#ignore how much less effort went into shadows… i’m tired lol
ultim8life4m · 1 year
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it’s almost 3 am and i can’t sleep . so!!! human sonic + shadow headcanons!!!!!! i’m aware these r very very cringe but. they could not be contained i had to release them into the wild
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alj4890 · 4 years
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(Olivia Nevarkis x Ethan Ramsey) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Open Heart Crossover crack series.
Song Inspiration: Delicate
A/N This series will focus more on the relationships Olivia has with both friends and potential love interests. Since I was never a med student, I won’t try to write too many medical situations, LOL. The reason Olivia goes to Boston is more of a McGuffin of sorts. I needed a reason to have her truly see what it is she wants in her life. 
The bar was not as crowded as Olivia expected. Pausing in the doorway to allow her eyes to adjust to the low light, she searched the few lingering patrons for the one who had invited her.
Nothing had surprised her more than receiving the invitation.
Well, maybe not more than another invitation she had once received.
And yet...this was different. So completely different.
Stepping up to the bar, she took a steadying breath, irritated that she had allowed herself to hope that this might be the right time to have her old dream again.
Was it so foolish to want to be married and have a family? Everyone else was expected to. Why not her? She would need an heir for Lythikos after all.
Maybe she could be the Nevarkis that actually had children because she wants to be a mother. Not for Cordonia. Not for the duchy. Just, have someone all her own. Someone who she could love without worry of it not being reciprocated.
"What can I get for you?" The bartender asked.
She blinked and refocused.
"I'll have a whiskey sour."
Grimacing at ordering something tied to too many memories, she quickly spoke up.
"Wait! I'll have a glass of Merlot."
"I thought you might be a red wine person."
Olivia turned around and tilted her head back.
Ethan smiled at her. "I was hoping you would take me up on meeting here."
"You said there was something important we needed to discuss." She steeled herself for disappointment. "You haven't changed your mind about the research hospital, have you?"
Ethan set his glass down. "Another scotch, please, Reggie."
"You got it." Reggie handed Olivia her wine glass while reaching for the bottle Ethan preferred.
"Top shelf." She muttered, recognizing the label.
"Pretentious, isn't it?" Ethan teased.
A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. "Surprisingly, it isn't. It shows you have taste."
Ethan took his glass back and told Reggie to put both their drinks on his tab.
"Let's find somewhere to sit."
Olivia followed him out the backdoor to a lighted patio.
They were completely alone.
"There usually isn't anyone out here on a Wednesday night." Ethan explained.
They sat down near a fire pit and waited for the other to bring up what was needed to be discussed.
Olivia silently studied Ethan in the glow of the firelight. His features appeared harsh with the shadows. His eyes seemed to glow when they briefly cut her way.
He cradled his glass between his hands while staring at its contents.
Never one for putting off the inevitable, Olivia shifted in her chair. "What is it?"
His blue eyes raised to hers. "It isn't anything to do with the hospital."
She relaxed somewhat. "Good. I was worried you weren't coming to Cordonia."
"It does involve that." He admitted.
"I don't understand."
"Liv, I am attracted to you." Ethan responded.
She stilled. "Attracted? In what way?"
"In every way."
"Is this your roundabout way of telling me you want me but will do nothing about it?" Olivia's eyes narrowed. "Because I have had those conversations in the past."
"I intend to act on it." Ethan set his glass down.
"You intend to..." Her eyes widened. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that given my history and from what you have shared of yours," he ran a hand through his hair, "I think I should be up front about it." He reached for one of her hands. "I'm not going to take a chance and sit on the sidelines just to watch some bolder man steal you away."
Olivia's lips parted.
Ethan wants me. He admitted it. To me.
"Since I plan on starting out as I intend to go, all with blunt honesty so there is no misunderstanding," he rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, "I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night." His eyes held hers. "I'm asking you out on a date."
He's nothing like Drake, she thought.
"I," Olivia licked her dry lips, trying to calm her excited thoughts so that she could answer. She couldn't recall when a man had ever asked her for a date.
This would be her first real date.
"I would love to." She felt her lips curving at Ethan's smile flahsing. "What time should I expect you?"
"Seven." He stood up and tugged her out of her seat.
One hand settled on her cheek while the other still held her hand.
His eyes drifted across her face, taking in the delicate features that made one surprised at the immense strength they hid at first glance.
Olivia waited with baited breath at whether or not he would kiss her.
She closed her eyes as his lips pressed an achingly tender kiss to her cheek.
"Let's get you home." Ethan murmured. He couldn't help the smile that seemed determined to remain on his face. "I can't wait for tomorrow night."
"Neither can I." She smiled back, thankful no one was around to see her like this.
After bidding her a goodnight at her door with another sweet kiss to her cheek, Olivia quickly changed and got into bed.
Once she had thought through how tomorrow night might go, her mind decided to dredge up the past.
The Royal Palace, Cordonia, six months ago...
"...and then I plan to have Morgana and Merlin..."
Olivia tuned out Penelope's conversation. The effort to keep a pretended interest wasn't worth it. She began to scan the crowd for anything more interesting.
She had begun to tire of the endless round of balls and dinners. If it wasn't for her affection for Liam and Riley, she would have made up an excuse that she was needed in Lythikos.
Well, that, and a certain someone was swaying her into staying in the capital.
Kiara and Penelope both had expectant expressions on their faces.
"What do you think?" Penelope asked again.
"Oh, that is..." She took a gulp of her drink, "that is...something to think about."
"It really is!" Penelope exclaimed. "I've spent weeks trying to decide on..."
Olivia zoned out again.
Feeling the hairs raise on the back of her neck, she turned toward the source.
Her green eyes clashed with a pair of hooded brown.
A barely perceptible tilt of Drake's head had her excusing herself from the people she wasn't listening to.
Winding her way toward the the doors that opened to the back courtyard, she silently thanked her past unfriendly self for helping her avoid being called into more conversations.
Within a minute or two, she was outside breathing in the balmy sea breeze of the capital.
Another few minutes went by before a familiar hand encircled her waist, guiding her deeper into the shadows.
Without a word spoken, Drake pressed his lips to hers.
Normally, she would participate, taking pleasure from pushing him into a wild frenzy of clothes being ripped off.
But tonight...she wasn't sure this was what she wanted.
Olivia wanted more. Not more of the same. Something different. Something evolving. Passion intertwined with more heartfelt emotions. Or something that caused a new kind of passion.
She hated this uncertainty that had plagued her recently. The sneaking around she and Drake had been doing for close to a year was beginning to annoy her.
Olivia had started to yearn for what her friends had.
Liam and Riley were happily married with plans to begin their family.
Hana and Rashad had announced their engagement.
 Amanda had spent the last few years dividing her life with living in both Hollywood and Cordonia with her husband.
Even Maxwell had begun a serious relationship recently with a New York artist.
Olivia felt like she was the only one not moving forward. Shouldn't she have something other than an annulled marriage to show for her years of social seasons?
Shouldn't Drake make a stand? Demand that they take their relationship to a more personal level rather than remaining illicit lovers?
Hadn't she overheard Riley saying that Drake wanted a simple life with a family of his own?
Couldn't he have that with me?
She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away.
"What's wrong?" Drake whispered.
"I want--nothing really--I was hoping..." She trailed off, suddenly feeling very self conscious about what she was about to do.
"Hoping for what?" He asked.
"Hoping you would tell me what this is?" Olivia replied. She gestured between them. "Is this going anywhere?"
He grinned as he placed a heated kiss to her neck. "It could go to my room."
She jerked away. "I don't mean that."
His eyes narrowed at her tone. "Then what do you mean?"
"Us!" She snapped. "Are we doing this to move into something more," she hesitated, irritated at herself for even doing so, "permanent?"
"Permanent?" He repeated. "I thought we were letting off some steam." He rubbed the back of his neck as he took a step away from her.
That simple action spoke volumes to Olivia.
He won't look me in the eye much less remain near. I'm nothing to him but a distraction, one he wants to keep hidden.
"This," her lip curled in disgust, "thing we have is over."
Drake tried to stop her when she shoved past him. "Come on Liv." He grasped her upper arm. "Are you seriously wanting us to date? How would that even work? You barely act like you can stand my presence. Who would believe we--"
She wrenched her arm free. Trying to avoid having to reveal how much his rejection hurt, she muttered to forget what she had said.
"I don't want anything from you." She replied in an emotionless tone.
"Liv," he tried to cajole her back into his embrace. "You know we work better in secret. Putting a label on what we have is only going to cause problems."
"We don't have anything worth mentioning." Without bothering to see his reaction to that, she walked away without a second glance.
It had taken a couple more times of ignoring Drake's subtle hints to meet somewhere before he finally caught on that it was truly over.
One night he caught her alone in the palace library.
"We need to talk."
She simply turned a page in a medical journal she had been reading.
"Olivia!" He snapped.
Her eyes flickered up to his.
He stared at her, willing her silently to speak. Hoping she would explain why she decided to upend something good between them.
She gestured toward a chair across from her.
Drake felt a slight uneasiness at how casual she was behaving. The Olivia he knew was passionate in everything. Even her calmness held hints of restrained energy thrumming within her body.
This...this was new.
"I'm planning on proposing we build a research hospital in Cordonia, preferably close or in Lythikos." She announced.
"You're--what--that isn't what I wanted to talk about." He stuttered.
She chose to ignore that. "We need something to help combat the overflowing in the capital's hospital." She rested her chin on her fist as she stared off in the distance. "I know Lythikos’s weather isn't ideal for most, but the valley below Cordonia's Alps has more seasonal temperatures."
He blinked. "Liv, I think we should talk about our--"
"I talked to Liam about it. He suggested I propose it to the council tomorrow." She refocused on him. "I already have a few doctors in mind to run it."
Drake's brow furrowed. He didn't understand why she wouldn't hear him out.
Swallowing uncomfortably, he nodded toward her journal. "Who're the doctors?"
"There have been numerous articles written about the diagnostic team at Edenbrook Hospital in Boston." She pushed the journal towards him, pointing out a picture of a group of doctors. "And it just so happens that the hospital is going under due to budget cuts."
She lifted her eyes to truly look at Drake. He seemed to handle her decision to not discuss anything personal with him well...which was just what she wanted.
Especially since he doesn't want me except as an easy, occasional hookup.
She was determined to move on. If she couldn't do so with her hope for a family of her own, then she would in repairing her reputation. The name Nevarkis would stand for something honorable again.
This hospital would be her new passion project. A place where people could go when they had no answer to the illnesses they suffered with. A legacy she could proudly leave for the children she hoped one day to have.
A way to use her years of study to benefit her country.
All those classes in trauma care would finally pay off.
"I can't see anyone voting against this." Drake said. His eyes met Olivia's.
Unable to breach the wall she had erected between them, he reached for her hand.
She pulled it out of reach.
His head dropped. "Why won't you let us talk about this?"
"Because we said all that could be said." She replied with a shrug. "You don't want what I do."
"I could try." He muttered.
"Try?!" She hissed. "If a person has to try, then they don't want it." She snatched up the journal and got up. "If the council agrees tomorrow, then I am going to go to Boston to persuade Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Banerji."
"How long will you be gone?" Drake asked.
"As long as it takes." She averted her eyes. 
“Were you going to tell me you were leaving or were you just going to disappear?” He tried to reach for her hand. “Liv, what about us?”
She pulled it away again before he could touch her.
"Time apart will show you that your initial response to my," she grimaced, "prodding was right. There is no us."
"Liv, you're wr--" he shut his mouth when she turned on her heel and left the room.
A few weeks later...
"I'm sending Rashad with you." Liam explained. "Amanda is already in America with Thomas and has agreed to meet you both in Boston for the initial meeting with Dr. Banerji."
"No one else?" Olivia asked, hoping that he wouldn't add anyone from the Council with to go along too.
"No. Rashad has a meeting at Sloan Industries next week and has agreed to stop for a few days in Boston to help gather the financial aspect for us. Amanda will come and go as often as you need her." Liam smiled warmly at her. "But since this is your project, I think you should be there for as long as you need to."
She bowed her head in thanks. For once, she would have a chance to turn everyone's attention away from her aunt's and parents' traitorous actions and prove that a Nevarkis could do some good in this world.
Her dream to have a research hospital with some of the greatest minds in medicine working towards saving people had been one that had sparked to life the moment she decided to finish her degree in nursing.
Finding out that Dr. Banerji had a history of sorts with Cordonia helped ease the way for her and the others to present their offer.
He and whoever else they could entice would be given not only a chance to build a hospital from the ground up, but to also run it as they saw fit. With Cordonia’s generous coffers supplying the funding, its people and those in the surrounding countries would benefit greatly.
And she would finally have something new and honorable to be known for.
"When do you plan on leaving?" Liam asked.
"Within the next few days." She gathered her notes and slipped them back into her briefcase. "I've asked Hana to look after Lythikos for me."
Liam's eyebrows lifted. "You did?"
"I've come to see that she has a spine of steel hidden under that pink ruffled dress." A smirk settled on her lips. "A person has to have one to deal with the people of my duchy."
He chuckled, nodding in agreement. "True. There's no one else I would trust more to step into your shoes while you’re away."
"If that's everything, I will retrieve Hana and head home to finish packing." She rose from her seat, a softer smile forming as she held her hand out. "I won't let you and Riley down."
Liam pulled her into a hug. "You never do."
Edenbrook Hospital, Boston...
“You wanted to see me.” Ethan paused in the doorway.
Naveen looked up from the initial proposal he had been sent. “Yes. Shut the door and sit down.”
Ethan quirked an eyebrow but did as requested.
“As you are aware, all of our attempts to save Edenbrook have failed.” Naveen began. “There is a lot of uncertainty about everyone’s future.”
“If you think I know the answer to our problem, you’re wrong.” Ethan clasped his hands loosely and leaned forward. “I’m fresh out of ideas.”
“What would you say to forming our own hospital?”
A wry grin formed on Ethan’s lips. “You have about one hundred and fifty million saved up that I don’t know about?”
Naveen chuckled. “No. But I was given an offer.”
“What are you talking about?” Ethan sat up. 
“Shortly after graduating medical school, I was offered a fellowship of sorts in Cordonia.” He handed the letter to Ethan. “And it seems that my reputation along with yours has caught their attention.”
Ethan scanned the proposal. “They’re sending a representative?”
“Yes.” Naveen folded his arms on his desk. “They’re serious. I’ve already received a personal phone call from the king of Cordonia.” He smiled. “From what I was told, you and I would help them create a research hospital.”
“Us?” Ethan narrowed his eyes. “Sounds too good to be true.”
“That’s why we must question those they send to talk to us.” Naveen glanced down at the proposal. “But from what I have gathered, we would be choosing everything. Our staff. Layout of the building. The latest equipment.”
“Definitely too good to be true.” Ethan reclined back in his chair. “Even if we did say yes, you’re talking about us moving to a different country. Permanently, it sounds like.” His brow furrowed. “What would we be doing while it is under construction?”
“I guess we will find out tomorrow.” Naveen’s optimism couldn’t be diminished. Our meeting with them will be at noon.” He motioned for Ethan to leave. “Get some rest. I’ll expect you to find out what they are really asking of us.”
“I suppose there are worst things to sit through during lunch.” Ethan paused at the door. “Would you really want to move somewhere new and start over?”
Naveen slowly nodded. “After nearly dying last year, I already feel like I was given a new lease on life.” He met Ethan’s steady gaze. “Why not go to a beautiful country to begin it?”
"You know, Naveen? I don't think I would mind a fresh start either." The younger doctor smiled at his mentor. "Don't worry. I'll ask the hard questions for you."
"Good. Oh and Ethan?"
"This stays between us until we find out what this proposal entails." Naveen put the letter in his briefcase. "I don't want to get anyone's hopes up."
Ethan nodded. "See you tomorrow."
Later that evening, Ethan thought about the years he had spent in Boston. The heartaches he had suffered. The patients he had lost. The work that sometimes seemed to be in vain as he battled against the mysteries of medicine.
He gazed out of his window at the city.
Could I leave? See what else is out there? Perhaps find...
He stopped himself from that last thought. The last thing he needed was a complication like love.
His mind turned toward a certain medical intern who he could have possibly had something special.
But his keeping her at arm's length had ended up pushing her into the arms of a certain surgeon.
Bryce had not hesitated in making Casey his.
They are perfect together, Ethan thought. Which clearly shows I made the right decision.
Still, it does make one a bit envious.
He stood up and stretched. Tired from his long day and now these thoughts, he went to bed.
"There's nothing I can do about any of it." He muttered in the darkness. "Tomorrow might point me toward the direction I should take my life."
Ethan couldn't help but wonder if he had caught Naveen's optimistic outlook. The only thing he did know was that he had a nervous type of anticipation thrumming through his body. It had a hopeful tinge to it as he thought about the luncheon tomorrow.
It was that same feeling he had once had when he first became an intern at Edenbrook.
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My Lethal White episode 1 recap
After having had a lot of fun recapping episode 2, I went back and did episode 1 as well. It got a bit out of hand and is a loooong post...
Under the cut, because, evidently, there will be ALL THE SPOILERS! 🚨
*SQUEEEEE!!!* THEY’RE BACK!!! 🤗💃🏻🙌🏼  (Yes, I’m still squeeing, although this is a rewatch)
Let’s look at the title sequence, shall we? They’ve added a few new details: There’s the wooden cross from the dell, the White Horse of Uffington and Robin’s Houses of Parliament guest pass. The child from Billy’s memories and the pink blanket. Someone’s already mentioned the ‘whore’ swirling in the coffee cup, and then later we have a fencing icon in the pint. Cool hints. 😎
Cut to tired, head-achy Cormoran at the wedding. Strike has a slightly different haircut, and I wonder: they dye Tom’s hair darker for the role, but he has a glint of natural first grey at the temples that I’ve seen on Tom pre-Strike. How did they keep that? (Sorry about the hair kink digression…☺️)
Pet peeve of mine they carried over from Career of Evil: in the book, Donald Laing slashes Strike’s palm, but it didn’t happen in the series. There was no blood on his hand when he called Robin, and his glove was intact. And yet, Strike has his hand bandaged. I know it’s a silly pet peeve of mine, but stuff like that pulls me out of the moment. And Strike wouldn’t slap on a bandage just for a little bruising. *steps off soap box*
“You look beautiful.” - “And you look terrible.” - “It’s this jacket, needs taking in.” 😂
“I want you back.” - “What?” Augh, the double meaning of it all, Strike’s softness and Robin’s initial uncertainty of what he means. 🥺
When she realizes that Matt deleted Strike’s messages, there’s a tear spilling from her eye, and she quickly wipes it away. 😢 Such good acting. Such a brave girl.
A few of us have already addressed this in the chat: did Matt BLOCK Strike, or delete his calls and messages? Or both? They’re frustratingly unclear about this detail, and it makes a difference in terms of Strike being able to reach her or not. (I’m a continuity nerd, sorry)
Sarah standing next to Matthew. *gags*
Robin looks so beautiful! And so very sad. (Holliday is acting her heart out of this season, can’t say it enough). This is award material, hands-down. 🏆
Her look across the room at Cormoran while they’re eating! And he’s… just been staring at her all through the meal? Good god. These two.
If Cormoran falls asleep before dessert he’s got to be really, REALLY tired.☺️ Poor baby.
We’ve got to work on your fine dining skills, Cormoran darling! It’s very cowboy and rugged, handling cutlery like that, but you would SINK during an aristocracy under-cover op. Maybe the Comte de la Fère is available for a lesson?
The first chords of The Calling’s “Wherever you will go”. Ack. They really went for the original, and as someone who’s always been ridiculously in love with that cheesy song, I AM HERE FOR IT.
Cormoran walking slow-mo past the bridesmaids, looking at Robin dancing with Matt The Twat. My heart…💔
When I’m gone you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face… *sniff*
Cormoran’s FACE during the dance. I can’t. He looks like a puppy about to get shot. 🥺
(and what a juxtaposition to the little lady with the funny hat bobbing happily next to him, to everyone looking awww and being completely ignorant of the drama that’s playing out. Ugh. I’m dead.)
Matthew moves like someone who’s (painstakingly) learned exactly one (1) dance, and for their wedding only, and why is he even smiling so proudly? They must’ve just had the biggest row in history? Is he really so full of himself?
Even Robin is smiling, although staring longingly at Strike. I bet they did that so Strike would be a little mad at her and want to walk away.
AND HE DOES! 😟 You can just see the “Fuck this” from the book crossing his face as he turns around and leaves. Ack. I’m dead again.
If I could then I would, I’ll go wherever you will go
(Perfectly placed, kudos) 👏🏼
And she runs after him, looking like a fairy-tale princess. Did you see how frigging COLD it must’ve been, judging by her breath?! Poor Holliday must have been freezing to death during the shoot. And then to pull off such a heartbreaking scene…
(Also, the lawn in the park? A shitload of rolled sods. No grass looks this lusciously green in winter, and you can see the edges everywhere. Some landscaper had a field day there!)
“Are you sure?” - “Yeah. I am.” About WHAT, you idiots?! *wrings hands* To her coming back to work, of course, but there’s so much more to their statements. And I’m sure that non-book-readers thought they were about to kiss and elope, but - alas! - we know that’s not going to happen.😔
But at least we get The Hug™️, and it’s everything we hoped for: Robin crying, digging her fingers into his jacket; Cormoran closing his eyes… God help us, we are all DOOMED sailing this ship! 🙈💔
I was a little miffed upon first watching that they faded out of that hug so quickly. That was it? No, it wasn’t, as we now know, and I love, love, love that we’re getting all these extended flashbacks that reveal more and more of what happened to us!
ONE BLOODY YEAR LATER (I still can’t get over that time jump)
Lol at the subcontractor crashing his moped into the cab! It was only briefly mentioned in the book, and turning it into an actual dialogue was a fun idea.😂
And there’s Denise (that IS her, right?), completely uninterested in doing her job. Good grief - Strike and Robin are BAD a picking employees! 🙈
Robin looking not-jealous-at-all at Strike walking off with Lorelei. Ouch.
I like Lorelei, btw. They chose the actress well, and she’s nice and mature. Which doesn’t mean that I’m not secretly flinching every time she kisses Cormoran. It’s just not right.
Billy. Joseph Quinn does an incredible job playing him. 👏🏼 As dangerous as he appears at first, his despair and his efforts at holding himself together are heartbreaking. That battle he wages against his mental illness is on full display, and his scared big eyes are killing me. 🥺
Cormoran is admirably unfazed by Billy’s appearance - is that his Army training kicking in? Robin, though, is shaking but braving it out, recording with her phone although her hands are trembling. Good acting by Holliday.
Good riddance, Denise.
The good ole’ pencil trick. “I didn’t know people still did this.” 😌
I was surprised that Cormoran chose to simply break into the house on Charlemont road. It’s breaking and entering for no good reason. Could’ve been anybody’s home.
He’s not going to- EWW! He’s sitting down on that filthy couch. And plucking hairs from it. EWW!🤢
Robin: “...and some porn.” 😂 Says it as if it’s what they always find. The usual. Men… 🙄
Who’s the guy taking pictures of Cormoran? I seriously don’t remember this from the b- Oh, WAIT! Reporter guy. Patterson. Yeah. Him.
The CORE members are as cliché in their looks as are Chiswell’s upper class folks. It’s all a bit on the nose for my taste, but then clichés are clichés for a reason.
Cormoran needs to work on his disguises. Not fitting in at all with the CORE crowd, age-wise or in his look. No wonder they don’t trust him. He does it better in the books.
Oh Robin. I actually think you need a lot more therapy to work through your shit.
Ah, here we go. Seaborn bacteria. But first, Matt’s got to be a prick again. 🙄
Chiswell with his arrogance and his rudeness and his finger-snapping. *shakes head* I think if Cormoran hadn’t known he could make some serious money with this case, he may have walked out on him.
Btw, the “large” jacket is making Strike look slimmer instead of bigger. 😄 They’re so desperately mentioning Strike’s largeness, as if beating it over our heads could actually make us not see barely-6-foot and slender Tom Burke.
“Couple more potatoes wouldn’t hurt.” And his FACE! 🥰
Glenister is a really good actor. I always listen to the Strike audiobooks that he narrates, and I was worried hearing his voice in the show would be confusing, but it’s not because he sounds so different. Can’t wait for him reading “Troubled Blood” to me! 🎧
Is it a coincidence that Drummond’s art gallery has a painting of a horse in its front window? I think not.
I love that soft blue shirt they put Cormoran in. Makes him look very huggable. *blushes*
“Not sure I would make a convincing goddaughter either.”😂
So in England you can just walk up to a minister’s house and ring the doorbell without any security people stopping you? Interesting.
Chiswell just shutting the door in Cormoran’s face. RUDE.😠
The brown contact lenses. 👀 Okay, they make her look different, but not THAT different. It’s her sudden posh accent that’s the real stunner.
The panic attacks. Holliday plays them so well, I almost feel like I can’t breathe myself. 😧
I was expecting the Houses of Parliament to look a little less like a stuffy basement full of old junk. *ducks*
Barclay! Definitely looking more attractive than his description in the book. And I thought I’d gotten food at understanding Scottish. I haven’t. *turns subtitles on*
Izzy is the only Chiswell offspring who doesn’t make me want to immediately vomit.
“Venetia. Like the blinds.” Oh God. 🙈
Winn is such a creep. 🤮 Poor Robin. GET AWAY FROM HER YOU LEECH!
Of course Matt doesn’t want Robin to wear the Green Dress. Twat.🙄
The house warming party. I always wonder why Robin doesn’t have friends of her own. I have a feeling Matt has something to do with that.
The earrings. So we will see Robin finding out Matt’s cheating on her! I can’t wait for her to rip him a new one! 😈
Robin calls Cormoran - and it’s not Coco but Lorelei who picks up. That’s a smart change from the book. And it makes her the rebound girl. Which she doesn’t deserve, but it is what it is.
“And she bakes.” 🥴 Is it just me wondering how Lorelei got that cake into the tin without ruining the icing?!
Flashback to The Hug™️. God, their faces are so close. Cormoran is so soft. Nnnnhhhggggg.
Enter the plaid shirt. Lumber!Cormoran is a good look on him! 😍
The Armchair of Sadness™️. Of course that’s where the devastating phone call to Robin’s house happens! The disbelief and disappointment on Cormoran’s face is heart rending. 😢💔
@lulacat3 and I have already established the continuity error with Cormoran’s facial injuries suddenly missing when he’s reached the pub. (And they should still be there; he’s still wearing the plaid shirt from that same evening.) If I were the makeup person I would have been deeply regretful of having missed dabbing fake injuries on Tom’s face again.
The Uffington Horse. Robin’s in appropriate Wellingtons, weather jacket and a beanie for their outing. Cormoran is wearing what he always wears, and Tom clearly wishes he had a beanie. At least he gets to wear a t-shirt under his eternally blue shirts this season. REVOLUTION! 😄
Sure. Let’s just go and dig for a corpse with a shovel so conveniently available! Just the two of them - one delicate Robin and one invalid. And then Robin finds the bones after ten seconds of digging. No further comment. 🙄
But I like the change with Cormoran’s leg. As stupidly heroic as he acted in the book, I like it better in the show where he has to acknowledge his handicap and Robin takes charge.
The bones. Dun-dun-DUN!
(Good first episode, although all in all the pacing wasn’t quite right yet, and compared to the book it all felt a bit rushed. I liked episode two better.)
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