#if you're having a life crisis call up your libra
poetess-trobadour · 4 months
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"Will I have the choice to decide?
If I wanna believe like my life is mine"
My (unpopular) take on zodiac vibes, part 7 ♎️✨️
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seafoamreadings · 10 months
week of december 10th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're in for a week that's a bit chaotic, but mostly in a good way. i've often said that although aries is represented by a ram it's got more of a baby goat energy, which definitely involves a lot of chaos. it's you, so go forth and thrive in it!
taurus: this is a great time for philosophical pursuits. the big key will be remaining receptive. if you're not open to receiving new knowledge, you'll doom yourself to remain in ignorance, which is not auspicious these days. so whatever piques your intellectual interest, approach it with an open beginner's mind.
gemini: upheaval in your closest relationships is on the menu this week, especially ones in which you share resources, split rent, or get tax benefits. upheaval isn't always bad but it isn't always fun either.
cancerians: the new moon in sagittarius is a good time to set intentions around health and wellness, routines and rituals, and your daily life and work. so if you're the type who sets new year's resolutions, consider doing that a smidge early and starting at least to plan it out with this moon! plus a mercury retrograde beginning this week affects your committed partnerships for the next month or so.
leo: sagittarian activity all week including a new moon zests up your fun and romantic life. be creative and glamorous. meanwhile mercury retrograde can throw your routines for a loop, so try to be flexible about such things.
virgo: this is a great week for you to make changes around your home, welcome a new roommate or pet, decorate, etc. meanwhile for you, this IS the type of mercury retrograde that 'brings exes back,' so be prepared for that. you ARE allowed to talk to them but make sure that's something you actually would WANT before the 'opportunity' arises... or slaps you in the face, as the case may be. plan before acting! stick to your boundaries!
libra: while many don't think of librans as particularly intellectual beings, you know otherwise and it shows during a week like this one. you consume information voraciously and store it away for critical analysis and beneficial applications at a later time. a mild chaos in the home may occur but fortunately, you know just how to handle it and prevent a crisis.
scorpio: money goals are blessed from this new moon. but you will need to consciously avoid debt, forgive others what they might owe you, and strive for financial independence. meanwhile communication errors are likely in writing, so double check texts and emails before sending. maybe triple check them. maybe don't send them at all if possible. avoid signing contracts if you can.
sagittarius: new moons in your sign are glow up vibes, but also come with some shaking up in your relationships with others. try to let that be novelty rather than disagreements. your mercury retrograde warning this time around is to watch your money, be prepared to call your bank to resolve errors, and maybe wait until february or so for major purchases or serious accounting that isn't strictly necessary.
capricorn: although you can get through and over anything, it's not always fun to have to. but this is not an easy week for capricorns, as a mercury retrograde occurs in your sign immediately after a 12th house new moon. set spiritual intentions from the beginning of the week, knuckle down and strive onward but don't expect perfection or swiftness. be proud of yourself just for carrying on!
aquarius: this week's new moon and broader sagittarian vibes are great for your social life and any networking you need or want to do. you're friendly and people want to be around you! at the same time, though, mercury retrograde in your 12th house can tend to at least partially cancel out this vibe, making things seem a bit gloomy, maybe fixating you on surmounting an obstacle of some kind.
pisces: old friends, new friends, fictional friends, friends you only know from the dream realm all have the potential to resurface or disappear under this week's influences. you transcend time of course, so this need not be a huge worry for you, although small comings and goings can be emotional in the moment. feel it and let it pass through you, then continue. be on the lookout for helpful people who don't seem real. they may not be, but the help they provide is.
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1111jenx · 4 years
Astrology Observ Rants: 🌜random placements🌛
Heyyyy!! So I was really inspired by this one fellow blogger that i have mutuals with on my tumblr feed and decided to start writing some rants!😆 Take this easy and have fun! Lemme know what you guys think down below:)
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1. Leo Moon/Venus/Rising. You do not need others validation to feel happy. When people tell you to back off, back off. Repeat after me until that becomes real. I'm a Leo Rising/Venus so I truly know this best. Some of us really see red flag as a sign to chase lol
2. Are you really bestfriends with a Scorpio Venus if they never told you all of their sketchy schemes? Oh you didn't know that they created a fake Tinder account and spent 2 hours swiping left on the app at 1AM in the morning to see if they will find their s/o account? Even if their s/o is sound asleep next to them? You didn't know they do that? They probably not your bestfriend then😬 (Mix this with Virgo/Libra energy and you get a demon)
3. A big hug then a loving slap to all of my Gemini Sun with Leo Venus out there! Some of y'all are simply crazy possessive but refuse to show it somehow? Why do you feel so much but show so little? Being in love will not make you guys distracted. Show the world how big your heart is. My Leo Venus will really appreciate this thank you.
4. Sagittarius moon people... Are you guys like... Okay? Literally any sun with sagittarius moon are the worst overthinkers I've met in my life, worst temper too. I'm not sure why some people believe Sag moon slacks off and ignore the problem. In my experience I have not met any Sagittarius moon thats not either 1. confrontational 2. extreme anger issues 3. extreme identity crisis 4. truly feel bad when they did someone dirty and can owe up to their wrongs 5. STUDIOUS ( My mom has this and her sun is in Gemini and despite her age, she's currently learning 2 new languages and has traveled to most countries in the world, I'm serious)
5. I didn't really get why Sagittarius men have such a bad reputation until I met one. Wow. And y'all have the audacity to call Gemini men evil? Have you met a Sag man with water placements?
6. Gemini Rising please please please calm down. I love your energy when you're at your best. Literal sunshine! But your moodiness is INSANE and you guys have anxiety so bad sometimes I just wanna give y'all a hug.
7. Hey Aquarius Rising! It's time to let go of this toxic cycle. You know you deserve better. Clinging on people who won't share the spotlight with you don't do any good.
8. I'm sorry I typed formla instead of *formula! Now can you shut up and stop taking screenshots of my grammar errors? Yeah I'm talking about you guys, Virgo Moon/Mars.
9. I feel like no one ever talks about how Cancer Mercury can either never freaking open up??? Like at all??? Or can't shut up about their emotions??? Like its either the former or the latter it's tiring boo.
10. Gemini Mercury aspecting Venus. Please. Make a decision.
11. Capricorn mars energy makes me wanna bend over and let them torture me sometimes. But only when they're heartless and don't give a damn about me. When they start to care it's like they want us to elope ASAP.
12. I think it'd be best if Aries Moon people sit down and lock themselves up in a room when they're about to throw a tantrum. This will really help your relationships.
13. Pisces sun women and their relationships with their grandparents. A lot of Pisces I know grow up with their grandparents!! Not a rant just a fun fact lol.
14. Pisces Moon people are delusional. I said what I said. Y'all really believe blasting "Attract my ex come back to me affirmations RHZ" will manifest your ex back in your life. Get a therapist. (I'm a Pisces moon so I know. Don't come for me)
15. Finally, Leo sun with Libra venus❤️ I read somewhere saying that you guys are angels! You are. But in the same time. Some of y'all will risk it ALL when you want someone. I mean literally. Stop it.
saint jenx🪐
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
Easter Tarot Spread 2022- Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
New Birth- Fool- Fresh start, pure potential. Scorpio also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Cracking Ideas- Tower- Sudden change, upheaval.
Fertile New Growth- Ace of Swords- Truth and mental clarity. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Four of Pentacles- Stability in money and possessions. 
How to smash through challenges- Knight of Pentacles- “The Guardian” A determined person (I see this as you, Capricorn)
Star seed Oracle Card- Weight of the World- 
Happy Easter, Capricorn. This holiday you will face a fresh start that will bring huge changes in your life. Changes that will in the long run provide you with more money and a greater ability to see the truth, However, the universe may force this change upon you in an unexpected way- which can be overwhelming. Keep a determined attitude through this period and you will prosper. You may find your life is a lot easier in this new phase than it was in the past.
New Birth- Hermit- Seeking higher truths, going quiet on everyone for awhile. This is a Virgo card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Cracking Ideas- Four of Pentacles- Material stability and security. Sagittarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fertile New Growth- Page of Wands- “The Free Spirit”
Abundant gifts coming your way- Knight of Wands- “The Adventurer”
How to smash through challenges- Two of Wands- Partners, hollow success. 
Star seed Oracle Card- The Cosmic Heart- Search yourself for what you want and dream big. 
Happy Easter, Aquarius. I feel with all the court cards present you have a lot of people you answer to (Or it feels that way to you at least.) Rather than live up to other people’s expectations you're going to turn inward to figure out what it is you want to do. Doing what’s expected of you has given you hollow success, but if you pursue your own dreams you will achieve much more success and find happiness. With all the wands in your reading I think a lot of fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) may be at the heart of the situation.
New Birth-Judgment- Redemption, higher calling. 
Cracking Ideas- Three of Swords- Betrayal, heart break. Libra also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fertile New Growth-Queen of Cups- Intuition. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Ten of Swords- Rock bottom, crisis. 
How to smash through challenges- Two of Pentacles- Being able to juggle all aspects of life. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Wait- 
Happy Easter, Pisces. A heart break will rock you to your core. This doesn’t have to be a betrayal by a romantic partner, it will be someone close to your heart though. Work through your emotions and make sure you have your ducks in a row before you make any decisions. Now is not the time to be rash.
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1111jenx · 4 years
Hi ❤️✨ can you tell me something about Saturn in the 1st?
Ofcourse luv! ( omg i had this whole 2 pages typed out for yall but my computer decided to be silly all of the sudden now i'm redoing everything so pls b patient with me 🥲💞 )
my rising series(on-going)
Saturn 1st house/ Capricorn rising:
cold, distant exterior⚡️( saturn is very far from the sun, is also a v "dry" planet )
air of regality and entitlement to them. almost similar to leo/taurus rising but wayyyyy more detached imo(saturn=teacher)
usually comes from a very well educated family or very expressive, socially active family.
i notice they're super drawn to fire heavy people? maybe its because their aries 4H they feel very comfortable with fire energy and perhaps even find us chaotic people entertaining to a degree🤣
these babies are their worst enemies. they're extremely self critical and no one sees their own flaws like they do🥺
others rely on them, they just seem so put together and you know that once they're stepping in to take over, things will be okay.
coldest fucking stares when they're mad. omg just don't get on their bad side. watch them come to y'all with receipts and fact-checking while you're going off on your bs🥰 ( even worse than virgo rising, trust me on this. )
constant identity crisis and worry about everything🥺 they always feel as if they can never truly be content, they always yearn for more, for "perfection" and they feel that their success is too minimal.
overachiever. some people said they're not competitive?? honest to god they'd probably just didn't care enough. once they do watch them pour their heart and soul into it.
dedicated💞 loyal💞 lowkey affectionate💞
want to make a saturn 1H/cap rising feels good? compliment them on their success! acknowledge their hard work and sleepless nights! they may act as if they're happy on their own but they secretly need that reassurance.
not the type to be irrational with you when things are rough. my capricorn rising libra sun friend deadass screamed at me while I was fired up in one of my tantrums like "sit your ass down we're gonna figure this out". wouldn't bullshit or give me superficial support, just started to create a freakin list with bullet points, detailing step by step to overcome my problem💀
if you're acting stupid, watch them call you out on your bs. they have no problem with that.
hates hatesssssss crying (in public especially). a lot of cap rising has Aries 4H so they were taught to be independent and self reliant from a young age, to them individuality means more than anything and they'd literally die before being embarrassed in public💞
gets ANNOYED when people don't follow "the plan". if you cancel on them last min without giving a concrete reasons like your mom was hospitalized or something, they'd get very veryyyyy mad. if you can't do something, let them know beforehand, don't wait til 20 mins before the thing happened 💀 ( i learned this the hard way guys. lessons learned )
trendsetters🕊 elegance style, looks expensive without trying, literally anything look hella boujee on them!!!
picky with their appearance. takes criticism seriously too!!
sarcasm and extreme dry sense of humour. naturally serious nature but their jokes are so goofy and dry?! but its so sooo funny for some reason
they bite. i'm so serious have you seen them losing it on someone? watch them drag you to hell and back with their words.
a taste for finer thing in life (taurus 5H). they truly appreciate aesthetics and beauty🖤
an animal in the bed, so sooo dominant and they have this appraisal kink? worship them and watch them treat you like royals. (leo 8H) like is that really the person who just did an hour long presentation about types of bureaucracy ???
when traveling with them you'll b sure they'd plan out everything for ya, they know people and they have done their research on almost everything.
they love when someone makes them feel like home. (cancer 7H) they're super into caring and observing people. they notice the smallest thing so don't try to manipulate them haha🤣
the type that sees everything and sees through your bs but will ignore it for your sakes if they like you🥲
mature from a young age or was forced to grow up. as a child they were pretty care free but soon were introduced to adulthood almost immediately.
amazing bodies. models. bone structure > (saturn rules bones of the body)
materialistic. don't blame them they just know better than yall. money can't buy love but it can buy that LA mansion.
suprisingly into charity and believe in giving back to society tho!! esp if well aspected. (aquarius 2H)
metal mentality. unfazed. watch them go "oh?" when you tell them something shocking. they predicted it but chose to be silent because "its not their business"
dont insult their family, close circle. they're pretty drama free and honestly don't have time for your petty stuff but would not hesitate to come for your throat if you cross the line.
well-mannered to the core and dislike people who are socially clueless.
tendency to love people who rely on them. motherly nature.
secretly LOVE it when other confide in them. don't worry they're not virgo rising they wouldn't let it burden them but they appreciate your honesty a lot.
expect people to open up FIRST. then maybe they will if they deem you as worthy✨
Sorry for the long post luv🤣 I just really love my Capricorn rising/Saturn 1H people. Only with them can my chaotic ass be calmed down🤍
saint jenx🥀
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