#ifit wasnt clear
barbie trend
been doing nothing but drawing on mspaint
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thebigcomed0wn · 3 years
cant wait for mspec gays+lesbians being "accepted" and taken off carrd dnis in like a year and another niche lgbt orientation thats been around forever is mercilessly harassed in turn just like ace people and aro people and pansexual people and non dysphoric trans people and mogai genders and neopronouns and
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skulliisms-blog · 7 years
A post I shouda made a month ago...
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under the cut for...well yeah. bad.
aw man...i dunno where to begin man
first off, sorry for just disappearing outta the blue like that. from all of my blogs. i dunno even know exactly how long, but nearly a month ive been mia. jus...
iits too much...like even before going out ive been dealing with problems, in fact that’s why i went from guzma to my ilima blog fr a bit. i always get so happy startin new blogs. its a temporary one, but it helped me. but even soon it wasnt enough, im sorry.
just too much.my depression’s skyrocketing, and so is my dysphoria to the point i feel like throwin up, and my lonliness dont even get me started. and i originally thought id be off for a week, but it kept getting worse worse worse. now my sister is stalking our family, my cousin ran away and im worried sick, nightmares, the problems before gettin even worse, even more family issues  and twice this month i nearly tried to hurt or even kill myself
too much too mcuh im sorry i just couldnt go on writing. so i just kinda disappeared, and i guess this is real late but..some of my friends were gettin real worried, so i guess an explanation for my absence might clear it up.
now this dont mean im abandoning guzma or ilima...im just gonna disappear for a lil more. honestly i dunno how long.i originally thought like during my spring break ill be back but by the looks of it, that probably aint so
im just real sorry
and..ifany of my friends that i talk to ooc are reading this, im sorry i havent been on or talkin. i just felt real guilty bein all sad and depressed talking to you guys...i felt like i was ruining everyone’s fun, talks, and well everything. i dunno, and it’s stupid stupid stupid but im sorry i dunno 
but on a lighter note ;
when i’m back, ill be better, so less whining and droopiness. i’ll try hard not to do anything that may ruin that chance, i will. but...thank you guys for stickin by me, for listening. really. it means loads to me.
i guess you can call this an indefinite hiatus? i think that’s what it’s called.
and im sorry ifit got gloomy i just..thought an explanation was needed. plus i kinda got some of my feelings out there..it helps me feel less bad.
again, thank you for listening.
please take care
- Puppers
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