by the creek of the wooden floorboards under the carpet. Preston turns his head to look toward the door, curious. Pulling his hand out from behind his head he reaches for his phone before it can slide off his chest.
Drake shoved one hand in his pocket as he paced back and forth in the hallway, looking down at his phone. Of course it had to be the pocket with Kate's panties in it. He bunches them in his fist and sighs in frustration as he picks Preston's name out of his contact folder. How in the hell do I call someone and invite them to be the third person in a sexual situation? Especially when I really don't want him there in the first place? I could lie to her and say that I asked Preston and he declined. Yeah right, Kate's like a human lie detector and would know I'm not telling the truth. 
He presses the message icon on his screen and then stops to lean against the wall. As awkward a conversation this was about to be, it would be better conducted quietly.
The Duke::   Hi Preston, how are you feeling?
There's a brief pause and then Preston responds,
Preston::  I'm doing ok. How can I help you Sir?
The Duke:: I have an unusual request. You're free to decline if you don't feel up to the task.
Preston:: Ok. That's not suspicious at all. 🤔
The Duke:: First some questions. And again you can choose not to answer if you feel they're too personal.
Preston:: Should I be worried? This isn't some dangerous mission is it?
The Duke:: That all depends on how you behave.
Drake grins to himself and rubs his jaw as he waits for Preston to respond. The seconds tick by and then Preston answers.
Preston:: Are you out in the hall?
The Duke:: yes
A few seconds go by and he hears a door open and he looks up to see Preston pop his head out into the hall. 
"Pssst. Over here," he whispers.
Drake pushes away from the wall and tucks his phone into his back pocket. He looks quickly up and down the hall before walking over to Preston's room. He takes in his underdressed state and then grins at him, "You're going to think I'm crazy."
Preston steps back to let Drake step into the room. "Now I'm really curious."
Drake stands in the middle of the room feeling awkward, knowing he still had to ask the questions he had on his mind. Preston gestures toward the chair for Drake to have a seat, but he shakes his head.
"I'd rather stand." I'm too nervous to sit down. "But you might want to sit."
Preston shrugs and then sits down on the end of the bed. "What's on your mind, Sir?"
Drake doesn't know where to start. Just get the personal questions out of the way, you idiot, before you chicken out.
Taking a deep breath in Drake forces himself to push aside his nerves and decides to sit down after all. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and then leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Ok, then. Question one. Are you currently in a relationship?"
Preston's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "Uh, no. But why -...?"
Drake holds his hand up to interrupt him, "Just bear with me and then I'll get to the point."
Preston tilts his head, frowning, but crosses his arms and then waits. 
Drake scratches the back of his head, trying to find the words to ask the questions on his mind before he gets to the invitation from Kate.
"Are..are you straight? Gay? Something else?" Drake stammers, feeling anxious.
Preston can't help but laugh, "Are you asking me out on a date Your Grace?"
"I...just answer the question."
Preston shrugs, noting the nervous bounce of Drake's knee and the way he kept averting his eyes. He also couldn't help but notice that his shirt was half unbuttoned already and his hair was slightly messy. "I'm straight...I guess."
Drake looks up, "You guess? Either you are or you aren't.  Stop looking at me like that."
"Well when you get right down to it, these days when you're lonely enough and looking for that kind of pleasure a hole is a hole. If you understand what I mean? Between two consenting adults of course."
Drake wasn't expecting that kind of answer from Preston, and he's suddenly reminded of his own 27th Birthday. But he had one last question before he mentioned the threesome idea. Taking a deep breath he thought about Kate, and how she was expecting Preston to come back with him.
"Well, if you're thinking straight, I want your honest opinion about something."
Preston wasn't sure where this was going, but this had to be the strangest conversation he'd ever had with any boss he's ever had. Was it even ethical to have this kind of conversation? 
"Ok, sure. What do you want to know?"
"How do you feel about my wife?"
Preston wasn't sure how to answer that sort of question without getting a punch to the face. She'd already slapped him and mashed his nuts with her knee, but being the one to escort her to the restaurant had been exciting to say the least. He wasn't sure if he'd interpreted her suggestion correctly, that he should get handsy with her in order to get Drake's attention, or not. Or perhaps he had gone too far. He was certainly confused as to why Drake would show up in his room and start asking personal questions. He decided to keep his answer as ambiguous as possible.
"She's a beautiful woman, and a man would have to be blind not to desire her."
Drake nods, appreciating his answer, "Go on, I think there's more you want to say."
Preston's eyes narrow and he feels uncomfortable with Drake's tone of voice, "If you're trying to lead me on into admitting something as some sort of trap, I'm not falling for it. I was following her orders…"
Again Drake interrupts, "Yes, I get that. What I really want to know is if you enjoyed touching my wife like that?"
Preston carefully considers his answer. Yes, he had liked being able to touch her. But acting like a total ass had earned him a slap and a knee to the groin, and he knew that wasn't acceptable behavior. Kate didn't deserve to be grabbed like that. She had looked like candy wrapped in a red satin bow, and damn she had smelled like it too. He'd love to be lucky enough to have a woman like that. She would be like a gift, one he could unwrap everyday and never get tired of finding the same thing waiting for him on the inside.
"No, I didn't. K...Mrs. Walker shouldn't be touched that way without permission. It was wrong."
Drake's phone chimes and he checks it. He has a text message from Kate.
Kate:: have you asked him yet?
Drake:: getting there, be patient.
Drake looks up from his phone. "Smart answer. Now how would you like the chance to make it right?"
His phone chimes again. 
Preston chuckles, "What do you mean?"
Kate:: this kitty Kat is getting awfully lonely over here, and with an itch that needs to be scratched. It would be a shame if I had to handle it on my own. 😽😈
"Kate...Mrs. Walker, wants me to invite you over to our room. For some fun."
"What sort of fun?"
Drake's phone chimes again.
Kate:: tick tock, Walker. Are you two coming over to play?
"The naked kind."
Preston laughs, "You're right. I do think you're crazy."
Drake stands up. "Well are you in, or not?"
Preston shrugs, "What the Hell, I'm in."
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
I really love all your Bruce Wayne writings, so i'd like to request numbers 7, 17, 18, 29 for him.
Aaawww! Thank you so much!!! Stuff’s below the cut!
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7. What do they get up to on a night out?: Given that Bruce is the closest thing Gotham has to royalty, there’s only so much the two of you can get into without a few pitfalls. While Bruce isn’t against giving back to the community by supporting small businesses, he can’t always just march into the local greasy spoon -- no matter how much he wants to. He used to be able to do that in his youth but sadly, expectations became a bit heavier as he got older. Plus, given that he has to play the part of the owner of a billion-dollar corporation in addition to moonlighting as a local vigilante, date nights aren’t exactly a thing that can just spontaneously happen.
But when they happen, Bruce does whatever he can to make it count. Sure, dinner at the finest restaurants in Gotham or Metropolis is a given. Yes, a night out at the Metropolis Ballet is a nice treat. There are even occasions you’re able to convince Bruce to accompany you to the local donut hub for artisan baked goods. But the truth of the matter is that even when these things manage to get off the ground, there will often be a risk of watchers. Paparazzi. People sneaking photos and videos on their phones. It’s an absolute headache.
During which cases, the con of Bruce’s fame and wealth can also be used to your advantage.
It’s amazing what strings can be pulled just to get a night at the Gotham City Museum of Natural History to yourselves, for example.
It’s absolutely freeing: Security and management allows you both to freely roam the grounds, wandering from exhibit to exhibit. You’re free to dress as you like, talk without any airs that might’ve been posed in the public face. Jokes can be shared, absurd trivia dispensed, and you needn’t worry about how your displays of affection could be interpreted and broken down by the local tabloids and media. (Though let’s be real, you’ll be too busy holding hands because who wants to kiss when there’s model towns to look at?!)
Nights like these don’t happen very often. Not because Bruce doesn’t want to do them, but because of time. And because the both of you don’t want the magic to die off too quickly. Normally, ventures like this are reserved for when you need a pick-me-up from your favorite exhibit, or when a traveling exhibition makes the museum its temporary home. But you don’t mind: Every time is magical. (Plus, every time you go, Bruce lets you go nuts in the gift shop.)
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?: While the immediate expectation would be that Bruce takes the machine back to the night his parents died in order to thwart the attack, that’s actually . . . not likely. He may consider going back to stopping Robin from dying, but even that falls flat. The reasons are both the same: Time is a very fragile thing. Even if a bullet were mere centimeters away, something could change for the worst down the line. He barely trusts Barry to rewrite timelines, and that’s Barry’s actual thing!
As tempted as Bruce would be the entire while to undo everything, to undo something that would change everything, he just can’t bring himself to do it. It’s too risky.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?: Bruce has had many girlfriends in the past. And just about every one of them expected the same things: Bags, dresses, grand gestures to show just how far he was willing to go to earn their forgiveness (even if they were in the wrong). It became to frequent that towards the end of certain relationships, he just couldn’t be bothered anymore and would just send out assistants to do it. It had become a chore, a new way of exhausting him and making him feel less like a boyfriend who was wanted and more like a piggy bank that was tolerated. He hadn’t meant to lump you in with the lot, but it had become nearly second nature to him. In hindsight, of course, this was not the best way to go about things after your first fight. You’d never chased after his wealth after all, why start now? Nevertheless, he found himself acquiring gifts for you: Dresses in your favorite color, jewelry made form your favorite minerals, at least two more Switches so you could have even more Animal Crossing (“That’s how that works, right?” “Master Bruce, please -- ”). But he found himself at a loss when, even after presenting you with the bounty, you still didn’t seem to be happy, nor voice your forgiveness. Instead, you sighed deeply. “Bruce . . . Thank you. I appreciate the gesture. I really do. But can we please just . . . talk?” He blinked. That . . . wasn’t what he’d been expecting. Of course, it was an adjustment: He had to avoid the impulse to go about grabbing things he thought you’d like; and then there was the fact that if you knew you were wrong, you’d eventually come to him with an apology. That just wasn’t a thing Bruce was used to in his date mates. And as painful as it could be to open up in some respects, he does appreciate it after the fact to some degree. It forces you both to confront your faults and face maturer ways of dealing with the problem. From it, you can grow together as a couple, into a relationship Bruce actually feels is good for him.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?: For Bruce, it’s when you prove to him more and more that maybe not everything in Gotham has been corrupted. Bruce loves his city but he would be lying if he said it was the most embracing in the country. His parents saw potential in Gotham before their untimely ends, ans they took special care to help Bruce see it for himself. But as time went on, things got harsher. Harder. And in order to combat it, Bruce himself got harsher. Harder.
Maybe he didn’t need to, but that’s what he became convinced he needed to do. As a result, as he grew older, more cynical. Even when he wasn’t going about in a bat suit, he was still surrounded by less-than-pleasant company: Fair weather friends, sugar babies, people who wanted something from him. Nobody really saw him as a person after a while so much as they did something to siphon time, energy, and money out of. And it drained him of his patience, happiness, and hope. But then you came along. And you were like a flower blooming out of the dim, grey cracked Gotham City sidewalk: You were bright, you were patient, you didn’t want anything from him. But when you wanted his time, it was so you could get to know one another or talk. When you wanted his energy, it was so the two of you could go check out a strange, new exhibit at the aquarium or so he could help you run errands without getting bored. And the only thing you wanted with his money was for him to just pay for his own half of whatever meal you two had had while on a date.
You didn’t fetishize him or laugh at him or with him for your own benefit. You weren’t afraid to tell him when he was being too stiff or tell him that you needed to “eat the rich.” He appreciated that kind of honesty. But most of all, he appreciated that you made him feel . . . seen. He feels like he’s actually present now. Seen. Felt. Loved. And he wants you to feel that way, too.
The good news is, this sort of give-and-take is almost symbiotic in a sense: You making him feel seen and loved makes him want to open up to you even more. And when he does that, you can’t help but love what you’re seeing. Bruce has spent so much of his life putting on facades, be it to present himself as a playboy to the unassuming, or to be a stuff, rigid businessman so nobody would suspect debatable lunacy, or whatever’s going on with the whole Batman situation. So when he chooses you to be one of the few people in his life he wants to open up to, you can’t hep but welcome what he gives with open arms and an supportive mind.
When he smiles, it’s not the same, rehearsed grin he gives at press conferences; when he puts his heart into something, it’s not for the benefit of the company; when he laughs, it’s husky and tinged with genuine mirth and not canned and stale. He doesn’t talk to you like there’s a business proposal on the line because he actually likes talking with you. It’s a sign of trust and an effort being made on his part to communicate more, and you can’t help but be excited for what his true self will reveal next!
(Also, when he actually wears the Scrooge McDuck cuff links you got him as a joke, you know love is real.)
Thank you for asking!!!
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