#if youre a nail (omega) many things start to look like hammers
limelocked · 2 years
with the abo perfume industry obviously there would be pheromone masking products but would there also be fake pheromone products for betas? in all the abo stuff i've ever seen it seems like alphas are more likely to be hired for better job positions (ceo, manager, etc) so would it be a good interview tactic to try to smell like an alpha? many things to ponder
im of the opinion that abo things that put alphas automatically at the top are dumb and mostly for the sake of plot rather than the world (which is fine but boring worldbuildingwise), imo betas would probably be put in a lot of those jobs unless the workplace is shitty (re: your boss uses pheramones to intimidate you pov) or your workplace requires it (re: you are a boss and need to use your pheramones to intimidate other bosses, or you need to be physically strong) or thats just the culture (re: king is always alpha so top of company must also), i kinda think of betas as being seen as worker ants in a modern omegaverse world where theyre seen as the most level-headed of the sexes even if this isnt always true
100% think theres pheramone infused perfumes tho for several purposes such as you are a beta who wants to bed an alpha so you put on some omega perfume, you are an alpha who is just some guy and wear a concoction of beta and omega pheramones to make yourself look more friendly and approachable for several occasions, you are a fool omega or alpha who went straight for the opposites perfume and now have to deal with 1 possible irregular heat/rut 2 the smells not mixing well At All and signalling to others that you have a partner (you dont, you are an idiot) just as much as axe body spray signals that youre 15
personally i think that betas also produce and smell pheramones because itd be kinda weird physiologically if they couldnt full out, beta pheramones just being distinct and/or less noticable than alpha or omega ones, if thats something that the beta in question is self-conscious about then wearing alpha pheramone perfume would be viable and even if theres not a Specific market for betas then there must be a market for alphas and omegas who want their own pheramones to maybe smell different
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thewildomega · 4 years
Doughnut of lies Ch. 5
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Feeling blood drip from your mouth and run down your chin to fall into the large puddle on the floor you blinked slowly and listened to the two men talk outside of the room. 
"Are you questioning my decisions?" the man that had been beating you for the past... you didn't even know how long it had been... said in an annoyed voice
"No! No boss all I am saying is well the girl isn't talking. She hasn't said one thing about the Big Mom pirates. She's ain't gonna hold up much longer so maybe we should just cut our losses and sell her..."
"Sell her?! Do you know how much treasure Big Mom has on her island?!"
"Yea but that girl's an omega, they go for a high price, I ain't seen no claiming mark on er' either. An unclaimed omega is rare, more rare than even mermaids..."
Hearing the other male hum you closed your eyes, God you'd rather die than be someone's slave. Just kill me. Please just let me die.
"If the bitch doesn't talk by the end of the day we'll sell her." 
"Yes boss." 
Looking up when the door opened you glared at the male who narrowed his eyes at you. 
"I'm guessing you heard all that?" he huffed. When she still didn't answer he shook his head and grabbed her small neck in his hand. "So what's it gonna be girl? You tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go."
Lies. All of it was lies, even if you told him what he wanted to know he would still sell you. You weren't stupid like he thought you were. Besides even if Big Mom wasn't the nicest person she had still taken you in and her children were your friends, you would never betray them. You would never betray the man you loved. Spitting blood on his face you heard the deep growl leave his throat as his hand tightened around your neck. 
"You've done it now bitch." he growled. Pulling his knife from his belt he held it up for her to see before he dragged it down her breastbone, leaving a bloody trail and cutting up the front of her shirt. 
Gritting your teeth you tried to hold back your cry of pain, your eyes closing tightly. When he stopped the knife at your diaphragm you tried to breath in as much as you could with his hand squeezing your throat. 
"If you beg I just might forgive y...AHH!"
Swinging your foot up you kicked him in the groin as hard as you could, taking in a sharp breath when he released his hold on your neck to fall to his knees. Whimpering at the intense agony in your chest from what you assumed was your many broken ribs you looked down at him and grit your teeth. Wrapping your hands around the chains connecting your cuffs to the ceiling you lifted you used all your strength to lift your body up, giving your leg the momentum to land a hard kick to his back. Out of energy you let go and dropped back down to your feet, your toes barely touching the floor as your body swung a little. 
Groaning and growling the man pushed himself up from the floor, his balls throbbing along with his middle back. Looking to the omega with fire in his eyes he moved over to grab the wooden cane from the corner. 
Seeing him swing the cane through the air you closed your eyes tight and thought of Katakuri. 
Sitting in the office of his mother's old cremate he kept his eyes closed. Marco, Whitebeard's second in command had come into the room a little over an hour ago and showed them that only a small corner of y/n's vivre card was left and still burning away. She was dying and the knowledge made him feel sick to his stomach, like someone was squeezing his heart. Over the past two days both ships had been sailing in the direction her card said she was in and he and her father had spent most of the time talking about her. He had admitted to denying her when she had finally found him, sending her away and threatening to kill her if he ever saw her again. It had taken everything in his power not to attack the man then and there. He knew how much it meant to y/n to find her father, how long she had been looking. There was no doubt she had been crushed by his rejection and he was sure to let the man know as much, not feeling sorry at all for the guilt clouding the huge male's eyes. 
"How did you meet her? How did she end up with you Charlottes?" Whitebeard asked the young alpha sitting in the chair with his legs and arms both crossed and his eyes closed. 
Sighing slowly he kept his eyes closed as he thought back to that night over twenty years ago. "She found me hiding from slavers in the shed, we got in a fight and she beat me up pretty good. When they came for me she hid me in their house." he wouldn't tell the man that she was the first only person who ever smiled at him, who never belittled him because of his mouth, how she was his only friend. "She somehow convinced her mother to allow us to stay with them until mama came back..."
"You knew Selena?" Whitebeard asked. 
"For only a short time. She was already very sick when we came along. She was mostly bedridden and stayed in her room where y/n cared for her." he told the male and saw the man's brow furrow. He had told him how he hadn't known about y/n, how he had thought his mate had been killed. 
"How old was she, y/n?"
"Five, almost six." 
She was so young, too young to be taking care of her dying mother. It should have been him, he should have been there. 
"She passed about a month or so later. When mama came to get us I... we took her with us. We have been together ever since." 
Humming he looked down, looking again at the pictures that had been bundled together with the stack of old letters he had written to his dear Selena. Most were aged but he could see his mate in them, along with a little girl, his pup. The first one was of Selena sitting in a bed, she looked tired but a smile was on her face as she held what he assumed was their newborn daughter in her arms. A few others were of Y/n was a baby and small child. His favorite was the picture of his mate and pup sitting in the grass, flowers around them. Selena was sitting back, resting on her hands while what had to be a three or four year old y/n laid in the grass by her legs, a large, carefree smile on her face and her blonde hair, hair she had gotten from him forming a halo around her head. Looking the the last one he saw it was a close up picture of the both of them, only their faces in the picture and y/n's little arms making him think she had taken it. Selena was smiling softly but her eyes looked so tired, so weak. The boy in front of him, Katakuri had said she was sick, she was already dying in this picture. Quickly swallowing the knot in his throat he closed his eyes. The guilt that his omega had been sick and he wasn't there to take care of her weighted heavily on him. Always he felt like a failure for not being there to protect her when he thought she had been killed but to now know she had died slowly while their daughter, a little omega herself was forced to care for her, to take on the responsibility which was his made him feel less than dirt. Opening his mouth to speak he was cut off by a loud knocking on his door. 
Snapping his eyes over to the large door he saw Marco throw it open.
"Pops I think we got her. That ship, if I'm not mistaken, I think it's the Reaper Pirates." he told his old man. 
Hearing this the massive man quickly stood from the chair and hurried out onto deck, Katakuri right behind him. Looking out in front of them, just on the horizon he saw the black ship with black sails and growled. 
"Who are the Reaper Pirates?" Katakuri asked Marco when he heard alpha growl. 
"A bunch of horrible people. Slavers, murders, rapist, you name it. They don't care who they hurt so long as they make out in the end. If they've got her then it isn't going to be good." Marco told him honestly. Holding the small bit of paper out for the large male to take. 
Taking the paper from Marco he saw it was only as big as his thumb nail now and grit his teeth. Looking back towards the ship that the woman he loves could be on he felt his heart hammer in his chest. Remembering what Nebula had said about an unclaimed omega going for a high price he grit his teeth. 
You were so cold, your arms were numb from being chained above your head and holding your weight for so long. You wished you could say the rest of your body was numb as well, at least then you wouldn't be in so much pain. Every breath you took felt like your chest was being stabbed with a bunch of needles. Blinking slowly you had to fight to open your eyes, they felt so heavy. How much longer would this last? When would it end? Closing your eyes again you heard what sounded like cannons but you couldn't will your eyes to open anymore. Things were starting to get muffled sounding now, yelling, it sounded like yelling... you were so tired. Sleep. You just wanted to sleep. Sleep and dream. Dream of him. 
He was the first one on the ship, using his devil fruit to fly across to the deck. Using anything he could he started cutting down man after man. Their bullets went through him with no problem, hitting the men behind him. He heard as Whitebeard yelled but he paid him no mind. As soon as he had seen the boxes and crates from Toto land he knew they were the ones that had attacked y/n's ship. Seeing the Captain run out of his cabin he growled at sight of the man adorned with y/n's sword. He gave him no time to attack, throwing his spear through the air and into the man's chest just as he saw his legs change into what looked like those of a frog. Being pinned to the wall he walked over to him and wrapped his hand around the man's throat. "Where is she?" he growled. 
"Where's who?" he chuckled, blood staining his lips. 
Gritting his teeth he shoved the trident into the man completely and watched him die. Ripping y/n's sword from his side he tossed it to one of his men, "Take it to my cabin." he told him and saw the man nod. 
Glancing to the sword Katakuri had handed over he recognized it as Selena's old one and looked to his crew, "Search the ship, find her." he told them. The ship wasn't made for his size, nor that of the Charlotte but the young alpha was quick to duck down and go bellow deck in search of y/n. It angered him to know he couldn't help look for her but the least he could do was make every man on this ship pay. 
Hurrying down the stairs he easily killed any person that dared stop him. Looking over every space he saw no sign of her. Squeezing down to the haul of the ship he kicked open doors, looking over storage rooms and such. Getting to the end of the hall he got to a thick wooden door with a bolt lock. Quickly unlocking it he threw open the door and what he saw made him almost fall to his knees and he would have if he hadn't fell tot he door frame instead. Oh God NO! His whole body trembled as he hurried over to her. There was so much blood. She was covered in it, her skin, her clothes, her hair. It was puddled on the floor, staining the wooden boards a dark red. Her clothes were torn, hanging on her small frame only by pieces here and there. Looking down to the sea prism cuffs holding her body up he swallowed hard at the raw, bloody skin under them. Her tiny fingers, the only part of her not smeared in blood were a light blue from holding her weight for so long. Swallowing hard he looked the room over for the keys but didn't see any. Hearing someone behind him he commanded for them to find the keys. 
"Y..yes sir..." the person said quickly before scrambling away. 
While waiting he gently, his hands shaking reached out to cup her head in his palm, tilting it up so he could look at her. Seeing the deep bruises littering her beautiful face he grit his teeth. Blood ran from her nose and mouth, along with the large cut on her cheek. Her eye was slightly swollen shut as well. At first glance she would almost be unrecognizable. Licking his lips he looked her over, "Y/n? Y/n wake up. Come on sweetheart look at me, open those pretty eyes." he said in a deep low voice. 
There was a voice, a soothing deep voice. It was calling to you. Something warm was touching your face and that smell, vanilla and leather. You knew that voice, that smell but it couldn't be him, he couldn't be here. Trying to open your eyes you just couldn't lift your heavy lids, you didn't have the strength, you couldn't even move your lips to say his name.  
Her eyes didn't open but he did hear a barely audible whimper leave her busted lips and it sent a aching pain straight to his heart, made something in him come alive.  "I got you sweetheart, you are going to be alright." he said, wither it was to her or himself he didn't know. Hearing boots running towards him he looked back to see the man from his crew standing there with the keys in hand. Snatching them from him he quickly started unlocking the chains around her wrists. Trying to hold her to him and unlock the cuffs he saw as Marco hurried towards him, helping to unlock the cuffs while he held Y/n in his arms. Once her arms were free he felt her entire body fall limp but he was there to catch her. Holding her in the crook of his arm he watched as Marco's hand moved towards her and he growled in warning. 
"Calm down Charlotte, I am a doctor." he told the alpha male and heard his growl stop but his noticed his body still tense. Feeling her pulse he knit his brows. "Her pulse if fading, we need to get her back on the ship quickly." he told him. 
Without another word he was rushing out of the haul of the ship with her cradled to his chest. As soon as they reached the deck he saw the emperor's eyes shoot to him and then down to the battered omega in his arms, his face contorting into one of pure fear and anger. 
"Come on we have to hurry." Marco called already going up the gangplank. 
With a nod from Whitebeard he followed the male to the room that was designated for medic. Laying her small body on the large bed he watched as the other male started moving about, grabbing this and that. Seeing a woman come into the room as well and start helping Marco he guessed she was his assistant or a nurse of some sorts. He could only stand there in a frozen state, staring at her near lifeless body. With the lights in the room he could now see more of the damage that littered her body. Her shirt was cut open, almost revealing her breasts. If it would have been under any other circumstance he would be a blushing mess right now but seeing her skin stained red and black he felt nothing but worry. 
"She has lost too much blood, she will need a transfusion. Do you know what blood type she is?" Marco asked the male who seemed to be in a state of shock. "Charlotte." 
Snapping his eyes to the male he blinked to focus. "Ah yes she... she is XF." With a nod he saw them set up the IV, watching as they cleaned away a part of her arm.
"She's too dehydrated...I can't find a vein."
"I'll have to do a central line." Marco said, moving to grab the things he needed. "I need you to go outside." 
Looking to the male he knit his brows, "I am not going an..."
"I can't risk her getting an infection, it will kill her. You are also in the way. You can wait outside and when I know something I will send Nina out to get you." 
Looking from the male back to the omega and he took a deep breath. Nodding he took one last look at her before he left the room. Getting outside he saw a few chairs in the small room and took a seat in them. Looking down he saw blood on his hands, arms and chest. Her blood. Closing his eyes he tried to steady his heart. He had swore the day Brulee had gotten hurt that he would get stronger, that he would always be there to protect the people he loved. He hadn't kept true to his word though because the woman he loved deeply was in the other room, on the brink of death and he hadn't been there to help her. Even now he was unable to help her. Clenching his fists he made a promise to never let her get hurt again. Hearing a door open he looked first to the one she was behind and saw it still closed. Glancing left he saw Whitebeard coming through entrance. The large male closed the door behind him before moving to sit in one of the other chairs. Not a word was said, there was nothing to say. All they could do was wait.
Hours later, long into the night the door to the medical room opened and he snapped his eyes open to see a tired looking Marco walk out, wiping his hands on a towel. 
Looking to both men he took a deep breath before starting. "She is stable. I'm not going to sugar coat it, she's in rough shape. She was beat, I'm guessing by that cane that was in the room with her. Her body is littered with cuts and bruises as well as some nasty welts. She has many broken or cracked ribs, as well as her cheekbone. I pulled a bullet out of her shoulder and a few large splinters out of her thigh and hip. I am guessing it has been at least a good week possibly more since she has eaten anything and considering how dehydrated she was I'd probably say they didn't give her any water either. Lastly she has a mild concussion and the ligaments in her shoulders and wrists have been torn from holding her weight for so long. I've healed her the best I can for today, she's too weak for me to do anymore and I don't want to push her but I will do more tomorrow. It will take time but she should make a full recovery." 
Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding he closed his eyes. "Thank you." he said and saw the male give him a small smile and nod. "Can I see her?"
"Sure, just give Nina a moment, she is getting her cleaned up a bit." 
Nodding he saw the male go to stand by his captain, the two of them speaking softly. It didn't talk long until the woman came out and he was allowed inside. Walking over to her bedside he looked down at her and closed his eyes, she was covered in bandages. But, she was alive and that was all that mattered. Lifting his hand he brushed her hair back some. 
Watching the young alpha with his daughter he took a deep breath. "My daughter, what is she to you?"
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botslayer · 5 years
Top Ten games of the 2010′s
This trend seems to be doing the rounds at the moment and seeing as I’ve been gaming for about as long as I can remember, It just feels right. So, let’s get into it. But first, worth saying: These aren't really in any specific order, it's just the games I've personally had the most fun with overall, but it's pretty hard to decide what the hard numbers on things you enjoy for different reasons are if that makes any sense. 10. The 2010's weren't exactly the best time for anyone, I think. For me they were a slog of finding myself and learning things I wish I didn't. Amid all those things I wanted some levity. The world needs something and stupid. We got a lot of it ion 2013 but I feel like we could have used it scattered around a bit more. In that spirit, allow me to show you one hell of a pick me up:
Saints Row 4
Saints Row 4 does not give a fuck. It is aggressively demonstrating that the entire time you play. It doesn't care in the slightest what you think or why, It just wants to show you cool, if juvenile, and interesting, if weird shit. It's the finer points of Ratchet and Clank's arsenal, SR3's humor, And superpowers that genuinely put Prototype and Infamous in a blender and tell you to go ape shit with them. The soundtrack isn't top shelf, it's the roof of the building the shelf is in. Saints Row Two had a better story overall but SR Four's was just plain fun and a solid enough story to still be invested.
The DLC was just as irreverent and madcap, Featuring everything from an evil Santa Clause to evil Gimps on Game of thrones chairs made of dildos Or Tropey-ass costumes and weapon reskins that I'd be genuinely surprised the game dev didn't get sued over. It has earned its place in my top 10 and I will die by that decision.
2016 saw the advent of a new genre. They blended TF2 and MOBAs, and we got hero shooters in their first AAA forms, Overwatch and Battleborn. But neither of these games is on this list, much as I liked them. Partly because the whole time, I kept thinking of one simple question: "Why do I keep thinking of...?"
Anarchy Reigns
Anarchy Reigns is my favorite Platinum game. Full Stop. The Story mode is interesting and has genuinely good character moments, the characters themselves are completely mental, ranging from a mercenary with a bionic cat leg that secretly has a gun built into it to a giant cyborg bull-man with a jet-powered hammer. The soundtrack is mostly angry hip-hop, making every song a banger and fittingly speedy for things like random bombing runs from jet fighters that come from absolutely nowhere.
There are giant monsters, cars with mounted flame throwers, giant robots, and the online is still pretty sweet because even when abandoned, loading it up with bots still rules. I regularly have more fun with this than I ever did with Overwatch, and I don't care how insane that sounds.
Some games want to make you feel something and fail. Some games make you feel some things accidentally, for example, a desperate need to laugh. This game made me feel like a human blender. Like a Chthonic god of mangled flesh and raw destructive power. Nyarlathotep ain't got nothing on me. I speak, of course, of...
[Prototype] 2
There's no end to the absolute destruction you feel like you're causing in this game. It feels more fluid than the first, the main character is a pinch more relatable, and all the body horror, superpowers, zombie hordes, and big old monsters make for some of the most memorable and fun moments and fights in gaming. The DLC is also pretty solid, adding new fun side challenges, and new powers and weapons that elevate you from "Flesh god" to "Screw physics, I made them" Omnipotent. Best god/monster simulation of all time.
Sometimes some games are at an honest tie in your mind. Be it that you like them for essentially the same reasons, or for completely different reasons, but the overall total joy or entertainment they bring is roughly equivalent. Here, we have a case of the former:
Both games have a tight focus on giving players a unique, boss-centric challenge, both have interesting, somewhat minimal narratives, and both are absolute eye candy.
Furi has a more "Samurai Jack" Quality to me. A complete badass on a relatively simple quest with a somewhat minimalistic art style learning some things as he goes.
Cuphead on the other hand, nails that rubber hose animation style, and the fun levity of such animations while still making the player's ability to interact with the world damn impactful and fun.
They share a spot in my soul, games I love everything about but will never be able to finish. Hats off to both dev teams.
Now here we have another tie. Mostly because the games are so close together, they need to be evaluated more or less as one product IMO, not enough changed for me to consider them separate games, fortunately, that is the furthest thing from an insult it can be in this situation. I present to you, my next pick(s).
Costume Quest 1/2
Now, This might seem pretty random considering my other picks, but honestly, I love Halloween, I love creative madness, I love subversion, I love good characters, and I love cool action, these games have all these things by the bucketload.
The first game is a wild ride through Halloween in multiple very lively locations and the second, slightly confusing as it is, is pretty awesome for the things it introduces, including time travel. Other elements, like the battle stamps, the truly epic forms of everything in the fights, The ability to customize your costumes, etc. they blur together in a pretty big way, but again, there's not a thing wrong with that when both games rock like crystal candy. 
Now, if you hadn't noticed, all of the games on this list have had some hard action at their core, and while I don't HATE calmer games, a lot of the time, so many are kinda dull to me in that with the exception of easter eggs of some sort, most farming sims, for example, just have you doing normal farm stuff with very few twists, may as well start a real farm in that case. My most chill entry is a game that tosses that to one side, asks you to grab a suck cannon, and start harvesting gelatinous monster poop.
Slime Rancher
While you don't spend a lot of time actually interacting with other characters, they just talk at you, the story of the game is pretty effective, the player character of Beatrix has left Earth for a simpler life of Slime Ranching, which entails the raising of alien crops, delightfully derpy and colorful chickens, and going all around in an attempt to farm new breeds of slime for their genetic material to sell off or trade-in for the creation of gadgets while being surrounded by a cast of interesting characters. It's all very wholesome family fun.
The game looks great, has great ideas, and is genuinely the best farming game I have ever played. @ me all you want.
The 80's are almost fetishized nowadays. Given all the property reboots, games that go for the vibe and aesthetic of the time, etc. It almost seems as though the eighties vibe train ain't gonna stop rolling any time soon. But we owe it to ourselves to remember the first big swipe of madcap neon-colored actiony B-movie bullshit and how mind-meltingly epic it was. Ladies, Gents, and whatever else, I present:
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Blood Dragon's story is relatively simple, you play Sargent Rex "Power" Colt (A name said in full so many times I thought his last name was "Powercolt" for the longest time), a former "Omega force" cyborg. Rex and his friend "Spider" were sent into a secret island base to investigate the supposed defection and treachery of their old commander, Ike Sloan. It turns out he has gone rogue and taken an army of "Mark 5" Omegaforce cyber-soldiers with him. What follows is a long story of betrayal, science fiction of the highest nonsensical level, comedy, and brilliantly cathartic action.
The collectibles range from data on animals, to research notes from a scientist, to literal VHS cassette tapes that have full descriptions of movies that I would legitimately watch if I could. "You may now kill the brides" is not a real film and I am angry for every day that that is true. Anyway, play Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, I dunno if it's on PS4 but it's one game I'd buy a new/old console for.
A lot of superhero games NEED to railroad you. Your goals MUST be to save the lives of the people and help the weak and all that. But one dev asked the simple question: "What if it didn't?" "What if the player chose how to use their power? What if the player could be as evil or as good as they damn well pleased?" One game gave you the powers of thunder and lightning and asked what you'd do with it. It's sequel asked you the same, but against more... interesting forces.
InFamous 2
InFamous 2 is a game about making choices, just like the first one, also just like the first one, it can have an effect on gameplay. That effect went from "What does this particular power do in this allignment?" To "Which new set of NEW powers would you like?" The forces of the last game went from “Three flavors of gun-toting whackos” To “Possibly an allegory for the Klan, Swamp monsters, and Ice-powered super soldiers.”
This was, and still is, the best game in the whole series, The powers felt distinct from anything else and still do, the story is solid as a rock, and the enemy types were still varied enough to be interesting, I miss the Reapers from the first game, but that's about it. Everything else was a massive step up. If you have something that can run it, play it.
Action is something I think we can all appreciate on some level. We can understand when it does or does not work, we can understand when we do or do not like how it feels when we are the ones partaking in it. EX: Any schlep can tell you when the weapons in your game lack impact, or when your character moves too slow for the game to be fun. The following game is something I can't say anything of the sort about. And it's kind of like Wolfenstein, when you have enemies this bad, who the hell cares how many you kill?
Doom 2016
Y'all are lying if you say you didn't expect this one. It's DOOM 2016. This game is made of hate and fuck. AND I LOVE IT. You move so fast, you may as well be half cheetah and half sports car. You slaughter the dregs of hell by the dozens and even the biggest, baddest things this game throws at you can be beaten with the starting pistol if you have the stones for it. It looks amazing graphically, the demons all look appropriately threatening, and even the Multiplayer is a great deal of fun in my book.
Something worth noting: The story presented by default is pretty barebones, but that's where supplementary material fills in the gaps, the difference between supplementary material in most games and supplementary material here is the material is till IN THE GAME. You're free to ignore most of the plot as it happens around you, and even interesting tidbits of the lore like how certain demons function. Not only are these things missable collectibles, prompting continued play to find them, they are also pretty interesting reads. So yeah, just about everything you could want in a sequel/remake, builds the on lore and gameplay very organically. 
And here we are, the last game I'd put in this category. An entire decade, and here, we end on the last game that left such an impact I'd put it in my top ten. But first, let's talk about expectations and delivery: When you say a game is coming out, there are certain expectations you have for gameplay, EX: I say "Ratchet and Clank" and you expect a TPS with platforming elements and crazy guns. I say "Gears of War" and people expect something to do with lumbering about in big armor, dismembering things with a chainsaw gun and otherwise shooting them to paste. We might also expect changes to things, better graphics, innovations in grenade variety, something as that franchise goes on.
After the last game in this series was released, there were tons of people who felt let down and disappointed by it. Then they released the still somewhat disappointing special edition of it. They were both still fun, but neither really felt like the full next step in the series. After a failed reboot, they returned to the original story and the lot of us rejoiced. And when it finally came out? It was a step up in most, if not, all regards, to its predecessors. You know what this last one is. Please, give a warm round of applause to:
Devil May Cry 5
A game that was not only a return to form, but a major escalation in gameplay for one character, and a new style of gameplay all together by way of yet another new character. It didn’t exactly hurt that the story kicked ten kinds of ass and that the game looked spectacular in both the design of everything and the actual graphical fidelity.DMC 5 is, like DOOM, Like InFamous 2, Like [PROTOTYPE] 2, everything you want in a good sequel. It built very well on already solid foundations and it was generally just a fun, slightly goofy, massively stylish, and ultra badass ride. I recommend this, and all these games, to anyone.Good night everyone, have a great 2020. And the rest of the decade, for that matter. 
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DOTW 52 - Update. I completely forgot the movie up existed until I was writing the scene and remembered after
Standing in the room that was to be the nursery, Eren had his hands on his hips and a frown on his face. Levi had thought Eren would be happy that the nursery furniture had been delivered. They'd chosen solid wood items that would last, and that could be properly mounted to the nursery walls to prevent the furniture from tipping over. Owning his apartment, they could pretty much do anything they wanted to the space, so he didn't understand why Eren was hesitating in spitting out what he wanted to do. Having spent the last 10 minutes leaning against the doorframe, Levi's patience was wearing thin. If something was wrong, why couldn't Eren say so? Clearing his throat, Levi straightened himself up "What's wrong?" "Huh?" Turning to face him, Eren rubbed his stomach "You don't look happy" "Oh... no. It's not that. It's fine" "Eren, whatever it is, it's not fine. Tell me what's wrong" "It's stupid" "Stop making me repeat myself. What's wrong?" Eren flinched, the look passing over his face in one moment, and gone the next. Apparently he'd been a bit of an arsehole to Eren. He'd sent him to be when their bed wasn't even made. The lingering smell of distress hadn't done his aching head any favours "I. Uh... I was thinking we should have got a rug for the floor" "A rug?" "Yeah... it's stupid, but I was thinking how cold the apartment gets... and it'd be easier to out to put it down before setting up the furniture" "It's not stupid. Do you have anything in mind?" "Something bright?... and maybe some art for the walls? This room doesn't have a window... and I don't know" The lack of a window was another reason the room was perfect for the nursery. They didn't need to worry about the pup opening it once they got older. It was already on his list to install another bolt on the balcony door, as well as the windows in his and Eren's rooms "Look. We need to go to the hardware store anyway, why don't we just go now?" "It's already 5pm. Is anything going to be open?" "They're open until 7. Or at least the one Erwin and I usually go to. I'll grab your shoes and a jacket. It's still raining outside" Winter hadn't started, yet the weather hadn't got the memo. After sleeping most of the day away, he'd woken to sound of rain against the window, and the bed devoid of Eren's warmth. His omega in the bathroom vomiting. Rubbing his stomach, Eren nodded slowly "Alright. I don't know if I'll be able to stay on my feet long. My back's sore from kneeling on the bathroom floor" "We could look online?" "No... I want to see what they have in store first. I've got an idea of what I want, but... I'd rather just get it now" "Let me know if the pain gets worse or spreads" "Levi, I'm pregnant. Something always hurts. It'll be ok" "I don't want you forcing yourself" "I'm not forcing myself. You're the one who... No. Never mind. Let's just go" He was what? Had he done something else? Had he hurt Eren? Grumbling to himself, Eren walked over to him, pushing him lightly "Go grab my shoes, already" Arriving at the hardware store, the rain was still pouring down. He didn't envy whoever was on shift at the moment. People always seemed to think that they were invincible. That speeding in the rain wouldn't result in a crash. Shitty idiots. Working in the rain fucking sucked. Keeping an arm around Eren, Levi found himself holding his breath until they made it inside the store. The concrete entrance had been slippery as fuck, Levi barely able to keep his balance, and Eren up. Walking in, his boots squeaked annoyingly. Looking to Eren, he found his mate's attention was on the wall of paint samples right in front of them. Leading him over, Eren didn't even seem to remember Levi was by his side "Do you want to paint the nursery?" Jumping, Eren stuttered "N-no. I mean... n-not unless you want to, too?" "Maybe not the whole thing, but sure. Do you have any ideas?" Eren shook his head "I'm still in shock. There's so many colours" Levi smiled, kissing Eren on the cheek "Do you want to stay here while I go grab the bolts? I know you said you didn't really want to walk around" "You said we'd look at rugs" "I didn't mean it like that. I thought I'd just go grab the bolts and come back, so you'd have time to pick a few colours out, then we can make the decision together" "I'm messing with you. You can go find the bolts and that. We both know I have no idea about those things. I want to look at colours... and maybe see if they've got stencils or something like that" "I won't be too long. I've got my phone" "Levi. I am literally just standing here. I'm fat, and cranky. I don't think I'm going to get into any trouble" "No. You're pregnant and beautiful" "See if you can find a brain back there, because you're deluding yourself" Even if it was mid-September, with Eren was due in January. His mate was glowing with his swollen stomach and curvy figure. Eren was oblivious to the lascivious stares cast his way, and would probably laugh if Levi was to point them out... but Levi saw each and every single one. Nuzzling into Eren's shoulder, he let his scent flow, warning every single fucker that Eren was his... even if his was muted, he hoped enough was rub off on his mate "Really? You worry too much. I'm just looking at paint samples" "I know, but you're mine and I'm not sharing you" Eren pushed him playfully "Go. Go be all alpha male. Embrace your need for power tools" Bumping him back with his hip, Levi snorted "I'll power your tool" "Shut up. You're already getting nailed. Spare a thought for me, I can't even get hammered" "No. But like that rug we're getting, you're getting laid tonight" "Ugh. Really?" "You're a shit. I'll be right back" "Then go already" Finding the right sets for securing furniture took longer than he'd thought it would. Eren hadn't messaged, so he figured that he was just imagining the time passing much faster than it had. Returning to the paint section, the alpha let out a snarl. Standing there, Eren had half a dozen samples in his hand, while two tall alphas stood there, clearly trying to intimidate him. Striding towards them, one of the alphas reached out, daring to touch Eren's stomach. Levi saw red, but that was nothing compared to Eren. Letting out a snarl of his own, Eren first stomped down on the alpha's foot, then followed through with an elbow to the nose. Roaring in pain, the alpha jerked back, his friend lunging for Eren. Levi was on him before he could lay a finger on his mate. Pulling Eren up to him, he grabbed the wrist of the alpha, twisting the man's arm until he yelped with pain "Eren, are you ok?" "Mmm... these two pieces of shit thought it was ok to get up in my face and tell me how horny and desperate I must be, to be shopping alone in my condition" "Shut the fuck you, bitch up! Bitches should be kept on a fucking lead! And this ones a fucking muzzle" Levi and Eren both snarled, Eren taking it further. While Levi was trying not to explode and bash the ever living fuck out of them. No one. No one talked his mate like this... "This bitch, broke your fucking nose and I will be more than happy to break your balls, if you don't back the fuck off" The commotion they'd made, had finally attracted one of the stores employees. Pushing through the small crowd of onlookers, the alpha puffed his chest out. But with a name like "Chad" it was impossible to take him seriously "What seems to be the problem here?" Eren tried to push past him, Levi now having to protect the two alphas from his angered mate... It'd been a long time since Eren had lost his shit like this. Not including his temper tantrums as his omega came back "These shit stains seemed to think that it's ok to assault a pregnant omega!" "Us! You're the one..." "I'm the one who what? I was standing here, picking fucking paint samples!" Eren's hand went to his stomach, rubbing at it with a groan "Eren?!" "I'm ok. I'm just fucking pissed!" "Sir, if you'd like to calm down" "Me! You're telling me to calm down?!" Chad took half a step back, Levi didn't blame him. Eren was radiating raw anger. Without suppressants in his system, his scent was flooding the area. A distress, and pissed, omega. His instincts were on edge, as were probably ever other alpha in the area "Keep your fucking mutt on a chain. You should lock him the fuck up. Fucking freak" Levi reacted before he even realised it, throwing a blow at the bleeding alpha who insisted on running his fucking mouth. Hitting him squarely in the jaw and dropping him like the sack of shit he was. Beside him, Eren was starting to shake. He wasn't sure if it was the comments on being chained up, or the violence and blood. Wrapping his arms around him, he crooned softly "Are you ok?" "I think I just fell for you a little harder" Seriously?! He was fucking panicking internally "Fuck, brat. I was fucking worried. Especially when I saw them harassing you, but you breaking his nose, was hot as hell. Are you sure you ok?" "The pups not happy, and I'm not fucking happy" "I know. Let's get you home" "I am not going until I get the paint I wanted and a rug for the nursery" Levi winced. Eren was still pissed, and hell have no fury like a pissed pregnant omega. But fuck. It was sexy as hell. He loved Eren's fire, and wanted nothing to more than to drag him home and show him much his temper turned him on. "Excuse me, sirs. I'm going to have to ask you to stay put as the police have been called" Fucking Chad. Ruining his fucking moment with Eren. Whining softly, Eren continued to rub at his stomach "Are you sure you're ok? He didn't hurt you, did he?" "I'm fine. Stop asking or I'm going to punch you" "Ok. But..." Eren raised his hand, curling it into a fist "Alright. But tell me if..." Punching Levi lightly, Levi shook his head "Message received. Do you want to sit?" "No. I want to finish shopping" "I don't think that's going to happen right now" "How the fuck is that fair? They started it..." Both alphas were sitting on the floor. Someone had brought some kind of cloth for the bleeding alpha to hold against his nose, while his chicken shit mate eyed then in anger "I know..." "This is bullshit..." "I know" Eren's anger slowly turned to anxiety as they were forced to wait for the police. One of the other staff had brought over a chair, which the bleeding alpha seemed to think was for him. Retrieving it before the man could sit, Levi sat and pulled Eren down into his lap. His hand moving to Eren's up shirt to rest on his mate's belly. Splaying his fingers, his eyes widened as the small feeling beneath his hand. Despite Eren constantly "complaining" about how active their pup was, this was his first time actually feeling it. He couldn't describe the elation the small movement brought "Do you feel it?" "Y-yeah..." There was another small kick, then nothing. He was disappointed not to feel anything else as the moments passed "I think he's turning flips again... How much longer do we have to wait?" "I don't know... they probably called for an ambulance too" "Do you know who's on shift?" "No idea. Are you alright like this?" "My back hurts like a bitch. But I don't want to move. Everyone's still staring" Resting his head on his shoulder, Eren hid his face "They're staring at those two pieces of shit" "They're probably staring at the psychotic omega" "You're not psychotic" "I just broke a guy's nose" "He had it coming" "You're not supposed to encourage me" "I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself" "I attacked a total stranger" "Who touched you. Only a fucking moron would risk picking a fight with a pregnant omega" "I feel... I just... Why? Why the fuck did he have to do that? I wasn't even doing anything wrong" "I know. I'm sorry I left you" "You shouldn't have to be sorry. I should be allowed to walk alone and shop alone if I want to..." "Yeah... but I'm still proud of you" "I was stupid. The pup could have been hurt" "They didn't look like they were going to leave you alone. You didn't do anything wrong" "Why do alphas have to be like this? Why can't they be more like you?" "I don't think anyone in the world would like to be more like me" "I would. You're so strong and smart. Sometimes it's hard to believe you could love me" "You make that easy... Hey, we're in luck" Walking into the hardware store, Eld and Gunther both caught sight of them "Everything ok, Levi?" "Yeah. These two tried scare Eren and learned the hard way that he wasn't having it" Gunther went to work on the bleeding alpha, the man's friend cursing the fuck out of Eren, not knowing he was only making things worse for himself. Continuing over to them, Eld squatted down "Everything alright, Eren?" "Yeah. I think I broke his nose" "I mean with you. Any pain?" "He's been rubbing his stomach..." "It's fine, Levi" Levi glared at Eld, Eld laughing "Sorry, Eren. I value my life and Levi would kill me if I didn't give you a quick check over" "Levi worries too much" "I haven't had the chance to congratulate you in person. How far along are you?" "23 weeks... I'm fine" "I'm just going to check your blood pressure... So, what brings you guys here?" Eld succeeded in distracting Eren "We were getting stuff for the nursery. Screws to mount the furniture and I wanted to look at paint" Levi tugged Eren's jacket down enough to expose his arm. The thick fabric too bulky for a reading from the blood pressure cuff. Eld smoothly slipping it around Eren's arm "Really? Find any nice colours?" "I found this nice orange and this bluey green that reminds me of Paradis Beach and don't think I don't know you're distracting me" Eld laughed "Oops. You've caught onto my plan already. Any pain in your lower abdomen?" "The pups pretty active. I don't think they're happy that I was so angry" Tilting the screen so Levi could see, Levi wasn't happy with how high Eren's blood pressure was. Even with his anger and anxiety, it wasn't great "Your blood pressure is a little high. Any dizziness?" "No" Eren's answer was too quick "Eren" "Fine. But I was angry and sore from standing. You try carrying a human around. Things hurt" "Eld, I'm ready to move this guy. How's Eren?" "Just about to test his blood sugar levels. Go ahead and take him out" "Will do. Hey Eren, congratulations. And congratulations on bonding with Levi. I never thought I'd see the day someone tamed him" "I wouldn't say he's tamed. Some days he's not even house trained" Gunther froze for a moment, before laughing way too hard "He's perfect for you. Make sure he treats you good" "I treat him just fine. Right, brat?" "Yeah. I suppose so" Walking the two alphas out, there sirens beyond the glass doors. Hopefully that meant the police had already shown up. No one would fault an alpha for protecting their mate, but they might not be so lenient towards an omega protecting his pup. Jumping slightly, Eren whined as Eld pricked his finger "Little sting" "Aren't you supposed to say that first?" "Probably. Look at that. Your blood sugar levels are perfect. If there's nothing else, I'd say take him home and make sure he rests" "That's what intend to do. Thanks, Eld" "You're welcome. Next time we meet, hopefully it'll be at one of Hanji's barbecues" Eren mumbled his thanks, while Eld packed his kit up. His boyfriend was resting the moment they got home. Eren really didn't need any more stress in his life. Waving them goodbye, Eld headed off to find Gunther. Kept waiting, the crowd finally dissipated. Probably because the action was all over. Chad was off somewhere, while Levi was keeping Eren away from the shitty pigs of alphas. It was another good 5 minutes before the two officers finally sought them out for questioning. He'd seen them around, but didn't know them by name. Forced to hold his tongue as Eren explained everything, they noted it down... then made Eren repeat himself. He knew it was their job, but fuck... couldn't they have gone easier on him? Eren was fucking pregnant, and they were looking at him like he really had asked to be harassed. The only comfort from the situation was the knowledge that Eld and Gunther, while remaining professional, would be less than gentle with their treatment of the two men now in their care. Taking his statement. They were finally allowed to leave. The store now in the process of closing. Pissed by the treatment of him and his omega, Levi retrieved the things he'd grabbed and dropped before, forcing the cashier at the one open checkout to serve them. The poor kid looked ready to piss himself. Leaning Eren back out through the rain, he managed to get his mate inside the SUV, with no dramas. By the time he rounded the car and climbed in on the other side, Eren had freed himself of both his jacket and shoes, while his shirt had been hiked up and his pants pulled down to expose his swell. Gently running his fingers across his stretched flesh, Eren was oblivious to what his actions were doing to him. He couldn't help but be turned on by the sight "You're staring" "I can't help it. You're the one with your stomach exposed" "It... I was thinking about you. I slicked so fucking hard when you saved me" A growl bubbled up. The little shit knew exactly what he was doing to him "Is that so?" "Mhmm... it was so fucking hot. It would have been hotter if I wasn't so angry" Forcing himself to keep it together, Levi dumped the bag of bolts and fastenings into the back, before pulling his seatbelt on and starting the car. Letting out a huff, Eren pulled his own belt on "I can't believe he touched my stomach" "Unless you want me jumping you, you should probably calm down" "I can't help it. You going alpha male on my behalf... it makes me fucking horny" "Everything makes you horny" "You're not wrong there. I had to hide my erection with your jacket" They definitely weren't going to make it home like this. Eren's pheromones were filling the car, his own responding as his jeans grew too tight. Sliding his hands across his stomach, Eren mewed as his left hand slid up to his right breast. Licking his lips, Levi tried to reason with his omega, but barely choked Eren's name out "Eren..." "I can't help it... I can't get you out of my head. I was so fucking scared, then you appeared... I kept telling them no. I can still smell them..." Right. He needed to find somewhere to park. He couldn't drive like this. Not when he was painfully aroused and angry as fuck. The only scent that should be on Eren, was his. Levi wasn't even sure where he ended up parking. Outside the car, the rain was coming down in a torrential downpour. Continuing to drive home would have dangerous anyway. Turning the car off, he'd barely undone his bent when Eren climbed into his lap, Levi forced to drop the seat so his pregnant mate could fit. Capturing his lips in a hungry kiss, there wasn't time for gentle and careful. It was like Eren's 20th all over again, except this time, Eren knew exactly what he wanted and he was bonded to the love of his life. Fumbling each other's pants undone and down, Eren mounted him without prep, the omega half moaning and half whimpering as he pushed himself down "Shit, brat... slow down" "Don't want to slow down. You feel so good" "You're going to hurt yourself" "I don't care. I want you. My alpha" Placing his hands on Levi's chest, Eren rolled his hips. His mew sharpening at end in what Levi took to mean pain. Taking Eren's by the hips, he held him high enough that he space to thrust "Let me" "I want you... no other alpha" "No other alpha is ever going to touch you. Not like this. This is mine, alone. You're mine" "All yours alpha. My big... brave alpha" "You're the brave one. Watching you stand up for yourself was sexy as hell" Placing both hands on his stomach, Eren let him support him completely as Levi fucked him, determined to engrain his scent into Eren's very being. Already aroused, his boyfriend's dick oozed precum. For an omega, Eren was well hung. He only about an inch or so shorter, and slimmer, but definitely big for an omega. Levi knew he was on the large size, and as his knot formed and his length thickened, he also knew he swelled up to a full 11 inches. The fact Eren took him completely was hot as hell, even when in rut and he was likely to nearly split his lover's arse. He didn't care that they'd only spent a very limited time together during Eren's heat, Eren had screamed for more, despite being fucked to point his arse was full and he was unable to walk "Levi... Levi..." Sliding his hands up to his breasts, Eren's head lolled back as he worked his nipples "It's ok... let it go" Coming with strangled cry, Eren clenched hard around him, Levi barely able to bury his knot completely before coming himself. Riding out the wave of pleasure, he was barely able to pulled Eren down for a kiss, thanks to his mate's stomach. The position too awkward for Eren to hold, and causing Levi's knot to catch and tug, earning him a whimper. Moving hands to Eren's stomach. They both stayed like that until their breathing returned to normal "Eren, you ok?" "Yeah... fuck... I want to kiss you" "Me too... give me your hands" Taking his hands, Eren interlaced their fingers. Letting out a sigh as he did "Brat?" "I have to pee" "When my knot goes down, I'll drive us home" "You have to stop coming first" "Yeah. There's that too... Fuck..." "My hormones are out of control" "No. No. You're fine" "I got horny over you saving me" "It's a compliment. It's nice to know you find me so attractive" "I find you attractive all of time. I honestly had no idea what to do, but then they touched my stomach. The moment he touched me, I felt violated. I wanted to kill him. Then... his friend..." Eren trailed off and shook his head "I'm sorry I wasn't there" "It's ok. You're here now and I can't smell anything but you" "Good. How's the pup?" "Moving. He's ok. I should have known better than to get so angry" "You know, I love your fire. The look you get when you stand up for yourself and others. I'm so fucking proud of you" "Can you be proud and stop moving?" "I need to clean you up... hold on" Eren gasped as he moved "Levi! Stop" "What? Are you ok?" "Just don't move" "You're covered in cum" They both were. The cum trapped between their stomachs was starting to cool and growing dry. Growling at him, Levi frowned in response. His sated alpha angered at the sound "Levi. I fucking refuse to wet myself. So stop moving" Oooooh... "I could..." "This is embarrassing enough, ok" "I've seen you wet yourself before" Eren looked mortified. Tears welling in his eyes. Smooth. He wanted to hit himself for his own idiocy "What I mean is..." "Just shut up" "I'm saying..." "The wrong things right now. You made me go all weak at the knees and now you're making fun of me" "I'm not making fun of you. I'm saying that I understand" "I don't want you to understand" Eren started to cry. Levi felt like a dick for mentioning anything. What he meant was while he'd prefer Eren didn't wet himself, he wasn't going to love him any less if his knotting him resulted in an accident. He was so fucking in love with Eren, he could never be mad for a small accident "I'm sorry. I'm trying to say I love you" "I love you, too. But can we not talk about it" "I didn't mean to push you. I know it's awkward, but can you turn at all?" "What? Why?" "I was thinking that if I could open the door..." "Shut up!" Yelling at him, Eren ended in a whine. Levi started praying his knot went down sooner rather than later. The moment his knot deflated ever so slightly, Eren bolted out the car with amazing agility. Flooded by cold wind, Levi scrambled for the wiped in glove box, rushing to clean himself down in order to cover himself back up. A few moments later, a very wet Eren climbed in on the passenger side. Handing him a couple of wet wipes, his boyfriend went about cleaning himself up "Are you ok?" "We don't talk about this ever again" "Eren, it's not that bad" "I don't want to talk about it" "You didn't..." "Please, Levi. It's too fucking much right now. I know you're trying to tell me it's ok and you love me, but it's too much. It was embarrassing enough being angry, then stared at, then horny over you beating up the fucktard of an alpha. It's just. Too much. I don't want to talk about it" "Ok... I love you" "I love you, too. Can we please go home?" Eren perked back up as they arrived home. The omega sighing and shaking his head as he climbed out the car "What is this shit? I have to fucking pee again" "That's what happens when you're pregnant" "How do I unsubscribe? And how do I get your son to stop bashing my bladder?" He had the feeling that the near accident episode wasn't about to become a fun anecdote for the future, but at least Eren could kind of laugh about it now "I don't think it works that way" Retrieving the shopping off the back seat, Levi moved to join Eren. His boyfriend reduced to shuffling towards the elevator. Eren had a tender back before they'd fucked, he couldn't imagine his omega was too happy. Fuck. Fuck. He'd forgotten about Eren's sky high blood pressure... fuck "Do you want me to carry you?" "Yes. But I think it's going to make it worse. Can I have hot bath when we get back upstairs?" "Sure. I'll get those salts you like for too" Eren leaned over to kiss him on the cheek "I'm sorry I lost my temper before. And I'm sorry I lost in it the store" "You don't need to apologise" "I do. I hate being mad or yelling at you. You're my mate, and you're so good to me. I feel like a douche every time I do" "All couples fight" "I don't want to fight. I don't want to be mad. I'm so over being mad. Mad at dad. Mad at Zeke. Mad at Reiner and Bertholdt. I'm tired of it. I feel like I've spent more of my life being mad, than living it" This time Levi kept his mouth shut about Eren's justified anger. The reason Eren had spent so much of his life being mad was because people had treated him like shit "Let's get you into the bath. Then snuggles" "God. That sounds good. I'm guessing we need to find a new hardware store" "It's fine. I think I scared that kid though?" "The one serving? Yeah. But that's only because he knew he'd never be as much of a bad arse as you are" "You think I'm bad arse?" "Yep. Now take me to the bath!?" * Levi had been forced to pick up paint up for him on the way home from work, Eren having told him if he didn't he wouldn't be letting him inside their apartment. After a hot bath, and a massage that had him purring his head off, his alpha had settled then down on the sofa. Levi ordered dinner so he didn't have to cook, and Eren suspected it was so he wouldn't be in the kitchen with anything sharp. It wasn't his fault alphas were arseholes. He hoped the one kicked in the balls wounded up needing surgery or something. He was just as much as a dick as his friend. With Levi's laptop on his lap, he and his mate had shopped Amazon for rugs. He would have preferred to see them in person, but everything started looking the same, until he found a beautiful shimmering blue rug that looked comfortable. Levi purchasing the largest option without even consulting him, his alpha knowing him far too well and knowing he'd fallen in love with it the moment the page had loaded. Next they started picking out small things for their pup, Eren more than happy to let Levi choose things to share with him. He loved that Levi was into all of this. That such a strong alpha could have such a soft and caring side. Picking up some art pieces for the pup's room finished their shopping. Eren thrilled that they'd made so much progress without having to leave the sofa. His stomach was still slightly sore from his angry outburst. The pup hadn't been impressed at all with him, making his annoyance known with the seemingly never ending tumbling inside of him. A week and a half had passed since then, their orders had been delivered and Eren couldn't wait for Levi to come home. His alpha hadn't wanted him painting on his own, but daytime TV was soooo very boring, and the lure of bright colours was too much. He'd planned everything super carefully in his head. Along the top of the nursery walls he was doing a pattern of two small birds, alternating between pumpkin orange and maya blue, or at least that was what the paint pots said. He'd texted all the details to Levi, and his alpha had gotten exactly what he'd wanted. Even if he wasn't sure about the colour scheme Eren had in mind. The stencil was simple enough for the pattern to work without looking tacky, and in a small way, he kind of felt like he was paying some kind of tribute to Isabel. He would have looked for some way to include Farlan, but Levi still hadn't told him much about him. Carefully taping the stencils in place, he was happy they'd ordered a couple of sets and as they were sticky squares, he "tiled" alone the top of the room, using the cornice for the lines. Getting up and down on the chair was slightly terrifying, but his excitement won out. He wanted to do everything absolutely perfectly. Even if it meant it took days do to so. After the first four birds were painted, he'd decided the room needed more colour. He wanted his child to live a bright and happy life. He wanted them to have everything they could ever want or need, and every opportunity whether they be omega or alpha. Deciding he wanted to paint stripes around the room, he was quietly happy with his choice. It wasn't like he intended on painting striped all over the room, just an orange L striped on two walls, then a blue L stripe on the two opposite walls, an inch or so below the line of the first. They'd be mostly hidden anyway. The furniture boxes were still everywhere, with the overflow stacked neatly behind the sofa. Levi was going to help with the furniture, he'd even said he'd help with painting, but Eren had his heart on doing it himself and Levi seemed to understand that. His alpha didn't know he was still struggling with accepting his pup and pregnancy, and the altercation with the alphas at the hardware store had messed up him up more than the wanted to admit. Each time his thoughts wandered back, he was filled with anger and hurt. Being told that he should be chained had been like a knife to the heart. It'd felt like the alpha had taken one look at him and known he'd been kept in captivity. Even in the apartment, he found himself on edge. If he accidentally slammed a door too hard, or noticed a spot he'd missed while cleaning, he couldn't help but flinch as fear filled his body. Levi wouldn't hurt him. Levi wouldn't put him in chains or "muzzle" him... he knew that, but that didn't mean he could control his emotions or fears. 12 hours was a long time to be alone. 13 hours if you included travel time and even 14 hours if the day was particularly busy. He loved his alpha, and loved having Levi working again, but he couldn't deny he wasn't lonely without him. Sometimes when he was watching TV, he'd go to ask Levi a question, only to find Levi's spot on the sofa empty. Or he'd go to make lunch, only to remember after he'd gone to all the work of prepping it, that he was all alone. He didn't tell Levi any of this. His alpha had enough to deal with as it was. That's why the nursery had become a lifeline. It got him out of his head, and helped to soothe the guilt he felt for rejecting his own pup. Painting over the orange stripe on the far wall, Eren was careful to stick between the masking tap lines. He'd learned his lesson on how hard it was to get paint off the wood floors, and how hard it was to get the sink clean again once the brushes had been washed. There was now a stubborn stain on the bottom of the white bathtub that refused to lift thanks to him. He hated it. He hated feeling like he'd ruined Levi's bathtub. Especially with how hard Levi had worked to get to where he was "Eren?! I'm home!" "Nursery!" Levi knew he wasn't allowed to ask questions about what was going on in the nursery. He hadn't even heard his mate arriving home, so caught up in painting "I'm going to take a shower!" "Ok!" He needed to finish up... but his pride in the work he was doing wouldn't let him half-arse it. Still painting the orange stripe, Levi scared the shit out of him "Wow. It looks great" Jumping, Eren's bare feet slipped on the newspaper as he span to face Levi. Feeling himself falling, his hand flew out and right into the wet paint "Eren!" The omega's heart was racing, and he was sure he'd just wet himself in fear. Rushing to his side, Levi took his arm "Fuck, brat. I didn't mean to scare you" "It's alright... I just didn't expect you to come in..." Stepping off the paper, Eren looked to the wall. A bright orange hand print now marring his perfect paint job "Fuck!" Trying to escape Levi, Levi didn't get it "It's alright" "It's not alright. Shit. I don't have any white paint" "It's fine" "It's not fine!" The spot where his hand had been was all messed up. His perfect stripe ruined. Letting his hand drop to his side, tears welled in his sad green eyes. He hadn't wanted Levi to see the nursery until it was perfect, and now it was ruined "It's just a little paint" "It's not just a little paint! It was supposed to be perfect and now I've ruined it!" "Nothing's ruined" Shoving the paint brush at Levi's chest, he shook his head "How can I be a mum if I can't do this right?!" "Eren..." "It was supposed to be perfect! For our pup! And I ruined it" "Eren, you need to calm down. Nothing's ruined" "It is. It's all ruined!" Whining miserably, his stomach cramped. Every time he got angry or sad, his body start to betray him. Cramping and acting like it wanted to go into heat... while Thomas's words had never left his head. He went into heat to be more loveable. If that was the case, he was the least loved omega in the world "It's not ruined" "You weren't supposed to see! You... said you understood" "I know, but I got curious. The stripes look good. So do the birds" "They look stupid! I'm stupid for thinking I could do this" "You're not stupid. Here, why don't you take a break?" "How can I?! The paint's fucking ruined" "Then I'll fix it up" Painting his hand, Levi pressed his hand beside Eren's. The mark left fainter than his own "Why the fuck would you do that?!" "So you wouldn't feel so bad?" "You... ugh... why?" "It's our child. Yours and mine. Why shouldn't we paint things like this, to remind them how much we love them" "Because that's not what I had planned!" "Sometimes a change in plans is for the best" "S-so you don't like the nursery?" Had he really fucked up that badly? Levi had liked the two colours he'd chosen, even suggesting a brighter orange... Whining again, another cramp passed through his stomach. His chest growing wet as his tears dropped down freely "Eren, the nursery looks amazing. If you really want, I am happy to pick some white paint up after work tomorrow... but for now, I really think you need to take a break. I'll tidy this up" Wasn't that the same as taking over? His stupid emotions were out of control, but as he softly padded from the nursery, that's all he could think. That he'd fucked up and now Levi didn't want him in there. He'd just wanted to make something special for their child and he couldn't even do that right. Showering, he was uncomfortable. He preferred baths as his skin itches like crazy, especially along the bottom of his swell and bathing seemed to ease that. Showering also meant standing, and he couldn't help the fact that hot water made him sleepy. Basically, he felt it was kind of dangerous to shower alone, so showered with Levi instead. In his current mood, he felt like a burden to his boyfriend. Hiding his feelings and panic attacks from Levi took so much work. He wanted to believe he was getting better, but he just didn't know anymore. Closing his eyes, Eren tilted his head forward, trying to focus on the feel of the hot water raining down against his scalp. He was ok. He was ok. He just had to make it through the next few days, then he could ask Krista for her advice. It didn't seem right or fair to ask any of his friends. He didn't want to burden them with his insecurities, especially when he knew everything stemmed from his own poor mental health. Maybe the alpha had been right to call him "psychotic". He'd felt crazy at the time. He'd fucking snapped and some guy's nose... it was his fault. If he hadn't been so lazy, he could have gone with Levi. Yeah. If he hadn't been there, no one would have been hurt. The squeezing in his chest grew tighter by the second, until he was sliding down the shower wall. He needed to open his eyes, but now he was too fucking scared to. Scared Levi would hurt him if he did. Scared he was trapped on the shower floor. Scared about the fact he was too pregnant to run. Scared about what the future held for his pup. Levi promised to love the pup, no matter it's dynamic, but what if he didn't? What if in 5 years from now, he regretted everything? And what if when the pup didn't present as an alpha, he left? What was he supposed to do? How was even supposed to be a mum? He didn't know how to be a mother. He could barely remember his own mother! Other than her dying. What if he died? What happened to his pup then? Would Hanji take it in? Would Levi still love it? The constant reminder of him? Everything felt too fucking real, too fucking fast. He was only 21. How the fuck was he supposed to be a good mum? All of Levi's wants for him suddenly made sense. He had fuck all life experience. He'd only ever worked as a stripper. Oh god. What was he supposed to tell his pup if they ever asked how he met Levi? I was wearing angel wings and booty-shorts? Shaking my arse for random alphas while living with Zeke? He couldn't tell them that! Shit! Shit! Shit! Curled around his stomach, once again, Eren didn't hear Levi. Above him the shower was turned off with a loud "Fuck", but it barely registered "Eren? Hey. Hey, you're ok" He wasn't ok. He was going to be a mother! There was like three months left! Then. Then their pup would be here and he had no idea what to do! "Eren, I'm going to move you from the shower now. I've got you" Eren shook his head, he didn't want to move. He just... he needed... to fucking breathe "It's alright. I've got you" Wrapping him in a thick towel, Levi lifted him off the bathroom floor. Carried out and into their bedroom, his mate sat him down on their bed "Eren, you need to calm your breathing for me" A jolt ran through him. His head snapping up to stare down at Levi. It was like he had to do what he was being told, and didn't understand why "Breathe with me. In through your nose and out through your mouth" How was Levi just sitting there? How come he wasn't freaking out over this? They'd made a whole tiny person who'd rely on them to survive. A his stomach cramped again, his hand flew up to grip his swell as he whimpered. He couldn't have his fucking heat! Why didn't his body get the fucking message?! He already too much fluid and a fucking cyst. He'd already messed the whole pregnancy up! "Eren?" "I can't! I can't do this!" Wailing at Levi, his alpha blinked at him "Do what?" "Have a fucking kid! I can't do this!" Taking his hands in his, Levi held them while rubbing his thumb over Eren's fingers "Yes, you can" "No, I can't! I don't even know how to take care of myself! I don't know how to take care of a pup! I couldn't even do the the nursery right! What if you die? What if you regret this pup? What if you regret me? What if I'm a bad mum? I can't do this, Levi! I can't do any of this" "Eren, you can. I know you can. You're braver and smarter than anyone I know" "I didn't even go to school!" "No, but you worked your arse off to learn everything you could. Life has been completely crap for you, and you know all the things not to do. I know you're scared, but you're going to be an amazing mum" "I'm not... I'm not. I'm messed up in the head! I helped my dad, birthing pups and they were killed! Killed... they hadn't even had a chance to live. I don't deserve this pup! I don't deserve anything. All I do is bring death" "No. You don't" "I do. I do... I can't be a good mum... I just want to be a good mum" "You're going to be the best mum. I know you are. It's normal to be scared and to feel this way. I wonder if I'm going to be any good as a father. I don't know what a warm and loving home is even supposed to mean. All I know is that being with you, it makes me the happiest and luckiest alpha" "What if you don't want me anymore? What if you don't want the pup? Stress caused developmental issues. I read it. So does PTSD and anxiety. What if there's something wrong with him? It's all my fault... I can't even be pregnant properly" "Yes, stress can cause issues, but Eren, I don't care. Whatever happens, we can deal with it as a family" "What if he suffers because of it? What if he's an omega and something wrong? What if we can't help him?" "I think that's enough "what ifs". We can talk about them, but we don't have any idea and won't until he's born" Eren was still crying. Snot running over his lips as he gasped for breath while mumbling out his words. Levi didn't get it. He wasn't an omega... "I couldn't even do the nursery right. You had to fix it" "It was only a little bit of paint" "I wanted it to be perfect when I showed you. Now you're going to remember it not being perfect" "There's nothing wrong with it. The birds and the stripes both look good" "Not good enough. I wanted... I wanted to make it good for you and the pup. I wanted you to be proud, but I failed" "I am proud" "I'm so stupid" "You're not stupid" "I am... it was never going to be perfect" "Eren. I love the nursery. I love everything you've chosen for it. I love the bird and the stripes and the paint barely needed touching up. You've done a really good job. I'm so proud of you. You did so much work on your own and I can tell how much you loved doing it" "You weren't supposed to look. Now it's all ruined" "It's not ruined. Nothing is ruined" Eren shook his head. They weren't getting anywhere. Releasing his left hand, Levi cupped his left cheek "I don't know how to make this better, but there's nothing wrong with that room at all. Even the hand prints look good there. You're being too hard on yourself. Would you be this mad at me if I'd messed up?" "N-no" "Why not? If I accidentally tripped and got my hand in the paint, would you yell at me and call me stupid?" "No" "Then stop belittling yourself. You're not to blame, and it's already taken care of. I love the nursery. I can't wait to set up all the furniture and put everything away. This pup, this is our baby. Yours and mine. If you haven't noticed already, I'm in love with you. And I'm in love with this pup of ours. You don't need to feel so much pressure to get things right. No one is perfect. If we were, no one would be happy. I love you. How about we get you dried down and something to eat?" "I want to sleep" "Alright. I'll grab you a shirt and some underwear" *
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sparklyjojos · 6 years
---[Disco 17/?] Disco, in which Everything Has Meaning, and we start the final explanation of the case with a lot of confusion---
Runbaba 12 asks Disco if he’s a great detective too (to which Disco answers “I guess?” -- oh, hey, some progress!) and chastises him for not doing anything. Runbaba then tells the Angel Bunnies to construct the Stairway to Heaven from the transparent boards, but not as a spiral. It’s supposed to be built in a straight line, directed in the same way the word “onsdag” on the roof points to. The metal ‘footholds’ on the cedar tree outside serve as a bridge girder of sorts. The rest of the Stairway (or rather, the Bridge?) rests upon the forest trees, the growth of which seem to have been carefully regulated to allow this.
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[I’m reminded of how in Tsukumojuku there was the imagery of the Cross House sliding on top of the cedar trees. Considering Mitamura wrote it... was that in a very meta way a hint for how the Stairway works?]
Disco and Runbaba 12 walk on the bridge through the night, stopping at the distant edge.
“This chaos is occuring because you are who you are,” Runbaba 12 says. “What is fate? What is inevitability? If events are born from will and fate, then accidents shouldn't exist. (...) If we are the products of our will, where does fate come into play? (...) Do you think it was my will to come here to make my reasoning as the 12th one? (...) And yet I arrived to be the 12th one. Just like ‘Tsukumo Juku’ was the 9th and 10th one. (...) Everything is based on this order. If there's 1 and 2, there's 9 and 10 and 12...” [He says a lot more of way more complicated philosophical stuff that I got a little lost in, tbh.]
Runbaba states that the only thing he’s here for is to show Disco this Bridge; more precisely, to show him that something circular can be made into a straight line, and vice-versa. Other than that, Runbaba already knows his reasoning would be wrong.
“But I made a mistake to make a mistake. Intentionally. (...) It wasn’t completely wrong, and it wasn’t useless. (...) If you’re able to find the meaning between the lines, you’d know the beauty of events where ‘uselessness’, or something being ‘in vain’, is not possible. That’s fate, that’s inevitability.”
“...are you going to stab yourself too?”
“If my fate says so. (...) It was the fate of all these poor young people who died until now. Because of you. It’s your fault I feel this pain in my guts now, too.”
Disco suddenly realizes something (that he’s not sharing with the reader yet), and says, “I see... Hey, how old are you?”
“? Seventeen. But that’s not what we’re talking about. Mr. Wednesdayyy, you’re the only one here able to properly see everything.”
Only you can properly save the world! the Nail Peeler said. Even that was important.
“Everything has meaning,” Disco says.
“That’s right. You’re Disco Wednesdayyy. Make people dance, and dance yourself.”
Everything has meaning, and nothing is in vain.
[This is pretty much the same phrase that in Jorge Joestar was translated as ‘everything has meaning and nothing is out of place’. In Disco context, I’d rather translate the second part as ‘nothing is useless’ or ‘nothing is in vain’.]
All the reasonings have been creating a staircase for him to climb. ‘The beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega’. The circular Ouroboros and the straight Yggdrasil. The earth that would be flat if nobody doubted it was. The will that may pull fate towards you and change the world itself, provided it doesn’t clash with the will of others... maybe if there was only one person in the world, they could really do anything -- they would be God.
If we assumed that what the God of Detectives said about the Heavenly Throne was true, then Mitamura, the only person living in the Natsukawa Cottage many years ago, would be ‘God’, capable of changing the world around him freely...
Disco goes back to the Pine House and announces that he will be the one to explain his reasoning next. Don’t worry about Runbaba; he may have been wrong, but he’s not going to die. There’s no reason for anyone to stab themselves anymore.
Disco starts his explanations, figuring out everything as he goes in a true great detective manner. He examines the small hole Nils pointed out earlier, and discovers it’s a part of a vertical crack running from the floor to the ceiling, but most of it has been painted over. In a bout of inspiration Disco tells the Angel Bunnies to measure the size of the big rectangular holes in the walls between rooms 8 and 9 on both floors. He himself borrows a hammer and runs around the Pine House chipping away at the walls, unveiling even more long cracks: a vertical one in the wall outside (between rooms 8 and 9), a horizontal one hidden under isolation tape on the roof... Disco is now pretty sure it’s actually one long crack running around the entire Pine House.
[This is hard to describe and there’s no picture provided, so once again, marvel at my paint skills. Here’s a (very not-to-scale) cross-section of half of the Pine House, going through the wall between rooms 8 and 9. The black line is the position of the cracks:] 
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What’s next... the hallway floor? Maybe the actions of the God of Detectives revealing the Staiway, and Runbaba then putting it elsewhere, were necessary so Disco could access the floor underneath the boards...?
He asks everyone to go outside the Pine House just in case, except for Dezuumi and a few Angel Bunnies, who will stay as witnesses. (I like that Dezuumi is still overplaying despair because of being wrong. Dramatic as always.) Disco then scrapes away a layer of concrete from the hallway floor, revealing another floor underneath it. And something dark red.
Suddenly, Disco understands. He can finally see the correct world. The entire reality seems to shift around him with this understanding, making him stumble and hit his head on the nearest doorframe, but he doesn’t care too much for that.
“What... is that?” Dezuumi asks, pointing at the dark red something.
“Daibakusho’s blood.”
While Dezuumi is confused, Disco thinks further. Kiyuu hid a fake ‘murder weapon’ in the wall between rooms 8 and 9, so if Kiyuu’s reasoning had meaning, would the real weapon be hidden there as well? With his newfound understanding Disco looks into the space between 8 and 9, where he finds a ladder and a crossbow. It turns out Mercury C is also capable of seeing this ‘correctness’, and he and Disco go together into the space between rooms 8 and 9...
(”Where did they go?!” The Angel Bunnies yell through each other. “Did-- did they just go inside the crack in the wall?!” “They got flat like paper!”)
...and then Mercury C and Disco walk through that space to the first floor, and outside. When everyone demands explanation as to what the hell just happened, Disco starts by saying that it’s complicated, but first, they should realize just where they are. They’re in the Pine House, and they’re in Natsukawa Cottage. Well, obviously, one of these got rebuilt into the other, so you could say that... but that’s not what Disco means.
What he means is that they’re standing in the round Pine House and in the straight Natsukawa Cottage.
At the same time.
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