emm98 · 1 year
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hello 1.5 members of wattblr i have a question for you
so i'm pretty sure the venn diagram of watt fans and people who have read it goes like this by miel moreland contains two people (one of whom is not a member of the group i am surveying and thus does not count), but i still want to ask if anyone would have any interest in possibly reading some sort of iglt watt au?
the premise is pretty simple and also very fun: the book centers around cairo, farrah, eva, and kate (most of the others also have smaller roles in the story). in middle school, the four of them formed a band that was never supposed to play anything bigger than a school talent show, but then their first EP that they made just for fun got discovered by a big name producer and by the time they were 17/18, they were selling out stadiums on their very own headline tour and had won two grammys. however, at this point, cairo decided she wanted to act instead, farrah wanted to go home to be with family, and eva wanted to go solo as a musician, so despite kate's efforts to keep them together, the band breaks up - and so do eva and kate, because eva doesn't know if she knows how to be her own person and if she really can keep kate if she wants a solo career.
the four of them pretty much go completely scorched earth with each other and all start doing their own thing - farrah goes home and comes out as nb, cairo starts acting and is in a movie on netflix, eva writes two albums and goes on a sold out stadium tour, and kate starts songwriting for other artists and goes to college at UCLA, and they don't talk until a year and a half after the breakups, when a storm hits their hometown and someone proposes a reunion concert to raise money for the people affected by the storm. they all agree, because they care about the cause and about helping where they can, but the week of rehearsals is tense and emotionally fraught because none of them really know how to be around each other anymore - and cairo is trying to get eva to stop singing to sold out stadiums about kate and to start talking to her instead, but kate is very resistant and still angry at the others and especially eva for both breakups.
all this to say that you absolutely should read it goes like this, it's one of the best books i have ever read, but even if you haven't read it, i simply want to know if anyone actually gives a shit about the concept of a band au with this premise?
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lady-maryann · 3 years
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Ain’t a poet, but you making me one
Hard to show it, cause I like you a ton
Wrote a love letter in a lonely evening
Expecting a lot to turn into believing !
How to keep you, where to seek you
All these feelings is kinda new
and I’m only expressing but a few
that blue river when it flows
reflected in your eyes for a better view
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aalajlan1 · 3 years
بليت حالي في مطارد خُطاك
وش لي برمضا كلّ ابوها ذحيح
فارق وضيّي ببعده عن مساك
ليه اكرمك ! ونته بوصلي شحيح
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5aa6r-blog · 4 years
طلبتي مني السماح ولبيت مطلبك
بس تكفين لا ترغميني ارجع اعشقك
كثير جروح يروح ألمها وتنبرى..
بس الاثر باقي! وكل ما شفته انجرح
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1unforgettable6 · 4 years
يحرمني صوته ، و هو يدري إنيّ بالحيل احبّه !
و تبكيه عيني ، و انا ادري ان ما للغالي رجعه !
يحرمني وصاله ، و هو يدري اني شغوف للقاه!
و يزورني حلم ، يجدد غرامي و حبي الصافي له !
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khialpoet · 4 years
أوعـدك تـهـون في عـيـني وفي نـاظـري
أوعـدك تمر امـامـي ولا تهز فيني شعره
وش هو يعني؟ افترقنا وانكسر خاطري
مـثـل مـا هنت عندك وش يردني الفكرة
أوعـدك والوعـد قدام وبيثبت لـك حـاظري
بتألم ليلة او ليلتين وبعدها بتكون ذكرى مره
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witchygirl99 · 5 years
Day 4 of the 12 Days of Witchyness
Thanks to anon for the prompt!
Summary: He sees her, chatting happily while she wiped down counters and made faces at her friends. She was beautiful. Exciting. Compelling in a way that made his throat close. And so he looks away, back down at his laptop and the blinking cursor in his document. He writes instead. InuKag.
Rated: K+
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emm98 · 2 years
فجعت الصبح يا ليلٍ سهرته وما قدرت اغفاك
رقد عنّي الشعور اللي نطر شمسك.. وصدّتني
ولا باقي معي لحظة امل في هالعمر .. الّاك
ابيك من السنين اللي قبل لقياك .. طفّتني !
ابيك من التعب ، من التشتت، هاتك لمضناك !
ابيك بكثر ما جيت لدروب الوصل.. وردّتني
عرفتك من طهر صدر المحبّه..وما عرفت انساك
وكيف انسى مشاعر حلم عابر .. ما تعدّتني !
حبيبي غيثك اسرفته على غيري..وانا اضماك
تعبت اعطش معك حلو الليالي.. لين بكّتني !
حروف الصمت تجرح مسمعي..ولا هنيت غناك
طفى صبري وانا اجمع عذر لجلك.. واشتّتني
صِدَق هالشوق! ما اقوى حنيني لك..ولا اقواك
كذوب انّي قويت اشحّ عن حزنك .. واثبّتني
يبعثرني السكوت اللي شكى للحرف من فرقاك
كتب لك من صميم النبض.. قصيدة شوق هدّتني
وبكت كل العيون اللي قرت ذاك الشعور .. سواك
وشتاك اقبل.. ولا كنها كفوفك امس دفّتني!
و تمرّ ايام ورا ايام.. ويمرّ العمر .. وما القاك !
واسائل عنّك طيوفك: "رياح الشوق .. هبّتني؟"
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faqeeh1 · 5 years
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viitalyo · 4 years
والله مالي غير شوفتك مغنم
اتسلّى بك و اتحلّى وصوفك ❤️
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lady-maryann · 3 years
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They say the Devil May Cry,
And as the Devil I’m wondering why?
Turns out the beauty of an Angel
As you are the Queen Archangel !
Can be only reacted to, through, Shedding a tear from the eye !
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aalajlan1 · 4 years
‏طرى اسمك على سمعي و عدّى
‏و عاده لا سمعته ما يعدّي
‏سقى الله يومك بقلبي مُبدّى
‏كسب غيرك معاليقي و ودّي
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5aa6r-blog · 4 years
سنه مرت ولا تظن انك على بالي
لا تحسب ان فرقاك همتني !
ترا ما عادني الي ودعته ..
وفي كل يوم يزيد لك نسياني ..
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lolwa16 · 5 years
قال لا تكترث لمشاعرك حتى
تراكمت مكتظة وحنت له قامته
فمن يعيد له استقامته وكل
شعور يوشك ان يوقعه من هامته
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khialpoet · 4 years
‏يـا بـايـع الـود ومخليني
‏وشـاري الغـيـر وناسيني
‏من غيّرك وبدل أحوالك
‏نساك ذكرانا وخذا بالك
‏هنت في عيونك جاوبني
‏علمني الحقيقة صارحني
‏برر لا تصد وتبني جبالك
‏وتخليني حـاير بأحـوالك‏⁧‫‬⁩ ⁦‪
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