#it seems like an ordeal
limelocked · 2 years
with the abo perfume industry obviously there would be pheromone masking products but would there also be fake pheromone products for betas? in all the abo stuff i've ever seen it seems like alphas are more likely to be hired for better job positions (ceo, manager, etc) so would it be a good interview tactic to try to smell like an alpha? many things to ponder
im of the opinion that abo things that put alphas automatically at the top are dumb and mostly for the sake of plot rather than the world (which is fine but boring worldbuildingwise), imo betas would probably be put in a lot of those jobs unless the workplace is shitty (re: your boss uses pheramones to intimidate you pov) or your workplace requires it (re: you are a boss and need to use your pheramones to intimidate other bosses, or you need to be physically strong) or thats just the culture (re: king is always alpha so top of company must also), i kinda think of betas as being seen as worker ants in a modern omegaverse world where theyre seen as the most level-headed of the sexes even if this isnt always true
100% think theres pheramone infused perfumes tho for several purposes such as you are a beta who wants to bed an alpha so you put on some omega perfume, you are an alpha who is just some guy and wear a concoction of beta and omega pheramones to make yourself look more friendly and approachable for several occasions, you are a fool omega or alpha who went straight for the opposites perfume and now have to deal with 1 possible irregular heat/rut 2 the smells not mixing well At All and signalling to others that you have a partner (you dont, you are an idiot) just as much as axe body spray signals that youre 15
personally i think that betas also produce and smell pheramones because itd be kinda weird physiologically if they couldnt full out, beta pheramones just being distinct and/or less noticable than alpha or omega ones, if thats something that the beta in question is self-conscious about then wearing alpha pheramone perfume would be viable and even if theres not a Specific market for betas then there must be a market for alphas and omegas who want their own pheramones to maybe smell different
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dreamaruu · 4 months
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Hello RvBGTBQ+ community
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botanyshitposts · 2 years
ok this sounds insane but in 2018 i went to a few carnivorous plant talks at the botany conference in minnesota. i got caught up in conversation with one of the guys there who was a huge nepenthes guy who told me a story about another collector in the pacific northwest who'd been buying poached plants, like a huge amount, and eventually got staked out by the fish and wildlife service and arrested and had all his plants seized and went to prison for it. idk if i ever talked about this on this blog before-- i know i liveblogged a lot from that conference but cant remember what all i posted-- but ive avoided talking about it since then because i was never able to find like, news articles or anything covering it, but behold.... we now have proof it was real, and im like 80% sure this was this guy he was talking about. the raid happened in 2016 and they'd been staking them out since 2013. he had nearly 400 plants and had been sourcing many of them from poachers in indonesia and borneo.
remember folks: poaching happens with plants too! it's a huge problem not only in carnvirous plants (nepenthes especially, which this piece is dedicated to talking about) but also in native plant populations in the US, including native carnivorous plant populations (north and south carolina's venus fly traps, california's darlingtonia, and sarracenia from the east coast), native orchids (historically one of the most poached categories), desert plants/cacti/succulents, and slow-growing woody ornamentals (cycads, for example). never buy bare-root plants off ebay or facebook! your best bet is local nurseries (which usually purchase farm-raised plants that do well in a wide range of conditions, and as a result have a healthy population in the wild) or specialty greenhouses (more expensive, but at least in the case of carnivorous plants offer young plants bred from established adult plants in-house, raised in captivity).
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antiadvil · 17 days
Hey so I just watched PJ’s side channel video about how he and Sophie got stuck in traffic trying to deliver something to Dan and Phil. Great video, super funny. No one warned me that when PJ and Sophie realized they’d have to stay in London, Dan and Phil booked them a hotel?? There are at LEAST three bedrooms in their house what kind of rich person bullshit is that??
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nyaaamato · 1 year
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bad omens
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yujeong · 3 months
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.... You know... Vegas canonically making sure to check if his pets are healthy in all aspects of their existence is something that has such potential for pure *filth* and I need to dissect it a little bit. (Warning: this is going to be gross. I'll be talking about excrements. I'll be describing things in detail; not much, but enough to probably make someone gag, so skip this if it's too disgusting for you to read.)
So, ok. The whole fandom has had ideas about how Pete could be getting cleaned at the safehouse. Most of what I've seen is Vegas taking him to a separate room to clean him up or to give him a shave - lovely fics out there, I have to say - and I agree with that idea. The room doesn't have anything in it for Pete to wash himself - - which brings me to the toilet issue. Look. The show didn't even touch on showering, so the very valid question of "How was Pete going to the toilet?" would never be explored, no matter how interesting that would be. (To me. It'd be interesting to me and maybe 2 other people, but still.) I have already explained in this post just how utterly disgusting the safehouse really is as an environment (specifically the room Pete is being held at for obvious reasons), which brings me to this, because one idea I had for the toilet issue was... Vegas leaving a bucket next to Pete to use for his, um, needs. (Generally, I'm very into Vegas humiliating Pete during the safehouse days as a torture method. I believe the dog bowl scene speaks for itself.) Now, one issue in regards to this is the fact that Pete wasn't eating. When your food intake decreases, it leads to constipation, and I can just *imagine* Vegas losing his mind whenever he returned in the room to check if the bucket was full and only seeing piss in there - not much of it, too, because Pete sure as hell wasn't drinking any water. Of course, the next step is dragging Pete to the bathroom to do it there, right? He has to make sure his pet's digestive system is working properly, which means... Vegas staying in the bathroom to watch Pete, checking the contortions on Pete's face, the change of colour on his cheeks, hearing his subtle moans and groans and gasps from his efforts to do the thing, seeing him struggle, sigh, maybe shed a tear or two from the pain. ^This isn't meant to be sexual btw, but it also is in a way, because it's Vegas we're talking about here. Vegas is attracted to all of Pete, to everything coming out of him (heh). So, he watches. He doesn't let Pete touch anything in the bathroom. He doesn't let him flush. He takes him back to the room, locks him there and returns to the narrow space to inspect. He spends minutes staring at Pete's excrements, at how small they are ("Don't they feed them anything at the main family?" he wonders like a hypocrite), he lets the smell invade his nose and does his best to not frown, maybe he lowers his body to have a closer look, to check the colour, the texture and everything else - he wouldn't want Pete to have diarrhea or something, right? - and after spending so much time down there that his knees are starting to hurt, he gets up and pulls the string to flush the toiler (idk why I imagined this type of toiler for the safehouse, but stay with me.) And then, he realizes the toiler isn't functioning properly and the excrements stay there, and suddenly, the morbid fascination he had turns into anger. Why aren't they going away? Why are they still here? So, he pulls and pulls and pulls, maybe he breaks the string from how forcefully he's pulling it and he yells in frustration - worthless piece of shit, can't even flush a fucking toilet - so he ends up grabbing the bucket he'd given to Pete, filling it with water and pouring it in there to make the excrements go away. He succeeds the fifth time, drenched in sweat. See? he says to himself. Maybe you can deal with your shit after all. But this can't continue, he thinks. So what if, in Eileen fashion, Vegas thinks that the best way to deal with this problem is by force-feeding Pete laxatives to help him release the load? And what if that solution makes Pete's stomach worse? What if it leads to him vomiting (which is another result of not eating), making Vegas lose his mind even further? What if Vegas' actions create a circle of grossness he can't escape from? I can go on and on about this, but I'll stop here, I think I got the point across lol. VegasPete are so gross (affectionate) (derogatory) ❤️❤️
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gribbo · 22 days
omg omg. 32 for silk ♥️
32. dust motes
"What is the worth," asks the lich, "of a single mortal's life?"
Shadowheart sparks a fire in her hand. Vally Dell, self-styled Ranger of Reaching, reaches for her knife. The minstrel who's somehow found himself in such company slides down the wall, his legs giving out halfway, and scrabbles for the music-box he'd dropped. His hand sinks to the wrist in a fur of dust. A cog rolls past his foot and clatters against a loose floorstone.
"I ask again." The wrinkled leather of the lich's face shifts. Its voice is less dry than the rest of it: mild and unhurried, a water-wheel turned by a strange current. "What is the worth—"
"A life is worth its weight in pain," snaps Shadowheart, thrusting the torch of her hand out. Her terror burns behind the minstrel's eye. Even the white flame, leaping high, trembles as it sweeps the shadows from every corner. "Come any closer, monster, and yours will break the scale."
Vally jogs her weight warily from foot to foot. "I'll happen he's already weighed, flower."
He needs that cog, the minstrel thinks. The nature of clockwork: one missing piece, no matter how small, and you’re back to squinting at sundials. It's something Jem had told him once, crawling on her filthy workroom floor after something minuscule and bright; he had knelt too, blacking the knees of his best breeches, and found the sprung spring winking at them under a trolley.
"Depends on the life," Vally's saying to the thing that will finally kill them, "doesn't it?"
The minstrel reaches across the floor. The lilt of Shadowheart's voice—she'd sing in a lovely coloratura, he suspects—muddles with the noise of their thoughts, his and hers and Vally's, and the steady drip of groundwater from the ceiling of the crypt. He misses the cog twice. His head throbs; he'd woken sticky-faced and sick on the riverbank, those hours ago. His eye's scabbed shut. All the blood's crusted his hair into a sort of plaster—
"Thy companions have answered," says the lich, leaning down to him. The eyes that should have putrefied—grave, curious eyes, empty of malice—glint inches from his own. "Wilt thou?"
It's not going to kill them, he understands with a horrible lurch. It means them no harm at all. He'll soon have to get up again.
Shadowheart's not realized it, yet. Her voice rings out harsh and desperate. "Say something."
He has no head for riddles even when his head's on straight. Still, it's a simple one. In a cupped hand fuzzed with crypt-dust, he holds out the cog.
[send me a number, and i'll write a microfic using the word or phrase!]
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skunkes · 5 months
didn't know you were a dorm warrior cheye, how' was 'd you like the experience of living away from home?
(general) unfortunately i didnt have a cawr then, and also the kitchen was communal (and had the washer and dryer units in it) so I tried to avoid being spotted in there due to the Embarrassment and Shame of being alive, so it was really not too different than living at home where my room is my entire world...just a bit more quiet and peaceful loafing.
(specific) the college i attended is surrounded by water so was nice to walk around the few times I did. I saw Raccoon in person for the first time in my life ^_^ and many smunks and osprey, pelican my best friend pelican
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
why are you people hyping up jonathan harker he was fucking useless LMAOOOOOOO
just on the background while the doctors always did actual work and had insight and schemes and godalming and morris used their $$$
meanwhile he just fell on his knees crying I DEFY YOU STARS OH MY DOOMED LOVE
Oh, anon. I know I probably should just ignore you. However, I first of all find this ask very funny, and secondly you are giving me a golden opportunity to brag about my boy, here. I'm definitely gonna take it.
Behold - an incomplete list of things Jonathan Harker has done:
survived for months alone in Dracula's castle, maintaining a delicate balance of not rocking the boat too far and getting killed, but never giving up fully/seizing every chance to try and learn more or find a way out (letters, wall-climbing, etc.)
the only person to harm Dracula (shovel scar) and live (the only others were Renfield and Quincey, both of whom died the same day). the only person to hit him more than once (shovel, cut his coat open, sliced off his head). one of the two people who killed him (sliced off his head if you missed that one)
escaped by climbing down a castle wall and fleeing on foot through mountains full of wolves, without any warm clothes
was the person to recognize Dracula in London, and to direct the group to Carfax
did literally all of the footwork required to track down Dracula's boxes. began this task on his own without being given direction, and was well underway on it before even linking up with the others. (insight!)
bribery! lots of bribery! using his own inherited money at least part of the time ($$$!)
also, lied to/tricked various sources that he was either still Dracula's attorney, or utilized Arthur's status, to get information (schemes!)
suggested to a surprised Seward that Renfield may be reacting to Dracula and is "a sort of index to the coming and going of the Count." (insight!)
was van helsing's biggest primary source confirming what his research said about vampires, as seen in big speech day when he told everyone 'vampires do this (as seen in Jonathan's diary)' like five separate times
was the first to move to attack Dracula on October 3 (at his house not the asylum), galvanizing everyone else into action
um, kinda a big thing that he never considered his love doomed? like. yeah. willing to go to hell/become a vampire himself to stay with Mina. willing to doom everyone else for his love if necessary but never to give up on that. fell on his knees (I'll grant you) immediately... to comfort Mina when she felt unclean. set aside his immediate impulse towards revenge in order to comfort her first.
but also. very much willing to act to prevent such an outcome? urged everyone else to get on the move so he could go kill Dracula for everything he'd done?
nonetheless, didn't put his personal catharsis/revenge above the goal. was willing to take a backseat for the sake of success in the initial plan and just play guard rather than insisting on being the one to stake/behead him.
...honorable mention again for beheading him anyway in the end. Jonathan literally killed Dracula, bud. (fucking useful!)
I love all the main characters, and am not interested in devaluing anyone's contributions. The doctors are very smart (among other things) and important. Arthur and Quincey are very rich (among other things) and important. Mina, who you failed to mention, is extremely clever (among other things) and important as well. Jonathan, surprise surprise... is also all of those things!
And I love him. He's been my favorite character since my first time reading this book long ago. I (don't actually) regret to inform you that Dracula Daily has only increased that love, as well as vindicated it by seeing many other people agree that he's a great character really screwed over by adaptations, and thus even if I were generally inclined to feel upset about these kinds of messages, this'd still miss the mark. Rather, I thank you for the opportunity to reflect on some of the many ways Jonathan was an integral part of this vampire-hunting team.
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bogkeep · 9 months
the ferry ride was terrible in many ways, but doing nothing for several hours but lie down in a dark cabin and listening to the most recent murderbot diaries was. admittedly. pretty nice
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enaconfessions · 6 months
yeah i just want to apologize for accidentally spreading the 3 meters/9'10" thing, he said it on stream and i immediately converted it to imperial and posted it. later in the stream he said it was a joke (same with the eating ants thing) but reblogs dont appear in the tags so i probably. heavily contributed to this piece of misinfo. all we know is she's taller than most humans. (him joking on stream and us taking it as gospel is why he won't answer lore questions about ena anymore)
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Why do you not have a tag for your weird tickling/tickler stuff? I don't want to be mean, it's just I really hate seeing them and there's no tag to block.
I try to keep everything sorted by fandom, but if it’s really that big of an issue, I guess I can start tagging things. I know my blog is a hot mess, I know I need to keep it organized better, but I can’t really find it in me to try & get things organized. One of these days tho, I do plan on bringing some order to this dumpster fire
But if you really think it’s that weird, you can always just… leave. My interest is clearly not yours, & that’s fine! To each their own & all, but that is the kind of content I post the most. Not the only thing, but it is the majority (what can I say? I started young, built up a brand, & now people Expect Things™️)
I’m sorry if you found me through the normal tags & ended up at the freakshow lol
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compacflt · 1 year
I've read the original version of WWGATTAI and I was wondering why you later decided to have Pete sleep around during their "break up" or rocky patch. I think in the first version he just flirts with others but later tells Ice that he'd burst into flames if he actually slept with anyone else. Did you see it as cheating or did you see it as them being in a very real separation that both were aware of?
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oh shit someone who read the original shitty version 😭😭😭😭😭😭 okay thanks for sticking with me that long firstly
okay—that part of the story was the first part i ever wrote (besides the epilogue which was actually first) so i just didn’t know how it would play out, so there’s that—I didn’t think through the consequences of ice’s betrayal at ALL so that’s the whole reason why i went back and edited it
Secondly, (see here for another post about this), no, I don’t think of it as cheating. they weren’t in a relationship (like they Were but they also weren’t). they were in a situationship that got out of hand. if ice is jealous/butthurt about maverick sleeping around then he is coping & seething and should be made fun of
thirdly, mavericks an unrealistically handsome single guy in his early forties who may have just wasted the last decade of his life on a man who betrayed him/his family & basically dumped him & left him, so not unexpected that he would retaliate by sleeping with other people.
fourthly, as maverick says above, “it’s a distraction,” “[it’s someone who is] not you. I just can’t seem to shake you. I don’t know what else to do.” he feels like he is out of options & he himself is too cowardly to break things off with ice so he’s waiting for ice to break things off with him. him sleeping around = a.) satisfying a physical need that ice used to fulfill before he left b.) shopping around for other people c.) retaliating for ice’s betrayal d.) trying to provoke ice into breaking up with him e.) attempting to distract himself from how much he misses ice
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maccadeau · 1 year
lost in the cloud is stupid funny. like worst relationship ever never would work out and yet. i can see it.
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bugsongs · 9 months
i let the other gay furries talk me into sending a gay furry holiday card to my crush please god pray for me
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I’ve been gnawing my arm off all week in anticipation of what happens post Knives fainting like a bitch like. WHAT DID HE MEAN ABOUT NEEDING TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT VASH? WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE BABY PLANT NOT RESPONDING POSITIVELY TO HIM???? [no idea if I’m reading too much into it or if there’s something deeper there but. Ooh knives being unsettling even when he’s trying his best not to be.] Knives eats paper. Knives unintentionally makes it seem like he fucked Neon [now imagining baby woowoo pulling neon aside and going DID YOU FUCK DOC??]. His joy at the fucking waverider. I’m going insane and exploding at the sheer hysteric euphoria I feel with every chapter
Really loving all of this for you. Genuinely.
Your interpretation as your own, mine doesn't matter as much (especially when it's boring) - the baby plant not really appreciating Knives' murder deal is a way of expressing that Knives is not helping as much as he thinks he's helping, and that he's acting selfishly.
The idea of Knives showing actual interest or admiration in a human body exactly ONE TIME...because he made the body. Was the funniest thing ever. The sheer level of egotism. All human bodies bad, except for the ones I make. Those rock.
At the end of the day Knives is an old fart and 25yo simultaneously, and what old fart slash 25yo doesn't go insane over cool vehicles. He's such a fuckin dweeb.
I barely have the chance to explicitly say this, because obviously Knives didn't notice and he will absolutely never know because Wolfwood would rather hit himself on the head with Punisher than ever say so: Knives in all leather and drenched in blood was the exact moment Wolfwood realized that he is into men. He never forgives himself for this. A lot of terrible things have happened, are happening, and will happen to Wolfwood. Hot!Knives was the worst. He lives with the burden that Doc was insanely hot for .25 seconds for the rest of his life. It's his....cross to bear.
(My rule is that characters are allowed to be hot if it's funny.)
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