#if you're here because of the 5sos tags try not be too weirded out
Religious hurt, ministry burnout and all in between set to 5sos5 // Prologue: You don’t go to parties
I realise this is a rather strange thing to do, what I’m doing. I realise most listeners to songs don’t apply them to the things that I do. But I went through a lot, and this album is like none I’ve heard before: it celebrates and laments and everything in between the power of simple human connection and I won’t lie: it changed my life. It gave me back the pieces and tools to take my life back from a rogue machine of parts that was sucking me dry yet I couldn’t find head or tail of nor differentiate it from the hand that was feeding me, keeping me alive. In some ways, I owe it nothing: the $19.99 I fully paid on my debit card to iTunes that probably gave the four dear humans who created this album maybe a dollar each. In some ways I owe it everything. And so this letter is for you, the strange conglomeration of fandom and random humans I’ve connected to and who don’t know my face or my real name but I enjoy baring my whole heart to. It’s the mark of an artist I suppose. It’s the early symptoms of the fever dreams that allow practical neighbours with my childhood to come up with the visceral imagery that makes up these masterpieces: four voices, and a handful of instruments. I don’t have something nearly as brand-new and original, but this is my voice. And this is how YDGTP gave back my life.
Picture this: it’s 5am. Somewhere, certainly not where I am, but it might as well be when I’m far too tired for 10, 11pm when I’m barely over 20. I’m feeling stuck, overwhelmed, unable to go home, clock off, head to bed. I’d say I’m on my couch but that’s an optimistic statement to assume I have the ability to make it to something soft to lay down my head. I don’t even own a couch.
I’m supposedly somewhere that’s home to me, but if I had any sense in my head I’d kick me out. Out to where? I have no idea.
I wouldn’t even admit it to myself then, but I knew somewhere that I was happiest when I got up before the sun. 5am, after seven to eight hours of sleep. Maybe more, when I’m so tired and drained. In the early hours of the morning (and I feel like I’m betraying this song by saying it) before the world has risen with its expectations, if I can get my life together then, I’m prepared for when I have to interact and feel their energy. I’m also prepared to get my needs met, which they obviously aren’t, or I wouldn’t still be here now.
How am I feeling? Don’t get me started on that. I’m starving, empty, longing for something I haven’t felt satiated in for quite a while. Longing for a bygone time that wasn’t any good, because if I could go back now I could do better with the information I have now. And yet, the world is moving past, the people from that era drifting further and further away. Whatever it is I’m holding my breath for, is starting to feel like I’m waiting at an intersection where the gaps between the cars are getting smaller and smaller and each time I see one I could maybe go in I don’t. I wish I had gone in the previous one, because it was much safer compared to this. That’s basically what my life’s like. I’ve got the last five years running out my mouth. Won’t you relive it with me? Won’t you fix them with me?
Because I still think about the times we were heavy. It sucked, but at least there was connection, something that I’ve run completely dry on now. Racehorse tripping on the dirt that you’ve got on me. I never felt included, loved, but sometimes being insulted is just as good as it means I’m part of the gang. They don’t do that anymore: is it because I’m too fragile now, or because they’ve moved on from me? Vulture circling above of what’s left of me. Because I’m a carcass in the hot sun, at least that’s how I feel. Slowly, not slowly at all actually, rotting.
We go stupid every night, and it was meant to be fun. But.
What a tragedy. Because I’m still here in the darkness, back where we started. It set everyone else up to move on, why can’t I? Everyone else goes home and goes to bed and doesn’t suffer the consequences of the night disabling them forever, going back to the start again and again and re-living it and changing what they’d do because I know better now than I did then, time ticking by me and getting more and more behind. I can’t help the fact that I’m behaving the way that I am.
You make me a heartless monster.
So set this to a fun beat and go dance. Everyone I ever knew is standing in my house. (Are they real, or are they ghosts of people I feel like I failed, when I was never given the resources to be everything they needed?) Maybe I’ll be alright, maybe I’ll be able to put together whatever makes me feel better, maybe, maybe, I said as I invited them, filling up my heart again and again with relational one-night stands and superficial connection just to feel the high for a little while, it’s kept me going for decades. Kept me moving so I can forget that I had it the way I liked it once and I never appreciated it, I didn’t know that I had to. I didn’t know how much it meant until I lost it. I thought I was just fielding distractions, fatal attractions, but maybe the only attraction that was fatal was the one to the world of ableism and the solutions that they said worked for them when I know I need more connection than this superficial world, even one that says they worship something else, lives for something more, can offer. I wonder who I’m looking for.
But you got out. You don’t go to parties anymore.
It’s easier to get manic than depressed sometimes, maybe because I’m already depressed and I learned from young to act like I’m not feeling it. To think of others, think of ways I can help, prioritise hope and isn’t this what I’m doing here? Working towards solutions, why oh why did it go so badly? So I focus on the ideas, I let them stack up in my brain like a tap that’s running at full blast into a tiny plastic cup and when it drowns me just for a little while I get high and life is exciting and come up with good ideas of the world I imagine could be where I’m not alone, up in the clouds I’m not the only one dreaming of this dream. All my friends are up on mars. We’ve been travelling. It’s such a simple explanation and so exciting and it’s exactly how I should be feeling when I’m pouring myself out into something I care so much about, something centred on helping people, as if in a divinely inspired book we have all the solutions for all the world when we read it through a lens of science and adaptive management that constantly re-evaluates the fruits of what we’re doing and doesn’t let silly traditions that sap our energy get in our way. Shoot for mars. Why, oh why, does no one else stand with me here? Why am I still longing for that kind of teamwork, belonging, purpose?
So I lost my limit. It’s hard to find it when I’m so perpetually starved for the thing I need, that I try to make sure everyone around me gets. I’m dumb and I’m passionate. I care. And what’s the sacrifice of one person in the scheme of things? It’s not an accident. I was the one who took my foot up off the brake. Another lonely night.
It’s easier to put a smile on my face and go through the motions to this happy beat, yearning, pouring out the passion and love I wish I received on others.
Fill it with the best country drum solo I ever heard.
And remember where I am. Longing for connection. Where are you? Where is the one who I’m looking for?
But I know. You don’t go to parties anymore.
And that’s why I need to leave.
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ghost-btch · 6 years
He Could Be The One~ 5 Seconds Of Summer
(Chapter One: Phoenix)
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Prologue was posted right before this on my blog. I would link it but I'm scared it won't show up in the tags if I do.
Rating: literally for everyone lol
Warning: none besides the fact there may be grammatical errors, oops lol
Word Count: 1.6k
Author's note: You can read this also on wattpad, @/raineyC4. I may update quicker on there then here so go check it out on there aswell. This is my first Tumblr Fanfic so this is quite exciting, though I've been making stories on wattpad since 2016. Anyways enjoy the story!!
3rd Person P.O.V
   The blue-eyed blonde singer stood right off stage. Her show would start in a few minutes. She was incredibly nervous, like always. She's done this for years but the anxiety is always there. But as clique as it sounds, every time she steps on stage that feeling fades away. She shook herself and prepared to walk on. Then before she knew it, it was her que to walk on.
The big screen on the back "wall" was flashing in black and white, then red "Phoenix". It glitching as it did so to the beat of the song.
That song was ...Ready For It? by Taylor Swift. Phoenix only had about 10 songs of her own out so she did a lot of covers.
"Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him..." Phoenix began to sing trying not to smile to create an effect.
As she sang she danced around the "T" shaped stage to the song. It seemed be choreographed but really she just made them up as she went. She was a true performer.
She wore a black body suite much like Taylor Swift wore during her preformce of the song. But it had more of shorts at the bottom. And it had a few red sparkles. Her hair was slightly curled and she wore crimson red lipstick. Her reddish boots went up to her knees.
When the song came to an end the next song, I Did Something Bad, started to play.
Phoenix loved to preform this song more then even her own songs. She had managed to learn Taylor Swift's original choreography to the song from watching the AMAs preformce over and over again. It was a dramatic performance and Phoenix loved it for that exact reason.
When she finished she was at the very end if the "T" stage in the middle. She laughed and smiled like an idiot looking over the crowd. And starring back at her where around what seemed a thousand people.
"Oh my God! I can't- I can't believe this is my life! Y'all have no idea how much I've dreamed and wished for the chance to do this. I love each and every one of y'all for being here. Whether you wanted to, weather you were bored and went to the nearest concert just because, or you were dragged here by someone else. Just thank you and I hope you guys like the show so far! You seem to be, but are you?" the crowd screamed, "Okay I'm gonna take that as a yes. Anyways she next song's called 'Don't Blame Me' and oh I'm Phoenix!" Phoenix said into the mic.
When the song finished she was back in the place she started. A trap "door" under her lowered her to under the stage. There she had to quickly change into the next costume while the ending music of "Don't Blame Me" played to the crowd.
While this happened a red piano was rolled out onto the stage. Phoenix walked out wearing a red sequined top with a red skirt that went to her knees.
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She sat down on the little bench and started to play a few keys, "So this I wrote a while back when I was in middle school. I had this friend who I'd geek out with. Eventually I realized I liked him. After awhile I couldn't take it anymore and told him in a note that I practically threw at him out of nerves," she laughed at this, "Then after about a week he gave me a small piece of paper that read 'sorry I just want to be friends'. I was devastated of course, but I just hoped nothing would change. Oh how I was wrong. He never spoke to me again. Here's a song I wrote about a year later."
She proceeded to sing a song called "Let Things Go". It was written so long ago, and she was definitely, definitely, over the kid. But she every time she sang it she felt as if it was a new scar. 'Guess scars don't really ever go away?' She thought one day.
As soon as it finished she started to play another Taylor song, The Moment I Knew.
It of course started on the piano, but when it came to the chorus she stood up. And after the chorus she walked around the stage almost acting out the lyrics.
During the bridge Phoenix looked out into the crowd almost crying as the lyrics said it too.
As it finished ahead gave a soft smile. Just two years ago in her 20th birthday this song became so real for her. She wasn't quite over this scar yet.
She walked back to the piano and when she walked out from behind it she was no longer wearing the skirt, but now a pair of black shorts.
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She then jumped up onto the piano and sat on it, her legs dangling off. The music of We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together started to play.
She began singing while still sitting until the "What?" part and acted out the song the rest of the song. Phoenix always had the most fun singing this song, it never got old. And by the end she was sat back on the piano.
"Liked that little costume changed?" Phoenix laughed as the crowd cheered.
She hoped off the piano, "So I was wondering if it was okay for me to do a little something different now? I won't be able to run around though, so there's a negative. But I really think you're gonna lie the positive! Just give me a second, I'll be right back."
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She scampered off stage and when she walked back on she held a red guitar in her hands. She walked up to the microphone stand in the middle of the stage right before it extended out.
"So uhh, surprise!" Phoenix said into the mic smiling.
"So how about I play my guitar here for a few songs? I'll take that as a yes. So this first one is an old one. It's from an old Disney show called Hannah Montana. It was definitely my favorite TV show and this was one if my favorite songs. Never thought that eventually I'd laugh at a few lyrics because of someone. No I'm not saying who, though most of y'all probably already know. Anyways hears a song called 'He Could Be The One'!"
"Smooth talkin', so rockin'
He's got everything that a girl's wantin'
Guitar cutie, he plays it groovy
And I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid..." she sang smiling at a few certain lyrics.
The girl completely jammed out to the song like there was no tomorrow. Running around in that one area when she wasn't singing. Yep definitely a performer.
"Well that was fun!" Phoenix laughed.
"Well I think it's time for one where I know y'all will have fun aswell." She said as she started to play "She's Kinda Hot" by 5 Seconds of Summer.
"Surprise!" She said right before singing.
But there was one thing that the girl had yet to find out. It was that, that very band stood only a few yards ahead of her.
The boys were just all hanging out in L.A. with nothing to do. Ashton suggest that they should just go to the nearest concert because why not? So they did. Now they stood towards the back kinda freaking out because someone was singing there song.
Then at the end of the song the music faded into "Babylon", another favorite of the blue-eyed singer.
The girl had so much fun playing this song and the audience loved it. Even the people who didn't know the original singers they still acted as if they did.
Phoenix changed into ripped back pants and a while shirt to sing the next few songs, all if which being her's.
Falling For You- a song revealed to be about fictional/celebrity crushes
Me- a song about her excepting who she really is
My Story- a song about her childhood and teenage years
We Don't Care About Anyone Else- a song she wrote about her friends and her, and the fact that they know they're weird but totally okay with that
After adding a leather jacket to the mix she also sang a song by Bea Miller called "We're Taking Over".
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The last part of the concert was all the songs Phoenix felt was the funniest to sing/dance to.
Blank Space- making sure to point her tattoo of "Darling I'm A Nightmare, Dressed Like A Daydream" during that part.
New Romantics
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Then it came to almost a close:
"Well I'm sorry to say but this is the last song of the night. Thanks to all of you, you've made this a night to remember. And I hope that I was able to make you as happy as you've made me! This last song was my first single I put out. I've always been so proud of it and promised to sing it every show. It's about how my life was back in school, to what I'd hope my life would be, and now it really is. Oh and enjoy the original music video playing on the screen!" Phoenix smiled.
Phoenix danced around and sang like her life depended on it. She never wanted it to end. But unfortunately it did. When she finished she said "Thank you" once more and then ran around the perimeter of the stage to touch as may people's hands as she could. She did a bow and then waved with the biggest smile and went off stage.
As the show came to a close the 5SOS boys decided to see if they could surprise the girl they just watch perform. But they had to figure out how to get back stage.
"We don't need another last time something like this happened." One said referring to a certain person.
"Hey!" was Ashton's response.
Tag list: @rip-lukes-balsamic @euphoric-swift //just comment if you'd like to be on my tag list//
A/N: try to guess who the person Phoenix likes hehe lol
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ghost-btch · 6 years
He Could Be The One~ 5 Seconds Of Summer
(Chapter Two: Awkward Events)
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(Prologue, Chapter One are right before this on my blog. I'd link them but then it wouldn't show up in the tags.)
Rating: literally for everyone
Warning: none besides the fact there may be grammatical errors, oops lol
Word Count: 868
3rd Person P.O.V
  Phoenix sat on the couch in her dressing room. She had changed into a simple gray shirt and black shorts. She was currently drinking a bottle of water after about two hours of nonstop dancing around. But even though she was completely tired, it way absolutely worth it. She couldn't believe this was her life. It's been this was for three years now but it still felt like every show was her very first.
She was just scrolling through her secret tumblr. Most if her fans knew it was her but they did a good job at not telling. Then she'd switch to her normal tumblr account and like and reblog a few post. She loved being able to make someone happy even if it was just one person.
Then a knock on the door made her jump and drop her phone. Luckily it landed on the couch and not the floor.
She got up to open the door confused as to who it'd be. She still had another hour she could be there.
When she opened the door to reveal four of her idols she almost spit out some of the water she had just drunk.
"What. The. HELL!" was as she could get out.
"You're Phoenix right? We just watched your show and that was amazing! We figured you were a fan since you sang a few of our songs, so we came to surprise you!" Ashton spoke.
"Surprise!" all four yelled.
"Wait woah. You guys liked it? Wow thank you that means a lot coming from you guys! And ya I've been a fan for a few months now, a friend of mine made me listen to you guys. And uhh here I an now woah." Phoenix replied smiling.
She then realized it may be rude to not have let them in yet. She moved out if the doorway to let them in. She closed the door behind them.
All four boys took a seat on the couch. Suprisingly they all fit. Phoenix took a seat in one of the chairs that lined the bar in the room.
"I'm surprised. Most people would probably scream and then freak out some more." Michael laughed.
"I'm not really the type of person to do that. Though not gonna lie in my mind I am very much freaking out." Phoenix laughed.
Though on the outside it seemed as if Phoenix wasn't fazed by the fact that four of the most important people in her life was sitting in front of her. On the inside it was a mix of "Total Freak Out Mode" and "Anxiety Time". Both she wasn't too fond of. If they were to pay close attention to her hands, they'd see she was shaking out of control.
For the next few minutes consist of Phoenix trying to not pass out from shock, both her and the 5SOS boys complementing each other's songs/preferences, and really stupid jokes.
"I just remembered something about one of the songs you say." Calum randomly said.
"What?" Phoenix replied.
"That Hannah Montana one and about a lyric or two from it."
"Uhh what about that song. I don't understand?" Phoenix replied knowing very well that she wasn't being too convincing.
"Wasn't a lyric about someone who plays guitar and that you said it reminded you of someone?" Ashton asked.
"I have no idea what you're talking about? It was just a song u randomly sang. Nothing I'm hiding with it." Phoenix said wishing she could escape this conversation.
"Wait a minute does that mean you ment one of us?" Luke said finally catching on.
"Uhh, what no! Definitely not. I ment some in a totally different band." Phoenix replied clearly blushing.
"Sure ya did." replied Calum.
"Okay fine. Ya I did!" Phoenix replied.
"Ooh who?" Ashton asked.
"Why the hell would I tell any of you that?" Phoenix asked.
"Because if you don't might regret it later?" Luke replied.
"You're not helping." Phoenix replied sarcastically, one if her many traits.
"So it's either me or Luke." Michael said.
"Hey I can play guitar too!" Ashton replied.
"Mr. Jealous over here." Phoenix laughed.
Phoenix laughed trying to change the subject, the boys catching on to this.
"Fine we won't make you tell us." Luke said.
"Thank you!" Phoenix replied smiling thankful.
"Hey what's your number? Okay that sounded weird. I just ment so we all can continue talking cause I'm sure we're all about to be kicked out the venue." Luke asked.
"Oh sure. Uhh let me figure out what mine is. I've had the same one for years now and I can never remember." The girl laughed.
They all gave the girl their numbers and Phoenix gave them hers, after figuring it out first.
She had only been listening to them for half a year and this has already happened. 'How is this not a dream?' she wondered.
And then the security did come and tell them it was time to leave. So Phoenix and the 5SOS boys said their goodbyes and went back to their homes.
Phoenix could not stop smiling at the past events. Little did she know someone else did the very same....
Tag list: @rip-lukes-balsamic @ts-and-5sos @agirlruinedbybands //just comment if you'd like to be on my tag list//
A/N: try to guess who the person Phoenix likes hehe lol
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