#ignore sheperds big head
the-convict-of-blood · 7 months
Mmh... I guess so. Meeting all different kinds of versions of yourself is amazing. I think I know a few more.
The Colonel Wilford Motherloving Warfstache, Damien Darkiplier, Author The Host, Googleplier, Bingiplier, Yancy, Illinois, Yandereplier, Jim Twins, Survivalist, FNAF Musical guy, Bill, Dave Torres, Noir Engineer, God Of Night, Eric Derekson, Derek Derekson, Raphael, Bim Trimmer, Ed Edgar, Dr. Iplier, Chefiplier, Dr. Plier, Silver Sheperd, King Of The Squirrels, Pornipliers, Murdock, Shooty Engineer, Hee Hoo, Unnus, Elder Jeremiah, Harold, E-Boy Mark, Captain Magnum. and Actor Mark.
There are probably more out there that I have missed but those are the many versions of you that I have known are very unique. Every piece of media that I have stored in my brain, the knowledge I've kept in it is many.
*their talkative expression was replaced by a their thinking face. there was nothing else to say about than the question, they thought when they stated one of versions they listed, she was suppose to say the last one but they cut that off, thinking there was no use to asking a very... may I say..? awkward question. are both of them really the same person?*
*they snapped back from reality when a sudden touch of fur brushed in their leg. they looked down and saw a big, furry dog, wagging it's tail and completely ignoring their boundaries. they tensed up when the dog was so close to them but they did their best to be polite. giving a few gentle pats on the dogs head wouldn't hurt, finally they looked up at the convict*
“That’s a lot of people I think I knew yancy when I was in prison so yeah. I would love to know others just think it’s best for someone like me to stay in the woods. Just best for people ya know?”
The puppy who had touched the person had a collar that read, “chica” she was wagging her tail and enjoying the headpats and walked too the convict and jumps in his arms he held the dog like she was a plushie. He was unbelievably strong. “That’s chica she’s just a baby and loves attention.”
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
Captain the Retired Police and His Puppies Part 3
Sorry for not updating this story in a bit, I got distracted. I'll be starting a permit tag list for all my Daminette stories so if you would like to be add, just let me know! On with the story
It had been a couple of day since Tom and Sabine left back to Paris
Ace was still Captain's number one priority
So when his girl told him she was making a quick run to the fabric store for a comission for Fang's human he was a bit worried but stayed behind
He did ask that Titus try to go with her
Titus agreed and ran up to Marinette as she was about to leave
Marinette was having a day to herself
Apparently there was a big emergency at Wayne Enterprise and everybody had to go handle it
If course this was totally fine
And Marinette told them as much
She just planned to work on Jagged's comission
But she ran out of fabric and had to go get more
Marinette tried to get Alfred but couldn't find him
Figuring he went grocery shopping Marinette sent a quick text to Damian letting him know she was going to leave for 1 hour tops
As Marinette was heading to the taxi after checking in on Captain and Ace, she was about to head out when Titus came trotting up to her with his leash in his mouth
Marinette: What is it Titus?
Titus nudge Marinette's leg with the leash still in his mouth
Marinette: Would you like to come with me?
Titus gave an enthusiastic bark
Marinette giggling: Okay. It should be fine. We're just popping into a shop real quick.
Marinette put on Titus' leash and sent another quick text to Damian letting him know she was taking Titus with her
The taxi driver took them to the closest fabric store and dropped them off at the corner
The girl and dog was walking by an alley when they heard talking from inside
A woman's voice with a Brooklyn accent: Is that the girl who was able to take down Eddie.
Another woman's voice: Yeah she's dating Wayne's youngest too.
Marinette watched as Harly Quinn and Posion Ivy stepped out of the alley
Marinette took a step back a Titus stood in front of his human's mate
Harley: Aren't you the cutest? Isnt she the cutest Ivy?
Ivy: Yeah but what are you doing out here? It's not safe right now
Marinette gathering her courage: I was just going to buy some fabric
Ivy: Well you need to get off the street now. Joker is doing one of his big plans right now
Marinette: Oh I'll just leave then.
Harley: No why don't you come with us?
Marinette: Umm
Harley wrapped her arm around Marinette ignoring the dirty look Titus was giving her and started to drag Marinette to her and Ivy's apartment a couple of blocks away
Ivy following along: You sure it's a good idea to kidnap Bruce's youngest kid's girlfriend?
Harley: It's not kidnapping, it's forced temporary adoption.
Marinette remained quiet as the two older women dragged her to a secondary location (a/n: STREET SMARTS)
Marinette could sense that these two didn't mean her any harm
And if worst comes to worst she could transform
Titus followed along keeping close to Marinette ready to protect her if anything went wrong
The group made it back to the apartment on one piece
Marinette was able to see parts of the emergency Harley eas talking about
Some streets they passed were completely destroyed
Marinette wondered if she could use her Miraculous Cure to undo the damage
She'll have to ask Tikki about it later
As Marinette entered the Villians' apartment she spotted a young boy about her age sitting on their couch petting two Hyenas
Harely: Hey Edwin, we're home and we brought a temporary guest
Ivy: Don't say it like that. Edwin this is Marinette we found her close to the situation and brought her here until she can be picked up. Marinette this is Edwin-
Edwin: Edwin, but people also call me Puzzler. I believe you've met my father, the Riddler
Marinette blushing: Oh yeah, sorry about what happened at the club
Edwin grabs Marinette's hand and kisses her knuckles: Please do not apologize for such a brilliant show of cleverness. Father was never meant to go after you, rather your loud mouth classmate. Such a soft look but such a fire within, you are quite the paradox.
Titus growled at this strange biy showing too much affection to his boy's mate
Edwin laughing: Oh and is this your little dog? I thought you had a German Sheperd
Marinette: Oh no this is Ti....How did you know I have a German Sheperd?
Edwin taking a step towards Marinette: After watching your brilliance I had to know more about you so I did some research
Marinette taking a step back: Then you'll also know that this is Titus my BOYFRIEND'S dog
Edwin waving off the mention of Damian: yes yes
Ivy: Make yourself comfortable Marinette, you'll be here for a bit
Marinette sat down on a chair away from the two hyenas and the flirty teenage boy
Marinette gesturing to the hyenas: So what are their names?
Harley sitting between the two animals: Oh I'm so glad you asked. This is Lou and Bud. Their my little babies!
Harley continued to baby talk the twon hyenas as Ivy turned back to Marinette
Ivy: So Marinette you're obviously here to visit the Waynes, how are you liking your time in Gotham
Marinette: Oh it's great! Originally Damian was suppose to come visit me this summer and I was going to come back for winter break, but with Ace pregnant and my dog, Captain's the father, we decided to switch so Captain and I could be her for the birth
Harley: Ace is pregnant!! Oh you'll have to call us when she gives birth!
Marinette laughing: Sure
Marinette and Titus spent 3 hours in that apartment with Ivy, Harley, and Edwin laughing and talking. She surprisingly felt safer with them then she did her old classmates
Marinette was having so much fun she didn't realize her phone had died
But Harley let Marinette know that she sent a message to the Waynes letting them know where Marinette was as soon as they got to the apartment
That did not help the Waynes though
They finally defeated Joker after 5 hours of fighting
Damian was ready to go back to the Manor and cuddle Marinette
So imagine his distress when he couldn't find the girl anywhere in the Manor and checking his phone showed that she left somewhere with Titus 3 hours before
He worry grew when he found a worried Captain pacing in Damian's room, waiting for his girl's return
Damian ran down to the cave where is family minus Bruce who had to deal with some messages were still debriefing
Damian panic: Alfred do you know where Marinette is?
Alfred: I believe she's in her room working on a comission
Damian: She's not! She sent me a text three hours ago saying she and Titus were going to get more fabric, but there's nothing else from her since!
Jason: What?!?! What if she got caught up in the attack?
Tim taking over the computer: I'll seeif I can track her phone to find where she is
After a minute of Typing Tim came up with nothing
Damian: We got to go back out there and find her! There's no telling what type of danger she could be in!
Jason: I'm with Demon Spawn let's go!
Bruce entering the cave: Everybody calm down, I got a message from Harley. She and Ivy found Marinette close to the action and took her back to their apartment. She's completely safe and their not even asking for ransom to get her back we just have to go pick her and Titus up
Damian: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go get Angel!
Tim: Hold up Damian we need to change out of out costumes first
Damian: You guys do that I'm grabbing the car! And going there by myself!
Bruce: Damian calm down! Marinette's safe, atleast let me get change and go with you just to be safe okay?
Damian groaning in frustration: Fine but hurry up father
They were able to get Marinette back with no problems, but Edwin calling her Paradox in a flirty way As he said goodbye to her
Harley: I'll definitely be contacting you about that outfit you drew, I must have it!
Marinette giggling: Will do Harley!
That night Damian and Captain refused to let Marinette put of their sight to afraid that she'll disappear again
Though Marinette was able to talk to Tikki and she just might be able to help Gotham and fix the damage that has been done, but as Marinette laid cuddled up to Damian with Captain laying on top of her she planned to go out tomorrow night and she what she could do
And maybe find out the truth to where her boyfriend and his family disappeared to at night
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@felicityroth @northernbluetongue @mystery-5-5 @sidefrienda @tbehartoo @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @sonif50 @t-nikki10 @dawnwave16 @nach0
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harpyloon · 4 years
“how’d we get so deep from just talking about bubble tea?" / f.w
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!OC
Warnings: Angst, mentions of food... also fluffy and cute!
Summary: Fred Weasley and OC Female character fight about bubble tea and it gets kinda angsty but not too much
A/N: Was supposed to be a Fred x Reader thing but i'm not too confident with my 2nd person writing skills yet. Viktoria is my Fred Weasley simp friend 🤪 but she can also be you! 
Also wanted to incorporate a bit of how Hermione mentioned the twins slightly affecting Ron's confidence in canon HP. Testing out the waters so let me know what you think! Hope there wasn't too much angst on here.
WC: 2.4k+
This is for you @weasleyclaw​
Read on AO3
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"What in Merlin's pants is this supposed to be?"
Viktoria giggled enthusiastically against a wide-rimmed straw stuck between her teeth, watching Fred Weasley's perplexed face as he struggled to ingest the contents in his mouth.
"Swallow," she commanded.
Fred quirked an eyebrow, pausing his chewing. "Well, that's what I sai—
He grunted as she took a swipe to his shin.
"Swallow," Viktoria said again, attempting a glare this time, but mirth was swimming around in her eyes.
Frowning and chewing with performative haste, Fred swallowed loudly and obediently (to Viktoria's delight) and stuck out his tongue like a good schoolboy, displaying an empty mouth.
She smiled cheekily, "Well? How is it?"
Instead of answering, Fred brought his wand out and pointed it to his tongue.
Viktoria snatched Fred’s wand immediately, sneaking frantic glances around and shoving it inside her coat.
“Are you mental?!” she whisper-yelled to her boyfriend who had a frown on his face.
“But I'm parched,” grumbled Fred as Viktoria pushed him towards a fairly deserted alley adjacent to the main street.
Covent Garden was bustling with Muggles. Seeing as Easter was fast approaching, boutiques were filled to the brim with shoppers queuing for last-minute holiday hauls, and everyone was out and about, basking in the spring breeze.
A good-looking pair of lovebirds sipping on matching bubble tea beverages, walking down James Street hand-in-hand was nothing close to unusual on a cheerful sunny day such as today. What would've been unusual was if one of the pair suddenly shot out cold, freshwater into his mouth from a wooden stick. That would've stirred some heads.
"You're parched?" Viktoria's eyes were wide and exasperated. "How many times do you have to pull something like that in the middle of a bloody Muggle street—"
"It was you who made me swallow it!" said Fred defensively.
She scoffed, "Oh please. You're being dramatic."
"Dramatic? These things taste like Dungbombs!" he waved his still-full cup of bubble tea, shoving it up his girlfriend's face as if it's committed some horrendous crime. Black little pearls were swimming around between Viktoria's eyes.
She shoves him off, offended.
"Excuse me? Dungbombs? Have you actually eaten Dungbombs?"
"Well, no, but these sure look like 'em."
Viktoria gasped.
"You did not," she glared threateningly at Fred.
"Also," his face frowned in disgust, "who—in their right mind—would put ice in tea? Barbaric is what this is!"
Viktoria's mood was getting fouler by the second. She had been excited. So incredibly excited to have Fred finally try one of her favorite drinks in the world. Her mother was a muggle, and her father a Curse Breaker—where the job came with travelling; when they had lived briefly in Thailand when she was thirteen, they couldn't get her to stop drinking bubble tea every single day.
"I can't believe you said that," she said.
"What? The truth?"
"The entire world doesn't drink tea the same way the British do, Fred!"
"Well too bad for them then! No one makes tea like Mum does."
"This is different. This is about trying something new!"
"Well, I don't want new!"
With a loud groan, she snatched the cup being dangled in front of her face and stomped away angrily.
"HEY— Where are you going?" Fred called to her retreating back.
The good-looking pair of lovebirds were no longer a subject of longing stares as passersby dodged the now bitter-looking woman storming down the Muggle street, sipping from two cups of bubble tea simultaneously, her boyfriend running to keep up with her.
"Viktoria," Fred called out as reasonably projected as possible. They were making a scene and he knew it. He didn't mind the attention when he was being funny or when people stared at him and Viktoria hand-in-hand. He loved showing her off. Not like this though. Not when she was walking away from him.
"Viktoria," he was jogging next to her now, "slow down."
"Sod off and go drown in your Mum's tea, Fred Weasley," she growled without so much as a glance in his direction. "I hate you so much right now."
"Will you stop walking for one second?"
She brisked even faster.
"Okay, okay, I'm sor—," he dodged running into a stroller and an angry mother who chastised him. After apologizing profusely at the woman who was immediately charmed by the Weasley smile, he glanced up and saw that Viktoria was nowhere to be found.
Running down James Street, he paused through every alley, searching, passing by the boutiques they've previously visited earlier in the day. Skidding to a halt in front of the bubble tea shop, he entered and scanned the small space.
"Back for another already?"
The woman who had served them earlier was smiling at Fred behind the counter, "Original Bubble for your lady?"
"Uh," he was still panting, "er—no thank you, madame. I was wondering if—"
The woman laughed.
"Just one for her today then? That's a first. On her best days she can do three!" she seemed to laugh at a memory.
The woman shook her head in amusement, "Your little lady would swell her digestion herself if she could, only if it meant she could drink pints of these devils!" she gestured to the gallons of ready-made tea behind her. "It's a sight. She practically inhales it. I'm lactose-intolerant you see. Watching her, I live vicariously!"
The woman laughed again and pointed to a window in the corner of her shop, "Sits over on that cushion every Sunday when she's back from school."
Fred's breathing was calming down, but his heart was thumping faster.
"She nicked yours 'in't she?" she asked. "That why you're back for another?"
Eyes glued to the small corner booth by the window, Fred answered with a question, "She likes bubble tea then?"
"Likes?" the woman almost scoffed, "Darling, I could say she's a shop benefactor with the number of cuppas that girl downs! She told me once that our tea is the closest thing to those authentic ones you find in— where was that? Taiwan? Anyway—"
"Thailand," breathed Fred, and dread was closing in on him. Remorse slowly working its way to his erratic heart. "She—she lived there for a while. Told me all about the..."
The tea.
"I'll take you I swear," she told him as they walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, "it's almost as good as the ones in Bangkok. NOT AS AMAZING, but good enough!"
Viktoria had moved to Hogwarts when they were in their fifth year, straight from Thailand; carrying stories of her Curse Breaker father, speaking fluent Gobbledegook in Charms that made her a Flitwick favorite, and going on and on about how the school kitchens didn't have black squishy pearls swimming in cold tea...
Sighing, Fred turned to the woman who was still beaming at him.
"One Original Bubble please."
 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
 Viktoria watched churchgoers walk past her from the bench where she sat near St. Paul's Chapel, nibbling on her straw mindlessly.
The two cups of bubble tea were long empty. Her stomach was rumbling quietly from the aggressive intake of lactose, and her foul mood dulled into a solemn ache.
She remembered when she was still back in Hogwarts a few days ago, packing for the Easter holidays. Recalling her long list of "must-dos" with Fred that she had planned out. This was their second holiday as a couple, after getting together right before Fred and George decided to drop out mid-year of their sixth. They wrote together all summer long, and she had spent the following Christmas at the Burrow.
With You-Know-Who back in the picture, nowhere was safe to spend anything these days. But a Muggle area gave a supposedly wider berth from danger. This was why the two had planned to meet her family this time, introduce Fred to her mum and dad, and bring him around Muggle London.
"She's lovely," he whispered in her ear as her mother stood up to refill all their bowls with her homemade Sheperd's Pie.
Viktoria smiled, "She is when she's full."
"Just like you then," said Fred with a smirk.
Her foot met his toe and he coughed out a sharp grunt.
"Say that again?"
"You are as lovely as your mother, my sweet," he mumbled back and gave a strained smile to her Curse Breaker father when he peered at them curiously.
"Lovely my big fat foot," Viktoria grumbled under her breath, poking the bottom of her empty cup with the straw aggressively. "Stupid, insensitive, red-headed git. Can't even pretend. Can't even try to pretend to like it. I'm supportive, aren't I? I even offer to be a guinea pig for the Wheezes. Remember when I grew a stubble because of that potion?" she was talking to her cup now, remembering being the human experiment for Magical Moustache Miracle Stubble Grow.
"AND (poke) TO THINK (poke) I WAS SO (even more aggressive poke) EXCITED!"
A straw-shaped hole peered up at her from the bottom of the cup.
"UGH, I don't even know why I'm mad!"
Someone cleared their throat gently behind her.
Huffing haughtily and knowing exactly who it was, Viktoria ignored the sound and continued to glare at the throng of Muggles walking past. She would not give in. She won't.
A long shadow loomed over her and sat on the bench, giving them a respectable amount of space in between.
The small square they were in was rumbling with activity. But there was nothing but silence in their own little bubble.
She won't look. No. Spiting her, he is. Making fun. Always making fun—
Chancing upon him at the corner of her eye, Viktoria saw Fred sipping on a cup of Original Bubble, frowning as he maneuvered his straw to catch the pearls that were swimming away.
"You don't have to do that."
Fred looked up, straw in mouth, "Well, how am I supposed to catch them then? Sneaky little gorgons—"
"No," sighed Viktoria, "I mean you don't have to drink that. I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to."
"You're not forcing me at a—"
"Cut it out, Fred."
Children were running around nearby, feeding Pigeons with small pieces of bread from their lunch helpings. A little girl slipped. There were no tears though. She continued to roll around the pavement, shrieking with delight, to her mother's chagrin.
She heard him sigh beside her.
"I'm a git."
"You kept going on about this all year last. Never stopped. It—it slipped my mind."
"I'm a git and I deserve to be trolled."
"I'm a filthy pile of dung and I subject myself to eating toadstools for the rest of my life."
"You are not eating toadstool," Viktoria glared at Fred who held his breath as she finally spoke. "I will not snog a toadstool eating wizard."
Fred's eyes turned misty, "You still wanna snog me?"
"When you're not being an absolute arse, I do."
Closing the gap between them the tiniest bit, Fred said, "I'm sorry, Viktoria."
It took a few breaths before she gave a defeated sigh, "This is stupid," she muttered. "This is stupid, I don't even know why I'm mad—"
"I do," interrupted Fred. "I know and I deserve it. I was a git. I wasn't paying attention and I was completely insensitive. You always," he was struggling, "you always feel things around you, even people. You read rooms clearly, you keep me in check. My mouth— I— I can't control it sometimes I— I say hurtful things to people I love without meaning them."
Viktoria was looking at him now, observing Fred's shameful downcasted eyes.
He blinked a couple of times before continuing, "Hermione confronted me once about it, about how the small things I say affected Ron loads. And I— I didn't want to believe her at first. Shrugged her off-quite rudely to be honest. But when I saw him play for Keeper I..."
There was a snitch-sized lump down Viktoria's throat and it was preventing any form of speech. She knew this. They had both sat down and talked about each other's flaws and hubris awhile back, after getting into a massive fight before Christmas at the Burrow. She was familiar with Fred's difficulty with words, his teasing getting too far at times. But he was good. She knew this as well. His affection coursed differently. And this was precisely why she loved him.
Words failing her, she grabbed his bubble teacup and took a long sip. His eyes held hers and she took his hand.
"Go on," she encouraged.
He took a deep breath, "Well, you know what happened. He was all over the place, Ron. Couldn't save a single Quaffle, quite unlike our matches in our backyard. George and I knew he was good. Merlin, even Ginny knew. But he wavered on the pitch. He didn't have the guts. And I had a lot to do with that."
Fred brought Viktoria's hand to his lips, "I'm doing better. You said so yourself," she gave him a teary smile, "but I— I slip and I'm sorry. I'll have more tact. I know it's the little words I overlook, and I'll work on that now. I swear I'll be more careful and— I just don't want to drive you away. You most of all."
Silently and without preamble, Viktoria stood. Fred blinked up at her, and from where she gazed, she saw the mist and remorse swimming all over his enchanting brown eyes.
"Oh, Fred Weasley," she smiled shyly down at him, brushing strands of red away from his forehead. "How'd we get so deep from just fighting about bubble tea?"
He gave a hearty guffaw, the signature Fred laughter that made her heart leap. "Because I'm a drama queen is why."
Pulling her to his lap, she settled on his chest, her head propped against his cheek.
"You're a good man, my Freddie," said Viktoria. His arms tighten around her. "You're the sweetest, most handsome, and you snog me so well."
Fred's laugh was contagious, his chest vibrating against her back. She grinned.
"And you were right. You are doing so well. I forgive you. And I'm sorry too."
She turned her head and rested it below his chin, her nose propped against his jaw, inhaling while her eyes fluttered shut. The sweet, gun-powdered scent of Fred Weasley. All bruised and perfect for her and her only.
"You know," started Fred, breaking their small silence as he stole a sip from the cup, "these aren't half bad."
Viktoria rolled her eyes, "Oh stop."
"I'm serious! I should've given them more teeth. I reckon it's all in the chew."
"Mhmm. We could make something out of this for Wheezes."
"Edible Dungbombs?"
Viktoria groaned.
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Flicker of Hope 
Chapter Two: O2 Sheperd’s Bush Empire
 Dublin had been amazing. Niall was a force of nature on stage and you’d had a hard time coming down from that high. Of course, there’d been work the next morning and a trip to London to deal with, so you’d had to move on very quickly. Coming back to London was what you were looking forward to. London had always been one of your favorite places. 
 “So where ya going to now?” Niall asks from the couch in your room, eyes on the tv as he catches up on his golf news. 
 Rolling your eyes, you slip your foot into your boot. “The girls and I are going to get tea and just be girls before the show. You got a problem with that, Horan?” He glances up at you, eyebrow lifting at your sarcasm. 
 “I thought ya were here to hang out wit me, love, not the girls,” His sarcasm warrants a pillow thrown at his head. “Oi! Ya’re bein’ a violent one lately. Anyting you want ta talk about there?” This time when the pillow flies towards him, he catches it and lets out a big laugh. “Have fun!” All he gets in response to that is your middle finger as you walk out the door. 
 Ellie meets you in the hallway right outside your door. “Is Niall in there? Apparently Gerry was looking for him.” 
 “Yeah, he’s watching golf.” You reply, as you guys reach the elevator. “I think he said they were all gonna meet up in his room in a bit before they head to the venue. Tara and Ree meeting us downstairs?” 
 Ellie nods, checking her reflection in the mirrored doors before they open. “Yeah they’re already in the dining area. I had them go ahead and order some food cause I knew Niall would make you late.” She laughs at the face you make to that and grabs your arm to guide you in the dining area where Tara lifts her arm up to signal to the two of you. 
 “Alright, now that it’s just us girls,” Tara says once the tea has been poured and sandwiches have been divvied. “Y/N, tell us what’s going on with you and Niall.” 
 You pause, cup halfway to your mouth before you finally understand the question. “I’m sorry, what?” The girls share looks. “Ok, seriously one of you needs to fill me in.” 
 Ree just shakes her head. “As if we all haven’t noticed the way you two act around each other.” You look at the three of them, trying hard to feign innocence. “Spare us the act ok? We know you like him.” 
 “And we’re almost 100% certain he likes you.” Ellie adds, earning a sharp look from you. 
 You take a calculated bite of your sandwich as they all watch you closely. “Two things,” you point a finger at each of them. “One, that whole me liking Niall thing stays at this table.” They each nod, smiling at the confession. “And two, I’m not listening to anything else you guys say because no one knows how Niall feels but Niall. And that’s the end of that conversation so please, let’s move on.”  
All three girls note your slightly desperate tone and Ellie breaks the tension. “So what’s with that damn porn-stache Gerry’s got growing on his face?” The table dissolved into giggles and you’re glad the conversation has moved on. 
 “This place is so great, Niall!” You exclaim, bouncing around on the stage, enjoying the emptiness of the theater before you. Niall chuckles slightly before reaching up to adjust his mic. 
“Glad ya like it, pet. Ya gonna stick around for sound check?” You continue to dance around the stage, ignoring him in favor of the background music playing through the speakers. 
 “…love it when you go crazy, you take all my inhibitions, baby there’s nothing holding me back. You take me places…” Dancing around, you sing to each of the boys as they check their instruments. 
 Gerry gets up from his seat behind the drums and joins you to dance around Niall. He grabs you and spins you around before dipping you dramatically. You laugh loudly, grinning up at him when he pulls you back up and bows to you. 
“Alright, alright,” Niall says loudly, your eyes finding his flat stare aimed at Gerry. “Ya ‘bout finished dere mate? Got a sound check to do.” Gerry just shrugs and shoots you a dramatic wink before going back to his drums. “We gotta sound check to do, love?” Niall’s slightly off tone gives you pause, but you let it go and make your way backstage where Mark stands in the wings to watch. 
 The band gives an enthusiastic sound check, but Niall still seems out of sorts when he comes off stage. 
 “Hey,” You grab his arm as he walks by. “What’s with the Mr. Grumpy Gills act? You were fine like thirty minutes ago.” 
 He huffs, pulling his arms in to cross over his chest, eyes flicking to his band mates as they pass by, lingering on Gerry as he makes his way down the hallway. “Don’t know whatcha talking about. I’m fine. Just gettin’ in da mindset for tonigh’. Did ya need something?” 
 That stung slightly and you almost recoil from him, body moving back several inches against your will. “No, uh, I’m good. I was just making sure you were ok. I’m just going to go hang out with the girls for a while I guess.” Niall nods before following where his band had gone, leaving you confused and feeling left out. 
The show that night was good. It was always good when Niall performed. But there was something that felt different about it. Standing in the wings of the stage, your energy was off. 
 Niall rocked it. No matter what was going on with him, he would never give the fans less than 150% of himself on that stage. But he was less cheeky with the band, he sent no silly faces your way in between guitar change outs. He just seemed…not himself. 
 Mark had mentioned that everyone was gonna go hit a pub once the night was done, so you figured you’d have some sort of opportunity to figure out what was going on. His mood change had been like going from zero to sixty and the fact that he didn’t want to talk about it bugged you more than anything. Watching from the wings, you swore to yourself that you’d figure out what it was and make it right. No matter what. 
 “To a helluava second night!” You cheers your glass with everyone else’s when John shouts out. The pub was relatively small and thankfully you guys were really the only people inside. The tension from before the show was mostly gone, only slightly noticeable several hours later. Judging by the way Gerry and Niall were acting towards each other, they’d hashed out whatever problems they’d had after the show had ended. 
 “And may the rest of da tour kick some serious arse!” Gerry added, bumping his glass with Niall’s, who just laughed and took a sip with a small smile. “It will be great, man. Especially if you can get your head outta your butt and—“ Niall put his glass down on the table with extra force, eyebrows drawing down as he glared at Gerry. Gerry, however, wasn’t put off at all and his grin only widened as he turned to you. “What’d ya say, love? Think he’ll be more fun once he drops da grump act?” Rolling your eyes, you ignore Gerry in favor of pouring Niall another glass. 
 “Danks, love,” He says quietly, and it sounds like an apology almost. Scooting closer to him in your chair, you bump his shoulder, and he lets out a long sigh. “Look, I dunno what was wrong wit me earlier. Just got a lot goin’ on in me head and I let it get ta me. And den I took it out on you and dat’s someting I never wanna do.” You don’t respond, you simply watch him, waiting for him to look up at you. When he does, his eyes are a little sad. “You’re not mad at me, are ya?” 
 You take a minute to answer, simply watching his face as he waits. Playfully, you push his shoulder. “As if I could ever be mad at your dumb face, Horan.” 
Niall laughs, sitting up fully to cheers his drink with yours before reaching over to pull you under his arm. “And dat’s why you’re me best girl, Y/N.” Your heart clenches tightly and you take a long sip of your drink to hide your emotions when he removes his arm to put his hand on your knee. “Now who’s got da next round?!” 
 The table all cheers, lifting their glasses high, but you only have eyes for Niall, who has yet to remove his hand from your knee.
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linkspooky · 7 years
Hmm, I don't know why people say :Re isn't a tragedy. For me, is a tragedy, not same TG OG was, but still. You think the same? :Re isn't a tragedy for you? Now, I think Comedy and Tragedy are complementing each other, so this is the result.
This was a point broughtup in discussion by Charade @hysyartmaskstudio a long time ago but I think it’s a good one. Let’spretend for a moment that Tokyo Ghoul isn’t written by some faceless guy knownonly as Ishida-sensei, and instead imagine the piece itself without the authorbehind it.
In that case, whyexactly is Tokyo Ghoul a tragedy? Is it because it ends with a lot of characterdeath, but not much having changed in the world at large because of it? Is itbecause it’s a story where a lot of sad things happen? I think to make it simpleas possible, ignoring Aristotle’s Poetics and what a classic greek tragedywould be in comparison to modern tragedy, the reason why Tokyo Ghoul isconsidered a tragedy is because in the first chapter Kaneki Ken tells you thathis life is a tragedy.
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The fact that Kaneki both refuses to call himself a main character of his own life, but at the same time clearly marks his life as a tragedy tells you a low about how Kaneki frames the narrative of his own life as the outset. 
Moving onto Re: the way Kaneki sees his true self, the representative of his memories is as a child. 
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The big debate about Oedipus is, was any of the tragic happenings of the play the character’s fault? 
Remember Oedipus was born with this terrible prophecy over his head. His parents also, abused him by throwing him out and chaining him to a cliff by the heel, to the point where his name becomes synonymous with his abuse, the sheperd who found him named him Oedipus which is greek for “Swollen Ankle.”
When Oedipus is also informed of his eventual fate ahead of time, he himself takes action to avoid it. He moves away from who he thought was his birth parents, and went to an entirely new city. He even saved that city from a terrible monster. 
If Oedipus was born fated from the gods to do this terrible thing, he makes every effort to avoid it but then still ends up doing it anyway, why does the fault lie with him?
This was common for greek tragedy, because it was an age where contemplating who was in control of your fate was common public thought. However to look at greek tragedy from a modern perspective, is to notice that the characters in these tragedies often lack agency. That is they are not culpable for their own actions.
Which is why Kaneki defining his life as a tragedy, and seeings himself as a child is willingly forfeiting his own agency. Kaneki’s narrative as a whole could be described as a struggle to reclaim his own agency, but rather than against the world that struggle is primarily against himself, as Kaneki’s main method of coping with situations is to see the fault not in himself but others. He always needs to maintain a pure self, all the while imagining others telling him what to do, where to go, both conjuring up pictures of Hide, Rize, and even centipedified versions of himself. 
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Kaneki frames his life as a tragedy, because that’s how he copes. Characters in tragedies are only questionably responsible for the own tragedies that befall them. 
Every time Kaneki tries to reason himself through situations, he is always telling himself “This is your fault, these voices are yours”, it’s a struggle to see his own self. 
Kaneki’s main defense is also an ego defense. Not only does he defend himself, he also works to preserve his ego. That is why when he finally admitted fault for his actions, he also severed himself in two and tried to live free from his past self in the form of Haise. His sense of depersonalization is so strong when he can no longer put the voies on Hide, or Rize, he just severs some part of himself away. 
If Re: is a tragicomedy, it is therefore because the narrative is not on Kaneki alone this time, or rather he does not solely set the tone of the narrative. Rather, right at this moment Re: named after the italian word for king is a story of two kings attempting to set the narrative.
However, Furuta’s route is much different from Kaneki’s. Once again it comes down to framing, Kaneki sees all of the events in his life as a tragedy his route is to give up agency. Furuta sees his life as a comedy.
In a comedy, the characters retain their agency because that is the joke. Take an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadalphea for example, all of the bad things that happen to the characters is the character’s own fault. Their refusal to grow and change despite everything they have been through because they cannot find fault in themselves, they are too egotistical to, is a joke because the audience is so far away from it. 
These characters which could so easily be tragic victims of circumstnace are instead turned into a joke because they retain their own agency. 
That is Furuta’s coping device in essence. Rather than give up agency like Kaneki he viciously grabs for it. He makes himself climb to the structure that is the cause of everything awful in his life, so therefore he can continue to be at fault for it. 
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He mocks the system while at the same time becoming an indispensable part of it. 
If Kaneki’s lesson to be learned is that he is in control of his own life and his own self, then Furuta’s is the opposite. That he does not need to be in control of absolutely everyone and everything.
The two of them cope in similiar but opposite directions, and what this creates is a narrative between protagonist and antagonist of competing tragedy and comedy, and that is why Re: could be best defined as a tragicomedy. 
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vanguard-draco · 5 years
About malefor and the guardians at my palace
As you knew he was evil dragon back at spyro but in mine he was a guardian of darkness which his job as to test new comer (eventualy get stab by Clarie omni-blade) he do it twice when Clarie came then when initiative came.
He pretty good job keep balance betwen light and darkness but his main job is keep the seal of underworld closed no meter cost.
Guardians self is similar with past generation there was Ignitus as fire guardian, Cyril the ice guardian, Terrador the earth guardian, Volteer the thunder guardian, the wind maker of wind guardian, Malefor the darkness guardian, Messiah the light guardian.
Each of them has they own duty to keep balance of the planet there also the cronicle a very accient dragon only guardians knew who the cronicles is but said the cronicles told them if Clarie will have huge role about change of dragon realm both as savior and sheperd.
That make Malefor decide to test her and send his vision but when he saw how clarie fight his vision with only her magic (biotic pls!) It make him belive if this human could give this dragon realm into brigh future then when initiative came it trigger him to test which result by face to face with Clarie and her new ally.
About Ignitus he very friendly to other dragons and initiative species (human, asari, Turian, salarian, krogan, and more) he accept them as equal ally and he now saw something at Delbin which he refuce to explain why he have interest to him.
About Terrador...he complecated as battle-scared warrior he very scary dragon but he have big heart. Like other guardians he accept but dislike with salarian and turian, he strigh dragon which curently trained Titan and same like Ignitus he refuce to tell why he whan train the leader of peace keeper.
Volteer is yeah...he same like as always easly intersting with "everything new" even sometime it make Clarie head spining cause his trouble. Clarie not blame him for curiosity but she always make sure not make him talk cause he not going stop but some how with out him Clarie job as council of dragon realm would be boring. He curently not have any dragon interest with cause he to busy with andromeda inittiative research team.
Cryl the ice guardian is coldly confident and predominately prideful dragon, who constantly brags about supposedly royal ancestry. He does not hold his tongue when speaking and can often be sardonic. But when time is right he shallow his arogant and do the right thing. At first he keep Clarie negative comment about how she work as ambasador of dragon realm until she said words make him stuned "I may be foolist, I may be agnorant, and I make many mistage. but what I can do? I am just human afther all". He curently watch Clarie closer and keep critist her with his cold comment.
No one knew who wind maker name is. He just calling him self as 'wind maker' he was only dragon with 6 feather wings wear unknow achient armor. He was master of arial combat and the stongest among guardians. He was calm but sometimes be an ignorant person as he sometimes ignores what someone is saying. Actualy he really care to his fellow guardians and dragons. He the dragon who always support the humans at many ways from shelter, recources even books for research no one knew what the wind maker whan exacly but every time some one ask he just said "i just paying a dept what humanity do to me". Some rumour said he never take mate. Clarie ever bring the topic and he said he waiting some one and he dont care how long he wait he wil waiting until his mate came also he add he about to give up and Clarie and initiative bring his hope again then he decide he will wait again cause he belive his mate is some one from milky way.
And last messiah the light guardian is only female dragon among them she was healer many seek her aid and she willing do it for free Malefor call her ignorant woman but she just like helping people and when Initiative show modern medical it hot her interest and willing to study how initiative madical work. She actualy have feeling for Malefor with out he knew it. She was calm, collective and polite dragon make her easly be like to every one and her faforite is among younger she even take job as teacher then when Clarie destroy rule betwen male and female dragon oach she suprise then she observer the human she amazed if she cant make Cryl silent. She planing take Clarie under her wings but she must make sure her human was ready until now, she keep observer Clarie activities.
And the last about the cronicle. This misterious dragon which no one knew exep the Guardian and few chosen people such as Clarie and Ryder who able to enter his realm the dragon self actualy already dead very long ago now what they saw was a spirit who take mantel of cronicle . No much knew about this particular dragon accept his role as watcher. He also have interest with Clarie and Spyro cause for him the two was extraodinary and the special power which they still not know or ignorate it even cronicle dont know about it.
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