regrettablewritings · 4 years
I really love all your Bruce Wayne writings, so i'd like to request numbers 7, 17, 18, 29 for him.
Aaawww! Thank you so much!!! Stuff’s below the cut!
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7. What do they get up to on a night out?: Given that Bruce is the closest thing Gotham has to royalty, there’s only so much the two of you can get into without a few pitfalls. While Bruce isn’t against giving back to the community by supporting small businesses, he can’t always just march into the local greasy spoon -- no matter how much he wants to. He used to be able to do that in his youth but sadly, expectations became a bit heavier as he got older. Plus, given that he has to play the part of the owner of a billion-dollar corporation in addition to moonlighting as a local vigilante, date nights aren’t exactly a thing that can just spontaneously happen.
But when they happen, Bruce does whatever he can to make it count. Sure, dinner at the finest restaurants in Gotham or Metropolis is a given. Yes, a night out at the Metropolis Ballet is a nice treat. There are even occasions you’re able to convince Bruce to accompany you to the local donut hub for artisan baked goods. But the truth of the matter is that even when these things manage to get off the ground, there will often be a risk of watchers. Paparazzi. People sneaking photos and videos on their phones. It’s an absolute headache.
During which cases, the con of Bruce’s fame and wealth can also be used to your advantage.
It’s amazing what strings can be pulled just to get a night at the Gotham City Museum of Natural History to yourselves, for example.
It’s absolutely freeing: Security and management allows you both to freely roam the grounds, wandering from exhibit to exhibit. You’re free to dress as you like, talk without any airs that might’ve been posed in the public face. Jokes can be shared, absurd trivia dispensed, and you needn’t worry about how your displays of affection could be interpreted and broken down by the local tabloids and media. (Though let’s be real, you’ll be too busy holding hands because who wants to kiss when there’s model towns to look at?!)
Nights like these don’t happen very often. Not because Bruce doesn’t want to do them, but because of time. And because the both of you don’t want the magic to die off too quickly. Normally, ventures like this are reserved for when you need a pick-me-up from your favorite exhibit, or when a traveling exhibition makes the museum its temporary home. But you don’t mind: Every time is magical. (Plus, every time you go, Bruce lets you go nuts in the gift shop.)
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?: While the immediate expectation would be that Bruce takes the machine back to the night his parents died in order to thwart the attack, that’s actually . . . not likely. He may consider going back to stopping Robin from dying, but even that falls flat. The reasons are both the same: Time is a very fragile thing. Even if a bullet were mere centimeters away, something could change for the worst down the line. He barely trusts Barry to rewrite timelines, and that’s Barry’s actual thing!
As tempted as Bruce would be the entire while to undo everything, to undo something that would change everything, he just can’t bring himself to do it. It’s too risky.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?: Bruce has had many girlfriends in the past. And just about every one of them expected the same things: Bags, dresses, grand gestures to show just how far he was willing to go to earn their forgiveness (even if they were in the wrong). It became to frequent that towards the end of certain relationships, he just couldn’t be bothered anymore and would just send out assistants to do it. It had become a chore, a new way of exhausting him and making him feel less like a boyfriend who was wanted and more like a piggy bank that was tolerated. He hadn’t meant to lump you in with the lot, but it had become nearly second nature to him. In hindsight, of course, this was not the best way to go about things after your first fight. You’d never chased after his wealth after all, why start now? Nevertheless, he found himself acquiring gifts for you: Dresses in your favorite color, jewelry made form your favorite minerals, at least two more Switches so you could have even more Animal Crossing (“That’s how that works, right?” “Master Bruce, please -- ”). But he found himself at a loss when, even after presenting you with the bounty, you still didn’t seem to be happy, nor voice your forgiveness. Instead, you sighed deeply. “Bruce . . . Thank you. I appreciate the gesture. I really do. But can we please just . . . talk?” He blinked. That . . . wasn’t what he’d been expecting. Of course, it was an adjustment: He had to avoid the impulse to go about grabbing things he thought you’d like; and then there was the fact that if you knew you were wrong, you’d eventually come to him with an apology. That just wasn’t a thing Bruce was used to in his date mates. And as painful as it could be to open up in some respects, he does appreciate it after the fact to some degree. It forces you both to confront your faults and face maturer ways of dealing with the problem. From it, you can grow together as a couple, into a relationship Bruce actually feels is good for him.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?: For Bruce, it’s when you prove to him more and more that maybe not everything in Gotham has been corrupted. Bruce loves his city but he would be lying if he said it was the most embracing in the country. His parents saw potential in Gotham before their untimely ends, ans they took special care to help Bruce see it for himself. But as time went on, things got harsher. Harder. And in order to combat it, Bruce himself got harsher. Harder.
Maybe he didn’t need to, but that’s what he became convinced he needed to do. As a result, as he grew older, more cynical. Even when he wasn’t going about in a bat suit, he was still surrounded by less-than-pleasant company: Fair weather friends, sugar babies, people who wanted something from him. Nobody really saw him as a person after a while so much as they did something to siphon time, energy, and money out of. And it drained him of his patience, happiness, and hope. But then you came along. And you were like a flower blooming out of the dim, grey cracked Gotham City sidewalk: You were bright, you were patient, you didn’t want anything from him. But when you wanted his time, it was so you could get to know one another or talk. When you wanted his energy, it was so the two of you could go check out a strange, new exhibit at the aquarium or so he could help you run errands without getting bored. And the only thing you wanted with his money was for him to just pay for his own half of whatever meal you two had had while on a date.
You didn’t fetishize him or laugh at him or with him for your own benefit. You weren’t afraid to tell him when he was being too stiff or tell him that you needed to “eat the rich.” He appreciated that kind of honesty. But most of all, he appreciated that you made him feel . . . seen. He feels like he’s actually present now. Seen. Felt. Loved. And he wants you to feel that way, too.
The good news is, this sort of give-and-take is almost symbiotic in a sense: You making him feel seen and loved makes him want to open up to you even more. And when he does that, you can’t help but love what you’re seeing. Bruce has spent so much of his life putting on facades, be it to present himself as a playboy to the unassuming, or to be a stuff, rigid businessman so nobody would suspect debatable lunacy, or whatever’s going on with the whole Batman situation. So when he chooses you to be one of the few people in his life he wants to open up to, you can’t hep but welcome what he gives with open arms and an supportive mind.
When he smiles, it’s not the same, rehearsed grin he gives at press conferences; when he puts his heart into something, it’s not for the benefit of the company; when he laughs, it’s husky and tinged with genuine mirth and not canned and stale. He doesn’t talk to you like there’s a business proposal on the line because he actually likes talking with you. It’s a sign of trust and an effort being made on his part to communicate more, and you can’t help but be excited for what his true self will reveal next!
(Also, when he actually wears the Scrooge McDuck cuff links you got him as a joke, you know love is real.)
Thank you for asking!!!
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hopevalley · 3 years
Season 8, Episode 10: Old Love, New Love, Is This True Love
All right, so...like I said, work has picked up and my eyes feel like old marbles from staring at numbers (the woes of working in accounting I guess) so I want to get this written up and tossed into the nether before I lose steam and motivation to do it. The interesting thing about these little write-ups is that as the week goes on they just get harder and harder to write...
I do apologize in advance to those who like the long-winded write-ups. I’m just not up to it at the moment. Still feeling kind of bleh from the episode.
Let’s go back to an old format, shall we?
The Good
We might as well start out with the things about this episode that I enjoyed! 
Gossip Hour with the Men was one of the best openers they’ve had on the show in a while. It was genuinely funny without being meanspirited. Nobody looked like the bad guy. Everyone just calmly talked about it alike it was a normal thing to maybe call off the wedding. Bill calling out Carson for giving marriage advice was pretty funny, Mike was a delight. I don’t know what to say. I’d watch a whole episode of The Boys just hanging around spending time together.
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Florence’s worry that she’s ugly was...not a terrible idea for a storyline, but the actress is too good-looking to pretend to be ugly (I saw her in this pretty yellow dress on Instagram a couple years ago and she was smashing)? Also, it’s not like Ned is a handsomely aged gentleman (like Henry lol) so it makes even less sense for the characters. I think they should have gone with Florence feeling she’s “plain” and that dressing up Super Nice makes her feel uncomfortable because she just doesn’t feel like Herself and worries maybe it’s projecting a false sense of Who She Is or something? I guess overall I still liked that an attempt was made to add some depth to Florence and her difficulties in choosing a dress/hairstyle, so...it goes here.
Ned asking Henry to be his best man was nice, too. I can forgive the shoddy pacing and weird placement of this request (like I do with almost everything in the show) but only because the scene was just...so incredibly wholesome. 
I like how Henry just casually is like, “Well maybe today’s just not the day.” I think it eased Ned’s mind just a little that he CAN back out if he really wants to.
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I think it’s worth thinking about the fact that Ned and Henry would have always worked very closely, since the mercantile would have been a company store before the mine closed down... I like Henry and Ned as pals.
I’m glad the “investment” thing with Jesse and Clara’s savings was brought up in a way that...makes sense. And also, glad it wasn’t forgotten.
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I really liked Molly and Florence in this episode. I’m a little sad Florence married Ned because I AM SORRY BUT I WANTED TO KEEP SHIPPING MOLLY AND FLORENCE TOGETHER UGHGHGHH
But their relationship is so good and maYBE Elizabeth will learn something from them.
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Hey Elizabeth...you see that?
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Just saying.
And then later...
“You are the sister I never had, the mother I forever wanted, the friend I have always needed. From the depths of those dark and terrifying coal mines you’ve walked beside me, picking me up whenever I’ve stumbled along the way.”
I’m...really liking Fiona and Mike’s relationship, whatever it is. I kind of think they’re not headed toward anything romantic. Everyone thinks Mike is really into Fiona but at the end of the episode we realize he likes talking to her about business; it’s almost like they have this shared passion for numbers/ideas and he likes infodumping to her (and vice-versa).
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I think they’re going to end up being “just friends” and Fiona will end up paired off with the man Elizabeth doesn’t choose. They hinted at Nathan briefly in this episode (with Allie’s hair), but who knows? I’m over trying to speculate on where the triangle is going at this point, but I actually like Fiona’s relationship with Mike so much that I’ll be disappointed if she fades into the background with Nathan or Lucas. Mike deserves more screentime. 
Ned and Florence sharing their fIRST KISS. My husband got emotional over this. And I admit, it was starting to get to me, too. I can’t NOT root for them. 
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I said it before and I’ll say it again: I WOULD DIE FOR THE CANFIELDS.
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The wedding was nice. I liked that Bill and Joseph officiated it together; it gives Joseph a li’l trial run of pastoring and finally Bill gets to use some of that power of his to officiate a wedding.
“Please, if you’d like” is such a Bill way to say that they may kiss LOL.
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Also, I have to admit that I did enjoy Lucas calling Nathan out about Allie. She wouldn’t be caught in the middle if he’d leave Elizabeth alone AND HE IS RIGHT LMAO.
The last good thing: Elizabeth telling Nathan she doesn’t blame him for Jack’s death. Nice. Good. Thank you. He probably needed to hear that.
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I appreciated that Carson had the ring ages ago, and I did like his conversation with Minnie—or more accurately, her advice to him. I felt like she was nudging him toward, “Remember why you became a surgeon in the first place.” If he became a surgeon to help people, then there’s no reason he can’t help people where he is. Sure, he might not be doing state of the art procedures but with Faith working alongside him, he can afford time to learn new things and go to doctor conventions or even take a specialized class now and then. No other doctor could get away for very long but he has that chance!
And he’ll arguably be doing more good in the middle of nowhere than in the city. All the doctors want to live in the city. Nobody wants to barely get paid for their time in the countryside.
We had a whole episode that made it clear that Faith and Carson don’t make a lot of money and do a lot of charity work. They also work for trade goods (mostly food). So it’s like...a pretty big difference in lifestyle? 
Half the reason I can’t get invested in these characters is because I really can’t stand Paul Greene. He just...annoys me on every single level imaginable. But he’s a decent actor and I can’t help but feel that his character was a massive waste of space for the past few seasons through no fault of the man himself. Imagine introducing a character like Carson and then leaving him to rot before you try to make him interesting with a romance plot that nobody asked for.
Yes, some people really like Faith and Carson, but as a whole I think the fandom didn’t buy into them as a ship due to the lack of chemistry.
It really is a shame. This episode didn’t do a thing to endear me to either character. Please, Carson. I am begging you to leave town.
This one particular line of dialogue almost enraged me.
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How could Katie have...looked up to her? She was never in her class? That was? Never part of anything? It was just something they threw in here to force Elizabeth to make 1% more sense in the role she’s in but IT STILL DOESN’T WORK.
I felt like I was back in Season 5 again with Lori and Elizabeth putting their nose in everyone’s business except it’s just Elizabeth!! The whole plot, which was boring and contrived anyway, should have gone to Molly, since she’s Florence’s best friend and another woman from town that Katie would have known as a child.
I know they wanted to make Elizabeth give advice so that she’d Realize that she needs to, I don’t know, make better choices or something, but it was too on the nose for me and I hated it.
GinithePooh on Reddit made a good comparison to Elizabeth in this episode by saying she reminded them of Clippy from Microsoft Word, always popping up and offering to help when nobody really needs or wants advice.
To honor their incredible idea, I opened Photoshop and created this gem, which I will also be posting separately so that people can reblog it if they wish to.
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I also don’t think I need to say also filed under The Bad is the fact that Elizabeth didn’t even apologize for being awful to Rosemary and then gave her unsolicited advice to other people for two days straight. I can’t believe they wrote that? 
All I can say is that her apology to Rosemary, when it comes, better be good.
And I didn’t like this either:
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I wish it had been followed up by literally anything: Nathan saying he’s sorry he didn’t tell her sooner or something to make the hand-holding actually be a little more innocent.
As it is, it just seems so deliberate? 
Maybe the next episode starts off right in this scene and we’ll get that? If so, this might actually end up being fine. I just don’t think it is if it doesn’t get a little more direct attention.
I debated on putting anything in here, because I’m not ready to talk about my feelings on this matter, at least not fully. But I’ve been pretty quiet all season so far, and...eh, why not just mention things in advance? What will it hurt?
Let me preface this section by saying I’m biased and I doubt hardly anyone on this site will agree with me, so feel free to just ignore this part if that’s the case.
There are two things that I really didn’t like in this episode.
I hate the slanting toward Bill/Molly.
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I like Molly just fine but I don’t like her with Bill. I’m biased as all getout and also worried about the future/potential Season 9 with regards to this. I don’t want to see it. Like at all. Why, you ask? You should know why if you follow me. I’m super transparent.
It’s because I like AJ AND I WANT HER BACK LOL.
John Tinker rewatched the series so we know he wouldn’t have missed that hanging plot thread—especially since he didn’t forget any of the other things that were brought up this season! So why didn’t she appear this season? The love triangle absolutely needed to be a focus or it would have never ended, so that’s part of it, but I’m also pretty sure Josie Bissett wasn’t interested in doing any filming last year during Covid. My only “proof” is that Wedding March 6 wasn’t filmed last year even though it was scheduled to be filmed, but it makes sense. Last year was chaos.
THAT SAID, Jack Wagner posted on his Instagram the other day that they are actually filming Wedding March 6 now, so... I guess AJ’s re-appearance in Season 9 wouldn’t come as too much of a surprise if they wanted to write it.
You’d think I’d be hyped about that, and I kind of am? But it doesn’t come without its share of worries, too. We just had the worst love triangle in the history of love triangles and I really don’t want another one, especially if it makes any of the characters in question look stupid or mean.
I fully admit a well-written love triangle could be a LOT of fun for them* (low stakes because they’re not front and center characters), but I saw how Nathan was written so far this season and I really, REALLY do not want to see that happen to Molly, Bill, or AJ.
Anyway, not a fan of the Molly/Bill stuff. No chemistry. I don’t want it.
*I would totally write a fanfic like this lmao.
And finally...the part that everyone will hate me for:
I DO NOT WANT TO SEE ABIGAIL COME BACK. And I specifically do not want her to come back ‘cause I do not wanna see Henry/Abigail happen.
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I fully recognize that a lot of you like it and ship the heck out of it, and that’s...good. I’m glad you enjoy it. I loathe it, though, and I worry that all these hints (more like...mentions) are leaning toward...something. Like, either they’re:
1) Sending Abigail off/tying up that loose end with Henry (since nothing was ever clarified either way), or
2) Warming up the audience to receive Abigail back on the show.
I’m pretty into the idea of one-sided Henry/Abigail. Hindsight is 20/20, regrets, that’s all some juicy stuff to give a character like Henry. Some things can’t ever be made right again. He had too direct of a connection to the death of her husband and son for me to ever want to see them together. Forgiveness? Yes. A careful but meaningful friendship? Yes. Romantic relationship? Uh...no thanks.
I liked the Abigail mentions at first because I felt like...the character still mattered (as she should) but I’m at a point where I feel like they’re trying really hard to steer the fandom’s view a certain way and not knowing where it’s going is extremely unsettling to me.
I’ll probably talk more about the things that bother me when the season ends, because I’m hoping to have a better idea of where things are going to be headed, but for now just...know that I feel very apprehensive.
And keep in mind that I primarily watch this show for Bill these days, since all my previous faves (AJ, Frank, the old Abigail, Dottie) have exited, stage left. I also always really liked seeing Henry. So as you can imagine, seeing plotlines I hate for the only two characters I’m invested in? Is making me consider dropping the series next year.
My husband told me I should hate-watch it, but I don’t know if my heart can take it. I’ve been following this series for so long...it just...kind of hurts to feel let down like this? 
But sometimes an ongoing series ends up going where you...didn’t want it to, and it becomes something that’s no longer right for you. I hope that doesn’t happen, but last night’s episode makes me feel like...it might be happening for real this time.
I guess if that holds true it’ll be back to fanfiction for me. Will that novelization I planned ages ago end up getting written? Will I write the best love triangle fanfic known to man? WHO KNOWS.
For now, we’ll all have to wait and see! Two more episodes left. I’m really curious to see how they resolve some of the open plots right now. :>
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m0onbean · 6 years
enemies to lovers!eunwoo
okay so rivals to lovers!AU with eunwoo where do i start
the rivalry began one day when you were sitting in the library at your normal seat, studying for your next exam
and you usually go to the library everyday because when you’re at home you can’t seem to stay focused because of your roommate who’s always inviting her friends in your dorm at midnight and blasting Katy Perry
so the library is your go-to study spot and it’s always been for the past school years
you would always plop yourself at the table in the deserted corner of the library where all of the boring textbooks are
until that one day you came to your table, ready to cram in your last minute studying when you see a boy????? already sitting there????????
the boy is wearing this plaid shirt with the buttons near his collar not buttoned up
and he’s super handsome
and he’s like reading this small book and he’s so immersed in the story that he doesn’t even realize your presence until you set your backpack on the table and clear your throat
and with your most polite voice you’re like “you’re sitting in my seat, can you please move to the other chair?”
bc the table you sat at only had one (1) chair and all of the other tables had people at them (ew)
but the brunette haired boy just glances at you for a secOND then returns to his book aND YOURE LIKE ???!???!!!???
so you repeat yourself and you’re like “sIR this is my seat!!!! pLs move im dying”
“i don’t see your name on it” he mutters without batting an eye anD you’re like so done and you’re about to yell at him until your phone rings and ur like brb lemme delay this ass beating later
when you check, it’s your mom & ur like sh00t so you blast outside of the library and temporarily forget your anger
so the next day, you return to your table only to find the SAME EXACT boy sitting in your seat this time with a different book
and you don’t even feel like arguing you just sit at another table and do your work
...although you prefer your own isolated table because nobody else sits there
and from then on it becomes like a race everyday to see who can get to the table first
if you win, then the boy ends up sitting at the other tables with the loud teenagers and you swear you can feel him glaring into your head from across the room
but if he wins, you have to sit there and now it’s your turn glaring at him
and the weird thing is that you two never directly communicated with each other?
you don’t even recall hearing his voice tbh
it’s like this unspoken rivalry ,,, and even though it’s super irritating how he snatches your table,,, it adds a dash of playfulness and fun into your boring school life
so this game you two play goes on for weeks until one stressful day
your teacher yelled at you in front of the class which made you late to your next class which led to another mad teacher and so on
you left your binder of homework at your dorm so you got marked off on your grades
your roommate left the house in a hot mess after a slumber party she had last night
and it’s just,,,,, everything is crashing down at you at once and it’s just so,, suffocating
and you’ve managed to hold everything in until up to moment you’re in the library
the minute you reach your table you just collapse on the ground from exhaustion
you hear a yell and you feel an awkward hand on your back
and in a sweet voice you hear “hey!!?? are you okay? (y/n) answer me”
and when you look up you’re surprised to see the boy who’s been snatching your table looking down at you with concern swimming in his eyes
and wow,, he’s so good looking up close
then you see a blush creep up on his cheeks and you’re like shIT i’m staring
you nod shyly and tell him you’re just tired af because it was a rough day
next thing you know he’s leading you to a convenience store and buying you a cup of latté
he introduces himself as eunwoo & you remember that he said your name earlier so you’re like “hey eunwoo how did you know my name??”
and he gets flustered and is like “uHhh you’re really well known... around the campus”
and even though you’re like hMMM you let it slide and you end up spilling your feelings to him
feelings about how you’re pressured for the future and how school is a pain in the ass
and the whole time he just listens and nods his head while giving commentary like “oh that’s horrible” or “wow i cant believe she did that”
by the end of it you’re both done with your drinks and you feel so so much more better
then you see eunwoo hesitating and you’re like ?!!!
he was actually contemplating whether he should hug you or not but mans is too awkward for that
he ends up just ruffling your hair
WHICH makes your heart go dududududu
and you’re like “thanks for listening... i feel so much better because of you.”
eunwoo just smiles and says something along the lines of “o-of course”
when you check the time you see that it’s close to your curfew so you both wave goodbye to each other
the next day, you see that eunwoo is still sitting at your table, only this time there’s an extra chair on the other side
so when you approach him he immediately shoots up and is like “i got you an extra chair so we don’t have to fight anymore”
& ur like oh.. o h okay we should’ve done this earlier
you two spend most of your time in peaceful silence while you study and he reads a different book everyday
occasionally you would steal glances of him because he looks... so attractive... just READING
and while you’re not paying attention eunwoo also stares at you bc wow.. you look so beautiful focused on your homework
there would be moments where you two would catch each other staring which leads to two very flustered faces and awkward tension
but trust me it’s adorable
even the librarian is cooing in the background
eventually eunwoo asks for your number and tries to make an excuse like “oH just in case you’re stressed out again”
in reality he just wants to talk to you
and when you smirk and say “oh okay eunwoo are we stepping up this friendship??”
he’S LIKE W O T .... PPFFFT seriouslyhowdidyouknow
and since eunwoo is rlly romantic he would send text messages like “did you eat?” or “stop studying and sleep”
and it’s so sweet and considerate you feel your heart bursting with so much love how can someone be so cute??????
occasionally you’d flirt around to purposely make him flustered
like you’d hold his hand randomly in the library when it’s “cold”
or you would randomly text him “i miss you”
the day he asks you out is when you two are talking on the phone at midnight bc eunwoo called you to stop you from studying
and while you’re talking you hear his sleepy voice say “you’re so adorable i just want to hug you”
and by this point how is this considered platonic AAAAAAAAA
you’re about to respond playfully but he continues and is like “i really like you”
but in real life you’re like “i do too :)”
the next day he finds you outside your dorm and hugs you tightly before you can even get out a “good morning”
he tries to get you a new drink every morning but fails many times since your classes are so early and eunwoo just caNT wake up that early
and since you’re dating now he moved his chair next to yours so you’re both on the same side of the table :))
you two share earbuds and alternate from each other’s playlists everyday
he introduces you to his loud friends and his roommate Moonbin
moonbin is like a wild version of eunwoo and loves teasing you two every chance he gets
he’d use eunwoo’s embarrassing childhood stories as blackmail if eunwoo didn’t cook him something
regardless though, he would still tell you about that time eunwoo married a tree in elementary school dkzjsoakao
eunwoo as a boyfriend would try not to be clingy but he just can’t help but squish your cheeks and wrap his arms around you bc you’re juST so cute <3
you’d listen to him rant about books and give you summaries about each book he’s reading
how he manages to finish one whole book each day is still a mystery to you
but because of that he’s literally so smart
he excels in literature and language and leverything
he’s just a little... weak... in math LMAO
a lot of girls would glare at you two bc they’re jealous you got the hottest guy on campus and they’d probably be like “you don’t deserve eunwoo” a lot
and that honestly ... lowers your self esteem so so much because you understand why you don’t deserve him
this leads to an argument you two have where he’s telling you that you deserve him just as much as he deserves you!!!!!!!!
of course, this takes a lot of time for you to learn but eventually you’ll feel like you Deserve him because yes!! yes you do!!
it’s also tiring for eunwoo to always be seen as the model and the perfect and hot guy of the school ,,,, that’s why he likes you so much
you treat him like the most precious human being and are genuinely interested in him... not just his looks
you assure eunwoo so many times that even if he looked like your foot you would love him as much as you do now
aND that makes him giggle and wow he’s so in love with you
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