#iida and the oj may honestly be my favorite part of the whole thing
makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 032: Round 1 Brackets
Previously on BnHA: Shouto told Deku about his tragic past of being abused by his shitty parents. Unbeknownst to them, Kacchan was secretly listening in. Shouto basically figured out that All Might is Deku’s dad, but let it slide. Deku declared war on Shouto, but this being a shounen manga, it actually just means they’re friends for life now. Endeavor was cancelled. Mineta was cancelled, again. The final event of the festival was announced, and it’s a good old-fashioned tournament bracket, so I am loving life right now.
Today on BnHA: Ojiro and another dude drop out of the tournament due to having been mind-controlled by Shinsou in the previous round. The round one matchups are announced. Deku finds himself facing off with Shinsou right off the bat. Ojiro warns Deku not to do anything stupid and get himself mind-controlled. The match begins. Deku immediately does something stupid and gets himself mind-controlled.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 68 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
I should be in bed but here I am!! come to see who’s paired up against whom for round one of the tournament!
Ojiro, I think I’ve been misspelling your name as “Ojuro” on several occasions. good thing I don’t think I’ve posted any of those recaps yet lol
(ETA: I had indeed misspelled it, and I went back and changed them all, so basically I almost got away with it, and now here I am calling my own self out. smh)
look at Ojiro and his solid beefy tail
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there’s not really much to this guy so far
I can’t believe he made it to the third event honestly
he has problems with sitting. sucks, my friend
on to the chapter!
...am I to understand that we were this close to having everyone fight each other with foam swords, then?
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I can’t fucking believe all we got was a stupid tournament
all I know is that Shouto will make it to the finals and fight either Kacchan or Deku, probably Deku
disclaimer: I don’t actually know, I’m just running my mouth
do we really have to sit through some other random activity before the main event
OH!!! TWIST!!!
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Ojiro is dropping out?? why
he says he doesn’t remember anything about the cavalry battle at all. fucking knew it. MIND CONTROL
so he feels like he didn’t earn his place
in reality his quirk is just too boring to make for an interesting one-on-one fight. he’s better suited to background action. no offense Ojiro, I’m just being 100% real here, son
the girls are trying to convince him to stick around, but he says it’s a matter of pride. eh, if it were me I’d stay in the game and try to get back at the mind control guy during the tournament, but eh. he seems kind of shaken up, honestly, so maybe this is better for him in the end.
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aww. Ojiro. looks like you need a hug, buddy. why does everyone in this fucking arc need a hug
just to keep things even, this little roly poly from class B is withdrawing too
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godspeed, little man
Midnight’s like, eh whatever
doesn’t this fuck up the brackets, though? now they have 7 and 7. does someone get a bye in round one then? I guess they can determine that with the random lots too. hopefully whoever gets the byes won’t suddenly get all noble like these two idiots
oh, we’re not going to do byes but we’re going to replace the two that didn’t make it
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fuck this means one of my favorites will be eliminated right off the bat
lmao Kiri and Tetsu got matched up right from the get go
damn, Momo has to go up against Tokoyami. that one’s gonna be good
no idea who Aoyama is fighting
(ETA: lmao it was Mina. for some reason I hadn’t processed her last name)
Iida’s going up against Mei. good luck Iida
Kami vs Shiozaki... I think that must be the Poison Ivy chick? interesting
Todoroki vs Sero... nice knowing you Sero
oh my god. can we, uh. just skip ahead to that one. !!!!!
also, Deku and Todoroki out here fucking up my predictions right from the start. the two of you had to be in the same bracket half. just had to be
wonder who’ll end up winning it all and facing off against my girl Ochako :’D
lol I can dream
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this guy has “future villain” written all over him tbh
(ETA: I should just stop assuming that new characters are going to be villains. I don’t think I’ve been right about a single one yet.)
I assume the only reason he didn’t make it into the hero course is because he couldn’t use his mind control against the robots. sure, he could have possessed his fellow examinees instead, but they probably would have retained any points that they “earned” under his control
I wonder if the bags under his eyes are just a character design thing or if they actually reflect something about his character/personality/quirk. like is he an insomniac or something
he must have to do something in order to control people, right? maybe don’t let him touch you at any point, Deku
Ojiro’s warning him not to talk to him. I wonder if it’s less mind control and more hypnosis, in which case maybe if Deku blocks his ears or something... idk
lmao Bakugou literally has no idea who he’s fighting
Ochako knows though, oh damn
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I believe in you!!  but be careful though orz
“are you Iida?” “indeed I am Iida.” take it easy on this middle aged bloke, okay Mei
oh good, we’re skipping all of this
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hopefully even the anime will skip it, since BnHA doesn’t seem to believe in fillers and time-wasting!
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also Ojiro appears to be talking to Deku, and Deku looks like he’s mildly freaking out. is he freaking out because OH NO TOURNAMENT, or because Ojiro is telling him what Shinsou can do? given how well he’s managed with the first two events, I’m guessing it’s the latter, or else he wouldn’t be looking so disturbed
okay I actually do like this picture of the girls cheerleading though
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just because Hagakure, Mina, and Ochako look really into it, and Momo and Jirou are just like, blargh. and Tsuyu is an enigma to me
Cementoss is building the ring for them all!
wow it looks really good
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I wouldn’t quite say they’ve been through “hell”... actually it was a lot less hellish than I thought it would be
is Deku in the first round? I guess they go from left to right
he’s giving Deku a thumbs up and says he’s finally getting the hang of One for All
Deku says he still has trouble controlling it and it makes him nervous, like one false step could still fuck him up
well good. narratively, I like this level of control. it keeps each move risky, but also doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll end up incapacitated at the drop of a hat
wow. All Might says that right now Deku can only handle 5 percent of One for All’s true power
you know we’re getting into some real shounen shit when we start talking about power percentages
Deku says he’s just gotten lucky with everything so far, and All Might’s response may just be his most dadlike behavior yet
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I love it. the awkward pat on the back (head? shoulder?). the affectionate nickname. and the genuine compliment, because you know All Might admires the shit out of Deku’s hard work ethic
and he’s telling him to smile, especially when he’s feeling nervous or scared. because you’re a big damn hero, Deku! you got this my man!
here we goooooo
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not even Present Mic the mighty chatterbox can think of anything to say about Shinsou. bang-up observation about Izuku’s weird face, though
so now the question is, does Deku know about Shinsou’s quirk or not?
typical tournament rules: knock your opponent out of the ring, immobilize them, or make them cry uncle
yikes, they’ve got Recovery Girl on standby for this one. well at least they’re taking things seriously. but that means shit’s about to get lit the fuck up
“fight dirty if you must” how fucking heroic. I guess that’s the part where they test everyone’s willingness to get into the nitty-gritty huh
although they do say that going for the kill is frowned upon, and Cementoss will supposedly stop you (uh huh. just like All Might was going to “stop” Bakugou in chapters 9 and 10, I assume)
oh shit. this means Shinsou can win just by making Deku say that he quits... I think that’s what this is hinting at:
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(ETA: I actually don’t know why he didn’t just have Deku say “I give up” rather than making him walk out of the ring. maybe he can’t control speech? but at any rate, on my reread I realized just how sneaky Shinsou is being here by trying to get Deku to answer him before the match has even started.)
Deku he called poor Ojiro a monkey. punch him in the face please
Deku’s making a face at that
and he’s charging in!!
-- uh oh
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and Ojiro’s saying that he warned him
shit. Deku looks like he’s completely under his control already
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aaaaaand the chapter ends
well shit
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this girl looks exactly like Matsuoka Gou from Free!. it’s fucking uncanny
like I seriously want to get a picture and compare them side by side
you know what, never mind though, because while I was combing through google image search for a good pic, I kept getting distracted by pictures of Rin. why is he so pretty
what the hell was I doing again
oh yeah
anyways so Kendou here is apparently the class representative from class B. good for you girl. I wonder what her quirk is
there’s not much else to her aside from her being a motorcycle-loving coffee-drinking class rep who looks like Gou lol
but I hope we’ll get to see more of her
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