#if youre wondering why tegu looks different from when i drew him before there is a reason for that
kingarmorking · 6 months
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Tegu's POV: you're looking at the only barely there kid that your partner has brought back and realizing that, to your horror, this kid has been totally fucking helpless for god knows how long with only the local cryptid to look after him.
Husky's POV: you've just found a body - nope nope he moved he's alive - you've just found a barely there kid after you followed your local cryptid to an alleyway and was subsequently dragged into said alleyway and you're just moments away from losing your mind.
TEGU AND HUSKY DESIGNS! i missed this style i should use it more and this expression meme is so fun to use
(side note had no idea what to do for clothes so i just grabbed these and it ended up working out)
theyre doing their best just give em a little time and itll be fine
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