#ignore that my banner is recycled from a different art project of mine
mr-pasta-man · 6 months
intro post, big win for organization today
this is a shared blog between me, pasta, and my roommate, polo. he says you should call him dr. polo and i say you should call him whatever you want. this place will mostly feature me because im the only technologically literate one here, but the icon is actually a heavy abstraction of polos face, not mine. last i checked polo does not have sharp teeth but who knows
What is up!?(!??!?!) I am Dr. Polo!! I don't own an official medical license, which Pasta's recently taught me I have to preemptively mention before I get into trouble. That doesn't stop my incredible fascination with biology :))) (you like it maybe a little too much? the workshop smells rotten right now and you need to fix it.) I'm always excited to talk about my various projects (or to listen to the scientific endeavors of others!) but I do have to warn that I'm nearly not as productive as I once was. I'm MUCH more talkative than Pasta, but I admit the website's layout perplexes me @_@ so he's right in saying that most of this blog is under his control.
i know our blog looks like a supervillains lair (thanks, polo) but i promise you we are two mundane-ass humans, which feels important to mention because it seems thats a bit of a rarity on rotomblr dot com. at least i am? polo is a mystery. he's harmless though, i think
Weirdness is the spice of life B)
[[ OOC under cut. IC (NOT ooc) hatemail, pelliper mail, musharna mail and magic anons are a-ok
This blog is run by @paradoxbeta. I also don’t know scrap about Pokemon but I figure it’s like learning a new language: throwing myself in the deep end will work out eventually, probably. To be fair, these roomies’ mishaps are pretty far divorced from Pokemon at this point, so it’ll be fine. Eventually. Probably.
I don't want to spoil my plans for the future, but I am going to say if you know you're squeamish, probably don't follow. Triggers and such are tagged as "tw ___"
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