Are you an ambitious student looking to boost your managerial skills and business acumen? The IGNOU MMPP-1 Project is here to revolutionize your MBA journey! This program is crafted for professionals and students like you who are eager to dive deep into the world of leadership, business strategies, and professional excellence.
The primary objective of this course is to equip learners with the skills necessary to analyse and systematically tackle organizational issues using a variety of interdisciplinary concepts, tools, and methods. The project should centre on a topic that aligns with the learner's area of focus within their MBA program, if possible.
This project, part of the updated IGNOU MBA curriculum, carries a credit value of two and typically requires around 180 hours to complete. IGNOU expects that the MMPP-1 Project Report will be presented in a typed and bound format for ease of evaluation. As you embark on writing your MMPP-1 project report, it's important to aim for a comprehensive exposition, generally ranging between 15,000 to 20,000 words (equivalent to about 80-100 pages). This word count should be a guiding factor in selecting an appropriate and manageable project topic within the MBA program, ensuring that you can comprehensively articulate your findings and insights within the prescribed limit.
New Guidelines, Same Excellence
IGNOU has same format for synopsis and report as previous MBA program had, but with new guideline has been added to submit synopsis and your final report for ODL Students of MBA, MBAFM (Financial Management), MBAHM (Human resources), MBAMM (Marketing Management), MBAOM (Operational Management), MBF (Banking & Finance), MBASM (Service Management) MBA (Online) Programmes.
Flexible Submission, Strict Deadlines
Learners enrolled in the program have the flexibility to submit their Synopsis at any time throughout the year. However, it's important to note that the submission of the Project Proposal to the Regional Centre should be done only after registering for MMPP-001. This procedure is designed to ensure that students have a sufficient timeframe, typically around 8-9 months, to complete and submit their project work before the end of the 4th semester. If the project is not submitted within this time, students may be required to re-register for MMPP-01 and pay the associated fee again.
There are some critical deadlines to be aware of:
Project Proposals should ideally be submitted to the Regional Centre within 6 months of registering for MMPP-001. If the submission happens later than this, the Regional Centre cannot guarantee timely processing of the proposals. Consequently, students who delay beyond this period risk missing the timeline for the submission of their final Project Report.
Furthermore, regarding the acceptance of the Project Proposals:
Once the Project Proposal is received at the regional centre, it undergoes a review process. If it is deemed complete in all aspects and includes all necessary documents, it will be accepted. Upon acceptance, a unique Project Proposal number (PP. No.) is assigned to each learner's synopsis. This number is significant as it will be used for any future correspondence with the Regional Centre regarding the project.
It's crucial for learners to adhere to these guidelines and timeframes to ensure a smooth and successful completion of their project work within the stipulated academic schedule.
Selection of topic by the student: Select any topic of your choice, preferably in their area of specialisation, Comprehensive case study (covering single organisation/multifunctional area problem formulation, analysis and recommendations) or Field study (empirical study).
Selection of Guide: Contact a person who has experience in that area and is interested in guiding and provide fulfils the specified eligibility criteria. A person can be Management Faculty in the School of Management Studies/Academic Counsellors at study centre (Management Programme) or anyone outside person who have experience in particular area (HR, FINANCE, MARKETING OR OPERATIONAL) with experience of 5+ years and Masters’ degree in Management (Like MBA) or allied disciplines having a minimum of 5 years of experience in the relevant area (for example, if you are taking up a marketing topic then the supervisor should have 5 years’ experience in marketing area, after her/his Masters). However, if you choose to identify your own guide, then the bio-data of proposed guide is to be attached along with synopsis for approval.
Preparation of Synopsis: After selection of the guide and finalising the topic, the Project Proposal (Synopsis) should be prepared in consultation with the guide. The proposal of the proposed project should essentially have the following:
(i)              Introduction: a brief background about the subject chosen for study.
(ii)            Rationale: why a particular topic has been chosen for the project work.
(iii)          Objectives: This is the most important aspect of any project. It should mention clearly and precisely the things which you hope will be able to know/achieve at the end of the study. These may be clearly stated in behavioural terms.
Objectives need to be expressed in a neutral manner, without any implicit assumptions about the findings of the research.
Objectives of the Study (Sample)
The objectives of this study are:
To study the financial performance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To explore the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To analyse the factors affecting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To investigate the influence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(iv)           Research Methodology:
Research Design
Nature and source of data/information.
Sample and sampling technique.
Rationale of chosen organisation and the sample.
Tools and Techniques to be used for data collection.
Method/s to be used for data collection.
Data handling and analysis.
Statistical tools to be used for analysis.
Limitation of the proposed project, if any.
The process for submitting the synopsis involves specific components to ensure proper evaluation and approval:
Required Components:
Performa for Approval of Synopsis: This must be duly filled, signed by both the student and the guide, and dated. The Performa can be downloaded from the IGNOU website under 'PROFORMA FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT PROPOSAL (MMPP-001)'  (https://bit.ly/3HfjrQr)
Bio-data of the Guide: A detailed and signed bio-data of the guide, along with the date, is required. However, this is not necessary if the guide is an approved counsellor.
Submission Process:
The student should prepare the synopsis in the specified format and send the 'Performa for Approval of Project Proposal (MMPP-001)' along with one copy of the proposal and the guide's signed bio-data.
For ODL Students: The submission should be made to 'The Regional Director' of the respective Regional Centre. Addresses can be found in the Student Handbook & Prospectus on IGNOU's website (http://www.ignou.ac.in/).
To seek approval, the project proposal can also be forwarded to the concerned Regional Centre. The email IDs of all Regional Centres are available at http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/aboutignou/regional/website.
For MBA (Online) Students: Submissions should be made to 'The Regional Director' of their designated Regional Centre through the LMS Portal at https://lms.ignouonline.ac.in/.
After the Approval of synopsis received, the Project work may be undertaken;
Preparation of Project Report: Once you have carried out the study as envisaged in the approved synopsis then a report of the work done needs to be prepared. The length of the report may be about 50 to 60 double spaced typed pages not exceeding approximately 18,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits).
Structure of Project Report (CHAPTERIZATION):
Cover Page:must have the Name and Enrolment No. of the Student and the Name of the Guide, along with the Title of the Project.
Approved Proposal (i.e., Project Proposal, approved proforma and bio-data of the guide) properly bound in the project.
Certificateof Originality- duly signed by the student and the guide with date
Acknowledgement page (whom you want to acknowledge who guided you and others who inspired you to complete your final project report).
Detailed Table of Contents with Page Nos.
Introduction:to the Project and Review of Literature along with brief details of the organisation/s under study. It may give details about Rationale, Statement of problem, Objectives of the Project, and Scope of the study.
Research Methodology:It may give details about Research Design, Nature and Source of data/information collected, Sample and Sampling method with rationale, Details of the tools (Questionnaire OR Interview schedule), Data collection, Statistical tools used for Data Analysis.
Result and Discussion: This should present the results in tabular or graphical format. The Interpretation of the data and results/findings may be given elaborately.
Summary and Conclusion
Limitations of the Project, Direction for further research (optional)
Annexures/Appendices (Questionnaire used etc.)
One typed copy of the Project Report is to be submitted to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. As soon as, you submit the Project Report, a PR. No. would be allotted. Student should quote this PR. No. while corresponding with Registrar (SED) regarding Project Report thereafter.
Project Report can be submitted any time throughout the year. If a Project Report is submitted between 1st December to 31st May, then the result will be declared along with June Term-end Examinations. If a Project Report is submitted between 1st June to 30th November, then the result will be declared along with December Term-end Examinations.
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this MBA program, we encourage you to reach out to us for more information. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your education and career. We understand that pursuing an MBA is a significant investment, and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to feel confident in your decision. Whether you have questions about the curriculum, the application process, or financing options, our team is here to assist you. Don't hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help!
Contact us: Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
Mail 📩: [email protected]
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Address: 2525 / 193, Tota Ram Bazar, Near Hanuman Mandir, Tri Nagar, Delhi, India, Delhi
Website: https://www.gullybaba.com/
Get perfect MBA Project synopsis and Report with viva support
Will be approved with 100% Guaranteed (if Not approved, money will be refunded).
Around 10-20 Pages for synopsis and 70-150 Pages for final report
No Repeated Synopsis/Proposal (Topics as per your choice)
As per Project Guidelines
Our devotedGullybaba team of professional writers is wholeheartedly committed to delivering the finest MBA projects for you. We have team of experienced writers from various fields who are specialize in helping out with IGNOU projects and synopsis for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. We understand the ins and outs of IGNOU requirements, making sure our support is top-notch for students. What sets us apart is our commitment to always get better. We actively listen to feedback and use it to improve our services continuously. This means that our help with IGNOU project reports is always up-to-date and aligned with the latest academic standards. We're not just here to meet expectations but to exceed them by constantly improving and providing the best assistance for students.
For the last 23 years, Gullybaba have proudly held the top spot in the publishing industry. Our commitment shines through as we supply a diverse range of materials, such as IGNOU Reference Books, IGNOU Study Materials, IGNOU Guide Books, Solved Assignments, and Project Report Synopses for various courses. Serving as a reliable friend, advisor, and mentor, we're thrilled to be the preferred resource for students on their academic journey.
Q1: How do I choose a topic for my project synopsis?
A1: You can select any topic of your interest, ideally within your area of specialization. This could be a comprehensive case study focusing on a single organization or multifunctional area, involving problem formulation, analysis, and recommendations, or an empirical field study.
Q2: What are the guidelines for selecting a guide for my project?
A2: Your guide should have expertise in the chosen topic area and meet specific eligibility criteria. They can be a Management Faculty from the School of Management Studies, an Academic Counsellor at a study centre, or an external person with over 5 years of experience in a relevant field (e.g., HR, Finance, Marketing, Operations) and a Master's degree in Management or allied disciplines. If you identify your own guide, attach their bio-data with the synopsis for approval.
Q3: How do I know if my guide is suitable for my project?
A3: Ensure that your guide has relevant experience (at least 5 years) in the specific area of your project topic and possesses a Master’s degree in a related field. Their experience should align with your project's focus area.
Q4: What are the required components for submitting my project synopsis?
A4: The submission must include:
A duly filled, signed, and dated 'Performa for Approval of Synopsis', which you can download from the IGNOU website under 'PROFORMA FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT PROPOSAL (MMPP-001)'.
The bio-data of your guide, also signed and dated. This is not required if your guide is an approved counsellor.
Q5: How do I submit my project synopsis?
A5: Prepare your synopsis in the specified format and send it along with the 'Performa for Approval of Project Proposal (MMPP-001)' and your guide's signed bio-data. For ODL students, submissions should be made to 'The Regional Director' of your respective Regional Centre. The addresses are available in the Student Handbook & Prospectus on the IGNOU website. For MBA (Online) students, submit through the LMS Portal at https://lms.ignouonline.ac.in/.
Q6: What happens after I submit my synopsis?
A6: Your synopsis will be evaluated by an expert. You will receive written communication about the status of approval or non-approval within two to three months from the Regional Centre.
Q7: What should I do if my proposed guide is not approved?
A7: If your proposed guide is not approved, you will be notified by the Regional Centre. In such a case, you must select a new guide and resubmit the proposal with the new guide's signature. This will be considered a new proposal.
Q8: Can I change my guide after submitting my synopsis?
A8: Yes, if you wish to change your guide for any reason, you must submit a new project proposal with the signature of the new guide on a new project proposal proforma. This will be treated as a new submission.
Q9: Where can I find the email IDs of the Regional Centres?
A9: The email IDs of all Regional Centres are available on the IGNOU website at this link.
Q10: How long does it take to receive feedback on my synopsis?
A10: It typically takes two to three months to receive feedback after the synopsis is received by the Regional Centre.
Q11: Is it mandatory to submit the bio-data of my guide?
A11: Yes, unless your guide is an approved counsellor. In that case, submitting their bio-data is not necessary.
Q12: How long should my final project report be?
A12: The project report should be about 80 to 100+ double-spaced typed pages, not exceeding approximately 18,000 words, excluding appendices and exhibits.
Q13: Where should I submit my typed project report?
A1: You should submit one typed copy of your project report to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.
Q14: Will I receive any acknowledgment or number after submitting my project report? A2: Yes, once you submit your project report, a Project Report Number (PR. No.) will be allotted to you. You should use this number in all future correspondence with the Registrar (SED) regarding your project report.
Q15: Can I submit my project report at any time of the year?
A15: Yes, the project report can be submitted at any time throughout the year.
Q16: When will the results of my project report be declared?
A16: If your project report is submitted between 1st December and 31st May, the results will be declared along with the June Term-end Examinations. If it's submitted between 1st June and 30th November, results will be declared with the December Term-end Examinations.
Q17: Is there a specific format for the project report?
A17: The project report should be typed, but specific formatting guidelines (other than what has been previously provided for the structure and content) should be obtained from your program handbook or academic advisor.
Q18: Do I need to send any additional documents along with my project report?
A18: Generally, only the project report is required. However, it's advisable to check the latest guidelines provided by IGNOU or consult with your academic advisor for any additional requirements.
Q19: How can I ensure that my project report has been successfully received and processed?
A19: After submission, you will receive a PR. No. as acknowledgment. You can use this number to follow up with the Registrar (SED) if needed.
Q20: Is there an option for online submission of the project report?
A20: The standard procedure requires submission to the Registrar (SED) at the specified address. For any online submission options, you should check the latest guidelines on the IGNOU website or contact your regional centre.
Q21: What if I need to make changes to my project report after submission?
A21: Once submitted, changes to the project report are typically not allowed. Ensure that your report is final and complete before submission.
Gullybaba.com Your first choice for project and synopsis
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sarkarijobtech · 1 year
IGNOU Admission July 2023 Session | Apply At ignou.ac.in
IGNOU Admission July 2023 Session
IGNOU Solve Assignment के लिए कांटेक्ट करे 9955172079
IGNOU Admission January 2023 Session Details
Article NameIGNOU Admission July 2023 SessionCategoryOnline Admission 
Apply Fee DetailsClick HereApply Start Date for New Session15-05-2023Apply Last Date21-08-2023Official Websiteignouadmission.samarth.edu.in
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Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) invites online applications form for taking admission into Master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, diploma & certificates courses for January 2023 cycle. All eligible and willing candidates can apply online at IGNOU official website www.ignou.ac.in for admission session 2023. The application may be start in the last week of December 2022, exact date of application opening will be intimated soon.
Interested candidates read the full notification carefully, before applying online.
Important Document for Apply Admission :-
10th मार्कशीट12th मार्कशीटआधार कार्ड जाती प्रमाण पत्रमोबाइलईमेलफोटोसिग्नेचर
Indira Gandhi National Open University
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Application Start Date: 15-05-2023
Application Last Date: 30-06-2023
Fee Structure :-  All interested applicants can view program wise fee structure details: Click Here For Admission Fee Structure
Whatsapp GroupWhatsapp me
Important Dates
Eligibility Criteria For IGNOU Admission
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Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
10+2 or its equivalent.
Master’s Degree Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree.
Certificate Programmes
8th/ 10th/ 10+2/ Degree as per course.
 View IGNOU Admission Course Wise Full Qualification Details.
IGNOU Admission 2023 Available Programme's
(Click Here To View Open and Distance Learning [ODL] Programmes)
(Academic Programmes On Offer Through Online Mode)CategoryProgramme's Name With DurationBachelor's Degree Programmes
Bachelor of Social Work (BSWOL) - 3 Years
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCAOL)
Bachelor of Commerce (BCOMOL)- 3 Years
Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences (BLISOL) - 1 Year
Bachelor of Tourism (BTSOL) - 3 Years
Master's Degree Programmes
Master of Arts Journalism and Mass Communication (MAJMCOL) - 2 Years
Master of Business Administration (MBAOL) - 2 Years
Master of Computer Applications (MCAOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Translation Studies (MATSOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHDOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MAGPSOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Rural Development (MARDOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in English (MEGOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADEOL) - 2 Years
Master of Commerce (MCOMOL) - 2 Years
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational Health (PGDEOHOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSSOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPSOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRDOL) - Years
Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDEOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Development Communication (PGDDCOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Media (PGDIDMOL) - 1 Year
Diploma Programmes
Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTSOL) - 1 Year
Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHEOL) - 1 Year
Diploma in Urdu Language (DULOL) - 1 Year
Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCEOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Certificate Programmes
Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAPOL) - 06 Months
Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPSOL) - 06 Months
Certificate Programmes
Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBSOL) - 06 Months
Certificate Programme In Peace Studies and Conflict Management (CPSCMOL) - 06 Months
Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLISOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Information Technology (CITOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTSOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Arabic Language (CALOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in French Language (CFLOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Russian Language (CRULOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Spanish Language and Culture (CSLCOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFNOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Urdu Language (CULOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Rural Development (CRDOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Sanskrit Sambhshan (SSBOL) - 06 Months
Important Links
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IGNOU के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें +919955172079
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blogynews · 1 year
"Unveiling the Doorway to a Bright Future: Register Now for IGNOU TEE December 2023 at ignou.ac.in - Exclusive Link Inside!"
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has commenced the online registration process for the IGNOU TEE December 2023. Students can register for the December Term-end Examination on the official website, ignou.ac.in. According to the official notice on the website, the online link for submission of the examination form for the December 2023 Term-end Examination is now open. The notice also…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Unveiling the Doorway to a Bright Future: Register Now for IGNOU TEE December 2023 at ignou.ac.in - Exclusive Link Inside!"
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has commenced the online registration process for the IGNOU TEE December 2023. Students can register for the December Term-end Examination on the official website, ignou.ac.in. According to the official notice on the website, the online link for submission of the examination form for the December 2023 Term-end Examination is now open. The notice also…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"Unveiling the Doorway to a Bright Future: Register Now for IGNOU TEE December 2023 at ignou.ac.in - Exclusive Link Inside!"
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has commenced the online registration process for the IGNOU TEE December 2023. Students can register for the December Term-end Examination on the official website, ignou.ac.in. According to the official notice on the website, the online link for submission of the examination form for the December 2023 Term-end Examination is now open. The notice also…
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ashikarajput · 1 year
IGNOU Admission 2023-24 session: Admission process, Last Date, Eligibility and Fee-structure
July Cycle Important dates and highlights 2023
This is to inform you that IGNOU has begun accepting applications for the July 2023 session for undergraduate courses in BA, BSc, and BCom. The IGNOU Admission 2023–24 is open beginning on May 08, 2023, and the application deadline is extended to July 31, 2023. Before starting the online application process, be sure you review the ignou.ac.in Entrance 2023 July Session Schedule. Students may submit applications for a various distance course, including bachelor's degrees in the arts, science, business, and related fields. Through IGNOU admission.samarth.edu.in, you may complete the IGNOU Registration for the July 2023 Session.
IGNOU is a well-known name in the field of Online/Distance Learning or Distance Education due to the facility and supports it provided to the students. It is government recognized autonomous body that has a presence all over India. The Distance Degree provided by IGNOU is completely valid and acceptable globally.
IGNOU Highlights
The 1985-founded Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is regarded as one of the leading names in online learning and distance education in India. With a student body of over 4,500, Indira Gandhi National Open University Delhi began by presenting two programmes in 1987. Around three million students are now served by the university through its 21 schools, 67 regional centers, and 29 international partner institutions.
More than 200 programmes at the certificate, diploma, degree and doctorate levels are available via IGNOU. IGNOU has two admissions rounds each year between January and July. The majority of the courses for the January session can be registered online starting in November of each year, while registration for the July session opens in May-July.
IGNOU Latest Updates and Highlights 2023-2024 Session
We all know that IGNOU is the school of choice for thousands of students throughout India, and many of them enroll there to earn a degree that is acceptable for employment in any field. On the official website, interested applicants must fill out an online application after checking their status.
IGNOU has begun accepting online applications for the 36th Convocation, which will be held in 2023–2024.
The final day to apply to IGNOU for the July 2023 session is 31 July 2023. By going to the IGNOU Samarth website, applicants may complete the application.
IGNOU December TEE 2022-2023 results have been made public by the institution. For information on the IGNOU Result, students must visit the official website.
IGNOU admit card has been released for BEd, Ph.D., and BSc Nursing courses for the Entrance exam. The admission test's registration cost is INR 1000. (non-refundable).
Students must pay a Rs 300 application fee. The IGNOU application form 2023–24 can be completed offline by students.
IGNOU July Cycle Admission 2023-2024: Process to Apply?
IGNOU gives the freedom to fill out the registration/ application form online or offline. To apply online, please follow the below-mentioned steps.
Step 1: Visit https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in, the IGNOU website.
Step 2: Choose "Click Here for New Registration" from the menu.
Step 3: Complete the necessary registration information.
Step 4: Choose a username (between 8 to 16 characters)
Step 5: You should make an alphanumeric password (it must be 8 to 16 characters long)
Step 6: Enter the captcha code and select "Register."
IGNOU July Cycle Admission 2023: Eligibility & Selection Criteria
Minimum eligibility criteria, selection process, fee structure for UG, PG and diploma courses given below:
For Distance UG course such as BA/B.COM/B.SC requires a 10+2 pass out or equivalent from a recognized school or board. To enroll in distance PG courses like MA/M.com/ M.sc, the students must have graduated from a government-recognized university/college or equivalent.
Selection Criteria:
Step 1: Use the username and password you created when registering to log in on your own now.
Step 2: Provide accurate personal and academic information.
Step 3: The scanned papers, upload (like mark sheets, passing certificates, caste certificates, etc.)
Step 4: Pay the application fee (through a debit/credit/net banking card)
Step 5: You will receive a confirmation from the college after selection.
List of Documents to Enroll in IGNOU
Passport Size Photograph (100 KB)
Signature (100 KB)
Photocopy of Age Proof (200 KB)
Previous Marksheets (200 KB)
Experience Certificates if any (200 KB)
ST/SC/OBC Category Certificate, if any (200 KB)
Below Poverty Line, if any (200 KB)
Note: The above-mentioned documents should be scanned photocopies of the original ones.
Fee Structure:
The fee ranges as per the choice of distance course or certificate. Generally, the average fee structure ranges between approx. Rs 4000 – 20,000/ per semester.
On ignou.ac.in, students can download the admission prospectus. It is currently accessible for the 2023–2024 session. It enables students to create a study plan, select courses that interest them, and learn all there is to know about a certain programme. You may readily check out the faculties for various programs using the IGNOU Common Prospectus. Before beginning any procedure, such as admission or an exam, the prospectus should be thoroughly studied. The university's prospectus contains comprehensive information on IGNOU, allowing students to get started with IGNOU right away.
Apart from IGNOU, there are many well-known names such as Edutantra provides the best online distance courses. Edutantra is one of the fastest-growing educational providers focused on high-quality education along with flexible, affordable, easily accessible distance courses.
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somethinginfo · 1 year
B.ed Time Table
The process to download the B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) time table may vary depending on the university or institution you are enrolled in. However, I can provide you with a general outline of how you can obtain the B.Ed time table:
University Website: Visit the official website of your university or educational institution. Look for the "Examination" or "Academics" section on the website.
Exam Notifications or Time Table Section: Once you find the relevant section, look for the sub-section that specifically mentions "Exam Notifications" or "Time Table." Click on that section to access the necessary information.
Select the B.Ed Program: Within the exam notifications or time table section, there might be a list of various programs or courses. Look for the B.Ed program or the specific year/semester for which you need the time table.
Download the Time Table: Once you locate the B.Ed program or relevant information, there should be a link or button to download the time table. Click on it to initiate the download. The time table is usually available in PDF format.
Save or Print: After downloading the B.Ed time table, save it to your device or computer for future reference. You can also consider printing a hard copy if you prefer a physical version.
If you encounter any difficulties or if your university follows a different process, I recommend contacting your university's examination or academic department directly for guidance. They will be able to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on how to obtain the B.Ed time table specific to your institution.
IGNOU Exam Date Sheet -ignou.ac.in UG PG BA BSC BCOM BCA 1st 2nd 3rd Year / TEE Exam Date Sheet
BSC Nursing Time Table-1st 2nd 3rd Year Time Table
Madras University Time Table - unom.ac.in UNOM UG PG Exam Date Sheet PDF
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ignou-insights · 1 year
IGNOU -Indira Gandhi National Open University @ignou.ac.in
In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, education plays a vital role in shaping one’s future. However, many individuals face various challenges when it comes to pursuing higher education, such as financial constraints, geographical limitations, or personal commitments. This is where Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) steps in as a beacon of hope, offering open and distance…
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Email Format Regarding Assignment Marks not updated 2023
IGNOUSTUDHELP Email format – नमस्कार विद्यार्थियों अगर आपके भी अभी तक असाइन्मंट के अंक नहीं मिले हैं और असाइन्मंट जमा करवाए हुए काफी टाइम हो गया है तो आपको नीचे दिये गए तरीके से अपने RC को ईमेल करना है जिसका फ़ारमैट नीचे दिया जा रहा है। Email Format Mail to your Regional Centrerc(Your Regional Centre Name)@ignou.ac.in For Example :[email protected] Subject:- Assignment Marks Not…
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tamilnewspro · 1 year
IGNOU ஜூன் TEE 2023 இறுதி தேதித்தாள் வெளியிடப்பட்டது; படிகள் தெரியும்
IGNOU ஜூன் TEE 2023: இந்திரா காந்தி தேசிய திறந்தநிலை பல்கலைக்கழகம் (IGNOU) இன்று கால முடிவுத் தேர்வுகளுக்கான (TEE) 2023 இறுதித் தேதித் தாளை வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. ஆர்வமுள்ள விண்ணப்பதாரர்கள் இறுதித் தேதித் தாளை அதிகாரப்பூர்வ இணையதளத்தில் இருந்து பதிவிறக்கம் செய்து கொள்ளலாம் – ignou.ac.in இறுதி தேதி தாளின் படி, ஜூன் 1 மற்றும் ஜூன் 6, 2023 க்கு இடையில் பருவ இறுதி தேர்வுகள் நடத்தப்படும், மேலும் இரண்டு…
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From Books to Brilliance: Gullybaba’s Role in Shaping IGNOU Graduates
The journey of education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it’s a transformative experience that shapes individuals into empowered and capable individuals. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) recognizes this potential and has been a pioneer in providing education beyond conventional boundaries. In this remarkable journey, Gullybaba, a renowned IGNOU help books publisher, has played a pivotal role in nurturing and shaping IGNOU graduates into individuals of brilliance and substance.
IGNOU’s Vision of Empowerment
IGNOU’s commitment to accessible education resonates with the belief that education should be a beacon of empowerment. By offering flexible learning options through distance education, IGNOU enables learners to overcome geographical limitations and personal commitments, unlocking opportunities for academic advancement and personal growth.
Gullybaba’s Role in the Graduation Journey
Comprehensive Study Materials: Gullybaba’s IGNOU helps books transcend the role of traditional textbooks. They are meticulously designed to simplify complex subjects, making them understandable and relatable. These materials act as pillars of knowledge, providing a strong foundation for IGNOU graduates.
Guidance for Success: Graduating from IGNOU requires dedication, discipline, and the right resources. Gullybaba’s resources offer step-by-step guidance through the curriculum, ensuring that students are well-prepared for assignments, exams, and the challenges of the real world.
Enhanced Learning Experience: Gullybaba’s study material incorporates various learning aids such as visuals, examples, and practice questions. These elements enhance the learning experience, making it engaging and effective, thereby ensuring a deeper understanding of the subjects.
Empowerment for Future Endeavors: Gullybaba’s resources equip IGNOU graduates not only for their exams but for their professional and personal lives ahead. By fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and application of knowledge, these resources contribute to the holistic development of graduates.
The Brilliance of IGNOU Graduates: Nurtured by Gullybaba
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instantfoxqueen · 2 years
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BA for Sanskrit course at IGNOU
BA for the Sanskrit course at IGNOU; see if you qualify. Those who meet the requirements can submit their applications online at ignou.ac.in, the university's official website. Candidates can access the online application procedure for the recently announced course through ignou.ac.in, IGNOU's official website.
URL:- https://www.umeacademy.com/latest-news/ignou-has-launched-ba-in-applied-sanskrit-check-eligibility/
 Contact Us: 9625266808
Name :- Umeacademy 
Email Id :- [email protected]
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
IGNOU TEE June 2023: University publishes revised tentative date sheet at ignou.ac.in | Check the steps to download financetime.in
At home Education IGNOU TEE June 2023: University publishes revised tentative date sheet at ignou.ac.in | Check the steps to download Candidates should note that according to the revised date sheet, the IGNOU TEE exam will be conducted in two shifts. IGNOU TEE June 2023: Revised tentative date sheet released at ignou.ac.in June 2023 IGNOU TEE: IGNOU TEE’s revised tentative June 2023 date sheet…
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poonammaantech · 2 years
IGNOU Distance MBA Admission 2023
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IGNOU Admission 2023 - The deadline to apply for IGNOU 2023 admission for the January session has been extended to February 10, 2023. The IGNOU 2023 application form for the January session is still open for candidates to complete before the deadline. On December 28, 2022, the IGNOU Distance MBA 2023 admission process for the January session began online at the university's official website. Interested candidates can visit ignou.ac.in to access the IGNOU admission portal for 2023. Candidates who want to be admitted to IGNOU in 2023 might register for IGNOU in 2023 and finish it before the deadline.
Reputable organizations list this business as the top provider of distance education. Numerous recruiters and HR directors at major firms have acknowledged the value of degrees obtained via IGNOU Distance Education. The United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, and Europe are just a few of the countries where IGNOU maintains websites.
Any student can effectively earn flexibility in IGNOU Distance MBA. By this time, there are options between 2.5 and 8 years. Due to its extraordinarily high acceptance rate, businesses from all around the world accept degrees from IGNOU. The AICTE, the UGC, the DEB (Distance Education Bureau), and the AIC all recognize IGNOU. A recently released High Court verdict states that an IGNOU degree is acceptable for employment in India.
IGNOU Distance Education Courses
The university is highly recognized for the wide range of courses and electives they offer in distance education programs. Distance programs for undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and certification degrees are widely available.
Candidates are especially interested in IGNOU's distance learning courses.
Everywhere students can take classes in a distance mode of education. 
The IGNOU distance education courses are fully described here.
Around 38 Bachelor's Programs and 38 Master's Programs, each with a different emphasis, are offered at the university.
UG Courses at IGNOU  
B.A-      Bachelor of Arts 
BBA-     Bachelor of Business Administration
BCA -    Bachelor of Computer Application
B.Sc -    Bachelor of Science
B.Com-  Bachelor of Commerce
BTS-   Bachelor of Tourism Studies 
BSW-  Bachelor of Social Work 
PG Courses at IGNOU 
M.A        -  Master of Arts 
MCA      - Master of Computer Application
M.Sc      - Master of Science
M.Com   - Master of Commerce 
MBA       - Master of Business Administration
MTS       - Master of Tourism Studies 
MSW     - Master of Social Work
IGNOU Distance MBA 
Students have received their education from the Indira Gandhi Open University for a very long time (IGNOU). The IGNOU Distance MBA is one of the most popular courses offered at the university. The university offers a low-cost, 2.5-year MBA via distance learning. The application process, prerequisites, fees, and other information for all of the university's distance learning programs will be covered in this article.
The MBA program is a well-known professional education course that offers great job prospects. While preparing for tests, students must devote all of their attention to the topics that are offered.
The chances of success are better for applicants who choose to major in this area, and they will have access to possibilities that are more crucial for their personal development.
The fact that the applicants can plan their own study sessions using the internet mode allows them to establish a lean atmosphere.
The topics and the curriculum are organized so that students get the appropriate amount of practical experience, preparing them for the roles and duties for which the organization has set up its initiative.
Top MBA specialization available in IGNOU Distance MBA Program 
MBA in Human Resource Management (MBAHM)
MBA in Financial Management (MBAFM)
MBA in Marketing Management (MBAMM)
MBA in Banking and Finance (MBF)
MBA in Operations Management (MBAOM)
IGNOU Distance BBA 
The IGNOU offers a three-year professional undergraduate business administration degree for distance learners. The BBA program (Bachelor of Business Administration) is one of India's greatest distance learning programs, and it is available at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) (IGNOU).
IGNOU offers a distance learning BBA program through its department of management studies, which is also known as the school of management studies. In 1987, the School of Management Studies since its established, and the IGNOU Distance BBA is one of its professional management studies programs.
IGNOU Distance Education Eligibility Criteria 
The applicant should have a 10+2 course or a  diploma to get admission to the university.
According to Indian government policy, the general public is welcome to visit reservations.
In order to decide whether or not to admit an applicant to the BBA program, the IGNOU regional center will consider the outcomes of the personal interview.
The Program Coordinator will provide the Regional Director with instructions on the interview.
For an interview performance into account, an applicant must receive 25 of a potential 50 points.
IGNOU Distance Education Admission 2023 
Starting in January 2023, new applicants can use the IGNOU MBA application form. By 10 February 2023, the candidates have to submit their fully complete application form. 
General category candidates must pay a fee of 300 rupees. Candidates from the reserved category will need to pay 200 rupees. The payment of the application fee can be by any of the following methods, including debit cards, credit cards, and online banking.
Applications for IGNOU distant learning will soon accept the application for the yearly sessions in January and July. For the January session, registration typically begins in December or January, although it does so every year in May for the July session. The world's largest open university, IGNOU, offers more than 200 distance learning programs. Every degree available by IGNOU is on par with degrees available at every other higher education institution in the globe that has the approval and given permission by National Ranking Councils.
Current programs offered by IGNOU Distance MBA Admission include undergraduate, graduate, certificate, doctoral, and diploma degrees. For most IGNOU courses, the decision of admission is purely on the basis of merit (marks in the respective qualifying examination). IGNOU offers a Ph.D. degree. Admission into these programs requires passing the IGNOU OpenNet and IGNOU BEd EntranceTest exams.
Admission Procedure 
Visit the IGNOU website to view a prospectus and learn more about the courses.
The necessary information must be provided in order to register for the login credentials.
The university will provide you with your special code (username or password) if you are logging in with your previous login information and receive an email; if not, they will do so by SMS.
The entry form needs to contain your personal data.
submitting a scanned copy of a signature along with an image.
Along with the other required documents, you should upload a scanned copy.
Use a debit card, credit card, or internet payment to cover the costs.
After clicking the submit button, you can save or print your receipt.
IGNOU Distance MBA Fee Structure 
When compared to other colleges and institutions that provide the same course, IGNOU's total cost for any management degree is about 31,500 INR, which is relatively reasonable.
The official website is where students must pay the Rs 15,500 (per semester) IGNOU MBA tuition. For the MBA distance learning mode, you can pay your registration fees online. Without a late charge, the fresh registration IGNOU Distance MBA Fee is Rs 300.
Demand Draft is the famous mode of paying IGNOU for payments.
The availability of scholarships should get through a verification process by the applicant with the university or admissions counselor. After reviewing the necessary information available on the university's website, students from the reserved category can apply for a scholarship.
Before sending the demand draft to the regional director, students are recommended to fill out the demand draft and then write their enrollment number, address, and name on the back of the document.
IGNOU Distance MBA: Mode of Education Delivery 
In order to facilitate learning, IGNOU offers MBA study resources in both digital and printed formats. 15% off is available for students who print soft copies of their MBA course materials. The study materials, on the other hand, are available for candidates by postal service or express delivery to the address that the student gets. The Material Production and Distribution Division of IGNOU is in charge of carrying out this task.
Students from all throughout the country can access MBA study resources from IGNOU. All study materials are available on the eGyanKosh website for students who choose online resources. Additionally, MBA students have access to the readings through the IGNOU E-Content app, candidates can download it straight from the Google Play Store.
IGNOU Distance MBA Placements 
A dedicated Campus Placement Cell (CPC) oversees the management of several recruitment drives, campus placement drives, employability enhancement initiatives, and career fairs at IGNOU's corporate headquarters, regional centers, and corporate beliefs throughout the course of the year.
An average package of between INR 3.5 LPA and INR 4 LPA is the minimum offer available in 2022, with an IGNOU placement rate of 80%. Through the IGNOU placement activity, applicants can increase their chances of getting into top MNCs in India through recruiters.
How can I apply to IGNOU for MBA admission?
Interested students must register at @ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in in order to enroll in the MBA program at IGNOU.
What is the placement history for the IGNOU MBA program?
After completing the MBA program, for students, it is important to enroll in the placement seminars that IGNOU holds each year.
Does IGNOU offer an MBA?
Yes, IGNOU provides distance learning for its MBA program. The program has DEB and UGC approval. The institution provides this program after passing the entrance exam, known as OPENMAT, which is quite simple to pass.
How do I apply to work at IGNOU?
Students can learn more by visiting Campus Placement Cell and IGNOU's official website (CPC).
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
IGNOU June TEE 2022 datesheet released; how to check
IGNOU June TEE 2022: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) released June Term End Examination (TEE) 2022 datesheet. The exam for online courses will begin on January 23 and will end on February 10. Candidates can check the date sheet at the official site of IGNOU — ignou.ac.in. The IGNOU June TEE examination will be conducted in two shifts, the first shift will be conducted from 10 am…
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IGNOU: IGNOU એ મેનેજમેન્ટમાં ચાર PG ડિપ્લોમા અભ્યાસક્રમો શરૂ કર્યા, અહીં સીધી લિંક છે, હમણાં જ અરજી કરો
IGNOU: IGNOU એ મેનેજમેન્ટમાં ચાર PG ડિપ્લોમા અભ્યાસક્રમો શરૂ કર્યા, અહીં સીધી લિંક છે, હમણાં જ અરજી કરો
લખનૌ સમાચાર: ઈન્દિરા ગાંધી નેશનલ ઓપન યુનિવર્સિટી (IGNOU) એ મેનેજમેન્ટમાં ચાર પોસ્ટ ગ્રેજ્યુએટ ડિપ્લોમા કોર્સ શરૂ કર્યા છે. કાર્યક્રમો માટે નોંધણી પ્રક્રિયા શરૂ થઈ ગઈ છે. ઉમેદવારો IGNOU ની સત્તાવાર સાઇટ ignou.ac.in દ્વારા ઓનલાઇન અરજી કરી શકે છે. અભ્યાસક્રમો માટે અરજી કરવાની છેલ્લી તારીખ 31 જાન્યુઆરી, 2023 નક્કી કરવામાં આવી છે. આ IGNOU ના 4 PG ડિપ્લોમા અભ્યાસક્રમો છે મેનેજમેન્ટ હ્યુમન રિસોર્સ…
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