#ii.   »   bai feng jiu   :   she captured a feeling .   the sky with no ceiling .   the sunset inside a frame .
flowcrsoul · 4 years
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━━  ❀ In a moment she CRACKS AND SHATTERS and suddenly she is no longer the Queen of Qingqiu, no longer Bai Feng Jiu, no longer Princess Jiu Ge - she is only YING’S MOTHER, the mother who saw how much the little boy wanted a father, who promised him one, even if she would never marry. The mother who hasn’t seen Ying in half a year, longer than that, because he had to be kept secret. “ - Please,” The sob that tears out of her throat should have been humiliating, but it hurts so much she grits her teeth and thinks PRIDE BE DAMNED.“It’s not for me. It’s to save my son’s mortal father. I promise you I’ll stay away, I’ll - I’ll do whatever you want me to, just split the fruit with me.”
@a-mighty-thunder​ who didn’t ask for this but like...I needed it 
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “I love you with all of my heart and soul, but why on earth did you think that was a good idea?” (Bai Qian @ babie niece)   -   the adventures of two toddlers and their nonbinary nanny starters (accepting !)
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━━  ❀ “I couldn’t just NOT have him - ” Holds on protectively a little tighter to the little cloth bundle in her arms - the small red snout poking out of the folds nosing softly at her hand. “He’s my son and I love him.” 
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    [ orchid ]: one of our muses is about to become a parent. for whatever reason, this isn’t a good thing, and the other muse is trying to reassure them. (Jiu and Li Jing)   -   SEND ME FLOWERS (ACCEPTING)
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━━  ❀ She doesn’t know HOW LONG she’s been in the bathroom, but when she manages to drag herself out on shaking legs and across the hall to their shared living room he’s STILL sitting there. Something in her breaks, cracks, comes apart - and suddenly her face is wet with tears AGAIN as she crawls up onto the cushion to tuck herself against him, the positive test gripped tightly between hands louder than all the words she doesn’t say. 
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “When your fantasies become your legacy, promise me a place in your house of memories.” (Lian Song @ Jiu)   -   I can tell bc I’m a Nerd that it is a P!ATD meme but I’m Too Lazy to Link It
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━━  ❀ “My fantasies…” The laugh exhaled mocks HERSELF even as a hot tear slips free, falling unnoticed onto the back of her hand. It has been a long time since her fantasies have been more than this - him, their children, a life. Tangible but out of reach regardless. But maybe it’s better if he doesn’t know any of that. Maybe that was all everything had always been - FANTASY. Mumbles, looking away - “If they COULD HAVE come true…I’d hold on to you as more than a memory.”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    ‘ i am not accustomed to love. this is a learning experience. ’ (donghua @ jiu)   -   GROWLING SUGGESTIONS STARTERS (ACCEPTING !)
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━━  ❀ “That’s why I’m going to HELP you.” Folds his hands patiently into hers, exhaling. “I love you. I am not giving up on you. I just need you to REALLY listen to me.” Tracing aimless circles into the palm of his hand, voice deliberately soft. “...Did you know Xiao Ying wasn’t this SKITTISH, before? He loved meeting new people. He loved laughing and running wild - like I did, as a child - and he had been so excited when he heard about you. It was all he would talk about, MEETING HIS STEPDAD.”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@chvngc​ asked   :    ❝ it’s ancient history; been there done that! ❞ ( chvngc @ bfj )   -   DISNEY STARTERS (ACCEPTING!)
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━━  ❀ “But Ruyi jie jie - “ Fingers twist into translucent fabric, teeth worrying at lip - she might NOT be very clever, but that isn’t what keeps her from seeing the PATTERN of the age-old tale. She sees it clearer than her family likes to think. She knows. She’s - been hurt by it.  “ - You’ve been IN LOVE before. You know what it’s like, don’t you?” It isn’t that the little princess never learns - rather that she finds it WORTH IT -  to fight for the GOOD man she fell in love with, in spite of his more glaring flaws, in spite of the things he’s yet to learn, in spite of the ways he’s messed up already. No longer the untouchable ancient hero of old - capable of making mistakes, capable of BLEEDING. “ - I won’t give up as long as we’re both still trying. I can’t.”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    It’s not that I’m not a jealous man. I just don’t like other people touching my things. (donghua @ jiu)   - MOULIN ROUGE STARTERS (accepting!)
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━━  ❀ “Your...” Stops dead, fingers flexing around sleeve. Eyes narrowed - “Your WHAT?” Unsure if she really heard what she heard - does he even know what he said? The world whirs in her ears and it’s like she’s just a little fox all over again, a thing, to be picked up when wanted and put down when bored of. Voice shakes out of her - “I’m not a THING. And I don’t belong to anyone.”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “ smile, lover, you are a burning star “ (gay consorts~)   -   poetry meme starters (accepting!)
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━━  ❀ She feels the corners of her lips PULL UPWARD in spite of the pot of thoughts churning round and round in her head, eyes glittering as she pulls Ji Heng’s arm around her and promptly deposits her head into her lap the second the other woman sits down. “You’re here.” Voice tinged with a bit of complaint, though her gaze sparkles with unconstrained joy. “His Majesty FINALLY left. I would’ve come see you sooner.”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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I’m a little    M U C H    for everyone .     /     1/∞ songs that sum up my portrayal
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “So, I was googling ideas for our date. I found something called Netflix & Chill—I think we should do that.” (clueless lesbians -)   -   STAGES OF RELATIONSHIPS STARTERS (accepting!)
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━━  ❀ Blinks as she flops onto her stomach, hands stacked on the top of the sofa. Chin balanced between knuckles as she tilts her head. “I thought we did that ALL THE TIME. I mean, I love doing that with you, but it’s a google-able date idea now?”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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photoshop black magic    -   feng jiu in red wedding clothes
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    "If this isn't a repeat of a several hundred years ago. Where did this child come from now, Feng Jiu?" Qian glanced to the blanket in her niece's arms this time, having stopped in to the fox cave herself a day or two prior to take a break from the Heavenly Realm.  
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━━  ❀ “It’s not a REPEAT, don’t worry - ” Tone on end word lifting up by sheer sweetness despite the face she's making - protest quiet as she cradles the PRECIOUS little being in her arms - “This child is fully conceived in wedlock and absolutely, completely my husband’s.” The woman - a MOTHER OF TWO, sticks her tongue out a bit childishly. “Our miracle baby I didn’t even know I was carrying.”
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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just one more hit and then we're   t h r o u g h   .  cause you could   n e v e r   love me back .   /    2/∞ songs that sum up my portrayal
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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━━  ❀ Automatically WEARY at presence of a human around these parts as she retracts into the bush (though nine red tails still peek out behind her, curving curiously in the air) - “I’m not - I wasn’t going to STEAL any chickens - ” The girl protests past pink lips furled into pout, ready to scurry away at a moment’s notice. 
@birdcvged​ liked for a starter !
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@mythmoor​ asked   :    ❛ The whole world is divided for me into two parts: one is she, and there is all happiness, hope, light; the other is where she is not, and there is dejection and darkness. ❜ poetry time with the Tried and True™   -   war and peace starters (accepting!)
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━━  ❀ Leans into his space slowly, voice colored warm and a touch tender by the uncontrollable upward trajectory of a soft lip, peering at him mischievously through dark lashes -  “So, it’s a LOVE POEMS kind of night?” She wrote them, once upon a time - and then stopped because her uncle made fun of the awful little rhyming ditties - "...I like this one. But it's a bit sad, don't you think? I think - she'd want her love to be happy when she's not there, TOO."
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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━━  ❀ “ Don't you wanna GET AWAY from the same old part you gotta play? Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride!”
@redflavur​ / liked for a LYRIC STARTER ! 
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