#if your still not understanding the problem. the kid is saying the word “teet. as in a woman’s teets.
dnightshade0 · 11 months
Voltron: Halloween with the mcclains…
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This takes place years after season 8. Lance is happily married. for the sake of the story, his wife’s name is Elena.
Team voltron all decide to spend Halloween together. They all planned to meets up at hunks house and take the children trick or treating from there. Lance, his wife Elena and their son Leandro (currently five years old) arrive at hunk’s house and greet everyone upon entering. Lance is dressed as a vampire, Elena is dressed as a cat woman and Leandro is dressed as the blue paladin of voltron.
Hunk: Hay guys! Glad you could make it! My daughter has been getting antsy for an hour now asking “daddy, when can we go twick o tweeting?” Lol she so cute.
Lance: hay buddy. Sorry we’re late. We ran into traffic.
Hunk: all good all good. We are ready when you guys are.
Elena: um I think we should warn you, trick or treating with Leandro is gonna be a bit… um… awkward.
Hunk: what do you mean?
Lance: he can’t pronounce his R’s yet.
Hunk: well that’s fine, a lot of kids can’t pronounce their R’s when their little. It’ll just sound cut when he says “twick o tweet”
Elena: ok let us rephrase that. “He can’t pronounce his R’s AND his W’s.
Hunk: (just stares at her blankly) I still don’t understand…
Elena sighs and calls Leandro over.
Elena: son can you tell hunk what you say when you ask for candy?
Hunk and everyone else in the room looks down at Leandro for a full five seconds before breaking down into snickers and giggles.
All except shiro and Keith.
Shiro: I don’t get it. What’s the problem.
Keith: yeah, so he can’t speak properly, big deal.
Lance and Elena cover their faces and groan.
Lance: you can’t be this dense mullet.
Keith just looks at him with his typical Keith face. (The one where he just seems annoyed)
Shiro: I’m sorry but I’m not understanding, what’s the problem again?
Elena: ok, Leandro can you say that again for me please?
Elena: again.
Elena: now very slowly.
Leandro: TICK. O. TEET!
Just then it starts to make sense to shiro.
Shiro: Oh…. OOOOOooooh. Ok now I see where the problem is…
Keith: you do? Well explain it to me cause I still don’t get it!
Shiro puts his arm around Keith and guides him away. Telling him he’d better tell him in private.
Hunk: (snickers) you guys have a work around for this?
Lance: not currently…
Elena: ok son I need you to say it EXACTLY the way I’m saying it. TRICK OR TREAT.
Elena: UGH! You know what. lance! For the rest of Halloween, he’s YOUR son! I DON’T KNOW THIS KID!
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finnishfun · 6 years
Finnish FEL - Take 2.
Earlier I posted about the Finnish FEL App and shared some early ideas about how things work. Now that I’m revising I’m re-reading my old posts and practising with the app once again. So I thought to do a post about additional ideas based on what I’ve learnt in the meantime. I might not have a comment to each phrase but I’ll write them down anyway as practice.
Corrections welcome! (in case you feel like reading a very long post)
Basic phrases
Hei! - Hi! you can say this to anyone really, unless you want to be very formal
Näkemiin! - Goodbye!  It literally means something like “see each other again” which is much easier to say in Hungarian, a bit less in English, something like “see you” I guess.
Mitä kuuluu? - How are you? kuulua has lots of uses, one of them is to ask how someone is. The answer can be: Kiitos, hyvää. - Fine, thanks. Note hyvää is in the partitive.
Hyvää päivänjatkoa! - Have a nice day! Literally something like “have a good rest of the day”, again something we say in Hungarian. Hyvää is in the partitive again, similarly to other “wishing” phrases.
Kiitos, samoin. - Thanks, same to you.
Onnea! - Good luck! partitive of onni - luck
Voitko puhua hitaammin? - Could you speak more slowly? An example of the question ending -ko/-kö and a comparative adjective.
Puhun romaniaa. - I speak Romanian. Language names are not capitalized, but they are in the partitive when talking about speaking or learning them. 
Miksi tätä kutsutaan? - What is this called? tätä is the partitive form of tämä (this). If we translate as “What do you call this”, then “this” is the object of the sentence so it’s easier to see why it’s in the partitive.
Ymmärrätkö saksaa? - Do you understand German?
Kyllä, mutta en puhu sitä. - Yes, but I don’t speak it. sitä - partitive of se (it)
Olkaa hyvä / Ole hyvä - You’re welcome (formal / informal) It can also mean “Here you are” and “Please” (closest to the literal translation - ‘be good’)
Kiitos paljon - thank you very much
Eipä kestä / ei kestä - No problem, It’s all right the -pä ending is a sort of spoken thing as far as I remember
Anteeksi! - Excuse me, Sorry
Ei se mitään - No problem
Olen pahoillani - I’m sorry
Mikä? - What?
Missä? - Where?
Milloin? - When?
Kuka? - Who?
Olen väsynyt - I’m tired
Olen nälkäinen - I’m hungry
Olen onnellinen - I’m happy
Olen surullinen - I’m sad
Mennään! - Let’s go!
Pidä kiirettä! - Hurry up! kiirettä is the partitive form of kiire (hurry), so it means something like “take hurry”... anyway. :D
Rauhoitu! - Calm down! from rauha - peace
Ole hiljaa! - Shut up! note the partitive form here as well
Apua! - Help! again partitive form of apu (help), or verb
Tulipalo! - Fire!
Soittakaa ambulanssi / poliisi - Call an ambulance / the police
Ole kiltti - Please (Again ‘be nice / good’)
Onneksi olkoon! - Congratulations!
Hyvää joulua! - Merry Christmas!
Onnellista uutta vuotta! - Happy new year! A bit trickier partitive forms: onnellinen - onnellista uusi - uutta vuosi - vuotta
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! - Happy birthday!
Making friends
Tässä on poikaystäväni. - This is my boyfriend. tässä - here -ni possessive ending, although this form is more like the written option (but the app does teach you to write, so... :D)
Mikä sinun nimesi on? - What is your name? Okay, this form is a bit closest, though “sinun nimi” would be enough in spoken form and “nimesi” in written. But this works too, maybe a bit more emphasized.
Nimeni on Diana. - My name is Diana.
Kenen kanssa olet? - Who are you with? kenen - genitive form of kuka, used with kanssa (with someone). This is an interesting difference from Hungarian as it is not expressed with a different case like other things.
Olen ystävän kanssa. - I’m with a friend.
Kuinka vanha olet? - How old are you?
Olen (age) vuotta vanha. - I’m (…) years old. As we already saw, this is the partitive form of vuosi (year) - used with numbers
Milloin olet syntynyt? - When were you born?
Olen syntynyt vuonna… - I was born in (year) vuonna - in the year
Mistä olet kotoisin? - Where are you from? literally “where are you from originally?”
Olen Moldovasta. - I’m from Moldova. more examples of various cases/endings
Minkä maan kansalainen olet? - What is your nationality? “which country’s citizen are you?” kansalainen resembles kanssa, and there’s probably some connection, since both words suggest you belong somewhere
Olen albanialainen. - I’m Albanian. adjective made from the country name for nationality (again not capitalized)
Kenen kanssa asut? - Who do you live with?
Asun vaimoni kanssa. - I live with my wife.
Missä asut? - Where do you live?
Asun Belgiassa. - I live in Belgium.
Oletko naimisissa? - Are you married?
En, olen naimaton. - No, I’m single.
Onko sinulla lapsia? - Have you got children? lapsi (child) is a bit of a tricky word again. lapsia - partitive plural form (do you have (multiple) children) plus the “minulla on” phrase for possessions
Kyllä, minulla on kolme lasta. - Yes, I’ve got three kids. and here it’s the singular partitive form: lasta
Pidän ruoanlaitosta. - I like cooking. this ending needs to be used with the verb pitää (to like doing sth) Here it’s a little more complicated because the object is technically a noun (I like to cook / I like cooking), with the -sta ending.
Pidätkö television katselusta? - Do you like watching TV?
En, pidän lukemisesta. - No, I like reading. lukeminen - reading the -nen ending becomes -se in other cases so it’s lukemisesta (this took me a long time and I’m still not sure I’m using it right all the time)
Onko sinulla lemmikkejä? - Have you got any pets? again partitive plural form
Kyllä, minulla on koira. - Yes, I’ve got a dog.
Todellakin inhoan pitsaa. - I really hate pizza.
Inhoan solmion käyttämistä. - I hate wearing a tie.
Mitä mieltä olet kirjasta? - What’s your opinion of the book? Olla (partitive) mieltä - to have an opinion, to think sth about sth, and the object gets the -sta ending again (elative case, I’ll never learn these names lol)
Pelkäänpä, että en pidä tästä kirjasta. - I’m afraid I don’t like this book. everything needs the same ending so tämä becomes tästä here
Hän käyttää silmälaseja. - He wears glasses. silma (eye) + lasi (glass) = eyeglass :D
Olet erittäin mukava. - You’re very nice.
Millainen Emma on? - What is Emma like?
Hän on erittäin ujo. - She is very shy.
Voinko saattaa sinut kotiin? - Can I walk you home?
Haluaisitko tanssia? - Would you like to dance?
Mielelläni. - I’d love to. I feel like this has to do with mieli as well. -ni is the possessive ending, it’s probably not something that could be exactly translated, but I kinda feel what it means :D
Voinko liittyä seuraanne? - Can I join you?
Kyllä, toki. - Yes, sure.
Voinko halata sinua? - Can I hug you?
Voinko suudella sinua? - Can I kiss you?
Kuuma ilma, eikö? - Hot weather, right? this was probably said a lot this summer 
Mahtavat juhlat, eikö? - Great party, isn’t it? I recently read that post about things that are usually in the plural, and I think juhla belongs there, though not quite sure why. Anyway, it has to be the nominative plural form with the -t ending, so the same with mahtava.
Saavuin juuri. - I’ve just got here.
Miten töissä menee? - How’s work going? “How’s it going at work?”
Oli kiva nähdä sinua. - It was good seeing you.
En voi puhua pidempään. - I can’t talk longer.
Puhutaan lisää lounaalla. - Let’s talk more at lunch.
Aion lähteä. - I’m going to leave.
Tule tapaamaan meitä. - Come to see us.
Liity seuraani lounaalle. - Join me for lunch.
Ei kiitos, söin jo. - No thanks, I’ve already eaten.
Minne haluaisit mennä? - Where would you like to go?
Haluaisin mennä elokuviin - I’d like to go to the cinema.
Kyllä, minulle sopii. - Yes, I’m free.
Kuulostaa hyvältä. - Sounds good. things with senses (sounds, looks, smells...) need the -lta/-ltä ending
Mielihyvin. - With pleasure.
Ei, minulle ei sovi. - No, I am not free.
Minun täytyy opiskella. - I need to study. another useful phrase “minun täytyy” (+basic form of the verb) - I have to / need to
Minulla ei ole aikaa. - I haven’t got time.
Etkö ole sitä mieltä? - Don’t you think so? the interesting part is the -kö ending added to et and not the verb. In this case I guess this is because of the negation. Ei oletko... or Oletko ei... maybe wouldn’t be correct. Otherwise you can add the -ko/-kö ending to pretty much anything, though it might change meanings a bit.
Oi, en todellakaan! - Oh, surely not!
Etkö ole samaa mieltä? - Don’t you agree?
Olen täysin samaa mieltä. - I entirely agree.
Kumman valitsisit mieluummin? - Which would you prefer? kumman is the genitive form of kumpi (which one - of two things) again a mieli-form, this time it’s an adjective - which one do you like more?
Mitä teet? - What are you doing?
Missä hän on? - Where is he?
Miksi sanoit niin? - Why did you say that?
Se vaikuttaa minusta erittäin oudolta. - It seems very strange to me.
Olen varma, että hän voittaa. - I’m sure that he will win.
En usko. - I don’t think so.
Sinulla on erittäin hieno auto. - You have a very nice car.
Arvostaisin neuvojanne. - I would appreciate your advice. arvostan - I appreciate arvostaisin - I WOULD appreciate
Mitä minun pitäisi laittaa päälleni? - What should I wear? mitä - similarly to mikä, it means “what”, but mostly for actual things, while mikä is more abstract minun pitäisi - I should (note the -isi phrase again) laittaa päälleni - to wear, put on (sth like to put on my head :D sounds a bit funny, but a really good expression)
Voitko pitää tätä? - Can you hold this for me?
Voitko auttaa minua? - Can you help me?
Haittaako, jos istun tähän? - Do you mind if I sit here? tähän - to here
Ei, ei haittaa. - No, I don’t mind.
Mennään uimaan. - Let’s go swimming. another nice construction that I will get back to
Se on hyvä idea. - That’s a good idea.
Entä tänään? - How about today?
Mietin asiaa. - I’ll think about it.
Well, that was a good session! I continued the app earlier but I haven’t posted about it yet, so will do soon.
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Mob Mentality
I wanted to take some time and explain a little bit about myself. I was born in the 80s, raised in the 90s, came of in the 00s. I’ve been a legal adult since 2002 and carried a ton of those responsibilities for about a decade before. I’m a black dude who grew up poor in the ghettos of South Sacramento. I was, legitimately, a stereotypical hood mastermind until i moved out at 21. I moved in with my lady and we shared space in a one bedroom apartment, in a state neither one of us had ever been, so she could go to college. That experience and time with her, mostly her, changed my perspective on a lot of sh*t. It changed me. All of the anger i had toward my situation was given context. I understood that being an adult, taking responsibility for your actions, wasn’t difficult. I understood that, even though a lot of the shortcomings my people are burdened with, it’s not all The Man keeping me down. I learned that you have to control who you are, maintain your world, and everything will fall into place.
I don’t care for Cancel Culture or the Outrage Mob. It feels like another way to thumb your nose at someone rather than a tool to be used for good. In the beginning, i think it was a great asset to bring down legitimate monsters like Cosby and Winestein. Lately, though, it’s a joke. I had my first taste with the Outrage Brigade a few weeks ago. I wrote about it frequently here because it was so odd to me. I couldn’t understand why this person was so angry at literally two words. This woman was black, like me, but because i wasn’t as militant as she appeared to be or was offended with the same sh*t she found offensive, i wasn’t black. I was a white boy playing negro on the internet and it couldn’t even understand that logic. Like, because of how i present myself, without even knowing me as a person, she decided my blackness was fraudulent; That my heritage was invalid because she didn’t like how i typed. It was surreal until i understood this was it. This was Outrage. This is what Cancel Culture has become. It’s not about equality or understanding or tolerance or accountability. It’s about pointing fingers and bending you to a desired agenda. I’m right and you’re wrong and I'm going to try and ruin your life until you apologize for being who you are. That sh*t is f*cked up.
I actually tried to engage in a dialogue with this woman but she wasn’t having it. There was no room for commonality, no room for understanding. I Was the worst and needed to be ended. I, obviously, changed nothing about those posts but it’s that mentality, that mindset, which is rotting this movement. It’s been made so toxic, motherf*ckers are coming for cats about sh*t that happened decades ago. I get it, you should be held accountable for your sh*ttiness, but if it happened a decade ago, context goes a long way. You can’t attribute 2020 sensibilities to sh*t that happened in the f*cking 80s. It was terrible back then, i should know, i was around for some of that, moreso the 90s. Sh*t was completely different back then. Media catered to a completely different demographic. There’s no way cats like Tarantino or Scorsese could make the sh*t they made back then, now. Coming after grown ass adults for stupid sh*t they said on the internet when they were teenage edgelords with no sense of the world, is f*cking stupid. Coming after people who literally built a career on shock value, for shock value posts they made a decade ago, is stupid. Coming after people for making satirical posts, about cartoonishly evil headlines, is f*cking stupid. Coming after people who speak on historical events that you, personally, don’t want to address or admit to happening, is f*cking stupid. Immediately going to outrage before understanding or even attempting to acknowledge context, is f*cking stupid.
I watched an entire movement trying to shame people redrawing Sailor Moon in their own style because she wasn’t Japanese enough. I saw grown ass people attacking a kid over fan art of certain character versions these assholes didn’t like. Games have been butchered due to censorship but it’s more because people don’t want the hassle of being on the other end of Outrage Culture more than legitimate issue. Mass Effect III has titties in it and no one bat an eye. Devil May Cry V shoes Lady butt and it’s a problem. Even still, The Last of US II has a graphic, whole ass, sex scene, completely devoid of sexuality, and that gets the pass. The difference between the three? Mass Effect was made eight years ago, Devil May Cry committed the cardinal sin of sexualizing sexy women, and The Last of Us II put Abby’s chonky, manly ass, frame on display. No teets here, just pecks. It was progressive. It was brave. It was deemed acceptable by the Outrage Mob. I’ve watched these people come after Friends, Splice, She-Ra, and so many more, just because those themes doesn’t jive with their far-left politics. Sh*t from literally decades ago. Splice came out in 2009, man. Life was completely different back then but that doesn’t matter. I’m mad now. Let me be very clear about this, i consider myself progressive. I consider myself a humanist. I believe in equality and treating people with dignity but, at the same time, I understand people can be dicks and deserve to be held accountable for that dickery. That said, I'm not going to try and destroy a person’s art because of a boob window or a titty slider. I’m not going to censor  someone’s voice and demand they change their words because i don’t agree wit their sentiment. I’m not going to fly off the cuff without context or reason but that seems to fall by the wayside with Cancel Culture and that’s the f*cking problem.
Look at this sh*t with Amber Heard right now. Cats were so quick to cancel Johnny Depp over this broad’s false accusations. When every one was talking about how terrible Depp was in real life, i told cats to wait and see. I was sure Johnny never laid a hand on this chick and i was positive she was beating the sh*t out of dude. How did i know? Because i literally heard it out of her mouth. Well, not out of her mouth directly, but i read it in an interview she did. Heard openly admitted to anger issues, almost bragging about her rage prowess. She claims that where she’s from, chicks punch dudes. That’s her normal and you have to accept it if you want some of Amber’s ass. I heard rumors about her punching out other partners in airports and outside of clubs because she was upset with them. Again, rumors, but that mess coupled with that interview gave me pause. When every one was sh*tting on Depp and trying to ruin his career, i was one of the lone voices saying maybe chill out about all of this. My pleas went unheeded because, you know, “Believe All Women” but i understood exactly what the f*ck Heard was all about. I had context for her character and was more than confident this chick was trying to get that financial boon out of the then half-billionaire, Johnny Depp. Look at the clout she got immediately after coming out as a “survivor.” She got Mera. She became the face of a massively important movement, bolstering her visibility in an industry where visibility means dollars. Heard said she was never in it for the money but when Johnny started writing those checks directly to Heard’s charity of choice, in her name instead of to her, she was quick to sue for a lump sum. I mean, one of the first things leaked about this case was an extortion letter from Heard’s lawyer disguised as a “generous” settlement to eschew any “embarrassing” facts coming to light through trial, never mind the many, many, times she admitted to beating Depp on camera and tape.
Cancel Culture isn’t terrible. It can be a very powerful weapon for change. I’m not saying it’s devoid of agency or that it’s outright wrong, what i am saying is that, in it’s current state, it feels less like a toll for growth and more like a bunch of petulant children throwing tantrums about dumb sh*t. Being upset people of color when those people, themselves, aren’t even bothered by whatever, seems pretentious. Getting offended when those people call you out for your unsolicited notion of do-goodery, is ridiculous. Attacking those people for not sharing your outrage is hubris. When everyone was up in arms about Scarlett Johansson being Major, i was one of those people, too. Why was she getting this role when Rinko Kikuchi was alive and well out in the world. Then i found out the Japanese didn’t give a sh*t about who played Kusanagi, they were just happy to see Hollywood making the film and were curious how they’d butchered it. To them, it didn’t matter who played Major, as long as the movie was good. I had to check my prejudice and readdress my understanding of that role. Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite franchises and, while i firmly believe Major should have gone to a character of Japanese decent, i can’t be mad that it didn’t if the Japanese people, themselves, weren’t. I had to recontextualize my understanding of the situation. No one does that in the Outrage Mob. They just rage and rage, even if they’re wrong, and that sh*t is wrong, in itself.
0 notes
smokeybrand · 4 years
Mob Mentality
I wanted to take some time and explain a little bit about myself. I was born in the 80s, raised in the 90s, came of in the 00s. I’ve been a legal adult since 2002 and carried a ton of those responsibilities for about a decade before. I’m a black dude who grew up poor in the ghettos of South Sacramento. I was, legitimately, a stereotypical hood mastermind until i moved out at 21. I moved in with my lady and we shared space in a one bedroom apartment, in a state neither one of us had ever been, so she could go to college. That experience and time with her, mostly her, changed my perspective on a lot of sh*t. It changed me. All of the anger i had toward my situation was given context. I understood that being an adult, taking responsibility for your actions, wasn’t difficult. I understood that, even though a lot of the shortcomings my people are burdened with, it’s not all The Man keeping me down. I learned that you have to control who you are, maintain your world, and everything will fall into place.
I don’t care for Cancel Culture or the Outrage Mob. It feels like another way to thumb your nose at someone rather than a tool to be used for good. In the beginning, i think it was a great asset to bring down legitimate monsters like Cosby and Winestein. Lately, though, it’s a joke. I had my first taste with the Outrage Brigade a few weeks ago. I wrote about it frequently here because it was so odd to me. I couldn’t understand why this person was so angry at literally two words. This woman was black, like me, but because i wasn’t as militant as she appeared to be or was offended with the same sh*t she found offensive, i wasn’t black. I was a white boy playing negro on the internet and it couldn’t even understand that logic. Like, because of how i present myself, without even knowing me as a person, she decided my blackness was fraudulent; That my heritage was invalid because she didn’t like how i typed. It was surreal until i understood this was it. This was Outrage. This is what Cancel Culture has become. It’s not about equality or understanding or tolerance or accountability. It’s about pointing fingers and bending you to a desired agenda. I’m right and you’re wrong and I'm going to try and ruin your life until you apologize for being who you are. That sh*t is f*cked up.
I actually tried to engage in a dialogue with this woman but she wasn’t having it. There was no room for commonality, no room for understanding. I Was the worst and needed to be ended. I, obviously, changed nothing about those posts but it’s that mentality, that mindset, which is rotting this movement. It’s been made so toxic, motherf*ckers are coming for cats about sh*t that happened decades ago. I get it, you should be held accountable for your sh*ttiness, but if it happened a decade ago, context goes a long way. You can’t attribute 2020 sensibilities to sh*t that happened in the f*cking 80s. It was terrible back then, i should know, i was around for some of that, moreso the 90s. Sh*t was completely different back then. Media catered to a completely different demographic. There’s no way cats like Tarantino or Scorsese could make the sh*t they made back then, now. Coming after grown ass adults for stupid sh*t they said on the internet when they were teenage edgelords with no sense of the world, is f*cking stupid. Coming after people who literally built a career on shock value, for shock value posts they made a decade ago, is stupid. Coming after people for making satirical posts, about cartoonishly evil headlines, is f*cking stupid. Coming after people who speak on historical events that you, personally, don’t want to address or admit to happening, is f*cking stupid. Immediately going to outrage before understanding or even attempting to acknowledge context, is f*cking stupid.
I watched an entire movement trying to shame people redrawing Sailor Moon in their own style because she wasn’t Japanese enough. I saw grown ass people attacking a kid over fan art of certain character versions these assholes didn’t like. Games have been butchered due to censorship but it’s more because people don’t want the hassle of being on the other end of Outrage Culture more than legitimate issue. Mass Effect III has titties in it and no one bat an eye. Devil May Cry V shoes Lady butt and it’s a problem. Even still, The Last of US II has a graphic, whole ass, sex scene, completely devoid of sexuality, and that gets the pass. The difference between the three? Mass Effect was made eight years ago, Devil May Cry committed the cardinal sin of sexualizing sexy women, and The Last of Us II put Abby’s chonky, manly ass, frame on display. No teets here, just pecks. It was progressive. It was brave. It was deemed acceptable by the Outrage Mob. I’ve watched these people come after Friends, Splice, She-Ra, and so many more, just because those themes doesn’t jive with their far-left politics. Sh*t from literally decades ago. Splice came out in 2009, man. Life was completely different back then but that doesn’t matter. I’m mad now. Let me be very clear about this, i consider myself progressive. I consider myself a humanist. I believe in equality and treating people with dignity but, at the same time, I understand people can be dicks and deserve to be held accountable for that dickery. That said, I'm not going to try and destroy a person’s art because of a boob window or a titty slider. I’m not going to censor  someone’s voice and demand they change their words because i don’t agree wit their sentiment. I’m not going to fly off the cuff without context or reason but that seems to fall by the wayside with Cancel Culture and that’s the f*cking problem.
Look at this sh*t with Amber Heard right now. Cats were so quick to cancel Johnny Depp over this broad’s false accusations. When every one was talking about how terrible Depp was in real life, i told cats to wait and see. I was sure Johnny never laid a hand on this chick and i was positive she was beating the sh*t out of dude. How did i know? Because i literally heard it out of her mouth. Well, not out of her mouth directly, but i read it in an interview she did. Heard openly admitted to anger issues, almost bragging about her rage prowess. She claims that where she’s from, chicks punch dudes. That’s her normal and you have to accept it if you want some of Amber’s ass. I heard rumors about her punching out other partners in airports and outside of clubs because she was upset with them. Again, rumors, but that mess coupled with that interview gave me pause. When every one was sh*tting on Depp and trying to ruin his career, i was one of the lone voices saying maybe chill out about all of this. My pleas went unheeded because, you know, “Believe All Women” but i understood exactly what the f*ck Heard was all about. I had context for her character and was more than confident this chick was trying to get that financial boon out of the then half-billionaire, Johnny Depp. Look at the clout she got immediately after coming out as a “survivor.” She got Mera. She became the face of a massively important movement, bolstering her visibility in an industry where visibility means dollars. Heard said she was never in it for the money but when Johnny started writing those checks directly to Heard’s charity of choice, in her name instead of to her, she was quick to sue for a lump sum. I mean, one of the first things leaked about this case was an extortion letter from Heard’s lawyer disguised as a “generous” settlement to eschew any “embarrassing” facts coming to light through trial, never mind the many, many, times she admitted to beating Depp on camera and tape.
Cancel Culture isn’t terrible. It can be a very powerful weapon for change. I’m not saying it’s devoid of agency or that it’s outright wrong, what i am saying is that, in it’s current state, it feels less like a toll for growth and more like a bunch of petulant children throwing tantrums about dumb sh*t. Being upset people of color when those people, themselves, aren’t even bothered by whatever, seems pretentious. Getting offended when those people call you out for your unsolicited notion of do-goodery, is ridiculous. Attacking those people for not sharing your outrage is hubris. When everyone was up in arms about Scarlett Johansson being Major, i was one of those people, too. Why was she getting this role when Rinko Kikuchi was alive and well out in the world. Then i found out the Japanese didn’t give a sh*t about who played Kusanagi, they were just happy to see Hollywood making the film and were curious how they’d butchered it. To them, it didn’t matter who played Major, as long as the movie was good. I had to check my prejudice and readdress my understanding of that role. Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite franchises and, while i firmly believe Major should have gone to a character of Japanese decent, i can’t be mad that it didn’t if the Japanese people, themselves, weren’t. I had to recontextualize my understanding of the situation. No one does that in the Outrage Mob. They just rage and rage, even if they’re wrong, and that sh*t is wrong, in itself.
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