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huevocartoon aesthetic 🌸🖤🐊
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madmachaca · 2 months
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I had a thought back when I was at Dressrosa but never actually posted it:
Usopp IS a brave warrior.
and I know a lot of people dislike him because he "is a coward", but in all honesty, most of us would react like Usopp, yet most of us would have the guts to do what usopp does. Call it guilt, or whatever, maybe! but everytime he is about to run away, he comes back, everutime he tries to put himself first, if no one is there to protect others, he steps up.
Usopp is not strong. he is "just a guy". An incredibly smart guy, but hyper aware of his "just human" status. He brags and tells and exagerates but he knows he can´t messure up to the likes of Zoro or Sanji, his captain´s right and left arms, but still he steps up.
he always runs, and cries and hides behind others´backs. But when no one string is there. he can´t ignore those who need protection, even if he really wants to.
it´s so easy to be brave when you are strong. Physically, Usopp is weak. he is, after all, "just a guy".
And that´s the greatest part about him.
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harbingersecho · 8 months
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out of bounds
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yin-ign · 2 years
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iguanodont · 1 year
Usually it’s me drawing something for you guys
Now’s your chance to draw something for me!
If u feel like it, anyway :)
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saeriibon · 8 months
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goathico · 1 year
Spiderverse OC: Splitwidow
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AU Details for fun :)
Story sinopsis from SpiderIguano's POV:
Radioactive spiders were set loose on my island by the US government. They started testing on my island 1955 days ago, they've done this before, mainly to our women and our sister island Vieques. This time it was most of the population, and it ended badly… again.
Some went insane, some died, others weren't affected, but a few of us... well... let's just say we got lucky.Many took advantage of this and went to attack the US government, others attacked our government, but they both failed. Shortly after they shut down the airports, but people have fled and come in just to see the havoc. As society crumbles we're focusing on lowering the crime rates while trying to keep our hopes up, but not me.
I didn't chose this, and I don't want this. I don't care about people, they couldn't care less about me to begin with. Not that I don't understand, because I do… and I'd ditch myself too.
Other story details:
These are spidersonas, self inserts (can't speak for spideriguano he didnt want me to clarify, but treat it with respect). SpiderIguano belongs to a friend who would like to stay anonymous.
The story is a very short cómic about two friends dealing with having complicated mental disorders and trauma background that ended up destroying their relationship.
Split (my spidersona)
Split is a man who isolates when he's going through harship, he usually warns of his need of space but this still strains his relationships. If anyone hurts him too many times he usually cuts ties with them immediately. He's a man on a journey, and although he's struggling mentally he wants to heal desperately and will do anything to get better. And this leads him to a journey of taking matters in to his own hands and stopping those who severely harm others.
Splitwidow is known to roam in the shadows, no one's seen him or knows what his suit even looks like. But what they do know is his behavior can go from erratic and unplanned to calculated and complex. He works alone. An urban legend of sorts. The male siren and black widow.
Iguano (not mine)
The anger in him fuels his every day life. He didnt have a filter and the price wasnt just his reputation but everything he had. His heart was in the right place and he thought that was all that mattered, but he went about it the worst way he posibly could've chosen. Turns out being cruel with good intentions wasnt going to be taken right by many, he recognized he was in the wrong. He was no victim, he became the very thing he hated, a bully and at wost an abuser. It angered him to see his friends hurting and staying in places that ruined them more. He'd do anything to try and get them out. Thus the bridges burned, and nothing was the same.
He decided he won't have any friends until he can prove to himself he can change, he can be kind and caring. He wont try to control, even if he has good intentions, it wasnt his place to do whatever he wanted. His childhood will not define him anylonger. His anger will not control him. He will be better.
Motivated by growth and the idea that although he can't be forgiven, he can atone and make up for all the harm he's done to others. Especially the friend he accidentally hurt in their lowest moment. He dresses up at night and patrols around town to find some peace of mind. Reflecting on his behavior and ways to deal with himself from the roots of his issues. He drifts inside his own moral dilema. What are you supposed to do when your friends are stuck in a dangerous relationship and they refuse to leave?
It kept him up at night.
During his patrol he discovers the spider verse society who have tried their hardest to deal with the islands mess. Every Puerto Rican and their mother despises them and what theyre chosing to do. Something something, the canon is broken. Along the way the Rebells find him and try to convince him to join, the rebellion is lead by Teo, someone who despite being bitten by a spider didnt develop anything special, the unsuspecting genius trying to stop the spidercanon police. After getting close to Teo, he finds out about Split who's known to not trust anyone except, well, Teo.
If he can heal enough to become a better person, befriending that Split idiot might as well be his biggest achievement in this journey.
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greendragonette · 2 months
Ark Survival Evolved: No Engrams Challenge, day 29
Raising another female theri. Their youngest sibling had a misfortune to be male, so I sacrificed him with intention for argy saddle (didn't exactly work as intended). Used spare sarco egg to level ptera. Speaking of which, girl's decent for crate hunting, but I'd like to have another one or two for cargo and swapping. Tried and found two high level males, but lost sight on first when rex attacked me, and aimed badly at the other. Gave up for now, tranqed the first three digit male I saw, plied with prime and kited away a direbear about to stroll too close. Good enough for now, but will have to remember to get him some berries.
Carrying 'chutes paid off; I got way too close and personal to a level 110 rex at Far Peak and couldn't get on ptera, so jumped off instead and whistled follow. Travel took a while, but I landed perfectly safe (and lowered the following distance on ptera; multiple just-barely-out-of-reach situations got on my nerves).
Loot-wise, results are mixed:
-no better armor, although some can work as spares; current one is very decent, but some fur or more flak/riot wouldn't go amiss
-mastercraft sword! Poor penguins >:)
-got carno and shark saddle, plus a few blueprints (sloth, iguano, paracer - I really need more metal now)
-am about to go further with base building, got both materials and ideas for second floor (will be ugly because it's me, still gonna be proud it sucks a tiny bit less every time I try).
-generator blueprint, no fabricator
-no tranq or narc blueprint despite hitting every green crate I can get my hands on; combined with my aim means I'm depressingly low on tranqs and absolutely cannot go for anything with mid or high torpor
-mountains of trash thrown away straight from crate (a gazilionth sea pancake saddle, primitive leather armor, silencer etc.)
-beautiful things I'll never get to use - ascendant pump-action shotgun TnT
So progress is being made, but slowly and requires me to go at problems from new angles. Am gonna sedate dozing ptera a bit before night, build through the dark, and then go tame something while hopefully their offspring grows. Rn debating between tek paras and sharks. On one hand I could use self-growing metal and electronics, but I suspect manual feeding will change my mind on that idea, or a potentially hilarious knock out with a scorpion, and these SOBs are faster and hit harder than sarco, so if I ever get my hands on a high level pair I could potentially get a fishing stick. Would be nice, found a good leech blood place while looking for pteras.
Orrrrr tame a doedic? Anky near the top of a mountain? Another ptera? Something for sure! :D
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En Harold Harrison Community College nos jactamos de ser un lugar completamente diverso. Como pudiste leer más arriba (y si no lo leíste, pues que bruto) ofrecemos una variedad de títulos y certificados de tres años en distintos campos profesionales. ¡Consulta nuestras numerosas áreas de interés para comenzar!
Psst, también aceptamos transferidos (para esos que los sacaron de su Ivy League por vender hierba), ofrecemos capacitación ocupacional como asistente de profesorado (así no tenemos que contratar profesores para suplencias), y seminarios dinámicos solo por diversión (como aprender a Lazar un Iguano).
Se supone que debes cursar una carrera (AA, AS) para poder cursar una maestría (AAS)... pero, ajá, puede que nadie lea bien tu expediente académico en la oficina de admisiones.
PD: Toma en cuenta que esta no es una universidad que ofrece cursar licenciaturas muy serias (bachelors, como dicen en usa), y probablemente no sea el mejor lugar para formarte si buscas un trabajo de élite. Aunque si estás aquí es porque seguramente no tienes otra opción.
Títulos y Certificados.
Asociado en Artes (AA): Se enfoca en estudios de artes liberales y humanidades, brinda una base amplia en materias de estas áreas.
Asociado en Ciencias (AS): Se enfoca en estudios académicos más específicos, generalmente en ciencias o matemáticas. Proporciona una base sólida en ciencias básicas, matemáticas y materias específicas de ciencias exactas.
Asociado en Ciencias Aplicadas (AAS): Se enfoca en habilidades vocacionales y técnicas. Brinda capacitación y educación para trabajos específicos en campos como la tecnología, la salud y los negocios.
Carreras – títulos AA y AS
Negocios y Ciencias Sociales
Antropología (AA)
Negocios (AA)
Artes Culinarias (AS)
Educación (AA)
Educación de Inglés (AA)
Historia (AA)
Administración en Turismo y Hospitalidad (AA)
Negocios Pequeños y Emprendimiento (AA)
Estudios Familiares y Desarollo Humano (AA)
Ciencias Políticas (AA)
Psicología (AS)
Trabajo Social (AA)
Artes Liberales
Bellas Artes: Historia del Arte (AA)
Estudios de Comunicacion (AA)
Bellas Artes: Danza (AA)
Inglés (AA)
Bellas Artes (AA)
Diseño Gráfico (AA)
Artes Gráficas y Tecnología de Medios (AA)
Gráficos en Movimiento y Animación (AA)
Bellas Artes: Música (AA)
Español (AA)
Bellas Artes: Teatro (AA)
Ciencias de la vida, salud afines y seguridad pública
Ciencias Agrícolas, (AS)
Salud Pública (AS)
Biología (AS)
Biología Marina (AS)
Justicia Criminal (AA)
Supresión de incendios (AS)
Salud Pública: Kinesiología (AS)
Nutrición y Dietética (AS)
Salud Pública: Pre-Enfemería (AS)
Ciencias Informáticas, Matemáticas y Físicas
Química (AS)
Tecnologías de la Información Computacional (AS)
Ciencias de la Computación (AS)
Ciencia de Datos (AS)
Ingeniería (AS)
Ciencia Medioambiental (AS)
Matemáticas (AS)
Maestrías – títulos AAS
Criadero de tlacuaches
Adiestramiento de mapaches
Manejo de material termonuclear
Administración de Negocios 
Administración de Negocios Farmacéuticos (narcotrafico)
Medicina Tercermundista 
Medicina Holística 
Emprendedor de Artes Culinarias 
Educación Preescolar 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Educación de Inglés Secundaria
Educación de Historia Secundaria
Gestión Logística
Emprendimiento de Terapia de Masaje
Gestión de Oficina 
Leyes/Asistente Legal 
Psicología Clínica
Comunicación grafica
Animación 3D
Efectos visuales
Asistente Dental
Tecnología Contra Incendios
Cumplimiento de la Ley
Medicina de Emergencia Prehospitalaria
Tecnología Radiológica  Prehospitalaria
Pre-Enfermería Veterinaria
Física y Bioquímica Aplicada
Programación Computacional
Desarrollo Web
Tecnología de Aires Acondicionados
Programa de Aprendizaje para Ciencias Aplicadas
Arquitectura y Construcción
Tecnologías de Manufacturación
Tecnologías de Transporte
Técnico Automotriz Certificado
Gestión de Construcción
Técnico de Diesel 
Arquitectura Paisajista
Manejo de Maquinaria
Certificación para Soldadura 
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ejlyt · 3 months
Gotham hero named iguano
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ships que amo de las peliculas de huevocartoon sean canon o no coco x huevito afeminado toto x willy toto x di willy x bibi coco x iguano coco x serp torti x lagartijo confi x huevai confi x patin patan confi x huevai y patin patan huevo de aguila real x pavi viejo huevo de halcon x huevita de codorniz huevo de correcaminos x huevo de aguila real toto x tocino toto x huevo brujo tocino x confi willy x confi
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deirdreisme · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sold🎈NWOT Cozumel Lizard Graphic T-Shirt Maroon Heather.
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soyunrinoceronte · 6 months
Cómo le van a decir iguano Power al Godzilla 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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costora-region · 1 year
POKÉFRIDAY IS HERE!!! And today I bring one of the early route Pokémon. This time is the Normal-Type Liguan and Tailoc! Sorry for the "lame" Shinies, but one must sacrifice some to the barely seem shiny trope.
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First the base pokémon Liguan! Its name is a mix of the word Lizard both in English and Spanish (Iguano). It's type is Normal, and despite me not liking lizards irl, I gotta say this one looks kinda cute.
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And the final stage, Tailoc! This one's name plays on the word Tail ('cuz long) and the Yucatecan word to call iguanas (Tolok). Kinda moved the spikes it should have on its back to a throat sac.
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I honestly hope you guys like this little guy. As I mentioned on Wednesday (Follow me on Twitter for Clue's Wednesdays and for any other kind of update since I rather keep the Blog with pictures and info rather than just text blocks... despite some previous posts), I'm not sure how I was gonna clue it since is quite, well... normal and simple.
By the way! Would you guys like me to post more pokémon lines per week? Would that make the region more appealing to you?
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iguanoymapache · 1 year
¡Mira, mira, mira! Lo que compré para mi bebé gatito/conejo/iguano, es un relicario, dentro puedes poner una foto mía o de nosotros, así siempre me tendrás a donde vayas, aunque yo vivo eternamente en tu corazón de todos modos. ¿Te gustó? Ya quiero verte usándolo.
¡Te ammmmmmo!
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shirousa0 · 2 years
Puedes dibujar a un iguano y a un grillo follando?
Claro yo encantada😻
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