#if you're not already sold on this movie the end is FULL of queer joy
who-knows73 · 1 year
Ok I just watched Nimona (which is really good by the way) and I don't really have any major critiques or anything but I do want to praise the movie for being so openly queer. Its not just a throwaway line or a quick less then ten second scene of queerness. I don't want to really spoil anything so I'll keep it vague but the fact that one of the characters is gay and him and his partner kiss and say I love you multiple times on screen, in the forefront of the shot is so important to me. Them being in love actually adds to the plot and gives it more depth than just playing them off as friends ever could have.
Also Nimona in my eyes is an allegory for being trans and I will die on that hill, when you watch the movie through a queer lens its literally so queer. Plus at the end of the movie in the credits there's a shot where she spits rainbow fire and it turns into a heart shaped tunnel kinda thing out of the progress flag colours.
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There's also this in the credits which if you look at all the crossed out words, the one right on top of the word 'lot' at the bottom is boy which also leads me to believe that Nimona is kinda intended to be interpreted as a trans character but maybe I'm reading into things.
Bonus: This is the very last line of the movie and I just think it's really funny that they end it with a cut off curse word.
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Double bonus: Throughout the movie, there are multiple of these anarchy symbols inside hearts instead of circles and at the end of the credits right before the Netflix logo pops up she draws one. So to conclude things, not only is Nimona a metalhead but she's also an anarchist and I love her for that.
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