#ignore the design mistakes i made this without any breaks pfff
wraithcanid · 9 months
"I need to become Ice King again"
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last Chance - Chapter 6
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 AO3
Chloe’s POV
This is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! I spent months- more than a year trying to make Luka mine and only mine and all it's needed is a simple email from the stupid Dupain-Cheng to make it all go down the drain.
Only two months until the Wedding! Two months!! Could she wait at least until after the honeymoon? Maybe I could have gotten pregnant and made it harder for Luka to dump me? Not that I want a baby, ewww, but what other option I have to keep the man I love by my side? I would do anything for him!
Well, it's not like me for things to go according to plan, isn't it? I was supposed to take revenge on Luka, not falling this hard for him! No wonder Marinette is helplessly attracted to him, he's so damn hot. And handsome. And sexy. And yet a sweetheart. No, that last one is not the image that makes a rockstar sell. Good thing I'm his stylist- I get to enjoy him from closer than anyone. And that body… those eyes… and wow, the eyeliner is the final touch that makes me go totally head over heels for him. Goodbye to my original plans- I had to make him mine.
And I was so close too! If it wasn't for that ridiculous Dupain-Cheng... How can she not be content with Adrien? Hello? He’s perfection itself! But no! Ridiculous Marinette Dupain-Cheng thinks not even perfection is good enough for her. She wants Luka now instead of him. Like, seriously? Are you kidding me!? Utterly ridiculous!
You want the man, you fight for him. I'm not letting him go without a fight, no matter what his feelings are! I love him and I don’t care if the designer wannabe does too. He has to be MINE.
And hey! My plan worked for a while! I avoided Luka finding out about Marinette and Adrien's break up, and he even proposed to me after I dropped some hints! Not bad, huh? You can clap. C'mon, give me an applause! Don't I deserve it? Aren’t I amazing? Heh. Of course I am!
Too bad that stupid woman had to interfere with my happiness. So annoying!
As soon as Adrien told me about Marinette's change of feelings I knew my man returning to the woman he had never forgotten was bound to happen. I had to avoid it at all costs!
What if it made Marinette unhappy? Not my problem.
What if Marinette's unhappiness made Luka unhappy? It should be fine as long as he doesn't find out about her unhappiness, shouldn't it? But I still want Luka to be happy… But I'd prefer it to be with me!
That's why I'm ready to give it my all. I want to turn the balance to my side. I want him to love me the most! Am I asking for too much?
But I made the mistake of not deleting that email account. How stupid of me...
I never expect it to be this troublesome, to be honest. As soon as I saw those messages I knew everything was over for me. Still gotta fight- giving up is not my style- but I was at disadvantage.
And I'm angry that I can't hide the truth from him when he looks at me with those trusting eyes. And things are over as soon as he finds out my darkest secrets.
But I tell you: I’m not going down without a fight.
I contacted the Miraculous team and prepared to go to Tibet. "You're amazing…" he said, and he kissed me. Hell, I could fly every time he does that. What has LOVE converted me into? I’m so hopeless around him… Geez.
Later, the talk during our flight was not pleasant, but not unexpected either: he has made up his mind and I'm out of the picture. He seems hurt to know I failed him. Why did I have to tell him my original plans knowing he would hate me afterwards? He has this absolute power over me… I can't deny him anything. I had tried to avoid the talk by asking him to sleep but it didn't really work.
I can’t accept our relationship coming to an end. Not like this.
My heart is totally broken. Nothing I’ve ever felt can compare to this pain. Not even my own mother’s rejection as a child. Not even Adrien's rejection. Nothing.
At Adrien's plane I can't stop drinking alcohol and crying. I'm clearly the ridiculous one, aren’t I? I don't want Luka to go. I'm happy about his casual touches- his habits . They give me security and hope. How can he be so handsome and cute at the same time? Ugh… It’s ridiculous how I keep falling for him everytime he looks at me, even after he has practically dumped me. I'm going crazy, this is insane. It can't be normal…
And finally, we meet with the ridiculous Dupain-Cheng. She could have chosen a less difficult place to access if she planned to go back to the Miraculous box anyway! I hate dark and cold places. Disgusting . I wanted to complain as soon as we reached there but Luka shushed me before I could put those thoughts into words. That’s my man: he knows me well…  
But then MY FIANCEE seems to forget about me as soon as he sees the ridiculous Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Well, I'm not forgetting YOU (or better said- US), even if you do, my love! And I want to stay close to him as long as I can. I want him to look only at me. His attention. I want to be his only one.
That's the reason I keep grabbing his jacket and surrounding him with my arms. My gosh, I love hugging him… So calm, so comfortable, so warm… Not that I would admit it out loud in front of others, but I feel safe with him. How can he do it? Totally ridiculous…
Ugh… I’m sick of being in this cave already. Can’t we just take Marinette down already and leave? Continue our lives as they were going? Forget this happened and keep living? Who cares about Marinette, anyway? She decided to throw away everything she had because she was a COWARD, involving MY MAN, Adrikins, those two useless friends and even an old man who can’t even walk properly on his own feet. Can’t we go back home already? I just want to cuddle with Luka and get our Wedding Ceremony prepared. I just want to be forever happy with the man I love!
Is that asking too much? Am I too selfish?
I don’t think so! But the despicable Dupain-Cheng and her ridiculous wind and flames seem to have a different opinion. Using a forbidden power because she’s scared of fighting me for my man’s love.
Can she be more ridiculous?
Apparently yes.  
She's not even the one controlling her body when using that power- pathetic.
And I'm sorry baby, Adrikins, but you're being useless against Marinette. But don’t worry. I'm the best when the power of 'subjection' is needed. Just watch! Learn from the great Queen Bee!
And hey! It worked! I made it to her rolling on the floor behind her, where the wind isn’t as strong, grabbing her ankle. Not bad, huh? But did this girl really need all the fire? Ouch! It hurts, you know!? I’m going to make her pay for it if it leaves any scar on my pure beautiful white skin!
Pfff… The girl didn’t even notice me, how silly…! She clearly has only eyes for ‘ her boys’ . Too bad for her is precisely that attention what made her fall.
My win. Her loss. She can get lost.  
Oh, I even made it rhyme! Aren’t I amazing?
And here I have it: the black cat Miraculous, now in my hand. Huh, too easy! And next is time to get the earrings too… Ugh... I can notice those looks on my back... “What? Do I have to do everything alone here?” Useless ridiculous people...
“Chloe… Holy shit… You’re amazing…”
Heh. I love it when Luka compliments me. I could listen to him go on all night. So satisfying. And yet he wants to dump me to go to that useless Marinette’s arms? I love you baby, but you’ve got to be kidding me if you think she’s better than ME!
“Of course I am! Who do you think I am!? I was Queen Bee for a reason! And being useless it’s certainly not it. Unlike you all! Only now you notice how amazing am I!? And yet you want to dump me, baby!? Such a waste for you!”
And the most ridiculous girl finally reacts. Everybody look stupid surrounding her in relief.
I’ve saved the day, you should be thankful! I’m the STAR from today’s mission! Where’s my recognition? Nothing? Baby? Not even a kiss? Really? Don’t I deserve at least some attention? Hello?
Do I really mean nothing to them now that Marinette is there? She’s the one who created all this trouble to start with! Why are you all giving her support and love? WHAT ABOUT ME!? No one cares about me!? I'm injured here! No one cares? What makes Marinette so special and me so ‘bad’ in comparison?
I’m sick of it. I hate that girl. I HATE HER.  
Seeing her cry or apologize makes me wanna puke. Now she wants to be pitiable? Excuse me, lady, but you got where you are because of your own bad decisions, don’t drag us in your drama any further, duh.
You could have had Luka but chose Adrien instead, and when you get tired of Adrien then you decide you want Luka back, when he’s about to MARRY me! And what’s worse: she’s not even planning to fight for the man she claims she ‘loves’ , but instead relies on magic to destroy the whole world.
Couldn’t she even come and fight me fair and square? No way I would lose in that case! But using the Miraculous is cheating. What do we call this?
Coward: YES. Selfish: YES. Kind person? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
And yet she’s the one being LOVED and I’m the one being HATED. I’m the one heart-broken here, you know? Do my feelings matter to anyone? Luka, baby, not even you? I’m still your fiancée, you know? The engagement ring is proof enough. Is this how I deserve to be treated?
Dumped. Ignored. Despised.
I’ve had enough.  
Marinette took everything I loved from me and yet she wanted to be evil? And when she’s already taken all I have left, then she goes after the only thing I really have: LUKA.
I’m furious. Enraged. Hurt.  
I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to vent all the hate I’ve been holding for years against her.
I’ll show you what being evil means, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  
“Marinette, Marinette, Marinette! Always Marinette!! I’M SICK of you! First my mother’s attention, next my Miraculous, then Adrien and now Luka! You keep taking everything I love from me and you’re still the good one! The LOVED one! What about ME!? You already had Adrien, why do you need to take Luka away from me too!? I HATE YOU, MARINETTE! I REALLY HATE YOU!”
Yeah, don’t look at me so surprised. What do you expect!? My broken heart for free? NO- I’ll make you pay for that!
I told you: I’m not going down without a fight! Luka is all that matters to me and I’ll fight for him until the last consequences!
They're ridiculous if they think I'll give up on him so easily… You want to be evil, Marinette? Use the Miraculous for stealing my man from me? Very well, I'll show you what being evil means, Dupain-Cheng! I have the right tool on my hand… No- on my finger...
“You know what? I was an awesome superhero before you took away my Miraculous... But there’s something I’ve always been even better at: being a villain. Unlike you, Marinette, who aren’t fit to be evil, I’m the ideal candidate for it! Let me show you what being evil means… Plagg, transform me!”
Ah, a black cat leather suit. I bet it looks amazing on me. I wish I had a mirror to admire myself and my beauty… Oh, I’m sure you like it too, baby. I wish I had used it earlier… But the possibility of it triggering some memories of ‘Ladybug’ made me discard the idea. What a pity. Now the earrings and the absolute power while they’re still trying to cope with how surprised they are about me…
Wait, No. I’m not going to put myself at the same low level as that pitiful woman. And I don’t want to become ugly like she became. Eww. Let’s fight respecting the honor codes: Cat Queen vs Ladybug.
“Want to stop me? Well, that’s Ladybug’s job! Come on and fight me, Dupain-Cheng! Fair and square- no absolute power this time. YOU against ME. ...What? You thought I would give up so easily? I love Luka more than anything! I’m not giving him up like that!”
Ah, this feels good. I can’t wait to destroy her already… I’ll make her suffer for all the hate I’ve kept inside for so long!
Ah, I missed running with a miraculous suit on… So fast. So free. So close to destroying her!
Ah, not you! Luka, baby, you know I love you, but it’s not you who I wanna fight or destroy. You’re in the way. Why are you protecting someone that hurt you so much? Didn’t she break your heart? Why do you keep protecting and caring for her? It’s over! She dumped you! Let me take revenge for you too!
“Stop it, hon- Chloe”
“MOVE, my love”
“NO!! You don’t have to do this. I know you’re not evil anymore”
Not evil anymore, he says… How naive are you, love? I've decided to change as long as you were by my side. Being kind, being nice… it felt good, actually.
But you choose Marinette? Evil Chloe is back- easy as that.
“Then choose me! That’s all I’m asking! Stay with me! LOVE ME!”
I know my man is not stupid enough to not understand my feelings. Don’t disappoint me! I thought you knew better than that. I thought you knew all I want is your LOVE!
“Chloe… You know it doesn’t work like this…”
And at the end his answer remains the same… He chooses Marinette over me.
Like ALWAYS.  
Not that I hadn’t been warned, but this… It hurts… It hurts too much… All because of that stupid low class designer wannabee and her selfishness. I HATE her. And I despise Luka for loving her instead of me. You want to choose her? Accept your punishment, then!
“So you’ve really chosen her over me, huh? It really is hopeless then… Very well, In that case, I’ll destroy you. If you can’t be mine, you won’t be hers either!”
And what now? I really don’t want to destroy him. But rage is controlling me. How am I supposed to live without him? I’ve never loved anyone to this point. Hell, I’ve started to change completely for the first time after meeting with him! Not that I hadn’t tried before but he makes… things so easy…
But I’m hurt. VERY HURT. And angry. VERY ANGRY. And I want to DESTROY the source of my pain. And this man- MY MAN- is the source of it.
If I hadn’t met him…! If I hadn’t been so stupid for falling for him! If he wasn’t so stupidly sweet. And sexy. And cute. And PERFECT .
I hate feeling like this!
And I hate how he’s not moving a finger to try to defend himself from me. Does he think of me lightly? Or WEAK? Unable to be evil, maybe? What are you thinking, baby?
“NO! Don’t touch Luka!”
Ah, and here finally comes Ladybug… Great. I'd rather destroy her than Luka.
“Fight me. Fight for him if you really love him!”
Let the fight begin.
But she won’t shut up… Does she think words can stop me? Really...?
“STOP, Chloe! Don’t you love him? He’s your fiancée! How can you even think of destroying him! You’re heartless! You say I’m the loved one, but I’m not! I envy you! I’ve always been jealous of you!”
Hah. As if I would believe that! Let me enlighten you with the truth you keep denying...
“You’re talking no-sense, Dupain-Cheng! You could have become an Agreste, but you prefered to break his heart instead! You have talent too! And friends! Even Sabrina prefers you over me, now! And moreover, this man here- MY man- he may still be my finacée, but his heart has never belonged to me! You’re the one who won everything, threw it away, and still managed to win again! How do you expect me not to hate you!?”
Bull’s-eye. It’s time for you to open your eyes, Dupain-Cheng. Do you think you’re a good person? You’re NOT!
“I- I never planned to hurt Adrien… Feelings… don’t work like that…! Sometimes, we only notice how valuable something is after we’ve lost it… and that’s what happened to me…! I know I’m just selfish… I may have friends, and a successful job, but I don’t have what I want the most, because you have it…! Aren’t you the one who won!?”
“ARE YOU NUTS!? How RIDICULOUS can you be!? Can’t you see how his feelings work!? Are you serious!? He rushed here for YOU . Gosh! I thought Adrien’s case was bad, but how blind can you be!?”
Her stupid answers only make me get even more angry. How the hell can she be so stupid? No stopping now. I’m going to destroy her. Preach .
“Ehem… Ladies… Why don't we stop this fight and-”
HUH!? Not now, Luka! This is between Marinette and me!
“Shut up! Don’t interrupt us!”
Oh… But maybe it’s my best way to destroy her… from the inside- from her LOVED ONE. And Luka is just quiet there, looking, analyzing how to make us stop.
Very well.  
I’ll make it stop.
Ah, too easy. Here he is: My man. Under my Cataclysm, just about to disappear. And I don’t want him gone. But I want Marinette to suffer just as much as I’m going to suffer from now on if these two get together. How do you expect me to endure it? I can’t.
Luka has to go.
And again, he’s not trying to fight back. Or protect himself. Or anything at all.
His blue eyes, deep and wide as the ocean keep staring at mine, and there’s only one coming from them: TRUST.
I see my own eyes reflected on his, and I notice something I wasn’t aware of: DOUBT. And my inner fears rise again: fear of becoming evil, regret of almost hurting the only man that has been willing to accept me as I am, sadness because I still wish for his happiness, even if it isn’t with me and embarrassment for failing him- his trust in me.
And I can’t keep fighting against these feelings anymore. I can’t keep fighting against his love for my rival. Their mutual love. Their happiness.  
I can’t keep becoming what I promised myself I would leave behind: my embarrassing and miserable past- the Chloe that hurt people with no regret, the Chloe that would do anything for selfish reasons only, the Chloe that bullied Luka’s sister and treated her best friend as a slave… The Chloe I’m ashamed of.
I’m sorry for disappointing you, Luka. I’m so sorry...
I promised Luka I would change. And I have to keep my promise, just like he has always been honest to me. I hate it, but I know it’s what I have to do. So ridiculous...
And Ladybug's yo-yo is already immobilizing me. No need, actually, but go on. I don’t care.
I can’t fight anymore. No need to stay transformed either.
It’s over. And I lost.  
See? Luka has too much power on me...
I gaze at Ladybug’s eyes to speak my regret. I’ve always admired Ladybug. I wanted to be like her. What happened to me? Deep down I know she’s the most impressive girl out there. I hate to admit it but who could hate Ladybug? No one. She’s simply the best. And I’m just a silly selfish woman scared of being alone.
“See? That’s how a villain acts. You’re a superhero, you could never be a proper villain. Stop acting dramatic over something you’ve never worked hard to get. Crying solves nothing. Waiting solves nothing. You have to fight for what you want”
Ah… I’m probably saying those words to myself. I don’t know. But I know I’m not wrong.
“I’m not-! Oh...”
Yeah… I know. The truth hurts. I want to cry too… I wish I were her… If I was her…
I’ll let her know so she stops doing stupid things from now on.
“You’re utterly ridiculous, Dupain-Cheng. You have everything I’ve always wanted and you thought your best option was to throw away the world's balance without even fighting or trying to win him back? You don’t know how Lucky you are…”
No… I’m aware it’s not a matter of luck, but my pride won’t let me say it out loud. Marinette has always been honest, pure, sincere. On the other hand, I've relied on lies and tricks to get Luka by my side. Of course I can't win against that…
Damn it. I hate crying in front of other people. So WEAK. So ridiculous.
And Luka’s hug only makes me weaker. I don’t want to let him go. Please… Please I want him to stay with me...!
But no- it can’t be.
I’ve already done my best and I lost. I have to give up. Move on…
Ah, I can hear Luka’s voice…
“Thank you, Chloe… You did this to save Marinette, don’t you? I know you wouldn’t have Cataclysmed me or anyone. I knew you had changed. You are a superhero, not a villain”
And his words finish me, regretting my actions, ashamed of who I am.
I thought I had changed too, but it seems I’m still putting myself first, even now.
But yes, his stupidity is contagious and I can’t hide how he's the reason I stopped my wrong-doings. In a direct and an indirect way. Not that I can admit it! I really don’t want to disappoint him any further. So I answer with a lie:
“I- I- Of course!”
Who am I kidding? No way he believes- NO WAY. Let me pass out already! His smile is too pure and bright.
Totally ridiculous.
And I’m still stunned when everyone returns to Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Master Fruit or whatever apologizes and tells her something I don’t even care about.
Can’t this girl stop crying already? She’s got what she wished for now. Can’t she see how happy and stupidly in love is my Luka looking at her? Is she never stopping to be ridiculous? Gosh… And now what? Only now you noticed our injuries? Hell, I’m the most injured one here and no one seems to care. Nevermind, I’m already used to it. Let me go back home already. The humidity of this place is destroying my hair.
Can’t you stop talking already? And there is Marinette with her speech…
"I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng renounce the box of the Miraculous and appoint Ad-"
NO NO NO! This is not how things are supposed to be done, Luka! You can’t just kiss her like that! And you have the guts to kiss her in front of me? At least you should have the decency to break-up with me first! I know I’ve already lost you- I’ve already resigned myself- but at least follow the proper order, damn it! I’m angry. Let me tell you!
“HOW YOU DARE, baby!? You’re ridiculous! We’re still engaged! How could you-!”
Huh? What is happening…? I’m so… sleepy…
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