#ignore mistakes and ignore plotholes. this had been on my mind for 20 mins
irevanity · 2 years
A very OOC scenario where Mikami chooses a peaceful life with Gevanni instead of being “Gods” righthand man and, as a result, gives up the deathnote has potential for some angst.
Mikami, having the literal fate of the world in his hands, betrays his God at the warehouse for the person he cares for the most: Gevanni. (Lets just say they had an established relationship long before this whole murder murder murder fiasco for it to make wayyy more sense)
His God gets defeated, dragged away in handcuffs, flesh punctured by bullets. Gevanni is kind enough to block his view and mutter comforting words, but Mikami could feel the eyes of the task force and the SPK on his back, staring him down. A single choice altered their future.
Gevanni convinces him to give up the deathnote and Mikami does so, erasing all his memories about his involvement. By some miracle he dodges the death sentence, and manages to get therapy. Mikami is back to his routine; working as a prosecutor without a single clue of the events that unfolded before. Now everything is “back to normal.” Everything is okay.
Mikami forgets, while Gevanni remembers everything.
Gevanni’s still so tense around him, and it kills him inside. His lover clearly has no idea of what he had done, and Gevanni’s still subconsciously labeling him as a murderer. A criminal. He feels as if the second he drops his guard, he, too, will drop from a heart attack. This has a huge effect on their relationship.
He can’t tell him the truth. He’ll never understand, anyway.
It doesn’t help that they share the same apartment. A once comforting atmosphere was now replaced by that of grey and gloominess. Gevanni can barely maintain eye contact with him, and Mikami doesn’t even know what’s going on. He just wants to fix whatever problem their relationship is facing, but it gets increasingly difficult because Gevanni won’t speak to him. Or even look at him.
They slowly drift apart.
One day, as Mikami decided it was time to give up, Gevanni suddenly approaches him and embraces him as if it was his last day on earth.
He’s mumbling apologies and vague sentences while sobbing hysterically. “I love you,” he says while almost drowning in his regret and sorrow.
Mikami hugs back, feeling the cold, piercing feeling in his heart suddenly lift. He could not prevent his tears wetting the fabric of his lovers shirt. He didn’t realize how much he missed his lovers affection until it felt like he went years without it.
The grey and gloomy days slowly left them the following days.
Their souls were broken enough; shattered into a tiny million pieces, making it painstakingly difficult to mend it back together just for it to appear unscathed on the outside.
They still had a long way to go, but maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.
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irevanity · 2 years
An AU where Mikami and Gevanni were already in an relationship for a while way before Kira existed. Lets just say Gevanni was in Japan at the time. However, as the news of Kira spread around the entire world, Gevanni joins the SPK. During this time he notices Mikami acting more distant around him, but he brushes it off and focuses on catching Kira. Meanwhile Mikami is literally killing people under Gevanni’s nose and is growing paranoid of him finding out.
Mikami knows Gevanni is working against Kira, aka God himself! That makes him an enemy that should be eliminated, but his heart is screaming at him not to. He will never dare harm him. Though he worries that Kira himself will instruct him to kill his own lover when the time comes.
Sooner or later, Gevanni secretly finds the notebook. He tried to convince himself that it wasn’t the actual notebook, but as he turns the pages to find more and more names, his entire world is shattered to pieces. No…Mikami would never kill anyone, would he? He isn’t Kira. With trembling hands he takes photos of every page.
It still didn’t make sense to him, even as he was crafting the fake notebook.
Hours before the warehouse incident, they share one final meal together in their shared apartment. The air around them is tense, as if both of them knew the truth but were too cowardly to speak up.
Minutes before the warehouse, they had one final kiss before leaving.
Gevanni stood by the rest of the SPK, across from the Task Force and Kira himself.
They were waiting for someone. He already knew who that someone was.
Gevanni froze when he heard the familiar voice outside, maniacally repeating delete over and over again as he scribbled everyones names into the deathnote. One of the Task Force members—Matsuda, if he remembered correctly—took out their gun, and without thinking Gevanni took his out too and almost shot him, completely forgetting who the “true enemy” was.
The man—Mikami—enters the warehouse. For a moment, Gevanni could barely recognize him.
He had this crazed look in his eyes, his stare completely glued to the brown haired man who smirked at the ground. This was nothing like the Mikami he knew.
Mikami counts down. Kira gives himself away at the last second.
Everyone is still alive.
All hell breaks loose. He and Rester rushed to detain Mikami. He did not struggle or yell, allowing himself to be handcuffed.
Upon his orders, Gevanni brought the fake over to Near. The boy read the names out loud, though for a fraction of a second the detectives black eyes locked onto him, before averting back to the pages. His real name—Stephen Loud—was not written down.
They try to arrest Kira with no success. He went on this whole monologue, before thrusting out towards the scrap hidden within his watch.
Gevanni’s vision went blurry. Before he knew it, Kira was dead, and his gun was in his hand.
Kiras reign is over. Mikami is sentenced to death.
Near finds out about Gevanni’s relationship with X-Kira. He allows him to visit Mikami in his cell a day before he gets executed. During their meeting, Gevanni completely breaks down and apologizes to him over and over. Mikami is silent throughout the entire exchange.
The day after his execution, Gevanni rests in their shared apartment. He goes through Mikami’s belongings, when he finds a folded piece of paper.
Written on the front, there was a lengthy letter that showed his gratitude, and if only the circumstances were different, he would’ve happily married him.
Written on the back, it says: “Stephen Loud dies peacefully in his sleep on February 20, and happily reunites with his lover.”
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