#ignore the fact that I have sheet music taped to my closet door
thebaffledcaptain · 10 months
big things happening in the British Corner…
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malumsmermaid · 6 years
I’d Do Anything
Ok so I started working on this in like November? Anyway I’ve been torturing Allie with my ideas and snippets of this for the past few weeks and I’m getting impatient with myself so I decided to go ahead and post this.
It’s a CEO!Ashton fic with a little bit of sugar daddy being involved later I think as well as some potential for Cashton.
Thanks @astroashtonio for putting up with all of this and being excited and so sweet, you’re the best.
Anyway, I hope you guys like it, and here’s chapter one.
Word Count: 2,704
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We’re building up so this is all fluff
Chapter One
Lily made her way through the first floor lobby of the office building, clipping towards the elevator, knee stinging but she ignored it given she was already late. She just nodded at the people she passed, who stared after her, likely due to the mud covering her skirt from her little spill as she rushed out of the parking garage. Lily quickly got on the elevator as the doors opened, pushing the button for the floor of the main office. She kept her head down as she walked past everyone and entered Ashton’s office.
“Sorry I’m late, Ash.” Lily said, setting her things down on the couch against the wall.
“It’s ok Lily, I’ve just been working on the sign up lists for tech upgrades after yesterday’s keynote and….fuck Lil, you’re covered in blood.”
“I know, I was rushing to get here and I slipped in some mud on the side of the sidewalk and fell, so now my clothes are all a mess and my knee sort of stings but I’m sure it’s fine.” She pushed her hair back as she spoke, ready to get to work now that she was there.
Next thing she knew, Ashton was next to her, his hand on her wrist, “No Lily, it’s not fine, I didn’t say anything about the mud, I’m more concerned with the fact that your leg is covered in blood, probably why your knee stings.”
Lily looked down, seeing the blood running down her leg. “Well, shit, I guess that probably has something to do with it.”
Ashton rolled his eyes, tugging her into the private bathroom attached to his office. He motioned for her to hop onto the counter while he rummaged around in the cabinets for the first aid kit. While he dug through the kit she reached over and wet some paper towels, cleaning off the excess blood so they could see what the damage was. Ashton breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was just a minor scrape and began cleaning it. Lily scrunched her nose at the familiar sting of the alcohol wipe against her raw skin, but it was soon replaced with a bandaid. He gently pressed his lips to his fingers before lightly pressing them against the bandage, whispering “All better now.”
With that he rose, picking up the trash and putting the first aid kit away. He strode to the closet on the other side of the room, which Lily had always been curious about, but assumed it contained suits for days where he stayed at the office all night, solving some problem that stumped him during the day. Sure enough, when he opened the door she saw a few suits, hanging neatly on one side of the closet. However, he was staring at the side of the closet blocked by the door, hands rifling through it.
He turned, producing a dress and pair of shoes to go with it. “This should cover up your scrape for today’s meeting. My car is in the shop, getting inspected, are you ok with driving us to the meeting?”” he asked, hanging the dress on the closet door.
She nodded slowly, sliding off of the counter. Lily walked over to where he stood, taking in the dress. “I’m going to step out, let you finish cleaning yourself up and change, the meeting starts in an hour. Leave your outfit in here and I’ll have someone take it to be cleaned.” Ashton told her, slowly backing out of the bathroom, the door shutting quietly behind him.
She sighed as the door clicked, undressing and searching her legs for any flecks of mud from her spill. Ashton and Lily were close, especially for a CEO and his personal assistant. They only called each other by their last names in meetings, around other people. There were rumors going around the office that Ashton had feelings for Lily beyond their friendship, and there were some moments that they shared where Lily felt like maybe they could be right. Right now was one of those moments. The fact that he pretended to kiss her scrape better, and that his emergency clothing closet contained outfits for her as well as himself? It was pretty confusing.
Satisfied that she had cleaned all the mud from her body she walked to the closet, appraising the dress again. It certainly fit her general style, but when she saw the brand name on the tag, her jaw dropped, being one that she typically wouldn’t ever consider buying for herself due to the price range. Lily glanced at her watch, sighing quietly and gently removed the dress from the hanger. She slipped it on, pulling up the side zipper before buckling on the shoes that he had picked out. She hung her muddy clothes on the bare hanger, putting it back on the closet door, biting her lip as she did so, feeling bad about someone else having to take care of it. She checked her hair in the mirror, getting it to lay right again before stepping out into the office.
The printer was whirring as she cut off the bathroom light and let the door close and Ashton looked up from his computer. His face lit up as he looked at her, “You look amazing,” he said, rising from his chair to collect the warm paper from the printer.
Lily smiled, looking down to gather her things so they could get to the meeting on time. He slid two pieces of paper across his desk, “Sign up for what you want, ok doll? Then can you pin them up for everyone else while I get my notes together?” She nodded, slowly looking over the list, thinking back to their discussions while watching the Apple keynote yesterday.
Ashton really wanted her to update her watch, even though he himself didn’t have a smart watch. He claimed that he only wore his as an accessory, that he had Lily to keep him on schedule. She shook her head, only writing her name on the new phone sheet, since she had held onto her phone for two years, it was time to go ahead and upgrade that. Besides, she doubted that she really wanted Apple collecting data on every time she tripped over her own two feet.
She grabbed her purse and stepped out of the office, pinning the lists to the bulletin board. Lily's friend Kelsey, walked up to her, eyes scanning over her dress. “Damn Lily, you look hot.” she said, face lighting up.
Lily blushed, turning to talk with her, “I guess this is better than being covered in mud,” she joked, and Kelsey just shook her head.
“Again?” she teased, “I guess Ashton figured with how often you hurt yourself he should have clothes ready so you could be seen in public together.” Kelsey wiggled her eyebrows with the last sentence and Lily groaned. Kelsey was one of the main people running the rumors that Ashton wanted to go out with Lily. She had even started a “secret” office pool on the topic. Kelsey shook her head at Lily’s response, saying, “You’ve got to admit something has to be going on, especially if he’s willing to have such a nice outfit in his closet for emergencies. Tell me what happened?”
Lily shook her head at her request, about to give her a quick explanation of what had happened this morning when Ashton walked out of his office, ready for their drive to the morning’s meeting. “Ready to go?” He asked with a smile, laptop bag slung over his shoulder and suit jacket on his arm.
She nodded, smiling at Kelsey and she hummed, “Talk to you later, Lily.”
Lily nodded in response, following Ashton to the elevator. He stopped at the desk of one of the interns while she continued walking, handing him a couple bills and once Ashton turned to join Lily at the elevator the intern rose, making his way to the office and she sighed.
The elevator doors opened right when he reached them and they both entered, Ashton pressing the ground floor button before beginning to put his tie on. Lily watched as he stared at his reflection in the doors, tightening his tie and combing his fingers through his hair. She bit her lip, busying herself with her phone to look at the schedule for today. Ashton gently tapped her shoulder as the elevator reached the ground floor. Lily nodded, walking out the door as he gently placed his hand on the small of her back. She smiled as they both walked to the parking garage. She unlocked the car and he pulled away from her to get into the passenger side of the car. He watched as she climbed in, adjusting the skirt of the dress as she sat down before closing the door. She started the car after buckling the seatbelt, plugging her phone into the cassette tape and began playing music. Ashton chewed his lip as he watched her get everything in place before backing out of the parking space.
Ashton tapped against his thigh as Lily drove, listening to the music and going over his notes. Occasionally he mentioned a point to her, glancing over while he asked her opinion about it. Lily found it odd that he always asked her some of these points, but he really trusted what she had to say about them, sometimes bringing them up during the meeting.
She parked in the lot for the building where this morning’s meeting was, Ashton pulling on his suit jacket after he closed the car door behind him. He smiled over at her as she waited for him, quickly pacing over and they fell into step. They checked with the receptionist to see where they needed to go today and then Ashton led the way, his hand occasionally brushing hers as it swung at his side.
The meeting ended a couple of hours later and Ashton checked his phone as they walked out of the office. “The auto shop called, my car is ready to be picked up, can you take me over there now?” Ashton asked, placing his phone back in his pocket.
Lily nodded, “Where’s the shop at?” He quickly told her and she smiled, “Perfect, after I drop you off at the shop is it alright if I run by my apartment and let my dog out? I’ll have to double back, but it’s not too far from my place.”
Ashton paused, looking down at her with a frown on his face. “You can just stop there before you drop me off, save you a trip. I can do some work while I wait, I don’t mind.”
Lily stared up at him, but the look on his face seemed to say that he wouldn’t change his mind, so she nodded, “If that’s what you want to do, Mr. Irwin.” He gently chewed his lip, but nodded, shifting his bag on his shoulder before beginning to walk down the hall again, quietly following her to the car.
A bit later they entered her apartment, Ashton following behind Lily as she pushed the door open. Her dog, Smokey, hopped off the couch, whole body wiggling as his tail wagged as soon as he saw her. She crouched down and began scratching his ears after he bounded over to her, letting him cover her face in pit bull kisses. Lily stood up, letting Ashton fully come into the apartment, telling him to help himself to whatever he wanted before walking into her bedroom to change into something more comfortable so she could walk Smokey. She could hear Ashton playing with Smokey and smiled to herself, gently hanging up the dress that Ashton had loaned her before sliding on her tennis shoes. She checked her hair in the mirror before walking back out, Ashton now on the couch with his laptop in front of him, Smokey laying at his feet.
“Do you have a new friend Smo?” Lily asked, grinning over at the two of them. Smokey glanced over at her, tail flopping against the floor a couple of times. Ashton grinned as he looked down at the dog affectionately. “Do you still want to go for a walk with your mama, boy?” His ears perked up as soon as he heard the word walk and as she reached for his harness and leash, he was at her side, sitting patiently while his tail wagged. Ashton giggled at the sight and she smiled, “We’ll be right back, Ash, promise.”
He simply shook his head, “Take your time, I don’t mind waiting.”
As soon as Lily and Smokey were out the door, Ashton put his laptop to the side, wanting to wander her apartment. Everything about it felt cozy, a nice place to crash after a night out or a long day at work. The kitchen was neat, a mixer on the counter and a few clean dishes in the drying rack. He made himself a glass of water, taking a few sips before continuing to wander. He looked at a few of the photos she had sitting on the end tables, mostly her with her family, a few friends, and Smokey. He was glad to finally meet her dog, she talks about him a lot and seeing the love between the two of them was nice.
He bit his lip, glancing at the door she had walked through after they’d come inside. It was clearly to her bedroom and he was tempted to take a look around. He glanced toward the front door before slowly stepping into the bedroom. Her bed was neatly made, and there was a half-packed suitcase against the wall, likely for their business trip this weekend. He slowly walked across the room, taking in a couple of art pieces hanging around before glancing at some old photos sitting on her nightstand. They seemed to be photos of her when she was younger and Ashton smiled as he looked them over.
He pulled himself away from the photos, slowly walking back to the couch and grabbing his laptop, tethering it to his phone so he could check his email. He found something else to work on once he’d read through everything and not long after, Lily and Smokey came back through the door. Ashton looked up as he heard Smokey’s harness fall to the floor and his feet clicking as he ran into the kitchen to get some water.
Lily smiled over at him before following her dog to grab a drink as well. “I’m going to change again and then we’ll go get your car, ok Ash?” she asked, leaning over the counter to look at him.
He nodded and she set her glass down and walked into her bedroom. Smokey came and laid down next to him on the couch, sighing as he got comfortable. Ashton laughed softly, gently scratching behind his ears and he leaned into his hand. He continued petting him until Lily walked back out, grinning at the two of them. He smiled up at her, closing his laptop as his began to get up. Smokey immediately looked up, whining and pushing his head into Ashton’s lap. “I’m not allowed to leave now, am I buddy?” he asked, patting his shoulder.
“I don’t think you are.” Lily laughed, and Smokey wagged his tail in response.
She walked over, crouching down to talk to Smokey and Ashton noticed that she hadn’t changed back into the dress and frowned.
Lily noticed his expression change and hummed, straightening her blouse, “I thought I could save the dress for this weekend,” she stated, quickly realizing what was bothering him. He nodded, glancing at the time on his phone. She said goodbye to Smokey and he gave him one last pat before following her back out to the car, ready to be behind the wheel of his own car again. When she dropped him off at the shop they promised to meet back at the office and she drove off, and Ashton wished he’d offered to get lunch while they were still out, but it was too late.
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cvntycatt · 8 years
Drabble Prompts
This is a list with roughly 370 prompts. Maybe more. I’ll probably add more as I think of some and please send me some ideas if you’d like. Lots of these I found while scavenging the internet and it’s been awhile so I can’t source all of them but I can source here as where I got lots of the phrases. 
Anyone can use this, obviously. I’m just posting it because I thought it might be interesting to see if others have some ideas and because why not? 
Anyway. Here you go. 370+ prompts. Most will be one word and others will be phrases. 
Note: Ignore the fact that some words are bolded and some aren't. :)
1. Bullet
2. Lesson
3. Wind
4. Resurface 
5. Winter
6. Cruelty
7. Uncle
8. Happiest 
9. Impact
10. Stalked
11. Immortality
12. College
13. Sauna
14. Carnivore
15. Clutch
16. Wednesday
17. Cavity
18. Engaged
19. Saint
20. Sinner
21. Vacation
22. Outcome
23. Replacement 
24. House With A Picket Fence
25. Smallest
26. Revealing
27. Mistake
28. Abusive
29. Melodramatic
30. Paranoia
31. Surprise
32. Parade
33. Overindulge 
34. Point
35. Mainstream 
36. Antagonistic 
37. Book
38. Sustainability 
39. Hair
40. Exchange
41. Morning
42. Fairy
43. Subjective 
44. Ring
45. Lunch
46. Discipline 
47. Applause 
48. VCR
49. Sailing
50. Sensitive
51. Street
52. Coupon
53. Pattern
54. Hypocrisy
55. Emergency
56. Majestic
57. Wound
58. Girlfriend
59. Camp
60. Health
61. Pregnancy
62. Flag
63. Tyranny
64. Idiot
65. Loan
66. Snow
67. Film
68. Graveyard Shift
69. Booklet
70. Love
71. Genius
72. Perfection
73. Tomorrow
74. Motto
75. Likelihood
76. Uninformed
77. Yellow
78. Shaking
79. Dark
80. City
81. Disposal
82. Profanity
83. Punk
84. Fresh
85. Protocol
86. Distinguishing
87. Hate
88. Letters to the Stars
89. Conspiracy
90. Speech
91. Pain
92. Birthday
93. Skeleton
94. Wartime
95. Anomaly
96. Trust
97. Factory
98. Variety
99. Curtain
100. Heating
101. Suspicious
102. Irony
103. Kleptomaniac
104. Convict
105. Riot
106. Waste
107. Human
108. Naughty
109. Pin up
110. Nuisance
111. Paranoid
112. Plea
113. Dominant
114. Letter
115. Green
116. Award
117. Acceptance
118. Cut
119. Forfeit
120. Space
121. Railroad
122. Offensive
123. Abject
124. Survival
125. Eventually
126. Despicable
127. Loser
128. Champion
129. Fussy
130. River
131. Fear
132. Sleep
133. Underground
134. Threat
135. Hidden
136. Ashamed
137. Mob
138. Joint
139. Leisure
140. Luck
141. Passport
142. Illegal
143. Liar
144. Oxygen
145. Homework
146. Death
147. Impulsive
148. Disarm
149. Double
150. Abundant
151. Tender
152. 1987
153. Feather
154. Ribbon
155. Staccato
156. Asphyxiate
157. Freckles
158. 3:28 A.M.
159. Spider
160. Ballet Shoes
161. Letters to the Moon
162. Letters to the Sun
163. Silhouette
164. Heartbeat
165. Breathless
166. Timid
167. Will of Fire
168. Mirage
169. Walk This Way
170. Let You Down
171. Feels Like Home
172. Yin-Yang
173. Strobe Light
174. Reincarnation
175. Yield
176. Wand
177. Debauchery
178. Inhale. Exhale.
179. Requited
180. Return
181. Carpe diem
182. Tea Cup
183. Euphoria
184. Green Eyes
185. Maiden Name
186. Sweet Tooth
187. Kerosene
188. Don’t Go
189. Empty Threat
190. Wall
191. Door
192. Open
193. Close
194. Hanger
195. Like Glass
196. Childhood
197. Tell the Truth
198. Traitor
199. Illness
200. Murderer
201. Casino
202. Piercing
203. Lily
204. Lunacy
205. Rosary
206. Vanilla
207. Dark Horse
208. Blink
209. Red Lipstick
210. Demons
211. Tool
212. Ocean
213. Stench
214. Firefly
215. November
216. Riddle
217. Batteries
218. Teenager
219. Are You Serious?
220. One Night Stand
221. Shipment
222. Set Sail
223. A Spoonful of Sugar Makes The Lies Go Down
224. Devoting
225. Doe Eyes
226. Welcome to Hell
227. See You in Hell
228. Go Down Fighting
229. All I Believe In
230. Stars
231. Quaint
232. The Day After Tomorrow
233. Legen - Wait For It - dary
234. Patient Zero
235. Zero
236. Doodles in the Rain
237. Forbidden
238. Touching the Clouds
239. Sunburn
240. Kisses on Your Shoulders
241. Goodnight
242. Video Game
243. Comfort
244. Don’t Wait Up
245. Graveyard
246. Parasite
247. Trust Me
248. You’ll Be Safe Here
249. Queen
250. King
251. Princess
252. Prince
253. I Owe You
254. Wolf
255. Grin
256. Russian Roulette
257. Mercy
258. Noise
259. Error
260. Summer Haze
261. Winter Fling
262. All That Glitters
263. Rusty
264. Curiosity Killed The Cat
265. Satisfaction Brought Me Back
266. Smell the Roses
267. Healing
268. She Found Me In The Bookstore
269. Computer
270. Write to Me
271. Dying To Know
272. Trivial
273. Reality Leaves A Horrible Taste Sometimes
274. Distant Relative
275. One Foot in the Water
276. Rumpled Sheets
277. Message In A Bottle
278. He’s No Saint
279. Meaning of the Word Lie
280. Morphine
281. Plastic Chairs
282. Kitten Heels
283. Stitches
284. Almost
285. Fire Fuck
286. Because I Wanted You To Be
287. After All This Time?
288. Flash A Smile
289. He Has A New Camera
290. Be Polite
291. A Thousand Memories
292. Fair Enough
293. The Other Side
294. Skeletons In The Closet
295. Never Too Late
296. You Are My Music
297. The Morning and Evening Star
298. Bubble Gum
299. Silk Scarf
300. Prologue
301. Epilogue
302. One More Step and You’ll Fall
303. Bricks
304. Costume Party
305. Burning Sensation
306. Mischief Managed
307. Hero By Definition
308. A Little Dance, A Little Romance, That’s How She Rolls
309. Like A Moth To A Flame
310. What A Snake!
311. He Said, She Said
312. Citrus
313. Wheat Fields
314. You Ever Wonder...?
315. Gone With The Wind
316. Breathe Again
317. Backstabber
318. Sweet Emotion
319. Hello Darkness My Old Friend
320. Whatever You Want To Believe Dear
321. A Dance With The Devil
322. Lacrimosa (latin for Weeping)
323. Ace of Spades
324. They Kept Their Promises
325. Break me
326. Interlaced Fingers
327. We Wasted Time Throwing Rocks At The Stars 
328. Just Look Down
329. Don’t Even Blink
330. If Rivers Could Speak
331. What Do You Think They Said?
332. That Little Envelope
333. Poor Unfortunate Soul
334. The Little Death
335. Shake On It
336. Feels So Damn Good
337. The Sky Is Dancing
338. Homely
339. Keep Me Company?
340. Endlessly, She Said
341. Kiss and Control
342. Role Play
343. Discussions
344. Details, Details
345. Tape Recorder
346. Time is what a Tragedy Feels Like
347. Sweetheart, You Are Sadly Mistaken
348. Horror Movies
349. Play Date
350. I Caught Myself
351. As You Wish
352. Endings Without Stories
353. Runs In The Family
354. Louder Than Thunder
355. Thank God I’m Pretty
356. Red and Black
357. Promise
358. Grave
359. A Stolen Ring
360. Penis Flytrap
361. Bridesmaid
362. Sandpaper
363. Dried Flowers
364. Learning French
365. Loose Necktie
366. Smell The Roses
367. All Dolled Up
368. Little Owl
369. Sleep, Sweetie
370. Dancing With A Liar
371. Let The Flames Begin
372. They Kept Their Promises
373. Love is Candy Crush
374. S/He’s Your Problem Now
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